Newspaper Page Text
An Electric Iron Is Not a Luxury; It's a Necessity; Ask The Evening Herald How to Get One. Infill) in lining proor. iih In m M ex loo IliU nr."-4'. I Ncermva. Smiiih I'r t'olmiUnHoit HKilll. way to fix that Mesa land matter is to pay the monev and ret o - - - a deed. 1 innm . 9 m m m aaaa nae ri rninu N K-1TIZKH, Vol. M. No. St. AUUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1914. THE KVKNITJ ncnALD VI U 4. Ml. lift. OF Revolution at Butte Strikes Body Blow at Rule of Wes tern Federation of Miners. Mines all Working. VOTE ON CARDS WILL BE TAKEN WEDNESDAY Seceders Anxious to Know What has Become of Cash Box. Governor on Ground for First Hand Information. Illy Ix-oiotl Wire io F.vralng Herald.) limit'. Mi. tit , Jim,- IV Willi lnv ernnr rtewart In Ihe rlty iindiictlnR in lnratii!tlon nf the luwlcaatieaa of the litMt tun 1 .1 mid nil nu thorltica making every effort to re ature mini In the rank of Unite H.iitin miner. I he rltv wua (411 ti-t to lay M-11 were nt work In nil the mine In the perulntor. fin- of the law"! iiiinri 111 thi. li, VU per rent of the day uhlft wna reported at work. In the Itliuk Hock nml the Unite 11 nil Superior nearly nil the ah.U went dawn thia morning. It waa at theae iwn proper lice that Ihc trouble win prei Ipituled laat Kl l lav. No oftlciula of the Hulle union of the Weatern Fcdeiutton of Muiet were fireaent 10 pimeei eaatiial Ihc men hii fulled lu ahow Ihcir unl"H card MM. lata of the union not n pen red wmr thi-y fled when the pa- ml,- wna broken up on Minere' I 11 Ion iluy. Il la lirlirinl n will he lor Iho prcurtit. thua avoiding l ilt hf r trouble mid keeping the iniii'a In operation uolll aome undt rntund Ilia run he rem lied. In the mean Hum the eccettfre troni the union who have been influenced by lmluatrlMl Wnrkera of lh World leader are planning lo act out 11 Ittrue voti on WedticHiluy when the niltieia will cnat Hint Ixillota on Una iiueatinn: ' "Shnll we refuae to allow Wealern Federation tunta at nil the minea?" A committee of thi necedrre railed on the 1 1111I of coin r today, urainM him to Inn.' the miner to whom wua elilrtlaled ll.lion, the content of the M merit' union eufe. which wua Mown open hy the aetedera Saturduy OIK tit The order cloning all hhIih.iih (till la In fort. Ot.vrrniir Hie wart reiterated lodny hia denial that lie had ordered the alula inllilln to hold llaelf In readl lieaa for a tall In Untie. The aovern or aald he hud 1 unir here pimply to learn th aliuntion at firm hund and to give ailvlre wherever liefeaaary to c illteiia and offlt oila. FROM LOS ANGELES 10 KANSAS CITY III LINEN CHEST Pullman Passenger Taken from Car in Kansas City in State of Collapse After Re markable Journey. ply ImimnI Wirt. Io Fvmiiiff Herald. 1 Kanaaa City, June 1.".. AIut an n.i Ing two tint niKhta and three hotter lata douhled up In the lim n t heat id a I'ulltiinn deeper tomiita from !. Anielea, 11 man who a.iul he wa Thoinaa Joanidea of I'nm eto 1, K.., wna taken from the Iraln here t"liv In a ln I., of collapae. Jonmdea aald he had had nothing In put hut a aani w Ich aim' he left l.oa Aniielea. He ld he had ret'elved word lhal lit' IX year old wlfo and ali'k Imny Were ill at lioine, and havina fin moiiey, lie iiv hia watrh Io a porter In let h'lll lrave na atowawuy. MUST GET OUT OR WORK THE ROADS (II laard Wire- Io Fnn Herald 1 Oration. W. Va , Juna 15. (lener il Kelly'a army of the unmploed waa today given the alternative of getting nut of the enmity Immediately or of being put In work on the puhlle ruarla "Colonel" C. D. Mi l-llan told ine roiirt the "army" would move on and I lie entire party of alty were eaoorted lu tha rlty Until! by tha police. OFFICERS THE Mill STILL II MB DENY 1 1 iU;it si enisi c i ii'its IKIGAfJS ilRE ABOUT TO QUIT Report that Huerta Delegates Will Leave Niagara Fallr. Conference Declared With out Foundation. BRYAN AGAIN EXPRESSES HOPE FOR SUCCESS After Early Morning Confer ence with President, Secre tary of State Says Outlook is Encouraging. By liMard Wire to ICTm'n nrrald WiiKhiniitoil, June II. rYi relary tiiiiieried "1 l'ii k t ! w it It I'ri h idenl Wilnoti over 111,, proijrina of lltu Mexit-an mt'diation and itiuiitdinte:y afterward ilipati hetl n l.iiig L-lrKi a ni to the Anx ri. mi d' h .Ht at the N1.1 Kara ci iifert 10 e, wlnvh it wa uinli r aluud, totu fined 1 1 1 1 hai.n tr anil peraoiiliel of the ptotoKe provialoni'l koterninent and the altitude of tha Vikiran di'ltKaten who olijet t to u t " viaional t'tet'UtiVf with rnhatltuttoiinl. I"t lenninKa. Mr. Iliyan would imt dlai una the nature of hia tmli rcii' J Willi (he prom, lint and would only a.iv that mediation wai "pruKreaitiiin eat-irf;:r:-r!'" The opi lion prevailed here that the t'nited Klalea would not recedo In Ha deair Io hat, named ua head of Ine temporary government whirh would urcaed llueriu a man who would at'eeptabla to the revolutionary fa.--tltm. 'i'hu preaenee ill Wuahlngton nf ' (! liel Vlllar to uroiiaa apetulutlon ami a report wna perilat enl that atlherenta o' Kilix IHai. reu. rrnetin d by lel Vlllar and the Uui'i ta int. 1 had pat' hid u their ditTernioef and were ai ling together to exert 1 110 atroiineet poaxilile liitlin nt e before ttio mediutora. l't l Vlllar la aald In liu.a vonleired With rt prea. ntatives n Huerta. ('olialituiioiiallHt aKenta in HiKton had receive. I no reply from the mttllatora toduy to the offer of Car- rana.i 1,1 tend d l. gutea to Niagara, r'ullH Kl Mtllt Til T MICH S W il li W ITIIIHI V IH IHMKI) Maaara Kiilla. Sw IS. that the Mexit an tleli nuli-n to the inf llailnti coiift'iem e ueae prt paring tJ wiihtlraw ui-rnuw (,l the iiikiatvnie ul the Amerlt'nna in eiioiiaing a t'oiiatl tutlonalial for prexldent ol Mexico wrri declared w ithout found i- lion today when the mediatora una deli Katea reauined their a. aitiona. Kinillo Ha liana, head of th Mfll- ran delegai Ion, oulliorlx.d tha aluta lilt nt that no rhainca of bud lui'h nan list the I'nileil Htutea had bean mud,, at any time He Initialed tna Mexican delegate hud not wired fur pcriiimxloii 10 Mithdraw and that tha negotiatlolia had Meter reached aii'.'rt a atuge. He added lhat until the American plan wna aubmitted In Writ- Ing la at week the Mexican delegatea hud 110 Intimation of the deaire of the I nlted titatea lhat a I'oiiatliuiloltaliat be i hoaen. Auguetln Itiidrlgiiei, another of t" Mexican delegnlea, wa emphatlr In hia alatenieiit lhat lhv Mexican del t-K.itea were not prepuiing to wi'n draw. He nid they would fXhuutt every efTori nnd make every cont e ton within reaaon in order to arrive at peaceful aoliitiou. All aldea are practically agreed now that on the aelection of it prtivltlon'il prealtleni of Mexico trie aucceaa t r failure of mediation tlependa. Tile liner I a delegatta have atiKaealcd lite natnei. The Americana have Intor iimllly atiKHCRted aext-ral but are wait ing for a complete liol fnun Wnitl- liiKtnn. TAFT ATTACKS STAND OF "LABOR UNIONS ON THE CLAYTON MEASURE Cambridge. M;m., June IS. For mer I'realdent Tuft, In an oration to day before the menibeia of the '" lleta Kuppa fraternity of IMrvnrd unl vi rally, atimked I He tradea unlona l'ir their championing of the Clayton bill pending before eongreaa exempting them from operation of the rsherin.m nil-trUHt law, and for their aupport of Ihe etrikera in Colorado. The puiiject of Hie former prel Jenfa oration wan "The Hupnine Court of the Cnlted Htutea and I'op ulur Helf (lovernment." -Wm find," he mild, "many Inhor organlxationa Inanilng that the arm of the rourta be weakened ao Hint law leaaneaa and violent cm their pnrl niay be an effective Inatrumenlalily tti gain their Imluatrlal enda. Indeed We find actual rebellion agnlnat alale au thority maintained by rertaln trnd unlona and aupported by contributions openly eollclted from their aympathli era Ihe country oyer." ULLIULHA t TRUSTS AGAINST BUSIES Declares "Psychological Depression" Now Existing is Cause ed by well Laid Plot of Large Interests to Influence Congress Against the Pending Trust Legislation. An nounces Every Effort at Command of Administration Will be Used to Put it Through now. SIMMONS LETTERS AND PICTORIAL REVIEW CAMPAIGN REFERRED TO Ity I -eared Wire in Tffvenlng Herald. iWanliltuttoii. June I Y Tri-!-lltllt WIImoii mailt' tin. dinti ('Large Italay Hint M'liluiH'iit In favor of MeMiiit-niciit of I Ik ail niliilatrntloii irnut legKlnlhr pro gram wax the remilt of it mm Mln Ity ccrfiiln liiiiTc-la ami Inllnuiletl ilmt It wn tin- i-aiiM-of tlir "pi holiHlli nl tiiodiicM ilfarw.itn" of ulili h In- ntvMly Kaike. In aupport of the prealdent'a view, ropiea of let tern and It letramit 1 lr it laled ninotig t'ne buMlnt'HM men, rulliHK for nn adjournment of 11. nanus with out t'olllpletliill of the IlllKt liillrt, prnyliiK tor the freluht rule Inerenae being iifked by the riilltonila of Ihe inteiauite cottlttiett e coniiitlMMion, nml rallitiH" for a hall "on the uttui k on hiiftlnei" weie mailt piibllc ul the While Hoiiae. I'reaiib nl W'llaon made clear to hl rallera lhat the latnpalan. if am h It may be iiilleil. would hire no effect on nml that It wna hia plan to puah the truat progrnni thtoiinh the aenate with the uid of nil the nieniiH nt hie coniiiiunil He expreaaed the view lhat biiHineaa wiih 11 k gontl, If not better, now 1I11111 a white ago, nnd that it Would be le hnriiiful to the hiiaineea tif the t outitry .i have the truat leu lain I Ion program completed thnn to lie confronted with n period ol uncertainly which Would uccom pnny delay. One of the circular lettcre which enme into pinta-'KKion of the White Holme wna fin-Hinted by the Simmon Hardware company of St l.oiiia. K. c. Himinona. heuil of th. coinpnriv. hati been aetei ted for n member of the federal reserve board Mtd hi1 nomination waa to have one to the aennte toduy. Thla morning It waa nnnoiincetl :it the While House that Mr. Hlmmnna hud dot lined the place mil that ChurlfH A. Hamlin of Hoi- FEDERATION WILLiSOUTHWEST LOOKS ELECT OFFICERS No Contest Over Slate Headed by Mrs. Fennybacker and nominated Today. Suffrage Interests Make Gains. Ity la-aaeU Wire 10 Kyenlug llt'raltl.) I'l.lcuKo. June IS. Noiiiinutlona, headed by Mra. Percy V. I'enny I1111 ker of Aiiatin, Ttx., for re-election aa preaident. und which In the Mbaeiice of iitiintmitiona from the flotir ure eiti! alent tti eltt tion, were luaile today by deleKalea to the con vention of Ihe tienelal of Women'a Cltiba. Nuiiiea muy be writ ten In on the bill Iota nt the election tomorrow, but tiny will not affect the reaulta, it la aald. The tin oada of the auffrugiata wu' again re I let led nl today a acwn.11 when Mia Mary linrreit May of New York wua nomlnnted aa a director. Ml Muy la preaident of a bin auf frnite oriiiiniiuillon In New Vik nml ta known aa a viiniroua worker f"r equality at the polla. Kulea and reaulatlona tor the bul lotlim louirolow were adople.l. They Ini lllile lltjlinc tl'Uia ua In aileiice nnd proMtle thut there ahull le no I'lec llotietrtna Kollowing are the n I'reHldeiit, Mra. I't 1 hut ker, Aiiatin, Texua. Klrat Hie preaident. imiiiat mna : . y V. IVnny- Mra. Knmuel II. Hnenth, Tiffin. 1 lilo. fecund vb e preilent. Mlaa lleorglt" A. Ilucon, Worcehter, Maaa. Ilet'ortUnw accrei iry, Mra. Ilnrry L. Keefe, Wallhlll. Nth. t'orreapoiitliita: aecretnry, Mr. Ku- rut Iteilly. I'hurlolte. X. '. Treuaurer, Mra. Wllliuin II. Wil llama, lipeer, Mich. Auditor. Mra. hit ilea H. McMuhon, Halt Ijtke City. I'toh. IMrectora' Mlaa Mary Oarrttt liny. New York Clly; Mra. Willani 1'. Har per, Hentlle. Wh : Mre. W. M. An drew. WuahinKton, V. C; Mfa. Frank While. Valley Clly. N. 1).; Mra. W. II. Youim. Juckaoiiville, Kin.: Mra. Fran, eea l. Kvereit, Hiuhlaud Turk. III.; Mra. 'trace Julian Clarke, linllunati- e -1, Intl.: Mra. Wllliuin II. Cro.i.y, Wlai onaiii. TOMORROW k ft a ton, now an nenletanl mi relary of the treiiftury, would be iiotnitiatetl In hia place. White lltiitae ofili 111 la emphat. Icnlly tlenle.l. however. Dial the clrcu lur letter aent out by the Hlinmoti" K'oiiipuny hud uny conneci Ion with the declination of Mr. r'liiimona. Another circular letter made pub lic ban been reported to huve 1 11 aent out by the I'li tm ial liev lew company of New York nnd waa aiuiied by W. I. Ahnell. aa prei-lilciit. It waa tinted May 1, and encloaetl 11 tlraft of n letter "whuli emtinnea the ilini of n ninjoiliy of thinking hunlneaH people of our hc Hi. n of the countrv oud which ahotntl be lift drenaed to the prealib nt nt the I'nil eil statea. lb connriHn nnd memtieia of Ihe Ititerftate t titunu'r-x rurtuniM aion, reaptttlvely." The letter com lulled: "If iin prefer to line copiea nf the enclnxt'd let'er we will mail you u" tunny na you nni conveniently ua. It will he more effective, however. If you write them on your own letter heinla." Slmnittna Iteriiwil liii ir. HI. I.ouia. June IS. K. Simmon lotluy denied the letter from the 81m tnoiia Hardware cotni my lenanlitm trum ItKlHlatioti waa a laiiae or hia declination U wrvo on lh0 federal re. acrvp lioanl. "In fact," anid Mr. Plmmona, "I re. fllpted the llate 'nun before that let ter ever waa thouuhr of. The aitua tmn waa Una ' waa nuked by 11 man whom I waa a a-tired apoke with au thority If I wot bl accept a place on Ihe reaeri,. ,,.,, f wiTl- uffered I aaltl 'no.' ' lvr,dt iit Sluus Tolla Hill. WiiHhltiitton, June IS. iTealtlent Wilaon toduy yianed the I'u.iamii toll exemption repeal bill aa nn.einli'it in the aenate und aKreed to by the houae. General Colonization Agent of the Santa Fe Here Today Says New Mexico has Pros perous Year Ahead. "I have been pretty tiiucli nil over New Mexico und the aouthwcai tlur ilia the pitat few i';i s und hac never aeen p.cnerul conilitiona ao autif-ic-tur." Haul C I. Senaruvea. kciui..i coloiitntton uKi-tit td the Sant.L Ke. toilav. Mr. Heui"avea urrlved in Al liU'iueriue laat 11 'lil from Ihe I'ecna valley ami la rci-nna here today pre puintory Io a u p through r.ilitor 111a. "N'i'W Mexico lotidlllona cupc'lallv look atittd," an ul Mr. Ht'UKru c-. "and thia alale cntitii not aet itway front primiirrliy thla tear If It tried. Your mine could iairy three tlmea the nuinber of cnttli now on It wuli eae and your fariintn: ilmlrlcta aecui I,, 'm In aldeinlld hhape iverymhere I have been." Mr. HeiiKravt'H nii Ihe outlook i' for nit uniiauallv lirlak immiuratioti movement towail Ihe whole aoiith woat thin aumitiei ami full. HOLD IRISH EMBARGO ON ARMS IS VALID fly lewaed Th-e 10 Rtenlrux llerwltl.l Imblin. Irel.iinl. lune 1 ',. tja nil. Jorlly of Iwo o ..i.e the Judaea ot tne klna'a bench court totlay de. t.le I Hint Ihe vernmeut pin hibitlna; the lini...r'.itltin of iirma Into Ireland Wua Valid, Thia JtiilKitiein reveraea he tlecKlon nf the Aaaiae toiiil of lti lfaat H hi h on Mart h IS ilu hired Ihe pr." li in,. -lion Invulld bet .me the act of union provided thnl all aut.Jecta ahould ha'e the aume privilege in reapeit In trart. Thaw IciiInI Hall. Waahlnnton. June IS Harry K. Thaw waa lodtt denied releiine on bull pendina t oii"iderntion by Hie an Prenie court of In extradition fioin New lUmpebire to New York. PROMISING TO 5EAGKAVES FEDERALS GLA1 TO HAVE ill VICTORY Report from Mexico City Says Rebels were Whipped at Zacetacas After Desperate Eight Day Battle. LOSSES DECLARED TO BE THREE THOUSAND Huerta Government Gives Out Report Today Alleging Gen eral Repulse of the Consti tutionalist Advance. (Ity U-aard Wire. Io Evening Herald. .Mexico t'lly, July IS Telearaphio repoita ret t'lM'd at tne capital today fnun ..icatecua hi.;, t tin t the loaaea ot the ioiiKiitutiiiiiullti in tbe battle at Hint pi, let are eMtlliatcil at 3,1100. ilciieral Medina lluirmi, who ioin tmiiiiletl the letleral foiiea h:ia In -it prom. , to the rank ot licneral ol divlnioii. ;t n nil Hal ron on hia nhVIul re port of the battle o Ihe war ottl.'e aaya that alter an eight tlaa b.ittlt the cciiat II ul lonalipla were repulse. t ami were puraiied by him and by tieii etal lletijiimlti Ariiiiiiieiido. licneral t'anral, a 1 onatitilliona chu flam. Hie letleral coiiitiia tnler ivu Waa cititiireil by the KHrMinidil forcea nnd iinmi-tliutel put 10 (li I'll Ihe fnnalltutloliHltxt leiltlera t'.ilo 1 and Trim. 1 iiIho were killed and tieii eral I'unllln Nalera. the coniltl.ilnl r of Ihe nltairlna force, wua aerloualy wounded. The fetleiala, accuidin o the re port, ca pi ill etl m veriil machine kiiim. many horaea and glen I tiiaut 11 lea ol allium tilt Ion. Hem nil Ik la, Io l.i" .ir moia V. ho cortllll.illiletl the federal u.irila.t which evai u.ili d the acaport of T.1111 plco, aaid in an interview oda : "All the foreian coloiilea at Tam plco but the American were friendly to the fe.lir. il troopa. Kmm the Vic toria hotel, where 11 lame number ol Americana reHidetl, aonte ahota were lln-.l on my ho I. Hi t " A Hon n il ot the I. million produced elahty-three 1 ill. a and rulat a u liiru" tiu.ititlly of ca'l- ( HMtl.KS MI UK .I'S l lti: I ""I II l TT V K "I b.iM' 1M..1 iiiiili. n from 11.....I Foiir-'t'a thitl Home Ann ri.ari reUii nt prill. Ipiilly Iiviiik in tile ne , in colllltl, hl-rvi'll a-. H.e for llle rebel I IliiVe proof thai rcl.flrt lllletliletl Io 11, rt it fiom Tiuipiin, but IIiik wa not 1 inplihticii In iins(, ni.iiii' Aiiiit. lean nave the Hold to the rcbcla mat the tei. r il :i m in 11 0 11 mil waa eXliaUHii"!. "Wi.en lieiieral Cabin liotixalea ii tat kill Til III pi' o be lined iwo Item pit a that 1 know beltint.'ed to the Amen. 1111 v.iirHbipH unchoteil in burlier. "I In nit nluo apeuk ulioiit the lndiaiiitv that we m,t with. It that tbe American w.itHhipa und I no laKt W l tllf laUlt'llt of the t.lllie VihNcIh tiki 1 ft - euveretl In the I'aiiui o rUer with tne pitrpoHo of inlet let le Ullll Ihc tin of our Hbipa." CLAIM I. Ill T VK1HI1V IV nrri.i: r 7.u n s Mi xlro Clly, June IS. A nieaat!c receded laat niaht by rreauici.t I'.uerta aaya (hit 1 tie con"tlt ill lon.tllt j who for the la t four ilaya bail lieeti attackinit '.ii.-iiii'i-iiH were denntii Iv ir piilaed Sunday afteinoon. It w.ta 11 column iimlei totnril llenjaitni. Ar RUiiieno, Willi h w la Hint frmii Sin 1. 111a I'.iioi. liu it tinned tin- 1 . t t -ill favot of the uowuitnciil tioop.i. Another imioit.ini iio ei nmeiii i-. tot ot r the oc.hI H lit loiiallHta nt ie ported Io have been won yeaierilay .11 I wiVt ntiir.i, 11.11,. inllea from Halnllo liy troopa coniin an, led ity ttenctil An tonio (ilea. I4 I HNOII It H I TS llll V. KIH .I I IH VI KUY M. TI.N 'in Hoard I S f Calif,. rui.i. Ma allnn. June 14 1 H Wiit'lcna In S.n Iiieito, June I S.i The artillery duel helMl-cit lie federal fol'la nnd 1 lie eott atltiitlonitliata butleriea t oiitiiiue.l ..II Hay vealerduy While the anna Toari ,1 and aricll" acreatned oer ihe city the governor at MiKitlan entertained a parly ol i.tli tlala und fileiida at a ianii t Throiiah the barred wintloua of Hie hotel where Ihe fuiicilon waa aiven, huiiKry women und children Mixed .11 tha tfinpttuK food und cheerful ( TIM ll IU.F T III HMOSIl IO Ki ril.IJi l ItiMI III fi: rmiiKlaa, Ami , June IS ' l.cli Vier I'olialltutioliultat reprt aelital it e here, aald today he had receHed olll t'lul Inf 0r111.1t Ion that i.eueral Altar ado. with Sin) men from Crua de 1'lt ilr.t, bad arrived al Hermoalllo, t'le capital of Koiiora, und diaurmed and (H-MmIhJciI th IIII'M Wilts t7Urirtl"1 'oi'tiHr Jih,. M.iit.i Mi 1 't fii.i, tri (MrHMHMI.., t.f tilt K'lt IIlI H I -il.ll I'. 'I'htlf VMts itt , 1,..h) in. I ;i 1 t 11 f r ftMt- sV,m 11 1 I 11 1 1 ! .it hi li ( inV rl lltif M i f t t 11 1, in r il Al 11 1 11 1. 1, Vfttiu -iu I. ninIN, (lit iiiMHs.try stent to Miftiio- HiIIm I. . 1 J flit f .1 1 I Mil :i II XI .tint h(T r:i'l-l . will Mitt!,. I he 1 1 n I n v 1 t iv I M n II I lif M.l t"l t it l II Ml) 1 It til SI f.M 1 ion.. i'i.Imim 1 iv I'll i h r;ti h. "f ihf Tiii.H.irv l.ntmii tAhitti tit ilf- iHM,. lilllrilir M l till t'ti:, IlllUttl 'it Nun. lit -t, Si'iMir i. v n i) 4 i iih n Iritm I !( inofil I tit linn' I'l.irtH al t lr- i.ip- II. 1I will li,. lakt'u I'.v I. nn li. mz iiitor.iiH iti i.i'wi: or om n n 11 tiim s Hiilltllii, Mt n . Juri, II 1 Vi.i leJiitili, T.' , Jutif I 1 In answer to ri-iTt",. h tht Hjnililnh ain hiiM'.nli.r ihiiiiikh thi- AliHTi'ttn Htat il' jxt 1 1 titfiii, jinir:il Ciirrittixn Ihh it 1I1 n il ih tt mx 1 n rlouilM ir hMtn tltr .itfil nt Juarrx will he rt'liiiHfil iifiil 1l1.1t no more be i t.nttai'aleil ptoperty of lolflKlltia In :iiii r to 11 e. inert in. nle by the Herman a iiib.iHtuilor lhroiiKh the I tilled Statea tle..trtmetit, t.etieral t'arraiiKJi haa Iiimi rut ted 1le1u-r.1l tiore. mill to . 1 1 Ilia ill ill, 'r-t to protect all for t'li:nera nt I iii.iil.ilajarii, where 11 bat tle la expected licneral Kianttrn, head of 11 coin nilHiioii lll extlKat Ilia: Ihe Itelltoll Hlid Itaui'h cat.!', reportetl totlav that tile eoitimiaelori expectetl In itiuke n report aooii, tleiieral "arut hers, n preat nla live of the lulled Htatea atate depart, nn lit, left for l.l I'iiho tlrla 1110111I11K. TODAY'S GAMES MOMIW. JINr:i NATIONAL LEAGUE I lttMMittl Hnln. j St. UoiiiH'I'liiliiilelphla post poned; : rain. , "l in-1 11 tin 1 1 - Hrooklyn 1 imtponed: i ruin. 'lraif, 3; l.laiila, . j Wcore: Jl. H. Iv I rittabiirKh .,,.11110 02U 010 S 8 II Now York iOK 000 mi t ( 2 Kutterlea: Ailama und dlliaon; Mat iliiurd and Meyera. tlilw, T; lira tea ft f'hlciiK (ID HOI) 010 7 11 It ; lloaton 1131 ihiii no 1 S II 1 I Italieriea: Cheney und Hreanahun; II. m, liuilolpb anil Howdy. AMERICANLEAGUE St'iuiiora, 0; .Napa, 7. It H. K It I HI I ."I111 Coilil- WafhinKton 'levelanil Itattel -lea: nml lleniv . . 1 10 mio ntO". U . .11.111 ninl - 7 lloehlluir, IJnale. Steen. Mill hell. 1 more unit i Ncill. I In 11k ilia, I; TlKi-ra, 4. I It. H. K I New York ....Olio 1110 mill I S 1 ! Hi innt 11 l'ii Jim nno I 10 0 ' HtiiericH' Wai hop. KealiiiK and ;S'weene, ltoeble Ullll Slallil(e. FEDERAL LEAGUE IomIMIIiiI Wit t.rollliila. Itrook lyn-K11iH.1t City poHtponed W'i t Krotinda. WESTERN LEAGUE. I I le Mnlllc H.Topt'k.l, p. .Hi polled: Wet . BELIEVE BALLOON HAS CROSSED Searchers for Last of Quar tette of Air Races Cling to Hope that Donaldson has Escaped Injury. It jr l4ael W ire to r.tenlng Herald 1 I'ollland, nit . June !' biilloon Sprltmlleld." piloted by H'.v Mi liotnibbt which Icfi I'orllati t laat Thursday In a race under the ait-i. .t. fa of the Aelo 1 lull of Alnerlci haa made a lotial Might, m ttbt rniK the eleclrlt.ll HI. .nil thai blollKhl llle three other aturter to eat ill. und ' r naked the Cue. ade raiiKt . waa lh theory today of ihone who hue .iml ti ed to,. tbe only one of Hie four Kua b.i now unaccounted for tPI11 m.ial lepoita were received t ' tlay from farmer who alulited the hat. loon early P'rnlny inoriiiii. well un der control and in u luali ultitude Theae report have been peraoiialiy ci ntlrnied hy th acurt hera. The Pal loon w.n betiiK drnell toward t lie moiiniiiiii. If Ihe tiprliiKfleid ha rroaaed the Caar.ldea, It la pi.alol. it land.-d In tine of the wildcat und moat riiaKtd Parta of orea-on or Idaho and If Hi pilot and hi uid. Wither llenderaon l I'oril.itid. are unhurt It inlnht take them aeveral day to reach a center of cumin tin kit ion. CASCADES THRILLIIMG STRUGGLE Lance Graham, Stockman Sup posed to have been Over whelmed by Volcanic Ash and Fumes, Still Lives. LEFT FOR DEAD BY HIS COMPANIONS IN PERIL Returning After Eruption , to Get Body, Men Find Suppos ed Victim Alive and Strug gling to Consciousness. Dy la-aaed W Ire to Kyftilng llera4.1 Viuln. Oil.. June 15. Lance Ora- hitin, the ntot kman cruahd by boul der hurled yeaterdny by Mount I.aa- aen und left ror dead hy hia com pnniona on the alnpe of Ihe moun tain, wna nllve thia mornin and phy- i luna aald he had a chance for life- He haa a broken collarbone and a cruahed aide. Conaolouaneee return ed to Mm today for the firat time alnce he wa atruck down In the ftrat of yeaterdny'a two eruption. Tha mountain wua unlet tht moriiln;. tlrnham and two ronipaulon. K. K I'helpa nnd K. A. Tipple, both aaw mlll men, were overwhelmed In that moriiiiiK eruption near the ei-Hter. Aahea ahroiltled them In blat knea ao thick thut they could not aee tw flee or aeek ahelter. Wrapping thein- aelvea In their c'oata. to keep aa much of the aiilphiir fume fiom their luna aa wna poaalble, t.iey made ahlft aa heat they mlaht to endure tha peril When the ahower of aahea ceaaad fulllnc and tha nlr beitun ta clear. I'help and Tipple could nowhere eea (iriihum. Il wua aome time iMiforo they found him, lylim face down In the blanket of newly fallen aahea, with a deep wound In one aldw and apparently llfelea. liruhum la a heavy man and ina inountnliialile la rugaed climbing, and after druKfflna; the hotly down hill a luurler of a mile. Tipple and 1'helpa. bellevltiK I. raha til deud, left hini aheltered be In ml a rock and plunaed on downwnrd for uid to Munaanit lake, four mile further. From Muniitilta, hike word was- tel ephoned to HeddiiiK for the coroner. He und nn undertaker were alxteen inllea on Un ir way before they could be rem hed with the new that C; ru tin m una ullve nnd a pbaniiin, not uu undertuker, waa needed. In Ihe tnennllme I'helpa and Tip ple not help at Manxiinilu lake from Herbert Meyera. Frank r'mith anil Frank Schooling;, yoiitiK men from Ainteraon. The five climbed back four mile up the mountuin to recover nhut they auppoaed wit a ilruhuui'a corpae. They found him covered an Inch deep with uahea, hut when hie feat urea hud been wiped clean they aaW Hitniu i.r returiiiiin animation, li waa then i o'clock in the Tier noon, about mx ho'ira ufler the firat eruption. Tha five lined, pulled, druKKed, und In open apota the belpleaa lir.ihaiii four mllea to M.mzanHa bike, when they got nn nutnmohilH to nine mllea dlHtunt. It wua in 1.1 ri ix It t before they could net tilm medical utletition. . roiei HiiMrt Safe. ' ., Mineral. Cnl, June IS. TV. J. IfiiHhmit, Culled Hiutea foreat euper- iiHt.r. waa not Injured In the erap 11011a yeaterdny of Mount Uihaeu. Ha waa not on ihe mountain, In fuel, at Hie lime of either eruption, and the report thut he hud been mortally In jured urew out of rontuaiiiK him with laince liruhiirn in n pnrta over a faint telephone wire. MILLION If L GO Lorimer and Munday to Sever Their Connection with La Salle Street Institution Which will be Reopened. (Dy Itraaed Wire 10 Kealn Herat 1 Chicuao, June IS inie million dol Inra waa prnimaed to be dep.. ailed to day In the li Halle Htrwel Truat and Kavlnna bunk nil William Iyirlmer and C. H. Munday, pren.dent and Vic lreflli'-nt of the bank, cloaed by tha atate batik examiner, will never their connection with the liiaillution, c corditiK I" aiatemeiila by Munjay. Th million dulliir. he alJ. would be uf II. H lit to re-uyrn the bunk. INTO LORifoEfl UK 1