Newspaper Page Text
TIIE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17. 1914 THREE " 1 : LT"jr: SMOKER TONIGHT T Wa hav, a Com plat, tlu, cf WpII I'aper and rninto. Can do your work on mlntit t otic. OF OF THE EAGER L 15 B. tml dt. rtinn Tt. Baseball. Ii FROM CAMP.GUiD ANXIOUS OVER A A i r Uf I IMPORTANCE INOIAN SGOO TOMERCIA NTS PAST MERS APPROPRIATION Standing of the Clubs (Tha ivfrniifa Ad not Inrluda lo day'a reaulta.) Nnilnnal La-ngue. Won. I.u( r i New Yurk S It . tint intiail Su '.' .' hi' ft l.nlll HI 9 Pittsburgh 14 '.' .: i iiinimi :n aT 4i I'tlll l.l-ll)lu . -i'i l!4 4T Hi ooklyn , L'u . 4 5 i'...t..n IK : .3U iiM fli nn l.-agii-. Vn. Lust Pet riilludi-lphln S:l IX .47 In '.33 .:.H Washington its . r, r. s Imxton '.'I L'l D:H !. i.ohh si ;j .tii i iiium ii .an .44 New Toik IK Si Clevelnml .....IK 41 .SU IVili-tnl 1 Won. Lnat. Pet lllltTllI .Ill 1MI .KIHI Halllumra 2S 23 .aS-' irirtniiui.i.ii ja . r. a 2 Chnngn ;'H .:.!! Knnana I'lty : 2 4 I Hl'miklln 2 24 .4r.r. si. i.oiih i'." :iu . 4 ". r. Pittsburgh 2 2 2H .44" W sM-m langu.'. Willi. Lnl. I'C I lienver 2 2ii ,i:. HI. .im I'll y id 21 .ll SI. Joseph 2'.l 21 .r.r.ii lien Moines it 2" .T.2H Lincoln 2i 2! .anil Wlihllu .T. 11 .4.11 'miihii 22 2 .411 Tnpekn . 17 S .12! GAMES TOMORROW Niilh.nul I ensue. Hi t.niilM nl H.tnn. ClmliimiH Hi Hmnklvn Pittsburgh nt New Y"lk tiling, i Hi Phllnilelphin. .lll'M Nil I I'ltttll)'. Huston Bt I 'll it'll w i. Philuilclphin nt St l.niils New York t ciei r Intnl. iiKhltiRton ut Ihirnit. IVileral la-ague. Pnlilmnre ut Kansas i'lty. Itrooklyn nt SI. I...ui. Huron, i nl Iniliunupnll. I'lttHlnimli nt 1'hltnKo. YITI UIIAVM HIM I TS. National la-agiu-. New Voik. S: Pittsburgh, . Huston. 7; Chli'iigo, 5. St I.i.iiih. 4. I'll, In. I Iphln. 3. I'm. Iiiuiill, 7; Isnx.kl) ii. I. Aiiii-rliaii I - i: . I'hllndf Iphln. I"; I'lii' UKo. 7. I trolt. . New Vork. n i levehiml. 2. W.ishiiiitioii. I !.Ml.iit, 2, St l.t.uls, h. I etlernl I 4'HKIM. Kaunas citi SI I.OIIIH. 1.1 Pitlsl.utgh. 4 II: Pnliiinure, I'rooklMi. 12 I'lli.ngn, 3. Imlinuupt'li. 4. Hufluln, 1. Of Flavor, fragrance, packing, rA IMTvzH thing " iMLf.'-l--" I "J N?5130 CLOTHCRAFT ABetf er Blue Serge Special I f - - I I 1T In some lines it is hard to tell what make is best to buy in Clothes that sell at $15 to $20 there is only one choice, and that is Clothcraft so, of course, this store sells them. M. MANDELL The Live Clothier Plain for Capturing 1815 Con vention at Raton Meeting to be Considered. Fourth of July Closing. Tu linpoHnnt subjects l turn up for iliH.-ii'Mi.iii at th meeting unit siimker of tin lit'tnit Miti hnnm hh. i lull. .ii n tin. l oiiiHirr. Ia i lol o n I k 1 1 1 . An flToit In to In- iioi.lo to nl muff (or llif ilimniK of tin. nioriK i.n Jul, 4-ir not nil ili.y, nt l it In. I' day mill I to- Ki-iollim ..I n ililiaiiloii in Itutoii ..r tlu. ini-r. Imiit onrn-i tl.m July M I.. In Ih i.i Ih . ..iwi.I.'I .l Tlii i)ii'itlon of ii I i ilt'li'Uuii' ti for HlK It, It. '11 llltlll( l of ITIIIlF l.o.j ...rt i li, '. Iiiiimnu. Ii in A 1 1 il i Hi' I l-, w.nitH to rki uN tin. ronvi'iition fori K.i II I :i he iilmi ,illtn tin ni'1' 1 n.iiM'iitloii, mill lln tin n huni t - luiv mi r.insi'il to mo n'liT It l. S.iiitn Ki'iin hnf I'liinnnl I i Hfn'l n moiiirt'iuli. of to ram luililrd will lioiiHti'tii ii nil liootii.-ifi, In Itiiton, lirlni.'l to ninkp all tho noiMr niiu l.i on nil tho bjiIvo niv mini t . AH.ii.IIitiiia niiTilinntn Want Ihnt f i.nv.nllon iir riiriifxily n th.'ir l.r. IhiPti of Santa hut a yet no r.til .ii'iiirulioii hiivi ii,n iiiHclf loj ! to II Hint Allniiin-riii. ncin II. IIHl'HllK. T'lllitllU'll HIIIOKIT l l'..'t. nl l iii-vrioi i.i.iiih Mill itimiri 1 tnr I9l i rotncnuoti to tni rity. 11 In Ih.p id Ihul If AloiUHipriiiiP "' iiltt-r It with vlnor ih conM-ntlon nin ' In. k.'i't u ly from hrri. FARillNGTON I'll US T FROM KNORR it. innl. Fnrilnslon won hl wrpmll B with .lop Knorr at' thp Now M.xi.o A. i. him niKht. lip ol two out of thrpp f.illn. lip .lnnp.l Knorr In n I no mimilPR for Hip fnm fit II. with ii hnlf-iii'lHon n ml Ai'luiMira hold. Knorr unlni'.l a full In two mlnutpa anil .in ppn.nda with n Imii'imrjork 1 Ii, .1.1. HirrliiKlon ! tho thir.l n.iiil innl Ihi- niul.h In flvo tnlnutp with it hiiinmi.Moi k nml itoiwIpk I. o k. Mo.rr Rhowi'il :i aimnir rlpfpnup. i I. nt l-:iiriiiinon airpnmh nml hi.pp.I , , "'"' ' for him. In Ihp tlilnl . irnpplp l.oth noma toi.,,l, It. Y.OIT1K J..O Klvno f.itiKh tho fourth r mpn n.l lined b.ah'h'a fi from ,, Yoiintf Jim I nivpra nml in n curi.iln-rnlm'r. In .und Klvnn m. Imrmpd ' ulnma wit hi r.irr until tin- inn I'lnl i of t hp round, v Iir n ho wrnl down, a ud Tin- I..-II lnipr- rui.t.d Hi.- .-..inn t I,p Loot I Lift fuili'il i. pot In an ii..pnr-! nn. - for iiin lo.'. M'lit word that linml in traitniii; with hi- had liijiirpil Hp hla Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. A Jlli-Plit Hi-ral.l f-i-t what i.U wunt. Want Ad will ! variety, price every- is in favor of Guarantsed AU Wool and Fast Color I ftelMpMLiquyEdl j It should Beon eMm taBE.1 Try Oar New Beer Southwestern Rrcwcry & Ice Co. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., I LINING 'iff! Tin r.-il" k"i llnl 'hnv n Utile l... Imp In IiIn iuii it. IIi in ni'l thv ilin'i. nig (in. I hp nil.',. ii, nor lhi .lny.'i hp oiii, tAim. hr In hp hi'iiiii)mI h).!.' lo KIM alotiK null folHH nnv I" Hit. 1IM, In mlilitlori tn all Hint, n i oiip .' a lill urprlHoil, nli.ii kvil. or Iiiipi ml I In hla in. .vp. C'Iibhp in tho, will noiir on Ihi jiint ii h liny will pour on liirn, nml tln r won't !' any oth r i I.n . Illlll til KO II ll.l RUl. llllll'HH, fl.tHRllliV, It In' tin i'i.ii'r I... nil.. i,i ii liowli'ivi illpyr Thi ii' m u t ii n .i ..( nl'iiil. J . Inlit in lomi'liall Ih , ') CliuM'. It la a pity for hla own ;ik" hp in. lot m'l into MiUrnw Kn(i ..r iimliT i'oiii.Ip M.H'k'i t'urlv in hla 1'iirpi r for ii.iiii.iry to n oin -what Ni rii' IipIi f. M.i' k U il xtri. t illm M.n k iii.,pi iirpm i t n.i aUi Ii i ....I'Mim hm ii uUy i'Iiiipi. hi I'.ihu not. ill .iilv .Hi' -. rtiixi'i, !" I, i ip, t'ulib thri-.tti'in-il .it oih imip to ui..' a t'ourac thai would Ii.inp iii.iiiv lino' i.i"-iIp liii ..rilll, int ! -hm. Hut hi- h.m i..iii a tmiihip i liiin.nlf of tf.piit Mi.monH, ,ind i.r'H iimro like a ini'tnlii-r of ii Iiiihi inaiiMd ut nn imlit, Idiial nml unili..l. to d 0f v In li. Hull linoro Inii'iiniiioiinl l'.Riiii f,,,,,,!,,, B li.ol .ioiul to tin' 'IVr- t.,,,lllH At rpii-ni huiih- Hu-i wi"p Juh. 5 ,' . (ll u,.m.. i.h to t In- i irlol- ,,,. ujn;,ii.r lumii In ,iul l or i r. ailv tn t'll ml .l.,y.T ll! on I r liii., io : il . ,.lv ,, iih-i hum from thi- wr'.-k. ThP Tfrrnplna utf not uirpiy r I T.-rr.t i.Ii.m lln-v iP Wt-ll-l-t-tl ll'Tt... ...... vi..i-.i in.vp Kl ' . ,.,,,, .,, .. . .,,,.. ,,,,, 1,1 till Wt-I'K Klmd haH a km.. k..ut I.. hm . ridil in W'll'lt'M ht'l olll, S.inl Kp. H.v 'hi- wa, i.l hm u n. irr to don II lo ' UK HII It uppi'iira that Hr.mi h llirkt-:,, win. la li'iiditiK Ihi- HtoMiia ami doliiH it wi'll, narrowly iru"'d ..mIhij t'ly.lp U,.nit, Ihp llni- y. nun- ahurlatop. A" Wnrt-a didn't dlKplay nun h Imliitus Rlri-iiKth in Hip aouih I hm uptma l'n' Idi'iit lli'diiia, of thp Hrowim. do i.l il in April to imk lor wmIt. WIipii ..i Clt'Nplan.l i lull rt'fuai'd to w up Hi' input wna withdrawn. Iti. ki-y aaid IukI wick that he wouldn't ad V.ina m.w for li.uou In rci.l ioo:ii' and t.i.i Hip lioy woiihl ri lli.un pi I ma m ni ly M ahort lli ld. I'hlrako irttlra. In irvnuf to ilm.'owr a ri-umn for the tui.irnii full of 'hi White Sox frum lirt pln.f to Hip an UlvlHlon. hi. ui... ihi- injury to liny Krhnlk. Thl youiiKMliT la a wotidi r fi.l rut. her. ami all Hip I wilier Work 'niter with him Inhiml Hie out man any or Ihe uHier .at.lieia mil ho.uit ol. II la i laiim d. Hut that l hiinllv the i-nUBP of the alilii.p, for I'.ilUliaii pill hera have heell dolll K I Wol.f, hut thp team hna pl.iy.'d poorly, unl Hither hila nor llil.N up l a hinh hi. i ml, i id. Marry l.rd. who unit thp White S. x and proliuhl Hi.- Kami'. I" "tie ol the few playeta wh,. ni w r took kindly to the name. Il la a tin l that I.ot-1. tin, hi; Il hp wua n pr.ili'n'H.ul for ten ear, n-W'r land tor l.aae hall. Me played II for Him money that ua In it. hui ofu-n expt.aaiil liiinaelf up wiilnm lo iiiil If hp lould do nnyihinit ilw w hi. h would ny hi in in wpII. Th.'i .hp few men of l...l'a dipoaitlon r. l.iia,. loill. The aviTaMo plaer I.n' Into thp game hemma hp liiieii II .laa, loo, hei aup ol hl love for name Hut Lord forced hla In" , k. ,.-t in ihp aport. Me ulwayi gave his team hia heat effort, and hp ilij.ved 1 1 "1 daya more Hum the ,lor,e A haliooti thai sir Thorn.. a I ! f lupturnl ill Houth Alrl.a uu a ii'ient huritinK exppdiilon, will m.ia. t Sham, roik IV. tha nw l.iplon iun "! leiiKPr. Tha muaeot la makliiil all the 1 In 1 trlpa on thp new boat. Hull aeelll natural a hoard tho '. ael. Arneriiaiia havp hi-eii inaaina Hip Hnllah yai htamen look hUe inonke.. for a long tuna. rpafnrt Iwlrlera may erowd Ihp flrat ten of tha Ida Ipiibup. ptrur hit Hip tilde or aln a new h aae of Hie. but Ihe oldeal of them all are tlHI up Ihere. 4'aallng an rye mi Ihe Amerl tnn leamip, Kddla IMaiik. nf Oetlya- l.ui.ra. who la a.leHei by many lo have pllihed Ihe ball that alaited Ihp but tle of that name, la ol.aelv.d on tl nf he pilihin heap. In the older leauue I'hiUiy M "Ihi waoll ia hiiHIllU for leailemhip with louna Mr. All. lu aoti, of Hrooklyn. Hut, nn the whole, ill,, le.'id.-iahip ol l.oth leiiKUPa heloiiaa In the youim alara. lu th, I'Unk, Wy. K- i.fT. Mall. ftei n. ri nn..' k, t'al.lwpll. Iiuiiaa, Jami-n, U'eilm.iii and l'otiarii form the Him I i. of Hi.-. I'latik i the only rp'.l Pt. t'nl.lwell. of t'i Yanka, and Suen, i.f III.. Vipa. hnvn both lii-en In harneaa nine yrara. but Hall. Iiauaa. of i hi- lltowna. an. I lollald, Hip lli'd S..x collthpiiw. have wen but n year or no of hi lenatiP er I. , whll" W -. , k..ff nml I'piinn. k. or l'hlndp.hin. and Ilili Jumn., of si. .oiii. nre real rooko". thouah they have been aiuiind hefoii' ill.. .ut ni.ikirit food. In the Vatlonnl ihp ainiuion ia n-.t o ha.) for the vetemna. The liat In iludea Ait.hi"on, Mnthewron, Yiim I nn, Tenr'.iu, liotialiiaa, i ...,n r. Am. . l-fefli-r, lioak nml Vnuahn M itlu w'."! In a real M-li run, like I'link hut ao i I .i-iiii Ainea, on. e il filunl. now with the It. di. I inti x I.i -a. Cooper, Pfeffer and Honk nre youmtytir like Alii h "on. The flral-year man with Ihe lied. Ptefl -r i'. nn,. to Hrooklyn thta m-.-oii, n il:d Ail, h.B.iti I .mi It wn wall ihe far I" 1.11 il'lir, lull thla 1 Cooper's real year with the Pirate. tboiiKh Hi-', have had him longer. Yiiiutitiic, on hia a. iirp with Hrooklyn, I a etprun, l In, null new to I'lmlnmill, while Teareau i hanlv a iiium rookie. Viim hn itmi be rat eil a l omi.-hiii k. for lie W.i I 1la.ed lo Hip minor bv Ihp Yank I., lore Hie Cult xrahbed him late in l:il.'. COL SELLERS OFF President of Ocean-to-Ocean Highway Association and Chief Prophet of Better Highways Starts for the Coast. Col l. K. H. S ll.'H is lo Hturt ih nit,-iti,., it i, ii a l..iii tour by automo bile, lie Will bp nil Ihi road llliotlt ihree nn, nib Me will travel u .ie ident nf tile I ll-enn-tn-l K ean lllghw av i.Hi i Ion, ami hk i .., t the route I" the riium. It will he a .-olllhini-d pleas ure and roail-hoi.Militi; trip. Mr. Sell era will iiieompinit huii. So will m lullie, Spi.l. An awninK ha he'll IlKH.d nier Ihe Until of t)e ruiinma hoard fur the doK n.mfort. phoenix, Sun Im-k-n nml other prom inent town on the , oloui I'k mule ha e hi en awa'tina hi loininic with k i Intpieai fur week They have urraim ed f..r wpI.iiiiiIiik hun when he ir rlvpa, nnd etitliiiHi itir ro'i.l-h....i i.ix meetim.-a urn lerlain o pumtu.,1,- In Journey. The in I, ne gae his itinerary i folluw a, t...lii : Ou r the i leeati-lo-i H eiin highway, vlu Carihaae. MuKdili-nu, IhrnuK'i the Until niniintuiiiK, to HrliiKervii:e, Aria.. Hi. nn- u t,. of one week ui tho While m. .unl. .in trout llnlnt'):. thell.e l llnloruok. Aria, nil Hi. Si i. 14 Ke-i Irnml 'a n on-Needle hluhwa, follow iiu.- Hi.. Sunt. i l-'e Pueili ran rnml (n l'lai;iaff, lit. to -e in the lituiiit i .in.oi,. uhuie we w II leave Hie in -i -him- nnd go by lu mehark tn K. y inta. Navalo In, Inn tr.ul.ntr pn.-i. V. Iii Ip 1'ulnnel l;...'eVelt Hlol hop i-pei.t Ri.Tiil wci'ii lut autntiter, aim irmii whiih .oini r will k.. t. I.-e l-'eirv uiroaa the CUirado rlM-r ml" ihi. Klk mountain i.-r u wei k or i n il.i j. Itt-lurniiiK " 'ir. in. 1 c,.ny..n, will mine nn doAii to Ihp railioi.l fioin l'lasHtaiT nml isiiin follow, inn ilu mute nf Ihe Sunl.i Ke-i;r.lld fniivmi 'iidlea luahwav, 'i.,Hing the Colo railu I her ut Ne.ill.. then on to 1.., Alia, in nnd San I 'lego, where we will remuiti fur Irihapa a mnii'h, Ihriiie up the i-...t-' In Hantu Haiti,. -a an! Sun Kranei."'!., returinug ..iii.' limp In Seiu-nihei. ' (.rmnni'iili nl lame. I. In).. Weii'lell II line Kinel..n ol HnKtnn, was redm idutely with hi bonk in Ihe park klx.rily alter a Io nic dinner. Me liul eaten murh. Me knew peifer-lly well he had eaten too murh and he wa vary inn, h ui -pried and ah-r,il at hlmeelf. Hp pi ned fervently ihat no one woiii'l noine hla ri, million Juat then a k 1 ri 1 1 old ludy uppenicd and aal down l ide lilm. "Ah. thoiiaht Well. I. II ' I have e.l.lly in jured her esthi-ti ' nalblllllp ' Hy this lima Ihe kl id old lady ' firmly aettled. "My Utile boy," aaid be, "are you ver eiaht?'' Il r-iia wondeifiil lu ee(. how Ho yniiiig Mr. Knieroii reeoveri-.i hi ilm nlty. That a muh aurh out lundlah grummar nlmuld dare to rii' liiav him wa nn bettav able. No, inuSam," an 1,1 he, praudly, - have oveiealall!" lu .Vallolial Moiilhl. BOOSTING TOUR Intimate Professional Secrets of the Elks Bared by Eagle-( Eyed Correspondent at the Front; Read and Mark. I Important maiten li,,iil,l hpttealpl aa mu ll. Tin re ale plrllliiK little in fill like the fua in M.-xiro mid hi'Iv doinaa like tin- auf i aK. tip war In I'm? land, but w,. hnv.ti t paid Ihe alluhi ia iitletit Ion ,i Ihein i. ti tin paae. hi'. rnile Ib.y nip plffllnK llhd llly, We Inn en t ii Kliuile i i.t ri'-.i,ii,lint nn . p ' i lie ihi pari, li.imil. Itut wp klio a leallv illlpol 1..I.I in ruin m e w hen it impen.lH, Jual a well a when II '. happemna. and we h.m- put n ri-Kulii- . i.i i ei .. ii.lrnl iintu bi iiilmr betwe -n the I.U nml the KnlKhi of Cnliim- I.n. nml mean In have the Truth the j whole truth mid all Hie hatr-ra liu i ilpiail. hv gravy. We have had an l ail.'-i yp.l nhle ai-ruttnlKiiiR tlu. I'AHt !r riiiiip iluva na they prartiir.l for Hie In. tile ol Tril lion ;,uk n.xi Sun ilny fierni.nn, mid he h i em in -i lepurt right from the truinlmt umiii Me Hiiya: Hilly Menrna la all tn th,, gnnd nt the bnt and i.n titt bae. Hilly hi been nut In prn tlre i-verv day nnd he wmka hard pvirv miniitp uf the tun". II' 22a po'.ili'ls d..e mt huhdii'HP bim. Miitell tli.l not lol hlnieir nut in Hip Kiinie Hitmluy. Me run he depended upnii In deliver the Roods next Sun day. Klinx ha bun out to prnetiip iwlre. if i-oiirae we km.w fharlie la il pretty busy man thee dua. ileorge ( I'.-n hie I i Ira ham may not he Hbl lo pit. h tur Hie Klka Sunday nn iii'i'ount of nn Inlury to nne of hi pltrhing llnaer. At that Pen. hie ran be ilepemled upon lo 1111 in the niitlleld or Infl. -hi and a he elate makiM at b iii two aurp hit. I'e.liral leaaue annua life alter Hgan nml Slppi I fur ,l,.e Tinkei a I.' nil. Hllan ilya the I'l deral IpiiK-ip d-nn't look lino, I to him ,ut he nr ly would like to play aerniul baae for I he Cub. Sip iiav a the New Y-ira i ilaiit I, mk (on. I to him. ...e fhnve will hp a lower "t attetiKih In Hip K. C. team. M..p laleh, pitt-h ,.r play any other poaitmn mid I alo u hard hitter. Me la annip bull , layer. Cap M, n.nalil la peuuinil to aeeonn in old tim,. form nml hi nil round work will bp u big I .a in re of th game. Navajo l.nnerK in ia amnp i -l.iaay in' II pl.iver nnd the Krtlxht will do well i lo keep i lone lab on him or hp will hi in home the biieon for Ihe Klk. Mnasmun hi l.e.-n prni'tlcltiR eon rUti ntly nnd 1 full nf pep. Me I k'.o.l nt the hut, on thp I nine nnd 111 Ihe mil. hi and rmlw flionnh lo be in thp big lenpop. Prank Meyers of the foreat aervne I allowing big Improvement In . pliKthe Bame ami will be a valuable man for the Klk. Tho hp W 1 1 mm Imya look miuhty .Inhti i .mi rln uter. Mr. 111. key hiiMii't neen out to prac. tli'e lately. Me ahowe.l up well the tew lime he wa mil Pre, I Let arte ha been nut pra tlr HlK Ii ureat deal. Me 1 a mil Hull player ami pit' hed well lnt Nun. In". Hit ry lleiijumin, the niiihpa)- of the Klka, mnvea uroiiml like u roll. Harry la a fal mull and ia il ilepetul- 1...I.- inner. lie will IIO. Ia Murpny. Hie Kninhi" aniithpuw. ha worked hard to build up the K. ol C. learn. Lo will be there with loll on. Manager firaham I i.n the Job every minute nf limp Ihat hp ran get away from hia biiNirie and In "I'i' ii hie" 1 in.. re than any uther p. rai.n i n-ilit h. .ui,) I,,- given for getting the hoy' nut lo priutlre. I SCENT TRAGEDY IN SUDDEN DEATH OF "Helen Keller of the West" Found Dead in Her Apart ment in Oakland, Poison Is Suspected. -aaeel Wire Ui raenlng Herald 1 I'al., June 17. Mm' Helen Meow , a blind a. .piano aiiik" r known us the "Helen Keller nl Ihe wi'Mt' w.ia found un u rotirh in , her apartment here late Hi at nign;.! The fall!' of ilealtl hail not been lie- I Ii rm l ned m nn ei.rlj hour today. i ii found in an etnpiy gin in Mit ti. ith rotitii 1 In he i-x.iilillled lu nut el -lam If it had emit mini poison. A phVHiilan worked over Ihe limy for an hour tluig to retore atiiuia lion Me rnllld ll.'t usi lTtain the valise in' deaii. The spoon in the haHi room, he said, smelt atrniiiilv of n tiii.-k urting poisun. mi a table near the ouih wu a curd hearing the nnws of W. C. Imlii iii.inn, un liuklund real eslate i.m-'il The inid nintained Ihi petu lled lilt. 1 age. I "Helen. . ill. Wanted you to' rotne tn dinm r thla i veiling, us It nur hurt night W. f. H." Mrs K. Siege of Melrose, nn aunt of Ih.hrmanii s suld toilaj- ihat she and Iiohrmiinn bit the note at the apart-' menta Sunday, "tlur laat night," she aid. miaul (hut I n hrmunn wua li-uv-J ing town fur a while. . Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. t BLIND SINGER Herald iHiiie. Wunt, 3 lines 3 Hinea 3 Secretary Eagan Writes New Mexico Delegation Urging; Need for Funds Asked for Additional Buildings. Serretnry Thi.nm A. I'.iiin f Hie I on- ""oiiimei . ial . luh will Willi' to k re 'Kin in II. H. Keiauoaoii nnd SPn- n'or A It fall ti.d.iv In learn wbal I'tol'rpaa ha been ttiii.le toward a lining f..r Hip, ,n , h.n.l here un i i. ipiim-il appr..pruili..i In be np- ple, to a lillrli needed . 11 111 I K e ll.e III i.f Ihe llit il ut ion. The i lull I..,-. ami Intel. t...l lii Ihe need nf Ihe Indian v. Iiiml njioiitha iiko, nml rot renin. ml -em e hiui ulreuilv panned between it and the liiwtunker on Hie u.Ji-i t. but It la not known hnvv far ndviinred Ihe plnili for the dev eb.pmeiit of Ihe aihunl Hi, Hi hnve gone ainee Iat winter Congressman l'erU'innn and Senatnr f-'.-i I J h.ivi- exjiri" .ed them elve it?, henrnlr In fnvnr i.f an In ereaei nppmpi nil inn. Senatnr K!l. In fail. ba u, ,ni' .i far n tn prom ise piialllvrty that if nn lnrreaeil np proprlntlon I vole. I hv Hie lion. In whh h nil Indian hia iiiuat originate, he will get II through Hip aeiiute. Thp lut i tingie iiirreaaeil the nt lemlaiue at the arhonl from .".UI to 4 In f.i.'t. nt ihe preRent time there nre nbmii 4 22 puplla enrolled. Now rongrr I nkeil to liirrene the regular annual for the R. hnid by $7.iuu fur repair nml improvement: llii.iuui f,,r u larger llemhly bull, and llllllllll for Ihe uir. hasp nf mure fiirni land. Th..e figures Were prepared bv Siiperlnteiident Heuben Perry, hend of the Return!, nml the ''ommerrbil i-luh. after lnveligati..n, dei Idt-i! Mint Hip liiHliliillnn needeil every i-ent naked for. CnvrpHinun Kerguon nntl Senti tor Pall will he urged to do nil tlu-v ran to get throunh Ihe Im-renaed np limpruitlon at thia seaalon. J SROOTS FRIEND AT GRANTS Juan Perez Brought to Rail road Hospital This Morning With Dangerous Bullet Wound in Throat. J .lu 11 I'l l .", a Mi nt. i Ke truck la tuiier, wa brouHhl here thia morn ing mi Irani Nn. In from liranta, .V M , with a bullet wound in hi Hir-.iil He I at the Santa Ke riiuat line ho' pilal in n ilaiiuernu eniitlit inn. I'erex any he wa aluil while naleep In u hunk ar nl lirniit lat night by a drunken fellow laborer Hiiilioatl men got a similar report i.f the nee urrom o from liranta. Tin man who did Ihe ahnoting. a,.'.lilinj lo wind fmiii C.iutit. mx arrested anil taken tn the Vulem ln rniiuty Jail lit I.,. l.iinaa. The bullet strurk Pi rex In Ihe Jaw nml pnHsed nn lulu the thrn.t',. Hir Immediate death wua nt Iran, I. II wu Hani ut the hnspltnl tmlny, but he wan not nut nf duiiger. Kxavgi i ati-d at'.rle uf the ahnot ing got Ithiillt niter I'erex wu hi ought here, one repurt being to the i-ftert that ii n. li. nil fight iiniong Mexi.'uii nt Irani hud reaulled in the killing i.f two men. Don't fail to attend our big Grab Sale Saturday. Values to $5.00 for only 19c. The Leader :"- -jr. r,: DUE! LABORER Trade Follows Electric Breezes "CJ-li e lectric fails lm i iiit rctis'il my miiiiiiht tnulc." haid it h!-.iui-Spoken liiisiiuss man, who yiw-s rrcdit where it is tine. I lis stop reflects his wis.l.nii. Men nml women will jjo out of their way to shop w here G-E Fan Make the Breeze Yon run, nt a small daily cost, ktt'p your store pool lioin show window to oflicr, iiicrctLsiiijjr your tnwlc and the ptlicien-. y of your store service. A Ian in your home will extend the suine comfort to your leisure hours. I't us show you what we have in sUick tliut you oiitfht to have in use. ALBUQUERQUE GAS. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY 1 Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 4444444 J. L. GOBER General Auctioneer ll'Me,n,i uooiia a Bpetalty. Phone 4'JJ, I'. 41. ling tat. See 'em at IIAIItl AUTO GO. (No Troll bin lo ofihow" You) W. W. STRONG, Trop. ;tm v. ( onirni. rtiiHw- 2.17. rAPH.LAO I.tTI-RICAN'T-t. ntnl HICII TIHK.fl, TIIK 8I.W Til AT KITH YDUIl C A It ; M H 'II KLIN TtllIKH NUKr HKU. LUMBER & BUItUEir VPPlilRH rYliilal and lirlall Albuquerque Lumber Co. 423 North fin. Hire l.K.IIT AMI PI. i:MVd In our famous Urea, I, yet rontalnlnf plenty of aliength und teal nutriment. It ha it uelliloiis fragrance heenusa mail., from pure Klour. nnd It tnstua so gonil I hut I hp first Idle tempts yatl to eat un. There ia no heller Hread made. We ate extremely riireful of all the Ingredtenta nnd our mi l hod of .uiklng I perfei't. And the prb-o uf Ihe Hrt-nd H.iiislle. PIONEER BAKERY iot Amu. nm M. X4TM i:. Fur tha nr. iimmnilat ion nf those who havp hri-n sued nr those who have nut n yet paid their poll lux fur 1!H 4, nnd w ishing to pay ame. my nltli'e will he open Thur.lay eve ning fmm 7 to tl n't lock, ut No. 121 Noith Third street. WM. W. Mr' 'LKI.LA N, J. Try n SO-eent Mernbl wnr.t ad. Let time. Herald wunt ud Rnve you f .it: .4..s----' S . r-X. , i. - -,' -rr. ,cCfJl "ih ;- "i - .vfA mm Ait