OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1914-1922, June 06, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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get you most astth!:;g
IT Tays to to CarefuL ( RarB
I I Might have got Alimony.
Vol. . No. aa.
tn 4. No. in.
i t w ii i i bit r r
Complaint Made to Col. Lock-
ett Today That Firearms Re-
main in Possession of Carbon
Plant Guards.
President's Board of Concilia
tion Leaves to Undertake
Peace Mission in the West
Virginia Fields.
llf laeti Wire to Ftrnlna. Herald 1
Trlni.l i.i, Cno.. June 0 Im ill of
Ilil.il nf the I'liiK-.l Mum Workers
have mi. ili' ii r- u nl In i 'til. .1. I.oi k
ill, t ..iiiiiiii tiilmit III I. iii'. ul Ire 'I'
here, Hun rii.'HrniH nl lu w .n Hitf
Pohucmhi.mi til i if gnnril Mil em-
I . n of the emboli i'ii I mill Cuke
ininpanv .it Cngcdnle be rullis l.'il.
The iinliirl leader .iy Unit lhi gun
will' iii irr taken "l lit Cokedale.
Al military hcudnmirter II w
Hinted I hiil ul tin- linn- the divurmu
inent nun going nn In Ihe dintm!
early l.ti imiiiili. nil nun ul Cokedal
hitk gathered up nml tendered the
uriny officer ly the oft'ctalH (.f ihe
compnnv, bill I hut the fedcrul ufllccr
liml nut taken inS4'Hi.'n ul thvlo.
I'litiil'l.iuil lh.it u number of Im
ported nu n liml gone I" work In ihe
Aguilar illMirn l u made t Ihi- fcd
fl.il ii ul hoi II If bv. lh ulilnll leader.
An InveHttgallon by Ihe iu ni ufllccr
rfiuilniii'il ul Aviillnr dtcloed that
lh Minn liml gone tiler BOlll 1 1 III''
lii-fort the Ii ill nil imnpx occupied
I In- dieimt anil heme in .u rwii.i i
ul tin- fi ller I policy woiilJ not be
prevented from working.
Mojlnr Jimitm !. In l'riir,
Seattle. M'liKh., June . "Mother'
Mury June, orgnnlxer for the I'nited
Miiik Worker of America, left for!
Vancouver ly Member lui night
without hindrance, the r,innlin nn-
iniKralloii officials, who prevented
tn-r from emimrking on the ir- oui
ilay . Ii.nin lioi-n overruli'il by Ihtfir
Miii-rior ofri'ri nl Ottawa. j
Tli lirilivh I'ohiiiiliia goMriiiiunt
nKlvr.il Ihc rXrlnMon of "Moihr " ,
Jiiiim. mho hu uniutui'il lur Inim
I mil of uHr'Hlng lhi vtilkuiK ion I
minrr of Virti omrr InIuihJ. on th (
mmiiKl tit In h woiilil l Ilk. ly li ,
"ullr up irouliliv'-
Krlly . rni) Mill tiolns. . I
Furl W ii i. Iml . Jim C. -Sullf n
liml r "nl I ul nvi r Ihnr urri'al uinl
dtiiiiton hi r tiinht in the Kort ,
Wiiym- iioliir lntloii, Til iiKiiilicr '
wlinl ' rifi 1 1 ii I Ihc ln'ilrn(il"l rem-!
mini of I'oloncl Kelly I iilifi.rnl '
ii i ill v of Ihp iiniiiiin. il. were,
iniiri hi'il nnili r iiolli e em orl iu r '
the ant ill llinlli tniliiy anil iirni'd
In keep on Kilnn.
Wh Viritlnla (oiMillMllon Jflori. I
WuHhiUKtoii, June (.--The lion rit of
roni ill.. In. n Hi piiliiteii I.) pirrel.ir)
Wl'.eon of Ihe d m Inn nt of lalior
lo try In adjiiw tho difterenie le
iween I'll iking miner in the Kanaw
ha conl field of Will VllilnU and
Ihe operaior wa prepurlna Imlny to
leave for Wl Viiainut. The t on-1
riliuifir are. l liaile W. Mill and
l'lilri.'k I'.dday uf l'i tinoylvHiiia. re
reent.ilive of the miner, and
A. Fuulkner. u ripreeiil:ilive of the
depart melil of labor. They epe I
In he on Ihe ground In lake up their
work next week. Ten thoUHHiul men
are wild In he Rile. 'led by Ihe lrike.
Nil ttlMirih. hi iilni:linM llnnl.
I'lltwl. uritll. June Ijirir rrowd
of airiker eurroundeil the entraiue
In Ihe WeNtinKhourw Klei Irh' and
Maiiiifat'luritiK I'ompany'a pliuit In
K.iMt I'uiHliuruh thl niorniuK. and a
nn h workman enu red ihe Kate he
wa railed upon ly friend in the
crowd In Join litem. There were
loin adultii.ii to (ha rank of the
Miriker. and ollnr men, welm Ihe
' liwd. relurnell In their iM.llie.
I lu re wi mi due rd.-r.
TTa' 1iaiirfi-iir Hurt.
Norih Hlialford, N. II. . June
Frank famine, the chauffeur who
diovo Many K. Thaw In a wild flntht
from Norton Jdill. Vl , acroa Ihe
Mute line lo I'olebrook, N. M. after!
Ihe Malleawun fliiiillv had been de- j
polled from I'anaila. waa Injured
when an aulomnhllv he wa operallng
i'Hptiied today. -
Jap Admiral IIimmimiI.
Han Knini iwii. June . Vice Ad
miral T. Kurol arrived today from
Irfi Aniielea with the fllrl-claa Jap
a m-He rluer A ma and Aum.
and in eniende I formal welcome to
the city by representative of the
l.u.ol mi. I f.. ilMr.il piki'mi.m.nl. the
ranania-l'aclfli' expolilon and vari-i
mi oiKUiilnatloii
The cruiaer will depart June H!
(or I'uget found. '
BUT 01
Senate Interstate Commerce
Committee Votes to Bring
in only Trade Commission
Measure this Session.
Pointed Out that Action Fol
lowed Conference with Pres
ident and Urgent Plea for
(lit ImkhI Wire ( Kiniit llrmlil.
W'uHliiimi.iii, J ii ii.. Tlir hi ii.il'
IlilelHlate i oiiiliii'H i l omiiijlii i l iilny
voliil to n . mi out only III., li.nl'
iMiimlMion iiM'HHUie ol the truot
hill. The iittlull ii roliMl rio'il ly
inuiiy a an kiliiutii'n nf limitation
of Hie iiillliliilliHllon iiiiralii ill
th' 'Ment iMMinii ol ronur..
There wu no ii'n.nl Mile. Ill u
general lllm'lllon eollle ttellalor o'
cit Ihe motion niul olhl'r llerlarei!
Iheinxi'ive niieil even li Ihe lull
at the ir hi m lime, t 'huirmiiii .i w
lanil nuitl Ihe roiiuiiliiei later miHht
lake li iiiienieiilul leRixluiion ami
iMfiieil Ihi Htutt'ineiil:
"The rommiltee ilelernilneil Inilay
In mHKHafr the trad iominiMiii.il
Iroin the Uilemenlal h-KlrtiuUiin
a ml iiiiihorlil me I i reni mi
nmenilinenl In Ihe nature of a uhll
lute lor my oriituiul hill lor a trmle
i .miiiitwli.il. The laiinmiliee roll-
Inileil in nniiie ihe trail, rolnnil
ion 'the federnl irle loininiMxlon'
Inaleaal uf Ihi. Imeralale Iniite i-nm-nilwiloii,'
in order In ilearly dlmi
tiilh It lyoiii ihe inleiftule mm
nierro I'ominnuiioii.
"The feur e.ieed ;hl Ihi hill
will InuiiNiirale u Hholewile lni'Hl
llon of the three hundred ami lift)
IhouMiniJ etiriKir.tlion of the loim
Iry iiViiundle. Thin oer I u
tuliluill (he Kami- a in now
newed by the hnreiiu of i oriioiulioii.
Hud rloilily Ihe imAer of that lui
reuu haw not lieen ei rrlneil In hih h
Mil! u lo nniioy Ihe In. mil liuxl
rioM of ihe country.
"The toinmiliee mill tonlinue II"
roliHlderalimi of n..l. m.-nlal Ii-kii--lalion
retturdiiiK inierloikinic diree
tonite. holdmit eotniiuniei., railroad
kerurille. lie.. Hint it lli'lion .11. i he
on Ihe line of amendment to Ihe
trade i'oniinl-lon '.ill or of eiaiate
leniHlutmn." .
home ud'iiiniKlration m-iihIoI de
l hired the i.iiiiiiiIi.. a tli.n did ll"l
forixhadou' a i"iil.iiliiient ot Ihe irul
.n. cram hi thl eMinii. Thoe In
i lined to the view that it may, point -ed
out thai the rtunmillee a. lli.n
am alter i oiifeiem e of ome of
the member with Ihe preanlenl nml
eniphiiHliied the pieiwiire lor an ad
journment before Ihe full imiiipuliin.
Arrests Made in
Daring Auto
Hold Up
Chauffer and Pool Hcom Own
er Charged with Bold Day
light Robbery in New York.
(awelal IH.palrk to Kteklaa Herald'
.New Voik, June C. J.. .li l.i.liu".
a thuufleiir, nml Jume Kay. a pool
room owner, were held Imlny charged
with piirtn'lpnttnn III Ihe holdup e
lerday of twn employe of Ihe Amer
ican I'an company, who were robbed
of nearly fl.tnui. r red Kelly, ar
reted previ'MiMly, coufej.ed. ai-cord-Ini
In Ihe police, that he had driven
Ihe car In which Ihe men linule their
esc .e. He aaid I.oiik.i hired him.
Ity iMnnl Win. in rtln Herald. 1
Allur.tii. lia , June f. Judge Hen
H 11.11 of Ihe Fulton county uperi"r
court, today auetalned the atate'a de
murrer lo the mnl nil lo act UHlile Ihe
Verdict by whlih Leo M. Frank wa
round Kuiltv of Ihe murder of Mury
I'hiiKin, a factory Kir I.
The motion wu hiined on the claim
thut Frank' cnnatilutional rlshtu
were violated when a verdict waa re
turned during Ihe Condemned man'
beni' from court.
KitiM) la I In- riilHpplitc.
WuNhinaton, June t William
Kemeya tt the 1 lil rl- nf Columbia,
formerly of New Jeraey, and now
alenoarapiier kit speaker t'lnrk. hu
been nniMilnled aeeuilant aecretarr of
he Philippine coinmnuiloii. Il wlll(
leave jor Manila July t.
President Poincaire Today In-,
vites Former Foreign Minis
ter to Form a New French
Modification of 3-Year Army
Term One of Chief Stumb
ling Blocks in Way of an
ly fxnar1 Wire to Kvfnlne !lrrnb1.)
I "n If. June 6. I'reMilcnl I'mn. me
Ihi evenniK Invlie.l Theonhile l"l
c. .. loriner for iBii mlhit'r, in loim
a new French cat 'net.
Ilt-lie V I via ii i. who ye-leldiy Wi"
h.i hi tn have aiiepieil the premier-
Hhlp 1.11. 1 o h ue Ml'llllllly i lerled nil
lii.- member of the new I'lililm-t. t
day llifoimer Preniiii'iil I'nluc.ire thai
he wa unable to form a inlniMirv mi l
ileclined lo make any lui'her -n nr'.a
lo do u.
There wa li. ili.l dixcuHHlon wh"C
the mlniHler . h.Hii bv M. Yiv
Itinl nut iiri.imally i.nl.iy lo pniii c
Ihe declnralion of indicy lo be laid
l.elnre phi I in mi' ii I . The iUetlon
wlui her tlie new coinbinallon hoii:l
uiueaeriedly aupport ihe three your
mihiaiy Hcrvtcc law or inodlfv it.
found a hopelen dlvilon of opinion
A a coneiience of tbi iIImukmio.i
M. Vlvlnnl al nine proceeded to i'ie
ni line of Klyee nml lold 111,, pie.
Idem he had din lib d lo gne up hi
attempt lo form it enlunei. It w i
a Id Maurice Halcoptauc, French am
biifhador. who nrilved here hU iiiuht,
had Informed the prelilen: l wa tlie
eurneat hope ot the Kmperor of Kii"
n.a thut Frame would not modily tne
three year' army m-rvii e nml thai he
had mainlMined thai nnv euch i'P
v.ould lend to ueaki'ii the allium nr
teen Fruncf and ltuiu
M. l'nleol"KU. H teporu-d havinj
aid he Would be obllKeil li. r.itlt 111
I "! at HI. rctefhlirg If Ihe Inn ne
A preildeiitnl deeree tin been Hr
ready drafted and wn ready lo be ,
Hllcd loil.iy llliliollliciuir Ihe I'ompoMI
lion of the cabinet previously f ol ni".
by M. Vivlntit w hen the frcHli in in
iHierlnl crii aron...
Mad Murderer Is
Fortified in
August Tomsics, from Church:
Steeple Kills Four, Wounds !
Fourteen And Defies Whole!
Hungarian Villige
OlMX'ial lluiu-li lo Ties llrrald).
HudxpeM, Huiiilary. June V. A
mud lliurdeiri, Aiixuhi Toiuhii h, ban;
Mince ycHierdiiy ntorniiia iiiadu tin
iiiU.rclHiiible fori i en out of the
lerple of Ihu vlllaKo church at
lloeflnny. Armed with a rrpeulliiK
ilflt. and fiOi cui I ruliie. he tmik ret
uae in Ihe ale. pie, alter killing a
tanner and hi wile and WuuiidinK
their daughter.
I'ullce trie dto reach Ihe criminal ,
but Wei repulned Willi a lllHlllilde
wi n h killed two and Wounded four- I
teen other.
A large fore of police cirri-ended '
Ihe church today but their commuud.
er cntifenMcd he waa hcll.li urn II
Toiiihi. li decided lo urrc inter or iihciI
up hi, ainmuiniion. A narrow iair
Mity la the only uprpout Ii to Ihe
Kleeple, and wlienever any bod,' ha
attempted l am end it Toitil, h ha
been able to lone Into ipncklv I"
id-mend alaln. He fired of In"
.ot cartridge eierday and benide
wounding a large number of peraon
di'Miroyed Ihe altar and pi. lure in
the church. Thl iiiiuning he nbout
ed from the aleeple:
"It I a good thing you let ma
aleep during tlie night. Now I have
freh atrengih. When my Iiihi curl
ridgn la gone I will kill myxelf."
Itr Ixaaed Wlr lo Kiealnf lloraM.l
I'aria. June . t'ol. Theodor
HiHiutevell wa the guet of honor to
day al a luncheon given by Uul.rlcl
llalioliiux. former linniHler of f.r
elgu affair, who brmmlil logaiher to
meet the former president a number
of dullngillbed peraona.
Witnesses Today Testify That Schumann Heink's "Nice"
Husband and Mis. Dean, Kissed Frequently and Sat in
Each Other's Lajis; Otherwise Their Conduct Was Decorous-Save
for Some Delerious Letters Read Into the
(Ity I -a aril Wtrn lo F.irnlng Hern Id.)
ik. .iiuie a. i.i'ii
: . iiiiiih
wnh word-, of n (T
nii.crniiiK cloe
clln'l all, I (i l 1 ill V
IIHHH illl ..h In vl ..
W illinin li.i... Jr . and Mi- i '.h lo t in,,
Iv I lean in her New Ynr lioin.. we. e
I'l e.elll. il Imlny in (;i p.
iliior.-i. Hint of Mudanie
ll' ink nu i in i Hupp.
Minx H'r.iii. i j AhIiIi.ii
lur le month lived In
upniiniini wa iini-Ktlcii
mnu of lh
l.'ll w, wn i
Mi". Henna
I and he
done u. iiii.iinlnii. with iln iiilexed
iloini!" ol Mr. Mi nn an Unpp k pi
the intention of iha i...i.., coiiit
loom mid .ippinenily weie . iin.ii-.'
Inieie,).! I., tin. diva who I.Hiemd in-
tellll. A lelley I.U-lU HI. . liy MlHW
AhIiIoII n h.iilli been Htit by l::i.p
to Mih He, in w.ia iiitroil.o ml m evi
dence. Home of it aetitcii en weie:
"Hear Noiiriic; Thin uiol 'ini'4
broiiulil me a windfall i In m. leiiein
Irom ynu and u iota! fiom o.y nih
t.r." "You me Juki mply Xoiinie.- find
Wat. li over p.ii and keep nii. I do
hot prav but that winli i.i n nenr a
Prayer a I can come."
"1 am f tllliiK in love with you ail
over again and lollK lu li.i v you ul
tie head of my mode! Intl.- home
Mhcic yniir little henrt nml hniijn
would ii.nirol 'l I lilni' '
Another Idler Haiti:
"HciichI Nnnnie: I'lni".' himi 'Ni.n.
nu,' ami iio 'Knile.' Anxotie may iih-i
the name K.tlle. Iml Noiiiiu- i o :ie
aecret and a. red. 1 look up to y.m
and wothip ni and eiiliri'l ,
our 'Hilly .' '
The i loHiim word of another letter
rend by Ihe attorney were:
"You are the one woman who can
give me happiticH once inv fioiil I nl
plain Willi ilHclf. Your dulintf,
Hilly "
liver object ion of Coll Ii u.l for the.
difendimi a letter waa iiiirdiied 111
which It. Ipp UHked Mm ll.nll to wri'e
a fori lido letter 10 M ul nne Hi h'i
ma i n -1 1 .. I ii h nml to thr'ni'-u her wiln
11 milt for dnmiixea if the dh coupled
Mt. I " un a mime w ith Hint of Unpn
In tin letter Knpp unvc an iiilline "1
the letter which he w IHhed o hll'D
wtllten lo M. illume S liuninli.l-ll' In
Ii I'hicnKii.
A eller couched In Hlmllur lnni;iino
Old Established House of Chaplin, Milne, Grenfell and Com
pany Famous in World Finance Falls with Crash
Through Speculations in Canadian Stocks by Arthur
Morton Grenfell, Former Chief of the Firm.
in lienaed Wire i ri'inm ft -raid ;
London, June t. ' buplln, M:lnc,
Hrenfelt und i'omp.t., Limited, a
well Known firm oi iiierchuni und
banker in I'rinceiu. i !, aiiNpended
loduy. The .in ,., . wa regtereil
in 1MHI lo lake t ill. tiuatiifbN of
Morton, tin .t in nr. I ' ompiiny itor
merly Moitoti. Kom .ml I'ompainl.
It uitlhorixed capita! is 1 1, i Mi.iiiiii.
The lirm I uu "! .lublihed i n"
with llluh repuialion and cxcellcb'
lumily vuiine.'lion. 1' . ..ndilct'd gen-t-tut
und privute li.mK.i.n and a com
pany for promotimi Mmine t'Ua
du el lot include Ki n. "t t'huplln, vi.
tirinnell Milne and 1: VV. Hkipwith.
The fallnie ia I'eln- ed to he" Iff
reniili of large opet " on In liranl
Trunk by Arthur M t on Hr.-nt'.'!',
who w.m formerly a incmher of llio
firm ami w ho, dealn.k:-. recently hx.e
been Ihe Hllbject of icn.-h goMHIJl. II
i auld everl I'litiolinn and otb't
coinpaiiie wherein lo- waa UilereHieil
an involved. Kail Orey. w Iioh
duiiHhier wa liriiiii! liml wire, '
repelled among the In ,y loner.
I'oAi-rful hanking . ' .I other inter
chi have been nx for wnni'
weeka 10 re-ehtiibliHb '.reiifcir iilt-ii''"
lu the llilere! ol I" my alockhoi'l
ei of the rompum It econt rolled.
The firm tc'i hllj Ih- ,1 a nolle,. Hi it
lirenlell had Hot ' en connected
there with lnce Fein iary 17.
The affair of ihe "ik were large
ly involved with Hi "-,, of the t'un
iidiao agency, I.lniil'"! which wu nn.
irullcd by Arthur i . m m (ell. He a'ld
Ihe I'.iiiinljiin aa.'b. bad been en
gaged in 4 cam pa lit ii it the pur. linn
ol a coiiirolling Ini i' i In the Uiatii
Trunk milwiiK Inn bn lhoe aecii:
n le d-p reclined, H. "I'lixauon he
had created were i .kiII over by .1
Hlrong group of II ..". nil houae Pi
order I" protect the many murk ex
change hi to Involv. l
The bank loe ilu'iugh loan '
ilrenfell and withdraw nl of buiui
coneiiicni on In "l" ration -ati"'i
Ihe hank to upeiil I la believe'',
hoaever, lo lie lit i I y uhent bir
lima will be reipiiict " ll.illil..le the
iiHrel III ordir Iml ii' ,"Hiti,r may be
pu Id.
The total of Ihe b poNita la under
loud to have been Kiently dlmi'i
iKbed in the l:it u.ouih and Ihe
amount outtaii.link' believed lo he
a bom $ I, -',11,1111.1.
Further f. ilium in "'inettion wnn
ro case
; nml rci. hid by ine uiiaer from Mrn
le. in wa later lnir"in ed
.Mi- Anlilon lold of havinii eeii
'Mi. 1 1.' ill km leitim win. h nlie hii.I
wi ie from "her Hilly ''
i "W hat did you tn.' Mi li.nn a id
Mr. Hupp do.'" lic nn uhhciI.
"I hiw ihe in hold hands; ih v ki- ".
each oilier and ".It ill cm Ii otliel
lap''." wn Ihe leply,
SIH iWX'V WW ".H XT Ml I:"
If M.idame H. Iiiiin:iiiu-ll-ink. In '. n
iiliend Ihe Wniiii' i inn fi.tiv:i in II. nr
"lit It . i! rui. in June I.',, a xlii- enr-
neHtly deitriH. iiillMl leave her I'lIK"
III Ihe lunula of her attorney an. I
hurry away, for the defeiiKi' h not
y t lu-Kiin ami l.nl.iv wa deioied I '
reiidliiR d posiiloii of New York wlt-
Further t -timony th-it Wdllnm
Itapp wa ofun ,n Ihe New Yorn
al num. nu occupied by Mr. I'aih.'r
Ine K. He.in, named In tlm diva' bp I
.i preaenied at Hie niorning aeai m
of couri. Few Kperlalor Were pres
ent and Ihe iiiloniey hurried lo the
reading of III,. depoii ion.
In her written temlnmny one wil
lies. .:n?aln.h II. ink, who ad ha
bad i fli li Hi-en Mr. Hupp nl Ihe I lean
11 pill t llienl, replied to a l 1 leH 1 1 1 . ; I .
"I Mr. K.i.. fin or ihln.' bv .iy
Itnr. "Not en thin Juni nice.
She iiIh.i Hind h.. had (reipieinlv
wen linn "out walking with I'ltiM,
Mr. Iiean'u dog."
I'lnto, ihe dog. alo appenred In tne
depoHillon of l.llllnli H. hnil.lt. d iugh
lr cf the fie.ni npartment owner,
"Iln told of being hired by Murk 11 n
llnon, Ihe actor, who wa unid lo hnve
also nein a freiiueni Inilor th.-re, lo
lake the il,.u mil for i.xerclne.
Tlie Kill tcHtincd Hhn h.iw Itupp nt
ihe I '.. i ii in iriui. nl wearing an apron
nnil II n Hi: the Move. sin- declared
that Mr. In in anked him lo tiny oine
meat, and inileil In in "Honey."
. "iinee,"' H.iid Him girl. "Mr. Henn
Hi, owed mu a leiter from Mr. Hipp.
She klHH. il ihe letter lilnl I prcl. Jlltell
1 did not we II. Hh. lot me rend me
letter. 1 iloii'l leiminber wpai H
Rind, but Ii i niled, 'Your 'niilil il
Hilly.'- '.!
Arthur ilrenfell re. ently folini d n
iIiin i-iie ale not expi'.-ted.
Hiidi ale for the pun hae of a cin
llolliliu illlel.it In the lil-lleial I'e
trolciitu compiiiiy of I'alifornin un'i
Fnrl litey hu been In riillfolin.i In
i oniieciioii with Ihe n got latloi.-i.
lir.iitcll I retlrlnir from the Iranaic
li..n which will now be lamed
throiiih ty oilier member uf uiu
The ilialik Trunk trutixielirni at
lempled by iireiif"ll U nniiideied n
one of the nioet during atock opera
iion I.i nn. Ik .1 here In year.
In Hie notice poHted on Hi door
of ihe hank, which have, been ur
iniiiided by a in.wil Hiuce ntoriuiiv.
tin- III in cxpri-HM renret at having to
Htu-pciid and Htate ihat 11 book have
been placi.tJin tin- hand of chailei '1
li. coliulunt to prepare a Htnteiuent.
Tha miniher of the ilr. iit. ll lam
lly are coming lo hi aHHciuii. e in the
Kiitlenieiil of hi nrTair.
Knrnv III New York.
' N'cvv York, June i Tlie miHietiH lo
nt I'haplin Milne, ilieniell & I'om-
i I niiy. ex. He, I Home urpre '.n mu
tn i ki t. pnvale IK.HUI nil' i h h.ivlnti
I I ci-n r eived here a fortnight ago,
when Arthur rcnfcll' einburrutii'
tii. nl became generally kiww'i, that
the lirm wa In no wine involved.
' So far u known t'tiuplin Milne and
lireiifell have no omtiiiiineiii or In
icumH in ihi market and in no time
w.ih the lirm ai'Hte In America.
No I'.IM't III taliroruiu.
l.o Angcle-H. I nl , June ti Ihu
fiiH.eiiHi.in in London today of I be
banking bonne f t'huplln, Milne,
ilrenfell and Coiiiputiy will have little
or no eflect upon Ihe oil ileula of
I till ie.li cupiluliHta In I'aiifoliiiu. J.
T. I'urrle, r.-preneniullvu here of lh
H cir-JMiillh InlercHl. w hn h have re
ci'iitlv piirchueed control of Ihe I'n
Icti nl company, a !', uuu, mm c.r
pornlioii. made Ihia aliilcment today.
Arthur lireiifell, una tune purimr
In Ihe aiiHpi uded film, and one of
the orgaiiKer of lire lliiliell Hindi
i ale which ha been active In Cali
fornia for Home time, had only a
comparatively email Intere! In ihe
I I repreaented by Andrew Weir
and It. Tllden Smith In the recent
lieitnll.iliolirt Which IKHulled III Ih
li'jliMfer of I III. n till.
iejwiHeeMeMeiWwww. w wwi ewe
Town of Sanborn Practically
Wiped Off Map When
Twister Sweeps Across the
Northwestern Part of State.
Calls for Help Coming from
Stricken Village Wrecked
by Storm Late Yesterday
Afternoon and Isolated.
(lt I '.-1 1 Wire to I "veiling Herald.
fioux t'lty, lown, June li. The tor.
nado which ewepi iicro northwe!
ern Iowa IiihI ic In killed aeven and
llljllled u doXell, pllllll' wiloiiMly, in'-
cordltiK i report received In Kloiix
i lly tin iifternoon. The known dead
a re :
I'. W. Yeiiiiuii, Hnnborn.
I'ulri. k lioiiKherly, Sunhorn.
- M. Niiti. child. Archer.
HiKland, child, Archer.
William HiIIh, Sanliorn.
' William M. I'ntilelH. Mari'iix.
Howard Hill, fnnliorn.
The erli,ul injured.
M. 1 1 Finch, Saul. ..in.
J. II. I.oiik, Sanboin.
Mrs. it. Y. Itonm-r. Sanborn.
Fdwaid I 'ykHHi rahitiM. J year "Id.
near HoHpcr. probably falally.
Ii I lyknl rnhuia, mur HoHper.
Harry HooKthorp, near Hohiht.
The lornuilo hit Hauborn about
.'. Jll o i li k lull eveiiliiK, leuvlliK
ruin and death In 1 1 waka.
Near Archer Ihe aiorm lore the
child of John liixlund from it frit In
I cr arm und iliiHln d It lo death
iiiriiinnt the "l'l- of the farm houne.
Nrat IIi.hm la Ihe aloi m Hlliick ihe
farm Innne of J.ime Allen und live
iiiemlaii of the family were injured
nn dtlie lnii.iin!H wrecked.
hi. i i n r giiu.iMMi
Utitil.i.rn. I.i'.vu, ,)n in. . - Two n rv
dead, .,ne inKaini; ,,m wo Injured in
ii cyclone w lib li t-truck thl vicinity
IiihI night. I'n.pertv damage la eli
Innte.l in SI r.n nun priii'tu ally all of
the nM en. I oi thU tovin buv init
been levelled bv Ihe wind. The ileud
Mih I! I.. Fink.
I". V Vetlllna.
Mu-.nn: I'utrick lb
Seri- tinlv Injured: J.
Mrn 1 1 W. Hiinner.
II. I. '.lift- an. I
Two ele'.utoiH, lie ell)- water tow
er. Ih.' le. ti n- Iittbt fdnnt und u lum.
her v.ir.l vv eer nwept awuy by the
Hi.. i in will. Ii Him. k here about i
o'clock. 'Ihe fact that there were
fat.ilitu did not develop mini today
when the I. mill of Mr Fink and
Yetlima. II lad of lli VenrH, were
found lit the lllined home .
l ull- for AhnIhImimi.
1 M.iHon I'tty. Iowa, June . Cull
for a-.Mt?tiince at Hauliorn. lovta,
I stricken by tuM nil'lit Htol in. were
received here tod iv. A wrecking
train wn cTlt went to nnxiHt tn re-
I pairing damage, mid all uvall.'ihle
wire repair men in town were mken
This Man's Leg
Was Wbrth
M. C. Wise, of Sherman, Texa,
Dead in Denver, Carried
$8,000 Concealed in Artifi
cial Limb.
(Il U-aai-d Wire In leTint Herald 1
Miermun, Tex , June .- -It. t.
Won-, dead In li. nver wuh $ oou In
certificate of depo hidden in one
of In uiiifi.'lal legH. wu a rcHideni
of heimaii. He came here In lul
from K.iii-iih t 'li v. where a brother
' and itr reiiile.
While einpl' v. it a a hrukemim lie
fell from a truin H lilbHon, nklu.,
land IohI both lc He ei ur.d IK.
' '" in damage from the railroad
e, mi .a ny. part of which In iiiveii"l
1 In oil pioperty nt Wichita Fall. He
i went o I'ciivcr In t March.
I Wihc deuih I reported hern t
i llav' been tine lo hIuiiiii. h trouble,
und Ihe rl feci ,,f voluin iry marvn-
ll'.ii, und. I'. lie in an elfi.it to effect
, a cure.
Tn Art-anui. Ilulian t:lillilt.
K.in Ft illicit. o. June . 'Knirat
V. it ban, former iituynr of Home, thn
Ilulian coiumiHHloiier to Ihe I'uiiiiinii.
I'.n ilic expoHtilon. left San Francuwo
today for Chicago und New York, ac
companied by hi anile. Il will go
to Italy to arrange thut country' ex
hibit, returning to Han Franclco In
four or five month In attend Ihe
dedn al ion of Ihe li'ilinn building.
III 101
Presidential Decree Declaring
Fort Closed Published this
Afternoon in the President's
Dario Official . , t
Discharge of Arms Continues
Today While Washington
Says Port Still Open. Car
ranza Preparing Reply.
(Ity Iaaed Wire lo Fenln Herald. J
Mchi Mt). June .. irrai
iliiitlal ilct'iw (k- larinc llxi irt
of TaitHHifv andcr liliN'kaile la lo
It. MlllllnlMfl till ftl'TlMIOn In
thn ltn ofllilal.
( Altll.t'H HFfl.Y KXI'MTKU
Wailiingion, June (. General Car.
ruiizu'H answer lo Ilia mediator I
cxpei lei' in ofllclal circle here lo In
clude an expi ewlun of l cad Ine to
aenil de: gale to Niagara Fulla to
ilimiiK Iniernaiional affair, aa
brought In by the altuation at Vera,
crux, but a refuaul' to graul an arml.
Thl expectation la baaed on tin
olilclal Information from aoiireea in
cloae touch with coiiatilullonaltat au
thor It le. Whether iich a compr
liiiHe will be acceptable, to Ihe medi
ator and I ha lluerta delegate re
nin i dh o be seen but the lilllMltUtinU
a 111 apparently believe their term
will uliiiualely be approved, particu
larly if the Amerit'uii delegate throw
their influence in favor of It..
fur-anxa'a nrutwer la null unformu
lated und little expectation enter
tained In rniilltntliinRllt rlrcleg her
that It will be put on the wire from
Hultillo before Monday.
rAUKtV.A lUX'ilNsl TO rilF.PAItK
Torreon. i'ouh., June t. Heneral
Carrnnra gnawer lo the lent que
tu.n ent him by the South American
Pii-illriTor now Ih being prepared,
('urrntiii, hi iurT and encurl arrived
here today nfter A night apeiit on the
ileni-rt twenty mile ruat of here,
where the train wu delayed by Ik
w UHhcd-nway bridge.
Heavy rain rtl. re reported aa
having delayed iratllc from lb"
north. If lietterul Villa doea not ur
ine from cbiliiinli'iii Cily by tonight.
Cut in n wi will leave written order l"r
Vllhi and coiiilnue In Journey to
.-'iiltlllo, which place he I niot aux
loiiH ti, reach, ilenerul Villa waa re
ported b. te a having left Chihuahua
city on a Hpeclul irum bound for
Torreon to meet Curranxu.
The coiiHtitiitlouullMl cinninunder-In-chief
vvuu given a large d liioin-tru-tiou
upon hi depurturv ycHtcrday
from Huruiigu. tfeverul tliouKind
a hool children lined the truck over
which In I in in wa to pax und tood
for Keverul hour in tit uu Id wave
him a larewall
When I'nriunxaa train wh glulled
li el night it Wul dUK'Overed that
lliem were no provlalona a it had
Imtrti expected lo reach Turreon for
dinner. The Anaocialed l'iea corte
Hpoiidenl produced an oil alove. and
two member of the general party
Nome canned provlHtona. Curiaiimt
ute hi meal in the dimly lighted box
car. und later Ilia Held telegrapher
put him In touch with hi military
ihici. throughout northern Mexl
All genera In ul Torreon paid their
rt-Hpccta tu Carr.inxa upon hi arrlvul
Ml HIV TOH". mt mi: TOIIAV
Nluguru Full, i int., June For
Ihe III hi time lu four days the Amer
ican delegulea conferred loduy with
ihe mediator. 'Ihe general peace
plan Wuh under dlcuioii a It hud
been decided u imii li progre u
poiwible would bv made while word
wu being awaited from ileniral Car
ran .a on Hie huI.Jc. t of vouatitulion
aliHt repreHtntullon Afttr the con
feience JtiHtne lnnar ealfl:
' The ill, iihuioii today waa on tha
aanie point which we had Defore u
.ii Tueadiiy and before the I'arruntu.
nn I. lent aroae."
I'll JiiHtice gdded that there wn
jiibiaiiliiil agreement on the poiuia
ilia tiMcd P . lav. He auld he hud no
.,i l from Wanhlngiou alfiut Ih at
tiludo vl the coiiNiitutionali'.
Il wa generally understood om
ph.iKea of ihe land (uellon and
met boil of treatment in Ihe protocol
were conaidervd today.
Tumplco, Mix., June 5--H way of
llrownnv llle, Tex, June f I in tha
urrivul here today of Ih American
homier uiiHhine from ll.ilveeton
Hh S.miu.uuc Manner ani W liichea
ler i in trlilcei f.i" the rouatttutional
lat nuthoriiie. Admiral Mayo aent
Flag l.leut. Arthur II. Cook to learn
the character of the cargo.
Cat lulu liroan of the Hunnhlne
had inaila hi 1'wl fuat tn the cu
toio Imuw wharf and h had begun
tu dim harge her cargo. Aftar the

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