Newspaper Page Text
An Electric Iron Is a Blessing These Summer Days; Let The Herald Tell You How to Get One: f- - i - rrru-LTLrir J"rrr"Lr AtHMMHHI V. SI. V. V III ILIMVH win, iik. griTK s tms . mkt to ot n twin cm xo? SOD MoitKivo mimw.ip or thi: YMMiiirtrt I t It IIY Jlt. Ml XIS I .IKK llr'-STTTH. THHUXK-nTI7.t?f. v.J. no, AIJUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1914. TIIH KV ENITO RFRAIsD Vol;. 4. N. M. fflf nil? nes RISE I REVOLT AGIST S Hnndreds of Butte Union Men Wreck Union Kali and Drive Officers to Protection of Sheriff ACTING MAYOR CURRAN SERIOUSLY INJURED Outbreak a Protest Against Heavy Assessment Levied for Supportt of Sttrikers in Michigan and Elsewhere. (Ily Leased Wire o F.'venlnf Herald. Hon., Mont. June IJ. lliti:. i.iiucis. Intent on wreiklng vengeance upon hr iiltli er ! 0"e ft inn beca:c f alleged mlsmanagcm-.1, atlsc I .tiling M..,or Fruits t'uiran here l..y when he songl". to irctenl Ihe witcktng of th millets' union hill. Tlii. mu or was h' m il to pi hosnilul ,n an uni nnacinos oc I il. t.. While Hi rlut ni It, height. Al derman Chat lea l.aiie made u "i.u lliv acting mat"!' th..l he appeai I 'i I he governor lur troopa. 'I'll' county cu.nmiaxuoneia huatity assem bled wild authorised Mheriff Hrlacoll to swear In a man ydeputie aa were needed lu control the eiluation. Metetul bundled mineia relueed Id oai h hi.U) In a .re1e Ih .'uia il. .1. if miners' union day. Their re Nul waa . mti against heuty aa seiaineuts In led lur auppolt wl Ihe (Hike In Michigan and other fund nr. dercd raised liy Ihe Western Federu tin i.f Miner. They attacked the mati'tirra and hurled rmka at Treat ment H' tt Kilcy of the Unite utili.n and In ii loi dm. ne ultli liila. The l it. t Mere rescued by Ihe police and found shelter In the ahtrlft illl e. The then attacked miner' u ii inn hull. wrecked lia furniture, de atmjcd I In- ballot boxee In. tiling the votes cast In u reretit union election and carried on" the Itunka Aetl'ia Mayor Cuiran wui set upon when he tried lu addieaa Ihe rioter and per auadad them lo refrain fur.. .01 destruction of property He waa thrown lu lite ground and rendered un-n- lout The rlolera continued their demon train. na In the vicinity of the he--Id I ollke. where all of the union olll- lala remuinad In hiding Ai'tlng Mayor I'urrun m not dun eroualy Injured. II auffeied a dl location of Ihe ankle and a broken wrlai, beanie deep i-uta on the fair and body. The tiiaurfenl nilnera announ.ed a maaa tnenlna tonight when they aay tepa will Ih- taken for the forma tion of a new union and the etnli llHhntent of relntlotia with Ihe min ing rompaiilea. .nrtlirr XmIIii lrlaiat Wre-ke,l. tMdeiihofeti, Oermany, June 1J. Another of the Kenpehn alrxhlpa ol tha (lrrmnn army, the Z-l. w.ia badly re kid near here todiiy while trying to effert an em-rgenry landing. The air truiaer broke ui right anglt-a ne hlnd Ihe rear gondola. A lleiiiennnt waa Injured. CRASH Py leaWI Wire In rnlnc fleraltl.l On Hoard a. H. New York vbi Wirr- ... HI,, aconnell Xlrfaa.. June IS.-"4 While the American liner New Vorli.i Weai.iound, wua motlnnlea In a heavy I fog 4 mile eaat of Amhroac liKlll alilp eatly lodity, Ihe ll.imburg-Amer. , ban liner I'relorl.i, bound riiat, ran Into her and ripped hole 12 feel lilgh and S3 feet long In her port aide. Th hoi la fluah wlih the main de,-St nd I U leet atinv th water Un. Pu great waa the fore of the colli-1 lon that Ih l'reloila'a amhor w torn from her bow and left hanging Inalile the g.lp thai hud been lorn In th New York. Practically all of in paenger on !'"'h hlp wer aalcep. Iinmedlutely after Ih rnlllalnn Ih engine of oih ghip were nrdered full apeed aalern and paaaenger ean hurrying lo the deck. Th paaaengera of Ihe New York wer able In reach over and louch th bow of th I'ra torla ii ah pulled away from her dangeruua poaUlnn. Ther w no panic. Captain Hon rla and I'hlef Oltlcer Turner wer both tin th bridi a( Ih lime uf tit Til GREAT OCEMI LIIIEI1S P0RM1D BALLODri RACERS SAFE II! OREGOfi GUY Oai Bag Wrecked in Storm and Pilot Rendered Uncon scious but not Seriously In jured. By Ieannl Wire 10 Fvenlnf n era Id.) r'orlland. Ore., June 11 I'uptHln John llerry, pilot of Ihe mlaalng bal loon Million I'opiiliiilon ('lull and hit aide, ). rao T. Morrlmin, walked Inti Oregon I'lty nl 9.4U a. ni. todn). Their I. all. ...ii waa w rerke.l In a tree In the forest a.. inn tnlli- froin Oregon i'nv TliurmlHy nlghl, m. 11. riling to n l.rli'l telephone report rerelxed In Portland from Morrlaon, and llerry wn ren dered unriilm.ioua but waa not gel loualy Injured. The balloon wnn amnahe.1 agnlnal tall pine and eollapai'd in the top; brnnchea. Neither of the grr innun vaa thrown from the haket, but llerry waa hurled atMlnut the aide with aurh fnrr-a thin he waa knocked un' onai ioim. ' While the r.iln nme down In a (,e!une'nnd lilh'ning llaabed nl"ioi! mm, Mnrriann revived hit companion n they hung In the tree top n hundred feel above ground. At length llerry uWe. with the aid of Morrlaon to tleaccnd the trail rope lo the ground. Hefnre they dearended Morrlaon wrote hla note telling of the nnah.ip uml aa'ing for aid. which he 1111,1. In 1. to u carrier pigeon lht urrlved hete ea'errtiiy. Thnuunda pf petaona throughout Oregon' inott'itaiiiou region contin ued today t beat the denaely llmuer ed alopea In of the other two hiilloona which remained uf the four I hm aolled from here Thuradny In I'T ditan. e race Althotlth the "n teat hue developed niyalery Ih.ii lorbodea a tragic ar.iurl. the hopjiy e. cnH of Herry and Morrlaon atretigth ened Ihe hope Hint the Springfield an.1 Kanwa City III aeronaut will turn V p a re. ..- VILLA'S THREAT SAVED MAYTORENA FROM DISASTER lily Iraard Vlra to PSonlnC Herald. 1 liouglua. Arln. June II "I will hold you pemoimlly reaponalble for any Injury or Indignity goffered by J one Mariu Mitytoreiia, coiiatituilnoal. Iv elected goxernor of Honor " Thla meaaage, aent by flenernl Villa lo I'ol. H. Kllita l allca. military coiimialidiiiit of Hernnmlllo, aeveral daya ago, waa ull Ihut aaved (lovernor Muylorena from arrei and Imprlaon ment. according; to ml wee receded lodny ot 1 oiiatltutlonuliat hcuil'inur tera here. It cam when Colonel Calle hnn thrown troopa around the governor pulaie. on receipt of Ihe warning C'ulle withdrew hla men, und It waa nol until after thla thai fore nl Yu.iiia atimmoned In ihe governor'a aid reached Ihe capital. Ygnarlo Honlllu. Ueneral 'rrn aa'R "mediBlor," ent to coinpiwe Ihe difference Iwtween the civil and nill Itnry factlona In llermoalllo, arrived there today. laydar al Trinidad. Trinidad. I'olo., June IJ Mem hera of the Kleventh Tnltad Btle cavalry malloiied In Ihe airlke di trlct of Laa Animaa nd Huerfano countle are today greeting Ih f I rat appearance of the military ghoat lni'e Ihe troopa occupied the field on Mny ft and . Major Oambrlll of Fort I.ouiin, paymnaier, la here today pny Ihk the aoldura. Hetween lli.M and 11.'.. ni'" will be paaaed out 111 PIV to Ihe aoldlera. H 01! Hi FOG colltaion. They aaaured th frighten ed paaaenger. miiny of whom hurried to th starboard aide of Ihe ahlp. an ticipating a lial to port, thr wua no danger. Member of th crew wrnt among lit puaaengera and urged them to b calm. Fortunately th wntch which or rupled Ihe iUitrler behind that P'iri ot ah ship cruahed In, wag on ituiv I- t h. amke hole. Had the col- llalun ntcurred while thla watch wa nff duty, a number of live would probably have been loal. Th Pre lorln wa le damuged by th colli Ion than Ihe New York. Heveral ol th plale at her bow wre apron nd twlated. After ih pangr had bn ured they wer In no danger they be. gun lo laugh and Joke over the queer eoalumeg In which gome of th Irav, rlerg apeared upon deck. Th paa aenger refused to return lo thtir rabins until daylight. Afler II wa determined that t4 gerlnu damage had been don 14 ellher uf th ship, they proceeded oh their wy. PRINCIPLECRITICALCIVIL WAR OFIlffS E ENDORSED Advocates of Equal Political Rights for Women Win Twenty Year's Fight in Fed eration Convention at Chi cago. CONSTITUTIONAL BAR TO POLITICS GOES DOWN Resolution Containing Une equivocal Endorsement of Woman's Fight for the Bal lot is Passed Today. lit litwird Wire 10 tttrttilng Her!.!. I'hl.-iigo. June I J. The prin- rlple of n.imnni suffrage wn endoraed here toil.iy by Ihe l.enenil Federation of Women' Ity tin action a twenty yeara' fight b Ihe aiiffruglaia to break down the federallon'a c.niitu- r on political and re- llgiou eulijecis waa atlcceaaful. The reaoliition rollowa: "Wherea. Ihe ii'ieatlon of po- 0 lit ten I equality of men and worn- en la lodny a vlial problem un- der dlaciifaion throuKlioul the livllUed world: KcB.ilv.d, thiil Ih Oeneral Vederutlun of Wi.meu' L'lub give the istiee of polilliul eiiial- Ity Ita moral support by record- Ing Ita eiirncat belief in Ihe principle of political equality re- giirdleaa of ." IIDikHm So It rage I'plH'lil. rtpringlleld. III., June 13 The llli nota womun'a auflriiae ni-t waa tie tlaied by I lie stnle su preme court tod.iy ill detldlnr the Scnwn suit The woman's sulTr.ise ai t, Ihe l.lily of which wua upheld by the de cision, granted limited sunr.iKe to nil women cltUcna or Illinois, penult im them to vote for atiitntory ofllcer. iml upon propoatlona preaented to the II linola electornte. TODAY'S GAMES M1TIIIIVV, JI K IS. NATIONAL LEAGUE C'nriK : lt4Mla, O. II. II. K. rl. Louis no I in Hi r.iiu in ii lirookhn un" uimi nun-g & f lialierlec. I'.rlner and fnyiler; AK'h-, s limlti! and M. i'aily. ( tile, 4; I. lain. H, it. II. F. f'hlcago t;'u mill Oil 4 New York ....Uii nul ling R 0 Hutteriea: Pierce, Xaiiel and Ilrrs- nithnit, llargiuve; Iemure and Mc Lean. rirat, 3; Urate. I. II. II. K. Pittsburgh ... IH'O 110 010 3 u lioalon lino IJO Ull 4 l I llallerlea: foiiaelman. I'ooper and OiIihoii; Tyler and Howdy. AMERICAN LEAGUE lIMtMHHe ItDlll. . Wushingloll-.'hltaKo B.illle post poned: rain. AllihHIc, 10; ap. N. It. II. K rhili.delphla .UHl ni 110 1 Ii -rievilad ...loi Hi J sou 8 II 3 (allel ic: Klin w key. I'lunk und Ijipp: Hugeriiinn, Jonea and Nell. FEDERAL LEAGUE IN.mhunI Itoln. Ilnltimore-t'lii. a un guinea poal poned; rain. Iluffalo. 4: M. Iiula, 7. llufTulo villi On II I'lO 4 7 1 Ml. Louia US l00 lltlx 7 1 I Uuiterieo Anderwm and Lavigne: Uroom and Hlinon. Ilnxiklyn. t; lc kcea. If). nrnoklyn 0'U U1 401 7 1 Kaitaa Pity .DO dot 0x III It I llutlerlea: llouck, laifitte. Kealon nd Land. Owen; I'ullop, llarrla. I'ackard and Luaterly. SUFFRAG d i Abb Ai NIAGARA TODAY Mediators Concentrating At tention of Search for Man Who Can Take Iluerta". Place and Satisfy Carranza. I SENATOR AS LAWYER Carranza Indicates None but an Associate will Suit Him and Pushes Fighting at All Points. (Ill IiraMd Wire in Kyenlnf Horald. Snlllllo, la Ijirtilo. .lone 13. Military oicraiim an- Im-Iiik IhwImnI by tlu- niiiMllullonallHta with tlie utintM vigor. iH-HM-rme flu In I iig a otitliHiew at and about y..lxa-, will, h l.cocnil Natcrn aaanltifl two day au. NanT' rt'iHirt, r cited lutr, aintlily Mate Hint flglitliiK tciy liewvy but gave no liiillcailon of Hie iimgree of tlw Iwtlle or I lie taauitltlc. H.'InfoMitietit bate Im-ii Mtit to Natta. The nnanea of Ihe three repreaentrt llve Cenenil Curr.inzu will a.n.1 to Nh. Kuril Full will nol be nuide public nd Hie acope of their poweta will 1101 be outlined until Carrunxu receuea un answer from the nied.atora in reply lo Ilia note gilvlalng that he was wiuiug to send representatives. According lo announcement today (tenernl far rnnsa made It plum that he alwa.s bud favored Ihe conference In prin ciple a ad accepted the liuud olu ca of the mediators, bin that mixiiit deratandinga had Inlluenced him to deliiy appointment of rcpreaentnt Ivea. TIKMII'MIIII IHTHOVl Tin: m.iti 1, i.i Miovr i ri.iu'W tin Hoard I . S. t'ulir.rniu. Mu latlnn. June 12. via Wlrelesa to Him IMcgo, June IS. The Mexican troop, ship (iiierrero dcatroyed the conatt lutionnllal armed steamer I'ulliiculi. alter n battle near Hunymaa lat niKht, according lo Information thnt reached here today. No report of the cnauulliea hu lief n rei'eivt'il. HII KTV IIIHKh niHMF.Il M:XOH 11 IIKI'IIINrAT HIS IXTI.IIKSTS Wuahlnglon, June 13 While on-.-clula ht-re today expreased great sutlh. faction oter the aignlng (if the ic ' locol in the M.h .11 pen. nexoliii liotia at NlnuarH I'.illa. sutiahVil Hi It tn.iiiia tin. eliiu. ni. lion of lluirii. II developed that lluerta hnd enKugcl oiinael to represent him here and thn through hia agen. y Iip la m touch Willi the Washington govern ment and developim-ma at Niugui't Fulls. t'h.irl.'a A. Tnwne, of New York, former 1'iilied Mates senator lr..:n Minnesota. Is licn. i il lliterla'a coun selor, ami diirltiK the last few day Ii has eonlerred Willi Secretary Hryun and hua been In communication with 1'resnlcnt Wilson over the develop ment of the plan whereby It la propos ed to transfer the .Mexican govern ment from llueri.i to a provision il regime. Mr. Town declared today the sign ing of the protocol una a hopeful alan of 11 satisfactory settlement liciua reached, bill hn looked Uxin today a the 11101 critical one sine the in. ill ation conference lu-Kan, Mr. Town was .11 touch early to day with lluerta a commissioners ..I Niagara Fulls, and "Im In coniniunie.i. lion with Mexico t'lty hy telegraph ('nnatltullonuliat aueula were ailet't on the protocol ii " A. llouglaHa. or of farranxa'a lek.l represcniall e. (inferred al length with'a . y Hryan. niTHiN or piiiiv ihiovi or TIIK I 'HIST fl 'K IMK I'MIAT Nlagaril Fulls, mil.. June II A search lor a man '" take the place f Huerl.t ii protiiioiial president Mexico t. .lay oc. ui ud Ihe meilial.u', following the amii.i u of the first of a seriea of prio ol- Til first .e.i . document provide for a tranafer ol power front lln.i'i suhstuntiullt follow'. A government ia in he ronatituie'l n Mexico, of a chat.n ler to b later pro. tided which al... II be recognixed in Mexico i'lty on .( .( to lie fixed I and which Irom that il.c mrward bIi.iII ex ercise public fun. tnma until liter ahull l. Inaugurai.'d a Conaillut ion il president. The language of lite Protocol pur poaelv uae Ihe pbiaae "which shall be recognised In Mexico f'ity" without specifying by hem. so that In another protocol reroun.tion will b promia.'t by the I'nlled Hi....' a well aa the mediating eouniiie. Algenllne, lira II and Chile. The first nrnhvnl la th on y on which will deal with the method if transfer. It omii lh reference lo cona'ituilnnul u.'.eaii.n through the appointment of a minister of foreign BREAKS OUT III ITALY All Radical Factions Join in Bologna in Wild Riot Di rected Against the Govern ment Today. CHURCHES WRECKED AND TURNED INTO FORTS Long Live the Revolution" Slogan of the Anarchists as Troops Make Bayonet Charge (Hy Icaaed Wire to Krenlnf Herald. J HuloKita, Italy. June I J. Republi can, socialist und anarchists wno in Ihe puat have fought each other vehemently, polned In a rioioua cam paign against Ihe gow'tnnicnt until. .rl. tie ut Kavennu, It wua learned lodny. until reinforcements of troop drove the leaders of the revolutionary move ment Into the republican, am-lallM unit labor exchanges where they ure ml oexieged. After a ma meeting, messenger were dispell, lied to the surrounding country to announce the ocnclusion .1 the alliance und lo Inn nut the three parlies' adherents to gather and op Hm Hi aut hot tiles. .-iimuUaneoiily a reign of vandallam Wua lie (tun. The rioter invaded Hie church of Ut. Mury of Ruff rage, (I, t toyed ihe sacred ubjeela and stole Ihe pictures and alarm boxes. They removed confessloiiala, benches and pulpit mid formed a barricade with them in toss the street, filling In liie open spuce Willi 1 hulrs, statues, can dlesticks and criiclilxes. Another mob invaded the conalldi- tlnniil club, where the orgy of de struction was continued. The furni ture ttas 11. .1 to bull. I another barri cade, un lop of which the national Hug Was burned. I'avulrv und infantry with fixed bay onets attacked tha barricade In die lac of volley of tone an. I other misellea while the riotet shinned "Long live the revolution," "long llvr th social republic," und "long lite anarchy." Amiitui TVrror Ktrbkiii. Aneouii, Italy, Jut:,. 1 .1. This town o iiiiiues in a hi. 1 tc of terror owIiik turther attempts ul looting ..y Hie .Inkers. Troops nre on guaid day and night In all the streets and detach- ment of bluejackets lime been lull I ed lioui Ih,, 1 1 : I in it cruisers to assist Ihe soldiers trt the niai'itetiu n... of or. der I'atulrv continuously palrol lie outskirts of the town to pretent 111c entrance or anyone n..t liiin a apei iul p. rnilt. 1r(HiiK sleiu Home. June 1 3. I lelaclinn iita ol troops wete ordered today to I .ke control of the ruilroiid station and tracks 'n Knmc, nffuirs which Ihe .M.xi.un plan ho' suggested. Ily Us simple ultlt uiai ive atiitemenl that n government I arise in Mexico I'lty oil a certain ilat" there I tin proposition of any partic ular way b which the truiixler shall be ttccomilsbed, but it is expln nlv understood that the appointment i.y lluerla of the man selected here la one process to which Ihe l ulled Ki.u.a objected und which will not be put Into effect. The Amen. -an and Mcxiinn dole gates und niedliilota In un informal lonleretii this uflernoon disi usscd ul length the second pi. .11k In the peace plan which will dial with the' elm rac ier of Ihe new provisional got 1 1 nioeiit 10 sue ted Hie present regime In Mcxk ... No final iigreement wu leached and olliet' meetings will ' iiecesnary before the second protocol Is perlected and sinned. t ltlt. Will, ISMsT Ills HUN MW UHl I'lll MIH T llullclin. Saltillo, itex , June 13. (Via laircdo, Tex.. Jiln,. Ill Alter the disp,itci of lieneral t'.iuii'i 1 note lo lha mediator al Niagara I'.ill". It waa today authoritatltely stated 1l1.1t IIih cotialiliitloliallsla wish one of their own member (o become pro tisiotial president under medlutloii plans providing taking such nftl. e can not be construed In uny manner as legalising uny uf lluerta a acts. AXOTIII It MOMlllKiON I I I H l'IUl TUB WHVI'll TO rovli: Vera flux, June IS. .tnifipaiiiix Ihe ovenhtow of th Huert.i govern ment and fearing ila ennse.iiencea lor himself and for hla family, (leneral Lorenao Mnndruion, lb older broinci of (leneral Manuel Vlonilragon, whi was I" resident lluerla II rat eecrclat y of war. now In Harla. took refuue within Hi Ainerl.'an lliiag her today. FIFTH ERUPTIOH OF r in pit 1 innrii in IV E Sulphur Fumes Evident at Dis tance of Sixteen Miles. For est Ranger and Two Guides May Have Perished. lly IsnstNl U Iro lo lAciiliig; Herald. Keil.lmu, ('..I.. June I 1 - A Itlin ( luplioti or Mount Ijiksi ii, more vio lent eteti than thai or lat nluhl. which in I urn Was lar gteater than any of tlioe lhal preceded It, nr- I early today. For Ihe first dm the in. 'II i.f aiilpliur was In the nlr Aahes fell at Mineral, sixteen unlet flout the peak Al till distance the imtatn w lii.l.l.-n in haze, but the I tilled Ml a tea lor.. airy stall. .11 111 Min eral report, d that Ihe tuat column of blackened a Pol a rising from in later was tl'Hily tinged nl.'h sulphur fumes und that sulphur could be smell there. The successive otilbretik of Mount Lassen hute been vely ftrr I. him. but Ihe last two lar overtopped the ol hera. A searching pnriv of three started today to look for Hanger Aobey and hla parly of three who fulled to return laat night from a trip to the summit, und who Ii la tear-. I. muv hat P been overcome i,t gaaeg In the eruption yesterday. Hanger anil farly Safe. Kan r'runciaco, June 3. Fore.t Hanger Abney and his party ure sale. Word Hint they hud escaped the rreii. I'ott of Mount Iji.s. n, which they wer nsceiidliig when Ihe eruption broke forth, was contained in a telegram lo the I'nlled Miutes f.ircst service, rc (elved here today frni Mupervlsor Hushing. Th,, lookoii: rlntlon on the atimmii near the crater, wns (te at myed. A telegram from Hushing auld: "Volcanic ash fell here from T In HO this morning. Strong atilphur fumes sppsr. nt. No flame nr moltep material seen yet. The discharge It flna volcanic r.h, atcsm and sulphur fume with liciity t .lln g (lore lo T. aa In previous out l.iists." CHARGE CONSPIRACY TO CONTROL PRICE OF WHEAT IN MANY STATES Ily l-cn-s-tl Wlro lo Rvetiln; Herald. Salt Iike t'lty. June 1.1. Hint wu Died in the district cunt eater. lay by two aim kholilers of Ihe I'tuh l.laho Kletntor company against lliut coiupany, Ihe Fanner' I'.raln und Milling compnny of I tab, the Long nioiit Farmeis' Milling und Lletulor coinpiiny of t'oloiado. the (llobe Hi. .111 and .Milling company of I'ull foinia and seteral liidtvuluals, chuig Iiik ih. .1 the ilefeiidanlH and other iin.ler Hie control of J. K. Mullen of I1.11..T were coiiapiiitiK Illegally to .unit.. I the prne i.f wheal und other Kl'uin. in ( allfornla. 11I.11111J.1, I lull, V oiiiing, Montana, Idaho, Nebruska an. I Kansn. mid uskiiig for un lli Juuilioii. It la by the plain tiff. I: K. Miller of Kali Ijtkv unu John L. Hair of I 'enter, that Mul len, operating through the Colorado Milling and Klctutor coiupany, con trols nl.. .ul ten mill an. I cletul'.r planls in the state pinned. PRESIDENT WILL ATTEND FORMAL OPENING OF CANAL (Ily la-ased Wire lo Tvctitng Herald. Wufluiiatoti. June 1 3 l'leal.l.lit Wilson will leave Washington on Match ".. I'lir., for I'anaina, to ultend flormul opening seremonlea of the Paiiuina canal at a dale to be titer mtned later: will pass (broiiah the canal With 1 1 ... .al.iliet o'l the old batllellli 'llegoil anil I lien ploiced LtiJOLIi Id WW lo San Fran. iaco. j s 4 4 f 4 W WW V w w a saiawMw Mssasswssasss.sasae.aaaNaass .seasswsassa TWO D EM . TWEflTY-THREE HURT III WA Ft LUTED WRECK (Ity I .cased Wire In r.venlng Herald ) l.os Angeles, t'.il.. June I I - Two persona were killed and 31 injined in the wreck last nlsbt at Hag. la. I. al , w hen an east bound Sai.t.i Fo limited limn run into up open switch and crashed a freighi lialn on the siding Met nt. .n of the Injured and the hod ies of H. M. I'luni uml t'harles I'tlilrli of Man Francisco, Hie two men killed, were InoiMht here aboard a ieelal train totav. It w is reported at railroad h a..iuirlers lhal the wrei waa ecu. I Ijv nu open suit.h leading 'nlo the Riding oil who h Ih fieiht train stood to let the limited puss. The wrecked train I euatl.ound California limited train No 4. due In Albuquerque this evening at o'clock. Th train has been cancelled. The dining cur. In which th two peraon wsre killed, la a wooden car. and rmlrn.ul men said that had th wreck come halt an hour earlier Ihe death list might have been larg-". The dining ur practically waa lear of pusaengrri when the wreck occurred. Kan Francisco, June 11 Charb W. Iieldeti, who wa killed In III wreck of the I'aillornia Inni'cd luat nlghl. Was secretary of th Pacific Motor Pub Halting company with hire. HI home wa In Chicago und he waa bound tor that city lo visit hia inothvt and hia aleplather. Kdttard K irr. who la reported to be dying. QUEEN WHY PREPARES TO LEAVE LOill! Declares She Cannot Stand Nervous Tension and will Leve George to Fight it Out Alone. i UNPARALLELED" SOCIAL SENSATION THE RESULT England's Queen Literally Driven from Her Capital City by Fear of Continued Attacks of the Furies. , fBy I eased Wtra o Kvenlnc flerald.t laonlon, June 13. yueen Mury baa decided in caae of further aurTragetle deinnnalratlon In th vicinity of royalty to quit I on- don ubruplly and leave King Ueorce to finiah thy sua sun alotie, according to a sour. In close touch with th court and the gov- ernment. Th queen I reprewntsd a being In state of nertou ten- on us to when and where Ih next suffragette will appear. Mhe, It la said, has no Intention of allowing her existence to be made unhap.y by those sh dab- Itually cull th "furlea." Should the queen b forced to rarry her threat into execution, the irtep will rrente an unparal- teled social aensMilof.. REPUBLICANS WIN IN FIGHT FOR CONTROL OF ELECTION BOARDS (Ilf Lesusrd VVTr to Ovonlnc llraJd. lienver, June 13. Thai Ihe K publican party hud won II fight with the 1'rogreestve to h recognixed the second party In the stale was In dicated from un authoritative source ut noon today. It wua said that dur ing tho afternoon Peputy Ailurne (leneral K. K. It. nick would tue formal opinion governing the ap pointment of election Judge In tide of a. mm or more population, giving Ihe Itepiibllcana representation on election bonrda as the second party. K. M. Aniinons, Lh'tnocral, waa el.M te.l governor at the 1V1I elec tion, receiving approximately 14 4. mm votes. The ballots dial for the next highest candidates approximately were: f. M. Parks. Kepublicnn, a,tuu. nil I Costlgan. 1'rogresmye, (, una. The Progressives claimed th right to he recognised a the econd party. The Kcpuhllcun. presenting their case, contended that .Costlgan was n candidate on the Progressive, the "I'.ull Moose" ni..) Ihe ll.sisevelt l'rogreasite tickets: thai 'hla vol should be divided among-theso three Patties and tliut It thla wua done th Iteptiblican parly vote irf 3 01.11 would be the second highest cast. Iloth parties presented their claim to liopuly llouck setetul day a ago. iVIVIANI SUCCEEDS IN FORMING NEW CABINET Pari. June 13 - Itene Vivian! this evening Informed President ) I'o.ncaire that be hud aucceed- ! ed III forming a cabinet.