Newspaper Page Text
SIX. THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, JUNE 8. 19M. The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Sftry of the Mexican Revolution F, DANK COOUJKJK Jwtlm 'T. fuli-if ,.l " ' H'.ltMt Wm,,. ' 1 Ik Itttnn." .Wr.i.iHON J. I.AV IS (Uwrriglu. Im. by Frank A. MiuasegJ ft OllllllMCll from t-d.'lllll) . ) Tim prearnt town was hnllt lililn lip from I ho river In fhe !! of a great ridge of naka tliruat down from the Mil and well calculated lo turn anldo a glut of watera. It was a comfortable huddle of whitewashed adobe build ings get on both shirs nf a narrow and Irregular road the great Imll that led down to thft hot country and waa worn diH p by the pack-trains of cetiturloa. On the lower side was the ampin store and ranllna of Iain Clprlano, where the thinly arrlonw could act a drink and buy a pauix-be of sugar without getting down from their mounts. Ilfhind the atom were thn pole cxirrala and adobe warehouse and th quarter of thn peons, and acmes) the mad was thn mescal sMII. here, in huge copper rflort and -worm, thn fiery Ibjuor waa distilled from the auirar laden heada of Yuccas. Thla UK lh town, but thn moat im portant but I1 ins act hack In U vhade of rulghty col ion woods and plpanantly aloof from IIih road waa thn raldfiica of Si nor Araieon. It waa thla, In fact, which held tbt undivided attention of lm l-amey aa they rod quietly throuicb the vIiIhkN, for ha bnd beromn arruatumnd from a lone cicrlanca tn the tropica to look tor antni'tMnir rlualTn, ipraenful and frnV lilnn in houe ant bark In a (ardeo. Nothing ailrred, bowerer, at.d baring good reanon to avoid lon Clprlano, thy Joraid atftndily on their way. "Somn bouKft!M olmcrvtd Phil with luat hopeful l(Hk over hla ahoulder. Tli." amt-iitpd Hul, aa they cams to a fork Id the. road. "Hay," he con tinued, "leva turn off on this trail, lol of burro tracka going oat eipocl it a our frlnnd, Mr. Mundoa." "All right." aald Da Lancny ab aenlly; "wonder whera old Aragoo konpa that ln-utiful daughter of hia thn our lion Joo-ao waa telling about Have to atop ou the way buck and aampln thn old itmn'a meai-al." "Nothing dotiiK!" cojniered Hooker Inatanily. "Now you benrd what I told you them'a two Ihlnga you liuivn aloiii! for atty daya Ikkiib and worn n. After w cinch our tltlo you can at aa gny an you plraae." 1 "CWe"' i,t;d I-titl. "hear the boy talk!" Hut he. aald no more nf wine and wnnun, for ha kuew bow they do MMimpllcate llfn. i They rodn to thn naat now, follow )lng thn long. Hut footprluta of the bur roa, and by ull thn Imiilmarka liud aaw that they werH heading tral':ht for the old Kairla Tull mine. At Did Kortuiia thn river turna wint and at the iwiiiu time four cunvous rumn lit if ri i in the thut and south, (if these they had taken thn f.rst to the nortb mud It was lending Oh m pnal all the old workingH thin Kniger hud apoken about. In fact, they were aluiotit at the mine when Hooker swung down suddenly from bis borse and motioned J'lul to follow. '"l lmie a Munn burroa coming." bn aald. lilaucliig buck algnlfli autl) ; and when the pack-train ratlin by, each annual piled high wPh broken wood, thu two Amerii ,ms were biihily tap- ting away at a section of country roi k. A man and a boy .ollowed be- bind the ihiImihIk, gazing wl h wonder at the strut, vera, and u I'lill bale them a I'll a-int "Miienoa diaa!" tl.ey cum. to a halt and stared at their Ir.ituriry In a'lei.cft. In Hie I ilnml I'l ! waa pltaniil to note mat tl - i lj man bad only one eye. , ' yue b'iMii'" Die oueeed ot.n ran Dud it, we will pay )0U to do fi.ul'y lnijulrod; "what aie o4 look Kuiunce Uio clulm for uu." lug lor V j At this thn one good rye oT t'rus And when I'l, 1 oraculiirly ai.nwered, il'-udct l.ghted up with a gri'ut hope "Colo!" tie old man made a motion snd, fcklp lug llghMy i.ii-r tne rmk to the bov lo go on aiid sat 4owu O0 JilluS with Ins sainlaled feet, be ran a iirJfhlKirii.g rK k. you want to buy a pmspnrtr" lie akKi, auu jiua giuiireii up at tiim t'ri'nly. I "We find our own i ropw is." a ; swered 1'bU. "Hut I know of a ciy rich proa- pect," protested .M.-inle. "very tub!" Hn shrilled bis Voice U etprosa buW rich ii . "Yea?" ohaerved I'bll; "tba why uuii't you dig the gold out? llut, a for ua, we Dud our own inluea. Tbat Is our buaineaa " I "8.g.iro!" uodil.d MendiT, g!im:lng at their outfit api-rovlngl) ' Hut 1 am a poor man very oor- I carnot de lioiince the uniii . ho I wall for some rich Ann i u aim lo i nine and buy It. I have a friend - a tery rich man In liadadeii. hut hn will not come; so I ill iw ll It to ) ou." "ltd you get that. Dud?" jested I'bll In Kiiglnh 'Ihe old man here Hunks we're rh h Americana and be wants to Sell ua a leliit) " Hud laughed silently at this, slid Jdr Meml. ., hla bft a somewhat blast ed by tneir levuy, began to boaat of Ma find, giving the blatory of the ).ale Tatl aim much i ircuuialanlibl ty abd expiaiulug that ll was a luel bftitre frit., ' ?iiri''," rli-ii rvrii i'!ul, going hn, k to til In. i r u i, .1 I . kiu up I if bridle, 'Hint abut II v iill say. Tliey'r.t h 1 1 had ('it'll1 nonca, and ou thii eie i'.mii fmm the U nr of the church, ("hie mi Ittid. If'- f,;:! "A-'d po vou could this!" cried Mi'ti ili t. r . . i r i 1 1 k a I. if e a ri i r them hi liny i 1 Howl) i.p the tanyon, "frniii llm i M i 'i .h h Hint hk ashed uwiy by ! IIkhiI! 'Ill i M In the. very mine, lliu .iulro dug nut all their r. v mi going up I h In way? f'l.nic. iiu-u. iiimI I -.till rhnw ou -t lm i I. H i', x i I Cut the AmerUano luinril H with n bluet!" Il tant-d along nfiiT them, when iII.iir nn. I protesting whlln they han tittd lum ula-ut hla mine, nul l liny liniillv r.ini1 lo the, place-(lie rill nil of llio latglc 'I nil II lay a rntlill l mil along Ihn tt 1 1 1 side, II series nf k liT Imtffi. (Inm in and nhnr loni d working, bailing more like a badly hiamtgod atnun quarry than a relic of pudre tiny. 6at Toying With Hla Piatot. Kniger'a tnagazlna of giant powder, exploded In one big blaat. bad dV'i,,.k atroyed all tracea of bla mine, bealdea ;un atartlng an avaluncbe of loiwe ahtra I that bad poured down and filled rh ptxket. ! Added to thla, Arivgon and hla men had rooted around In thu drbrla tn aearch of the Teln, and the story oi ' their Inefflrinnt work waa told by j Croat pllos of loonn rock itacknd up Ix-aldo oaved-ln trenches and a aeries of timid tunnels driven into the nnUh boring ridges. Vnder the clrrumBtnnrea It would certainly call for a mining engineer to locate Ihn lout lead, and lm I-anrey looked It over thoughifully aa lie be gan to flguro ou thu work to be dime. I'lidouhiiilly there waa a mine there - and thn r tnulnn of an old Spuiiinh smelter down the cretfk showed that! the ground hud onco been very rich but If Kiutser bad not told him In ! advance he would have puaaod up the' v:;.",.. turning co,d,yu,KjS to Ee Filst IllstaUCC of ih fawning fiieiui. i, who whm ail Death by Lightning Whilo curves in hie dehlni to pleiute, 'where t. , . . . , i U your pr.," I Sc;l,f(l t Hit Automobile. "Aiill, aenor!" replied the Mexican. ' roinilng to the disrupted rock slide. HERETOFORE THOUGHT "Mere it was that the Americano . k ,.,., frooka had but mlue rich wllh gold -l jnucli gold!" He shrilled bis voire emphatically, and lie Ianciy shrilled bis in reply. "Here?" be exclaimed, gasing blankly at the bllltilde, and then be brnkn Inio a laugh. "All right, my! friend," be aald, giving Hud a face-! ttous wink; "how uiuch do you wuntl tor this roept?" "Four hundred dollare," answered' Blende In a tone at once hopeful and apologetic. "It is very ru h. Kenor rookd Khlprn'd some ore that wuh full uf gold. 1 packed It out for bun on i i' burros; but, I aiu sorry, 1 have ho pli-ce of It!" "Vm," recjionded l'o Iirirer, "I am sorry, too. Mo, of cuursti, we cannot buy '.ha protipecto since ou Uuc uu ore to show; but I am glud for thla, henor Mendel," hii continued wltb a kindly hii.Uo, "It shows that you are! an bonent man, or you would bavs! stolen a piece of ore from the saiks.l ho show us uow where tl.e gold wasi found, the neareat that you cau ie- lin-iuber. and perhapa. If we Ihltik t Xo a certalu rpot, liwaUng It by look- j leg kcro.a the cauon uid up and. own me irecn. ii "Here, aetiorei," he rrouounced, where the mouth cf the old aine out. standing Inside a,ee that tree over there, and looking down the rhr I oould Jual aeu the Mueller around tho point. Mo, tbeu, the gold must be In there." He poliii- ed toward tbe bill. "rfuiely," aald I)e Laucey; "but where?" I The old Mexli an abrugged his sboul- 4ers d.-pn c ai .tal)' "1 du not knew, aenor," be snswered; "but If you with to dtg I will denounce the rluiui for you." "For bow much?" Inquired He I-an-cvy guardedly. "Kor one hundred dollars," an swered Meiidez. and to bis drlifht thu Aineinaii si-emed to be considering It. Ha wnlk'-d back and forth acrohs ihe slid", pii king up rocke snd looking st tin-in. dropping down Into the futile t rem lies of Aragmi, and frowning wltb studious thought. His parduer, bowtver. sat llaileaaiy on a bouldur and tested tue action of bis sn- kbooter. f oii,liinet Tomoreov Afierreton TODAY'S LIVE NEWS OF SUNSHINE STATE . ''; i i V nn w - I . r ' ; ' 4 rriN .l.itl) v i r.n unk II 1 .; l , lit ti iiii it l'hotti t iHiit. THAGIG DEATH OF GAPT. WALKUP 1 W 3 U LJ llUPii I'Llit I Brother Officers and Friends Pay Impressive Tribute to Dead Scientist at Fort Bayard. Tie tl '-I l. lilt 1.1 I'.tpl.llll .1.. . 1-1- I lly I.i:-1 .' ilk II. Ill-Ill III! I. lilt (if U Ir.ill Ot I,. 1 1 ' III ..111. . r :i III- .- II 1 1 -111' .!.. I. . It i -' 1:1 i.-fl .lll'l III-1 I.I nit 1,11 I III'' - I. i l.o I I Ii ll .1 i '-III: :ltelll Ii i - in i V. Il III, iri n i ii : i.i Il 1. Win I. ll 1. Ill, I I. 1 i,-.i I I.i 1 1 III ) . I,- I 1 1 i.i .1. I il ,li at .1 hi lie il tl . i I I I lie l.l. i' I : n 'flu- i." .itkup ' 1 1, fill", lie. i'l. I lie lUll 111" ll H:. I the I'l- .v I: I- I- I, ill- fin i paax ! : tl y in Mm ,, : tin ling on Hi .1 I l." 1: i.i II il l .i.l I I 1:1 I'll. II. .. "I,, . .0!ll He I ' "A '1:.- I. Mil l-... III. it Ull ulalilly k. ! TiZ" FOR ACHING, , TIRED FEET i.hI -bye m.r.' I '" -w.-aiy ( . I lilt nlla W llli'll lilf in. t'e f.i-t. I " '11 ' mi l for , i ii ii r I a :, forlal li- v f, .., miaery Ah' I' feel. I. it a aiil driif: t-i im n t,l 1,1V i I II ' ' now at r d' ;.h -ti'ifiif lori- !o.i't f I I fu t elml fa, f (t. I 1 11. iii'v. r Ittitt. ,ii-vi r gi-t i nurTi r I lav e tlait iiii.r w I tne... A y f it naaiev r nr. fo t i- .tii(ott guaiaiite. J I (l!lii-l. I I STTEiTOB OR i a't, I. in nine swol . t" -in. o .iu( li'i-l. t ri-,1 ..t. I Mil I tioOtl bVl' , "I II,-, i ..11..II--I . I, tin i.e A ail I I ' raw n-iii f. i I K ore ! t '.!. .1 j I s' III S. tin I i' I" lltnjl- I r 7 I li.l o 1 '' u "' V"ir . il,, I V' ' tf '' '" agony. 1 Y Wl J J 1 "II l- lliat'l.-al ' (itrA? i t,?:,t .if I 1. --4 "II- ,,, lmt . i LtZZ ) -l "e I."!.",...,, MM IV I . s. V -i I ..!,. .iii,-i,it .i, ,ii, K ),,.. I.;, luli'f.ilik ly nil o-' iii-.ilil i.f .ill M) I Mil I . i-i . inu In i!i!tm i-ir. 11 we .ire tmt IP!-t lkl-i. ihlH L Iill Ii1! lllMl. lire . I Hi' .-lt Ii h.iM f!-.i liliy Nteli In-led Hull ii u ' in !l! u iii.s: :. iiii.t H r: illiln'ir'. .m to li:lil:..i,u 'i'lu ' r'il ill Hi" v. tn.. mi Imli.i-i ' I liiia nn. I I u . ., i ,4 i.i.i- i.i tlu- i.e 1 1 1 i : 1 1 i . Tli. u.'i.y it rep. i t i in i kiM.m ..ii. I. wiiililiM Ill.-iie. tll'-i (i M ie-l , Ii ii, lie llle ihtI wireK. It i .' ii ; r.?ii.ii tn tlti'l an nm "inorulf .-I I u. w " mii-I!I-i i: i t m ii i, mil tmi: n i Kin i i ii i ii i:i S I . i I ':: N. M . June 7 - A lam. , . I ..IIS,; of p. ! I' --brolll. r Mill' I ' ' : i II II 'I... ' I ll' W t;i. Il-I-I I.i .-u ii I i.i, 111 ,:, tilled Hi- h. : ..! I '"I ' i . , 1 : .1 I'l il IV .ill. I Ii. I . . lili . ! I t I . 1 .- of ..I'l I '- -1 I ,. ii.. i 1 . of ' i..t i. . i i, ' i ,1 . ,' -,i, o.mI i.i:.-, I n,i ii ' 1 1 - .ill,.'. "Iill K I. . 1 i' I ' I . , i L" -. f i I ,'.-:,! .'..' till . le i "'Ml 1 1 .1 1 1 1 . t r t i . , I ?M 1 1 . 1 ' II. .1 I ' I k ., J I. I,..MI , ,!! , i lll I II'- .'-Ilt0 .I'l l .1 lll . .!.,v. il Mi. "lii ,". Tin- l: . M ' i. ..I lle I II -I M K . "III. I .' .1 III ' he vV. K. I.l'-.'i. .. II, i'Ii 15'l.Ui e t ,.n el !le I.!..- ... I.. ll Mill, " el :il- Il W-l ku;;i; '.-, "II, Mr Sl'iMili'l I tnlll llllM I'l I 1 I' I lor lev me uucl- A Ife .11"! Mini n I I'hM ( "11. '"- ' 'I it In w In h I Tl:. .,,-t ! h ' '. ,. i Ii I l ..le ; ; oi.- I ll "I .-.I i ...el , e ..( I 'I, .IM .11 A I , i ! ' I'W ,1 Ull I 1 j I 1 1 , l.l.ll I: A Mv ."l f 'I'''' III. . ' "In : It ,1 It) .1 I.I 1 ' I ' I 1 III ll I' tl lie -i ! , .'II' e ("r til' ., -.II 'V : " 1 ' ! I'l. t.el-! -1' I l.-'l 111. . ..I I' I...:;..- , 1 V .lll'l f "11 . it . . I -III..' -W. . Ilj. ' . I'l' -ed nf Ml- ll'i:. . . ..I I'.il't iill I. a'- . id of the ll"HI'll .1 ciui t.illv and t .Me." f'dl'.WHIg !-'!" . I Hid llO III i-.ll ll' I t. eillov I he dead olln erf im k : i. 'i . iietti .' d.ep-e il ..Ii: Ilia ,. utid .f his iin- if Of olIi. lK ' I . .p 11111 lie I : r led inter, "fol I it d.u a it "t ma He .. loll ale. till! I . lit dl 1-lK - Oil 1 he w il.. w h" - i I: a ilir h ind id li'-r niiidlv "'i rv i 'id I l.'.ld I": III- t . liVentelil I l-H' - -etl ine ha i.e. n ll, .IM- ,.f ..II who : 1 W hi. h li t., l e it ' i r t" ic I' !' l.llV. d. ' ' a; I i'l. ' Tile' ' ' a tl .le i hat." - fie iTitn'ie'' le- e Klllg "la ' V -tnlv an i ' I ''-ll ll III' K ll 'i " Ii In- M , I .,i l. i .. ; 1 I r III il l-ll I l! ! V . I 'I II" ill :.-! - .... Ill I fe. ! . fl .end." J,i I '-, a i'. - n' nir i i ' I Ii '. ' 1 I ' I ' I l-l'- . v. 1. ' ...t ai 1 1 'I I'..! : I i i i r ill 1 1- :! I : ! . , .., I : i t ; ri i Hi ' : I : 1 h. ; Mi 1. I.. ' !;. I h " lie l,'.. I! Ml I. I.. W I ll,. ll" I I I ---. I'l-ll i- l- - ' ll . lu ll. I U .'k '... " , I . I.I ' I I I I I ' 1 1 I 1 V ' Ull I ! e I . i. ' - .1: i ,.r, I ... I '. II ll.. I. Ml I'ori-a ki.-i I - oi ,-lic-t r.i i.e i . n in. ii. Ii by i 'h..;' t . Mower he.l' i k 'll , to the a 111 i a irge w hue iii v illel (leoltle K. nt of tile h"-i'i'al h, other "Hi em i in. null I heir ii. lr ill a .ed uiiiinv. t..iiii'-d ..illy, followed III In' lirant coun'y i inanv' of Hie p i- mleil It w av i-i 1 ' . -"lelill, t ,',. I ! . .1 ll - . v l( i-1 a lid i ll I I f n drawn I'v ( I., d : n. ' I . nn. '. I i I t., il. .. ., t it i.' i. - a orilN .1 a ii a I t t.' v i ii I he eii-i .1' .Moll fe, 1 ll e boNpllal , o M' .ll iii ao hi,. '. ma. I lie cot I. . ' '.' adtnit'lHi rut .milling uinl "in- ii ik' iluli and !! homes of ortl e y line ii it 1 1 1 II mi ii i ut the ga'' .til ihe r..,ul n Yhit i' halting here, ihe "itiiofi phi ted e. , n,,-r aide: tne oili. i and nu n I m alii'i'lo n an I - the gull Hi-.', lotted Ihl'onvh lite i-,:liH it t ll lout llnrrd tfle'i. i'l Ihroiigh ll. b ile, ! I'tiv hv a ti . a m tn am i I- I I .1 I i'l H tile hell WHS eiiltv'ev.d to li..,.rJ tttMiii'M 'ton when" waa 1 to !:' I ... I .o. he Skin Health Comes From the Diced Even Slight Eruptions Such At Acne Should Be Treated. r'mt!n nnl tlir kin trouble fa ftnf ft 1 1 c 1 1 1 - il tn.' f.i-H Ilk.- iii - I h r - "Mir tnii.i.iuiif ')( from wlttiiii. I'ht y ntf itiMHir 1 1 1. . aw if M a i'ii. nr irr'nl with llf 'I'I 14 Mill H I .-IH W IT Hill . It fll"i h Ht'M h.f( 1 S H H. Nfltl tit" ttl.flllltl'-J Mio Kkin i ii nt ' "rh .f tin" M'1 Xon- K .tn. I it n a r f --1 1 jr tint'irnl t .i i. tj.i i iiut nil v hifl'M'tii'f In in" 11 iK it ttNi i- .-mil fi.ii of i hfnl:l. tfih.M Hi Hrt 4 1 -rirnn.-r In tlt nknt. II-ti- r .- ruin in .II' Mini i.r"t it.- Hft th rnr- t Hi. M'.rt tr. nut nti'l iw Inilfn. i f tin mv iiri'it ri I. n u I fmt ( nn mi i til . I TM In hT . H H, tfi. ti.t linn il.l l"irlnr, iuim mu ll a (h.i;v.' n ni In I li sYt 1tir tn- Intri . tl.i hi H X M till h iM '-tiHnrl V H' tntii.Ml. rl'itr il irlTttnlM r ii. tuiir t" t frutn ! hl..l .r fmni ihm lit t m-rk f M v t.'lj In tht takin. iii..i tin nm wiihji It rt itiln'H (.-r r'iriit'rnt Inn 'I'liim tiui', n.nt . inn Iipn4 rr nr other hliMtt c.'ti'liil.'ti I tin t Httmk" th hUUi t.r n-k nn oii'l. thfiniirh tin- nKIn U nn-t Mh tti' iintl.l 'trtl . ff.Tt of H h H 'I liU im Niiv nkin triiMiMi Tnnltli rra-tiiv nmt !iv Dm v l . h t p'turn 1 ihit t li Un- n. " ..f f ! S thN riti n.'t rk f t.l".- rfU In th" nkM l roiiatum 1 tnkititr frnt itn Ih'hmI ito nufl Hon r-.(iilrt i -r - v t iwut nnl t rjinw of ill-i nw. U )-it 114 rint'im IV l-'tr. r invt t, BtiiT .1 uni rtn.T.M Itnrnit. vh Th'f frt.'t. iiior' fntt t'Ttlnhi. .1 in n Ivwh n kln irotn.i. ..nt li V H Hp Hi.- l o . .Vil ttft Hldsr. A'?in'fi Vm will ontl H f K on pnl i nil .It Htof -M ' - i n buttle in ilt'f utl bnui.ti a I rit.lfl U Iill. tluUH. bom,, of ihe dei i n".-d orlli er. Mih W.ilknp. with her voiinit sou, it k-ed II' e. w in t l-ll line at del home ill II.ikIi 'burst, I'eiin , when informed "t lor bUM'.tiid tl.-. iih. Mie wilt go I" I ml tit tin lo utti'it'l the fiineru!. I'ai l iin Waikui' waa one of 'n lll"t '-I' I'lll' . lH ,.ht"ll"l 1'iiit llaiaiil. lie was 2'i yearn 'Id lii A l-l 1 1 hail I'l ell jT"! ,t to a .ai'i UMiy ali.r tluee' M-r-U i' in the :ii. du al ii ipK "I the arin' . Manly, fit r. tight l"i ward and lion. nt. ti w.m ideally I'ti i' l.y all w ho aii"a 1'iin and enie'-iiilly hy hia patieuta at ti e hue ll"M'ltal He l""k .1 l'l l..t'.. li.ler.Kt in hla nn i . and ua, until ai dnith. iiiniiaKer nf the hall team writ Ii I iplexenlK the f'Tt ill the l'' league. He n a true i'i.rtni u . alamlillg for clean l..o.e hall A mat , of high liltala and an rluig . liar after I. is llltltiii'l death llaH l.tll-eil Uill .ial m.iiii.w He waa ll n UMiot I ly I'l'lll'I'HH UK ,1 lliedi al 111, ill. I :llg l .' l.lIK Well irlwii III K". Ill-' II I. IV ii oik oi nhl'-ti lie waa III i hut He Tl" i;r:int l oniny .Mi-iln 1 I. tv . d vi hi' h lie iviiH a iiieinl'.-i . a. -tit a li'ivte v.te.,11, I,,, h,-. I.ier. hii. I I'd !.. I'r.K I... in lit W. .d o I..iai . iiliemled I lie futit ial In a hoitv ai. a ti, tike nf ihi esteem ll'ld , l ' 1 ' I 1 11 1 . ' 1 11 ill ll I ll ll' v i hi Id hv hl tin dp al "n'rirca. 'Si. Lin I I I'M ' thy wall. in- o er iM'.iHI Id tlu ll 1 : II llle'lh II" lll"e: Sli . t the ', p 'llal ktl'iW, M',1 iireakiiig. Morn of toil. n"i night of wakin-" 1isi ii. I'. nr. ,i the ni' . iii'g "f ih. I Si.' n ty f"l' the Sl ld and I'rev . III t n :' T'ltieia lllnHM, hi lit l-l A I h II 'i Me t ' '.., I r W.tlk'ii lead a ni"-i t til . t l I It ,.,' r I'll It"' II I W e ll 1 1 I K III T'tt.ii . .il"-it hih he .led l h i lillltlliir "I X tlV I'l.ltei,. INDIANS ATTRACT ATTENTION AT Exposition Advertising Bu reau Featuring New- Mex ico' First Exhibit; Twit their. Special Train Ex ploited. Sin i. -lMI- 1. I'ulialti.. I alii., June . Tbe e I'l .Ull to at i e .11 tne lilollilu expoHlltoli, lite III -I It'-' ,ltl! lit III the I'ltlll ol nlX l!'-- lllatia ftoin the hall lldelt'llait pileolu in A i w M'i'o, who will he aialioit'-'i on the 'I'.iil.tid Im-mciI.- Ihe a pet lai -l iar ruhitiil id the ,-.inlj l-'e laliva TlifHf 'txhil'll- am not puieli-y ornatiit i . ii Ihe tt'iiiiai, ull al.. Indian-, led ay then i h.i f M u -imi y.. m ho i" tl,ti,iKuil.t d l.y a lit in u t.eit.led w.ll-ti oul ,.i,, t una oi lualila of hair Ul-l'.-d with heave' i-aili, ittTB put to work iiiiuitdi.tiel pi epa ring llltt llilinir lor llle long low of ilweliinga and t lie itUi-'ittide to aui-li-i-lid tbe reaeiv at lull Nol evi-,1 I Ik j itliillg uf the expopltioli on Ja nil' I y I. Int.. will end t In 1 1- vvt'ik. fi,r ull , ie tear Ibey and th'ir i oiiitiniiion ', be.iiHl hundred atrong, ni l he tmild .i.i. new ilweliinga on tin- "Ihat-rt. flit w ing I Ii" w lulu v lull. n bow the IP . He brown houaea are coiiatru' led Tint l one ol the novel Icaturts ol tin e. t'iiili.n whii'b lays apethil t-iiiidi-nii on ita nuveltit-a. (inly six were allotted to leavK the pueldo ut Ibla lime. a nioat of Ihe red men m i-t remal hi here during thn piaiiuug aeaaou. Hi uhuut a looiiill Hie 111 ait Inilal.tlinit will he julntii i' many ml, em. in. ludilig b S'il-n wlf will do th llk'tiiei work. Thioinih lltP twelve iimiitha or lli tht-y will be al work nol only In loiiali ui-t u-at tin ir hiiihlinaa. but in making pottery, embroidery uml ruga emo ily aa l l their native ullages. Tbe Indiana will lm i ide repre-'.eiitMttvra both of lb' purldi-s and Ihe walidi-llitg trihea. Julian and hla men ut well salir fed Willi the Interest they havr aroua ed, brinaitig guod alxetl crowds lo ut bo.i l urk ru ll day lo wati h tbe pro greas nf Ihe adobe buildings. Th' v fit.' lie iinml of the o, wliMlli Hu ll an n it irea in t leur a. i lpl. All have good common si hol ediicalioiiv ocquirnl In the gov eminent at b'nda. A ,t rtit'jneetiie nl eome froltl l'o( !t 0 WHAT A MAN AIMS AT IN LIFE DOES NOT ALWAYS INSURE HIS For instance it is well to AIM to have money in the bank, but to have a SAVINGS BOOK in your own name and to deposit a fixed amount regularly is what really counts. This Bunk assists you in YOUR AIM to reach finan cial independence by adding interest nt the rate of 4 per cent. - We invite your account. i .. X First Savings Bank and Trust Co. K. Twit' hell, plcaidelll of tile N." MeXl i. hollld of C "".lt loll lllllll. Ik!' rj. that 111 .Inly there will he a k... i ii train pning through the pnin il'.'l lllie.. of New Mxn o anil on to H n lilig... to klonv th,. di leiiil.M from the rolllllni i.t New'O Hie l'l"r' Iteint: Itt ole at .-in ll I h. ao a I'aliatti! I 'ill it ot li li eXi".-ti"ii. lo "l-en on Vet Ve.n'a .In Th,. state and In Itt.lli titn .1 i Ut -a nii'I i oiniliii t l N. w M. i ,t in, 'It'"'.. ing .in . t ru o r.i i tin i y int. r. -t in thn ,xioititl"ii. They hn te tn I ' ' ' New y'exi.'o bo.ialera' vl-ll ' an aa '. rem ll heft, on Ihe ft'tllld'-t !"tl of t lie New M'Xito liiilhli ig. Tb la i a r. -I'll. -a of ilie old mlwdon j.f Hi. li " "I Ai ortiit. e,v M'-xi' o. w itli . rn imeiit il work from the chnr- b al i'i" b;!i. T'o- It'ldlia. Will' ll OVfll.tokn ttie I'.ihrll't l anyoii and the aia. it ill I.e the li' -t of the ifloilp of Mat" hllil.lini! tt. I.e i omideti d In th. large a ml t"i inm. dt eoraiid With mil 1, 1 1 ..illtll! of Ihe life of S- I- 'r.ill' ;a. I' llli'll aal'tl of New- M"-- e. Will he klit.-n rit- leitute-i oa Ihe ". polt unit lea "f New Mexico A l"K-l" ri.tin''.l, thla with Htr notlli hoi ball in tlie ii'trtli wink!, and nh'titi tin- lokiai.l will I'.' he IXhlhlts of III'' I vt i lit --I eotmllea I'ol.liel T-i'tth-I d ret'otta wide inti real lllto'lu-ll th" ioii'itii-4 w ith tit' reaatii ai'i-r'tpi i f..r ihe " p. tr.t.. d:-.l.i it'iot llle IllttlV I.I M it i-olinllea The I'. ..s v.'l!., f i .11 ii I I. at llllelld t" show lir-'" liui'iela of Ihe llltatlit'i aval' III- I'l llae tll.-le. Wtth the If. t:n! .ti" I -a- a ib iiional r at., I The f"te-tiv vt.'lk till II- e Tool- Itolk. alarlltlll with Ih I Santa l-'e I I ill to 1 ll ll"l I 'l and Hie fiillt.'lli It.uhv.iv to f, l,i I'm "-, III. ai.iltli. the i.i ; I'Xlnhi'a. ih.- i noun. "ta ..nto'i' in 1 1 -t liivtnif all inf.. t tn.,! on about the ant. ill. -a e.oolll tin . ' ,. a of ihe at It.', will i, r, . .r.i graphic "i -port anttv lo ai'.dv New M.Mto'a ri-i"lt''-a I'll aid' ni K i'.ctte A. Jon. a of I1" -lale Si llo. d of Milt, a a n noilli. ea aa a a " ' i ll II al lire I h . ex hlhd of I h. I oa la .in. I lire .1 av a In whi'h Nt w M.xi ol II' il. The mine owncra al li i tilp ai d ether points Hr.. ftirinahing tbi". ..a Silver I'lly la I iirninhiiik! the i opi a i t-xhlhil, ami there will he allowing ol llle rarer urea for nliti It Veik M.xl'o Is f-iliioila Tho ia to allow Ih" irot t-.-aea hv wbnh Ihe ore ale i- ,1 Don't Risk Money in the mails. If you want money paid at a distance send it by WESTERN UKION Honeygrr.-i Payments made to the person or firm addressed; receipts obtained. Quick, responsible service. Rates very low. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Full information gladly givtn at any office Vw Account Annunt Cnnferen - e of the Young Men's and Young latdies' Mutual 1 iiijirot i mi nt A -aoi lal n.n to be held at Salt Lake City, June 12-14 There will be a special rate, Ai i,u aiiL-i.iie to KMt Lake and return at $31.95 Round Trip. Theas tickets on sale Juni f, 7, t and (tb, uml limited tn roo t niioiia iiiKi on the going Irlp, but permit atop overs on Ihe re turn trip wlihin the limit of ihe tli ket. f inal limit of th ticket be. ing sixty 11.0) days Hum dittr Of sale. I', J. JOHNSON, Agent. ,1 WHAT A MAN AIMS AT IN Vb fffs, LIFE DOES NOT ALWAYS rQ) BUUUDa , tt o led anil t olivet. etl Into 1 1 1 1 te. tt -l prollilit aollie 'llllg lit-Ver h.dore ,t' leltipted on a large ale. PROHIBITION ELECTION IN WAGON MOUND TODAY W.i pt'di, ll Moillid A d , .1 am loll l-l. i t ion I.. Ing held Th" thia il -'li- I t' llav ta '.ItltllMlk oai nil' t he total V ole of I III- ' "'ll hile I lie vol'-a b.l.e m l i.f. tl yet Ihoae hit llave been k' el mi tb.. voting Riiv thai the I' ll' a V I l"l for the dl V elellie . Ollaldel.ll.le tlli.j"! 'IV . CI.'. I' I e held 111 other ae. tl'.na of III. V. t-dli.-aday. .i i' Oltll "I ill II It ing 111 CURRY COUNTY LAND VALUES ADVANCING (teelal ( rreaiiei.eeer l Ike )lrrM t l.iV ia. . M . June . . Tile in. 'e In I ,. I.i ait week of Ihe ail"' of the -lla-rt. 1 I.e. j.v lattll I.T I-" ah a' If lll-naa .'M iipwaul nun in I'lirrv loiinii litiotn land. Una n. llli: the beat pipe pall r..r land In thn a.'t.oii sunt the ,.arlv boom data of the iliatn. t. J. It. Walaer waa the pur'ha-i-.. In h a 'I t r inaart ion. c la a local man. Minor Ol.ll.ltlll lo lat,r. I 'lm in will H'tou In mill" t a to a v or. I: i elf t.-.l in Apr. I, ha a ih i.-i mined t' let' v e i lo. la and New M.xi-o and will 1 1 ... V liia home in liillaa. Teta-. Whi le he hna made tela lln-aa . i. tile - I li.ha Mr ludhim lll'l belli all aitive f"MC III Ihe . a . Ill III 1 1 II -lly lltl Oil! been at till head nf Ihn l-'itat Nat. ot'. il bank and ..He "f I slt.' "f I I l.l'i.kl. n H" h.i been . ..t.-nb pitti Ihe 'bain;.- f"r e''in" t lie mid inelitlv . hiai'd ..III tua nalll . till: llllereala. He w.ll It ive ua .-.."M mi other toiatlo -a iill' I. -IN h.tvi lie- a thapoaed of. Additional State News on Page Seven. II. I,. Moore. Attorney. Cromwell llldg . Uo H 11 ml HL 1'bone 141. The HERALD Want Ads get the best results. i,:.i.