The Herald Way to Own an Electric Iron Is Like Finding One; Telephone 168 About It.
IrnM Mim June Addam
will kr1 all Mw Import'St
"tlinil halite'' In Hull
Takes tnor than talk
to Throw a Tanio Into
Woodrow Wilson.
aXXl .
TKinr x k-cttmejc.
Vnl. 1. No. .
Vol.. 4. NO. M.
nil I p nu
President's Determined Stand
for Completion of Legisla
tive Program Starts Busy
Hum of Industry.
Democratic Leaders, After
Conference, Express Cen
tainty That Measures Will
Pass Speedily.
(lly ImwiI Wire to rrntns Herald.
Washington. June I. 1'reaidcnl
Wllanii wiia lix it-ru I today that the
udiuln.irminh t r lift lego latiMi l"
he pucd no emigre may iidjouru
by the end nf July. Hp wua ! I -
nlatic mk a ri-aiilt of a ronlcrem !
iluv with Senator Jiiiik'i o( Kentucky
and the conference lat ti Ik tit with
other aenntnra nnd the chairmen of
winking cnmmittie.
The preMdcnt expert the railroad
curitle nnil the ommhu antl-truat
lull to he repotted out uf committee
II hill til next two Week.
The preliletit' attitude again!
any adjournment without emoting
the trut hill hml no iiiiineilliite ef
tnit nt the Capitol. The leader he
aim hurrying work on the appropri
ation lulla and tuning ii the leglla
tlve machinery all along the line.
Moat of the aeua'.ora are eager for
a mldauninier adjournment. lemo
ilallr Lender Kern and! he thought
the triixt program roiiht he it ik i. . (1
of ao emigre could ailjuiirn before
Augtirt I anil he expected no oppo.
altlon from the Fteputdlraha.
lly l-raard Wire In Krnln( Herald. 1
Toledo, f-hto. June It. The ad
mlnltiMtu.ii elate of new Modern
Woodmen of Amreli'ii head officer,
in ranged In enucii Monduy night and
Tuediiy morning, to he aubmitted to
the flrat aeaxion of the trleiinlal nu.
tlonal ronventlon on Tueaday, la aa
Head ronaul, A. It. Tulbot of Lin
loin. Nell., to lie re-elected.
Head advlaer, -Dan H. Horn of
Davenport, Iowa, for re-elertton.
Ilexd i-lerk, Juine McNimiara of
Km k laland, III. to aurreed Churlee
W. Huaea of Hnrk lahind. III., re
aigned Head hanker. John P. Voli of In
rtlnnapoli, In aurreed luvld H. My
era of I'ontlao. III.
Head aentrv, Frank JaVCallln of
Washington. D. C. to he re-elei'led.
rredentliil of nil hut the 73 uni
te Hied di-legntea from lllinoia were
examined during Monday nnd Mon
day night. Illlnola rielegutea with run
teated delegnle Iroin loan and Ne
l:ruakn will lie iermltted tn occupy
aeeta In the flrat eeaalon of the ron
ventlon Tiieaduy morning hen no
flni'lnl action reiiulrlng the voting of
delegate la to be taken.
fie fyaaed Wire lo rnir reeaiI.
Washington, June K. Klrat Lieu
tenant Frank M Mcfliire of the Kirat
In a nt rv haa neen illamtaed from tie
armv by order of the prealdent, al-r
conviction hv court martiul of nbaent
In k hliiiaelf f reiiiient ly from Ilia pol
at Alciitrai. fal.. wlihont permlaabm
or authoilty. Mcl'lure .a
from N'cluanka and aerved five year
ua an enllklrd min before hla ap
pointment m-c.ind lieutenant In Or.
lober. I3.
kk. ti:.
Met at 1 1 a. mi.
Senator Kiniih of Michigan In
troduced a reanlution (barging
that the Male department had
luvproperly uided American
bank era In Nicaragua.
Leader hurtled work on the
appropriation bill In the hope of
paeHing the I rum program In
time for a mldaummer adjourn
ment. rUraet railway men aaked the
Interi 'Jtta commerce coiiimlliee
to exempt their linea from I ha
railroad aecurltle bill.
Mel al noon.
Hanking and currency commit
tee failed i aei'iire i)Uorutn for
conaideration uf rural tredlta
Tha ronference report on na
vul apitroprlatlon bill waa taken
it ijonnr
King and Queen Attend Great
Society Race Meeting
Guarded as If Going Into
' Pitched Battle.
Blood Hounds, Machine Guns
and Triple Lines of Police
Employed to Defeat the
Tr I-rawil Wire lo F.Tnlna I lor aid. 1
! London, June ti. Niver before
have audi prernutionn lo-eri tdken to
Kiiurd iio ini'i i of the ioynl liimilv
from the auff rugettea im ero t'ikn
toilny at the Aaiot rata rourMe. The
I opening of the lend i n k mutely rn(e
1 tnvdthg found mure lli.ui I. null Lon
don police and hundreda of d"trrl!e
from Si'otlund utd iinNi-moled on tne
I hlalorlr iiiure na relnforreinenta for
the reautar MeikHhiie county police
for which hud been molnllred 'n
full atienglh.
The aix mile route frem Winilaur
ramie to the rourae wna lined nit the
Way by policemen.
The mlllluniB. In aplte of the iiueen t
thraat to runcel the r m of th,. aeii
nn'i Koclal enKagementa ahowi-i
theiiiaelvrg more determined than ev-r
to obtain publicity for their ciiuh ty
atliickliig th king.
! The arrangement for guarding the
1 entrance to the royal emioatire on the
rice rntirae were more airlnaent than
' eer. Kvery iippliiunt for n ticket
liud to be voui'hed for by aoine re-
! aponatble uttlclal.
j The truck una rloaely guarded an.t
there were triple rulla to prevent any
' una ill horued perm.nii from remhtna
It. Kor several ilav and nighia nidi
accompanied by watch dog have pi-
trolled the eourae and alarm guns
'have been placed In poalilon around
the alatida and lawn.
Tl !l V. JI'Nr: IS.
T; iNMlger, 4.
It. II. K.
.IMI4 ion (i nu; a I
. lull iiiiu U'lU 4 i' i
YinglliiK. Auica nnd
Cln. Iniittli ...
lirookl) n ....
Hattcrli :
Cl.ilk; Allen, Iteiilbuch nnd Miller.
Culm, ft; Urate, 1.
ttcore: It. II
I Chicago Dun 302 lino i g f
1 Horn ii n nil i I o ulx 7 t
j Itutterlea: Vaimhn. Ilutnphrp .
rtack and llreaiiuhati ; Jamea. 4 ruti'M.
it and lloMdy.
I'lran-a, O; t.Utnla. 3.
Koore- It II. K.
I'lltabiirgh ....(Mill oiiii (Kin ii r,
New York ....nod mis 1 (ix 3 7
Itutterlea: Harmon and iSiIikoii; Ti.
reau and Meter. M' Lean.
i arilliml-, ;
Scoi e :
SI Uuiia (inl
I'hll.idelphia . . .1)1(1
I'lillIU. 3.
It II. K
IMI2 10(1 4 I
lull mil 1U t
U nti l ic li.nrlit and Hnyderi
Maer, Marahail and Klllifer.
YankifN, 0; Tlin-ra, 3.
Score: It. H. K.
New York nun (ion mill il I
lletroit 0 OH DM (Mix 1 I
Kuiterlea: Flatter and Nullum iker;
f'ovelakiii und Kt.iuaKi.
WHlilnglitn, I; (VvcliiiKl. 2.
Score: It II. K.
V.'uahlntiton ...(mil (Hid mil I t
Cleveland HOI (mil luu 2 &
Kattetlea: Ayre. Limle and Henry;
Alnmnilh, Steeti and li'Netll.
I1llliurgli, 4; OUiBgii, .
Score: It. 11. hi.
IMtlaburgh . ...t)"0 OHO lnil-4
Chb-ugo unit au 110(1 1 7 t
Itatterlea: lU koit mid llcrry;
Walaon and Wllaon.
Iluffalo, 1 1 liMllanaMl. 4.
Krora: It. If. K.
Iluffalo lull 000 0001 I
Indlunapolla ...200 110 Ux 4 I
Itutterlea: kloore, Anderao' ltrun
and Ululr; Fulkenburg and ItarlJea,
ramn chief
DeclarinK at Miners lnion is About to Merge With Unit-
ca min: w oncers, wonn u. lowney hectares uis ur
banization will Demand Strict Obedience to its Rules
and Officers and that those Who Disobey will be Cast
Out. Grave Situation Precipitated.
Itjr l4aMl Wire to i:inlng llerali1.)
Ilulle, .Mont. June I .- I lei lurlnK
there wua tiuihing to coiii.roiini.e und
thai the lliitte .Miuera' I'linm No. 1
of the Wealein Federation of Minera
wuh the only io k.i inn that could
do huauic.a - llutte. John C. Towne, i,i .he executive board of tile
Wexletn Federiltliui of MllieiK, ill II
format atateinent today threw down
the gaunllet In the dlatlfrected fac
tion ami dei lured uk.iIiiM any
fiictlon of miner that iittcmpled t"
ad up uu Independent oi Katiixiiluui.
o" to y diHiiiiHMed ail iitlempta at
romproii lae by uxm rtuiK that the
fcderHtlo.i would have nothing to do
with oomldcra He anld that while
effort had been iniiile to obtain coii
reaaion from the federation rep'e
aentatlea oil the iiicl i.ui of a vote
to auirendei the charter from the
preieni bnd, the ofth i r of he old
union i t k ii ii'-u t " ii would luivo b"
hand In iu h a riicedure.
Townc) Mini the union, hoblinK
contract w ith the minlnu nmpuiile,
would iiimat un rairyitiK nut every
agreement In full. He Imonted that a
In lei. element from the ouletdo waa
primarily reapoiiHibli: li.r the de
tiuction of property and that the
men Joined with the mob wero min
er w ho for on. nt Im had not paid
their union due.
The Ktatcmeni conclude with the
declaration that the Weeiern Feder
ation of Mine i und the .Mine Work
er of America are nbout to merxe
Into one great mlnerM oranntrat Ion.
It chnrgei the lmlutiial Worker of
the World lender here with entire
repoiillnllty fi,r the prexent kituu
tlon. Towney'a atateinent It I feared by
the city of tli Inl will precipitate n
crlala tonight when tha union hold
Ha regular meeting. Ijiiit" number
of men are tiring awirn In by Sheriff
lirlarol) a deputtea for emergency
VK.oitOt S I I n HITS IlKIVtj
Mini: it hhim; iun thick
Hulle, Mont. June Hi. With the
regular meeting or the Miiiem' union
rheduled for tonight the nil nation
here aa the reatilt or that orxanlxu
tlon'a factional riot wn iiutet but
lenae tuday. Kvery effort wu being
mude to briltK the oppoaing l.l'lioim
together. Commlltee of fl men
each have In en nppoluled by the
leader In the union und the ece-
ionlHtK f(r a confiTi in e nrraiiKed
through the effori or M. M. Iioiio
hue, pretdent of the State Federa
tion of 1-utmr The propoNli loua to
be auhmittrd to the ronference with
a View to brinKln bin k liie aecedi rn
into tha organixaiinn ure:
Dry" Worker Is
Center of New
Rev. Louis R. Patmont, Kid
napped in Illinois, Disap
pears from Place of Refuge
in Detroit.
(Of lraafd Wire lo F.tenlug ::er:.l i
Detroit. Mich., June 14. The poll
dfpurtmrnt alter working un the i-i-c
neatly all night, aaid today Ihey w.-.c
w ithout u clue ua lo the w hen .iImchh
uf the Ill'V. Lou It. I'utlllellt, tile Writ
vllle, III., ill v" worker, who lii''
prared In t nlKht from hla teiuoi
home here where he hnd been niiiiuk
mi c hi alleged kidll.liplliK III l!ll
hoin In March.
The minlMter'a wife and tro inla hIho
aid they hud heard nolhiiK I nun him
nin e he attended chur. h hi n l. e lat
nening nnd alnrtrd lor hi rooming
place a couple of miieH detain. Mr.
I'litmont and hi wife have been liv
ing lit Detroit moM of ttie time aince
he waa found In a cellar or n hou-e
tiaar Columbia, 111, where he Un-Ht -i.
he hud been held in captivity.
Ilia d!iiipeara!ii e M hu Utile re
(Ulted In a iiutiiin-nide aeurch and
when ha m round he gave out it cn
aationul Hccoiini of hla abduction and
uLeged hamh treat :lienl.
lly Irf.'ed Wlra U Evening Herald
rhil.ideltiltlu. June 14 The I'hll-
adelphla Timea, owned by Frank A.
Munaey, l eiiaed publication with to
day a lanue.
Mr. Munaey In a atntement aald
tha Time never paaaed out of tha
experiinentnl ataxa and that aurceaa
for the paper wu not In iht. The
Timea wua aalabliahed July Ii, 10II.
The iibuiidoniiient of nil record of
(he old Union eXiept the lhallerH
from the Weatern F. iletut.on of .Min
er un the contract with the em
Ployinv cuiiipiinic, the icfiiiliiK of
lh union office, tin linmculuto open
election nt which all miner will be
entitled lo vole reuardb- of arrear
age ill due or ioMeiiiiriit; liitine
iliiile Installation ,,f the ottlcer
elected. In he followed by a full vote
or minera on the iiueation of retain
ing the churter if the Weatern Fed
eration. If the inemberhip oten to
return tha rhmter in the federation
the miner ate to proceed alone u Hit
independent union.
In the meantime the gc ccnlniilMt
will continue the pro ram they have
laid out. lira m n I ti k with the taking
of the referendum vote tomorrow on
the illetlon of hnwlll4 Wrxtern
Federation rnrd at the mine
(iovernor Ktew.irt reiterated today
hi uertlon thai he had not nkcd
that fi-ilernl troop be tit to llutte.
He an tl hia incMsaK to Washington
Hiinplv nked rexardlnic the llpol
tion of federal troop wllii a view to
learning whether iroo were nvnll
uble if londltioiia here beromo eri
ii ii:kl Tittxifs t m ni:
Waahlngton, June 14 Senator
Myera nnd lleprenentutlve Stout and
Kvnna of .Montnna went to the White
IIoiikc today In connection with the
reiiiet of flovernnr Stewart that
I'lcKHlelit Wlleon (end federal troop
to iilell tllorder at llutte between
member of the Weatern Federation
of Minera and the IndUHtrlul Work
er of the World.
In view nf the appnrent mitrt con
dltlon in Itiittn today the Montuiwi
delegation did not prom for the Im
inediuta aendlug of Iroopa but made
an engagement tn I'reaiilent Wil
oii tomorrow und diacu the entile
Mituulion with him.
KWS til ItMUt 14 trT
Y FT AsKI I) Kill Tlt(Nl
llelenn, Mont., June 16. "I do not
uiidemtund ihut tiovernor Hiewarl
hii aaked that federal troopn be aent
into llutte." raid I lilted stale Sen
ator WuIkIi today. 1 uiiderHiaml
merely that he nuked that troop be
etit either to Foil Miuula or to
Fort Harrison a,, that Ihey would he
available If needed.
"iovetnor Slewurt I fllllv lompe
letit to ban. lie the ailtiutlon and If
he ha made i,ny rail for federal nid
I'm Maliafied the need I have
no Intention of inaklnK a peiaoiiul
Water Company
Has Week to
Make Good
Denver City Council Serves
Notice on Union Company
that it's Plant -Must Pass
Muster by Monday, June 22
(lly la-aatHl Wire lu Krenlng Herald )
lietier. Col. Jar.e I H. A a reeult
of u threatened Water l.iniiue, the
illy rolllli 1 it a special uoeliliK today
idopted res'ilutlona in wlmh notice
aerved upon the Denver I nion VSuf r
inmpany r. inlring It bi Mond ay, June
'il to "have it plant in cumin hm
properly to protect the inhibit. mt of
the i'ity .im! county from the pKarlil
llleiiacH I i health und aafciv "
The riaoliitlon further Mali that II
the licno r I'lilon Water coinpant
"doca not l Ui'h time udopt reanon
11 I'll- rulcu .ic l regulation lor the col
lection ot iiater rental flout ron-
umera. ic Ii legulatiou to be approv
ed by the lo incil, the illy and cuiin'v
or Denver, a ting throimh il Inhr--
ent pollc
power or oi herw txe, will
take am h -neceMi
ry '
I. PB ua Khali be deemeil
i give adeiiuaie water Cer
of water Ktipplv i all
lo have !" a dun In the lire, i kin lml
week of io of the water mnpany
lurteat roailuita,
Ilty IeaM'il Wire lo Kvrtilng TleraMj I
llouldei ' ol'i., June IH II II. D.
Meyer, an mniale of a aauitarlum
hero, who eiHupcd yealerduy, waa
found hilling In an undertaker'a
eatablihlioi. nl. Ha waa i. tin ned to
tha auiin i num. Meyer wa roiillned
after he had become violently liuutne
1a ud held a iimuw at bay for eight
hour wiih a acythu.
American Commissioners Meet
Carranzu Representatives in
Buffalo Today in Effort to
Pick a Winner.
Former Senator Says He Ex
pected to be Thrown Down
by Mexican When Activi
ties Became Public.
lly laril Wire to Krenlnf; Herald.)
Muunrit I nil, l mi.. .111110
Tlw tin-rliati tiiiunliiff
tm ti iriil over In lliiftnlo till af
IrrniMMi to confer Willi rt-prc.
Mimttlte of t.eitoriil ( arraitMi.
NolliiiiK wa known of llu-lr ill
part ii ro froin Mngiira Fall until
alanit tlwi liliic lhc weft' to
return. Tltey rMit to mx-nro
lli nuiiM-H of proiiiliient Mrl
lail tluti till' roii-.tlliltbuillt
will Im williiur to have m Iim till
a iroNbMial iirrKlilont.
HV INtl ltTIMV AMI Itl.l.W
Waahlngton. June 16. Secretary
III van w.ih "till hopeful today of the
ultimate uccea of mediation iteaplte
the development), at the Nicaragua
inference. When lie Went to the
Ha In net meettiiK the ecrel.iry uid
he believed the Hltuatlon would "
ahupe Itm-lf that the ronatttutlonnllat
Would purticlpiite in the mediation
prncerdiiiKH in aoiiie form.
The general opinion In ofllclnl cir
cle wa that mediation wa a gain
confronted with it period of delay
and uncertaititv. but that another
Hlep would be worked out xoon.
tow m: I'M'in i n in i:it r
mn n in now him imiwn
Former t lilted h'tatea Senator
t'liaile A. Town announced today the
colli Itlaiotl of hi mlxaloti In WhhIiiiik-'
ton in inunction with the Mexi'-nn
mediation xiliiution. He lued it
Ktateiiieiit di" larlnir hi llrtn had ben
"rettiiiieii lo give emphiiKl In proper
liiiirteiK of the nl in ure delerminat Ion
on the part of tin. Mexican deleititc
at Nl.iuata that In the In-! it ill ion of a
pro gii'rnmeiit Ihe preni'leii'
Khoitld not b,. besloited on a pro
nounced n il lie i ii t of Carraiixi, n i
that it man should be hoeu w Im-e
neutral attitude will iic a L'li.itant.'
thai the t Htor.ilioti of order would
IiiinimI on .t united .Mexic in union
ruther llian on the will of u lctotio'i
fntlon. Mi linn. havluK fierlormed
It duly, b is no further otitic. 1 1 hi
with the inaiti r."
When 'how n a ilcxpnt. h Htatini!
llierta h id not nut Inn ixed bun a In
repreai mat ie, Mr. Tnwne nd:
' I expected that."
HI I I t. M I S KIM i:Titvri:
Holt I. tl' M W
Niigara Fall, unl , Jun !.- I'el
egateH to tin Mcvi.iiu mediation con
feteiiee colitiiilied toila i oIlM.lcra
tion of it libt ol name from which
it ia hoped to i K'uiHi1 a ncceaor to
Illicit. i. It WUH deemed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I lil.'.
however, any nut cement would Im
re.'o hed im in. dintely.
Km i tin I: iliani. chairman of the
M.'Xlcall dcleitalion. reccKed a ele
gi'Hiii from ilrneral lli.ert.i today de
nvlng he I being reprenied In
Waahinut'iii bv f..i no r l iiiled Stale
Si'tiiitor Charle A. Towne (leiieral
lliiciia natd Mr. l ow ne Ih not ncting
a hi agent in any rapacity
The truiiKfer of l.ui Tetraxa.
weallh Mexican land owner, from
the palace al i 'hihiiahiia. w here he
ha been under coni Inement for sev
eral month, to Ihe peiilietiilary wa
reionHible. it w a learned today, for
AmbaH.iilor I'.iitama' reiiucHt hint
iiiglit to Secretary llryun thnuiKh the
American delegate to aocule h te
leiiae. The I nlleil Slate wa iihUci!
tn tin it inlliien ' In hi behalf
(It j-aet Wire to Fvetitng Herald )
London, June IS. Colonel Theodol-,,
ltooeel paid un rxleil'lte round of
vlftli today In public lnlliulion. In
eluding Wet miimtee Abbey and the
tl .tural hintory muieum.
At l.lli h.N.n at Lieutenant Colonc!
Lc . u number of explorer nnd bu
game hunter h id been Invited tn meet
him Including Fic.l.i,, k CoiirtriiaV
Helou. Sir ll.irrv Johnlon. the fi-
inoua Central Alri. in admlnialrntor,
and Sir KranciK VourihuHband, the
Alan and Afrl. an explorer
ItefoiH lecturing to the Fellow ol
Ihe lti.ya i ieogi aphical aoci. ty. Col
onet KooMevelt waa the gurM al din
tier uf the Ci .graphical club.
Mill bll ill
More Than a Hundred Wit
nesses Subpoenaed to Ap
pear Before Secret
Into the Civil War.
Federal Mediators Conferring
on Situation and Wilson Ex
presses Hope for Move To
ward Settlement.
(lly lM'd Wire lo F.vrnltig Herald. Colo., June I. More
than one hundred wltneaea will tie
called before Ihe La Allium county
grand Jury within thu next few day
to tiNtilv concerning thu vurloua al
leged diniii'det and dialurhunr
which have tukin place In thu loeiil
diatrl't. The aecret Imiuiry of the
grand Jury wua lontlnued today und
the report of It fllldlUK la not ex
pected for Meveral week. Loch I
unnn ba'ler ay they have "core
of it nee to offer In connection
with the trouble at Ludlow, particu
larly the buttle of April ", ut which
time twenty-one peraoii lot their
live during the righting or the burn,
ing or the triker' lent rolott).
N deriioii ha been nnuounred by
Ihe iH.ti.tai'y of war relative In the
mailer of permitting tha enatern or
gaunter of the union to enter the ill
ttlcl, hut on the atrength of the re
rent ruling of Ihe naai ant ei retary
the iilrendy here are per-'
lormlng the dutie nwiigni'd tu them'
by Ihe union offlrlnl.
ri:iKitL mf.di Tits i-:xprT
Waalilngton, Junu 1. Federal
mediator working on the Colorado
atrike eltilatli.ii are now conferring
with the miner and expert to go to
Denver hoi in In talk with repreetitn
tlvea of the operator. Secretary Wll
aon utd today hi report Indicated
iitiNfactory progrc, hut It wu alill
too eariy to predict n definite out
come. MOTION'S TO Ot
AN aNeiibut a.
motion to ipiash
s IV
mi itii:i( csi:s
iilo., June 1. A
the riife charging
nine Miriker
out of the
KUardH Hear
her II ot la-
with minder growing
kili'ng of four mine
La Vcta on Nncm
I ear wit int rodiued
when the diNltlit court opened Itii"
moiiiing by Attorney Horace N.
Il.ukui-. roiiiiKel for the I'liiteil
Mine Worker. Tin wn followed
I.. a motion In ipt.odi Ihe raaea
uaniHt live mine guard charged
with shooting ftiikerM in the Seventh
Hi reel MotH. Iiiaile by Judge J. II.
Northciitt, coiniNel for ihe defetie
of tin- a. -diked. AriMiineiitK on both
motion were -t for Friday morn
ing. Thia diHpoHe of the airlke cue
for tin- bcitiK ii ml the i ourt look
ii I coiiHiibralioii of minor matter
i i unci ted with the coiil atrike.
Springfield. III. June 16 The
JuilKiticiii of Ihe lower court eiiteni -in
II illy Spinier to death for the
minder of Mr. Mihlied Uexroat wan
aflirined by the ntiireme iaourt totluv.
The dale Met for execution i July 31.
(lly l4-d Wire to I Veiling Herald.
Chicago, June IS. The atory of
the ' ibml hab " of Hull llo'l.c Man
lold b (be head ol that Mmial ren
ter, Jane A. I. lam, to the convention
of the iii-neral Federation ol Itmii-
i-ii , ( iiiiih tii're l.ila .
The Moiy wa told in inunction
with a plea that illiii Woltien extend
the hand or fi llowi-lup to itninuruiit
uoiiien. cH.ei Lilly the older women.
Mum .Villain anl the origin ol tu ' v
Htorien wi-ina In have been Willi iiriin
ntve woineii who invented them tn
infilled. tn gentler way thiiir brutal
lold und m.iati r-
"Theie wa of fotire nu devil
b.ihy, but audi ciiirencv dal the aloty
have that foi Hlx week Ihe crdin.irs
a'-tiitie ol Hull lloiihe were nluun-l
imt'eniled while we rxi'lalned to
hundred or Ignorant lii'iulrera thut
Il wu u II n fairy atury." aatd Mia
Ad'latu. "l-'inally we placed tleiec
tive nt work und we round two ver
Ion. The Italian vcmlnti wa that
a ( hriMiun girl married an alheial
who, hi the i iilliiliiatlo.i of un n
aaull on hi wife tore ilowu n aarri'il
picture and declared that ho would
Fresh Massacre Reported to
Athens Today by Fugitive
Greeks from Village Near
Reinforcements Being Rushed
to Relief of Hard Pressed
Garrison of Defenders Un
der Prince William
Athena, Greece, June 14. dree
relugeea from Aala. Minor lodiy
brought reporta uf Ihe niarr ny
Turk of loo Oreeka Including prlea'.
old men and children. In the town ot
I'hokia. Ii mile north eat of Smyrna.
Duratlo, Albania. June Anothar
attack on Ihe AHutnlni, capital wa
made by Muiaulmen Inaurgetita at
o'ebu k thla morning w hen heavy ar
tillery waa brought to boar on the d-
feuding force commanded by I'rlnca
The guna nf the attacking fore
were anun located In the vicinity of
Itaabul nd the artillerymen In tne
gnrriaon quickly found the range. The
oppoaing force then engaged In a
bnk artillery duel.
Iietarhmeiua of blue Jacket a from
the llilertiHIIoniil licet lying off lltit
roiiNt took up poaltiona In the neigh
borhood of the foreign legation and
ciiiiaulalea and alao erected barricade
round the royul palace.
Severn! Autrtun turnt'dn boat
atroyer atarled early In the day for
Scutari in emoark l.'.OU Mullaaorl
trlbcRinen loyal to I'rlnc William a
government to reinforce the garrlauti
of the capital.
lly l'ward Wlr In Kxenlng Ilrntld.t
I'ortland. ore., June J. Thut dla
iiKtcr in mim form ha overtaken the
crew of the balloon Springfield, which
vanlHheil after having left here Thura
day with three other balloon. In -1
race under the nuipicea of thu Nation,
al Aero club, aeemed certain eurly to
day. Yeaterday and laat night un or-g.-nnxed
aenrrh over the Sandy river
illmrlct where th balloon wa -reported
en at 4:30 Friday mornln
proved frullle. While the olllelal
of the I'oriland roe, who are
directing the aearrh for Ciiplain Itoy
Doiiitldon of the Springfield and W.l
bur lleiiileraon. hi aide, atlll held tn
the hope that the balloon hud aufeiy
ib-Hi eti.b d. they believe It to bo Im
.okkiIi that the ueronauta could have
aurvived the peril of I be roll I! II
mountain without aerlou Buffering.
Additional tniri hlng uirtie b-ft to
day for point tn the outh nnd wcat
of here.
talher have a levll ill th Itouae than
hi" wife, "ami when the child w
l.orn.' run the atory. lo, it waa a
devil with hum and hoola and tall
"The Jew If h vernion differvi hut
little." i out Inued Mini Addama. "I'
. .un t rue. I a lather whoao wife had
borne him aevrti daughter and oil
the npprouch of thu eighth hn awora
he would rather have a devil In the
hoiiKe than another daughter. And
the lory, like that of the Italian,
concluded with the birth ,1 the dr II
bub. In both ca- the frighletiad
parent had brought Ihe imp to Hull
Mina Adil.-im explained that tha
tone, like tha old fairy atorlea, oflg.
mated in Ihe pilniiilve minda ut
women who dealled to Influence their
men folk or their daughter. Th
acrilege ( f the Italian etion or the
brutal, ly of tl.a JewUh, the apeaker
utd. enlulled thu retributlou of a.
devil lulii. Thu detective found
that tniiiilgraiit inotheta were trying
tn perauade their daughter again
unoithodoxv, or 4oubtful Conduct, tf
threatening thuni with lnipiati progeny.