Newspaper Page Text
4 ) ; i : 1 i 'i t w : v ' i 'V I -Mir TWO THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., SATURDAY. JUNE 13, 1914. inawnmnHraiMai FIFTH DUNK GOES E. tiwirnnnmrs 258BHC MARCUS P. SAWTELLE ur Oeneral Contractor .Porch Shade Office & Carpenter Shop THE OLD DAYS 211 Weit Gold s RECALLS DOMLOfU K9 i(S! 1! 1 1 ni TrirkMo I PURE ICE CREAM 611 E. Central Phone 507 COLONEL REFUSES TO TALK POLITICS II EXPLOSO AT WHITE OAKS Former Senator Said to Face Novelist Wrote "Heart's De- Physical Collapse as Result of Disclosures of Past Twenty-Four Hours. OF ANY IJATIO Roosevelt, in London Today Sayi His Visit is Purely Scientific ar 1 Social and In terviewers Lose Heart. (I'T )4mJ Wire o l -nlnt Herald In' K, .In ni- 13 A IKUl I'd M K .." losed imlav bv lf stala bunk v iiiiuiit III i nlHni In. li with (III dl- ii.min- of n million in ili. Iji ."alle Hin-ct Ti'ixi mill s.ihik bank. Tin" bank. I In' 1 14 r I ! ft K i'f i iiIiiiih'I, ii' - sire" Around Lincoln Coun ty Town. Here with New Director of National Parks. Kin. ii M'.'iiili, iiimli"! ami mag- ..nk i kji iiiier. r what ttrip km. uii if l.i.i urn I'M utnluv ( lly I .eased nire to fCvrttlng Herald. 1 London. June 11 Col. Theodore lln.niev ell arrived In London from the continent y. accompanied by Mm. Nli hnlaa l-ons-worth and Phillip J.' i-lt. Km cousin- Am' a lor V Iter Hine Page wit w.n . . Ihi With Kl in were '. memi. - f the embuasy fluff, l.l.'ui. ( nl. ' thnr llMmlltun I.e.' f..riinT J li it ii- ) inlllliry attache ul U'n-liii.Ktiiii nnil iinw Cnnaerva ti' - nirmliff nf parliament, It. New tun Crane nf the American Society In l.nml'.n, ii ml a numkr of other Americana. "My viBlt to England In purely n lul ii nil scientific nnr. I have come here to l- t ii ro before tin- ltol llrogrnphlcal Society im Ihf subject of mv discoveries unit adventures In llrnxtl nml iiUn to meet friends. Will lint discus politics, either Amer ican, Fnglish ur French." This kiii thr reply of Colonel Ttnnsevelt i' . bombardment nf uucs frmn n score nf newspupcr mrn fur whom hi. Ik-I.I im mfurmul re ! linn at'ut. i.'nl. Lee's London r-Idem. PRESIDENT JOINS WITH "OLD GRADS" IN PRINCETON RE-UNION in liraard Wlr U Xvaxitne Herat Princeton, N. J.. June 13. Wood row Wllmm, Princeton '7. quit being prcaldnnt of the I'nlled Ktatea fw a linrt while today ami became sit, i'ly an "'nl. I grail" The occasion wu the annual Alumni day celebration of Mi university. The president arrivedahnrtly after nuini Indny and wan greeted by a huge crowd of alumni und under graduate. The executive mi l at the elutlnn by A. W. Halrcy nf Ni York, liicaidcnt nf the class nf "it. Hi. in slapped on Ihf buck and htir. iumI n limit )uat aa thnuKh hi wire an ordinary rillifn Ah Bonn iib Ihf liKHKl.-iit nrrlvi'd at '? hull ho wtia Bhown uBtnin. wluTf u liuffpt luncheon wna rwrvfi). Aflr tlir linn hi'nn I hi. m In tii I ui i. i.i- u niHK.d fid thn I'nllfKn niiiiipua. The irpBlili'iit man h. il in I hi' Iuih.-. bull fl,i with tlluUBiimlii nf nllier Kradiin'iiB. Ilr nlkfil l.f.Wf-.n nnl IttieH nf I'rlnri-toii m) tnifil hiKiTN. w In rlirrrril him. An 1Kb nirnl Blnrlfil I W Mil iar nf riilliiilillililii, i. ni or the iniir bIiiiIb nf '7 ilHa. Blmiiti-d to the prBmJfiii "Krt-p niip thi-n-, Tom my." "fVrtnlnlv, I'll nlu-y nrilrra." r plifd tln .remilent WIiIIb th nuniB itb wnrniini up rlnaa aft-r tIiibb marohrd In front of Iht. primji-iii BBvtmu and cheirfd WmsIiouIh Tin I i Ilii1liittn. Iiu.r. Juiir II. ItcporiB ri-ii'lvvd hi Imlav by the IikiiI nftlri-B nf the 'il( mo. llurlliiKtnn und gulmy rail road Indliai Bfrn.iiB wuBhmiiH JubI Bt of the t'nloriiilii Bliili- lliif, near Siratton. Ij. hb a ri-Biilt of a heavy I'li.ii.H.lirm lam n. Kilt. WeBlbolllid irHfllc la B.Mil t he Indefinitely delayed the ! K Sin fe. trnrflf ninnnxer for I.. 11. I ' i.t id .holes-lie hnilxe dill leave I Inn evimnic fr the I'a- itir ioumi for hi mii'.iiii.ii A Real Bargain Dining Room Suite in Early English cf Solid Quartered Oak, consisting1 of Buffet is ".! China Closet J - Dining Table ' . Six Dii;::ig Chain . ; Serving: Table , .v All for $140.00. ' J - We are offering: this real barg-ain for $10 down and $2.5Q a week. See our Show Window. ',' Strong Bros. ; 2ND AND COPPER . "l illnR to I he pleleB I It,' l lliilli hb ihe Birirm lu.lillB III IlliaUn To bunk ix iiiiiiier" from Hie Binie aiiililot a i if 11. e in in iiik' ii I.I iiiilu-'l li.ilnv (ii iikbikI In Hie exiiimtiiil imii ! Ille fl'e llllllllB HUM- In the Blllle l.atik lOK fti'iiailment h IiiiiiiIh. Will... m 1. 1. rimer, pripubnt of the I Jl Halle Street hank. WIib B'll.l In be iieni a .lirl. nl i .ila.ii.' r r. mi the) el nil n nf il. i'l.i.ini nl... nf the In hi ' iweiily-foiir heiim. The bank I'kfitninei b wnt ked Hlenil HV oil the bonkB nf the I. a Sn He street bank, Ihe llmuil w.i v .luie bank, the 1 1 li min Male bank. the Ahl..n.l Tuelllh Slate hunk and the Stale Hank of ('aliimet. Approximately 1 4.I1111I.I11111 t,f ile poBlta are tied up In Ihe Male run trolled ItlBtlltltlonB Hinre nf rblblren tml.iy beBieaed the finite ltari': nf f'nliimet with hiinkhnnka In .mil. neekiiiK money bnh they bad depimlli'd for a I'hrlBlnuiB fund. They ir. ..). I about Ihe ilimra, but could iml K'l their timney. An erhn of the rlolnr of the I.11 Hulle Ktreet TriiBl nml HiivIukb bank heard In the federal four! today when a rereixr wan uppnlnted Tor Ihe SoulhWeBl SavltiRB hank, nwned b t.oolB J. Kreji I The private bank er had 14. mill depoBited in I be li Jalle Street bank and when he heard the bank wkb i lom-.l he BiiKpended buvlm'BB. Knjil. however, deelured he bail Hiiflirient tnenna to meet Ihe leliiumlB of hlB depoBitorB. BUSINESS f3e COLLEGE ITEMS Tile auinmtr term openud Mondiy with a large reglatntiiun. Tbu at tendance thla Buminer U the laricil In the biBlnry of the aehonl, and mv rl more expert to enter Boon Mim ill . flindH, now employed in tb ortli .upnriiitandviit If. K. Mtinu niera at Man Mnn ial, vlaiied reiutivu and frleml. t.. AHm.Uer.U Sun day. Van lt-H!.il left TueBilay lor Santa Ka where he will ai-rept 11 pOBltlnn .1 bookke. p. r for K. I'hlli Ider. Ariii.iKeiiientB ur,. beinit mule l..r Ihe blK bixiIi iiiiniial A. II. t. pi. nlc July till HhK'll 'l oinixeB to lie "111" hiXKfl eer." I'ri-w-iu ami former ktiidetilM are utiil to atleml ami ibould nollly the t otiiitiliti e em it ThoB. In eharKe of arraiiKetni HlB uri-: MiBBen Jemlitiu lioiin. Mertie lllar, .Maude Webb. .Munii A If. Itlehl, I'aul lii.yne, mid K Newman. ilnh Wlllley, now em pn l-il i.l Ille forewtry Bervb'e ut KliiKHaff. Anx., will a to fiiendB I bat ihe hen! vime h.iBn'i even made an ImpreBBion ai H ti in HorKetleld, lln left Iiibi week for ' !UbIom( where he is employed u Ii- Sniila wrlte that he likes hit Work and Ib ilelllnit 1, Ioiik Well. "hu. Il'im lii-t! Penan work In ine loral foieairy oltnex loilay. The 1 iibI'.iii nf IiiiMiik rei itatlnn nf Ihe f 'lenoon only )h neiiiK pur-iuei attain Ihlt year ami ib very popiilai'. KenBlona are held from K in 1.' l-:-n-InK b. Iinnl held llileo tnuen 11 wem niilinuea all Biiininer. urine wiiti't. wiib piiBM-tiKer mi tna Weil l.'.'ili.l l ulilolliui limileil IbiB IIO'llliliK He IB aalbellllK IlialirUi tor m ti rii'i of nrtii lea mi the iiulmii 11 1 paik Inr an eiiHl-rn liiikuxui- Mil lloiiiih ib wnh the, ami will uiiompaiiy bun nn iiib tripa I11 the paikB. There are 11 d'ni'ii na tional parks iilloRvlher. und Mr. HnuKh Bald thla mnrmiiK that he IhoiiKbl II WiiN the lil-l time Hlinne had vet nut In ' do" them uil nil one lour. 'U the way Weal the HouahB will Blnp at the (iruml I'anynn, which In what Ib knuwn ub a national inoii utneiil, and not a park. Traelitm weNtwatd with Mr. and Mm. II. .null la the newly appointed illrertor nf national parka. Mark Iian lelB Mr I i.i riu Im Ib leluriimu to hi home in Itelkelet. i al. niut Inn fr( ufll' Ial trip to VN HBbiiiiili.ii. Mr. IhimelB Bull! Iiib winter head ipiartera would be In WuBbiimtoii. He pliuiH to Bpenil three moiithn at th nuti.'iiMl eapitnl. The other nln monihB of the year hla'iunrler. will be ut his nfllres In San Kraii cIbi o. where he ptai tiiea law. Mr. lloiiKh Ib not u MtrauKer to lhl part of Ihe miliary. Me prmtiied law In Wlilie 1 inks, l.ltx'oln rniint, In lxl. "1 wrnle my atory. "llenrt's I'e hire.' urotind White iiaks," bui.I Mr HoUKh thla inorninR. "Twentv yearn after I left White uk I went Im there and found the ihuruiler In Ibv bonk nt the Btalion waltlna for m The people Mere JubI the aaine, only more ho." Mr. Iloiixh'a . pteBent home ib In I "In, n Do. He la noted as a traveler, at well as a writer. He traveled nil nii'f the wildest nil t ion of the weal and in Ihe winter of IS!'-', be explored the Vi lli WKtnne I'ark, traveliiiB on akia. The art of rniiKiem. pi..!"if the park buff a In was doe tn this trip Mr. Hon ah la the author of The StiriKinK Mouse Stories ll'.r, 1. The Story of the Cowboy HXUTi; The iii at ine Halwuy lloiiBe f I MI I ; The MInbibbIppI Hubble (1H(i2i; The Way nf the West tl3): The Law of the Land lU4i; Heart's lrsire I lull. I The Klna t 'lee Whlx ll'.iiHi; The Slory ol the outlaw (limit; The Way of n Man tlHuTl: Klfty-four Forty or Fight tlmm); The Sowina 1U0 1 : The VotiiiK Alaakans (IMI'U The I'ur. hae price I mil: The Young Alimkans mi the Trail I D 1 I ) and of many short stories published In the muKiixlties JESUIT TELLS HOW GEN. VILLA HELD HIM FOR RANSOM SEBB GETS CHANGE OP VENUE DUE SUIT li Victor American Fuel Compa ny Vainly Resist! Motion of Four Jesuit falher-t who were among the prlest expelled frum Hal l:llo by Mineral Villa were visitors ul the rectory of the. Church of the Im in. 1 ul. 11- t'lincepiinn oyer nntht Thy arrived here In t night from Kl I'asii. mid were welcomed by Km her Mnn- bilarl, nf the Inriil ihurch. They are Father Piihiirdo. Father Menilen. Father lnn and F.ilher M.icias. In Bpei.king nf hla experl-niea at .'-allillo. Father I'b hardo said Ihe .lemma were sumnioned nefoie 'l'l 1 lite day after the capture nf the t"W1 and ordered to pnv 1 1 'i.ooti. Katner I'll hurilo said, anil were held pris oners in Villa's house unlit May '!' That night, aald the father. Ihey we-e taken to a deserted house and sub jected to Ihe ordeal of a mlmb' ex ecution. One by one they were taken Into 11 room und faced hy a Soldier with rllle or revolver In hand. A sht was llred over their hends. They were sent to Torreon in n stock and fmm Torreon were taken In Chihuahua, and 1 hence to 1)1 Paso. Father Pichnrdu left today for Trin idad and Father Mendex for La Vi g is. The nlherB will remain here. ItawlWMM 'iiihbI Cured by locul appll. utli.ns, as Ihey ciinnol leach the dlNeased portion of Ihe There la only one way to cure deit lu hb, and that ia by cohhUi titi"n..l leiiediea. tieafneai, Is raused tty mi iiillained t'ondillon of the mucuiia I i . -Im of the Kiistuihian Tube. .Wh -n thin tune la Intlammed you have a rumbling aoiind or Imperfect bearing, and w hen It la entirely cloned, I leaf nesa la Ihe result, und unless the In- I Humiliation can be taken out und Una lube restored to Its normal condition, blaring will be destroyed forever, nine Plnintiff'a rnnnl Niflr cases nut of ten are catiNed by Catarrh, ur - TV . J - XT fr I I iUCU ACIUCU H ItCW 1I1U1. Overruling nbji' llon by the d. ieml- atils. Jinliie Itayuolds in the district court thla allerimnn granted a ilmiur o venue Irmn McKinle coumy t" liertialillu county I t the aae of Krantj Seiit, against Ihe Victor Ainrriin Fuel company. Si bb is suing f if 1 ta.OVU ditmiigea for injuries alleged I 1 h;ive been au'iulned In 11 ruve-in it a tnbann mine. I The motion for u (liKlig,. of vinil" was made by Attorney Harold H Jam. laun of the firm of Vigil Jamison.' cuunael for Sel.b Cmuisel for the Company resisted the change by brief. Sebb alleges In his cnniplaint t I1.1t he wua taken from his regular woig and UBslaiird to the a ene of the cave In after he had protested. A cave-In irevloua tn that made him fear the work would be dungeroua. Tba case will be tried at the fall term of court here. Thv motion nf Nick Mai for a new trial Ih hla case against the city fVf rompenaalion for damage done by the abutting down of Harvlaa ditch waa denied, and judgment fur 14,614, In nci-ordam r with the Verdict of the Jurv. was 1 rdered l.xirpm.ii to the ilrmsl waa lild. I which la nothing but an In Hani me I condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred liollara for any case nf lieafnesa (caused ny lalarrhl thai cannot be cured by II, .11 s Catarrh Cure. He ml Inr cir cilliira, flee. M J. I'll F.N' FY CO , Tnlcd. 1, Ohln. Hold by lirugglsta, Take 11 ill's Family Pill for cnsil. I .itmn. Itching. bleeding protr u.llng "r blind piles have Icliled to 1 loan's iinliuent. Lur at all stnres. at Reduced Prices Make your porch cool and pleasant during the summer months by using our Superior Quality of Shad:s. Something different and entirely satisfac tory. Let us show them to you and quote you un Usual prices for this quality. GEO. C. SCHEER Furniture Company , 314-316 South Second Street. Vv "W aaWjaxxsa -TA b 8 ft r JSfeat Lakes 1 1 j 1 V n F- aty-y,. . - a i"liirnK i lilt .'airway to the Like nyimi. J'nnii wrv ntiliitti nioit. of tlm iiiiiHirlatit wnlcr trip). Vmi run make n cir cle nf tlit irrnt Jikct rt-siirlH, in uliiiK tine nf WiKiiii.sin, N'tIImtii ii iiiifuii, nml Ci'uruiiiii J!.iy. 'I'lu-n vit ItiiiTulo niul NiaKitrn Kails, tli" rk.Hltin'!! nf N'W KiikI:iikI nml tilt limiidai'kf ot Nt'W York, wild n f. w iivm Mt nt Atlantic 'it v. Tin- low summer tourist fares -m t In? Sunt a F- liriiif? this trip w ithin the n-iu h of till. I lisyeaomeitilrn'slingilluxlrnte.1 travel Ksiaa for you. ami will be g;lail to furnish sample itinerary. IlemenilM-r tliat twst aj-rvicr to lii rngn, Ihe (ireat Ijikcs giit-wsy, is via tin- Ssula Ye. J. JOHNSON, Agent tap LOSS AT HILLSBORQ NOTSO HEAVY AS LOOKED FOR Actual Damage to Town Now Thought to be Under Tifty Thousand Dollars. Five Destitute Families Bein? Cared For. KKi1al IMsMtili lo TIm Herald.) Ilillsboro, V M., by courier to Uik Valley, June 1.1. Investigation ycaier day and today indicates that Ihe finan cial loaa through Wednesday flood will not be Bo great aa had been feared and will fall ihlefly tin the liuslni men of the ..n. It will be leaa than lifty thoiiHiilid and Ihe IhbI rail main today places Ihe actual damage ' MS. mm. Thomas Murphy waa the on:v piDnll drowiied. The body of the old pioneer was found three miles below town In ihe bug canyon. Ill t y fee, above low water line, which Indicates something nf th violence of Ihe Hood. Flv leBtitnti. l.imiliea are being cared for hnd no ontil.le assistance wlU Dc reiulred. Adobe huuaes ike that of W. H. Hucber s suffered most severely. It la not knowr: what Ihe losses will n to garden crops anil m-arbv rancher, bill I lit-n may prove quite heavy. CORPUS CHRISTI DAY CELEBRATED IN SANTA 1-2 (Kxa'ial llsatii lo Tlin lli-rahl.) Hantn Fe. N M , July IS The Cor pus t festlvul will be celeurated here tninorrn.v ilh the usual elabor ate eremnules. The annual Bail" will lake place In the nminln and several hundred are expected In par ticipate. Kay ItnniU Are Fine. Mr. and Mrs. J. tl. Cage of Houston. MiiMnaisiusaa. Gold Medal Flour Eventually-- W hy Not Now? THE JAFFA GROCERY CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS m s Mm i - Texas, tourlsta. a rived here today from plmenlx, all a four duvs' run, very enthusiasm over the cntidilion of the roads all tin way along the line Mr Cage wv the only bad piece nf road encnunier. ed waa Sail feet of sand near Q'ic. iit.ido, Hocorro county, which Bonn tn to be rated for ny the stale liighvi'iv engineers Mr. and Mrn. Cage ixpe I In go lo AlbiiiieriUe. the pel rill."! forest and llrand Canyon The t.iiased twetvv tranM'-otitlnenlal caia n the way from Phoenix. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KMPIjOYMKN'T WANTKH persona having employment of any kind for students pleas,, notify the I'nlversiiv of New Mexico. Call Phone Kr.u -ir drop card to President David It Ib.yd. NOTICE. We, the organised bodies of lb.' I iillding trade department of Alui luerqun, wish lo give to Ihe business men of Alliuriur.rqun the numea of Ihe cnnlructora who unplny only orgatiir. ed labor. ( arMiiUT 'nirartra. V., A. tiertig. W. llesielden, J. W. M. CJuade. J. A. Harbin tk Poll, A V. Ilayden, I.yoD aV Axlell, W. K. Morrison, M P. Sawlelle, Fd Kniirnelle. A. C llnllis. Frank Ackerman, II P. Muhn, Albi.rt Forlney. Plumla-r Contractors. Ileeman or Aytra, W hitney Co., Hanllary H. or P Co., (lux Hta.blin, J. A. Hiruimpilat, Dunbar V Keauilinmp. Creacent Hardware Co. Ilrl k ( ootraitnra. Fd l mbke. Anion nson. paliiiitig oiiira. tiMra. XV. L. McDonald, A. Cliauvin, C. K. guler, C. C. Noiieman, llomero Ad ricn Co., V. Iliuaey, F. 7m mora, Fflix li Ulnsal, T. M. Dclalmydn, It. L. Aaron. llMtc iMilractora. Ham Wagner, Hurry Kudue. Mimhr Masan OHitraitora, Julius Johnson, M He Tulllu, X. Uainno. r listrbwl font rax torn. Naah Kiectrlcal Co, Arnu lluning, Joe l4. F.dinondann We palrnnlxB those who palron!' ua. (Mlgned) J AH. J. ViTAW. relary Keiullva Hoard OrgaiiUvd Labor. and More Silks at: The buying of Silks, unprecedented though it has been all this season, bids fair to be outdone by the activity which will prevail now. By a special purchase we are able to offer you, all new patterns and quality For all Next Week at 79c These Silks are regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, and are either plain or the new flowered effect and stripes in beautiful color combinations. Beginning Monday, Tune 15th, and continuing all week, these $1.25 and $1.50 values for ?9c Yo. Women's Hand Bags at Special Prices Including the New Moire Silk Bags, and our entire line of Leather Bags. Phbnognxph Concert TONIGHT- THIRD FLOOR PROGRAM Music Store Echoes Prince'i Orchestra Hesitate Me Around, Bill Collins and Harlan the Gypsy . . .Berkes Bela Orchestra Leezee Lindsay Margaret Woodrow Wilson The Kissing Cup Prince'i Band Lei Rameaux-The Palms Enrico Caruso Meditation from Thais Violin SjIo I Hear You Calling Me Lucrezia Bori Madrigale Violin Solo Jules Falk Dream Girl 0'Mine Reed Miller H;'d Have to Get Under . . . .Victor Military Band Rosenwald's Where Quality Meets Price J,