Newspaper Page Text
' f if u r X 1 'M;t T f ;T II IV J i ' ' THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, H. It., SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1914. idditional Society News (t'milliiut-it from lge Hit.) hatlea l.embke, Hill While. Fred fhlte. I.-itr flfeld. Hill McMlllln, lover Pivine, Arthur "lk, Mr. Al prl Clancy mid Mr. nml Mr. Ilert k In I . - O urprise Slumber Party. Irene Fee Invited n number rif Mends in in ilny card Wednesday In i noun iiml served a delicious lin h. When II wm tim for i: e guest I" ove Mm. Fee surprised them all y telling them t bit I I hey were t mi. in nil night mid Hi evening wm pent In n moat enjnyghlo manner hiving games, darning and 11111111111 Those who were there nre Jeffle lion, (Iciim Llghthoume. dr.!'" loi ix. I... 11 lac Trcffciil.crg. I.llliiin '.no l,a,ti let. "Flop....... IA'mi I Ij i,.I flildrcd 1 1 naliB. I --o for Mrs. Hunt of Bakersfield. A number nf delightful iiili.imal at M 1 1 luivr been given (luring I hi' past 'n day In honor of Mra, H.rtntn lunt r Hakrrallclil, California. w!m in I. n il tatting her mother, 1)1. Mar. rarci Cartw right. Sunday evening rr. Curl wright ' . I dinner 111 the Alvarado hotel whvh n nn if I enjoyable affair. Wednesday evening Mn. Edwin Sower gave a dinner In Mrs. Hunt's honor anil Thttrsdnv afternoon, Mr. John H riiiiiilffl entcrtnined hi card. Mr. Hunt left Thuraday evening or her home In Itukcrafleld. o Tango Breakfast for Miss Hetzel. Wednesday morning, Mm. chia. Win Una-ton, 421 South Third street, gave n tungn hreakfaat In honor ! Mlaa Hilda lett I. who left Thursday or her home In Miamlshurg, (lino. Tin. breakfast, which w.ik i.lcoii an rcrvcd 11 1 1 11 o'clock The table was artistically ilet'itriiteil in yellow ii Til white, ami a bunch of lovely daialcs win the centerpiece. Pain Hie. hoih l.'inmi nml hesitation, occupied the rent of the mornlnK "nil nil h.iil a most delightful lime. The aurvls wen- MIh II. .Ida tletiel. ' Mrs. Kreil 1 'nhflelit. Mra. Fran Vioiir, Mm J K llmniim. Mr. fScnigi-, T.ivlor, Mra. Hurry Hctijaml-i. Mm T. I J. Johiiaon. nml Mrn p II Cams. O- J !n Honor of Mrs. J. Fierson lall. I ' .M. .iidav. Mr. J. M Fleming. 3lij (ouih Walter street, gave a iiin.ii breakfast In honor o' Mm J. Pleraon, Viall of Helen, who was the gileat nt , Mis l.nM Lovelace fur several dam. The color scheme of red and white h ruirli'd out with roe and chrr- rl.-a iind u imrl ! uliiily iI.'IIk hi f ill menu I whh wrved. I Alter hreikrat the Imliea aeni n ciijoyuole nlllr tungolng. I Mm. Kit-tiling a gueata Were Mra J.t lleraon H.ill. Mra. Hurry TWUH.' Mlg I lri fkliincr, Mr. U . Itei ker of He. len. Mm. II Conner, Mm. Tom Wilkiinoii, Mra. Jerie H.iKMinl. Mr llrutin Taylor, and Miaaia Mybelte and lira lvel(ie. Mondiiv Mfieriiooti Mm. F A. Mann, KOI Itoinii atenue, ent.riiihied two tnlilc of million In honor of Mra. Hull, nml 1h.1t ame evening Mr. C. II Conner hud a Jolly tungo purtv ut her home hi 4UU North Twelfth atrei-t. There were twelve couple preent, who al m a delightful time iluni and etiloyed particularly the deliclo'ia aui'ia-r hih aa acrved at miiliiialit Mra J I'lerann-imil left Tin ad iv tnorning for In a I101110 in Helen -O Musical Carnival at Moan tainair. The management of the Mountain air Chiiiiliiiiina hn act tired the ai rv li on ut Mr. Charlea J. Andrew of Al bii.iler'ic to rilreit Ihe mimical pro gram of the coming annual Chautnu una villi h open thla year on Auguat 4th, and nt which apeclnl attention I to be given to the inimical feature. Mr. Andrewa la to have full charge of Ihe ninalciil fenture nnd la arrang ing a progrnm of large proportlona unit alnlewlde In Ita Interest and In the tulent which will participate. Two concert are to lie given bv Alhtiiieriiie talent, one on Auguat 4th and the second on Auguat (Ih, While Mr Andrewa nn Auguat 7lh Will direct a a'nle rhoral roncrrt In whlrh local choral clnha from all pari of the lnte will take part. The big open-air tabernacle nt Mountnlnnlr ta ideal for choral work, anch ua la pro- A CGHFESS1QH Oitcrtoiy: "Fling lul Ihe Itanner" ; O. II. Liaaant (loses Her Siateaent, Marie Pbl&e. "aaionui: "iiawen the Time ai.. pointed" H. Hina't Will Help Other WonCO. T'l, Sunday achuul leuchera' iniln- Ing claaa will mcei ill tha church at """ 7:4S p. m. Hlnei, All. "I mutt coniMg", yt Mrt. t.ulg Me Keid, ol tins place, "lhl ! 'r t' liun-ri. Cardul, the woman't tonic, llaa llun lilt ' A- Toolhaker. minister. Plvine great deal ol Kood. worahlp. It a. m. and t p. 111 Hp 1.1I ISelore I commenced uslnff Cfdul. I p,v,' b",h "'''"""g and ivenin. "rotild pil up everything I ale. I had a Al ,h "'""ling hour the annual chii tiled, girrpy Irvlin. all the time, ind was dren a day program. Kvemng. atei iriettular. I could hardly drag around, opticon lecture. Heventy -one anien- ami would hive tvcit Atsu'achei con- linuouiiy. Since taVInf Cardui, I have entirety qutl 1 pill 1 tie; up what I eit. hverylhin errnm 10 dirst all rivhl. and I liava gaieed I'J pound in Weihl" II you arc a victim of any ol the numer oua til to common to your tea. II U vvioag lo tuller. Kor hall a century, Cardul hai been re lievuiK ul luch III, a I provr g by lli IhuuMiid ol letter, anuiuu to the above, pour Into our oilice, year by year. Cardul I ittcceiful because It la com pord ol inrrdirnl which acKpecifnaMy on the womanly consldulion, and help build the wcaJtened organa back lobeniiu Cardul bat helped other, and will help ! you, loo. Get a bottle Unity. You hu.ut'l tearet it Vsu. 4 .-. . . .11 i . .v,.,.. ivaiKuiNKiui. , frill ttt CWias stvis Ca?. taOel' A 4- nr !.. thiuma. Una., to .V(ti( l:ZZlZmZ.".Z. s2'L pnaad. and with the 1 n-oirailon of the Chaulauima managemenl Mr. Andrew la Inlrreatlng amaer all through Near Mealcn who are organ ising local rhnral club Pinging the nine niualc, then club will rnme to gether at Moiintalrialr nn Augut ?th. prepared m Join In a thoroughly re. henraed choral program under Mr. Andrew' direction. At leaal ona full rehenmal will Ink plnca befora the concert. Mr. Andrew la aaatimd f good local direction for the Individ ual rhortiaeii and la nthtialaatlrallv enierlng nn the work which lie be lieve will prove f Intereal Ha extend heany Invltntinn to alnger tf AllMiiiuenine to Join In the movement and 10 attend the Chau tauqua. Thoaa who are Intereated ahould communicate with Mr. An drewa by letter or telephone him al UTI nr 21 The Churches t mirat Atmue MiIIhhIM t'lMin Ii. Corner Arno atreet und Central avi nue. Hamuel R. Alllaon, paator It. n lUeme. Tl outh Kdlth; phone, 170 Mlaa M.iry Hiinaiom. deoroneaa. ttunduy uliunl at 9:43 a, In., T. M. porrl. uerintentlcnt. I'reni'hing aervlce condilrted by tha iiaator at Jl a. m. and I p. m. At the morning aervlca the Inde pendent uiil.r of Odd Fellow Ii hold their memorial aervlce. The rna lor will preach tha memorial aertuoti Hpaclal niiiaic by tha choli boin niornlng nnd evening. Mevotlonul meeting of the Ken'or Rpworth league at 7 . m. lh Woman' Mlaeloniiry aoeleiy will hold Ita regular monthly program at ih church Tueadjy afternoon l 1 p. m Wedneaday evening prayer aervp at a p. m. Teacher training clua lit ":1U p. m. l'lri MtnlMNlbg Jits'iinl tiiurcti. Corner I .end avenue and Hoiiih Third atreet; Charlea tiacur Kei kman, pHaior Mlaa K.lllh (lorby, demon eaa. I). A. Porlerlicld, aiiperintendent of the Biind iy i hool. Harry Kriink. preaidctu of the Kpwurth league. Hominy hool leaaiun at 4't a m. The public Worehlp at 1 1 a. in. will be a Children' day program In ihaiae I of ihe Hundiiv hool, entitled "The j Kirai Children'a lluy. " The pioanun ' la ua follow: Voluntary: ftunday H' hool (ir. h u tra. : fong X11. lit. Ilcapoiialve Iteadins No 241. j I'r.iyir by the puator. j liupiiam of infant. rJoln: Helected, Mra. Charlotte Hrii. "Weliume:" Hny Htump. florolby r'oorttiey, Mary Klliuibeth French. I "The Hlrth of Children Imv,' llcle,, Waldlv. Itecltiitlon: Juaiin Hherldan. Primary otig- "The my We Honor," Itoa.ue Votaw. Holo: Virginia Willlumaon. "A Memory liay. ' Hall Iteckmun Hong No 14i The Firt Children' tay," Vli ginla Willlumaon. "Whni I Know:" Joanna Clark. Hon a: No. 117. "wnsr tn. p iowar Farlarva k Itrighl'a cIh. The rlaaa. lialalea" by the graduating IHatribuilon of IHplomaa 'ur New Way:" I'y five f'rimnr lrl. "Wlahe:" Florence Ulnlr. Hong No. 1 ST. '.Vine Wle Little Falrle " I'd- mary I'la ihort Addreaa by tha Puelor "Our Flag:" Kdward l.nde. "our Wlah " Vclma Koiigbi Hong No. 111. Ileiiedlction The Kpworth league devotional aer vlce al 7 p. m. will be led by Moa Ileaala Pen! Trenching by Ihe. pnator at g p. m. HiiI.J.kI, "The I'urpoac of Hod In Chriat." H pec la I niualc by Ihe iiur let. Prayer meeting Wedncad.iy evening at I o'clock. The Woman's Miaalonarv soclclfr will hold their monthly meeting In the pur lorn of the church Thurad ) afternoon at I o'clock. M. Jotiu'a iiurcn. Corner Fourth atreet and Weal Hil ver avenua. Archdeacon W. K. W ir. ren. rector. Iteald. inc. 13u Weat TI Jera. Flrat Hund.iy after Trinity. Hnijr roiiuiiunlon, 7 a. m ; morning prayer and sermon, II a. m ; Hunday a hool, 9 4"i 11, in , teacher training cluaa, 7:45 p. m. Mualc Proceaalonal: "fin Forward, Chrla- lian rinldler" It. Tour Venlta J. Hand n. Clorlu W. Cn.t 'h Te Ileum it. Cooke Jubilate pen R. Woixiwai I I nt roll : ' Moil, !aati-" . , .T. Wat h did colored lides. Awakening Orient." Mualc for the evening service Mi' t'oatel presiding at tha pipe organ. I relude: "Santa Merclu" Faiira, Offertory: "Uerru''. ....... . Kinder Solo: 'Way of Prura Lloyd Mr. J. H Hould. Postlude: March Itellglo Aanfurd Young I'ropla'a meeting, T p. m ; Kllhourn House, leader. Tha regular monthly mlalnnay meeting will be held on Wednead-ty evening at I o'clock (prayer meeting hour I. Men aa well aa women Invited. hlldren'a Pay Program Opening Chorus: "oh I the Child ren sing" School Scrlptura Heading. Prayer. gong: "Wa Oreat Tou All" primary Cl Exercise: "htrong Hearted Itoy" .. . Shining Star C'laa K"": "nur Hong for Je.u.' ..Mayflower and Conotisror Claaae EVERY IIATIOII I T SUII T T H Fourteenth International Sun dae School Convention This Month to Be Greatest Gath ering of Xind in History. SPEAKERS GATHERED FROM ALL OVER WORLD Program Arranged for Special Interest of Nearly Two Mil lion Sunday School Teach ers and Workers. 1 Chicago, June 13. Speaker .from ( Africa. Asia. I'.iirooe and from nil over the North American continent will nildreaa the varioti gainerlnga of tha Fourteenth International Trien nial Hi'ndaV He hool convention to be held In Chic.iao June 21-J'l. Among the more prominent apeak era are Pr. Honker T. WaKhlngloti, of Tiiakexee, Ala., J. A. MacdotiaM, editor of the Toronto lllobe: Hlahoii J. C. Hart mil or Africa: Kev. F. It. Meyer of London, KliK.; Congreaaman Itichmond I'. Ilobmni, of Alahuma; Pr. Frani la K ( lark, founder a id president of the chriatinn Kndciivor movement: II J. Mem of I'llta biirgh; Kev. Wilbur F. Craft of Waahlngton. P. '.; aiiperinlcmlent of International teform bureau; Kev. W. J. Wlllliitimon of St l.ntila: liihho, C f. And.-ri.on of 1 hicago; Key. I'll r ley A. linker, praldeni of the Na loinnl Antl-aabion leaaue: Kiehop W. F. McDowell of F.vimaton: liinhop James F Adalna of Wuvneavillc, N. C. Over 20" apenkem will participate In the 11. ore than I ail aeaalon of Mic convention, varioua conference nnd mnaa meetiiiK held in innniMilon wt'h It. Th'-ae aewooa will be held In Medinah temple, Ohio and Can" atleeta. aealliix ."..11(111. which will be the center of ihe convention: In the Auditorium theater, the Auditorium hotel, the Moody inetitutc and torty one chun hea III CIuciiko and aiihiirba The convention will tx-Kin II eighl dav aeaainna at the Medi. ah temple Tueaday evening. June 23. William N'. Harlahorn of lloaton, i realdcut ..; ihe International Holiday He hool ua aoclulion, will preaidc. After the aUeai a .nuawiaia 1 a im Hi. Itev. c. I. Anderson. iailia. of ihe Chl t'llKii diiM'eae of thi KplMcoial church, will preaiji the cntiw-iition sermon on "Jeau Hhnll Keign." which la the theme of the convention. Kvery phaae of Hunday w hool bc llvity will be conaidcrcd In the var ioua conference of the convention under Ihe guidance of the expert of Ihe International Sunday School a oclutlon and of the denominational Hund.iy achool hoard. Ileaide theae r.nular conference 10 conalder grad ed leaaona and the work of the dif ferent departments of the Hunday achool. there will bo confereni ca on evaiiKeliem, rural Sunday school. Hunday school mualc, social aervlce. temperance and purity. Special con feretre wil' ! held fur worker among college student, among for-elgn-speakiii people, for iniiiiaicra, iiperlntendenlH and field Morkera. In preparing the program the pro gram committee kept In mind Ihe varied neeila of the aeventeen mil lion number belonging to the 13. S4 Sunday schools spread over the whole North American continent, and directed by l.iW'i.Mii otllcer and teachera Fred A. Will la chairman of this committee nd Marion l.u ran.'e, recogmaeil ua the beat Inform ed Sunday school man In Ihe world, Is the seer eta iv On of the moat attractive feat ure of the coin ciilon, according to leaders, is a feetival com ert to be liM n Friday niuhl, June It. under the iiuapli'ea of the Conk County Sun day School asaoctalii n in the Audi torium theater. The May featival chorua of a thoinumd vobea. said to be Ihe Inraeat ladica' chniu In the world, will sing mmmI.iI wlectlon composed for the occaalon. A hlati.ri'ul patteanl. given Satur day niaht, June !7, in which twenty seven Hunday chool will 'partici pate, showing by tableaux and by performance the methods employed In teaching Ihe Scripture from Hie time of the pair lurch to the present time. Is another iiiiliiue feature. Only once before. In 17. has the International Sunday School conven tion been held In Chicago. -AASewaAreewwWMViMwv Th lleaullluile Helen Toothaker Fxeniae: "Nature's Praises" Sunshine Circle Cl.ii Hong: 'How the Flowers iirow". .. . Primary C Exercise: "Pld You F.ver Hear"... llappy Thought Circle Claaa Hong: "Tha Hanner of Love' . . I lleciiiilloii: "The Kutlh I the j lird'a" Francis l-cdsi "Oh What a Happy Pay'... Ethel and Helen Toolhaker Kxerclae: "The Seven Sisters" ..Mayflower and Cumiuemr Claaaeaj Song: "Living Willi Jesu ' .... School Talk by the Pastor. P.eeltatlon: "Kindncas" Rather Trotter Exercise: "What Makes Children i Pay". . . Mavllowet and 4'oii'iueror Hon-: "The Itoyul I j'glon" . . , . Si hool , Uecllallon: "The lloe" j Florence MUler J-'ong: "Oh I'rslae Ihe Lord" Mixpah and Swastika Cl.i' Rung: "Happy lloiim" Hi hool Itenedlction. I Committee In charge: Mu (lladv llnwker ftowker, Miss Matu Tv. ' Mis Viola Skinner. 1 "tiiti i - tr - r - tf - rr - a - ,r Uie EvemimiLg' Merald W ainsit Ads aasaaaaa aaSaaSregggg4 Three Lines : Three A UK Al. (loud aubalanilal C-r..i ni moUerii yard, treea and rnaea l.o luo feet three room each, nnd ail honon with acre en pori he. This la an ideal Inveaitnetit, and we will ad I It very chinp, with a small payment down , JOII M. MIMIHK l!KITV C4)MIV. I)NH. IMSIIMMK ltl:TI.M M tit HKNT 4 (-room modern Ihoifo. $J1 Mil; 4 -room bonne. III 4 room. $ mi, .1 room, I0, (mi. ) rooina, H . U I . j, 11. n:.K 4 All V. t wilral. I' H. TO SMALL INVESTORS W can show you how your money Work for Vnll Inatead of Ihe Kiinks. Thelin Realty Co. Ill -iilml Ave. I till Hl K. (-room modern houae, fine I"- V 4 cation: young treea and lawn. A bargain II taken now. t.'iOil will handle It. Addict., owner, 4 care KVenltig Herald. Blacksmith!. MKO IICTCIUNSO?, 111 Weal Ivad. Four Hhoi-a, tl.ou. LOST. I.I 1ST A collie plIPi v about II week old. Liberal reward If re turned lo (leo. Crnne. 12;' I W. Sil ver. Phone 1. WASTED. WAVTKP Work of any kind by so ber, Indsutrloiis man. Address llox 4, enre Herald. Ill hi IbiptWt 4 Ilroiidway and Lead aennc. Preuching nt II a. m. by Kev. II. o. trona. Ilible school at S 4'i a. m, Prof. C. M P:nke, superintendent. Viiiing people" l'nlon at 7 i. m No evening preaching aervlce. t.obl and llnila) 4'hurt-ti of 4'lirKl. Il.riiion I'. Willium. miniatcr. 1-'-South Itroadway. Hlblc school nt 9:4.i a. in, JrtHi iH'ariug, superintendent. Lesson, tier.. 17-1. The Children' tin; program will t-e presented by tweive noy at the a. m. hour, with short address hy the minister ol, the "Win nc More" Fel lowship. ' Chrlslian Fndenvnr nt 7 i. rn. ' lion employers and employes should work loaeiher." 4'nl. 3-I?-2r.. 4.1. Sermon at k p. in., "Sheep or Hunt? An e posit Ion or Jcaus' pa la ale of I'll' ludgmcnt. Prayer and Ilible study, Wi-dnesd4), t p. in. Oenesis I -:'. All are welcome to these services. I'lrl lr-4ilcrlan 4 liurx-It. Corner Silver avenue and Flf'h sl"eet. Hugh A. Cooper paalur. Chauni ey A. Foreman, aaaodate pa ' tor. ' Ilible achool, 4i. Adult Ilible claaea meet nt in a. in. Morning worahip .u II o'clock. Ser mon by he pualor At S p. in. Ihe mutual Children a day program will tie rendered by Ih.' young people of the Hunday school. Musical HCIAlif In ihe morning " follows: Prelude . Offertory: Anthem . Posilude: Chaa. J . MendclaohM Ahiinli S.lec'jil Moasenet dlrecior; M: ''Homaiicc Ad.ialo ' Andrewa, Kenworthy. orgaiiiHt . The teacher's louncll (lay p. m. A apci la I siH'ial hour. meet Mo-i-program and CiirUllan K. icinx- Ha-4cl). Christian Helen, e i-ervlces are hei.l In I ho Woman iluj buildliiil. at the Corner of Heventli atreet and Hold avenue, every Sunday morning al II o'clock. Wednesday evening aervlceg are at I o'clock. The public Is cor. ti. illy Invited to at tend these services Suinluy achool at 4 4,i o'clock. Heading room !u ihe N. T. Arm m buililmg. Iloom No II, open eacti ,. day from J to .' p. in. Immru-ulale 4 in-SIa ( Imrvli. Hod, i Illy ma as. 7 . m ; high tnana and procession, :i .Musical rogram - "Aapergea Me".. Per her Has Solo and Chorus. "Kyrle" I.eJ. ii Soprano, Tenoi m.Io and t noma Miss May Mulicr. Mr. C. J. Andiewa. illorla !.)-ii Full Chorua. "Hratiua" Soprano and Alto pucl Mlaa May Mahei . Mra. J. Vrlx.irri. "yul Tollls" llaaa Solo Mr. Michael I'.ill.idillo. (Jiioniam Full i Imrua. "Credo" in O jHllliurt Itiiaa Solo i.nd Chorus Mr. LoUla lleaaeldell. "flenllum" Alto Solo Mra. J Vnaarrl. "Ft Incarnatua li Tenor Solo Mr. J Andrewa. "F.t Ilesurrexlt" Chorus. "Ft t'nain Hanctuui' Haas Hold Mr. Iailll- llesselden. 'Et Expecto" Full Chorus. Offertory: "Venl Creator" MHI ifd Tenor Solo, Hopmno and Tenor tniei and chorua Mlsa May Kaunman and Mr C J Andrews. "Halictua" - rs IIAIUiAIX. Irume houae; cellar, barn. hi front, with two ei'ra cotlagc ken of tm ItKXT. B room modern brick house, r.1 N. Y. nv.... Hi. Ml; water paid. in-room house, Fifth and Mnr 4 iuelle Ave; modern, 4:; ",ll. (-room houae. 3:il No. Fifth St.; modern, 23 00. 4-room houae, Highlands, till. 4-room house; east llnclillne avenue; modern. $.' 00. nm maij:. 4-room lioiic; hiKlilinda, on car line, IMIII UO. On Central avenue, 4-room house with lots l3x2A. IliSU. Lands in largo and small Ira't. Kanr-hea near the city. Horns fine resident es for sals, neur In. 4 4-ronm adobe, tllOO OO. 4 All kinds of term. t'lHK INsr havo: M'tMCY TO IXIX. IltJMtAU'S ltKL farTATR Oli-ltK. (34 Oord Ave., TtUrd K4. "Itenediclus'' tlorxi Tenor nnd K.isa Pud wPh Chorua air. C. .1. Andrews, Mr. M. pallndlnn. Poatlude: "Triumph.nite Marel:"... Vcrdl organ and rcheatra. Pirecireaa. Mrs T. J. Slilnlck: or ganist, .Hm Muhiiel Piillndlno; flute. Mr Wilaoii Inula: saxapbom.. Mr. Pevvey ln.vla: cello, O. J. I'lsbny; vio lin. Mr. I. ilobind s.. IKiil' i:tiiiiucllcal Lutheran 4'liiircli. Silver and SlX'h street. Edwnril I. Schueli-r, I. p., fiaaior. Paraonaa.. SO South Sixth. Phone I8'i:i. We rejoice over the delightful child ren a provr. mi ol Iriat Snnil.iy morning, nrd coiixruiulate the nine little l.ldiea and uelilleme.l who stepped over tit1 line from the primary into Ih,. tumor department. The ottering for the or phans was something over twelve dol la rs. And then on Thuiaday we had one of our "beat" punier Such happy diva muat biud our hearts toaeih.r and make ua apprcfiali. our 1 hun n and what it is doing for us. Kven if II should be warm, we t. ,-e exprrtitiK our people, yotinii and md. t the services tomorrow. The u.i l bunra. with prenehliiK of the word morniiig und evening. MornPig theme.' "Hoiy Marks at it Living Chun h." Ft citing, "When Ir Pray." Hunday achool, 4 . a. m , In char :e Of F. C. Keefcr. "The Kiideavnrer nt 7 P m. have Ihe topic, "How Employers and Km I loves Should Will K Together. " Led by A. W. Kraemer. In these duvs of strikes, that should prove a live ami helpful subject for atudy. LEGAL NOTICES. Mri lti: 4IF HI IT. Plslricl Court, Stute of New Mex I County of Hernulillo. le Kit a Jane Kay vs. John Hay. No. 7r.s. To the Pefendnnl: You are hereby notified that suit hus been begun aguinst you la the ul.ove untitled court by the above named pliilntlff. praying for an abso lute, divorce 011 the grounds of ha bitual drunkennesa. abandonment and non-support. And you are further notified thnt unless you enter your appeurance In auid action or cause the same to be entered, on or before the tith day of July, 1914. at 10 o'clock a. in., a decree pro ennfesso will be entered against you and the relief prayed fur In aald complaint will be granted by the Court. The name and addreaa of the at torney for plaintiff la W. C. Hea ciH'k, AibuiiierUe, New Mexico, A. E. WALK Kit, Henl Clerk. Hy Tllos. K. Tl. MAPPIHOX, Peputy. X4ITUI'.. Purauanl to Ihe order of Ihe The tricl Court within and for the County of I tt r mi 1 1 1 1 State of New Mexico, notl. i. is hereby given thut said Court bus 01 del ed mill d reeled thnt all eredilors of The Famous or II. L. I-'hoi. shull present and make proof before It. H. Cudaha,', receiver for Ihe said II. L. Foote, of Iheir respective claims ugalnat The Famous or II. I loole nn or before Ihe firat day of July. 114, otherwise, all creditor and claimunls Sailing so to do within Ihe said I line will lie bulled from par ticipating in any manner In the distri bution of tlio uaacts ol Ihe said II. L. I". Mile. Iione by order of the Court Ihi .'Hlh day or May. 1SH. 11. K CL'DAHAC, Uecciver. NOTICi: ll' SLI In the Pisirlct Courl. i'ouniy of Her naltllo, Stuie of New Mexico. John XI. Moore, lrualeH for II. Hn I arucco, benelldury, plaintiff, v Antonio Armljn and Soda H. de Ar- 111IJ0. hie wife, Iiefendiints. I'nder and by virtue of a Judgment nnd an order of sale, made and en tered on the 12th day of Novemiier, lists. In the above entll.e. cause, hy the rbove named courl, wherein the above named plaintiff did opiain a Judgment against the ubuve named defendants in the sum of 132. ol dollar, with Interest at the rate or 12 per cent per annum from Novemiier 12. I V 1 X. until paid, and lor all ol the cost acci ued and to accrue in salvl cauu and for the coals and ex penses If Ihe sale of Ihe hereiualier described t rol'erty, I, Ihe undersign ed, appointed by Ihe said court ill said cause aa speclul master to imae Times : Three Dimes NEW MEXICO HOTEL DIRECTORY. SANTA FK 1 ha Momentum Hotel. American plan; aer l f r"t laaa. electric lighta, steam heat telrpboii III every room. Ppecial attention to autu parties. PHOTOaRAPIIEUS HT CAhPH) tl 00 per doreti Flrat class Wink giiiiranleed. Kodak finishing Seventh and 1 enlral. W'K WILL dev. FILM for 10c. 313 So. Second. 'up any KnPAK Pot Card Sludio, FHS0MAL run CAKI'KT gleaning, furniture and atove repairing!. W. A. Huff phone tt. M A It Ii Y if ymi Bre lonely, sriic He- llllbll. I Olilillelllllll Sui leaaful clllh has larse nuniiu ra of wealthy, clig bln mcmbera, bulh sexea. wishil.g early marriage Pew ripllona flee Mia. W riili.d, llox it. Oakland, Cal. Mention Aliiiuiucriue Kvciung Her ald when writing. I'll'iWN Ft KNITI 111'. - llepalrHig nnd pinking, cabinet in.iklnit. up-! holaterlng. relinlahing. maltreas mak- IliK, rug alKlng. All wink Hilar. in-1 t.ed. A. It tlurcla and K I', oliv.ia, III Soulh Third. Phone (14. ICIMH-' PAINT. WANTED Kvery home owner to use Frio Carbon roof print stops leaks, lust I years. Pcvoc ready paint, 1 kiiI .'over SOU s'l feet. Thus. Keleh.r, 40 West Central. HELP WANTED K Ml' Lo YMF. NT oilice, J I a W. Silver. P. o. Itox 73. Phone 3",4. Cat pen ten. 14 day; laborers, II T.'i to li.'.'l. WANTED Fiit clna pinning mill foreman, iiIko edgeman for saw ml. I W'olk. Addict Hox r.JH. City. WANTED 1 1 solicitors; 11 go i. proposition Call after U p. Ill, room 7, IhkIi "nod irpartmetits. HA K Kit wanted. Apply al 111 N ll street. Hume HaKery Wnl l.p voir .Woli K for II. rcr week, X houm a day? Woman k.iii' eil In dlairiliule fri-e pm k.igea Korix Washina Powder Ward Soap 4 Jo , 21 Institute PI , Chicago. IH'STLINil MAN under Ml. each lo cality. Introduce our Member Khlpa: $r.n to I MM) uionllil) . Hie l-l. -C ii.'i3. CoviiiMlon. Ky. WANTED Flrat cluaa conl maker and pant maker. Alan biishlemun. Apply n7 So. 4th. fireen ihe Tailor. WANTKP Experienced solicitor. Apply Evening Herald, between K and tt a. in. NKW MEXICO EitiployniBiil All kind of reliable help on ahurt notice. Ill W Kllver nve. Phone 4l rpB SALE "Antomobilw. Foil HALE 4i-.iora power Over land car, good a new. Naglrf (Jar- Folt SALE A liliialioiit Fo:"d cheap Has been run '1 it miles. Add lent. Car, cure Herald. a sale of the said property hiicln iifler described, lo satisfy Hie plain tiff s Jiiilument, and Ihe coats 11 1 aim and expenses of said sale, do hereby give notii e, that I will, In puriuunce of and In oliediciue to the said Judg ment and decree, nn' order of snl", at Ihe iront door of the court houc in the county of Iteriialillo, state l New Mexlio, on the 2:ld day of July, IH14, nt the hour of In o'clock. In the forenoon, offer tor sale, and will sell, to Ihe highest and best bidder lor rash, to sativfy plaintiffs Judgment and Ihe sums e mentioned, the following deai ribed ptoperty, to-w t: All Ihe undivided one-ninth Intereal in and lo a piece of unplatted laud and adjoining blocks iiumbeied six IS), twelve (!'), eighteen (111, and nineteen I 19 of the Francisco Ar mijo y oiero addition to I .in city :il Albiiiiie(iue, New M. xico, which and Piece of laud contain about twelv lots If planed. E. I- OHliSK, Special Master. ximci: ir hi ir. No. II7T9. 'In the Piatilii Com 1. County of H't- nalillo. St. ite of New Mexico. Sheldon It While, I'hi Hit irr, I U:iiiin !. White. Defend. nil iTo the above named defendant : You are liileliy not Hied 1h.1t a suit I has oeeti lllcd aaalnar you m the said j court and county by the above ii.niii d plaintiff. In will, h Ihe a.'u.l pl.niiiitt I pruya for hii aliaoluic dtvone on llie Sii.011.iM ui ueaertlun alio aoalnloii liletit And you are fur her n.nt.i that unless you entir or cause to nc entered your appearance in loiid cau-e on or before the Jnih l .1 v of July A. D. IVIl, a decree pin con !. 1 will lie taken againat you and Hie relief prayed for will Ih- gi anted. The name of the plululiff a attorney Is Frank Ackerman, whose post otftct- addita. Is Albu.tieriue, New Mexico. A. E. WALK Kit ' Clerk of Ihe Pint hi Court Hy THOS K. D. MAPPISON. Deputy. N4ITI4E 4lt PISS4HI TIOV. Notice la hereby alien that Ihe in partneiablp of W. H. Smith and l(oh. ert A. Wulkup, known aa the Collletd I Pry Cleaning Co , ha been dlaaolvcd bc mutual conaeirt. l. F. Miller h.i purchased Ih Interest of W II. SniCli and the new Arm will pav all mils ami elici t all debt due Ihe company. ' W. II Smith reim-s from Ihe firm. I W II SMITH. ItUbtllT A. WALK CP. PROFESSIONAL CARDS PhyticUni W. M. SHERIDAN, 1L D. Practice l.iiol ed to l.l;mi-l H1MIIV HIM- slu- And IHHFASF.H OF 1IIK SHIN. Ilie UtMiaiM anil Noguclu T eatg. Halvaraan "" Admlniatared. Cltliielia' Hank il-ilidllig AlbuUru,ue 'lew Maaiee) A, ti. SIIOin i.F, M. II. PraHlor l.liolleil In TulVeri irthwle). ictj. Hour. 10 to II a. in. Phone lilt. 134 S West Central. AlhuurUa Sanitarium Phone l4f DRS. TULL & BAKES Hpexlallsls Fy. I r, .Nose. I lirowa, tilate National Hank Itldg. I 'hone . T. I Tt S. .M I. Specialist In KJT4S rr, Nise ami Tlirt. Capital City liunk Itulldlna. Phone 13-J Hnntu N. M. Il I )U ICurupn. Dentisti Hit. J. Kit A IT. iH'nial Kurgery. Rooms i and 3. Harnett llldg ovgr o Kielly s Prug Store. (Appoliilmrnls made by mall.) llMMMI Til. 4'. E. II 4.LAD. II. II. H. liruiil lludding. Abiniieriie - New Mexlee nin e Hours: ( to 1 3 and t lo i. Phono ii. Attorney! SIMMs A SIMMS I y'r. 17-lk liHrmtl lllilu. Albuiiicriuc. Architects. I I.SON II. NOItl.lH Architect. Irai1lcal ami I i In Pale Work. ItiMuiia tt ami 2:t. Whltltif Hulbllua;. 'I cciliinin inu:. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY To LOAN on salaries, hiiUKi-hold goods and livestock with out removal. Notes bought and sold, l'nlon Iuiii Co., room II. over Flrat National bunk, t'hone 12M1. Poultry. . i:ntvs s. 4, whim: i.ei.hohv hi:v 4 nn P.S. i n u mn. Have sliippcd several thoiisaml to satlshed custoiiii-rs. Home have or dered I lil.e luo. a. t 4.E.THVS POI ITKV H ANCH Alluii-r(oo, . M. TAILOR THE ItKOWME 4i.KANr.IH4 3'.'4 South Fourth St. Phone 741. All Work Huarunteed. FOR RENT-Honaet, Foil KENT- 3 room furnished lent coltax", K111H Soulh Wulter Bt. Foil KENT Four-room modern brick houae. Fifth street und McKtn. ley uvei.iii. .;. j. strong. BUSINESS CHANCES I'liiKn.VS pay ilollnis where chicken pay cents; small capital needed; mn, ill space reunited; always penned up; ready 11.111 keta: send for May Ir an of our Journal; fully explained there; price len cents. Ki'lluhle Suuu't Journal, Versailles, Mo. FOR RENT Roomt. SriaaaaaaaAasriivasasasji run. Full KENT one modern furnished room Tor sleeping. Ap ly H7 8. Itroadway. NH'EI.Y furnished rooms for rent; also small house In rear. 703 W. Silver. Foil KENT Two modern furnished rooms for liKht housekeeping. Ap ply f. 1 7 H. llrnadway. Foi Sale Miscelnneoni Folt SALE old papers fur puiTmg down cupels, etc. Call at HcrJ.d otliie. Foil ,U.I-. -1 lout.,, li.un, y und saddle. II . 1 ae la well bred. years old. per'.-. uv sal,, und sound. E. J. Stums, Htrong s Itook Store. WANTED-TO Btfy. WANTED io buy. sell or m liana aecuml-hand furniture. 122 Waal Silver Ave. Phone luti. TYPEWRITERS. ALL KINDS, both new and second hand, bought, eold, rented and re paired. All.uiin riu( Typewriter K change. Phone 144. 321 W. Hold. Ft iK HALE Oliver typewriter, goo s new. 2 i 00. 121 Weat Hold. Phone 141. Vulcanizing ulcuiiisliig and Tire liepairlng All work guaranteed AtbuiiirvU Uubber Co. t? West Central. Let a time. II. raid want ud aave you Fenton J. Spaulding New YoTk Life. IUhmii 17. N. T. Armljw IU.I. I'tioiic To.t. Al.ltl yl Hlgl n.