Newspaper Page Text
f If Yoa Don't Own an Electric Iron It's Your Own Fault; Call Herald Phone 168. Linen Scent to be Getting Together with Alarming Reg ularity. IT Looks as if Ordinary Business Agreed with Woodrow Wilson. mrnrrjfiWTniEJr. Vol. ta. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1914. THIS EVKMW) IIFTRAfirt till, I. Ml. HT. 1 1 ff iClDJyJlliiill BREAK MAY RESULT IF CUE OF POLICY Rupture Between Carranza and Villa Expected to Ma terially Alter Attitude of Washington Government. HUERTA PROMISES TO BRING EARLY PEACE Mysterious Hints trom Mexico City Today of Impending Important Developments ; Carranza Agents Seek to Minimize Trouble. (Mf Ipeim'd Wire (ft Ku'iiln? Herald.) Moth n I 'Ily. .hint 1 7. 1 1 lull nl Hi uro iH ltf i Imii uiiti-l mucin Mutiil IimImv Mm 1 ntHiit r til un-at lntM)taiiti- lor ilu- ri-int.lli' would In tltn-u-eatl m ilu- riia -a-.oi, of ilto 1 hmnlx r r ilcpiiHi- whh-ti would mull In i-tMiiHtte rr-Miaj. lion of H-if. hTllHT I l AMHtMIII' l.i: W f.H lll:l.TIOh. IV Ktl I IT Kl I'llmi. T X . June I T Knllnw UIK lite lonrful iiuxlmii nf -ill l'arrn.-i nlti' lain at .limit lanl iiimIiI h Villa', Ii.IiIhiv. even dlrc.t denial, nl :iu 1 it-H iiiiMi h inltiTii the 1 unm It uilnti - J aliet leader and hit imrthcrn i hirli.ii n were l.i' kina luday Audit ol iintu (annum hn r ili iuiil In neutral tcr.ii that Ihcrp had lietrv u i'tralie. 1111 HI, hul Villa ini'n mil in the rtimii which )cmenl.i were occupied hy C-tr. ninthi'v ftftti-inl ftt the riitin hfiiiM. til Mr. U'li. and In other (11lt51.1l illi 1 f h at thi. hurtltr jMirt itty. Utir uf 1 urr.inJi ri Tri-i nt.itM s iltil.iri'd (hal tritnri!t h-td ii furnd .it t'liiliil.'lui.i Cny. TulH'J'i und ut her ll in Ihr i"iit .1 1 111 1 n 1 ! - d hy Vllht. Tin- d'iiil'1 i ii'iip t il ' i ii- Kot flll I H' Will III .ill, lll'K uiritum fri'iii tlii miiith t'lthtr tidarding I ri IntiKt niiililfii luin id 111 li'TI'i t'lu Mi'Snii. ur uf Ihti inilit.tty inup. rnrlltit 'iK'illlMl ..ii .ilfi .if. lIlM'C'rd a I'.ur.iiiiu liiidiT. Villa, 1'rdi ri'il I" tnnir fi'Uth h 'ariniK.i. rt'iii.iini tl .it Ti'lmin. iiIiIhiukIi it t itn'1 tliit l.i!, irim had In i n put 111 niutiuii. Ill H I Mll IT I'M I Mil I.KIM I, I IIDI A Xrta, i'ru. J 11 up 17. HriUKh miu .l i la who arilM'd h' lr lii'in Mi hi u t'll luday Irniilli d a H i i lll rlauli Iv.f.'ii I'tm lnl" rri'Hiili iit Hurit.i mid Mr l.l'inl t'aiilvti, the llrilinn iiniii-itr Thi- illci:Uf atiw nut hi the ad vh r Mdiinli iti-iI h Kir l.i.iiii'l that ill- f.ii In priaiili nt rhuiild rrolKii und Iiiin,. thr 'untilt.i I iti rii.i I in lily. Tho HiltiKh iiiiniHiii a I km ufliird lirniTil liui'il.i a I'ritiFh Had. 1 uniliK 1 and a arliii In t ike him and li s lainlly Ii. any iur( hi- niKht n if if llui'ita in mid In have ! runin rnraat'd and In h ikf thii'Kit iii d In arrmt Kir l.loni I ('auli ii if lie ni r ri 1 fai I'd thf irtnil. I omi'i.i ii: 11 .i. or i-iti.M v m v in-: i vi .i it 11 .i Ma Kara Kalla, iinl. Juni' 1 1. nn word In. 111 tho Wnxluiiiit'Hi ciiktii nun I ili'iirmla the mtt inuv. in mnti iilinli. Jam ne lim.u and I'i'i'di ri V. U lui.ann ti'li-aialdii d rarly Inlay a i'.iHM'-wiird rt'MHt uf llu-lr tiinf ri Hiff H'Hlrrday al Hutlalo Willi iih.itun and Linn Ciil'nr.i. anh"iim'. n iit'i ni itiv. ( uf 1; i iieial Carraima In I Ilu llltl-d HlnifH. A Kirirral It'tlnuc hero thai the f ii 1 1 oil r't .1 1 M .i i ' I 1n.1v InaUHur.ilv M l iht 1 rt t hunKi' "t imlii y haa t'f n pruduii'd .i- the uni'i irti iitl nil attl. nidi' uf Mi'Mnra. Zuiiaian and fiihrr ., dralialihim ti'llln uf thr (ii.tiun lr lnli liiiiiiaia (ailnia and Villi. II purl 4 uf a rupture in riunma In 1 fen liuvi-rnur Mayturiiu and i'umi ial iiliU'ann. and in uf cnna(ltu- wvw -iNni Nnanta j OUSIISS III OF IIATI0I1 TELL PRElEfIT If SOU I By ImmI Wilra lo r.vraliMI Hvra,M.' WanhliiKlon. June 17. Aa on r'- ull ol Trr-ndi'lit Wilnun'i ileiiuni ia linn of what he ' harai lerixvd aa a tie liheralo tampiiliiii 'tu apitatt ahload lha Idea (hat huninena la III tha d il ilruiiii. Ills Whit llnuae haa hi null tu receive teller fiom Ihe maiiutai lur na and niheia thriiuihniit Ihe toiin try takin Hie pi laiUuOl vw Uiut tlonallnt rvr'n, both on I. mil unci aca While tiKnlliilliin Hum fur tin nmplinhcd lntli'. tin agreement on perm nm I fur 11 new pros inPinnl .ut u (intent hit v I iik hi i'n reached, ine Kucru di'lcRiiK'K great anxtp'y lodiy in hate (hr t mifi rem e cniilin- Ul'll. Kmillu llahnnu, head of tlir llurrtn ilvli KHI urn, mill Iml.iy tlml li iiihI tux unniii uiiin would ilu v i i ti i n k in their power in present hrcuk in no- KoHiitlotl. The American dclcaatp made iiii otniiii ni nn thi nltuatlnn, rating they with waltm In he nr from I'leaidcnl mid Sc.riturv llrynii nfii r they hid il h int i-i thp Iiiiik report of yintrrrtny dive lopiiichls. i oiwuti Tio i.istn IMI.i: i itoi in i; hiiwi : l.l.A .Wit imM Wahhlimton, June I CnHtituil m uliat Ii r here today de- rniiru inn iippiiri'iii ini.u n nt int i'ii Villa and t'aiianxi In nut an '"i"'" I ... . .... 1 aa It apiieam. l arninia n li'ne lil l. Inn i xpl iiiu d Villa a ri'MjtnlnK hit 1 iiimiiiiuhiuii und Iiiipi iNuiinm t''.n li adt ra waa I hi- remit uf the furmrr a I'lli'tinliiatlun in ml hl.nsill uf tmu lili unie pulilu lanx w hu have m en niuiurluted Willi t arranna und n.nkihK truiihlo iii'tiMi'ii the Iwn men. In the upinluti i,r the leader lieif ilia will iu(ei il In take upri-llie 1 iii in.i tid In n'urlherii Mexuu und ihe d rTerelnea hetneeii ('utriinmi mid him will lie 1 urn puoi'il. At the Plate de lartmeni tin a mil had hern reirlwd Irmu Ueume t'. (.'arm hem, Hi,. Ameti 1 an riihHiilur amnl wilh t'ar lan..t. Mr 'iruiu r wan due 1ml ly k in Kl I'.imh fruiii HalllUn. It w m helleved 11 full tepurt in the l.ltiat deyelnpmetila wnuld lit' furwarded ." mm aa Mr. (a rut him riHi hid Kl I'aau. Itafni'l .urahaii and l.ul t'ahrera, thi? t n 1 1 1 ii 1 1 . ii 1 1 1 1-1 ri preMi niatlvia wliii I'liiiferrid in llun.ilu M'tfrday with Ihe A met ! an rniiiiiiiralonrra. r" liiined In W'avhinKliin t da and m.iln taiiied lrl. t mli n-e aa tu tile reHt ui their nil"ln. BUTTE SEGEDERS DECLARE HOME RULE (Itjr 1,-ittar.l u- in t:rfnlii Herald J luitle. Munt . June 17 uliiig Hie topper iii.nt'iH of Hitte on thf lUeMiuti of ahuwiiiK their iimun rni'ila at Ihe Hums lure wan hmm i't 1U ,, i In k lodav and will tuiitiiiiiu until in tl it 1 14 Ii t The nunilier ol luil lota iiiht the firm huui Indualed tliul the ol:nii Will he heaiy. even ihuiiKh the i unienainei" of the iimun nilhelF In their tit le: Iiiuialiuii In it -f r it 1 11 ftuiii yutliii! The 11 I. lend nil Wan hi-Klin hy the aeit'di-l h uf uuiuii. who' rtiM'lled .iK.inift duiiiinat luii id Pa a I Hlf.iiii h tho 1 hn tho Wihiiiii Keeilriit lun ol Miiui" Nn new tuny .-in til tu hi ink uhuiit a i-umprollllHt' helween the oppoHlllU fiiiliuiiK Wan nlitted today J"hn 1' Tuwne. exeilltlM' Illi'Kiher of Ihe Wiatern Kt delation of Minera, haa priM laltiied hit opponitmn tu ai tu tralioii and Ihe aei'edeia In a letialhy Hliiteiiient whP h 11 li wi ll alP ki'd iilniht-n awi'M I tint 1 hey want "limim rule" In Iheir m aanliuilioii. LA SALLE STREET BANK SCANDAL TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD TODAY fhl.aku. Juim 17 (V'lter of III lerehl in ihe InyolMinenm 111 Ihe I .a ."'a lie strrel Trunl and haviuaa hank and the other amullei hanks In thin i-ily and down ntale. 1 luned an 11 re mit of the l.nrliiier M unilav fuian ilal I'litaiiKlenien'n. w.ia I rannlei red tuduy (o Spi inuliehl. Ianlel V. Harklil. thief Mate hunk exanilni r. left hint nluht under Kuard fur Ihe nlate rapltul to lay hi report la f "re I. J. I.tney. attorney KeniT'l. Jainra J. Urnly. the mat" audit 1 ml LIE-A-BED WINS THE ROYAL HUNT CUP STAKE London. Juna 17 J. Kanta 3-icar-oid l.le-alied won the Ituyal Hunt tup, one of Ihe muni roveled lirixea at the Amnl rare nieidlim I '.la XI ed wan an unit and Huneywood third A field id ih liinliilh lurned out for the lai r, whn h wan mrr diniaiup of nexeii furluiiKn, la yard4. The 1 up in yaliied al tl.'J.Mi. lo whii i In added IT, "Till und a fcwei--ktake of IIO'I I II. h IS k "pay 1 hiduKuvtl ileprennion" haa heen treated Ulie hlter ilnillaled hy U HI. I.uuia hardware t'ninpuny di'i lart 1. 1 "Our aalea up n dale Ihia year are Jim Huee-llfl In of on per t ent le than lh Bailie period lunt year and it June liunineaa t-ontinupa to lutreav a It haa dune u lar, we will Rain Ihia Ihrep-itiihn and prubalily tinlnh Hie lrl half uf Hi )tar Willi a in." 1 0 TO T yet ahotuer cheat on LIIIEH III UGLY C0LLISS1 tlly la-aard Wlrn lo I'ulnc llernld l.unduii, June 17 The Nnrtli tlir nian l.l' .vd nteaiiixhip Kalni r llllelin I' nhuh aalled imiii Huiiihiimptun fur New Yutk, hy way uf 'licrhi.tirR. pill lulu Fpltheaii thia aflrinnun after a ulllaiiiii with Ihn Hteaiiu r Ini cniure, dm inn u thu k f The Knlncr Wilhilm II w-aa atni'K nnililwhlpa hear the aaluuli hy the li ne. Miurf. lu-niiillnii Iti inforinaiiun ri-eelv d thia rvertltiK i,y the limlun hki ii' y Of Ihe Nul'lll lll llllall lauil SlealliKlup t niiipaiiy . Tha yeieiel luuk hunie water Mhiiiird hut Ihe iilll'iiiln Intil nut lna:d ,, Hn uu-u-u l"-a of life. FEDERALS IIOIIU Tampico Sunk by Guerrero on Tirst Trip After Repairs Suffered in Recent Engage- ment Off Mazatlan. OFFICERS OF DEFEATED . GUNBOAT SUICIDE Leaves Huerta Forces in Full Control of Sea With SingLe War Vessel; Tampico Has Hard Luck. Ill II. Mid I . h 14. Call. ill Ilia. M'.ixatlan. Mix. June In (Ii wiii'ltaa mii Han Iniku. June I.'. The t'Uiihtuutioiialiat (unhoul Tatnpitu wax hunk today h tut' nun tiueirelo In twenty-two talhnni.-. ji waltT, leal Itiu tin (iuerrt'iu Ihe sde hurvivinu wari-dup 1 1 pitM'lil 11m either lat-lioii .,11 Ihe wcM ru.lhl o MiXltu. The haltle ..enan at x.;'li u 111. ami I.1M11I u ii 1 1 1 nuiin. Thv cuiinitutiiiii iIixIm luni tin killed and tell wounded, the !'d- rr.tlh iin'"ie. Ill di'hpair .it the outi-unie, (.'aptain Malpiiu and hu (Iinl eiiKUieer alter liKhlinu with iv.i! hiiiMiy alt aiiint it-uy Oddh, t 'illllllltti'd HUl' lde. WlltlJI.I Tl l.l 111 I Ml S III' TtNI'llll'k I.WI vrM The Tainpuu, wtm-h w.m ..11 iue wav tro.n Topolu.ianipo to .M Was III tm tondilion lo hkhi whin tin- iimr.. Inaxilj at no', titni'ii Puiinl eoii'.ii Irulti (iuayinan :n . h o t I iiaumil her. Cuplain Ma 1 .iipiap.l I 1 I lit XliiPIita-; denliu' h l'ei! ami ritl.le. whh h were Inllnwiii I he Mi r .111 .i-.. i'i lor a low Altai t. u if the Taliipli-u h.M'i 'l In lake ri luue i bii.iI- luw water The uf neiiiiality previ nieil Hu Aim rP .111 miininndi'ia frmii 1 oinpi.. ma. hul the Telly and I'leide and Hit t miner Nt-w nrleaiu. Whli h wan if oitipatiy ink Ih'lu. were uhle to n.ue many (mm tliownitiit, un the Taiiipiio nana, and kiw- i-iii Klv I aid t" the w lundt d. Allir her K-loiy, the tiiierriTu headed noutli fur Maxallall. where aha will he nl meal mi 1 up to the heleaa 1:1 led li'delal Karl. mil in prevrntlnii 1 he army under liiner-'l hieiiin '' ilipylliK 1 nllllllanililix puiiitlolla. OrlKinally the Inlet. lln had Ihl "t liulilii'aln un t tin wenl t-uanl tilt: Mui -aitm. Taiupl' ii. and iluerrern, r or tin fav or of a cunnlit ui lunaliKt maiden, the ttiiiiuianiliiik uthu r of the Tampi " I'raeried and turned Ilia hhlp mil I" the t clin 11 ul The M.inl.'i waa run auiuuml m Manitllan harnor lant May Wil li h' 1 trew waa alU'lilpllim to mu.l'- h-e IhiouKh a rronkt-d t'hannel I" thi- iP" harhi r w here II wan Imped in pm , la.'t her from tha Anieii an Heel 1 Whu h the iPdelaln tin 11 huppom-d had ( tome In take the town Auemi'ln lo St her ulf failed, and i'.i.-oir tit hi ha'HIle I'oiimled hi t until Ihe 1 n-w abamlunvd her. 1'annea put out fiom i-hmp the lowlna liik'ht. Iiuardinu parties, plantitl tlMiamitu under ht r and he Idown up. l-ant week Ihe liHlo T.impliti w.i nverlakeii hy Ihe Inner and nin'f heavily aimed llliellflo and tllnahli'il III an riiHakemini nl Tnpuluhainpo. j the waa not a 111.1P Ii for the liuerreriiat her lel anil in ine tiiKaiuein - tPlday Cuplain M.llpn u' thone her death, rather than aurri-n-Uer Him tei-nel had lie ell hantilv liMtihi'd up (loin ih pret toua haltle and ha w.ia ulleini tihtf tu ateal tlnwii tha eoanl to Maxallall. Aflti Inn ieiiieni lor 11 tow lud tieen refiii-ed ay Ihp Annrpan i-um-lliaiulctn he haltle. The Tampii'it Waa mink on June 11 and only yinierilay waa repaned thai nhe could Innie under aleum. The (iuerreru la nearlv Iwhe tne ie of the Taiiii'h n and her orrtnan p la at leant fifty per ivtil more puw -r-fill. liiilh vvastU wtia Ucined aa com- HAVE ONLY SHIP Oil COAST iMitinard lhd"w Ualtr l.lne. Kniit hami'tun, June I 7 The Kmaar Uillulln II rellltli. I ii. i,. thia evenine, Iiii v in t; appariTilly miIIi h iI il.iin.iKe in--luw the watr line in u i nlliaiiiii dur UiK the fuK with the Hteaiiur Ime lllure. liHfni" ll'orl n lik-iil. ."'pithead, KtiKlaml. June I7. Tn me. inii r Inti'innii' 'i hi .li ipnu I r .h ut Hampton repui't haviiiit hei n in ii IIihioii wilh ihe N' rth liertnall l.luV'l HI am- hip Vilhel:n II. The hurtl ' Ihe IliiiiuTe Wilt Paillv ilani'ivid ilm. Ihe water line. hill. lip, l and llallHiulta t i iiiei-l the pei iiliai neeila uf Mexn an Hi I h e and W-ere al,!e tu ral l y aliulil .'ml men m uf ihe (iiieiiini and .'in un the Tuiiipp u ii Ih hfllvvt'il hy HlafT nllliirK hele that the yl.'lnriuiu liialli rii, 11 iv Hi it hhe haa deairtiyi'd tin prlrirlpal Hiri nulh uf the i onxtiliHiiiiuilisI un Ihe -t I n.ll Will he aide tu ureaHv Interfi le w ith their heme opei atimiN iiKainnt Maxallan and f.en na r.uith aa (luaynii. I MTi: STATFS Mill's w 1 1 i -s thi: in i. WiiKhinuion. Jinn- i 7 The lliieit i ilueriero .li t. ale, I and pruu. a .ily hunk Hie t utiM it ut mnalini kun hnui Tampiiu neat M ixatlau. ih'itiI iiiK In 11 repnrl lud ay I rum Hear Ad miral Howard. The l aplain ami 1 h i'f t nxmeer of the 'I i in pirn t umin it led nui Ide. The naxul hntile wan winu-mi .1 Ihe I lilted Htalen fli p New tirleann. lerrv and I'rehle. No del.ulh were repnrted. Ilnth the war und ntale ileparline it .lid the White lluuM' illm lalnied tuiv I ill! any nltlilul inlui iiiuilun uii Hie 11' purled Plea htlwi-iii Carianxa and VIII,, t . The -nuaBrmeltl k plan- liit ' mailt off T..puhihiii,o and word ran.e to ihe n.iiy department paii todav. Huine ul the t rew uf ihe Tampli u wde lenriied hy Hit Npa ( irleatin, whi'h had artoitipanit'd Ihe fiuerrrrti suiitn wind yi'Mtei'day. (Mhrrn were renriicd hy Hit. liuerrelu. The mirurou of Ihe New nrlean uave aid I utile wound "I und unrui-led In the rare of ihe injured, hotll hidt-n ro.tipelatlliK wi.i tilt' Nlaff of Ihe fetlt-liit aut uoiit. The reporl that the Tamtniu wan hunk li.m hot hei'li verilird mit It wa-i Haiti hhe w:.n hadly Till in Ihe hoe.itid llllle Hit tont-l II UHnn 1 1 -Inl i.iiMi:p hah auff.Ted at Ihe haiidn ol Ihe fl ih tal liaiy. THREE MONTHS T.onrlnn Rnprialifit Tp1! Pnlntif l j ..... ... . RODSEVELTMUSTDO F10 SPEAKING FOR His Larnyx Has Been Badly ,,, '"" """' A-pm-Strained and Advises Rest, "I did nut hear them." and Quiet. (Dy 4wh4 Wlrl KePnlitif llerft. 1. ml on. .1 line I 1 . t. olonel II I H""H.iell l. all., i-onnnlletl a Ihtotl p... i.iIihi. who .ctt-r I'xaiiiin iti'.n ui -t lined hm l .inva III had 1 olulit P'l. The npei 1.iI;m allrlliul.d Urn r..riui- tloll to th,. , iilu 1,1. lit 1.1I the M r.itralii uii'ina-oiie ) 1 I at -till) I "" ""' " ' ...-ii i'i 1. ,'' 111. mil. The pllH,' '.e-hlPIP lur ih t la ke a i-'u K'i- ill 111 Ihe ihii-e iinuiih aililht-d rt. ill tall llnlir and Ihe .-luihlad nlilN ulie :..n Mild H would he Im- KlK.t an hour. IK he naid llii-v Were. I '.l.inel llnu.-eielt f. nn- ,,,k,.,, , ,,, lloH. ,, ,l.y nl.nuunn t-alllliaiun of ''Hllul, r.n .. . leart'd hlir. lv i.i'in .r 1111111111 o . III the In make ine limine 11 y .pel t-hen Colonel IC' . Meyelt wan the u'h Pie ik tint nl Ihe hlnhop of I. 'lot Will. Ill he iXl'U'Wfll ureal illlelrnt In Inn wura m 'he pant end -lunin '! London Tiie olonel leuiaiked I am n r . htlln liili-ienti in d" 1" ilii'nl"C. hut am m m imu h in teicht.ul In Itn Prai llral api!. ..lion .' Alterwaid 'he oolmiel i-uted the nulP lial b.iI'. it and Hit r, lam hed with Arthur .1 llalfour. foiin.r uniuii Im pit'iniii rrofenanr tiiU'Mi Mur ray lieai'i". piufphoar of c. r.-t a at . fold unitei".!'. I'roiexhui John Ilu ", leiiiua pi.'ttK-'r of ill", pin h.htui,- ut Catiihl hike unit runty, and Colon-I Chill, n i;.,d liffe, Hu nolid inn hunlir. In ront ei ' loll with a nuuiiit-- ut npwnpaper lli'tl, Colon. -I ;onni-ve!t wa anaed 11 he Intended In r inlliiue hia work a at-ngt a pin r. to aliiin hp replied Hi ,t he had nninhed w ill it. Wht-n rt fi'1 tlemtilly of I. Hm I'nlted S' 1 ' waa :uaile I" the Hi. 1 U it . it .1 11 1,1 i. ,..,1,1 :y ilea to C.loii!il.i. 1 '..lot "I I h, would n:u h r idler "Prni on a r .n .m.i 1 llonaevelt h. nep the inor.i pnaltion No Ni'ttl for TrtMip.. Wantpiw "ii June Ii --Scnalor Mypr and Ki-preapiital it en Htmil und Ktana of M "iilanu tol l l ienideiit Wllaon t.alav Ihry had ret rued word from (lutein. r Mew ait other In Mu, h wlih the Untie. Munt. iiiiup alluhiion n..' in there waa 110 Imme diate pronpi.t of any tmnr fiuhilna or irenrnl need fur tedetal tloopa The iirenulent will he kept 111 t-lone touch with the altuatluru (EN DA LL T S wm T0FTEI5 First Officer of Storstad Gives Entirely Different Vcsion of Happenings Just Before Em press was Struck. DECLARES HE DID NOT HEAR ANY SIGNALS Admits He Disobeyed Orders In Failing to Call His Cap tain when Collier Ran Intc Fog. l My tjraaed Wr lo r-ulof Herald.) uui'lH'i , Jji.p 17 --The i.tptulii uiul the Hint ufll. i f of Ihe . 'Mller Htm htMil lentified luday .it the Kmpre"" of Ireland w h i k in iiiiry ..lid lolitra I tin ted in hi". 1 tal p.trtp ulaia ht He ' 1111 nl h made un the hland enteiili I l.v 1 aptain Ki nil. ill ul 1 lie lunt liner 'The flint ufll. el. llred 'I llflelieh 'whn mum iii 1 iiiiiiii.iihI uf the 1 oilier jwtlftl Hie inlllnPUl n.lUlleil, lll.-lhled that there wan im expluMuii and no hheet of name iroin 1 ne in un- l-"'preia when hhe wan ntrut k, an l't"iii Kt tidall had dei hired. I The lunt oltp er .,1111111 n il ne nau ! nut oliei ed lunt nn I iona In Inilina I mil Inn tuplain linin Pel" when thr fnK hhiil dun 11 Jiirt liefuie the 1 II. hl"li It wan Hie npeed of Ihe I. Ill IH't-nn, he eXiiiliii d, w hit h taiiaed the I Htuim.iil n Imw In milk twelye left i llilo the mile ol the paneliKt r ven Kel. Tuftemn niild he did not knnw I whether Ihe mauler "f the Stormed ' unt 11 h.uiuv tor a miet' ly trip with for the hiiiiiiiiiiiii i' rumpaiiy hit Weill .--iliie and Mmitreitl Cap tain Amli'inui uf Hie hHnrntuil. whn waa hitlini, 111 the rear of the oiiil. jwnh linked uPollt it und replied III the I iietialive I The niim.-t ailinliti-il thai the nlup Uan Mill led ill IIIKllt at Moll I rial I "Time in i.ppan ntl 1 111 port a 11 1 . 1 then"' rnliiliieliteil the atlorllty. i Tuftclien 1 11IK i ili'il thai it neellied !ln he lie ill'llleil thill Hie ."lurnluil run ti.l illli-ll III llle !"4 Inr ulit- hour innl a hall plriloui to firnt nep ihk Ihe ni.if 1 111-111I 1 1 hi lit "f Hie'tehh. W hen the :kM nine llllu itii-w, lie haul, the l.inp-e"n waa auu'.K j nix iiiilt-n away and um- ami it hall ,1101111a on the Slulntail'h putt Imw. 1 She wa.s iiiitnuiiiu u tuiirne uriohi the ''.ollier'a Imw. ! Tulleiien haul he oiileied Ihe helm 1 " ' "' r h""' ..,,((, )l(U hM whl,M h(. .M,r,.H "That would iiu-ait hlii.1 wan ntnp pniK " ' J 'lld It'll t pei I ulir hhip Wnuld , ,.,. ,,,, ,,,,, .,,,,, ,.m "I did " "Whs didn't It'"' "The I'mniitn were luiit; eliutll-h In alii The w linen wild I hi md wurkiiiu Inr headway I" 01 l.l't'MM when ( ,.. MUt ()f t. , WilM ,w ehip'n lem-HiM awns He .nirenl thai 1 1 tin. I'.IIIOI.h. W .w L I; len LimiIn ... , ,,,ui hi that I w in .nulled to keel, mv inlllne and mieitl.'' haul ill. W II nenn. "St rloiihl ." naid Mr Anpinw til j "an a h.lllol. is It , are entitled In d I "I'l'ol IdlllK III. 5 n't I tu Ii. f I hat t o!! thai in II I I ih'ii'l Ko full npeed. hut Hindi rate hpt t'd w itpenn haul Ihe " 1 uur itini rii'-l nutn t-ai'tain tl'.ri-' tlv 1,. "Ve " 1 ere I'pea rail Ihe .1 ' lit llnlll I ml till. ) Itlh! I'Ur tloiih'"" iihked I.unl MiTki'v. "I ill. I md Hunk it neet'hh.iry." i.apitiii Au.l.i-oti .n-rw'l wnh hu mate an fo Ihe .peed uf Ihe Iw i t nt'ln 't'aplaiii Ki-ii.lall i..ivn Ine l'ni;ut wan f(opi..l V.'U nay nh. wa. a 11111 laal." put 111 I. old Mime;. "Call to t XPlain 111 it " ' "I . annul.'' irp1,. '! Anderh-n. "What do oil I It 1 11 k " ' Hhe lllllai have K"tie rull ai-it-ru uiul then lull .n-.'d ah I li'M our how. We hate ill" u hut lunlutt Ktt an iiu'Ii ' peed w.l .t MANC CITIES WANT FERERATION MEETINGS Chlraa.i. June 17 -Cha-ina aphaiulir. uf Ihe tweltlh l ltpiiial 1 ulitelllpill ul Ihe liellelal I'l ill I a I Ii i u uf Wunit'llh 1 iulm wt-ie held hele today. Iiivl talioua for the 1 niiv 1 nt 1101 nf 1 1 1 Wpie leirlttd. l.n.lutlonn were atloptfil ahd fuim.,1 anliouii, emelll luuile uf the r iill of v i cti t day Plei t Inn. Inv iiutiona were retelvt-d from New Vurk City, Atlanilr Cut. Pullae. 'i't-x . and Jat knoni illp. h la. The lin.U'lii'Un rndoracd aotiul or- DEIV1DCRATIC LEADERS ( Hope Three Big Supply Bills Remaining May Be Disposed of by the First of July. of not Later than First of July. WILL CLEAR WAY FOR ANTI-TRUST MEASURES Majority Leaders Confident That With Appropriation Bills Out of Way Program Can Be Completed in Four Weeks. (Ily la-antil Wire I" turning Wanhinatuii, June 17 - W ith ud- lollllltlltlll Id totlKlenn In llholll hl week" un their anal, m mil e Htiiiu- i Tall' leatleln Well' today expelled lo riuitieilP then "nlipetl up" W'Mk t'li the auniial a ppruprutl ion hilln no an In piintl to I'l'llrllii'liill III'1 iiilllllllin liatitinn itni:i.iiii tit aiili-Uu'.l mean iiiih. The pi "in run lliade un Ihe nni ply llleliniiren h'tl lo Hie helief totlay that all nt ilu 111 would '. ilmpimpd of h about Julv I. Willi lllene hllln out uf Hie v.,y Die netialp wnuld then he tu a pu-ition to luke up the anil Hunt hllln inly Ihn f Ihe appropriation hilln now remain to la panned. They are Ihe Indian. Hie hundiy tltll anil the rit em Ulltl hill Imrn hill. The henate ypnlerday punned the diplo mat ir und pt n-toii approprialmii hllln and inuk up the Imlian hill. Thu rullnidtllilluu nf the lallel llleanure wan expei tetl to hp t untimieil today. Ml I 'I Ml I HIM INl'IH IN TO (OljtlMIII litKAIII.s a-th!tii;tnn, June 1 7. Hpt-rptary Hrvaii found 1 nnnidt rahle tippuailluii in Ihe n. nate fnieiun nl. it hum eolll ttllllee tmliil in the tl-fUlltin with 'if loinhla and Nn ai'imua. The nei-retary npeni two liniiin 1 v pl.i iruiiK ihem and makiiiK a ph. 1 fur linn tal it P at Ion, ami i x pi" in m letuin within a few dayn tn 1 111 nii-h ail. IHP, nal Informa- 1 1 il.Jei tit. 11 wan not r, infilled to lle- ill ll It'll 11 nt natnr". Some liemorratn ex i ehhed il n-a ) p I ot a I nf Hie tertnn id lilt- two pit' tn I'artlt lllar ol.Jee- tioii wan r.iiNed lo ihe expiennlon In the ' "Inmlllllll llenlv nf tile "hllll t'le n-i-ri I nf Hie I'lnlt d State thai anvi.tiiiiu hnuhl hate orruiied in 01. ne. -lion with the paitition nl I'aii. .una to mar riiemllt- rilaiuuin with the I'nileil siaten and to Hip liolem nit v of I.1., iuiii. nun 1,, l. paid to Pi,. lomhlii r.illlie.l The pn'.li' I'll till 1 1 Pa I . nix mioilhn after Ihe IrealV In .llimltli'e lie, t I i-hpnlldrnr. "luniim of Ided ' will, the lo make h preeed- 'iiloinliian k'anixationn of win. 11 oiilliuel In Hie department. Illitril P' o IK ol put. In m hooln 11 ml other pllMlr PuiPIiiiK- tn the .rop.' an nut-la I 1 1 nl, 1- l.i popular ti.l.aie ihpl.'iuil nit funnel Impairment uf Niai'ar.i Kali, hy power 1 uiipaiileh. Illoillhitl iII'IIk lielliK made In pre tflll Iue w asle, ,,1,, I went on 1.1". id III nppnMlpm to ,,,,,, llaffi,. 1 ' .'etnntatatiinvN . , uj iuj'u x j ujrjjfjff' POLICE RESERVES RIOT III la-aM d Wlro lo evening Herald ) u.-ilo. 1 ' . .lun.- 1 . Tn.' lui T. a.t iat ni.'l iliill 11 f d ,1 m-al lea P." pi.'i'ii on an-l in."ulut'iil la. p. .in. ..f ih,. Modern Im. 11 i l A Hil l I. .. . u-lil, h p nt nk pi. iii e and i I liitiu Ut mil, look I la, e TlioiiKh pamtemoi,),. f.u 11. ore ihan Iwn Ion Klti n npf.'lalol n ami . . I 1 '.lil.-.ililin Were I'oukIh Utlhi-I Ilu "lie Wan ft Tl. .1 a 1. 1 1 lot till In . I . r- C l. I . ' to las . ..Ill pi . V U I P d i.ri a ed .1. Ic ons, iita.ii hall IV Plllilileil I'l o'iP. hurl ami a I 0, mu Willi 1 In-il oru, 11.1. kilo- . ntt r . ipv ill i P.. Ill p. .mil .. li ma. The 11. Cm. mil 1 ii.i.- main tl when Head H10 1 .llilii'JIK nl that. Ill 1 retl r 11 1 lain inmmiitPt' wan lo It pull I'll tlt'leaalea In tl.e 1 nut ellltl'll Would ad l a line Hi, nut reads hp netted. Jon 111 until 1 . 'I. ill. 01 pul the .putt ion wilh the rentilt that an upiuarini! leniioiine ol "not' dt fvated llie rudtatur. Aftar WHEN WOODMEN START HEAR PORT L AND BALLOON RACE WAS THRILLER Every One of Four Contest ants Came to Grief and Pilots All Had Narrow Es capes ii oik Death. CREW OF SVRINGFIELD MARCHES INTO CAMP Landing Forty Miles from tho Starting Point Last Aero nauts to Report Had Five Days of Hardship. Ily Ixril Wire to Erring Herald. 1 Portland, (ire.. June 17- ISuy h"" aldnuii ami Wllhiir Heiitltraon. I'll" and uhle of Hip rwlloi.n Hprinfpld, are nafe. The men. for whom runu em and nenrt hum purliea have heen eomliiiiH the wnnda for daya, ataM Keiftl into the forent runKPia" enniit at Walker n I'rnirie loiiny. Homer W llliamn ami A- Mltrliell. the forenl aiianln atalioiied Hi Wnlk er'n 1'ruirie. werp HntnnlnhPil wht-n the two loht HPronuiit alutnldetl Intn thPir .-amp. their 1 lot limn huiulim In nhreiln. The im n alamtpfed lip one of Ihe. pntha leadina from u neorhy creek und fell exhHilnted ut the rul'in d'air. "Who In Ihundt-r are ynti?" aake'1 Mili-ht'tl. apriiiKitiK tu hia fpet. I'oiuildnvn u'ld lleiidpraon told him. The ritnaera hu tt hpen lnlructpn ny c. I.. Itennnn. chief ranaer of Ihe Hull Hun iLntrlit. lit look for Ihe halloiiulnt. They immediately apt nut n men I and nimle Ihe aernnuula rnttt' fortnt'le In every way fioaalhle. The SpllliKlli'ld landed on the aide of a Bleep hill, near llllle laike Thia In nluiiil furty-elKhl milca nurtheaat of Portland 1'nllkp the three other crewa In the rip. whli-h w atartetl from I'orl laml hint Thurndny. Iinnal.lnon anil lli'iuternon did not have lo (lotliie lha npikca of pine linen In t'omluH. Hut thet had their heaped-up ahare t.f hanlnhipa when llley ntitrtetl to 1 01110 In. 'ne of tho HuiBl illm ournBlnK iliHi uv et it a tame w hen they itpan hed thioiiKh their kiln ul,u found no matt hen. They atrut k out at tun e fur the nea rem atreum null aturtrd follow Mm it wpatwiird. At nuhl lh mountain air tut them to the mairow of their honpn. Thpy tould 1101 huild 11 lire und hud to put what tunned food thpy had raw. Tin. ciKhteen-milii walk lo Walk era Prtniie waa one of the extreme hardahipa. A network of thlrk un ilelKtowth and fallen trcen tlinpuled ptety foot of the wny No mteiiipl was made to uve the hull. '.ill. The Sprinafleld waa furred I't dcmeml at o'cloek laM Friday mornirijr mi a rocky al-pe of Tilda iiioiiniain. ui.. .nl I iiiile 011 '"i-t t line 1 mm W'alker'a Prairie i..i.t" h tn t tt 111. The neronuutn had wan il. i ed until I hln nini rurik. lit Ink "i half latmnn of uurookctl food. Iioii Ithlnull nal. I Ihe bulhton w .u wrerked. After the halttioulnln landed Kndav thev hi.. ri.. I o find their way l.i a M-tt lenient. All iluv Krldat. Satur .liiv, Sundiiy and Monday Hit', wan. tieted throiiih the trai-klevn fotenin. Yt-nteiilav MiorninK thev ntriuk creek w hi. h they derided tn lull , CALLED TOLEDO MEETING t x . In 1 11 , 11 thai the eo'lf. Iitam ".mid nut 11.110. i. 1 nuniiiena 11. .1 It legatea t" paid' ipte Were denia li. tied hs Hie 1 IP.h. ul lain lomililftep, 1 . ilu 1. 1 ,!. I.iieil the ! 1 1 ri at udjuuin i .l I mim. Jiatety t hairn. lal.n. ihe h, i-.ker'n Mi.imt and the pi.tnn w era .a upp'd h hh.iii,,na pri tt"tuin. Sut e uniern l.e'ween ulal and iiinui iiln to. k p a. f When ilelenalta relunel ti leata ihe hall iiml I. ..ill i,.Jii.liil.lialnti and Inn 11 at in le. ,dt -r were drtcrmiiied tu npt ak ill the la-, e of c .ullniiou lur- I a hand Pllltled the cuilleat nf .1 11 uiul with "Thia la the) l ife." and extra poll, e renpuniled to the cull acm In ty Ihe reuulufe. I miii " lo II a in. the hand played "Thia la Ihe l.ile ' while re 111. .r ami innurgent Ipuilcr minuted. At II u t'lo. a Iue hand waa .pii'llMl. Thr cunt enttoii tna.i adjourned ami Ihn coiiiiiiiiiee on ciedinlul re- Jiiii-d in aitn.