Newspaper Page Text
11 A THE HERALD WILL FIND YOU A JOB FOR 30C The Fair Fund lien Miss ed You Don't Worry. They'll be Around Again. IF numiMccmzEx. Vol. t. No. aa. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1914. thk evf.mxq MM. A. 0. IT. 10 THOUSAND PITTSBURG MKH E Huge Force of Westinghouse Plant Walks Out This Mem- ing Demanding Better; Working Conditions. HUNDREDS OF OIRU IN TIN HORN PARADE Allrgheny. Congenial Indus trial Union Makes Unex pected and Successful Tie Up of Electrical Works. Works. lly It-a-M-d Wire In Ffnlei lloralil.) I'll ikIuii nil, Julie .. I t luring the . Would ii';l return I i t hi' i r place In IhC f.l. t'.llcS Of I IK' W'l'Mt inulii.ii ... trie .M.iinil i luring . in : ii n . and I 111' W cnt.llKllollne Ma. Il M I'.llll'ON mill working i oml ii were I in ii - I'll. It I t X I 111 i l I I'lKllI thn'lniitll lllt'll and Women. Itlfllihcrn ol thr l leghetley 4'niigotll.ll lllllo'l. el link Ii. re i.i.Uy. Three thouautid electric woracre r. fiiacd lo ciitiT I In- ahop ihin mo mint' ii ml after h mi, meeting at I lie Turlle I'reek play kroiind. number Mir lii. riiii. il hy nu n who Utter left the plant. I'li ki'l acnt in thr m.. hinr M i.i Ma bmuulit out ulmoat a I ti nt:i nl worker, and Icadi re ol the atrikcr. li.lil . .I there would be ten thoiie.H;l Idle f.u lory lunula In the Ttirllu Cn i-k vallev by nloht'atl. Hex 1. 1 1 II II ml I ail glrlft, ('.ill w.ih .' tin horn. paraded throimh Kaut rut burgh, t hcertnl Ity crowd oj tttrlkeii on tlii' i.l walk. w .i: t ai v. miii in n THI Ms 1'iHaimrtrh, Juno U iivi'H .f rin t Iioiih.1 ml km rii M MINI JIM -eprcettH - roitl iMinctH tn n I M--rm!li'.l Uimhlng too. h- for IWO VCII. .1 V. it'l till' oil f.'l' machine Ihe I'll l.-o oil MO tltMl loll' to (.til thr I i' on tin- wag. ' ulc I 'ommillcea h.Or nglc. rial. .In thr I. ilt' milling altail I t'.l ri nln ii too un.l ..r il- k mining II TI lero Wert nolnr difference on the . lc lor men, hut It wu ielieed the i onvett- J ST WeWieywwe.Witewewele. , iTii's Mission oiie or t President Tells 154 Graduates of Naval Academy to Beware the Spirit of Aggrandizement and Conquest and to Car ry True Spirit of United States to Foreign Waters Lasting1 Impression at Vera Cruz Our Self Control. (II j l4-art Rim lit rrnin Herald. I Wilson loillly told 1, yln. III. ite Ot the liut.ll uiudetiiy lli.iliy of who le.le. Hl.iltly for Metlian A.ltem, Hull HI, miririlo,! of the I lined hi. He la one oil aeni'v to hum. urn, not ol aiittiti' flmeliii-hl or t'on.Uei,t. II. vHtke ill ItlH annual ii'Mileiu) lEiadtlnUoil ni.) i laea at.d lul. r delliered the itii'lkima. I., the ouii4 mi.inhii.iiien. IK de. lar. rd the il I of the. I'liued ISal.a la 'u mi l ie the world Sl'i'iiklli of the Vela ('rut altilatlutl. the lueaident reveie illy dei iaieo, '1 iiruy liod he htia thi'le whl toil hatf lo ItKht any more." II- udile.1 tli'tl the real H'.od they wnl do will their Un ..I run. n un the .Mem ..". "They uif not miiiiiiiik un.l hhialer. Iiik." he went un "The M'o ol '.a I'riu. who ueK-.ihed mid haled Ainerleaiix, will think differently ol thi in hen our bo) a ear." The prenldenl "ke In a hum ar tnory iarHed with more than I.UUV i.ltli era. mldah!iiieii and lelatnej and I r ikii il a of h Itr.nlilalea. He waa eli Ihurlantii ally i heeled hik Inn ad drraa. TlK I'rralilelil'a Aildrr'aa. rrealdetil Wllnoii aald 1:1 part: 'It ouMht lu he one of your thought.: Mil Hie I line that you are aaiiioie Aineri' ana. no merely mui..le ii.n; lion, tiut merely a.mile aoldlera. hul aaiiide A iiiii I a lie. and that y.m In ie the ioinl ol view of Amerl.-aua. wi'h retard to her limy un.l her mm, that aha la unnii them aa the Inalin meiil of i h llixiitlon, not a the In atlument of aKiirceaion The Idea o' Amerl. a la in aerva liiiiii.inllr, an: otrry time uu let the a'.aia uiid airlio-H Ilea to the wind you oil lit lo real!'" that thai la til Itaelf a l.iia.iae. Iluif yuu ara on un eiiaml ahull ulhei linviea hae aonn tl n' f.u n.ilti' i, nut an errind of eomiiieat, hut an errarid v( acrvk. lion before night (nl. I nri cpl the t oltrred by hi opt-lutoln. Ik M'tHlnir of Mrlki-r.. fharlcnton W. Va, Juni M.ia. tin I'll nun of atriking minora were held throughout the Kanawha diatricl to luy. No ilia.. id. r waa reported from liny pari uf the (Until, t un.l huiloM aanl none wiia expected. Lcdyard Denies HcW as Dummy On Board Boldly Declares He Frequent ly Opposed Wishes of J. P. Morgan on New Haven Di rectorate. (lit la-a.-il Wire iu efnlna l.prnlit ' W.ishinxtoii, Julie ;..-.iAiH i'ih l.vil).irit. i-otillniiiiiu hii lrntliiiotiy on New II. n rli railr.i.i.l ullii.r: I i fore the Intel il;itc i oiniiii i . ioii. Iiilmloii toihiy .1. me.l the .'. Hum ri ilirreloiN Hctf ! n trim Mf" ot Hint tin- lute .1. IV Moiu.iii ur fortn.'t I'l eniil. lit M lien iluiiiUi.ileil the Ii Hi Kan I he often o.i. .i-.d Mi .MorK'n. I lm I tlie hoinl iiii'ctliiK vAei Hell ll I tell.l.'.l Hut Hnellill III Hie ihneloiH look nt III the i.i i eeilinim Mr. Im .ird'n lent linony .i enll e ii .1 hy a lively ehiKh Willi Mr. Kolk In Ahl.h the Hllneim InMnteit on mo werltic itiiHHtioiiH In hut own tuny uno .iM'.'.il.-.l to 'oiiitniHfiioner 1 1. in L in t bUitain hn;i Thee Thousand Mausers for Ulstermen Irish Yachtman Makes Daring Run and Lands Arms Un der Eyes of the Police of Belfast. (Ily l-aavd Wire to I vrnma ll"'rnlil lielfimt. June i. -The Bimy of Iht I Inter M.llllUeerh" UI MletKlhelieil to.liiy hy the M.lilliion of 3.000 M.uiiH'i title oh the leHUlt of a dariiiK tun runiilnn lent ol un )rih iu hmni.m A orllon of the ( .inlsiiiiieni hi lin.ltjil t the aouili of lx.iii.ilhii.le, mx teen ii'ilen from IirlfitM. hut n'or of the Tlflm win.' (tillered on l he iiny Ht Iti'lf.iHl ami the iiim-i. Here rtinow'il titolef lha eeii of the lioli. c ly aia i hilly . Im ted oluii teeia. MAYOR OF PLYMOUTH WELCOMES ROOSEVELT (It I rmtil Wire 10 r.frtng llera't I -1 mouth l:ni, June :. -TU of rivinotilh an. I a Tuiriy -t 'l tlllUill I'l'l !! K (Aellt or. I . , ml the (I'ymi'ir on h. r t' IJ..III New V..rk to Kleet Cl.loll' I Th'i.ilore ll""eM-lt on helin'f of tin .ty. TO "VS'hat do you think la the lanii't) liiil.refaioti that thoae o.iya il.ia at Vera l iu are goluir to leave? Tm hae had to ue aione lore, I r.iv liod II may not he lie. eai for Hu n. tn line uny more, nut do yuu think Hu way Hu y fouuht ia aoum to be tin tiil l,ialui nii.reaalon '.' Hate nu n not foiiK'n i'ot aiiire Ihe world tic lian' la there unythina new In uit.u loree? The new thinxa in the world me Ihe HiliiKa 'hit uia illvor.e.1 (ru n fone The llunaa tliut allow tn moral eomi.uUioiia of Ihe hum. in tin Mleli. r. thoae are the thlniia I.) w hu h aa hate h.-en buildniK uu i I v 1 1 1 k , - lion, n.'t by lone, and the laailng Im Vlvrailoll thut thoHi ho a are tn leaw will he thai they l eu ,e.l aelf nui- trol. "Von ni lint iM'.ir In linnil that you are the i haini'lona of w hat ! rlslu a I fair ull around, no inatler a hera o'.i are and that II la for what la I Ik III and lair for lubllo welfare that ou He l.a 'y to llKhl and not merel) Hie Un el a Ual in Upon aoiur alikhi pUlll III'O " The pieai.lent praiaed Admit 'I Kiel, her, aaylna; he had been cm duty ii i m r at ei.i t'rua tha i the otlie ti luiiiamlera an I .nil he had I lie iiuai- Ire ol a alate ti.m. A.ter Ihe leiemony, the rildent witihi'd Ihu sradiiatea lo Hi lilulleia and Ihe former ' plema" luir lo taka poaat'ralon ol 'inxera laue." He ale luiu heon w'lh vai'aii: Knl luui and planned lu I'imu rr Waah a I h i Im W. 1'reeideiii Wllaon leri Annapoha Bt 3 in p. m. inv board tha Mayflower lor Wavhinglon. etpeelintl lu unr. there at u'eloca lomorrii niornliial. lie took luneh with I'aplaiu r'ull.iiii hfid later I inpei led lha iaial aiademy. Aa the Ma) (toner ale, urn d nut of Ihe revern pre"idenlUi aiHlula waa tired horn ahura. 1IT SF1TF (Vi A Y niiT i iniBT rui liiuiii M TRUST BILLS Resolution Introduced by Sen ator Fomerins Following Conference with President Regarded as Significant. urntTTT twpam DiccAnr ni? COMMISSION BILL ONLY House . Completes Considera tion of Railway Securities i Bill and is Ready to Vote on 'Whole Program. (lly 14'a-atl Wire o renlnC Herald. 1 WinhlnKt'iii, June .. I he riulroiiu ael II .li a bill W lIM 1 'Ollpleleil ...l.l by the h..lle A flllil-tll lie lor tln'l olIKOial I'.ity liurn lull. Kl'-OIK the I'l-.-II' ...Itlllielie eiOlillllHhloll power of pi ior i. PI' loval om i all railroad Hcriirl'y I -aueH. wai adopted aith.uit ameiiiltiieiii. Th.a pla (! the ho:e in a p.niti..ii to ote tmally on Hu three in...:. .it ia makiiiK un the ad- ni Ii i let ra 1 1 1 .ti iirli-truat program. Mtni M! T TU LIMIT 1 III T I .M. 11. Tlo IN TIM. LTL N aahliiKton. June .". The mine inent to limit the a.liiiino-tration'a Irunl leKiidatioii proKiaiu at Una .!. m lo of the interHule trade . iininnN..ii lull took fi in todnx In Iho aenate when Senator I'omeiene introdiu ed u leaolntion In ihe Inter Mtate eoiutiierei' i oihiiiikhIoo to up-1 proe only that portion of the oinnl- ' Iuih hill pendniK It will be oted opon tomorrow. ! Mr. IVniereiu e eonlerred wlih' I'realdenl W ilenn on the prokiam lu fluya n nil I hia litiri'dti. tloii of mi. h a reaolution Kim eotiaideini aicnill- anl. ( llll lll AMI IMtoif HI.ITHMHtS MIITITI Ii: Waahlnalon. June fi.- Another ( romplli'iuloii the ei'iiati- toduy I In Ihe l'niiutiui .anal loll eneiiipiiuii I dispute when Senator e'uHieilaii.l m ' Hodiieed iia an iimeioliiienl to the up- peul lull hit resoiulion tor allutia-' ti.m. I he Suthei land reeolulmn iu aptiiovrf! by the tort'itui relut p.i.h i oinmltt.'i' ae iul d.ixa uao, bill had no lixhl of a belore the -nate. ' 1 1 h appearance .1.1 ull iiuiemlliietit. j iiiciitm thai it itiuM he voted on be fur the bill ItM-lf. i'n m.I. lit Wllaon j la tinilerHtood lo have expteaae-l no-i a, 1 1 1 IIIK Hi-en to iilblirale lot Ihe " - I teal la paaei'd. and many feia.toia ; alio lire MandlllK Willi Hie pleMiletlt . but w ho favor arbitration, are lit a I quiilidarv .' MISSOI III MA Mtill ITI II I.I M KM. MOKIIt I III T Waahlnitton. June .' Henator I teed j of Mlenoull ntta. ked thr (i. ii. .Votora romtuiuy. ahi-h ht. ti-i nn-d 'a il l in I nu I Iru."!." in the aenate toda and tie. la red he iber.l.y railed upon the attorney Reneral to pr-ieed aaalnxt the ...tuein. Tha aenalor wan .peak.n III reply to i letter writti'ii by Henry M. I." land. .l. n.lclit of u Heir, it motor far I'ompatn. raad In Ihe aeiiitlo tenluy by Sennlor Tnwiiaend. II tin ilale.l bueiiiena huh haitinx heeaiiaa of H il i'l l net of WiiNhinaloii uipl culled upon eoriaTeaa to ml ..u in. OWI A S 'OI4ltIMI MtlllHt. IIOV ItOsOl l llo 1 KI IAHIM W aahlnttoii. June I. Senator Owen'a I'ropoaed leaolntion for fed eral tit tut ration of the Culorad ntrike troiiblea, aa prepared ioda alter oiiaiiltiitlnna with tVnut"t" Thoinna and hhnfrolh. would empow er the pri'Hldent to a point a mlnitiR enumei r. an army or navy enaliu . r a man f. miliar with the hamll'.na ol eoal aa meri handte, a aoelolouiet and un einplover of labor five In all. II will lie Int roil me. I in the aenate later. violentTolcTnic" eruption on dutch island of sanguir Hy la-aMil M Ire ,a KvrniiiJ lli ruld l Hiitavta Java., June j A i i..eiu u lcanii' eruptl 'n o r in teal today on Ihe tluli'h Inland of haiut'iir. Mil mil. .1 outh ot In tile I'lulil'I'Hi heveral vob anoea weer in. luded in Ihe dint " I bun. . e'traannuf lu.illiig lava poured down lha aldea of I be iiioiintulna, ov er. va ll.'lllllna foienta und t-oi oa lan ,, ll.nia. At the name time a heavy lain of atnnea and aahva from varloua i l Irra fell over the whole lalaiula. Oth.lii! reporla do not mention .. of life out ii-iilater the di dm. Hon of Inn hniiaea. Haniiiir la the laneat ot Ihe liu iP known aa the Talautae lr.lun.ln i. the I eleh.a aea, abuilt iU in.lea to ine e.val uf Hrlliah North ltHtrn. I :i .ictlve outbieaka ol abu. th irlni'ipal vol. alio on the Inland n.'.'iir. red ill 1711. 1112, Hit, 1S3 and 1 REFUi PERMIT British Immigration Inspector Declines to Let Gurdit Singh's Crew Lnnd Under Any Consideration. EAST INDIAN MERCHANT OFFERS TO PAY BIG SUM Four Hundred Would be Im migrants Continue Hunger Strike as Protest Against British Exclusion. (It I'-a-Mil Wlrei m renln tleraht.1 Vail" OII IT, II. I',, J ille ... llllllll- Kr..iion Innpe. tor Kid n-Je. tad lodav a of llurdit ."Iniih. Hie wealthy Kant Indian bailer ir .17.'. 1 1 1 ml nia now held aboard the Kotna A't'n Maru whereby Iho m.-n may ae permuted reairlcted ah. ue liberty peiulina: a r.ini aolution ol th. tr atalua hv the niireme eourt. Hy 'he puv tiieni Ht i:..niii) now tine. i;ut.iit smith . an retain llie ati'ima r Iwre fo it month, and Ihle he ile-l-. a lo do pro. i id i nil. the lininiaratlon .b pu rt men' w .ll iiari'e 'n i erlain rmidittonn. The . ..n.lit now wen that Ihe party he al lowed to eome .-inhor' Willie the Ven- aid la die l.arulnif her ( .nil .arit-i, leaned and Riven tune t" bia.l lumber for the returti trip. iui.lit and oih.-i Miiidua attired In feed ni.d hoii-e Ihe iinmiKrania in nnv detention buildum Hie I nm uta'i.ui otllrli. i nuaht select uiid over whbh they would pla e uuiirdn. Hupi rlniendei-.t Held. In rejeclin Ihe proposal, nu ii : "Th" II.ii.Ium will nu he allowed In a.. ahore, even trmporurily, on any pret.xt whatever.' fn the meantime the Hindu . o--i-llniio to ohnrve the liiniaer atrike, whbh b.-Kan laat Wini.einlay. EMPRESS OF IRELAND INQUIRY JUNE 16TH (lly laol Wire in I veiilne l:-ralil.l inlaw i, out., Ju'ia :. The in.iinv into the l.'miireaa ..f Inland li-aaiet will open on,. June 16 at ( bi r Montreal. 'I'li'n atinotin.'i-menl v an made In p.irliamem today by Hon II llaeii. who staled that N!erney would art t. I roin I'.ni-'lanil oti II. e thirteenth ami Sir Adolth' K.'llllliir ..' gui ii. and Chiet Jllati M' of New ri:-wl'k would im 111' .liat.-l V open III. IHvert lo IJin I.e. . Jan. waa prepared time today i..r I o-ii I Wiii l.. The i-rmaer L-nex I., leave Pel'e some I a . lii r I'oiiit. hen- in r til vera will i. ti. mpt an in. of the wit'. U of Ho- Knipienn I-" t ...ti I re In ml Ttie K- liae a modern outfit f..r niibiiinrine woi't and her diver will he able lo peio-ii.,!.. the rorridorn of Ihe nulik.-n Vtn-.l Nearly leal l.,,. lee me believed P. be In Ihe hulk SNOWSTORMS TODAY IN THE NORTHWEST (Ity luari Wire lo Kvcnliia; flora hi.) Iteno. Net , Jiim.- u. Snow alorm lll'l'olllpauieil l.y peralun- w en- i . p..:nl. in, I., ami v ii I n it - hI ik lit at I i.'ilok continued 1 1 . ii. ...I. aa low aa 1 7 liekie ler nlloW I'llln vt t I . il i.lilitaill dlnlri. t ca ami I'ltrlm. i: Ihe line of the N. i t Kon railway -eMeii.leil aa far n Hi- , thiee In. I around at that pi laiii.-me htta bt eu i.l. n dropa in teiu- '.rtefl iii aeveral today. In Utii'i "now flurriea be- Una im.rinni and and Ifiiipci'.ttiircn .-. prevailed lleiiv - re(ittited In the ml t II Ittllelllll. porta from v Calif.. mot .V eoverinu i lie e. I'm. ti. ullv 'lone to ci.. pa thla aection. CLEMENCY FOR MAN WHO STOLE THE MONA LISA (lly Wire to lAT-nlnj lleraiii l Klolelt. e. Il.tlv . I lie .. I II. pit a of extenuating in uiatantea waa n half of Xiiu.eiiAo I 'a Vim l a ' M"iia .re in I'ann. Tin in today to one va- Imprisonment tieen in pi Hon llecenibir laat f only iibout a.x ci-l'tetl totiat i-i I'elUKia. who ai.a. l.ia" Mom the i... Jlldite I 1. ear and tfitleen .' Aa I'erugla hi awaiting trial t-nt ear. ho will n.-i m.ititha. TRIAL OF MOYER SET FOR JULY 6 AT L'ANSE . l 4eMf! Trire i Houghton. Ma h of I'hurloB 11. Mo of the VA fait rn F i ---lti- tlere'il ' June The I r I I i and other Ic.-i.-i .terallll'l of Millem on chargea ru n. out of Hi,, le. ent enpperaniiih a nil'.'' will begin Julv . Tile dale w ..- lei led today' afi ' o. X. Ilillon, at' ttiey for the inn in men, had uu--n-'l Anthony I i. proae. tiling alt. -i ia v thi:' hi i lieiitn woubi be re.ol-. The law w ;lt "" heard at L'Ann aeal nf ltarag.1 county. HINDUS ONSHORE SJOFJuLill IS HILED BY INSULTS Nerves oi uucKingnam rai-, Officials Shattered by m n . v ace Outbreak of Daring Young Noblewoman Last Night. i PEOPLE PREPARED TO ! LYNCH SOME FEMALES Much of Recent Property De struction Said to Be Work of Paid Employes of Wo-j man's Political Union. ilia lraad Wire hi r.eutn Herald.) London. June .'. --Mi Mary I. loin Held, (laiiHllltr ,,f Lady fnruh l.otilaa lilomlieltl. widow t.r Sir Arthur Hloii.rieid, waa the woman who tre ated Ihe went) ul Huek ii.Rhalu .o In -1- nixlil. when ahe IhleW helm If on lu r kin-ea bt lore Kiiik ilt-oiai itinl yini n Mary. .Vl Hl.i.'ii.ti. I.I .iloi.e waa lon eerne.l III the III. lib lit. allllouull h. r ll('l. vtho l.l.o allell'lL'.l the tourl, wua re.U.ate. to leuve Hie pulate alter the . 11 1 Ten . -e, deflnte the lilt t thut t-lm tix.k no pall in the ilemon atraiioii She It-It wnlioiit piol.-nt. oflb lain o I Hit. inilai e tmluy were mi tin- it-rue of inrvtiiia prontration u the reault of last ntxhl a aeenu, and the I. .1.1 i liaml.erlain a Ueparl ineiit ha" taken tvety ineeaullon t" t ut umvetil liny ulieiupt lo repeat the perloriiiaiui' tointibt when another un. lion taken piat e at Hot kitighum pulaee. .1'einona in the Immediate Vleltuty , at Ihe tune deelare the whole aeelie hinted lena than tell nt roll. In and tile woman had onl linn lu "'J" ulutr itudtbly, "Voiir ma jent lea, for liod'a aakt " when ahe waa eeied and! hunlleil out of he Ull. .lie loom, till- ' It-limn the nenlen. .- aa ahe went. Klna ileorKu wan the t-ooleat mini In the .-oinpiiuy and III preaeiitntlona pro. ee.led Alth elo. kaollt ri'Kttlurily. . It Im iin.lerntooil no further notion will I..- taken iiuamnt Mmm Hloniilehl ex. e.t to bat h .iia-l f UllctlollH. 1'he ainlein obtained court In the ordinary iil'Ulii alum to Ihe lord lO w..y throuah rhi.mbeiluln'a deparliiiert. lie. i nt dm. out lealea allow n by linl liaiila to the kluK and the huiiilim tlown of mail) t Inii. ion have In flamed pnbli. opinion lo a l.-mark-a'de dearee. I'eople have been alill further In eetlaed by whilt la leKalded an the Well Krollllded belief that lllllth of the Woii. of dent i u. In hi in done by hired hand, well paid "i'l of the hulKiiia rotfi-rn ol the W omen a So ilnl und I'oliUcul I moll. Cuaea have been n-ported of women It av lint oth er employ mi nt to Join the milium, not ironi love of the cuune. but "l.e tiliint. the pay In better." I'. duo in.iK it-It ale have warned eulTrauette pllnoiiila that if they hail pot been prolet ted by lilt point' thev Would cerliilllly have ailftered nt the of the tiute l'iHli. . Tin ua temper ilu'Viti bv tin- tn.wd ut le.ent mi tt lit III ilelllolintriitlolia aeellia to eiippolt thin view liieuler ac tivity on the pint of the k-i el lillient la i Xpe led. The lather or Min llltunfiiid wu a well-known .ir.-hiti"! Her man. I father, the lute IM. Illoli.f lehl. wan blnhop of I. on. I. .11. Lady HI tit-hl. who attended the 1 fundi explained today that ahe T that the m..i in 1 wan looking- ntt-r u Irlcn.l whom un. ith a Lake View. I" pleaeiitiua and un tiottunil of ner nuuftnter a action. III TOIIH I III III II AT Hill l 11.1. DI l l!0 I II lieiby. Ki.iil.intl. June a - The hln-torb- i hurt h nl Hieatlnatl, hack to Noiiiutu timt.1 and t out. lining many prl'-eii aa It la a. .. iltniroyed by file during the hiitl'l. Suttla aeitea ate trunpe- led b the auihori li. a an expb.nioiia to th"ae ta.ireil b. the bomna u-ulallv tin j.ot,fd by the ura. 'it antiad were heard I. time Hie Lie. A almit time ago auflritKctte mcelilin in Ihe village ol llrcu.b-ull wan t.iok.n up b hoy a and It la geln-rallv napp..-ed that the Women burned ihe rli-Jt. h III Ii V enge. A ng the Ihing-i I onnllllle.l bv the Maitice wan an it m lent chained Tlie church itninti r. tlalnm bin k to 1 j 7J. wua aavi-tl. j m i,m..mi iii i i m km i im; ntin ii in. rio London. June John K lletl- inon.l. leader of the Irinh natioiiul intn today tb'.-lno-.l a re.pient by Irlnh aullraglala that he Iceive a deputll tloti to dlaeiiiia the lu. Itiaion t.f wom en aa el. il. .in f..r the liti-h pallia till' ii I. Mr. Hi .Im.. a. I pointed out that plevli.iin tli-piilaltolia of Una na ture had lailaed only lll.pleana lit nca-i ami leil.-ial. .1 the view that Ireland, under home rule, timet tlei idv wheth er ahe want women votera. In cunae'iiiente of auffraglat at- ta k. i hur hen in m-inv pintn of the (OlllltlV I'le I. eltlK I lone. (.-pt foT the unual MutidaV neivi.ea. lAltl. l.TTo IWOII l ItltlAHl It TO II I All i:..ii i, vti. .ii to.iiv repiii to ,i ehliri h m-npaper Alll'h ipt led I i Hie aufTiaaeiiea f..r it "trine .'f rlud 1 a- follow. ' Theie in only ,,'ie w ay in w hi.-h this fieplol a l.le mot i II It'll t i, tn in- elide. I I'll. I thai In hv the lliirodui-ll..l by lh' Kot ei nnieiit ..f a woman niirTr.iKe hill on ail mailer i ..iine 'tril wnh Hnjir 1'nlli V the Wolllefl ale a 'n. l II t e I v deal I' nllKk.'ntii.lla or I. e rol.lTK AI. I MOV I I M l I UIA. l.l. III lolllll IU London, .f tl in ,' 1 1 III. ialn of th" Woinen'n Co. ia I and I'olili.-al I iiuoi. the militant oraa ion, dent r' aponaibility for the in. ub-nt at Hu-k Ittahiim pal i.-i lanl tuiHit wliiu a W " inan Inlenupieil ihe pi .- til al i..n t throw urn heru li at the kii.a'a feet. r-, i. w .i i Highly Year Uld Woman in Role of Kidnapper Mis. Roy Palmer Confesses to Pueblo Police That She Took Chief Part in Abduc tion of Little George Ziller. lly Lea-itl Wire o rtnliit lleraol.) I'ui-lilo. I'olo, June ,i Kollowint Ihe aerinalloiial ilesi-t-nt on a piibiii at h.'ol ;.y two women in an aut'.in.. Inl and the alb'Keil kldnapintf of l.eor'4" L. iller, ten year old n..n t.r il. . Ziller. late ye.terday. Ho polit e to. I ly luive anked Hie iiiitboritiea at Neetllea. t'nlif . to nppielo nil Mr" M J. M.' tlrath. tilyot.e.l vt lie of iller i. ml Ho no'a moth. -i tthum the latter a. i-uae of abdiictllia the hot. I'l-te.-llv ea here any that Mm. 1;.,V I'aliiier. i.Meil ' , eonfea-ird to Ihem today that ahe had a nlnire In tin and that 11 waa ahe ho lure.' Ihe Zili.-r boy anny from bin t-niTipun.or.n to the automobile in which hm mother waa waltlnK Mm I'almii I-. reported to have aald thai Mra. M"iirai lame to her aeterai oayn .ill" aakina her aid in ret-ov erlir.' her noil. The Palmer Woman an id ah. lit ted without any intent ion of dolii vttoiiK but fell Impelled to help the n other whoNt heart waa breaking be inuiw of the w para I Ion from h-r t hil.l. Launch Louis as Gift to French Nation Ppcnliitirm in Ranalo in fiiva aaw waivaH vavii a) a a. aar w aa a , i i ranee riace or lionor in Formal Opening of the Pan ama Canal. Illy la-aatfl Wire in l.teulua I'.erai ' W .tnhinut'.ii. Jitio' Ci. - lu recount 1 1. .11 -f I tie M'l v p en of lilt l''relicl. pi-.. pic in the ctmntruciloii of the ir.iii.uiia canal, firnt elepa were taken today t, prenent to I rami' the htealll In ii Ii I.oiiim', uat d In roiiat riivltnii the . una I, alid lo Klvt to the llttb. nlnp tin. i iiik (In Kieiiuli llatf Ihe place v( hyiu.r ut ihe formal open il'K ' Senalol' It'll. t today 1 1 It r nl II. e.l a ' reaolllttoll ttll'thoi lilllir Hie I'lenenlo Hon The I... nine wan built ill France In lx."t und uae.l Hint l.y the Fren.i , I'aiiama canal company und laler by Hie I nltett Statea Trriv r, An t. 't ."wta ir a i nx.AU ur jJAJ-.ii jvi.v v a DIES TODAY AT 84 ; I ' (lly laoi'tl Wire in I vi'iiIiik Herald. 1 I I... oi .11, June a. The I. ..I I of I. li lt, Mi tlie. I lu. lav. uae.l HI. He vvim.ll'!' ' .lu tamp lo Ilia father, the mud call v. ho -a .a in coiiimiimt of Hie Ittiti-h tavalry diirinif the I'tliii.-an war and (Who w.ia l.HKelv IC.-p.'llttlMo for Hie . haru,, of the I. milt I. iii;... le at II il a a. Is. 0. 0. SIGH ii OUT III SN1D-H SCANDAL Detectives Tell Story of Frequent Visits to Apartments of New York Charmer by Frisky Youug Husband; Singer Tells Court to Hurry as She Must Sail for Europe Tuesday to Sing in Wagnerian Festival. I lly Lrax-d Wirt to IM'nlns llcruhl ) i i hu ago, Julie .' F.xua aeut f r 'Ihe S. buui. i nil-llciii k - Ka p dlvoi.e t ane W l-re coin 1 1 uom la. ed in Judge Sullivan a today. All (olenooii the ai lai. un. mole than hall ol them mil I an. I t utin -t oiiierem e in , w .iiiit-t., nat w hlle I he t .ael w el in ae.- et ' t hallibi'la. Mine. ' huiiiaiiiiTleink I- under , t'outract to upi't-ar at Hie W.taueruiii featlval ul lleyleulil. I le I'lila HV , June ! 15. ami Ihe tonteieii.e la aai.l to have i ton. erne. I proponii including lligllt aenalolln. lo haelcil the ttiul't priv. reding. The ainger aaya ahe I In lint at. 1 1 11 ul later 'hall lit XI Tilt - day. The depoaitlon of William Naple. DOUBT AID HOPE AT FALLS Mediators Frankly Admit They no not Know What to Expect from Carranza or When to Expect it. WASHINGTON SILENT ON LANDING OF ARMS Another American Ship Lands Arms and Ammunition for the Constitutionalists at Tampico Today. Ilf la-nanl Wire to menta Herald.) Muaurii Kalla. June i The Kn etui altitude here ill reard tu lh expe. ted reply from General trarran xa, chief of the lonatltutlunaliat tatiaa In Mexico, lo Ihe nolo the Houlh A nu-r I. an medlatnra aetit htm hint Tuea.litv, throUKh hla repreaentallvea in vv unhuiKt.'ii, la a mixture of doubl ami hope. In Home tiiurlera there waa more or b-n akepllt lm manlfeateil. It wa evident iiiiiin believed l arranxa a ra np.inne would be tiemitlve, bul It waa hoped it would leave open the dtatr for toniliiiied correapontleneo. eml ollb lal al.itementa in reaurd to tha attitude of farranxa Inward the me diation iftM'aellna Indicate he la nt ready to accept iinreaerverily the of fer of roiiiI nfflcea irctleally re newed by the medlatnra. A queetion which arouaed Intereat here Unlay waa no to when Curranau. who- la repnrtetl en ronto from Durango ! Saltillo. would reach the latter city, where he ta ireiarin to eatuLllaU hla PIovImIoiihI government. While no nieeiinaa botween tha mediator and either Ihe American nr .VI cxi. nil delegate were achednhwl for Ihe day. the niadiatora Ihem relvea pliinneil to (tet toaelher tn dia . una the luteal phuae nf the aituutlon IIT Ttl IH IMHT . mm PI ZZLKS WSHMiTt UanhliiKtoii. June S The altna tinu t-oiirrontliiii the W'Bkhlnaion fov. erniueni with reference t rhlpnit td of arm to coat itiitliinnltnt font., a' Tampb-ii continued today aa tha ab aoiiiina ai.i.Jcct of deliberation of "f llciala A reiiort rem hed the atnte depnit inerit that another aieamer loaded with Hinniiiuitlou had cleared from New Vork today for Hiilveaton. Secretary llryan reiterated again that Tampico rat ll I l held aa an open port, not w Ithatundlnf that aeveral ahlpr are en route there with arm for the i-onatitiitlonaliata. "Will ii cuniliuin aa an open port when uinti.tinnK-n reai hea there'.'" h Waa anketl, "I fan oulv tilk of lha preaent. leaving th- f-'tu-e In thoae who would epei ul.ita, ' returned the aetvre tnry. Hear Admlial Howard reported that tlie about Masutlan coiitlnuea and that the fedetal foitl II' allotia have been butlly dumuaed by i the t iinntittiiionullata' artillery. I lleporta of forced loan ( Many Spuiiinh and other fotelKimr have been made In contribute to the rev olulloli. John I:. SiilUiian. American vice coiiaul at Salnllo conferred lialuv with p'i'i relary Hran. and John Lind parti, ip ate. I. but no atali-metit wua iiuitle While Mr. Sllliman declined to talk extenaively of hia experiein ea I when he waa aoented und thieatened n dote. -live, waa read. aaut he wtid and watched Kapp during Hie month nf February, 11 J, and that on ntiineroiia ot canton he aa' llapp In company with Mra. iVther ine I eau of New York. lie aald ha hud aeen Hipp enter the woman a put tint nl lata at night. The it. -p. .nil, on aald Maik llairlaon, un at tor, wua a lie'.irut iailor of Mr. Iiean'a. John Hurger janitor of one of the building where Mi. I nun had an upaiimctil depttaed that Kapp had been among Mia. I 'call tiaitora. Mia I '. an nioved .ut after three Iia explainm ah cotnd not pay the rent, llurger a depoaltioo atated It wua learned that a vetditt might he expeited by Saturday night. I