Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, fl. If., S.MURDV, JUNE 13. 1014. THREE MB rrnn lb Baseball. Standing of the Clubi Wiin. I'ct. New York 5 IT "" Cincinnati 2! 21 .titH I'llinlnirgh J3 'ii .ill ft. I.iiuln 2 ,:.) Chicago 2T. 2 .r.nn Philadelphia ....31 U .477 Mrnoklyn 20 1 llonlon 1I 31 ."ill Amcrli-an l.eiinie. Wmi. I.11M. I" . Philadelphia ii'l IH .11 7 Washington :'i . i,r-lt Si) 2 J .577 FI (!.! 27 .VI 11 -ntnn ? ?4 r.nn Chicago !J 27 .4 Xc Turk 1 ; .!t!M (Iceland t'i SI .313 l oil-riil loagiir. Won. lont. I'rl. Hiiffalo 27 ID Hi 'I Kiillimoln !4 I' r7 Chlcau. 21 21 . r. J 1 Itr.m' lyn 2'l M .11 I.i.lcin polm 21 22 4 ft. I.iiiiu 2 3 27 ,4'l Piltnl.iirnh 21 2.'. .4.". 7 KuiiMia City 22 21 .4I' W extern l,mmii Won. Iicnvrr St Wtnux Pity II 81. Jowih ' . 2 on Miilnm t t.lnmli, J WUhita 2 Pninhi. 21 Topekii I I.ol. P I is .m: 20 .AK 21 r.7i 2 4 .:.m ; .&1ii a 'i .414 27 .4.! 34 ,JM GAMES TOMORROW National lstiriio. No guinea achcdulcd. Antrrican Unuiii'. Philadelphia m Chicago. Il.11.t011 nt SI taitiin. New York Ml li'lrolt Wanhlngton hi Cleveland. I'tili'ml Ijnuoe. ltalllmoro Ml Chicago, Hiiffalo hI HI 1 ,011m plttnluirsh nl ImliHit'ipolu. YK.HTr:m vs 1a.sr1.Ts. National Ij-agu'. Chicago, 7; New York. . Hoton. i. PMtnliiirgh, 3. riiiimii-iiiiiiii. r.. rin.-i 1, 1. ft l.iiuln, M ; hrooklyn, 7. .tmr4-an lrague. Athletic,, ; Cleveland. I. Washington, &; Chicago, 0. I.rill. I , IliMiiun. I). HI. l-ollin. t: New l!fk. I. IVilernl l-Hgno. llufTalo. I: ft. IhiuIh. 0. Indliinapolia. h: IMlilurith. 4. Htiltlmore. 4; Chi-ngn, 0. Kiinui I'lty, i; Hrooklyn. I. Wo hav a complete Una of Wall Taper anil Patnta. Can do your work on mtnuU'a node. C. E. QCIEIl. 2 ft. Inil tit, phooo I4T. S ,-... a t-f it IIMIIUG GUI 15 POMS 11 Ancient City Favorites Com ing; With Strengthened Line Up Determined to Take the Scalps of the 0. R. E. Battlers. Ban tu Fe, X. M., Juno 1.1. I'unOi ottlx'a aggregation of li.ill lonaorn the utillckcd While Mux, will Irate motrntv inornlijK on No. 3 lor tti llike riiy, whiTc iry will croiw Imli with the i. II. K Ii'hiii of Al.iiimie'- (U, the cliy i haininunn. Mhiiiiki'I Dun urn hn ari-iilly h rrnai lirm-il hip Ifiiui liy till iiilililloii ot romr tHui n'w luyrr. and tho Ipuiii Kin bi'alH 'tin III hdvr to pliiy mmi liall. They rlonnnl uti rvvrythlna In Hip Im He hull lint- I,' i fHiil.i Fr, anil Uwii lft tho fupt Im Vt-Kiia li'.iin. II I hoy im tiuniiiriin (hut will lie their II rut diffiit of tho ai'imon. Jim Ion, the Vi'lvinn and will known i.H. lu r. m 111 In. in tho lox for thp Hitx, anil If hr I In ! form th- AlliuUi.riiio linilpra will hxvp b'i nwful hnr.l riihliin to olp hm very. Iipniimp In n Uiivx m-lp KtHili il hr In a terror to ilw oioninit iiiiMitf The Whlli. M..x hp a ni' flriliuHfiiiiin In ( i ri-i-ii Ii . who rani' to Simla Ke rwi-nlly from tin- Writ. em U-akUf. where h firm iimaV m Uelint wllh I'ui-liln, Mini lifter tnil ent tu Sioux flly. lie In a MM CUItl- cr. roverlnir lota of Rrooml anil In hIm' ery henvy lialli-r 1'ulol. the nl ii f St. Mu hiill a rolli'Ki- aeruiKl Iimho imii. ha hIhii lii'i n ulaneil liy Mumiai.r irl n for the aeiiHon, uml he will nivi-r wiiihI for the Sox tomorrow. pe- itirxrilliielli, who h.iM hern hliiyli Heeoml. il cover ihlnl. which meant that the inllelil will h well lnrUh.'-t. A Inrie rrowil ia Xni ti il to attenH the K'line, iih hoth tenma are very evenly miiK heil anil flint. Th0 White 8x will line up a fi.:- lowa: J. Hirardlnelll. vaieher; Jim lxirx, pit' her; t'ortex, Hhorl alop; Jreenhooil. flrnt hune; Pujol, aernml Iwae; P. Mernrdlnelll. third iaw; John opex. left Held; Joe Mrllx, eenier in 10. Aliirlil. rinht lipid; Mi rex unit I In i ! I. Hiiha. lUrllliio and C'luivn will lie the tery for the II. It. K'. Thin game will he played at Traetlon pHrk. MKlrT .sn pi:mnj la our famoua Hread, yet rontAlnini I'lenty (lf atrenclh and reiil nutriment. It haa a dellcloua fragrance becauaa made from pure Flour, and It tam.i ii (t')od that the flrnt bite tempts you In h on. Thre la no better lirend made. We are extremely careful of all the Inxredlenta and our method of nakln la perfect. And tho price ol Ilia Hi tad aatunci. PIONEER OAKERY Of Boi4 Tint m. LUMBER A BUILDER.1 SUPPLIES Wholesale knd ISoMOl t Albnqaerqaa Lumber Co. Ill North) tin 8ust 44)444444)444MM444 JChicago Kill A Lumber Co. General Planing Hill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 I J. L. GOBER General Auctioneer nmeho4il Cinoila S ftpcx-taltj. riiM t. P. O. Dos lit. i TOFIROI1 FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFEHERS Xow Home Curo Thai Anyone Can I'nc MltlHiill Itlvcrnnfori or !nai cf Time. Wa finvo a New Method that cure! Anthmn, and want you to try It nt our expetine. No matter whether your can la of lonx-ntnnilinx or ra tent development, whether II In prea- rnt na ocraaiotiMl or rhronlc Anthma, , you nnnuld aend for a free trlul of our met hoil. ii matter In what climate you live, nn mutter what your aue or occupation, If you are troubled with anthma, our method thotild relieve yuu promptly. Wa enpeclnlly want to neml, It to thone npimrrlitlv hipelem ranea, bar all forma of Inhaler, douihea. opium preparations f union, "patent ninoken," etc., hnve failed. W want In nhow everyonV at our own expenne, that thla new method In ile-litiod to end all dlitlciilt breathin. nil wheel ing and all thnat- terrible paroxyama at unrc and for all time. Thin free offer la ton Impnrtant to nexlect a alnple day. Write now and then begin th method nt once. Hend no money. Simply mall coupon be low. lo It Today. l ltF.i: TIIM ! IMV FKOXTIKIl ASTHMA fn., Itoom IfiH .1. MuK iia and Hinlnun Hti , Tturfalo, X. Y. Send free trial of y..ur method to: EXPECT BIG CROWD AT GAME TOMORROW: SHADED GRANDSTAND The (1. fl. E manaKemenl look f"t blK crowd nt the lame with Santa Ke White Kox tomotrnw at Traction park. The ataie In net for an pretty ! litem an ban been nhown thin year bi eabiiut, and with balmy weathtr and a ahailed ki anilntatid, the iiuhl to be on hand In l.irae numlior The game will ntart at 3 o'clock nmirp l. It. K.'s ha. a, lilink. Kchedule uhead of (heni. The f 'ln la learn In 10 coma hero for a came Suml.iy. June 'in, and on July .'. the railroadi in will lay In Santa Ke. n July 12 the nlrnng Santa Ke team of Newton, Kaiiav la to co ne here. WRESTLING MATCH ON CARDS FOR NEXT WEEK to eta it loilay in the thlrty-necond running ol the Iwitmna ileiliy. More than $ .mill will he awarded the own er of the winning Iiuimh. An odd feature of the no e thin eur in that every home entered In owned by Ken. lurkiimn. Ilioime Wlpg. n filly, nnd the linker enii-y. liund nnd i'on ntant. wore the pulillc favor I ton be fore the race The hornen. lth weights and Jock eya, are; llronae Wing. 117, Keogli. John liuii'l. 1.'.' No) Ion Ivan : 11 1 in-r. 12'.'. IiImIiiiioii. I'onntaiit, 122. WnMrnll t'liHiiarina. 117, Taylor. Ir. Samuel, IIS. Henry. 4 JIHIV 4.1 Ml WINK Ml ItllY. Clin iiitiat., June II - .lohti liund won the thirtv-Herond l,u- 4 tonla derby ut the Latonla race 4 eourm. toil,i. I'onntiiiil, wllh Waldron up, .im neconil. and I'r 4) 4 Siiinncl. piloted by J. Keiiry. wan 4 third. Ti 2.3li 2-Ti. 4 lironxn Wing and Canuiirlnu obni ran. 4) ri. urate MEIERS BY Jilt FIRST SLOGAN OF Ml CLUB OFFICERS President C O. ftishman Calls General Meeting for June 23d at Whih Working Committees Will Be Named and Policies Opined for the Coming Year; First Work Will Be t Bring Every Business interest in City Into Organizaton. CADY GOLF CHAMTION of Kississirn meet I tit la-awtl Wire In l:ctilli( llernld K llimi 1 I'm. .1 i.hi- Ii I. .III! Ileele ( ail'. lit Hi. Alxei.,,1 liolf ,'lull, IE 01 K IfI iimI I,Ij, ,,il,i wi n Hi., i h.ilti ii'iiihlui i f the 'I rani"-M inei ipl golf torn .i;.in. i,t l ilel.-nt llig M. A M I k 1 1 1 1 1 1 uf the t.akewooil I'oiintry . bib, I'ehier, (no up and four to pli STEVENSON H ASBUT FEW HOURS TO LIVE ChnaU'i. .tune It Adlai V. Si- enroll. icl iiidi'lit nf the fulled Htiiten during Ihe n-i nml 1 in eland n 1 1 in 1 11 ti 1 11 1 1. ti . who hui y.oh III 1" 1 a h.iKi'ilul bile for ni.iil moiiina. wan iei"ile. near lb ilh t- ilny. Hi' I'ht Pii'liihi, tilollght he cotllil lle hut a lew hoiim SPECIAL COMMITTEE NAMED TO HANDLE THE ADVERTISING WORK See 'em at IIAIIII AUTO CO, fVu t" ""Imw" Tinil W. W. STRONO, Prop. To . 4 niiml. I1iiiim H-'iT. l.i nnif iXTj', fimiu- 111 II TI itl.S. THK fZK Til T KIT YIHII I'Alt; MK'IIKMN Tl'BKK xri K si:i. 11. CtinhmU). wbi-e eleclloti lue-nli lit of th Alli'.i ie.iUO fom- ineri'lal club :w uni need by the Herald taut tili. proponi-a an Im mediaio and lrroun i iinpuigu which will utille in l "' -rnhl of the orgunixntion evry active liiiMiunn In. loiYnt In thin it'. Flv hiimlrd mtive iiiembern of Ihe Albmiueria" iiininercial club by July Int." la ho nlnuan which Mr. t'linhmiin hannalleil 1.. the maM. nnd In which he nun the enlhumantic lia king of ti" new lioard of direct um. .Mr. t'uiman reamum that there nre not bwathnn l,"0a A lbuqueriUe men who akuild be ineiiiliein of the club; thai ln than oiie-thii'd of thnt number fo belong to tho orgHiilxn tlon, anittrtit In placing the mark at .M'U withn fifteen d.n he in making a very eionahtp prop ifitioh and one whil huulil be at cnmpllnhed without nftltulty or prolonged ef fort. Mr. fiii-hman, after onultiug with tho hurd of dlrectorn. luia deter mined 10 man out a line of actlili' for th' I'ominercial c lull during the comlul jenr which will keep every nii liilri of the not only keen!' IntcrcMcd. but tinny. To that end o ban called a genenil inoititia for ruonday night. June 2:lil. al whlci Ihe work to be uiub i taken w ill he mtllnod; the pulnn of the new nfllp-rn announced, mid the cum pnigi for monibern forimilly launi h- ed. The memhemhlp work already In lamihed. hut at thin gcuivul liuctinu It n roponod that the udilitlonal n' miner neccuwiry to make boo duill bo tmughl in. lt I ItTIMMi riAIIT4 III' iiAMti.Kit iiv 4 4iMin y.v. a the mont 0rmtn.1l method of hiimlling th iniiiiii.lty mlvoriiKiim campaign w hh h linn been h.inulng ' fire (r montlin. nnd for which im mediate actuiiy In proponed, Mr. ( UHliiiian 11 ml the direciorn yenterday nppoliited n special committee com- j poM-d of l. A. Miicpherniii, Jerrejj llaggnrd and I'r Petern to have lull charge of ruining the balance of tho IH.1111O required, and alno of enrryinu out the caiiipalKit. It will keep the three men rciimiiiubly tmtiy nin-e they will have chain- not only of gitimu tho money, now practically all nuh w 11 heil. but of handling the placing of the ndverlinlng and tin enoroioiiH coi'ieniiondeni o which It will produce Tho Hilvet 1 ining campaign Mr 1'unhmnn regal lit. one of tho inot Important dlv Ispum of the club'a Im modliite work. W IM. AK t lil M II. Tt riUllIX T Tll4T 4X Mi:sV Prenldent I'liHhiiian'n nocond net. after Htn.'iging tor the ndvcrttHiitg work, wiim lo Mppoinl 11 npecial com milteo of luiHineMH im-ii to gn before the next meeting of the city council to demand that immediate Hctimt be taken to protect tho city 'a Interentn In the fttil 111 ren of land on the menu, Kranted to Ihe city by npei lul act of congronn and left hanging fire for year Ihriiimh negligence on the part if niiccennlve city adiiiiiilNtratloliN. Twenty ihn remain In W illi h the city may perfect title to thin land If ac tion in not taken within that time the lunil revertn lo the public do luiln, ami the citv lonon absolutely a tra't on w-hii h water in developed and Hhlih I" lertaln to prove of value In tho future. Tho club will ank the city council to do biiMinenn at once THE LITTLE BOY WITH THE CUT POLE SOME-' TIMES CATCHES THE BIG FISH W nnrr of tin. file will meet lli I, Farrington In a wrentllng mutch at the .New Mi f 1 next Tuonlnv .luht. They are trannng daily in i lu lu i ; gv minimum. Km.rr will have 1111 advantage over hin opponent in eight. Karriimlon in working on the evelopment of npced. M'VEY PUTS PELKY OUT IN THE FOURTH (Ity Irf-WM-d W ire 40 t"cnliig llernld. Melli.iiitne. Auatralia. June 13. Sam McVey of Cullfm nlft. heavy weight champion of Auntralln, knock ed out Arthur Pelky, heavyweight. f I'hlcopee KiiIIh, Mana.. in tho fourth round of n fight here today SIX GREAT KENTUCKY HORSES START TODAY IN LATONIA DERBS liy Iaael Wire to Kvenma florald Cincinnati, June IS. Six of Ken- tucky'a hrnt bred he-men were ready Hut unually. 'H HTe "ntrmf 'lho' ntroam and Junt happetia to get it "Mrangle hold'' on that old big otc Hut for pleaore one elght-in It trout caught with a light rod, with Kdlcale leader and fly, in wortl- " iluH'ii caught any other way. You cun t alW'aya walk along the nt re j hi and pick Ihe trout ofl the limit. Hood tackle, nulled to the ntream you are finhing;. I" necewurj. If you are an "old-timer'' you tn"w what you want, and you will ftid It in Harry Johnnon'a atook rodn. reeln. linen, leiidern. fllen, bakel. eti. If you ure new to thin n.-ctum chuncen are you will want a few ha linen in your outfit -then ot a dif ferent pattern and nine, for 0m1 thing Mr. Johnnon'a yearn of t.ick.e nell ing and fishing In New Mexn o itrcimin him taught him many thing! about tackle that will benefit you He In located Ml 402 W. Central. AibtPiuer pie. and fills mall oldera rarefuily and promptly. Ihe fly rod that he in nojllng for 17. .11 will appeal to yuu if 'oii nre an old hand at My huhlng. And If you nre new at the giime you can't help but do better work and have more npmt with 11. It la mule of nlx trlig of African Stool Vine Cane, one of the moat nalinfuctory muterialn ever made up Into a fly rod. Very atrong and durable. Cloit-ly wound, nnnke gulden, cork grip, ne kel-pluted irlmmingn. extra tip evofv thing ,JuM aa you know la right. Re ulno hat roda at all prtcen rrom II UO up, ev eryono a big value. o 0 o 0 a o o 0 0 o o o a o a a o a c o o- a o o q SUMMER TOURS Atlantic City NevvYoris Boston and tltiortt of Atlantic Coast and New England Direct of via Wuhlngtoe to Rntortt ', and Now York. Lioroa Route to Nov Yorband Quntofl inelwdinf ono way tKrough Caaada il dowradi Atl-Kaii aad Rail and Steamer) Go Olio Routa Heluia Another. Liberal Stopovrara Long Kotara limit tf.rt't t n fakr irnrwn tkip Ttrtf:r . ' Ml tlMimM .11 km$t Iur1 mltiifi 1 la ili Ml 14i.iv. m. i,. ii I Pennsylvania Lines SU Dally Unlil Soptnmbor 3 0th, IcuJaxrva V-"l iJl"., A.rhlMlA M., !...., ui.vhvM J. U.LL,iiMt At.-!. i.ClA I. lltLC'HArfl o 0 o o o o 0 o o OO OO O Q C Q 0. C C u unrLruir r" i n mnri-r - - - --,,-"''-' j PUTNEY OFFERS SI 0,000 AS FOUNDATION FOR BIG - y.lll. G. A. BUILDING PLAN Substantial Backing by Merchant Makes Erection of Ade quate Building Certain; Large Contributions Expected from Others Interested; Campaign to Complete Fund to Be Made in the Fall. Albuquerque Beer THE NEW DEER HAS NO EQUAL Diamond Ice Good Ice Good Weight Southwestern Brewery and Ice Company FACTS UPON" FACTS "" furnlnli .ninlncing cMden. o of M 'T7. all 'round ,.t!!clency. V. 8 gov. i rtimeui etiuiniM-rn, employed nt prem nt on count ruct ion in ean. em WashiiiKton, tented a niimii, r of m.iken In II ml the car Unit noubl travel th,. roimh roudn of thm nci-tiiui: and ll.ey nelectnd, and pur chased, Hie M KT'A -22. In the Auntialhin " llilla'i I it v Trial." Hydney to Melbourne a four il.iv' content, tho M KT. ' .'" mmlo n perfc jiorfm mance, nm in: liall pol.'itg nut of .1 po'ii'de Hill And here at homo u won ll.e i:ieilen Tour from,., Iih lo i;laci.r N'.Hioiial Tart, Mont., the three MKT, cam being the nNl.V ca' that held iKffil-t m-iint for the cniire eight day of that -i,n!et. The Genrless Car a "S-V L' r-- - v ... . Korocnnt of action which would ! make certain Ihe election of a hanil- ine Young Mcn'a i 'hrintiuii imaoiia-i tlon hutidttig In Alhuiiuoriiuo, nv inoi llernld yenterday aftornoon, wan Jun lifled Ht a meetitiK "f the Y. M C. A coiiiinitu-c on and iiicuiik in tjn Ciimmercial club hurt night when I: Putney, of the Putney wholenulc grocery limine, inaiie an uuv onilitioiial offer of I lo. "mi in caah an a nticletix for the building fund. M K. He key of the Y. M. i ', A. t-ominitiee, up- pointed Home niotithg ago to dev im wayg and meann. announced Mr. I'tit ney'n offer, anil dincunning il Inter Mr. Putney mud he waa prepared not only to give the money but to lend all influence and HMj-u-taiii e lit bin comiimnd. Accompanying him at the club meeting wen- hia two mum. who he aald were tvpical of tho boyn and young men of the commtinitv to whom thn Y. M '. A. building would be of tho groat c-t un. With lli.n log cah donulion na a bnnln the men Intcrented In the Y. M C A. movement tool no re they will Im nuccennfiil In raining a fund of nut leen than 1 S.ono ami probably ol 1 1 ou.iini) with which to build a niden did building in ihia city. It ia thought certain lv triune in a pool tlon to know thai the Xautn Ke rail road will be willing tu co-operate with cath, and oeveral Alliuiut-niuu RIFLE CLUB FORMEdT EVERYBODY INTERESTED INVITED TO JOIN in. ii of meaiiH have indicated il will mgiienn to follow Mr. Putiiey'n lead in the way of large canh contrl'iu ii. .iih. Il in not proponed to make the liiiilding fund cHtnpaian now, but to poKlpone it until tho fall when a vig oimin concert' d effort will be made to complete an ndciiiuto fund no thai coiintriiclion may be completed dur i .. i ii i The preliminary urbanization com mittee named noveral montbn ago re til oil hint night In favor of a new committee which will have active charge of tho building ciitupa ign and which in coinpoKeil of Mr Putney, iloorge A. K. no Mian. Iiavld S. Kiwi n wal.l. P K. Md'anna und M. K llickey. Completely Equiped Oiii- of the big fo.ituren of the MKTZ H j t M ifoatlenn traim. minnion. Wllh no dutch tu Mm and no mari tu trip. It .1- awiiy entirely wllh near Iroutile The MKT. In extremely C'-cnomi.'iil in ca. 11 ti i.clH to ;: iiiilix on 1 gal lon of ganoline, lun imb a no 1 pint of lubricating oil. ami ofi.-n .loi n lil.nipj mill "- on a bin :1c i'i ol t, ren. 'I'll,. MKTZ "J;!" ciimim Pro i i t Hill, near HoHton, am the liiuli Hiil. Thin lull in neariv I mil), long, with n grade of Iroin .'. lo it per cent. Fully Guaranteed Thu MKTZ niado a re ' onl non-- ;ii run of l.iiiia mllea. ft.mmii tc ;,l in m a pul in, in Mill. 3.1m.. without reiiulrltig a gtngio adjiiniiuent to cliglnu or any Woiking part. l-:ijl I I'M I . NT Im linien four, cylinder watcr-i uiileil motor, lion h magneto wind nhii-M, l"i ,". in in T'.-. nrtillery wheeln. Pent illlallly lloodllch clincher til ", horn, iniiiip, i.n'K etc. I. ill hand drive, center contio', f ' :: 00. M I-: T 7. ,'S Mier." Wire wbeelii. Indlv id na: aeatn. pront i. Im tank, ami other mucial fc.:. turcn, I '."Ii HO. F. E. DEARTH. Local Agent. '. T. rmlj.i lildj ltilib-mv, 2om Nortli Sixth M. Olllco IIihiiii -JO. I'Immm-w. I2H1-IMI. Kverybody intcunted In title or re. Milver gnootlng in Invited by tho newly urgnnlaed Klo Grande lliflo club tu Join It. The organization I ufdliuted with the National Itifle aa aociHtion. Iiuen and lultlntion leen aro low, the ot gannuillon't aim being to encourage im- and revolvir pia lli Tho (ulluwing olflccra were rlnlod al tho iirgalillatuui meeting Wednee day night at the atinory; Ohpi- i. c. Hilliner. pronldeul: H. P. Mathewa. vico promilent. A A. Ilnylo, oecre tar, M. tl. Can p'll, treanurer; 1. J. Hotmail, exec ii ve officer. There aro twenty -ona charter mem brn. With the tiiimber of nportn- men In and abo.ii Albuquerque the membervhip aho.iid Im reano rapidly Thoae Interenled uliould write Mr tioylo al the Wi.-trrn t'nion oirice. DynpepWa la Amcrlcirg curne. To reatoro dlgentloti normal weight, good health and purify tho blood. ne Htirdock Hlood l lttora. Hold al all drug nlorea Prt'-e. 1.00. Try ti 10-rtiit Herald waul ad. Anyone in Albuquerque COULD MAKE AS GOOD PAINT AS Sherwin -Williams Prepared Paint -IF they had the white lead, zinc." coloring matter, linseed oil, turpentine, etc., and knew exactly what proportion of each would give the best results. -IF they knew that every ounce or drop to be used was absolutely pure and full strength. IF they had the proper machinery to thoroughly grind and mix the materials which had the proper purity and strength, and which had been combined in the right proportions. IN FACT, Sherwin-Williams paint comes to you, through us, in sealed cans contain, ing the kind of paint that you would make yourself.providing you had the knowl edge and facilities for making the best paint possible to produce. And the cost is the same for inferior mixed paint. BALDRIDGE LUMBER CO. PAROID ROOFING, BUILDERS SUPFLIES. PAINI Phone 402 First and Coal. 1 X