Newspaper Page Text
SIX. THE EVENING HERALD, AIBUQUE3QUE, N. H., SATURDAY. JUNE 13. 1914. v Elks' Annual Flag Diiy Services. I.HI ijl I I. A 4 i . i : r ' i . i Ni In. 1. 1 ttl. .nn.Uiii fl m ( 1 luti. M I tin ii. il ml II. . il i m I.Ik III ! I'lKl'l III lie I... S it ill lo I lie i.nlv lot in. i it.-t loiiim 'llii' si I in ! "Ktlltlntl of I'l. i I lllll' III in A tti. ni'i .ii- mill fill I In- . It lull I Ill-t il Mil .1 I MtllH- Ji.ii ii il n i lii- I Ik- th I lie ll i. . i i I. mi llii' tin- the- ..III Will I I II. .1 t.i i . ii i iH Iti-li- ii It. del i h V I I V ' I -1 1 i.f tllf I-. I : i 1 1 iliiinli will ili Inn tin- ml ilrcsw, wlii. 1 1 will In- not ii tn i Ii ii r -;iitit. j. n I ii i-t'li-Mil .-I r"i..ui u-tft'il'i- iiiiimi will Hint i .Muni the ud- tlleM, t '.;. it'll Wllh till- ccr. iim-r (if tin- ..nil i. ...nliil tin tin I loliu I Jilll II. I ..lin-l ,il lull Mi lulu rx i.f ilw Klk' Indue utc r-1 n.-t .-.t in iiii-i-t in tii.i ii.itu- inning lit 7 nil. ire, iiinl tl.e iiiii ln-. win- Il 114 nil ilutllv united. f uhI.i-iI In 1( l.y H o'clock kii 1 the serv ice tiui l.eyin iriiftiit I . Following IH Ihe order i,f the -erctscj: Mumr ruti i.iiii Air . . . . t irchcsl r liltinriuctorv Kxi-rcis.-s l-.xiilted liulcr mill uni'i-m I'mur 'hit 1 in fuiiK -1 i,-i 1 1 ii:iiin i.f tin- i:i-.iiii- ln Mi" W inn Finn ISfi'iiril Urn. II II. Juniisnn f'liiiK - lHT r-'puiiRlcit Hiiniii-r Jinirictte .Mliir Service ...Kmimir hinl if II. i rH Mumr Southern Aim orchestra Tfllilllf tn tin- Flint Urn. II. 1 1. oor. Jr. Snim - iiIiiiiiIhii, Into of Hi.' tK-imn Mm. s inn I'm ri..t r AiIiIii-kj. ... Itmlini Frederick W. Ilowden Hiinu Aii.i ii. ii (Ju.uteUe (Hli.i n. i.f Hm I lk. KxiilK-il Kiil'-r W. 11. Wnttnn l-l. in.-il Li-ndiou- Kniulil ilium' II, t'rnlif Kbii-i tin-it I,hhI Kiiitlil . . i. F. FugHp F.Mlectncd IrtituruiK K ii ik lit K. I Or'H Secrctiiry F. A. HtorU TrfHiturrr ('. A. Hawk lllllllllll II. II. JVI'H Ko'iinii. I'. T. Imcririin Tyler M. Nnsh In hit linHiil Jiih. M 1 1 It-r I lag imiiiiiIiH'c. F.. I., (itntu-, Iti. lit i'irs. Hny Htrome Flower Mission Day. "Flower Miiwinn tuy" wiia nli wrved Tiii'mliiy afternoon nl thi' liar wood schonl on Nnrth Fourteenth street lit. the Woim-na (Illinium l'n. Inn. A very ilcltflit f il ftml niiriiiriiilt I t iK r ii in Hiia i null i i-il ,10 i.iIIuwk: ll inn. I'rnyiT. ItiiKincM r ik'iii. Viii-iil f.nln - Mind K .it ti Uritilit. "Tht- Ktmy nf Jiiinii. fiiHKidy. or HfglimiiiK nf KiirnuT MtMiniifc " Mia. I'll! Hi mi "Kluwi r Mtwliin QuU," cnnilurlcil by MiKj I'rlif. riiitin Hi. In- Mimh l-'illth Jnyi f, l'nifr -Mm lir. I'.-' v. I'iiiiii, "MiMfimi nf KlnHit'iH" Mrs lnmiiiK. Itcnil iiikm frmii "The ltli.Hnm tin lit tit it uilci" - Mrn. tittnri, Mm lliwitt. y.,- III. 'iif!ll ii'il. "Flaiiii-H Will. ml H ml (lie l.,iini lillitiT - Ki-lli tin ( r 1 1 r. . "In II Wnr Hi Hie (Sarrlln t - 1 1 ll t 11 C'nrilf rn. Uiii.t.itii.nfi mill TlimiKliifi mi Flow -em. W. C T. I' linsnlnRy 1111(1 llfllftllc tlnll. MRS. LYON'S ACHES AI1DPAI US Have All Gone Since Taking Lydia E. Pinkhani'f Veg etable Compound. TttTt Hill, r, " Kindly irmit m tn ri-o you my U'StinintiiHl in fnvnr nf I.ydia r.. fink hum tcgan UkuiK it 1 . S- ! I .... .,,rr..ri.,o fmm femkle troublct for soma tima and had almoat all kinda of aohci pain in low er part of back and In sulci, and prvai. inn; down paina. I could not aire p and fittd no appt-titai. ISinra I hava taken l.yilia t. I'in'-.ham'a VfRetalilo Com pnutv th arbrf and paim are ail (Tuna and I feet like a new woman. I cannot iraiae your invdicinti too highly. idra. Auui'tlii Lyon, Tvrra Hill, Fa. It ia trun that nature and a woman's tn irk haj produced thu grandeat rvmrdy for woman's ill that the world has rvrr known. Imm the roote and hrrl of tne field, I.ydta E. 1'inkham, forty year hgn, frave to womankind a remedy for thrir peculiar ilia which lia prvvwi more rfiira. 1 u than any other combination of dniia ever com iunded, and today I.ydia E. Plnkhain'a Vegetable ComMund ia reeof nlied from coant to coaat aa Um alaodard remedy for woman' ilia. In the riiiV.ham Laboratory at Lynn, Htm., are filet containing hundred! of thouaanda of letter from women aeek Inj health many of them oienly tUU cm r their own airnaturei that they hava refrained their health by taking I.ydia L. I'itikhani'a Vegetable Compound; ami in aom raaea Uiat It baa aavrd litem Xrvm turcica vjralioaa, I .tV.,K -1 V 1 BY JEAN KUBBS Mrs. Canfield'i Auction Party. Iri'l.iy ini.inliiK Mm Kifd fun-In-Ill. ;.'l Hi-. t i il il niriuio, Iii'.Iiki nl ii III .ml ill'lKlilflil llrtiun I'.uti in. I M't'tctl Hit in fitniiitilly tl" In lunch. Mm Tmii Wilkcrm.n w.i, ii.. fni mimic winner cf Iho pruc Kii i i. ii.r Inch i.i Hie. llii- iiiiiinn were iitini ticl nml f i .i k' i . 'it ilci i.r.iicil fni tin. n.'i nuiiii w tli Iiiihc liiini hen (.f Lively rnveK. T'n nucule were Mm. K. K. Tnll. Mf I-: l.ewiiei Mm. T"iii Wilk-rt-. ii Mil AiIh Itittnei. .Mm. Jnlin V. W itn.n. Mm l II fnrnii. Mm Ni, in v Itenwuk .Mt i link Itutlf.r. l..r. I. Mm. Krniik ?'.. r t k Mr HiiiiI Iliiuv Mm .lerre HmKiiril, Mm. li.ik.-t. Mm W. V .tinniK. Mm II " sin, tin Mm Ii I. Hiiki Mm I' A.keiiniin Mm a Muc- lnii..n Mm Kelix Inn 11. Mm. Ixuni U ntil Mm liemiie "in l.r. Mm t'nrl Mllwiiin. Mm ihnilefi liriKti'tt. Mm (I S M. Uimlri-M. Mm llnnt Merrill, Mm l.i.iitu HuniiiK. . Mm At no lliiniiiK. Mm Wnlter I'minrll. Mm W. iv Keim. Mm K. A Vuuh ey. Mr c II. i-i.mier. Mr. A. K. Vim licinie. Mr,, r. I'. IVuv. Mr I Minn. Mi Jfinie t'limen. Mm. Hurry nweii. Mr. K. It. Hk. Mm. ileniite Klmk. Mr K. .lurrell, Mr, j Atniiilii i hiivrit. Mm Kre.i lli.niliy. Mr Jiime Hnlne. Mih June (. Mi mhi Hewitt. Mn H1I1I.1 I llel.el, Ml Muliel llnnil. t.'ruif I Hinru ami Helen lliitliet f.,r. i - Jtlrs. Saint Entertains. Thla ariernoi.n Mr. J. K. H.ilnl. lfi Wet Ttjer.iv .n i :iue. enii rt 'tiicil -n iiiicllnti lii hull. i- of hi i r.Hler, Mr. A. H l.uii"! ti of Siiiita lli.n.i. f il, uml Mr. I-:. II Nixon f Meilli-ino l.oilKe. KuiiRne, wlin art lier hmiHe Kucin. A ..irtn iilnrly ilclu linit, luti, Ii wnr "erveil Hi n l.lMe which u.i tin uetlit I ly ullriicilve with an hjIIhIU' (eitler I'leci. i,f halu iIiiIhIcn. Those ireeiil In ne the two linniir mi.-t wern Mr. K. H. Kent. Mr K. W. Imlmon, Mr. J T. Mclji unhllfi. Mr Huitiiner Hurkhnrt. Mr Atn.ift.i fh.ii-ra, Mr. I'. (. Cornlh. Mr A. .1 M.ilny, Mr. W. J Jnhnon. Mr. It W. II. Ilrynn nml Mr. W. 8. Htm kler. Informal Sewing I'arty. Mr. !. 8. KoneiiMfilil, 7I WiM '"inner n veil no, Inxlled a few Indie In end Hie cfternncn with her Wed. neiliiy and eerved a wry delnii.tia lunch. Her Kiirt were Mm. Ilirry Well ler, Mr. Kevnuntr U' lnnii, M t . Krnent riplU, Mr. Albert Hlern. Iluli ltil ler, Mr. M. U tern. and Mra. Ivan )r umtfc-lil. -O A Few Small Informal Affairs Mr. A. F. Van Ix-inne. 415 North Twelfth ktreel, viiierlulned two ta llica of nin-tlon Wednemlny evt-ninK and ered a dclli lone Kcliu Conner Rave an Informal dime ami Rluinher party WedneiMlay evemiiK In honor of l-miin l-e t'hud wn k, w ho I KiienititiK Itlie summer with her uuut, Mitui MuiKarel t.'liud Wli k. Mr" Herbert ilallea entertained Kri ay alternnnn in honor of Mrn. I'i nil Snjili-r of I'm ntelln, l.l .li.i. who i the tiuittt of her mother. .Mm Jne l.oUl. The a i (i 1 1 n k iIiikh of the Woman liili nu t i ilnciitay iifieriioon with Mm AiilHv llrt-wer, SIS Kut SiUcr rn tie. Mi. Kd Sackett, kii7 Ninth Klrv- eiitti Htreet, ave a ileltiihlf 'll fcewinK ialty Weillienilny u f ternoon. The riiiimi w ere ili i.riilcil w it It (ImihK and a ilclic"iiH Iuik h wa avryvd. Kloreni e Weiller him Invited a numlier of Kite! in a five hundred party next WeilneHilay uflernooil. The Twciiiv-nne i lull met with Mr. II. j. lli'M-nwalil f'uiiduy eve- Mi, tinve Weiller Rave an Infor mal da.lce Thuixilay I'Vi-nlim In linnnr of her niece. Mi Mmlreil Huuhea. of Kl rao, who la her gueut for the auiiimer. fleorti 1 .1 i,lit bull r lie gave a de lightful turd party Monday after t n. Nr. li mi Mra. J ihn le Clarke are tlivinrf un t.tiiKii narlv thie evening ul t lie Winiuin club. Interesting News from Natchez. '' The Nuti he Iiaily I'rea tuiy: "At a meet hoc of (lie Nan he l.i.iliie. No 6i3, il.-ii.i ..Icni mid 1'rotectlve or der of l-:ika. Mr. 1'. I". Ilenjamln wa electeil to the imhltinn of treanrer ana will cnlcr ii"ii htu ilulic with out ilel.iy. Mr. HciOhiiiiii I a char ier mcml.i-r of the orKunlxallon, prov. itiK lupiM-lf a 1'iyul anil enlhiikiaaiic liieiiitt-r mure the (lay the Imlke wh orguniM-il " Mr Hi iijatnln It a brother nf Mr Sul Ilenjamln and a ("iimn of Mra. fol U eiller nf Allniiiieritie. O- Thurrday aflernonn l-'inne Tref len'ii r anve a live huinlred party A il.-h Inn liiiuh wa ened. aflet will, h the Rirla hud a rtclmhtfiil time ln in In who were there are Jcffle Slinit. (irace Lillian Kem l etii' h. Florence Weiller. Mildred I di he, Alne l.oiila end ClMla Wil- - O Farewell for Mrs. Jolly. Mr. William Mci'luiken entertain ed the member of the Wed tie. lay Afternoon Pewlna dub and a few! other friend Friday afternoon In honor of her duunlitcr, Mn Jonci h Jolly, who leave thla evening for 'lifl. Aria, where Mr Jolly ha been for aeveral week. The Indie .enl I lie nfternnoii wlih their fane work rl later en-1 J ! a prtit uiaily delli-iotia lunch ' Chiefly About Summer Goings of Albuquerque People Mr Throdorc Hnrth nf New r, whn hit I.e. n Riie-t at I he Mike Mitnilell home f'.r eeral weea. lelt Thursday for In ner and fan Frn- leh. He will n-lurn b;' wa) of the CI rand Cunyou and will io. in Alou .tirriUe ever..1 ilai lufure loin on tn New York. Mi Katherlne t'limii. ilnuiiliicr of Ml. and Mr. A mail" I'h.i'n urine home tin evening from W.o-liinKton, II'. I'., where ahe ha been in ."lie durum the pat year. Mr Cli:ne and Iter dnUKhtem, Kalhetiin' anri t'onsuela, will leave next week for in I'ePo to enil h aummer ihere in their attractive new 1-uIIiirp. Mia flare Hicher of Kaimu City li 1 1 on ale, ma: a evere utl.i' k o iil'lieinlii ill. Mi. Hicher I a ulster ol I.Mr. Hrr Weiller of I hi city, and ha many Infiiil In Allitiiiieritie. Colonel and Mr. It. K II. Hellem will leaie the miiltlle of l . week lor a three month' .-tolur lrii They will Ho first to the White mniiniama ol ArKona, where thev will iend ev tluy tlihlni From there tlietf o to the (Irani! Canyon and to fall I.Tlllii. Ml Marian Wat llimtnn. ilaimht. r of Mr. and Mr. Ch.i vVatlinmon. ha let ii rued from lite New Mexico A K r i -cultural colleRe. where hn a stu dent during the past year. 1 1. N. Marron and nti, tiw.-n and Itulch. Mr. Jack Sheehaii, Mr K II Slsk, and Mr. Arthur Mlk. ei'- t to leave Monday In Mr. Pik Kt .J. baker lor a two week' flslnna tri" ihrmiRli the While mountalna ol An xona. Mr. and Mra, Noil llfeld. Mr. inn Mr. II. it hold Sintx and H.-l-ler motoreil to Kl l'an In Mr. llfeld Cadilliic. Hundiiv and returned to Ai buiiieritie Friday. I.orna lister arrive today from Colorado Srin. where lie uioi.eil to visit frientl on her way home from Washington. !. C. wheru ahe wa in achiiol durliiR the winter. Mr. and Mr. W. T. I.lRhl boui n. aim Mr. Flnrlda LiRhtbiiurne and OiUJh ter tXliect to motor to the I'eeo the ! tlrst .if ihq week to remain there about two week. I in John I). Clark, whn 1 In rhargn of the aclciire department at the I'M verwily of New Mexico, ha return.'l from Inland Htanf"rd where he hi been aiudyina; during the past year. He received the degree of lnctor ol I'hlloaophy a few week ago. Mr. K. Mandell of New York, and her daughter, Mra. Mike Mandell "I thl rily, will leave next week for Cat Ifornjit to apend eeveral week at Sunt a Monica. J. WO Miller, a former uni vernty ludeiil, expect to apend next ear ul Columbia univeraily epeetalir ing in photography. The June Issue of the 1. N. M New will be out next Week. Mr. and Mr Albert Blern are el li'.ine in the residence at 1113 West TljetiiK aieiiue, which they purchased ii 'inil from Mr. A. 11. McCialTe. Mr and Mra. Frank Hubbell are tx ling their daughter, Anita and M.iiKnci and their mi., to urine home from Noire fame ndlee ulo.ut the JOlli of thi month. Their aoti Frank, who h been a student at tin: I'nivrrmty of 1'eniiiylvanU du.-. lug Mi0 puat year, will b home M"it day. Hcverend drover r.rninon. pastor of the Methodist church at lnn Mir rial, I v lulling hia parent, Mr. anl Mr. J. I. Kminiiii of thi city. Mr. John Mori-Ill and little ilau (ti ler have gone to New York City lo visit Mr. Morel I Is purenls. They will peiid thu aummer on the Atlantic coast. Mra. (leorge Htmma and daughter, F.ltxiiheth, have gone to their former home In Herkimer. New lork. ! apend eteru week Willing relatives and friend. Mr. John Itorrodaile and daiigh ler. (Irace and Taullne. left Muinli for l.o Angelea to be preaent ut th? graduation of lleherca Ilorrodalle 1 1 inn the ilrla' eollegiaie. They will upend the summer ut ocean I'ark. Hr. Mendel Hllher, formerly the r.dihl at Temple Albert, will be in A. t'U'ueriiie about the middle of tn month, to take general rhnrge of tht cluasea at the county Institute. Mr. and Mr K. It. Kdgar have pur thused a 'lll Cadillac recently. Mm Hurry Owen and (hlldnn lelt yealerilay Canada where they will spend the aummer month. Hoon li ter they return to AlbuqueiiUe Mr. and Mr. Owen will move to ! Lu na to make their horn there. Mr. and Mr. U McElwaln have b ased I tin Harry realdence on North Twelfth atrtet. They will ie ut home there about the first ol July. lr W. T. Walmon will leave next week for Atlantic City to attend the i-Mion of the American Medical o ciely, whlih lonieiie there June :i Dr. A. C tiler hu gone to Cali fornia for a three week' vatatiou. Mr. John Milne and aim left Wed nesday for Kaiins, Wisconsin, lo vtsd relative for aeveral week. Hupeit'i lendent Milne will leave about the rliat of July to attend Ihe meeting ol the National F.ducallonal association In Kl. Haul, Minn., after which he Will apend a short lime In hi former home In Wisconsin, before Joining hi wife 4n H.'icme. Mr. and M:. (leorge Albright have T on In Han l)len fain .i ula . t.. i ihetr aon. lilwund Ali ni-hi, anil hi i.imtiy lor a month. Mr, (leorge Atnot nt-d rhlblre'i. ninl Mr J une Horner and childien, left Tuesday for jing I'ein h. Calllor. nla, w here I hey win upend the gum mer. Mr. and Mra W. ,' Jnhnson have returned to Albun,upriu after a sev etui month' atay In 111 l'io. I'rofesor A. M. F.pln..-.i arrived rn thl city Wednesday evening to Visit In parent. Mr. and Mm C. F.Kplnoil lor a few day before k .iiik on to Chi i mso, where hi has been engaged ,i one of I lie faculty of the diversity ol Chi. ago sutiiiin r hool. rrnfesaor I: pttiomi wa lor aeveral in rhnrge ol Hi., department of liotnhnce rii.ikc nl the l'nlverii of New Mex I. n. .mil at present he i a member ol the faculty of the Iceland Htanford um t rslty Mr Mini Ml. Max Not'dhaU bale returned from a aevei il week' Inn In the east. Mr Waller of llnnml Anson. i. is In Ihe citv visiting ni mother, Mr. A. M. Coddlnglon, und his sister. Mr. H. I li .ley. Mr Kd Hnlo ha called to l.o A nuch a by the sermuu II lues el her mother, Mr. W. II J.-nne. Mr. and Mr, (leorge W heeler, 191)1 North Sixth street, have left for a two weeks' motor trip to the l'vcoa Mr. (1. l.lser and children of w..u City. Texas, have arrived to visit Mi. Liser a parent, Mr. and Mi, li. Hull. Mr and Mr. Kd Hugh I.ce and son. who have spent the pail few iimnm in Altiuiticriiie, have returned to their limn. In iiluck Mountain, Ninth Carolina. Mrs J. A. Iteldy and children have returned fiom a three months' vlut with mend in Philadelphia und NV York. Mra. Thomii 8. Hiihbell and her mother, Mr. N. T. Artnijo, have gone to Ocean Turk and Kan I'lego to apend the utnmer. Mr. Kdwurd and her daughter. Mtsa Charlotte Ixmhke. hav gone to California for the aum mer. Mrs . K. M.iulvln and aon of Worth. Texaa, have arrived for a visit wllh Mr. Mauvln' mother, Mr. T. U. Telfer, and her alater, Mra. Jim Clad ding. Mr. A. H, Ummiiti of Hnnta Itou-i. California, who hue been the guest her sist.r, Mr. J. K. Saint, for I hi pa. I week, will leave Munday for Wir tbld. Kansas, tn visit IV r 'ti. Mrs. II. Wilson, for two week, and will rliio Ir .lhuiiiertue again en her w.i buck to her home In California. Mr, o. N. Marron and little daugh ter, Mnrgarel, have gone to HcrKelc, California, to be present ut thf wed ding June IT, of Mr Marron brother. Mr. Kalph Hulloran to Mis Antla Young of Herkelev. Mr Mur ii'ti will remain in Culilurnu fur tin li t Ii or six weeks. Mrs J. II. Ilernili'n I eiijiiyuig i ilslt from her sister, Mr. M.iy Idi Punkerly of Kiwiih. Texas, who w il be her guest for several week. Mr. U C. Itecser, who was lln guest of Mr. K. W. Iiol.on Ii.r ue -eral day, ha returned to her hum" In Helen. Miss Jane H.-rmn ha gone to Mich igan tn peii.l tin- summer. Mr. J. I'lernon Hall, who wuu me guest of Miss l.ra Iivelace for tan weeks, returned Tuesday morning to her home In Helen Mr. Hernurd llfeld. Alias IK Min i ftosenwald and Mr. Ll. M. HoeentnaPI motored lo Uoswell Hunday to o preselil ul the wedding of Miss F.leanor Jaffa and Mr. Arthur Jala w hich took pl.o e Monday, und return ed to AlbuiUcr.iie Thursday. Mr. O. X. I'owcll and Mr. llowant Waha of the limed H'.ale foreet et vlce have returned from Bllver Cll) where they been for aome time on official buHii.i ss Mr. N. K K'en n, accompanied by her granddatislm r, Ituth Froel, left Tuesday afleri'.".n for Lou Angeles, where khe will v.sit her daughter, Mia. AL Frost fur a tin nlh. Mlaa olga Selke, ho ha been n I'hitenlx during H.c paat winter, .ei.: several day in Aliuiier'ue thi week visiting friend who wa on her wiy lo her home in Cold Hprlng, Minne sota. Mr. Hertram Hunt, who ha lieen Ihe guest (lf hci motlier, Ur Margan-t Curtwrighl f.,r two week, left Thttr day evening for her home In Uakeri field, Culllornia. Mr. Joseph Jolly leave thl even ing to Join her husband In Cliff. Arl una, where they will make their home. Mr Albert Cl.iitcy returned to her home In Santa l today after a two week' vlalt with her parent, Mr. and Mr. Wallace Hmaelden. Mia Ailela C KolmuUI! leave Wed neaday for a month' trip to Heatlte and along the Alaskan (oast. In tfeatlle Miaa Holtmiulat will Join a paiiy of friends from Chicago with whom ahe w ill make h favoi it sum mer voyage b the Inside Passu ge, which puseea liirough the Hue! ol the Alaskan i-"' gcenery. riion I. Rod iisrn, lit W. r-opper for Brsi-cis.s hacka .o4 farriat, W. I Trlmbit Co. Thunday Morning Mmio Club's Oueit Program. The Thursday Morning Musical fluh had a ita lust meeting for the year a guest evening Thursday at the Woman cluli Kspeiinl preparation had lieen made lo huve an unusually fine pro gram mid ul' who Were Iheic cnjoyL-il every minute of the evening. There wa a ddightlul variety In Ihe number anil on h nrust hi d made a particularly pleasing select i' n for the oiciisl.'ti. At the (lose of the program dell clous refreshment were uer.ej und a pleasant social time enjoyed. The proKiam follows: "Aa In n Hose Jar'' ('adman Mr. J o. Si hwenlHer. In) Mnr. .iti'lle Kiilieiislein lb) Walls I.i-Hchellr.l.) Mr K.ilwnrd C. Iteid "A lllrthdiiy " . . II u lit in gl nn- Wooum in Mr. Kdward U Kra.lford Staccato Mtinle Itii'.iei.Hteili Mr ticoige Kveri't. "I Would That My " Mrtlll -l( illtl Mm. J. o. Schueiilker. Mr. C. J. Andrews. 'Lovely Night, o Night of U'Vu".. I From ' Tales of Hiiffiiiun ' Oi-lTellll.K h Mra. J. o. Si hwcntkci'. Mrs. leorge Kit-rlit, Ms F A. Metsgar, Mr C. A. Kole man. Mr I.. II. KIihiiii, Mn. C. J. Andrew. "I'euie, Mln iJlo" Veull (From th" "Force of lM-(liiy") Mr. Kdwurd L. Hmdford. Overture, from "William TeU'V... Kossil'l Mr. (I. S Mcl.andii-Ks. Mrs. Thomas HiikIks, Jr., Mis. K. A. Harden. Mr. N -II Cavu- IIHUKh. O Engagement Announced. Mr. und Mr. Silas WolklitK. 101" Forester a en up. e me en giiKemciil of their (liiuglitcr. Henri etta, to Mr. John liuitman. of fan udii. 'Ihe wedding will take place the evening of Kri.l;i, June Is. und will he t: the home of flic bride fiar enta. Iiev. Hugh Cooper will re.n1 the xervlce and only relative und ' few friend will witness the cere mony. The bride unit groom will leave that evening fnr lluir home In Cnn a. la. Although this Is the first formal iinnoiiii. fluent of thi engagement, the tli. nils of the lirl.le-to-le have known of the approaching wcddin for uotne time und huve given a num ber of deliKhtfiil plirtic for Mis Wolklng. The King latighter gave a show er til the home of Miss I'uiilu I'ostel one evening last week, ll wa u loo--rellaneoii fhower and the many il.iimy ami ik. I ul gut which wire given Ihe, were wrapped in while paner and tied with yellow rth bon. The fireplnce had been lined with yellow and Ihe package were piled In It until time for Mis Wolk lng to open them. The color achenie of vellow Mini while wa (arried out through the room with ovel flower. A dellcloii upper wa erved at :i iule hour and a delightful time en joyed by ull who were ihere. Another miscellaneous shower was given this week by Miss Jane lli-rroo in Mis Wolklng honor, and the hiltlc-to-he received muny lively gifts. Tt's.lay Mrs. Hugh Cooper Rove an all-ilay party in Miss Wolklng hoin.r. Miss Wolklng ha been a teacher In the primary department ul Hie I'reubv terian Sunday m hool for several years Mra. Co.. per Is principal of Ihe Sunday si lion) ami had nil the lein h er In t spend the day. A particularly dclniou lino h wa creed anil u deliuhtlul lime enjoyed by ull who were tin-re. - O - Mullen-Bacon Nuptials. The in. my fronds in Alliu.Uer.ue of Mra. W. W. Hanoi and Mr. J. F. Mullen were iii:tc surpriced to hear of their mairiage last Saturday in Atlanta, (ia. Mr. Kacoii has lived in Alliiniuer llic f.r a nuiybi-r of Inn has lieen visit in; fnr Ihe pasl f-w months in her former home In Atlanta. Mr Miilb-n left the fust of last woe!; for ' .eorgla. After a short wedding trip Mr. und Mr. Mullen will pome In A II. in, m r iue to make their home here. Former U. N. M. Student to Wed. Friend f Mis Hot nice Adams, who wa u student in Ihe normal de partment of the l iiiverslty of New Mexico, three er urn, will he III teresteii to lirur of her approaching marriage. The following announcement of CHI-iWlEL FOR EVERY HOME You on sli i t know all about the wonrieiful vnrnieh Clil-Nimel. Willi II you cun in compltsh a mule' in ev er home. It la ntndo of the hest mler!l mukeg vnrnlsh, I not adult, rated with rot-In or beiigine, uml on account of using ( HIM.M; (Mtr Oil, treated a pr.'i'taa. possease 3 imfmiwilif to ithlitin rrnni JPy thrf oil. You ran h.imnur It. n' Midi it. ur l..ur lHiitiiiK wirr on It without hrfHkiriB the urlu of th vrnih or turning It while. WHERE TO USE IT l'e iho colored xarniNh (imitate uny sisid I to rlvc nr color int'l new ilos to floors, door. l nrs. linoleum. wuincolllis, IhIiIp. dresser, oedsleinl. ellee. ret i Hem ..l . etc. l'r the natural (clear) for lew floss on old aoiu, un all new wood, Moors, ull Interior woodwork, etc. 1 Let us Show You How Easy it is to Apply WHITNEY CO., Hardware, Stoves, Plumbing Phone 76 115 S. First the nuptial ha been received. "Mr nml Ml. M. II Adam of Ll I'aso. Texa. imoiitiie the inairiaKe of their ilaiiHliler. Ilernlcc. to Mr. Itoy McMillan of C,,v. , M, on the evening of Friday, June li " Mr. and Mr. McMillan will be ut home In Clovl after the fltst of Jul). V . Jolly Dancing Party. Thursday evening M.a Iteseie Strong, daughter of Mr and Mr. II l Strong, gave a ni"t enjoyable biniitig party nt a ih hoothmixe seven mile smith of town The guents Were taken lo their ilcstlliwlli.n in aiitomoblle. Music l.y Hie Keihl or rhestra and u ileliiious supper mmle the evening n most di'llglilful one. The parly w a chaperoned by Mr and Mr. II o. strong. Mr und Mm C. II. Conner and Mis l.lllie Jacohy. O Thirty Club Dance. The Thirty club had its regubii seiiil-io.inthlN ilaine Tiicsilav evening nt C.'l.'iiil.,, hull and us usual evry- ! one had a dellghtttil lime Those who were there arci Mlsees I : nt Ii Williams. Klste Myei. M.ldn Hiiahes, llleanor Vuuulicv lieiieiieye Tleiney. Mni in,. Mutliew. Julia Kel-j elter. feaii Corson. Ilerplie Hessel (len, Irene II. .lilt, Murv I'rutt. Jean Hill, I. Kathryn I'owell. Iliircl Haw- FiO DOIT FROM It is easy to have a when you use a L At aimplff to enre (or a a lamp. Belter meal with half the; work and half ihe rgpenae. Can be tewickrd without aoilinu; the finger. The Nrw Vrfrction hum keroarne;. a clean, inexpensive fuel I, 2. 3, and 4 burner auer. All hardware and general store. THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (lnroipoftel in C olote) Denver fublo Albunuvrqu) Oisrsnn Butt Bote Salt Lads City Saving and Tr Generally speakiii-j, provident people are hap. il py ptjple -people wliot are moderate in all things; people who plan ahead and arrange their expenditures according to their income; people who are ready for emergencies these are happy people. ftp From the first day you start a savings ac count with this strong growing bank you'll fed happier, for you will not only have the com foiting consciousness that you are accumulating a reserve for future needs, but you will know that youi savings are earning a most liberal interest hil; accumulating. WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR. AMERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK Toughness, Elasticity, Water Resisting Qualities Tell You ALL About tm ur w.nrT IS Jf ftrn Dr. T. FELIX G3URAUSS ORIENTAL CREAM 01 MAGICAL BEftUTIfir.1 . Bernese. Ta. pi plr. Klftll". M.rfh r-sirhe. nml akin nww.. il'l evrfy t.U ail.H en lie.. ill m! il h-t n'lc. ti.rn It h"l..l tl.r Ot yyi wirM. nn i - I hninilr e .TljJ1 I '" i" "o ii i I lk WJ .e.-tl mso. Ac. I lJs eeit no i uaiilrtfril ' nl .oit.lsr n m . fir. U A. Rare kl to a Mi "f .lie hsniion la lailirntt A. -.i l. will .iV them I te t....,,t,l W I C'MM' " UK le( of nil tile skin lyn i.nilHMlt. ' Al e-iiia n.l IK-1M.III11. Ill Hlutc. lift I. Htu. 4 tM. PrtH. il Irul km ,!.! kins, Lfiureen Aelin. wer lon Mi l iiinallilli. William M.i iill ... n. U'o Murphy, (leorge M era, Hill Mclion unld. Jim Skinner, Hugh Carlisle, Millard SI lb k ler. Chnrlea Slioine, Frank I'relsenib.rf. Frank TO rney, linlph Kcl.-li.-r. Hob Hopkins, I...UI llesselilen, Ira Holdt, l.b.yd Hluige. (('inilliiiii'd mi Puur Hcvcn.) COAL OR ASHES clean apotleaa kitchen 'WWiAU'AVi Happiness ITT mi" and taaii'3a it and 1 1 13 K ft m TI 55 I..U i