Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE EVENINO HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., SATURDAY, JUNE 0. 1914. ALABASTINE Not Wall Paper Not Kalsomine nf lh lumen win were, however, unal,c tn ohtaih ii 1 1 'tine. This is the big; year for tinted walls. And Alabastine is the cue finish which com pletely gntisat-s. Should he vscdi in all homes, (schools, churches, clubs, because it is the most beautiful, sanitary, durable and economical wall finish BEAUTIFUL Its sort, rich, velvety tints set off your pictures and fur nithings to the best possible advantage. More artistic than wall paper. SANITARY Aldbrut'ne is sanitary in its nature, 1 "autiful in its ef fects, easy to mix and apply. No poisonous ingredients used in its manufacture. Use it on rough or smooth plaster, wall boaiJ, cement, wood, brick or canvas, or old war! paper. MataiUnep- 21S r-j- """" zr DURABLE Will not rub off, chip nor peel, when applied according to directions on package. More effective than paint, more permanent that kalsomine. ECONOMICAL Alabastine, in white and tints, comes in dry powder form, requiring only the mix ing with cold water. Cost for average room is from $1 up. for the Alabastine, according to size of oom and condition of walls. Billy Sunday's Choirmaster Must Dig Chicago Jury Finds that En gaging Singer Damaged Af fections of Miss Georgia Jay $20,000 Worth. (Itv lTr nt IT r ft In HemM.l STEVENSON IBM DEATH'S DOOR BELIEVED I 'Mr. inn, .little ( Iff .'''.HUH llulll.,!.. i .1 .i u l!a that 1 1 . i ti . i I ' iiih-;i.t "linn Iml, li.r In-each -f I v. a i -tut tied toil i i i i u II court. Mim J.i" Allct ! r. iiihciivi r In n i ll lull mill I hill h. tu In r iiml who ii I .'i . I. ii il, h r'f ii-' i :i hi" itmrr iiiRf -a . , lii i-i.ri'iT. Tnai In Mia HcniRl.i I : "il.-ln-it t-r, ciiiiit Sunday, cvniiL'i Itumiae tn in n-, y, u Juiy in Die il Hint tilt m't ih.-it they hecunie i r il imirri.iKc pled. I.IIIlT, Mil I t mil try her .- i'iI ihlcrfetr with ii rnl a. ImiK tro' Vice President Under Cleve land Sinkintr Rapidly and Passing of Aged Statesman Expected at Any Moment ittj l-aaed Wlr Ui Rirrnlnt fr.-ld i "in. :i mi. June H--A111111 r;. Sicieitaun, Ice piemdfnt of ll" rnitcii Htntcii uii'icr rieniem net lullall III III the Cieniiyterluii hnapitnl. lieltcr today. Weakncaa Incident li Iih "11 cara ntnl 1 In- ! i.ii ..11. 1 iliKi-iiKKlun of luiiire pinna llmiti-l l.uKi.iy In the teii iiiintiy of Mi"" .lay .n.ikilw n he aunvted lifter the llcilth Of Ilia lf" alX IIH'lllllH !'. I. .1.1 ii mi I nut the etirull alalea- mail. A rrlilcnl turn In hia ci.mii- tli.n Wlia expected within 2 4 W htuira tin mm i.m nun """-i iin-iiilierii til the (niiuly were ill hla lie.Uule tiid.ll. 40 COLOR PLATES OF ROOMS FREE i, this . aole. up-to-date Alabastine Book of notably pretty rooms for your house. Chauning living rooms, dining rooms, nurseries, bedrooms. Full of good In formation about making the home, church, club and school beautiful. Telephone and we will have a copy mailed you. BALDRIDGE LUMBER CO. SUMMER TERM AT MRS. BAMBINI NOT A. B. C. STARTS Paroid Phone 402 Roofing Builders Supplies Sherwin-Williams Paint. First Lumber and Coal MONDAY MARCwo P. SAWTELLE Oeneral Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop 211 west uoia -till Ih nn open purl FEMALE FIRE BUGS 4 LOUDON'S PURE ICE CREAM 511 E. Central Phone 507 fluK lieutenant mule hi report to the ml mini I the Litter ileritl.-il he had liu nut liurity lo Interfere Hint the uu luuiliiiK i'f th Hininuiiiliiiti cunt unictl ti i i . (lie ehtiio i ' n hi k n 1 1 n( wna Ju- I'l.Mti ll III lllti CllHl'illlH III ,J.k. Ml II UU US YIT M AT TO ll.MH.IK T'MI'ltd Wakhlnglnu, June tl. feci .1.1 1 y Tuhicla aiid loilny that nn iml.ra had (tune furth lo Hear A 'hiii.iI" UmlKir in tn the l:m: ik uf the or cnrmi "t th Kteunii r Antillu lir the i uhhI itut iiitiithnta ill '1'iiriii.n i. Sec n i.iry lu an ili-cl.ur.l ll.e .-iih.ii i..n til T iml'li o whk inn Iiiiiiki il "Vim imtlce," the Hccict.iry i-nu-tioneil hm iiieNtlnii.rM, "Hint I ntn tiar. fill tu ai'i-nk i.f the irejciit .l.iy ' Mr liryHn Ueclineil lo m iiei.iiii il further. i fa r :n inn he lenrneil T.i rn it (KMMIMt'M'IIIN I ol IM AMI in Hi. .in I I . t. .. I '.ill I -1 mil, Mii- uilnii, Mexuii. June ... hy trele" .-a n I'U Ki., I ul.. June ti ll uf- IlilHlly t 1 ii ir I 1 1 tmlay Unit cuiiMtilu- IliiniillHt h ill unci eeileij III littlliK liiilniiiil uiul leli Kruplilc ciiiniiiunic.i- tlutl hetween I'ulllim Mini MeXIcii i-lty. Seven feilenil cavalry have urnveil Ul Lower uhfoinla Inun l.uayiim lll.T STflUM hWH I-s it ovr r n:.H'4 On II. .aril ('. K 8. I 'nllfoi nl.i. Ma nilla n. Jute ;., hy Wirelecx to Sail 'lego. Jure The heiiyy hluriu that Iiiim lieei; l-liiu the entei n coiiht of Ihe I "Pel Mitten ill nn k the. Mex ican rlllt tfuliiy. Kruiii A'' pnlco lo i 'ape ( 'm il. I i the wind In hlowlnu at htiirlcn ie yelocliy iiml fear Ik fell for nhippins. Th'- ltriuh. ("i-iiiiirr t'eiri.inn, if liiinlnK Irom San l-'t a m tw o, w h re he lanilcil refuueeH fimti varlmiN M. ir:in iiorlK narrowly emapcil fiiiiiul.iinir In the ntorni anil nrrii'il toilny at M i ii.. mil. i with n hail lil a n l mill of a fhKteil i .irno ' fin of suuit is s jih rowrvtw Dr.'T. FELIX GQUCAUDS ORIENTAL CREAM CS MAGICAL BCASTiriCR Kmovr Tmi Vim t'lr f in k I rf btrtnuh ttil Ij mi . Hint Ue drlti tit m Iwi li.r Irol 'A tdt , ftntl ia n It to - .ul' it it fmif-t iy ntMil' Ac Ct !( tiu utililt tirtl ul itmtbir n a ni t Mid ti U1 l Ihr li.tutl ir An ul li 'ir Wi) uf llitui I re nt Unarm 4 iIIhim Uf h ! h.tiu.tul ll f3 ii i. k . ! atiri. I I Oil. ill I II ..I ll I. I I I. I . ANOTHER fl MANSION Summer Hours Will Prevail, Sessions Lasting from 8 to 12 a. ra. Daily Though Class Rooms Will Be Open All Afternoon. Daily Record of Successful Conflagration Continues Unbroken in Vicinity of London. Dangerous for Rockefeller to Testify i i Attorney for the Voiceless Money King Says Physician Thinks it Would be Risky ; Proposition. I (Hy l.envil Wire to fii'iilnif Herat, f) I.omlKii. June S The ainpaiKii of the arwolt itll.lM ..f the n. lilt llll Mlf frunette n,m coin in neil loilay when tile hi) ,,. ,,,,, I ,,.S,,W., a fine manxloii near llii W.-oiti!ie In llui-l; Inhainliir4l. aimut thirty inilea from l.i.tuli.n. The niaimlnn was nil.. I with vnlinilile 1'irmtiiie hi. I iil.jertu of art. The nu.,l nut- fl.n'e lltelnlure iim filllul .,n, lit the rronmU. The honce .iil.,.,,i,i ,1 the hiMorle p.iri-h i hiii.-h, u ni. h ui In- l.ev. il t,, hfll'e I n till- l-e.ll olijl i lle The iiinmi-r linn t the Altuniicr- ill.. ItllhllieHH I'ol.cire Ulill Ik Mm tl.l. i iii i .1 n 1 1: u . Juno Mh. The mitlook f"t the ifiiiiiiiier term thin year m hrhthti t than eer. An unu.Hiiatly lari'e hum her of BtuilentM hae ehtcieil tneir imiiiM for the 1. 1 tn. Following l ho curium OKtnliltil"'l fivi-ral yenm m.i. the .In 1 1 y H.-miloin will 1. from 8 to II a in., tiioimh the 'Inn rootiia will h open lor ntuilv iluriiiu the eMIrc afternoon. I'lilirirl will he olTereil Pi liookkee .. Inn. pewritinK. .nil nervh-e. hatili I nc commercial l.a. hiim ntnl win Ih rial ntuilleR. The m hool room are well yentil.i' eil anil iloliuhtfully pleammt fur miu'y. A luru.i ehiKfi In i-xpecteil lo enroll. they will have i..portnnii y lo ror tiniie rlwhl throinii till thev l otiipli'.. u cuure or of t ii k 1 iik only ilnriiiK Hiimmer montha. Full Information will he fiirnlniK-.t nn a .i. iiiloii ty enlllnit, photiitlK r.i vrlilnir The Aluiuiui ritie Hummus ollejte. Ill THE LIQUOR BUSINESS Became Involved in Suit Over Riverside Beer Garden Stock in Effort to do a Kind ness. .Mm. Inula liaiiihinl, ho Hl. ,1 an attachment cnli may in ilimint court imaliit cert. 1. 1. mock hehl .it the U.v cranio, heer Harden, . 'r Unit 'I 1 1 .(It 1.1 e ro Oft of lle .ll.e may lea li the ItllpniiKloii nllh thime 11,, l pel Kunally null In i that alio f In thu Iniuor IniMiiieaa. !in h m n t the i.oe. Mra. r.,;iiillnl heiuiiin in volvvil in the m.imr ihrouuh an furt to help a imiitiK man who m n'tii thu Kivcmnl,, liiimncioi anil Intel tin li ed ner hla titterata tu other parti Mr. Ilamliitil ailianceil money I i,artv uiul took a ninrl khuc on p the flu. K i ii liiiliorn Ill's -I i,i lirolei t tile I..HII. Til,. proceetllllKH hlnUKhl , I rilay wua tn protect her lnteiem it li - ! tier thia tni.rlKuKc A In jtv llier leinU f chronic ilv pepHla ami cullHt lull weak i n whole telll. lioun'K f nuleia (S'.c per Imx i in i mililly on the liver it ml In.welK. At all ilruit MtureP Just Received Our (hi'Mnent of Decorated Flint Glassware, including the Table Tumbler, Sherbet, Ice Teas, Claret, Cocktail, "Whls key and Champagne Classed ; We will he pleased to Lave you call and look them over, rhone orders promptly f il L Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPER (lljr laaMNt W ire to l ieiilnf Herat, I 1 ! Waiih:iii(t..n. June - When the in j li mt.iiti i omiiieri ii cominmslmi r"- aumeil ila liu fl urat :un f linamlal -S- ! fairs of the New 11:11. II t.llu;lil to-' I i -, John A. f.irii, iitiorney f"r William Itin k. Ii llci, iiiii.Ii. a j mem that a. . ul iliiiii tu Mi. 1 1 hi K - . ti iler a phif-ciaii il nuulil In- iliauci-, OIIH for Mr Uo. keteiler l collie ', I. fill lilt I "II Uiul I of' Hi I lie toll of 11 ru.llM I nil, lt. ,i ol Vl-. l!o. K. I. II. I a llil.'iil all. I i- ml Ihal' the phli l.iu fe, licit alii . ulic. ll- . I rated eltull, Mi. ll lla Would lie i i.-.le l li) aiiiiu.- I. ul no. ii) would in nni MU..UI , a nerioUH i uiul:! inn timt uuuld Hi..,ir- UtalHte Mr. lie. KeleP.-l a nlleilioll II nueht pime ; i i.l. Mi ilaiier a-ud ii h im Inn f..r Mr. liu . efcp t , in m ill , as ho wua iitf i 'ted w , n , palny. I IHI f f-.lll. l Jueph XV. I'lOk ilHkc.l Ml. I'nrnr if it naa nut Hue Mr Cm U. .teller te. )hnl aU. i lueetmna of the -W Much I ' Ml. r.irier replied Mi. Hoi k. I ell. -i liMet.ilatii e at Nil. Ii inei liiik;- i l.iiaily; It w:ih m.nn I tun't he Will, in Hie ul il iltlK and i i- I i. .ied nn ii.iiuiia rttatii. HOW MUCH INSURANCE SHOULD A MAN CARRY hirni-M twin"! IK' nn-il ll- IoohI npiili'-Btloiia. iim thr laniiot iniuH the dtcaaeil union of ihe tar. There ia only one way to cute d.i' Iickh. and that ia hy coiial il u I mil.. I ! ii ad lea. In a fai k la iniraed hj 'u ililUimed con, I, in, n of th.. iiiucoua h.i-II1-. nf Ihe Knatin hiall Tul.e. h li thin tuni' ia inll.i riiiueil uii hale a rumlillmr mumd or Imperlerl lie.irinw, and when it la ent.n ly .-loaeil. 1 - f -lienH la the rcmlll, alid li Ii I. .1 he :n cap he taken out and tins luhe ri -lured to Ita rmul i, liearlliK Will In- demroyeil loielel. mi... euaca out of ten at' t'.iilc'l liy tVituir'i. w Inch ia iiothiiiK hut an iniliiinini-1 lollilltloll of the mucoua Hilt f acea We will aiie i in,. Hundred Hoil n i for liny . iiHe of lie.ifneaa ti auaed oy iiitartlii thai cannot Im i ured l.y llaU'a t'alatrh I'ure. heinl lor .r ctiliira. free. K. J. I'HK.NKV fti, Tul. du, nhi... Suld hy liiiiKKiala, ; Take llall'a K Ii i'llla Inr coiihIi. pat ion. F OW DAS Tiim d. pi luU eiiiin ly on the man and i i mode of lii'iiiu TT Tii. lorn who i in, .( i.t i rued with 'lo i. alter id life InsilT aiu i lath, faiiuli man li n- there are in.lren and the wlte. Ami let it i aurpi :Hik hn.i mail) min-lnu men at that. W'iu ni' , 1 1 1 1 ma a ii illinium t hit w il aome day pt.e. woefully In. id .U.ilc. ll I nothitiK ahort ol a ' Mm,, fur a faiiul. .nan, whoi.e hoheat ol.iii.iiloiiH ar.- til l-.. "I Hie hume-plai i. '.o arry un amount ot ih ,i ii 1 1 1 fill i-h .i I of the family i .la. hen ho la gom. q When you send in your "help wanted" ad, read the "situa tions wanted' at the same time. us you double your prospects and nar!cn results. I Take the "two-to-one shot." JT There ia mi i.ri,iii, jji-'ater than the tin thnt It will coat I"" 1 wniim mure tn in,. ,n.. the mil father puaca on. .Tin liuntly iii'iai .. .ntiiiil,. in i e and that nil., money utid I'red'i la harder In a'-t. The childn i, -i ll i oniinue in j,, They will neiol lu-.i .InihiiiK and tuur.- ixi.eine uuttlta. 'I'... will pmhatily ent mule Tin) .iill le.pilie . ipu :i i .ni mill ihal - ir, ly apelln expaae. And ill lhi ineana mum), eve i almie the alu .iiit rfl'lifeil ilurltlK Ihe I .lli. l a I tell. ue. flp And m exactly iletcrmi'iu the rlitlit Hit i of tnaiirnnce fur inn man !,, cinii. I. t ui-e Una which Ilia every iii..ii li ei v n. an haa mi nn I i Mali th, .Ml value of evely- ihum Hi.ii he uua plua hm life Ijiaiiiiui. e an, I u,;nua hla ohliK .tlona. I'll h I- ihe pie.'ia, amount th u your uiduu w i ; hue tit ki on. iramiiiii thai ah n imei it wlaely and tin. apahle inline nun an t.t ti rull hi per cent . i her Inioiiie t in. I -.he prohaliiy won't mi our Willi Will lie the I, In, ill ni " 0" TAKK V'l It I'KM II. KIUI IIK IT HIT' IM IT iH? ii iVa ftf Lite ln.,i:in,e lu.l only in prule. tu.n fur your on. one in i' 1 1 i i ol ..iii imiifi,. li il, ,,,h Inn nn ,i ;luit you lire creating a Hunt jiie h in eiit ,,f ..iu nf, ui'l i,,v,,l, p., you diililix your il.'. llli.litt iiml lean plodil. llle 1i ,h. JTT If you win allow me t. l-o over lliia iiii.,uunt mailer wi'h II )uii. will iruir.iiii.e ion will not i-onaniei , n, nine waated. W. S. PATTERSON, Mgr., MISSOURI STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Suite 5 Bamett Building, ALBUQUERQUT ALL BIG OCEAN LifvE AGENCIES Representing A. 0. Bachechi & Co., He Handles Passeng er Business for All Impor tant Steamship Companies. ll I rani him, n n n nin.ii A. I'liheihi a Company, loday n Tl- on d hy II. M T.ioiiui.i. r I p..' -a tiuei uni't, of San h'taticia o I ir lu. I'm ill.- Mull Steiimahip company, tli il he l. in I eeii appuinied lo. al meat lor the inmpiiny, Inr Alliu.Uetiue . mi Mir-nui.iliUb l . i r 1 1 1 . i Mr. Kr u-Him, nclitiR li r I .i' he. Ill ti I'ompiiv, al rejdy haa un ured the an.-nrli f I nil ." tne lamr Atlantic pnawenr-i- Imi. I rien and with ihe additmii the lit ent I'.c He Mail line, now h t. Hi. rteemahip ticket .mency for r.i. IP I ly all pulnlH in th.. I'm ill.- oieaii In addition o the I'a. illc Mail on tnv Weal coual. he la agent f.,r Ihe f. I -luy. .nn All, mil,- linea: Amen, an Hiur line, Anchor line. A uai m-Amci i n line, t'utuiril, Kahre. ."rench. If"m hurl . Amerlciin, Holland . American North Herman I., Italia Him p fa Naliaaalune, li Velnee, Navltiaamti" Oeiier.ile lialiana. Lloyd Sahoiii, l.loyd Itiillni.o, lied filar line, Cini' , A iiu rlrana, Whit Star line. Mr. I'lue- hlnl a olfn-e la with Hncheclii A. in. I':iat ureit and Tijeraa nyenin. v ill he a la. I lo furnish lllet it it ihiormatii 1 to al1 apidicai.'a in aui. or hy rial'. Il ami p. .-- ( i kix toitvr.n.H. I dill nut Ihe way the corner of my kid lien floor looked mid could lint net Ihe inuid to keep them ua I di aired, an filially I hoiiuht the cln ieil hraaa i-orneia which can he pun hca.d In moat hard ware Hlurea l. ml lacked them down In the huilei'a panlry and limit hall, writea a cnnlrltnili.r to flood Hoiiaekeepinir. Nuv ther la no drilculty nliutit haling t-ornera kept to my aalialuctloli. Monday June 8th Economy Glass Jar Day No Hubbet Rinj Call EaaaaaUJ Cap FOR NOMiE CAKHIRQ Meats " LeCt-Overs Vegetables Fruits j i i, sm Keeps them perfectly forever with all original flavor and natural color Air-Tifht Sclf-Sealin WiJe Mouth No Zinc (Jap TRY A DOZEN TODAY FREE To demonstrate the Superior quality of Economy glass Jars, we will give away free on this date a quart jar with every purchas ; of 5c or more of merchandise from our 3rd. floor de partment. This is the most sanitary jar made, has a hole large enough to insert the hand for cleaning,' is air tight withour sealing wax and no zinc caps. Prices are 85c for pints, $1.00 for quarts and $1.40 for 1 gallon, not any more expensive than other jars. Phonograph Program TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK PROGRAM Ila-Za-Za- liom San Victor Military Band La Columbo - The Dove Alma Gluck Castle's Lane Duck . . . Europe's Society Orchestra Masked Ball Quartet Caruso, Heinple, Duehene DeSegurola Jewels of the Madonna . .Victor Concert Orchestra Indian Lament Fritz Kreisltr Ge::;s of the Piinte of Tonight Victor Light Opera Co. Sympathy From the Firefly Helen Clark, Walter VanBrent Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming John McCormack and Male Chorus Hesitation Waltz Felix Anmt My Ain Country Lucy Marsh Hungarian Bhasody Part I and II Vessalla'g Italian Band Where Quality Meets Price