Newspaper Page Text
nni rsg aw i THE HERALD WILL FIND . YOU A MAID FOR 30C Is Froper to Toint with Pride to Albuquerque's Public Schooli this Week. IT ramc a K-cinzE.v. Vol. M. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1014. TUB EVEMNO iimAi.n lIEjl P I 111 (pi-Jv li lull COL IA NOW I Capital of West Coast State and Important Strategic oint Taken by General Ala millo and Small Force. GUArALAJARA IS NOW SAFELY BOTTLED UP Every Huerta Garrison and Force on West Coast Shut Off from Communication with Mexico City. (It j I award Ware lu lU-rald.J in lloald 1. S S. Calilol ni.i. Ma xalhtll. tin Wllclcna to Kan Hiego, J ii ni. 4 t'ohin.i. capital ol Ihu elate of that Hume, and one uf the tnoMt iniioilant rilic in miothwertt ru Men lei., him lalli'll Into lllf llallti ol the i ntintitutmhalinln. u ink' I licncral Ala millo. former governor of oIiiim, ui -tnttllug to i I IK nil Infoi illation lur tilahcd Atlmlial Howard l.ili- toila h u tuiiMitutioiuilini ol lit er. (tcllftul AlalnlHo him been opcrat-j iiih mar ihe city of Caluna. it him lu in known lot auiiie 1 1 in.-, preparing lor an Huraull I'oliiim In it KtrMltKIr I'oint uf tuti auli laiili' iniiioriaiii c In thi' mill- aiKn of the Hoi toaNt. It l thirty imh a fuht u( M.inaiiillo, our uf thv lour mopt Itiiiiortaiit faortii on tile I'Miifii iuIi-. and turunda nut onl thv bark I'oiiiitty to M.uiiaiiillo. hut ' aiau t'uiiiiituiiii-attoa bctwft'h that I tlty and tho tapllal. II la oil the i n-i lima rivir in Hit- hruit of a Urn Ik vallry. Thv ioH.lutiou la ahout ' iiiiii. i.t. HiMtiiAK vrn i;nn: rT IAM AMI ITY til I in Hoard I' f H fiilifornla. Ma Mixho. Jump 3. Ma Wliidpaa In Man lin n, Jam- 1 t'ominuiiM a Imn l.iiwiin the niHt run it of Xh. t o and Mexico t'Hy hu hfpn iin-ilt'li-ly to'sprod. ntioidinK to Infor mation ri'iu huift the Aini lliall flirt In-rp today. ' A pally of i-oiihtil at loiiuliHia. n routi- ( c 1 1 1 Mm I . I a x to l..i Tita Ma OK? HANDS rina, aixiv mill i w M of Tt'idi . hao'"' i aft nrrd th' li-d'ial iriton and thn radio Klallon, w hn h w ill Ixolnte t hi ll. hi la iiou.a u.i r.ituiK in Ihi ut'Ht from any dim l loin h vtiih their hn f liiiad.ilajara. I hi' ..I.J," 1 1 f ioint of Ihr ri-i i nt oM-rail.UH of Itn l onMitu tionalift a i in of Ilia iii.nhwrt, un-l-r i omniand of i;'n4ral iihrcKon, haii tit ti ptti i tu. i II y xurronndi-d Thrt'i' i oIuiiiiih of iiliii ium nrniy. 1 HE- I W 5TELUIR BOLE Oil STJ1 Famous Singer Laughs and Cries as She Charges Young and Latest Husband with Infidelity and Assures Jury ot Own Faithfulness Even Down to Doing the Family Wash. M laaxtl Mlm la IZti'imig llrrahl t'hliatio, June 4. Mine. Ktnrallim ii huiuaiin-Hi ink, weaiiiiK a hand Komr hlai k tin in int-r kowii. waving a fun and iiikiuii lrt"innt u-h' ol Killelllilk aalta, entered Jlidve Mllll tan'a louit today to alatr her tuae for limine aKainat William It.ipp. Jr. lu our 1 oilier of Ihe loom mood Ihr defendant purrounilrd liy Inrtida, and In another thu mnkiT' with her fi inula. There waa a I.UKe irowd of uulookera. monlt biixioiih lo ate what the prima iloiilm looka likv ol f Iliu alaar. The ainitrr in i u, a her huKhaml of he 1 11 h unlaithlul In hie iiuriiauu lull. Kliaa Marr. altoluty lor thr 1 oni pin inn nl.' named Mra. t'alherllie K Ih-an of Nrw York eily aa to-rtloii-dent I oiiiikiI for Itapp, who haa filed rroaa-liill. He fir red their etaleiuelit In Ihr Jury. Mine. Si hliliianii-lli lllW. thn flrat wllneaa, ic her teaideine aa 3Ti Miehluan avenue. Her dommtli' liailn wrr lemrmhrriNl hy Ihr aperlalore Willi amlloa when. In Inalalinii that Una Waa her leal hoiuu, Ihe wllueaa aa id "When I am here 1 live there 'and every day I help In lidyili up and i leaning ihr plui e. I do the waahuilf, loo." She ami liapp aeparuled three yearn alio. Inreit eXMinliiailon hy Attorney M.iyer iram'il ahruptly wlihnut any attention tu go Into wltnetuiea' life With Itapp or hie alleged relatione with Mra. I rn. The ginger ye filled w ith teeie according In official Information reaching Admiral Howard, Itaa nut -reeded hi abutting off I ho illy from lllr national capital on I 111' rant Ullll Mnnannillo anil dm Pacific tuaat on 14' wt?t. The imilutlnn of Uuadalajara wa aocoinpllnhcd by the eimullaneotta movement of thrct! force, i ommimd nl by ilciicial Dirgue. lliiclna and la lilt la. Oriiprul I'l'Huin. swinging nuthward iiiiii Munnunillo, ha rut I In' railroad anil I (n r ( toniuiuni rml"n between Oiutdulujara nml that port. Mm objective point la Mutiia nilln. tleneral lliii'lnn ha marched tn.rth Wnrl on fan Ma iron. I hn wcalcrn tcrmlnu of II"' railroad running r( from I lilaililajiirn toward Ihr I'niiliu count of thr atlltr of Jilllm-ii. lie llH lute rr iiplcd all rnmmuriicul Ion be tween I inndala Jara mid that territory, aicordiitn to report. llcnriul Levlgui l operating rant of Inaila lajaia and In reported III porenniun of thi' rallioud connecting thai cilv with I hi' Mexican . a ll I ll In unili ril'.od here ::;;::;;, tihlegoti! ailvamc uith force uf approximately I a. linn upon Ciiuihihijala Kill he tuned mi na In meet Vllln'a Irimpn headed anuthward. In roinhlni'd atlai k on Mcxii n city. I KDI ItXI, M IHMIM II lllilM'KKII iimm m:rniM. m.ti n n Hoard 1. S S 'a hforniH. M.i- lallan. Mrxiro. tia W nt'lpna In fun li'lKo, June I The ai hooniT l.i'o-; imr. with u taiRn of miiIiom for ihoj hi'li'imui'li'd lidilal Hull mini of Ma Katlan, waa riM'ii(i"d from ilimhurK-j liiK har fri'liiht loilay liy thr diiliKi-r-1 una fin- uf lo'iii ral iliri Knii inn atitiitloiialikt liaiii'riin 'I ht- niplalu of tht- vrwud aiinoiim' fd that hi- will niii'iiu.t tonluhl to run thn i onHtltiit:oualiHi firp. J Thla makpH ihr thud aupidy ahl . .... lhat li.. t n iirt-vi ni.'.l within idu tllj l"J ir lu r.l lluJ.. k from la mil ii u aiiilu-a for ihr Vnnhmntoii. Jiint- 4. An vftoil to hiinxry io.iilai c and mirrl"n of '. adjourn tin- Iioiim- to in i niH iih iiiIm i Miiiatlni. j to alluiid thi' uiim iIiiik of tin- Coii- An aoon h thr chortimr of w atrr fcdi-raltj moon until in ArlniKtoii na i a io.i d Ihi' xhnitinx down of thr .o. Initial rrinctrry today ri Hillud In u it iit.ri'Knn n. .'ii di-d aviin-filihnntir wlmh dilayi-d ioiibiiI In iiiIIiiik Iihim' and it I u r lu k artral fiation ul I In- lailioad m i urilnn hiil, prm lilon liaiara and thr laiuu h thti laal inraaiilr on lln: udiiiiun'tru whnh had I. .will them Into thr har- In-n iililMli.rl ir"rum. (or. l-iitrr thr im hoonrr liarihaldl.j Kltm ta to m l tlr thr dif .ill y w ith. ladrii wnh aiinar. Him n .( r.-.l lout parli.iiin iilary ohatrui live lai tim Thr frdrral miaini r i.i ni Mrna ' failed and a ri !l rail Wan lolird. Kfp waa di iw-n from thr harhor liy tilt- ri lo iilalnrn laNoritiK ad Jouriiii.riit ait iirai y of thr t'onatiliitionaliati' lllr. drt lart d thrir intt niioM to fori r tun TtHRr rt't'iita har nddrd irratly t' Imuw to iput Thrrata ol a lililiualrr Ihr draprratlon of Maztulanla aitun-i had Ihr rlfi t ot ki rpiiiK thr honar lion I III Hi-i-Klotl and Ihu tlrliatv oil the hill I'Vrnandii lharro, an attorney of t'unttr'ied thr Southern I'ai'lflr rompaiiy. haa ', HianiniiiK drlulli'd foiindi ratlon hern liuprlnoned at Trplr on thr or of thr lta)huiu lilll tomorrow, the tier of (irnrrnl Ohrrgon. aii onllni! I houac niuv IiiiihIi the Iraillna of thi infnrmatliin rrar hmg herr today. Thr i inruaurr lor uiiirndinriit liy Saturday rraaona fur (ieneral i hri-Kon at tiun , If Ihr Kayloirn lull tun he hurried were not Han d j through tomorrow the final vole on the three anti-lruxl mraauiea will he WINTERS AND WIFE MUST.,ahr" va """""JL. FACE FELONY TRIAL' (liy I i-aard Wire n l:vrniiia llrraldl New.aitllo, I ml , June 4. In W. A. i Wlnlera. hie wile. Mm Witilrra. and i V. f. I'oopcr niuat fare trial for run-, Npirai j In cotnmlt a felony, an ord- I iik lo JihIk Kdward Jai kmoi of lip; i in mi louri who oil.t) art their Ir at for July 10 I'roaei ulor M wra waa lu louit and rio rftort wait made to ipiah the indniinrnt uxainat the ihne whi an uard of lonnei tion with III ' flihappraraui r of I'athrrnie W In w r . ! yenrn old, ahout a year a". fr aud Mm Winlim and I'noper wrrr airealril on May 3l oil thr loimpirai y ' li'irnr. lniii U (iliu l-arlc Joli. WarhiiiKion, June 4- Hi rel i'v laiir today appolntril Mark I Hi ti i Ii r' ,lll I'mm In n aupeiin lniih nt of 'lalioiia! parka. In aprakinv of linpioWng her hounu In New Jerat y, and aliu apolojiiaed lor her liuiiird loliiinand of kngliah. Shu hag right thil lieii. 0110 adopted and even hy pre long niurriagte. 'i hu uldeet la 32 ara of uj-j. lien M. Smith, iuuimI lor Itupp. dil ttited Ilia Ural queriee lu am el lam wht'lher Ihe wittier, w hu Waa horn In I'lague, Ai.atria. ii vura ago, haa u right tu aue In tlila toiintiy. she aald nil c had been ainging In the t'niled Slatea for nfleeli yea la "Were )ou ut hoiuu laal ' hi lei man'.'" ahe waa uakrd. "At home laat I'hrialinaa'.' f eouiae I waa. 1 1 olihln't lorget Ihe moat important thuiga In my life," lame 'he anawer. In June of laat year Ihu eiiiaer W eill lo I 'ulier. I ml , lu hr preat nt at thr gradualion of her eon, Kiaiu lieorge W anhlliKton ileink. "Ind you go alone-" "My daughter, my haul lenr. my einika. my waller and a gentlemen went with me." wa the reply. "And who waa Ihe gentleman?" "Mr. Oeorge llaldwln " W lineea reined a milage there and . remained five day. "Where did Ha Id win live?" Baked Ihr lawyer, hut an objeitlun ahut oft thr ennwrr Mine. Ki humann-Hrink t hucklrd when Smith enkrd her If a Mr. Me Namuiu v tailed her at her New Jelaey home. "No inan 1 aine in live with me In Nrw Jeraej " ahe laiiuhed "He tame In mr to take aiiikiiifc leaaona. We ang together on Ihe tagr." Mayrr explained Tlial lh algner re fened to le Kdward J. HcNumtri. FIHIl I UflTF I IIIIII- II U I LI IN HOUSE OH TRUST BILLS Now Expected that if Ray burn Measure is Completed Three Measuies May or Passed Saturday. jFILLIBUSTER BLOCKS ! EFFORT TO ADJOURN White House Conference De termines to Press Conserva tion Measure for Passage at This Session. lr -im-4-rvHiln Miit-airr. Wiiahlnaton. Junu 4 - i'himiiiii Iilllr ailMjiutrd by .'nrrtary I. .inn were dial uiil at u Whim Hou rotifrrrnre today and It wa aiild rrtaldent Wllaoii latored a plan ' Ret them through ronitrrn la forn ad 1 Joiirnmrut halrman Henry of in rnlra i innnillli i! aid u I t una I atit ii'uuciil in IK lit he i alien 4'ummiii-. Taltin Whirl. i WaahliiKtoii, June 4- Senator ' '11111 1 mini attarkrd the. ranaiiia IoIim ex emption repeal lu 11 long P r h to day, ilia lariiiK he wan aiuuKed at III" 1 apeelHi le of "Anirruaiia Kulna to j Ihu I In - H.11111' rfole ' tn-uly a more ; liberal Interpretation than Ihe lint j lh IheitiMdtea 1 liuiiird lor it." Iiiiomi- lax It.lli-f Hill. W'aahliikton, June 4.- The a nnte today paaaed u Joint lenolullon remit ting penalllea Impoxed by the 1111 ome tax for failure to make ii"iiued rr-tun-a hy Man ll I laat. 1 xirnded Ihr legal period for mnkiiiK ihr reliirm until .lull I, and provided for Ihe re mitting of fine already paid. It now va lo thr houre. ppfovr I'lillipplur lllll. W'aahlliKlon, Juno 4. - lielo ral ap proval or thr I'hi.ii'pine lii.ine rule hill aiihmiltrd lo I'irNiileiit Wilmui l Chairman Joiira of thr hollar Inaiilur alfull toinmlttrt., waa glvrn loilay hy , Manurl I.. Wue' II. iraidrnl I'luliP- , ulna I'ommlMiloiier, who railed on Ihr I prealdeiil to dim liar Ihe auhjei't. He raid on leaving the While limine thai whllr Ihr lull did not cue all thai Ihr Killplnoa wanted, hr thought II waa thr lent thai 1 onhl he ohtainea at preaenl and that It would rerelv hi aupnort. The preaideni haa not flnlrhed reading Ihe lull hut la 11 n det Blood to approve It In genera', term. TODAY IN CONGRESS. hrA TI' Met at 1 1 a. r-.i. Iiehair waa revumrd on the I'anamu tolla exriiipliou rrpeal bill. It ail road men niiai'iied fiateral regulation of aeeurlty Ixauea lie fme Hie eiimmirie I'Mllimllier (.'umnilii lll lo preveni rail from limlling liability on live t'rk. IIOI S.K- u. m. agreement Met at It t inier an even limit' ronllnuou debate tlio lUyhurn hill for regula tion of railroad eiuiit laue Wa taken up. Sundry ilvil hill larrylng i liroprlattona roiiiiuittrr. ltrirrMriilat Iv r I'lulrrwood re turned lu hia real aller week ret at a health reort. Voitne Moraan llu ApMHuliitl. New Vork June 4 Henry Hiuigii Mnriait. youngeni aim of J. P Mor gan, I rn overina from nn oprratl m for apprndl'ili In Ihr I'reahv trM:T hoapltal. Y'lii ig eonl plain -d lat week wtille In e-hind at tirolun. M.iu . of helng III. He waa tkrn to the hoipltal on Tueiol.ty lt. SUFFRAGETTES ATTEMPT TO ........... iIIIFinil LMRi H ft u r w ur liulhiu fit J litflMMl Ulrtt Hi r.rnlliK llrrahl.) Ioiilnii. J nn,. 4. An ain inpt loi'. -Ihly In "hold up" Kin lii-m :' at u Ik h I a i mi r t at ltur klnuh.ini ni.ur in Ihr'K colist'irary ilmui'l to iiim rufliaurlliM Thr Kvrinii Hl.iinl.inl nhh h la rr,oiiailr for I In- nlm y, aaya thr police tliarot en d rl.ihor.iti plana for ohialniiiic n i in in,' rourl, Ini'linliiiK f ol Ri d hiiIm of a 1 mmvion Thr alli Krd plot la c ri iln. , ., Mri I en nit-1 1 lit' l'niikhillL Pn . .unions lum In i n in ki' ii. it la a.ud. whnh will Aged Brooklyn Now Fastest Cruiser Old Battleship Once Ordered to Junk Heap Rehabilitated and Made Flagship of Paci fic Fleet. Ity l.ned W'lrr lo Fyerilng HcrnM.l I'hil.ulelpnia. June 4. 'I'nu eruier Itiooklyn. w hh h ha been pt.itiotie t here lirarly tali yearx ami whp h ut nun lim, wa ordered to the wrio heap, will nail aoon for China aa ll.i t nhip of Ihr A-I.itlr iUu'll on. I'h, Itiooklvn w-a Si hi y " flnKHlilp diirl'iu Ihr Sianlnh-.merl' 1 1 ivar. and led the fivhiiiii! when thr p.intMi llert w;ia eatro,., at liimo. The alilp wa tinnk ,ili.n:i 1 1' en IV iitui'K li v nhi li ami 11 h aid" II hhow the mark. Srvrral yeui Inter thr lMI 1 w. 1.1 vy .i" A Ik. Ill nelit to thr rhiladelphi.i I'd put on- of rniutnlnKOi ar aau. work waa heii'iii 1. ; f'rooklyn and the voe! tdetrlv overhaiilrd 'hat W IK no eo'Ti li'iliv l '. in the nav y. one of the failrnt i rulai-!'' PLANS FOR Spanish Magistrate will form Civil Ceremony Per for Miss Willard and Roosevelt. The Costume. Young Bride's (lly leaned Wire lo I. telling; HiTaP!.; Madrid, June 4- i'.i eatii.e Ainli.i'-' Willard ihiini lo ohnerve .1 I tin.. reiUllemenl.n ol Hie Spalllnh lawn tu reaped to foii'ili .mil rlanen, Hi' maaintrati of thr lineiut Vlnta d'n trirt wl!l pet form the civil 1 1 1 lemony tor Mix Itellr Willard ah'l ki unit Itoimevelt mi June ID Th" Arnirl'iin em.i.lHny In nllllilleil in the r.llena 'lnld dintlt''l. Ihr nioal UI19IO- rratlo fC'tloti of Ihr -1 1 y . Tile 111 ill im f r of aiigHrnlrd He' JUMtlee nit to thr Ann rlean'', liut a Ihr etiilian--. ' trt'lint'iiHv Culled Stair tertiioi a room 11m I'l'ill fitted up In Ihr u.agirtratr in. Illencr for the eelelll"liy The formal w-itneM-'n douhllean w. I tni'lude Kdtiardo I'.'i". Spaninh pi' nib r; thr M ir-ium u! Lima, Hie nut - later of nt.ilr; My t on T. Ilerrn k. "' Amrrlian a inl.iu.n.nt"i in I'ann, an I Colonel liooM'V rlt. The reliKioiln n V hr Will take plare at noon lllr ll"t day In thr ih.iprl ol ihr 1 1 r I ' nn banny. The rbapil in ill a pavilion 111 the eiiihanny ground- liev. i Samuel N Wutmin. pin tor of thr A llieri'-ii tl I 'rot eat ar.' Ki'li copal in I'm--, will piifor.n 111, nervl'e, imalHteil bv Hev. II"! n It I'lown. 1 h. 1 1. inn ol ihu lllitlnh - 11 -limnv In Madrid. The wedding part will proe I Irmii thi aiiihan-.iil-i p hotini to lh" ihurili lu on 1 1 .111 1 . ' 1 ! - and gala ri'iae. among w hi h prfinhl .' ai'l be our of ihr enuil iUipagra wllu i rrprene ma live of the mug of Hpain. Thu hi Hie dienn will hr or ivory natin and lulli vvi::i 11 t ourl trai l She will wear ir.nue blonnomn 11 ranged with old he and a long veil The maul of holm' Ml Klixa'n-i'1 Vr'illat'd. will wear white atin with .1 IP'tie of pair Id in 'il!. Thr briil""-mi-liln Her Seieiu llluhnenn, lh" I'Miuen of Thin im ind Txl: M.o Kalheritir I'agi . M ol niolwih liihui' I rvenriir dr THIiei'n and Mm Vir ginia will rnr white tu'ie itlt luiiti. All or litem will we,.r lair with louche ol vellow and ycllo'.v rihhon lied under the t hin. t Hatr Klue ami lin-en aa 4iiM'-n. Madrid. June 4 Colonel Jorph I'. Willatd. Iiiilrd Male anili.innjnl or. and Mr. Willard hoi King Alfonno and (jure 11 Victoria of Spain r th' '' gueal at lum hen 1 u the Amerli .ni rmhanry today. K' rmlt Itnoaevelt und Ihe Itriiinh ami Herman ambin aador alao were guel. A brilliant reception follow,-!, w hich waa utlended ay member ' f the ilei lnnalie corpn anil many pel apna proininent In the oelry uf In Spaiuah rapltal. A Kuaaian ballet w given for the entertainment ut tin' ueeia. mm WEE MADRID a a ea MM H Mil makr It itnpoKinhlr to r,nry out lh' Plan. rotii f ui i .inu' nii iiiN at Hn' rourl arr llkrly to provr uKnomi,. 1 li the kinil'a KUrnlH. The prm cmhIiiIi ot (MrrtaKen in i hini.' at Ihr Wit: have lo run thr uaunllil of a nil don ol plain IoiIiik Hi mri and poll . HI. II ion. d at nil i' l r Ii.t lively i rriaiti' will lu; In Id up an i ni-rv will hivi rredi titliihi irti" 1 1 4 with Ihr fr.ilui.s i, ii,, llatil Will arllllilll.r I hroim. pro.i IUiiinir-1 lum o il IIIOl ,11 t eriTrN)t4 Says Bill Gives Powers But No Burdens Eric Official Declares Anti Trust Mcasuie Gives Com merce Commission Control Without Responsibility. (lly laa-Hil Wire 10 livening llrrahl. WaHhiiiKtoii, Jul,,. 4 "In 1 1 I - hill thr inlrlHtatr rnuilnelie 1 iniiiitiliill prailually Ih alien Ihr powera of general iminauetH mnl of the boanl" of iIiiitIi.ih ,,f tin- railro.iilH of the luiiiitry," niiid lirorvu K. Iliow llell, i e prenldelil of thr Ki te, trn UtMIIK today betiilr Ihr Mellllle llltef ntatr 1 omrnrri-r roliilolt lee on pro poard 11 nt it 1 ut letii.iliitmn whiih af fe'l.t 1 ,1 ll I ".nil. "I'mler thla lull." ii'niiniii ttrownell. "thr eu.nnin.ion Inn i- the povvern wiihoul the I M r. would redpoll- nihilities, leaving the owners with the renpoiiihiituH and without the puvv rri. ll would had to an Intel i,i kniK diri'i'li'i air morr v.iht than ha berti aumjenled an exiling today." Hilt Men 1111 Hiuml. W'uahtnxton. June 4. -William Skin ner, a dim lor of Ihr New Haven railroad, roiillii'ird hln Irniimouv to day at thr Intrrnliilr cominrrrr torn- 1 minnlon'a lii'inilv Into the railroad' llliatieial a If. iiih. I.ewiH Cunn I,ed aid and Crorge K. Ituk-r. director, and Law Tenor K. Minol, former ill rm tor. wi'ii' waitinn lo tea tirv. .Mr. I.eilianl will leatiry an a volurilaiy wilnenn. RESOLUTE HER REELS TO THE fill Cochran Yacht Forced Out of Race After Losing Two Men Over Board and Being Hope lessly Distanced. (It) Leaned Win o l.ti'iilnn Herald. ) Aitma l.ttrd Plena limit oil liii.l Cive, I,. I., June 4 (Py Wirclin-I-- Tlie U' III iti-nollltr won tiMl.iy'a trial i.ura au.ilnnl Alexander Cochran- i up d'-fetine eumllil.itr. thr nhmp X'.in It.e, when the hitler boat lonl lw i tlirmbrl of hi'r errvv ovrrooard an i V. an lijr. rd lo rrtim from ihr i mi lea!. lllr of the HI' uin n wa rm lied ti" t iirma boat and Itir.oihrr wan tiac.i in by thr N.iniiie. hut not mull th" v.. 'hi had dropped ho pi -Imrly hrtiuid ih LrnoUitr. With her rival o. 'th,. race thr Ken.. late iliiishcil iilon .n il wan deii.iied the winner alitir t" ' i, til 1. 1 1 1 tn n 1 1 1 1 , ,. had nntti.illi l thu nhe iii-cd rul only half the li-mil" collle. I 111 luck Iliel V.i nit ir iillel ehr h id coveied Iraa than l"Ur milea ol th"j I. oe. and liefot'c till' boalM had roillnl. id the tir.-t mark lo mil ward. A' -h,. li'kid into a ntroog noiiMi wind hri drtk waa ut a nhurp anuie aiit two of tin. tm II oil hoard, hall Id noted ' hv rain ami nptai. mid hampered ir, o:lnkitt, nlli'i'i il over the rule Th" . miuml wan covered with whit,, i n-) and III onhr lo navr Ihe nun Im-. anitir lime In Lllr helm were thtowii lo Hie niriilliit n.illoi'M and It Waa noun- I lint- in t "I c one ol tin- n could hr lliavucil on hoard. A prenn boat In the mean Illlin had 11 nt il Ui the ollui. Ill thr Itie.llitkllir llrMijti had III rimy run tu h-r Innt io.,rK. The aii. hap In Vaniti,. o'cllird In thr lee of the Iiiik Inland nlioie Though V.i.i lllr wa III Ihe lead at the time. Iten oltitr wa tant in el hailliiiK hel The ntll'ial lime of !t"oliit,. Hi 'he lininli Wan 1 : :lll. Thr ottnial rlao eil lime. r,. mtnute 41 Me-oiiiln The Itcmlulr and X'aiilii" will m l Iheir next race Saiurilav under Ihu aunplcr of the Lurchmout Yainl i nib. JURY FAILS TO FIND VERDICT IN HOE CASE (lit lurd Wlr to Pretili'c Uerahl 1 Ne Yolk. June 4 At'i-r for mole than 14 hoiirn a u plellii' eouri July reported today Hill II Wan Ullilhlr lo clilllr to all iinrnr.lli l' in a m.tttrr of the I-'-''..""" nut lor uHegrd hreai h of ( r "111 Inr brought h" Mini Mae Sullivan agaimt Al'htir I. Hue, on of thr lair inlllionmre piini Ir.g pre utantifui luri-r. SHOWS CHARGE union DEMHIDSMI M W TO ATTEMPT TO KID HAP Two Austrian Miners, Coming from Raton New Mexico Say They Were Mcde Pris oner! by Strike Leaders. TOLD TO LEAVE DISTRICT OR TAKE CONSEQUENCES Itjr I t a msl W ile o i:enln3 llrrahl. 1 Ti, i "ol., June 4. - A r po't that HlloltM were hied upon an ln:rr tiihan ur en loulr 1,1 Cuaeil.ilr -Ii nl.iv. In toil. iv in iiih In v est ualed the f ill 1 11 1 , niuv .1 ill ll'il 11 li'H TU' r, '"'n '" he.nj'iuni ler af'iP'd in.ii inr nnoia were 111 vn iiomi tin ,m el urd Junt oilt-iilr the i lly llllllln. ami that 111'' lillllrtn Willi It a few fr' aw. iv from Ihe ar wheh laiiinl a tiuintiei ol' puNM'tiiiri n. An iiim -I il-iMkii in .i!-'i I' o-i.plo ol tin nliiiKil kidn.i pi ma uf two A'O' Irinl i iiiii uiinern w lio were nu t nv union pn ki'ia u i 11 tin 11 ai rival from Knli.n N M.. and liken to liiln'l' hr.iiltuiii-lrra heir whore, iiniiriliirt to Ihi- ntorv told by Ihr Aiintrlana t'i Ihe 1 ml a ut hot iiir they were loll to Join the union and threatened wit'i ilrit 1 It if 1 hi y aitempted to no 10 work at thr Soptin initio to whnh 'li"'e tin y naiil Hn , weir hound. Held a union In 'ul'i'iat lera fur two hniii.i tiny mini,, their way through l"n ai d were v it loiinileil i thirty or tnor,. niriki in ,,nd wrtr hioiliy rrn. ui d liy a polo email and a 1 "' who put th no- 1 on board ,1 ear lot' Sopnt. 1 0I1. 1. 1 I I.ih ki It In tuakillK- ll..llrex to d'lrl inine whether "f not the Au trlatm were hrouaht Into tlo illnlri t en vlnl. in,. 11 ,,r ti ordert of ihe war department or whether they arr hun.i. lulu employe of the Si. I ria mine, a the ' I1011 ill 1 lain of thr Coloralo l'url an. I 1 'uin pa it y anliounrr. AiltiM-atttt I'l'tli-rnl 4'ofltmtnnlim. W":ihlnuton, Jtinr 4. A frdrral 1 i iniiiiniimt- to m ule llu Odurad Htriae ti'.ithlen w'jim propowd to f'reffi 1I1 nt Wllnnii Imliy bv Senator iiwrn v Im aiinouticeii hia intention of In It cdu' iiiu a lull for4 aui h a body. Mother .lotnn lli'fum'il l"nai;' Seattle. W'jnh . June 4. MoMuT M ily Jolien. i.I .'alll.i r of the I'nileil Mine Wol kern of Anirrn a. WJi mil piruntteil to board u I'auailiati J'lii'ill ti iiincit lioiiud for Vdiicoiiver, licUu; ' Mnl'pi il at III,. K ill; I'l. ink by a Call- uili.iu I' 11 itlc mil' -i.t I. The I'uiiel Mint W "i kola hnv tiled a prril.-t' tvi'h .-'ii it.'i y ol lioor W ilio ti ut W ilfchl"Hlol,. "M'ii'iii " Joii'H who Ii ul ni'h mr : 10 I I i I a m , ti.oi i-l'i- ' t to Vnllcutiv rr. ., r.t 11. Kallltldatlk of . Mllijrctr.l . tee II' i. a Canadian iiiimu. ated 'in nlralller ual n-n- Itloli i.. A- k' d II nil nn Am- r i ti n nhe replied ml prmnl of It " ii liei a In r l.l i t ri t.l.i - i n looki d nt i. or tiekt't and 'tiling to Mrn. Jotien: ' V. She The 'I I a nd. i I "You'it li' : Yoll'l'r U'llllll : .'i Hint n r O.i li" t goiiig lo Van-otiver. I" Nan tiko lo kl Iv u i a on. n I he llllliern, a n I i JIM! i .Hi t go." j The ,nrpi' -tor t her eii Lu ual inn 'to lii anlile. lotllliel ut the would make and .tin- wa- no fin ohligC'1 t-'innk intern. 1 1 Van imil'i'., opal execil- Mine Work-in-en at tin-: laid -,u ,it' ii,:' l i t for p. oteni o in i i'l s bo.llil of Hie I '.Hill t.t America who h.m ti il em li I a 1 1 ' e of t lu ll .iiim i n land nt r.k' i vlali. al Cllle nelil V .two ! Hn I la I V .n. Labor Wlinoli ill Hanll- Innt 1ITE WOLF SETS TORCH TO 1 T T Terocious Chinese Bandit Eludes Great Body of Troops and Lays Waste 10 Whole Provinces. Fears Held for Safety of Hundred Christian Missionaries. Itr I i-a-cd Wire to fvcolng Herald. 1 PeklrU I'lima. June 4 -"Willie Wnir." the liinoM- liit.11,.1 who tiui tllg Ihe lant lew tioni'lm II I devuntal ed tin- pinvtmc or Hll-Peh. Ilo-Null ami shen-Sl, I now looting und bi-rn-lug lowon and village in the proviinc of Aftel' el'llllllg Ihe great IIIIIIV of irunpn at nl to ippiiue Iiiiii !' Chtui-ne Kot el nuielit, he net fur the ii- illoW - telilav to Ninu I'litiw, and hi I em lo.lay Ion in d Tao i'h" III the t. alter xtt-i-me noiilti uf the prot in lobbing liir in ha t.ttant. Thr biigatitla Hu n prot eede.l lu I'lnmi. tvheiti they net fur to '.he fa inoii moiiuntery uf the Tibetan lii man Sutineiueui ly regular trt.npn drove Ihr bund, I tu thn ravine of Lily mountain, where they are le pot led 4i rouii.lcJ ty troop- HIS ACTS BE IDE LEGAL Huerta Names Price He Will Require for His Retirement as Provisional President of Mexico. C0NTITUTIONALIST3 WILL NEVER PAY IT Washington Silent as to Pol icy in Event Huerta Should Carry Out Threat to Block ade Port of Tampico. (liy latanert Wire, lu r.veulng; Herald. Vera i.'ru. J 11 nr 4. The pine I'l 1 lljertii ileniaml for hia In tirement 1 the letialtxatiiin of hie ' act .i"" hln apiiotnlmcnt lo Ihi provisional irenuletuy according lu advlcen flotn tue i'ailtal today. Thi In n ' 1 : havu neen the pro. ionnl Cenetil li.irtu aulhuriard hia ill Ii Kali n lo otli r Hi thn tiled In Ho I 1 otiloreiice ut Niagara Kail, tleneral lliteitu tn Maid to realimi he ha only a lim v I, ain e of winning out. but Ii j in uli'lci In be determined not to uti union power w ithout aduiUute pro viKion bel.ig inade for Ihe paulection ol In own future and for that of IhJ men with whom he haa eurruundnl hlinneir. The Conriliutlona;ii It la eau. have InaiHird that no act of tleneral Ituert.t a adinlniMtrat ton ahull rvcr he) renarded aa legal and In thi em't lien' ral Huerta fornee tmirmiiui financial lomiea fur til use who Jnlnod In the notation of hi loan aa well a rink for the member of hut cabinet, for the new tongreaemrn In- Hailed In place of thue whom he Inu priamo-d and for Ihouannd of minor otllii.iln and even private vltlieus why vi linuly or unwillingly aided hia not. t r anient. W AHHINI.TOX Sll.rA'T O.N TIIK III I.UT V HMM KAIH; ATI KMIT WiiHliinglon, Junr 4. rrope"ta of an aitenipted blockade of Tsmplro h liU'-rla gunboat took the ptmltlntl of chirf Interent in Mexi'lin utTalr hern today and adminlKlrrttlon olfliial In formed of the latent development oiilv ill new dlnpalehe. declined to Init iate their pulley, although they It f' i tnc.l Admiral lladgnr and Man oi the Mltuatlou. It wa coiiHidered lgn!fH'ant, how i let. that ul thn nlale department imtiie.ll. miy after Tampion fell into lhu h. mil uf Ihe riinatltuthiiinlint It wa announced that all Mexican gulf poit wrrr considered ''open" ani that wa Interpreted a clear Ititt malum that no blockade would hn recogiiixed. The ateainrr Antlll. hearing arrn for Cart. iima, und whh h haa arointed: thu prow nt altuetiun file Ihe fuu.-vn Hug What the I ntted Slt" would do ahoul.1 Huerta boat attempt to In. terferr with her, uIIK-ihI dwluied lo ay or lilillrate. Win! her Ihe I tilled Hi a IK ahip would penult the AtilUla lo land h-r cargo, now that lh imlwrun on aim Ih ana hi in lor'e, via uteilh. r noi p healing leature to whlih ti t 1 1 ' i did not .iitom,,t tu oiler any exnlati i- tlo'l. At.HrAlr:T tt TMI'I) II, W I l i s til I H I I.LV WMIIMUI Waahington. JunB Thu agra- wiAitiwianrarniar I'rarn Held for MinMloiiarttn, New Yolk, June 4. Keai wrra ext'iennrd t.nliy l.v the Chrmtian and niiMnionui at' tuae. whicn haa about u hiiniiiel n ."iiarlea in variomt purta uf China, fr thr aafety of arv erul men and women known to ho in the town pillaged und burned by the Chineae brigand, W hile Wolf. At the mouanieiy of the Tibetan lain. ui when White Wnlf'g follower nt fire to it wa a lulnninnary named I vn unman, who tame from Min.-ourt. Minn Hauphcig. ul Hoone. Iowa: Mite Kenoit of iihio, and J P. Itommen uf Indiana, alio were believed to have been at the moiiantery lliualon iiilur Aiiiernnne known to have been in the mtnntnii mud to have been dentroyed hy W hite Wolf are that Hev. and Vila C. C Chriallr. the lev. and Mr W. M. Ituple of Phil adelphia, the Kt- and Mi. Ihehl of Howling Urtrn, , and Mr. Vnyder of Indiana. HI