Newspaper Page Text
Ij4 "; SIX. THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. U., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1014. ED SAWYER TELLS OF SHEEP BUSINESS 4 - m J m -w mm- - Vi' " . -V i! A''i V"- "V"'- - ; - '.i? ,.r.-(c'.v ';,,v'i-;v-"v ' til ' - . t I 0 The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Story of the Mexican Revolution hr DANK COOLIDGK "1 1.. I tfl'i' KA" "MUUtS We.r. ' I S. ltthu" I .'.'., .A,uN J. LAVIN tta.cviii.lit, iii, br Irsnk A. Miutsur.) onltnut .1 from -n rili' ) 'n I'ki' a flash!" answered 1) Limn ), mid, pntlna" th up ur to hit 1 r hay. In- went dashing down th strict, si altering chickens and hog In all diret linns. Ilchtrid mine Hud. rolling Jm Lilly in his sudiilc, and a th ilns'it rushed out aft-r his prirdiior hn twirled loop onco and luld It skilfully across tli Mg brindles back. Hut roping dog la a (Jltlicult task at best, and Hud waa out of practise. Tho sudden blow at nn k lirlndie to th ground and tho loop mine away tin lllletl. The Teian laughed, aliirtltif la bia auddle. "t'imio again!" commented Hud, loaning aldxwlae aa li roller! hla ropu, and uh tlie womenfolk and idler rami) rushing to aw) what bad hnpis'tied he turned ( upper I lot torn In tila track and CHiun back like a streak of light. "Look out. J(iu ugly Dian'a dog!" he houtt d, whirling hla rope aa he rode; and t li 'ii. amid a rhorua of Indignant lirotesis, ho clouted Uio yelping llrludlo ti t ii the lane and through a holo In the fence. Then, with no harm dune, ho rod back up tho street, smiling ammlily utid looking for more doga to ropo. In the dix of the alore stood Arm Ron. iulo wltli fur)', but Hud appeared not to so him. Ilia eyii were turnud rut her toward the houa where, on the edge of tho veranda, tiracla Araxon and her mother stood staring at bla ailica. "flood morning to you, ladle!' saluted, taking off bla aombrvro mitts a flourish; "lovely weather, ain't HT" And with hla tougue in bla cbwk and a roftulHh glunce at Aragon, who waa atrurk dumb by thla last effruntory, he went rollicking after hla oardner. Bend ing buck a serle of joyoua yip. "Now that aura doe me good," lie con tided to I'hll, aa they rode down bftwfon cottonwooda ui-.d struck Into the in iidd y creek. "No sense In It. but It get oiiietlilng' out of tny syatein that ha kept tnu from feeling glad. lid you nii Low lug to tbu ladles? Hiiino claim to Unit bow tioT You want to lock out I got my eye on that gul. and I'm sure a hard olio to head. Only thing is, 1 wouldn't hko tho old nun for a father-In law tho wuy iu al ters stand Let ecu us now." Hp laughed boisterously at thla wit ticism, and the Utile Mexicnn chil dren, playing among the willows, crouched and lay quiet like rubhlta. !oug the aides of Inn rocky hills, "where the mhu.s hud their inud-and-nx.'k houses, mothers runie anxiously to open doors, and as they jogged along up the river the Chinese gar deners, working In each M l urate nook ar.d eddy of the storm-washed creek bed, tii 1 0 grubbing to gaze at them liujulrli.gly. "Wom'er what' tho mattr with them ( Links ?" observed liud, when hla huipiness hud ctiutod to effervesce; "they ilt up like a villugn of pnilrle dons! Whole country seems to bo on (In- rul I vr neck. Must be something doing." "That's right," agreed Phfl; "did you no'le how those pnon scattered w hen J rode down the street? Maybe there's been somu lnsurrectos through. Uut y LisUii!" He slipped 1;U horse, and In thfl alienee a buglo--ull camo down the Wii:d fr.nn the d:ntli n of Kortuna. "Suldnrs!" ho t.ild. "Now where they nio from? I was In Fortuna duy before yesterday, and well, took ut Us'! Kr .m the . lnt of the hill Just ahead f tli. m a line of soldiers came luU) view, marching two abreast, wittt a m i,:.ted ',?!'.( er In the lead. "Ana!" xil,il:md Hud with conrle lioii; "they if stalled aoroethlng down bele-. '11. is is that bunch of federals that we saw drilling up at A(ua Me gel." "Yep," admitted I)e I-anrejr regret fully; "I guess you're right for once the ripen aeabon for rebels has begun." They drew out of the load and let them pass -a lonir, line of sl.ul ! y ii fanti y men, slill wearing their Ut )( ar's straw huts and summer uni f.,rn. and trudging along to flapping sen 'als. In frcnt were two men bearing Un terns to search out the way by night; slatternly women, the Inevitable camp fcUjwers, trotted along at the sidi s v.t), their bundle and babies, aud aa fh In lie brown men from Zucatitraa. rmt -. t rdened with hla heavy gun and a y r lot of belts and pucks, shuffled j-rf et.tiy past the Americans they tuned the whites of tioilr eyes and n e (y.. 1 a ihorua of "Adlos!" k'.J. Anierl'. auoe!" they railed. (kt .i i -aLouly at their fine horses, i C i t i ib his turn touched bis hat at.C su:.d thetu all Godspeed. "t-vjt -'U'" be murmured, a the luHt lo'-er.ii eaa,p.f(illoers, laden wt'.i. fueir burden, brought up th c.w :. w Dis-sklnued Hpaolsh ofll r . .i,' fi'.'iy hi horso; "what du Hjlw l ". ii-.ftea know about llb- Mndrro Nott yer they may be work lug f'T Ororei, or Moerta or Balitzar " 'Sure," mut'enMl Hud, "but that uln't the (juestlrin If they's rebel In the hills, where do we get oftr CHAPTt) XI. The plain ut Kortuna. ordinarily so prncefiil and sleepy, was alive with binning men when Hud and I'hll reached town. Over nt the station a Biiedul eiigltlo was wheeling aid blow ing ufter Its heHvy run and. from the tmiri of (-(milliard. red ore car be hind, h snroi of soldier were leaping to the ground. On the porch of the hotel I hin Juan de f)ios HrarhRmnnta was miik!ti violent signals with hla himdn, and as they rodo up he hurried out to meet them. 'My gracious, boys." he rrled. "It s a good thing you ciime Into town! Her imrdo Hruvo dim n.inn nv r the nioun- I . ann no s marching to take Moo rutin!" "Why. that doesn't make any dlfer enee to us!" answered I'hll. "Moete lutim I eighty miles from here -and look at nil the soldier. How many men has Hernardu got?" "Well, thnt I do not know," respond ed Don Junn; "some say more and some lew, but if you boy hadn't rome In I would hare sent a man to fetch you. Just us soon'n a revolution be gin the bnck country become unsafe for American. Home of these low character are likely to murder you If they think ou have any money." "Well, we haven't," put In Hud; "but we've got a mine -.rid we're going to keep It, too." "Aw, Bernardo Hravn hasn't got any men!" scoffed I'hll; "I bet thl Is false alarm. He got whipped out of his boots over In Chihuahua last full, and he' boeu up la the Sierra Miidma ever since. Probably come down to Stenl a little beef. "Why, Don Juan, nud and I lived rlcht next to a trail all last year and If we'd listened to one tenth of the revoltoso stories we heard we wouldn't have token nut an ounce of gold. I'm going to get my denouncement paper tomorrow, and I'll bet you w work that mine all summer and never know the difference. These rebel won't hurt you any, anyhow !" "No! Only bug a little grubt" added TJud oornfully. "Come on. I'hll; let a go over and look at the soldiers it that bunch of Yaqulg we saw up at Agua Negra." They tied their Tttrrseg to the rack and, leaving the solicitous Don Juan to apntter, hurried over to the yard. From tho heavy metal ore ear, each a roll ing fort res In luolf. the last of tho acfivo Yaqul were helping out their women and pet doga, while the rest, talking and laughing in high spirits, were strung out along the track in a perfunctory line. If the few officers In command had ever attempted to teach them military dleclplino, the result was not appar ent in the line they formed; but any man who looked at their swarthy faces, the hawklike (ironies, and deep set, steady eyes, wouid know that they were lighter. After all, a straight line on parade ha very little to do with actual war furo and these men bad proved tholr worth under fire. To be sure. It was the fire of Mexi can guns, and perhap that was why the officer were o quiet and unassert ive; for every one of these big, up standing Indiana had been captured Id the Yaqul wars and deported to th heliequcn field of Yucatan to dlo In the miasma aud heat. Hut tbey had come from a hardy trend and the whirligig of fortune waa flying frut Madi-ro defeated Porflrlo Diaz; fresh revolution broke out againit the victor and, looking about In desperation for aoldlera to fill hi runs a, Madera fell upon the Yaulu. Trulued warriors for generations, of a race so fierce that tlie ancient As tecs had been turned aside by them In their en. ilre founding mlgmtlon, they sere the very men to whip back the re he Is, if he could but win them to hi side. 8 u Madern had approached Chief Hula, whom lis had taken under a flag of trace, and soon the agreement waa nude. In return for faithful aerv Ice, Mexico would give back to iha Indium the on thing tbey had been fighting a bunrded and sixty year to attain, their land along the Itlo Yaqul; and there tbey should be permitted to live In peace aa their ancestor hod done before them. And so, with a thousand or more of hla men. the crafty old war chief had taken service In the federal army, though hi mind, poisoned perhap by the treachery he had suffered, was not entirel free from guile. "It 1 the desire ol th Yaqula." he had said, when rebuked for serving under the bated flag or Mexico, "to kill Mexicans. And." he added grimly, "the federals at this time seem best side to glvu u gun for that purpose." Hut It had been a year now since llule had paused bis word aud, though they bad battled valiantly, their land bad not been given hack to them. The wild Yaqula, the trrvconcllablea who never came dowu from the bills, had gone on the warpath again, but llule and hla men still served Only In two things did they disobey their officers they would not stack tlx Ir arms, and thuy would not retreat while there were still more Mexican to be killed Otherwise they were very good soldiers (( oiilliiueil 1'iiimimiw Afternoon.) rin.iie I, lied Hum, III V. r.,prer for hint -i la. hu. its and '-urnuaua. W. U 'Jrlntule t o. It. f. Moors, Attorney, Oomwsll blUg.. lit lad tSL t hus Hi. Well Known Stockman Grows Reminiftcent in Kansas City nnd Tells Vicissitudes of the Business. i i: A. H i. i. ..f Wilisli.w, Ariz. .n i. , ell known line ami the , M' in h w estei n pick eniintiy tnurKet"(l i it hum h of I . in In In Khiim.ih Chi a lew !l in iisn. ,i I'. ',, iiK-iuiwt a pi i.-. ,! j I' . Hi hi' Hint ii l ' . i ti i ii'H' ! ai'". Mii.t -. Iliiiir eiM no he l ini:' lit t .t M , :( h. V lln ll Hl'lr Hcilltlll III .'.Hi' .' ll ill ll't lie II Pell 1 1 K It IM"l ho iliiH ni.i iritc ( ;':t' . au.iint 4 - Iwi-lllv cal- Illln, il"ll ItllK IN lint ('lie ; "I in.iii lie'iiu win, h to I" I'ruie llle low lletn, elite tll'IT i llllt I'llt tllii: llle cll.'l ,'llleti 1. 1 II llllt I cut nf iiie ini'M-i iii"n,ii t. iii i n i. i lit i.f the trvin.' ! i! i ex iel ieli. ed l Dt llllt llle llle 'I Hie lln. Hi hill. Ml Sawyer n.ilil t,. ll J repnrler ol the louver' I'.nly T I- i i; I am : "Sheep Vl.te were Way mwn II thn,(. irar iiaal tal ewe W'i-,' -!(l Today the name kind lilll.l! I'luliilhlv II.'1' I er h. I'. in i i , .. i . . i i 1- ,K thai II the kill- . h, i . price '"t th '", I It I ' 1 1 ,(H I .1 . ll" 'I' r. trip al $x 'i'. ! t not bring no.- th "i 'i years go. M i'iv ii time could n imon cliiBit at arv iey Wlilllil It i l- len e li ny nt ' r. en Who p i'-e ' I, its thai 'I" . . . .r 1c (O'C- cry t'""'t xira t". d ., ., rly t"."1 Iv .lll 'tie fr gin l"l tlie'! "II ll till ( , ai.ntl t' "I nil liiivme'. 11 In I i .- II I" l w, i.i'u'lii to ll:o -., 1 1 in erder 1. : aver. nie We will c- ' ea r i.'il In imr I'll w e . . it I'.-' ri.i, ..I very far hi ul, wl'h .1..111 . io . is w,. mai ln(i oiei nexi vtir lei. and thai would mean it Haiti'i " "ei si'iniK. itnd within ..He yi ir Ir.mi il.tie. we might up aniinm n lie IV V li " CHAVES C0Ui.Tr mm n County Committee Will Fix Dates for Primaries to Elect Delegates to State Conven tion Here. Iliwill. .V. M . June IV-Cln.r-man I: ll linn, I, of the I lelinn ral , t'tlill I i - III ti , 1 M nf t'haei eiillllV tud.i a call a llleetlllg ' I the ' nil e,. at Ills olllre ill thm It .lulu .nil f.r the purpose of lakine lip ill I I I ll 111 InlHitleNM IliiW' hetnle 11.- liein..- lats nf the county. tin.- of the ohJeetH (! the nicct'nl! will t. Hie tlx trite of llle dale lor ! I nitirie it he held in th. coiintv t" elect di legates to the state conten tion to he held lit A 1 1 . ll'i il i-1 ' Aiik tmt It. At Ihe Mtale lonveniion.' the can. Inline to he .1 will l.. one for reprenentat ive In emigre-, the place now being held hy the lion llariey It. KergiiHson. ( 'a lidnlatcs will he nominated in ill's county tor the lower house in th- !,,,. li KiHiatiire. These pla 'et ate new helntr hi lil hy Judge W. K. lt'o elM ami Judge J. T. Kvan of tills cliy. So far hs imild he l.urried no candid. n i.i. for these two h.-rihs hltie as vet In fii a nnoiiiieetl. ARIESIA TO SHIP JRUIT IN CAR LOTS BY PARCEL POST Alt. ni l. X. M ., June 13. W. I'. Itlp. ley, one of tlie I.ukcm fiuit groeri in the Hope district, 'A ill ship sever n turn of plums this year, and ut least one f ar will be sent lit parcel post. oiimu nrd to wholesale hoilws In Kl I'. is... It has hern a llule hard to get I'eii.s and I'i nasi o lull.) frUil Into K. rase, as the freit-h. a'al expitxi rat" are liaio-.l en in . ,.(,: at. I Hie in - it a h iirouiul either tile lertli or soiillt is smnei hing awful, lint and r the pur' els post rules I' I I'asu is In the second none fiom Hope und trom Artesiit and with the fruit loo sed in fiii-poiimt pa. k.iKes It i hii lie shipped to Kl I'dso du II tit per lllil. die. 1. Tll'l llnludts llle haul to AlO'slit. will It would , ost the growers title, n r Iwilll, n-1,1, .,-r liillldled. The It"" wilt I.,- put throiiih to Kl I'aso In Hit same lone as other tll.lll alnl the ccl will I t- I. -. II). ill t pr "s ihlltr-'. I', aa is now thoiikli!, :he liiini on iir e Is ill ttie Illsl two limn will h ion l I a se.l to I ml .i 1111111", ll will re duce the t os I ,,l trunsiori.ii tun lo I 'i I I i r huiiilleil. This Is hardly an experiment, as Mnppmc pea. lies hy pan el from llie Hall Juan i. .Hi i last yeiir. priniil a I. IK sin cess and so I. .tin as Ihe I'en at ti valley is w a houl dirc.'t railrotd f.lillllllH I',, i Ii. lines are thill u 1 i r J .orlloii of Ihe 1 1 ll , t crop will he lilov t il to to -,u in i iiit s In this manner in the film,'. I-r nit esli be lu; .e. lo Kl I'aso ,,1 the same rale Mom any poini In I'eiiits.'o iiill.y from lise Arthur south, sipii lnl arr-irito rnet.'s tire heiriM m.iile lo Ii in. He Una new hiiainrsa, wlili h will irooahly put Hop,, into Ihe third lass. Put will hue no i Hel III raisins ihe ic unites ol Ihe At'isiu otllt e H Is run likely thai the Irult will he Irunsporu-d hy nut... from I'ope o Ar It sin hut will h haiilt d on wiisoriH ly t utiiructnrs. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. DEMOCRATS TD "NATIONAL HIRO T Cause of rtrsonal I .j . n.w,.,, uvin, vi lututj iiuir wvutu ifcuv. lauijr KUkJ ft dafJn his life. Itinsoircd him toiltrxUnf immnrt-i) ennJiiir ricnrwrtmlrwinrlnf rv-n,-)f ...f f . . it 1 y "- viv-i v w wv mm ii vvunijifsa am' s 1 KliDg- Garibaldi would not have legislative tyranny of any kind enter into his own private life L. V any more than will cur millions of liberty-Iovin Italian citizens. His flaminff soul scorned anv f T- legislation which would ous quantities. He knew Sfc M M . a w liui.iaiuijr L-pon an old Germanic basis 57 years aAntausaBusdi, brewers of Duduritrr. establislved their brand The Constitution of the United States is the sole authority urwnu'hiditneylaundied their business in America. Every day of these 57 years has been devoted to the brewing of an honest Barley-malt and Saazer Hop brew tlie kind that spclblemperance throughout the world. Sevm thousand, five hundicd people are daily required to keep pace with the public ucinand for BufWiscr, Its Sales exceed any other beer by millions of bottles. ANHU$Er-DuscH st.louis Dottlcd only at the home plant J jJJ2 .A, News and Gossip of the Range in New Mexico J. II. tloidon. piexdeol i.f ihe i: don 1 'oiiiinisii 'i. .oiiii-.iiiv ..t Kan in. wits In ItenilllK la 'I M ( 1 k I., 1111.11,4.- i..r plnpn.aiit ol I "i. 1 lu x. I of steers tilin h he has . mil i a. le.l III I. una ami 'ii. mi coiiiili. itaff is 1 liii'li ...s an. I twos and Will Hi. lo Ihe K lll'M fily 't.-. U- 1 Ids. 1 ,..i 1 iin.r head 01 iin I'Olllltl tun, M. ed . lid fl. h.ppe.l I to 10 11 1 .in " to . I'l.iM, il l.l"t w ttnlph la'W -s ,. l.otiKtlt ta-tial lieliiltlK la' I Meel, plIlK lo Ihe .'-nil I 1 'it It, .11 I 'ly, I ll- of t'liltle W III. ll 111 I- I -Ills allel. I, p Five handled h rhiflly from ihe van and Harry shipped from M. to l.iiiniira. t .do. hy Theo W ll.-'ll .1 lart-e tatlle shu lean this seiiioii. id of li.:lll.' . lo rds ol Do .' Hilt I.lllfll4 .'-i.lei.a lad I'lley wt-le l.ii I'd toll I lite 1 1 m from Ma -i.k 1)11 ed-' II. J. M.'iM'li of la :io.;i.'hl San lead 1.1 .allle In last week lie has lirant county I'-eiie l;i"4. .rdniui .; Kl IMS" sent to for liter iiiiiiiaiier of Hie II .1. land t allle puny. Is In i hni. f of the stock. Tin (utile were ti 1 1 1 - -1 , 1. -. I nt : J. K Hwuln o has fjone to i tk la of roan short Im He Is kiiihi ll. iiiakina a sp." si... i: and it is sup posed tu he Ihe I. est "ilil'll purftose" strain t.f shniihorn (utile known. Harry A. M r n has pun hasi d m i, I steeple Itock o, Mrs N. II. i dd- nietoil the l I. I' -ii - k hcnrum that l .-.a ' I (on t oust !l Ules -I cattle deiili Unit hum and W K and I - hriirnl. The ti one of the lam has taken pi e i e lor Home time in I ml l'ie pre paid wits tirarit t'oiiuty it lartte one. 't lo lire located In tin nehes nnd ("itlle mi hwestei it ,rl of tiiant i ouniv ami th in unsn inn reia r. i I :.), kloru (ouniv, to . iu a rt rt r it cm loud in - ow s and ca y ''' . I'll-, fr.'io a In in ,.it of rei!isterd mikes Mr Martin of tin lamcirn indiiidiial tali!,- owners in iht southwt'st. ns h' already has esteii Mit lii'M in thai section and V rl- lolill. The wool S..1-.-11 is n.'W in Inil Idtti'i in Mi Kiniey .-i.unty, says iht' iitlliii Indepeii'l. nt. Hiindictls t.f Ions and loads ,11 ...11111111 n.'o town eteiv day The pi ,. ,. ,,f Viool al this seasi.n is most sattsfiinK to evtiy one who Iota anv ilealinH' In 1I1-1I Mu!f for several luili. Some of the N .It' ll )o jitid oth.-r Italians In llus licln H ate reaping a splentlld hiiiest otl Ihe pro. In. I. .,1 w llloli lllev hat e pli my tins year ' ine Naval.. In tlutii was In town this week with sev rial loads of w... ami whin it was all W. lKheil 1, HI anil , herkeil lip Ihe loi 1 J men h. 1111 owial the Indinit lliuil. The .i"h whs turned mer to Mr. Indian win the ex epimn o live tents, win. h lie trailed f..r a ui k 0 1 Inn ham The pioimses for eieti a l,t iter year are I. t iter now than ever hefore on to ,-ounl of the enor mous . null crop started. The season was never inote nii-., for sin) wnh Ihe 11,1 i' used demuiid for wool und inuiioii thv uutlouk tur the 1 A' Ml..-.- x . ss in m ItSiWm W W,a4 lWA Am hJLA4 and Watinnal lilvrTV thi rnnrtan Tl'tmil rt n rvmjTr? riM t-i-nn prohibit ALL because ONE that the light wines of Italy and Dtftlributor Means I - 1 s li.- li l.tiser in tins IS eiv KI'l- llf Inn. l'tirltiK a 1 till tt.'lio ll II 1 I ll .ol (! Kh, ep II II Kellv Were Kill, d In Ivr hi llllli: ne.,- Uih : lll I W'eilnes-l.el.-ll.'lim to on t h- 1 'in;' I II' ll ill K"K- 'I I. loai' I l.m-i.ilt. 1 1 ill ' Inn.' ..I 11 A'h I l.i..ii-.'hi . t us heard In price Ji t lllO'is. Hllippe-I 11 k. 1 1 x . " l lie III II 111,- ,s thu year last We' U net So fat llie lain, si l.i-t ucck's I ord'.lillliC sins Kink K.lwar.U has a .ira fit, k of sheep licit !-llllla Ititll. 1 list week th. i ( aloe Up lo din k He has it ill .nl.iiiti lank w hi' Ii i .-upplu-d lr..iii a in it lank into who h Hi,, water m pllllilid 1. 1 ii w.ndlliiil Mis. i:,l 11 1 1. Is liollei'tl one of the si p f.ill 01 i'i an I ilie nller ili inkiiiK, i- ml -o.-n "'Hi l tell anil tiled. Kh.. ei.n.-liiil. il I si, mil li;n v as Ulonit Willi the end ilioie the rest ol the sheep ii.iy ! from in,, t.ii.k. Imt l.eloie rhe had ll.'lie IhiS 1JI if the sleep Wile di ad. none of them icettillif l' let t from the ilririkirnt tank. It was lo'illil that tlai ule hail liel-ll illllilpt-il I into the tank Sherilf Mi liritth has 1 n worklntt on the i um. It Is pret- I' ceil. I'll win dill Ih.H, nut the Irtill Ide is I,, 141 t the evident e to ( Ollll. I him. He should serve ultotit 1.1 taru in the jieniteniiury. At well Week Hie two. day sale of Ihe Cos Wool mot Hole colnpaliV lat "f ') '.' ponrnls ol wool iIm-v hntl mi i , nhoiit 17 Hisisniii, nt. iirlci H a. erased . ' ins. iilihoiiKli some t lips only lirmi'-'lii I I cents. small clip hrounhi :ne, hut thu was only I rids and was ctlij clean stulf. The pr.'ees have not Let n un- noiinced its I The Wool nnd Hide company wall Inner Part ol' to l lose i, lit more. hiive u not her sale the th. month mnl rxpect t half million poiinils The Mm ho slo ep rail, h Ids , w he conduct a nonh t.f the I.lm oln i oiiritx . r 'a pitan Slleal'l-il 4II0IMI tint. tins in their sliet'li itnd mai ken-il pounds of Wind lust week Whin Heather 1 all hpole, ,,f ). osi SpliltKs, folo., ilioie 1, linn, h of ;nn head of cutile Ihimiitti Astee, Hall Juan county, und lo.idi-d iht 111 on curs for the 1'i.loiado tanue. As sessor Met'oy had a tllsir.iinl wur ritnt Issued and imnltjt the owners pay oinellilim hke f (HI taxes. The untie had l.een run in the lanyon country slid hu Joot het n lurn.'d In for ii-st ssint i.l. Cattle Inspe, or Welsh Is ulilimr the assessoi' in slriushlenlim iiienl lunitles. out livest.H k ussi-HH- Lust week the Charles Hprlniicr Cutile company nhlppetl !.'. Iiend of line iiuiik Hen pint hulls Iroin Col fax nut v 10 t ma. . M . .tnd Fein Ii H rinss. Ai.a. Th hlnnest eiij of Ihe shipment went In lienilnu nnd from ther e was ill lien m i l land to llhe, X. M. These hulls wet iUI' 1 haseil hy llie I tnled h'la'tes soiein mei't for lit Imlians who the gov eminent is uisiiiik in ivraillnK up 'heir slot k. I'll shlpioi'iit wus sc coiiii'Uiiivd by (iuj 11. Johnson of Hi" 'f J ... - . j.,a ..J,.ai4.,i. , -1, Vwe VIUJU & 4l man out of thousands imbibes the barley brews of Germany are Albucjuerque, N. M. STM 1 f 1 "V 1 Moderation ' s h uii J. nut s T laid of i iin i.i run. luins I.. of the l.rni of i:d- Val .. Vest It y. Aiiui.1,1 lili ed- "ts e in it ins t in. li nt 1:. .li... h 011 llie t!il 1 . Mr K.lirur reports the heM year sun e he hits la in 111 the t-' hiislnes.s, ha . In tia.l ii-t 1111 iiMiiill) laine 1 lip mi, I 11 i.iruc per . erii.iue of kids Silver t'il Kntei pi le. Ihe llolllile.. ot the Liu ..'itlle i. .li lt ri.s ate larioiis and niinoiojs. Wllle till- OKlhead ihal.'eH III 11 I' I e im. p.iin- (,, I low II ell the 1 1,1 III A ni.i I ill. i fcianl Ju-t i.iri ,,. h,,,. in New MeXii-o. the lit , i,s I'attl te tany hie I.I ii eoinia.i I., i ti.,. , ,,M. "' 1 ' I I Weill llilles of . hi .. ,I lv'i ii mile, il i. nam t. I the in. lien , I In mer l- ielil and I aim l.asl w.ek . J. l,,ik,n sold ln limit mi. I entile, lo at. I north of ( Im is on the l int tiraw. .,i I II, Iliiraksoii K f,,. j,i .,,rt siimiii-r haiilt tl ,.tii n i ar t.f wool ,,r l..i..ii Thiiis.lay. They will ship ii seven I" l.ii cars more to. Ihe Kline desti il. tl loll. M' Itt.-K. il. lii.-ri .l 4H head of catiht ,1 tin- Fort Sumner st... -yards TueH.l.y. They were shipped to , m i i ill, i, Ti xas. HEAVIEST MOVEMENT OF CATTLE IN MONTH FItOM KANSAS CITY MONDAY Kansas C,ly S, K Yards, J,,,,,. ( j t. Mill ni ls 1 '1,1, in. i d i, (e, line at wtek till nfi.r lhu rain Thursday and I'lni.ti. and l(..i.s salts w,cr ;j 1 enls to a dollar or ii.,.ii- hclow thr,.,. we.-ss nun. Ni.i ih t stern low.t sod Moinh I in kola w i re, i.i ..iiiinerit In t n. hiiliit one t'tlllit t i h ,ti k I. mill head, and ull ollter Hull, mostly of (iim llshlesl sua it er 1 lass. In all S.miu cattle went "in, the heat lent innieim iit in a moniii. The calMe supply today Ik ;.toin ttl, and tieiiiii'im k aellinu i.cil.t, .,,J Si . di 4 h eady 10 siroiiij, and .nine, and sue kits end feeders to CI tents liiklnr Hi. in the low tune lint Week. Mist of the yoariK c.ttt las; wi N went to disiant points, us . oieilii.ins with 11 1 to Insect pesl and droll h d.lllK.-l m lr sit I In ei' li 11 1 use ill Heal 'i iciliioiy that mot k caul,, intesl.nenu Were 1 -Imt ked. A lew pi line iiiilmi, 011 Hie i all oitler IhoiikM $1 I '-I week, und tun. t. t ilers 1 1 ,',n in ;.y ,, tut bulk nt ra- .allle went out at I. or Its If weather conditional l,t ,r Itlnttlriic crops fli. 111 this time f..r waid II is iinpi uli.ilila thai .1. es will be is low asalll I tl IM season ns link wtr last v it, There is sine to oe a great demand for )'oun .allle tin" l-ll. und nllellliKs on tile loarkel ironi. istt In Im hclow normal. The I'unhan. die ciitinliy iu TcSas Is enjoying ex trt'lllt'ly IilMiralde colldlllolis llowalel as huyliiit in that counliy litis spnim hy outside parties wits reduced, 1 -ouiit of hlKh iiSAina prltts. it Is nr litied tool cattle will it itturkrleij In 111 1 hero I hail usual this fall; else where thu supply will It smaller. A lug corn imp will mean u scrmnhlc t or ea 1 1 lo. i Birj Grab Sale Starts Satur day. Every box will contain more than 19c in value. The Leader. ( M - - -- .kOsiV.Wisui 4U Wl r' i? ,.-l!..l-..' J in pjutton- I J I beneficial V: !:.k MACDALENA WANTS ANTi HORSE THIEF :, rani Nu melons Thefts of Horsei Cause SUckinen to Consider Organization Similar to That of Torance County. M.'.,"l.i Itlll ha lllilo 1','S . ii t n n,l i-'ilti -led ,f tin Its I i 'ii t . und i nit tlitt i . . i t 1 1 1 1 u t l alii t ale hotsi'S iiinl tin null oriiaurAiiiioii iishoi i it .on .' It IS plot ell lion lii "f an ,i mil. ii I.. NO Ml t I I r. I 'mi f..r tint Ilolse thlt'f one w III' ll il III Tor III -I- I 1 ante 1 i.tinty. ek s MaKdil- p-ria Ntjws s-ih: II tin r" is a pi 11 this irrccn eaiih w It. re a 1:00.1 Sinn; anti-horso thief II -""elation is lieeie. n this iikitnli. II is not ii sl.-niKe Hung for .1 11. an 10 Kel oil Ins hot is nud l.e ifolie for file uiiliilles Ittid colon I' n k to Imd 1 Im 1 lii, i-e. saddle ami hi idle ure I'll f.'o!i. Itntl Kotle to HtaV l.ovell ccwii is ihe late I sal, J. at. He (jot his In.tse and was not 11IT hut a lily short lime und the horso tlllll lie hail lieett off. le.l illl for with 11 fin saddle and l.ridle were not ncywhere In f,;l:i a ul haie not 11111 lerialueil 1I111 .', t. I.. Hiidxis cainu down from Hie n i!l ne evciilng nnd Slopped al Ihe store of the Ite. ker M ti lavish t'o.. mill was In hut uliotit live minutes: whin he enme out horse, Middle Hill lilldle were ull Kotte itni' h:ie i,-.t l.een ret oieri d sin e. It Is mi i.l thai there Is al.oill tin nver.iH'e of one stolen here a irlolllh. I.i t the lieopl,. com,. I ou'el Ti er find oiKunie - 1 - 'I..,.:-.', Hke t'i- are do 11, 1..1.1 , ui,. ""!!- s. The tines ale 1 1 per memoir ,.1 and It is tho Bllltst pl oil , I I. .11 II1.1I V, a,, it seems. Let the people all I.e. nine slieritfn and exe, ale tin ir own law for their own prole. 1 ion. AGRICULTURE THE THEME AT INSTITUTE ASSEMBLY TODAY' ll was announced N the II. rnalillu county It t' hers 1 ri : 1 1 11 1 tod iv thai the total resist 1 a I ion was h". The st'i. ' ileitis 1111 lii.le leathers not only Iroin I oilier counties in the state, liiit from ( Color. id. , Anotia ami Tex ts. I At the as i this moiuiriii. I'rot. j Itlmet. of the stale college near 1.1 Jt 'luces, tleliiereil an itiiereHIIng slot helpful ml. lifts on ukr It ull ore. Sale the teachers mal' it ml hint for naiurv studies in class woik Ti. morrow morning ul assembly I'rot. Itiniey will to k tig. tin on itirrn uliiire. Today h look th,. plae e..f I'rof Con, Wav. win wus iinal.le In he present Miss I tea i r I.,. Arm, Jo, on,, of tho si mli ills, piiii.d it piano solo, and Miss How land, n n. .1 her student, a t a r-adoiit tl'oni la.nfcfellow s lli i v mini. Iloth niiinht rs wi unusuall fine. As ssstmhty next Friday morning, l.eV, I ir. Moist. Hersmaii. of Tempi A '.In i t. w ill ili liit-r an addi esa. Tti) lll'lic Is invileil. Tile Ssselllbly ,HSJ at 11 o' i lock. . I i -- i : i t i , t I