Newspaper Page Text
The Hotter It Gets the More You Need That Electric Iron; Call Herald Phone 168. Country Calls Him. New York Governor ship for me said T. R. as he had a Violent Chill. And Bull Andrew is n Patriot. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, JUNE 18. 1914. Vnl. I. No. . tub EYEwro nnut.D (l. 4. NO. M. A , I'll Y T E GiAGUlW T .1. LlLiLliiMvUl liU) yflf JljII H HER. VILLA SUBMITS ULTI1TIIM Ml I1G DICTATORSHIP Lays Down Three Conditions to His Erstwhile Chief to Which He Demands Consent or That Constituti jnalist Leader Take the Consequences of Replacing Him at the Head of the Army in Favor of the Unfortunate Natera. WILLING TO LEAVE CARRANZA AS THE NOMINAL HEAD OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT Must Have Complete Control of Army and Direction of Mil itary Policy. Full Powei of Promotion and Movement of Officers and Full Direction of Everything Except the Official Seal of the Constitutionalist Cause. (By Leased Wire to The Evening Herald.) Washington, June IS. - Representative Kent of California told the president and Secretary Bryan today he had telegraphic information from Mexico that Gen eral Carranza was about to leave his headquarters and flee to Laredo, Texas. Mr. Kent did not give the name of his informant. Kail I'hw. Texu. June IS That lienctul Villa hur. prevented an u II i in : t u in lit (leneral I'urranra, dc m.-imlini; the alinolute fiimlliiii nf th civil mill military I. run. Inn nf I ho f mini it utmualinl k-.v i-rnui'-nt wan th nul.ntunc nf Ih dl'-pitii lit-n received hi i onntiliit ii.iiii hl lii-ii.iiiurti-in In 1'iedrua Nt-nrim today. A commltl"e nf I ! r f officers wan raid nnw I" be In ennferene with Ucneiul I'urruiixu hi K.illill... prcn. in iiik it m ra I Villa' pin it . At-cnrdlm; In n ( it ill tin IihI official ill 1'lrdrn Neurn. hla ilnii In nil follow. Firm Vill i In hat complete iiniiriil nf the army ami to direct Ui" military n. Hi y without Imi lli rim r while I'll 1 1 a nra in In hue control of the civil Kve riimciil mill foreign relation Hei nnd - Villa HKtecii I" ren:hle larranxa u Inn ailpcrlnr, provided ('aiianta accord him n-i'oKii II ln Hiiprrnie military hlcf. Third The iiriiiiiulmii nf nfticeia uml the dmpnnitlnn of their cum maniln in l in Villa h.niilH. I'l-natltuf innalmi run iwil their belief Unit if llioiw- ili'inamlH wer granted, tleiural Villi would prm eed with I In- eaiiipalnti ami take per nut I'limmanil nf the 'mt-ea In the Meld. tnh.rwinM. they aull, they IhuiiKhi he wnulil pcrnod In hm renin mi lion nml retire to t'hihiiahuii ! await Kin h lime an lie could acre the i nlinlil ullvyiiiili.-t c.-iiine without friction. The third limine nf Villu'a ulleK.-d ultimatum waa m i-epti-d here a " direct anawcr lii tlciu-ral I'uriaiiita'a prunuttinn nf i.cncriil Nalera In mill inn ml the iliv limn t.l (he center ami hln icnultltiK illnantiiitin nn ..uBteca I Mount Lassen Is Spouting from Two Craters No One Now Adventurous Enough to Go Beyond Tim ber Line and Extent of the Latfft Eruptions Remain in Doubt. (II luanl Wlro in Filnr llerai.l 1 Itvdclini, I'ul . June 1 The eiaiith TUliiin nf Muuiii I.aeii. mm e U at InM'ama arlive nil Muy .111 Km illi lim tly vIhIIiI her at nmni imlay, iinl. wIlhalandliiK a thick ham lhal n wurnl th utiilinea nf the ninunlaln, bo in i Ira away. Redilln. Cal., June in. There aeemeil tu be ln lliillht liiday thill Miiunt Ljiaarn la now amukinit frnm Ir.u rratera ha nrimiiiil vent tieur Ih auminlt. from whlrh nil the aerunii ruillnin alm May ID hae tin. ken nut. and a new Mow hole un the amilh liia, whlrh Inibuily liui dand -lor tu d.ilo. Tha tttw vnt waa Ural rlortd IWu II I I I ! S 1 J II 1 .J i. I I E I III Hl'1 I '- II III ' II III THE MILITARY OF MEXICO rlayi no. Tnilay a ti l ihone iiienmiKti 1 1 .ill ii niHer hniine i mile frnm Mount 1jiii ri'i'tTC'd that ilinne tnnkn ai niiiiiK from I In- noun lope. Him') th. violent eruillnn nf la' Runday nnlimlv h.ta veiilured to ei plore the vol alio nlme the linher lino. CHAINS HERSELF TO DUKE OF WELLINGTON fly ImmhI Wire to Fmilng Herald.) 1 nilon, June H A imlilnni auf .'riiaiKt rreule.l n iliv. rnlon In the ten ter of the i lly today hy i h illiliiH her aeir to the ataliie nf I Hike ,,f Welllnn. ton In front nf the Itoynl exi lninK Hhe thin heKun ulioiiilng tn Ih .h InC liiialiieaa men, railing on them In Intervene In to-half of lmrioned wo men. Xha waa eventually removed hv lha imllt'c amid the Jeera nf a lame i-rnwd. EUGENIC MARRIAGE LAW SUSTAINED BY COURT It lr la K rolling Herald ) Maillmm. Vt'ia., Juno IK. Th u liieme court hna puaialned the l oimll lulloiiallly nf the auKehlc marllua law. reverln( lha Judameiil ut III Mllwaukea elrvuli euuil hU h di'ar d II Invalid. HDDSEVELT PUT ON BIG HOPES OF THE EW 'I Will Nat Run for Governoi of New York" Is Colonel's Single Political Utterance, as Shaking With Return or Jungle Fever, He Boards Imperator for Return to the United States; Obeying Physician, He Will Not Speak for Nearly Two Weeks. (Ilj I .owed Wire to Fvenliuj Herald. Sniilluininn. June IH I Mill nuike JiimI niir relereiii-c In niII IIih. I will nut rim for unvi-rnnr nf l'V nrk." Colonel lioiM.eii toilay momen- t II 1 1 1 hroke hlr rule lil Hltotire Kalil lo ImillliN ill lo III. ike Hi IK llei 111 I II 1 1 .11 Vthlle he M an rix el'illim nil linllld the li-mlel In .ml. ink nil the I mporiitor for New Vnik. Colniiel llniiKeVelt hiilfiriil 1 1 "in a rhiirii uH.n k nl hill while on lioanl Ih lender. It Wiut the llrxt iMtiinlnll on Wbu h he had felt the ( hill aim e he left e Yoik a ml he plu uied lhal It wan nu t. ly a rei urrem e .'I the erf. m i.f the JihikIi fever. lm li wiin lo he fi'i l. il Th enloni'l ileeliiieil iiHHintaiii- and rrorxed the KHIHil'lallk In the liner Ullllliled. I. Ill he lelueil imllii'dlalei) In the 1 1 1 1 1 r in I mule "li Die Impei iilor whuh twi n .iKMKn.'.l to him ami Iiih i oiikiii, l'tnlii J. K.ioBeM'll. KmphMviM wiin I. ml l.y I'll 1 1 1 I tonne wit nn a Hlalellletil I hill till Colonel waa not mirierniK Iron, any dlenNe nf l ho larynx. I, in Imni Meuk iiphm whnh would in.v.iit him lioin lieaklna from Ihe I 1 . I forms i,r lianix nnd aim I In r i xponeil .io . s He n.ini. hnwever. the t'nhinel l-Xie. toil I,, Ml an PnK'iiKement In I'ltiMiutKh June Ill aleill llealre. I1..10 lil. Ill I hn una lil line for a .. ii..,l of h. .no il fe in SiiK.imnre 11:11 .1 in iik whu'h Effort to Blow CzarofAllthe Russians Postal Train, Acting as Pilot to Imperial Train Fortun ately Explodes Bomb Placed on Track for His Majesty. (fly Ifnani Wirt) in Kvi Mng Herald. Merlin. June IS. An aliiinnt Waa made in ar Tnliiiilovu, lt.iHt.ia. loci iv In hlow up the l.llnnl.lll I in - 9 n-rlil train, iiiriylnn the em- I'rror nf llusnia mid hia luiiuli An nrdlnu tn ilenimii hen frmn St I'ftemlniiK a IiiiiiiIi waa foiiinl mi the irurk. A train which wa .n f rediiiK ilie I ii 1 1 riii I Irani a pilot, atrui-k the homh ami .aim- ed II In rxi'loilo. Many nl the enH'-hea nf Ihe mail li.iin -Aeie ahntli red and aew-ral p. riomi in- J ii red. "WHITE WOLF" AGAIN MAKES GOOD HIS ESCAPE FROM TROOPS tM l-aard W lro in F.nlnc Herald ) I'rkliiK. i'htn-i. June l "White Wolf," tlm iminrliiim I'hiin-. hrlKuml. together with i." of hla follow.- , today limke ilir.oiKh Ihe i lr. ie id re ulur trimi wliii'h had nilrroiiinli il him on Uly mountain lull mllea In the outh nf Mm hnw nllli e June 4. Ilrnrrnl Chun, with .'.umi regular (ronpa. followed the lirlKanil in hnl liurault. Wlilla Widf." lifter devatlnliiiR th prnvliu e nf Mil I'ah, lln Nan and eh-n HI, nn June 4 ntiai keil Tan I'hnw n Ih rxtrni aniilh nf Kan Mil and after rubbing lh Inhabitant, burned the town lo lha (round 11 and hla fol lower wer atterward aui rniimled by lha rIUlar IriMipi. TTJT7 1 U QUIETUS he roilhl I. ..Ill 1. M lent In nml forenn i I An.onK I ho flr"t In greet I'nlnnel U..nMe .-it nn the li-iuler wan Uiw- ' reme Alilmii. who u.lij I lie i'i.IoihI he w.n Koinri in I t-refit him in Kolf. i hill I'.iloml l!i.oeell tited Dial he did not feel like i ll mum u lull oer a ten-ai'ri loi. m; i itnwii or otiii I'M TI l.l-K ( Ul iiVH 'ltl WH.I. I I'll. .Illlle 1 When 'nlolie liixihevelt nirlvel III V.Btilloo fill-! lion tod. iv in take Ihe jitenm Hum for Soul ha uiit in. on hla ri-liirii trip In Ihe I, ,i lai. im.w I nl friemlH hail I'lill.etiil to lilil him luit-j well. Anion r them were Walter Hinen I'atfe. ihe Aiioi i. ;.ii nmlinaKa-t dor. with the nlafr i ihe emliaai-y, ami Admiral l.nrd v'h.irh a Her ford. I'nlonel CoiiHivell, who had nl ranxed In emi'filk nn the lmx ralor. ' wan In ii Very eherrful liioo.l He ' Hind to the riporHH-H. "Tll Ihe ;nl- linh I pie I have enjoyed myself nml fully nire late the way I have. Iieen Irealeil li every lioily I waa imi I u ii lit r I v . leaned with Ihe rour leay nhown me when I iiildtenned Ihe' Itoval i i eon r:i i ih i en I riH'iely." j Am th.. nun Mleaiued nut nf the nlallnn n .h k I ii I'h Waa In ken of 'ololiel ItnoneM-ll II 11(1 I.I.I (I I'liallli llereiroid nlilkllil! IllimlM Mm. Mi In .las l.ntiKWorth will re mii hi in I ' ii l. I.i n I another week . NVWWM i IFIHST RETURN FROM Government Gets $7,350.12 in I Tolls for Burge Transport tion as First Payment on Hundreds of Millions In vested. I III leaned W'lra to r.veplp l"wlL! Washuiiiioii. June 11. The firm riiniM th I nliid .i n.n s for the hi n.lteda i.f inillloiin nient nn III.- I'liiuiiiin wa" n-i nnli-il ... I iv from n.ili . i a on hariii- tiaflle lu-Kiin on May li, traiih".i inix rnraoi H lii raiue 4 nf the 1 1. in. hi ion nf freik-ht tiaf- Ilr nn lln- I 'u n it in:, rallioad They win- inontly roiii.i.-., .1 of niiitar from Hawaii. in that l.unllii-nn i lie Inlla in Ma ; iimnuiileil lo f 7.3 '.H I 2. on the liimia nf ft per net too. AMERICA'S GIFT SHIP TO ENGLISH NAVY WRECKED IN STORM (It Toward Wire to Kvrntn Herald. 1 j ". laHiinw. H-othind, June 1 H. Ti i hintpltnl ahlp M ilne, prrneiited tn th I liiltlnh nation hy Amerlian woun-n I ilurilia the Soiiili Afriran War. went nnhor yenl.-nl iy In Ihe Virlh nl ln ne, nn Hie lo nl i-oliiit nf nilaml, ; during ii fox nnd It la fvnrnl "lie will tlltlll Ion. I Th Maine wua attnehed tn the home net t of the llrltlkh limy mid hit -I a lame nuiiilier nf pulienla nn board at th lime of th an-ld.-iit. All were plei ed In Ih.- -hip'a lion In, win re they remain until ih arrival ,,f other lea aela aummoiird hy Wlrelen. PROGRESS S PANAMA G RECEIVED IS HELPING III FREEZE i Representative of Independent I Coal Operators Tells Piesi j dent Rockefeller Interests Do Not Want Strike Ended. RAPIDLY GIVING THEM MONOPOLY OF FIELD UVVIIUjr UlLlilltTJ XICSCIICC VI Military and Refusal to Let New, Men Work Is Playing Into Hands of Trust. (lljr 1 .enntil Wlro lo Kvi'iilnit Ilralil. V:i ihliiKton. .hie 11 J. A. iiwiio.i. reHeneiil iiik lliilei lulenl l oal nier.i torn In t'olorailo lolil 'i. lit Wllnon tod. it the ICorkiii ller iiiid ntlii r Inrni Inlereat in Ihe Male were lint ai- tilllillllK III neltle III. Mlllke oei'llllnl' nliiall inlli-etliH wi-l'- lii-ll.K drtsen ntil n! Iiuniueka. lie told I lie ililil' III I lo liilil.ll lroo. wele heiiiK imni t' ' nmi llle lalui- neralolN. ii.inhy. who w.ii liinUKht in no While House hv S. ll llol HWell, ill. I II. eil 1 1 1 u ; monl of (he Hlllall Ililni-K -:' fun nl to i , mo at Ihe licnlnliinn nf the alrlKe llotH and that federal had .ii' eiiied uny iiiuiea trmn lieinw n -o'i lied nml k.M'l new miner from lomliiir Into the Hi l-l While mi. ll tlleiunilea Were Intended tn I'.-niote l.eace, he nil id. I hey were ri-niiliinii I' the detriment of the mnil' oi-eraiort. Mr. iiwuliy did iml niuueHt am rt iii.-dv for (In- i niiditlonH he mitlineu loll .mk.-il Hal Hn I'lfiidelil enllllim Iiim alali inviila l Ihe rnilitiiry i inn m. imli i In t'oloiado and I iml noini Hit ana for ncUlinn the dillii-uli y. Of IM Ms t MINI S Mil. OW M il HV Till ST lienver. June l - I nf oi niatliin it tv - It nut today at the ntate mine III nperti i'h oln. i- wan Dial IV tlllliei III Ihe null illrlril Is have In ell vloneil mine III.- Klrike ln-uuii nml me now Inoperative. ."ix of these inlnea he- Ioiik to the i 'olorailo l-'ii- und Iron l omiianv. iwn tn the Vii tot -Amerli an I'limpiitiy and two to the ltnik Mountain r ui-l i-imipany, the larui Nt roiuiiiiii(-n nperatini; in Ci.lorailo. Tile nlhem are .-o-ei l u-n nf wi railed lllili'l.emlevil i mi. i-inv. Kiitlit nl' the milien i lo-n-il are lio it ed ill Iim Annua .-oiinty, t, li n v; ! Ihi- li 1 1 it.- lliniei-to-'n reiorl Tin iiiiii.M How- In 1. 1. i-i. in. .n in ihe ai loan i iiiiiil ion follow La A ii i n i.i - -stiii kvilii-. Santa l-i-rmiiii-n, l-;nti'ii-i-. Thoi. s.-iii ii .m-hIi rn Wootii n nml M ' h Mi. . l-'remoiii l:H'k ale, o:tl Creek a. I Kl eiimlit. I itllllllNiill - I'riHll-d llt-. Umi lann - I'n inn. Mull. ii. I. I'ir. .n liie kl ilol, Mutual, lo .1.1, ,11 and M'' lillllv. SAYS REPUBLICANS WILL VOTE FOR TRUSJJILLS President Wilson Assured Number of Opposition Sena tors Support His Views -Prosperity Evidence in Every Mail. Ilf ImaM Wire lo F.nenmg llrralil.) Wm-hiiiKion, .lane Iv- I'renideiit WiIhiiu told rail.-i.i today that in makliiK piiidir letti-rii earlier in Week to emphilNI'.e III VOW thai ll l"pn i-hiiloHI,'lll d.-pri-nnloii'' wan tit" Iiik ireated, he did an without thilUKhl nf illf Itll-tulllil i-i.UKr.-nn nil Ihe Ii lililatlve pi "i-r.i in. Inn nnlely In inform Ihe put, In of ihe uii-ihoil he Ins puraued by Ihune ol pom-il In tin udiiiinliitralliin'a proKram. The preatdeul nald he lei-..k'liieil the rlxllt nf all tn tipliilnim on the aiil'jei-t. He udded lhal hm mail every day brought pvldente of ,i,,n perity ihiouahoul th rnaniry. Th prenidi-nt nald h hud ret-nved em-iiur.iKinic repiutn nn the prnnpet-t for early umnaKe of th trunt liilla HirouBh the n.-nale and Hull Ihere wer niimeriiua inilliat that tlm lillln will Ket the ii,,i,rt of a num ber nf Ihe Iti pul. In aim IIimims Kit le nf llattldiln. Miienua Ayrta, June IX In a ei ri t neaMon nf Iwn limine nf pa rllli iiu-lil Ih Araeiitinti Rovernriieiit that it WaM npponed n any propositi in for Ihe vale of Hie battleship Kivad.l via and Moreno. DMT GAME TREATY HAS Sharp Fire Questions Direct ed to Attorney for Govern ment Seeking United States Protectorate. ADMITS IT WOULD KEEP OFFICIALS IN POWER Effort in Senate Committee to Show American Bankers and Railroad Interests Ben efit by the Treaty. Hy Itxaed Wlro la Riming Herald.) WunliiiiKloii. June IH. Th prn poned liealy with .Miiiruaiiii. urani um the Tinted Htalex Interufeun -lull and liavul Pane iiilireitMiiina fur a it.tiii'i.iiiui pay ment, uml tiroponinK the i-xienninn nf u prnlei-tiirnle nver lllli I I. pill, In , Waa u an 111 lllm-llwil t ilny ' Ihe netiule forelan relatmni. i omiiiiiii e. hei-relury Itryan and I'harle A. liniiKlann, intuitu. y fur the Miariiitiian Kovtrnmeiil, further ex plained Ihe li-rum nf the treaty an I annwereil ipienl loiia. A nharp Hie of iiiealliina wax ill rivled ill lloUKlunn tu llevelup wheth er the lualii purpnn nf the pari wax In euiiliniie the priweiit NlrnruKuan Miivernmenl in power und to ahnw w hether there waa any rt lutiun be Iween that Rnverniiienl and Amerl-i-u n hn nk era. Mr. I'miKlnna explained that th people NlruiaK'ia dealre.l the ratl II, ..t on ,,f a treaty w ith nin h a KUar aiiiy in pievf't lurther revuitiliun and imtabli-ih n perm.-iu.'ni and nlahle government. He nifried that II would lend tu preMi-rv in pnwer. fnr th present nl leant, the inlmlnlntrntinti llnW 111 nltire. Senatnr Smith nf Mli-hiKitn lirnUKht nit that Tit per ii nt iif the atiH-k " IJie n arauuiin had been Iioiil-Iu bv Ameilinn tiaiikera 1"i ll iiii". a, and that the other 4 per rent been hypol hei-iilvd for a like ntim The committee did not romplete ltn examination Mr. and Mr lltviii will ritiit'ii Monday tu Kivr luithir trrl ny. IjHIiI llilli-a. ;iMiimmeutn. W mhiiiKlnii, June I v I'n nlilent V ilv.,11 toiiav noiuiti.-ited Hi nrv tler li'n of KillniKn. Monl , to be nurviv ir i- nf Montana, and Kramiit II S. III. I 't of Clenw I SpritlKn tn III ll" iMi-r "f pul, In' lllnnt yn ill lip-u-VI I Spl lllllil, I 'olo. Itt iiU-n .laiiief ilillrnlloii l!iii. Wanhlliirloii. June 1 X. I'lenulent Wilpon fl.-ui.-d toilay Hull Japan had exprenned a dealre that her I alitor- uia alii-ti land law piote-it be null-mitti-il I, i in Inflation. He wild n MtiKi-MiioM of niiv kind of niu h a rhur ai-li r h-i'l roiiie .i hint. TURKS DECLARE A STATE OF SIEGE ON THE DARDANELLES (My l.eneil Wire lo t'.teiilnc Herald 1 1. nil, nl. June v An ex h inue tel euia,h ili-ipal.-h from t'onntatilinoi-le toil. iv nnvn a at, ite ,if nleiie ban he -n pro, tanned l.y Ilie Taikii-h iio i rn tin in in S nvin.i in A-ia M.nor ami aloiiK Hie I i.i i ila n. 1 1. . in ,.r,l.r lo out a ntop to the emi:i.iiton or lir.-ek ! nleiiis In Tin key. DECLARES STEERING GEAR OF THE EMPRESS IS DISABLED (Ity U-ant'il Wire) tu K.venlnf Herald ijilelie.-, June IK -I'. S ll.ln.lil. nf i iilllincl fnr the l.W Hern of the i-o lli-r Stor-ta.l, wliP h rammed uml n.tuk lln- Klnprin of ll.lilnl III the SI I .a w renin river With Ihe loi-n of mule lllali il fhounaml liven, today nt.ufli-d Ihe i-ominihMon w hh h in invent u-nt mi; the ilinanler Willi u tnenl thit word had reiirhed him on the mailt of the ilinaltr the ne,-rihir aear o Ihe Kmir.-'n wan din.ihled. He had be. -ii no informi d, tie aaid, by one f.olway. of Hn- Kmpri-n. utaiul lo ih part lor KiikI-iiiiI. l.nrd Mi r.-y, i halrmau nf Ih court nf liuiuiiy, iiiiinediutelv took it hand tu Ihe prm t eduign mid ll wax aaid that Uiilwny would be called aa u wiinena thin uf t.-rnonii. tlolwav wua on Ihe l.rnlx.. at the Hm nf the in cident and, '! nl ilnm In Halnbl nlaiemenl, aaid Ihe lilnpl t-no alrt-r- J nm ma I w.i Jammed. inns OURd is GLOOi Insistance of Huerta Dele'-ates Upon a Huerta Man for President's Job Likely to Bring Negotiations to End. ONE MORE EFFORT FOR AGREEMENT TOMORROW Prompt Reply sent to Rabassa'g Note Declaring Firm Con viction that Constitutional i&t Must be Chosen. (Ily Invxaed Wlro lo lfML1 WanliuiKlnn, Junn l. While d-. niinintrutlun nllliliila aaid today they atill had hoiea for a aueceaatul out rom of niedlutiun at Niagara Fail. Ilicy wer limr doubtful than they had been at uny time alnc th con-ferem-e beifr.n. nil. lain i lone to tha prexldent ffl that S.-tmr K.ihiiau'a ptilillnhed note nf yenli-iday dim I oned anew that Ih Mexli-un ;eleHlea are ronaiatentiy laddihtf out fur a lluerlii adherent for the prnvilnnal pifaldenry. l'rldtit W 1 1 o n la eviinly di-leimlned In hi view thai unlena a man approved oy the tuiiKtlluilniiuliata la ehonen. lha new prnv lntonal auvertiiiient will b tn lioiiblu from th ouiitet. While lluun ulflrlala aaid that whan the reply nf Ihe Amerli'un Ueata to Seimr Itiiboaau'a note waa -lUbliah-d, It would b a aullli lent rxplaua- Hin fur the ut'.i'.ud. ot th I'nitad Stuta. MNlklVli 1U .MDTIVP. IX MKIH ATIO NTATTMENT Nlanara Knlla, lint., June Hi Tha aiiMWt-r nf th I'nltt-d Hlulea to tha Htiitement nf the Mexlenn ileleaatea tu th peac euiiferrnrn that Itialatanra on a t-onatitutlunuliat for pruvlalonal pii-Nlilent would hn "taiiUninunl In alien i nif and even xaotlna fraud and violent- at th alectiona," waa tiein prepared today by Junta Ijimar and wan experled to l' mil lie pulillr be fore tilKht. AlthuiiKh tha American delegate wi-m not ofTi-iuled nl Ih puhlii atl nt o the Mexli-an nlaleini III. there wua i nmilderahle npei'lllal loll UI tu th III" live for makliiK it pulilli- ut tllix Hill. The aliileiiii-nl whlih waa lanued Uy Mr. i tali. ma an a piiraphmne ot a memiuundum alven to Ihe Ainerieall ili-leiialea liial Krldiiy. It wan made known that the AmerN inn deleyutiun Hiiaweied aimoat irn mediiitely the meiiinruiuluiii rerelved fimii Mr. Haliano. The rraponanj waa i-oiinidered by th Amerii-nli delevalek ax ull ai!e.UKtH ilelenae of the pimltlon they had unnllliied to ward the entublialimint of a new pr-i-vininiiul kov. rnment. II ia aaid to d rlnie (hut Hie Mexlenn Ut-lenatlon hd mil taken Into i olmldi-ratlon Ihe lo t thai Hi l lilli-d Slutex had no candi date for permanent prenldent of M Ii o and that under no eireuniatani ra wnulil the American itnvernineni b u pin IV tu uny inrluenra In th elertlolia In any rouniry. Ila preference fur , i -mint It ill iiiuiiltnt for prnv Inlonal pn-ri-dent waa wholly owlnir to the eun-.u -Hon that ii man from that party munt l-e taken In order lo Innilre th du al mametit of all fin t loin that other win would men. n e th new Mexl- un Itnv - rnment if n man hut .il mt.ictory to he ronttiiiiilonullni would b I'l-Mull.-il in pl u-0 nf Huerta. The piinilinn of th American fnV-i-tiiiii'iit la that an uxreemi-nt between v 'n pi .1 in Kendall nf Ih Knipraa. c.illi d to I h aland, lepmliuted IJol w.iy'a alnry, aa did I lii.-f Kiiaineer r.tiiipMon. I'upluin WaUh, murinn kuperin-It-ndeiit of th i'allndian 1'aclftc rail road, iiwnera of the Kmprva, denied uny altempia hud been made to get linlwny uiu if the country. When th healing wua repumed after lunclienn recrna, Jiuiie Kran i ln liolway, whoae ui'i unulioi.n Haiaht had i luted, look the aland, lie aaid that he had made certain claim about th nleering (ear nf lha Kite pr.-na to llaiuhl at the suxgenllon of Ihe repreaeiiiutiv if 11 auilora' and llremen'a union w hone name ha did not know. He contended that tha Kinpnnn nheered around In oppoal tioil to her helm when coming Ui the Ki 1-un.rem and whiU un her iuat trip went ward.