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FOUR THE KVLN1NO HERALD, ALBUQUKItQUE; N. M., THURSDAY. JUNE 18. 1914. i The Evening Herald. . l . 1 1 -1 . . il ),y Till' HIMM. II I l. I. I.i r.n I . V M.I A.M. . . M i n IK r II i. IIKMMI I lit'. i ruhlishcd etcry a f in noon -t nf 1 ? I North. ltii" I, A 1 1 ii i u r i u-. x. M. l.lltr Hi tilt' N. M , Hi7'i led a Kccnd . I is unl'ir p. .smith t ni A I ' ii i ii 1. 1 jr. under Hit- A I if March .1. I'nr ini'tith l.v mill nf currier t iip ni rii iv i uri ir (in. dy mill or carrier In adt an I". no Telephones: Hoamta-. t ulli Kdiloi In I K01111. . . . Ill ltl.1. IM.MIIS IM' III MMss, A ?t i ink of iht' results i.f hi l. Ii II 11 1 IM i. .11 a.f llir i fl., Mm i.f II I t.llll l 1 K IIHrMNtH In create ii n iiiiifniiil panic in llir I nn.-.l stiii. i. rrci-lili nt iini.n ik hearing from the solid i nsmcsa In ItTi Mm i.f lilt' rouiitlt. ttir h"ticl. evriv-ih.y hi. uncus Intcrcnta whl'h tin in. I repine it Kiiliitma, In keep them . In i ri K M Inn kiiiiii . ir let ter. Klll'll t.lll at llir While limine Vealrrdav, waa from n p.unt .ouia harriwm,. inert haul, who cald "tiur aalca urt Juet t hree-f if t ha of one per cent I rim huo Ihii eitmu IhtIimI last enr." ' Ami I li If. inert hunt d thnl etciy Indication pointed tn m.iklliK up thnl din-. -lif'liM nf ,,m i,r cent and paartna the drat hair year p.llo.l with h husinrsa ahead nf lh.. s.iiuc hnli-yriir i- i hi. I ii jrur ax.,. Ii in perfn ily mIu to aiuiiiiiir that Una Saint lamia merchant U I. inly icpte KCtllallt .' ..r liuri hillllM Kl lit I II 1 1 v In hut, city, ami Saint l.iiiiiN p. f.iirly icp ivi.cntntit .f thr Inrurr cities of the. nation Allni.iier.iio In luiny rrprccntu Hte t.f the niiuiIIi r clttea t.f thr coun try t'niiilltli na hcrr il ui iiik the flrnl half year of IHII hint- l.rcn no hel ler Mini no worm than In other mica of Unit Mixr throughout the nntl.iii. Thr remlta from our cxi c.t itmnll.t favorable rniiKe uriil farm n.niliii"im hmr roil yet brKun It br frit. 11 ml win noi i.r.'i.inn nolK'ciiiilc lor wv rrl wrrkfl to nunc I ' it i.iiim hrrc iniiv he r 11 id in h.itf Ii.mi) n u.i toini'iiriMl with 1 In, mt throiiKhoiit thr ctiiintry "l nil in thr .HM fr ilnya I hi- Kte nltlK lln.ilil hHH tlikrn till I'.illll. ,i niHkr a i'hicIiiI Imiulry lioin All.u Ciin.ii,. a I. , uc l,iiinrn hoiiM.'n UK to their aulCM Vl.luillr dm ln the tii'l of 1 1 f . us ciiimnii. , mth thr Miinir n ri.,il of I11M yrnr. tint t.f fi.witrrn hnnl.i tiT 1 11 I ' 1 ,1 11 1 Iiiiimci hoiiKiH ni IH'iiu In .1 there tj f.'Un.l Imi otiv Who t( ,,, It' ll u Minilli r tnluior ol bltHllo-KM. Hit BhoUII l,y hlH 11- ol'tlH. th. in fur thr mint' of l.i.-t mir Thr I'lhrrM rcioitr. 11 11 ln ik iim... nnil M -i.Mir to br cxn t reported a ( ..tifi.l. t m ik rctine In thr tn.. I toluinr f 1'iiMiitwi riotnr of thrtie inrn. tthri. lirBt np 1'K.ii. Ii.-I, wi re 111, lined t,. kb k" tin bumno-s. but thrn piniiiit down lo an , tuiil ftlniuinK Ibcv ( I1.-1 1 ull v admitted Unit th. . i.- iI.hiik well or 11 liiilr better" limn lanl Vjr In 1 trrv 1 .im, the h.ilf-yrar pciKitl xhovtrd 111,11 krdly bitttr buKI- rw t till II t.i the kHIlie period in: W In lleve thr 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 here t br f.ittly rt t'loM'tilniUe of Hie . n eral Hud.. lon.Hllon .,( th. ii.t-'ii We hHe ( 011 ir tbri.iikh a rev .,1 il ..11- ry I'ci itnl of i t)-t 1 urtu .. li k 1nl.1t ...n . from XtlHll thr M.illn llilei.MM no rlt""t I lite "pi. h'.h.yi. ill lie- irecf..,i." In thru- t ',,rt t.. defeat lite. led Ii till lit:.,! I 1 nuli.l l.ili, .eillt- r.l p.m.. and rum. ill,i,ni mi uti- I'tlS .llHt 'i bull' I- Of lilt- hUKIMCMM of ibr t.iunirv 11. id 11. d tin- ... unity breti Ihi.r.iin'hly Hoiifd 10 a1tn1.1l 1 f I it linn, thi h.inn broimht ubfit b tli ik legi-ln , t k ' - t r iih Hie primMcnt attempt m .1. prewmii by the K tiihl. ' py, holoKlMn ' of I.U '"'Wti. wnilil hiivc l.n.tiiibl ,.,ni. Hitl it I.iik not. Thr 1 riMr in (mci The l.rf.Klnil'.n l:t III full ... k ln oiii.-r Thr ki. iI i i.initi. 1. 1.1I ltri:.-ic duriiM i'.h h ni'ik ii.r n numiM-r id niikK past hit" rtrudy liii-n.M ii, mi l.ii.i, ,.1 Ira. If an. I in muni Intra ..f mm,iit.. lUIC Thr i 1. ill, in ban the giculcM harvi-Ht in u!l ita npliinlid him.I Inaiory ami 111. una me asilui.,. f.,i rvatly nunc 1,, in ,,f ibr niiiiiiill. 1 lit rr.'' Hiihoin the Inn di-lii, of oihir data. Thr leHflalion novv il. niuiid. d by thr a,i..'. and nhi'ti tiiu pic..; dent lllfclMa (.bull lie . . in il. ian.l to ititkr ttinhoiienl 1 Uhln. br lionrat. tn 1 In, k tlnan, .hiIihki like Itlium l et,.,, d l,v the New Haven ami the 1 ir . (amldera Naturally t1iln.oes( buainraa oi)e. t it w ill clic k Una I. nodal bm If It ran, by any ni.'.nu. at hand. Work n( lth Ibla inlrrot la the political tienpaper l,'po' t li Ilia 1 1. b- party and nitl to fin. I aooie hand-hold by whi.h to tear Ml t li te old of the WW.. n .ulinliiint ra tion. Th-M ara the two meat lii'lu- 111 ea now ae.kln to ireale a paint In I ha I'nlted tttalm: theM are tha real enaiiil1 of boainraa ad prm- 1 . . lllHli.l" till' I ! Mir i I nrilir4t - Ii i i'lii mill uii lilt II illl'l low polll" i uilwit' I III III III S. 1 ' M Inn f .-In li. d I'lni-I in I" 1 1 in. iiinii wli,, laklllll h III. i. I.I l;i ilfftis- I IIKlnli unit) Up- I 1 1 1 1 1 Il ni 1 1- M I ivls Il I. licit Il II l III I'll! I ill I'.ll I III in I . I merit H i il ,i i k a il itn ' Ii I I! f" W.IS 1 'OI I'll I l l in lir I, l In CI ill hi' r H i inn . ii Ita yollllil n Itli'l.tlnll". rt'.l I' "I' an. I 111 i, ii.'il ioan 1 nintntiiiitifM. Ilow 11. 1 .1 pl.n ii'.iitly .1 IUI..UII. nl In I'h. I.i.l. !. In. I Ii, pi,, tide lii.iVitiK I'l' I .i. flinw. i,.r I't ,.. nlunt i h 11 r lur "II.. ui. In be 11 h'U Itliintlc and ill tll'IIM' "llll of CUtl'Ibliltlllt lit fl'l 1 bin, Ii paople The pb tiiiee wnl be I .ken in the II. ih l.inxl ii'iil w ill ib "I 11 Ii it 1 1 K I im HUl'jr. In. It I" nllltrd lil.ll I) 'lll'ivle'- net vice I.i eupi'lv I Imi bun hen will be In iniKiiiat' d 'i.i 1 nil. 1,11 The tcrri l.'it will be .In nl.-,1 into "centcra' 1111. 1 0 111 tali, in will glte a khow in one bur. h of ,1 my each niht. How ibr Hci vi. eH (Mil IP iiiiiiticed In not dmcb ned ii,t a ttuiull .i.liinnnioil liaise " I iiiHtly dcft.,y nil ox pclint'H. An church entertainment liiillv t nteitiiiiiM will titter la. k f"l hbrial 1. all. .ii. me. .M," city 1 11 nr. lira nntr i wide vainly of aclultun. The old Idea of liaiiimeriiiK irllltio1! Into pro pie In comulrted by 11111 11) lender obsolete, particularly In the mae of .MiUiik pi.'plr. It wag Jiint thm prui - Her of li.iiiiinrrlno; ' that lurnt-d thr I'uimrr 1 hiir.bcH Kt'iierntlon" away from thr and efTorta are n..v brinic madr by obsert ant pn .o h-rH, an well lie the 11 11-n 1 Ii.-tm of their n.nKicKa tioiiH. to oiler Moinelhiim mole than a dry ep..Hiii..u .,f thr m 'rtpturea. Smihc 1 huii hen hue bi-rn ni'.rr rd icul than otbern. but neatly nit city 1 Inn he h.iv. felt thr nrrd of ibdnff aomrlhlliii to nltrii't vouiik people. Till' poxMlnlllleH of llliivl'iil pillule arc no ureal, i u, a wtindcr they hut eiit been already mole widely utilized in 1 hurcli work. Thvro In a vMt nmouiil of drmiiiiiic inateriul In the Hiblc. Mu.h of it hua ulrriidy been unr.l on the Hi. me 11 111 1 in mov ing ph-tuiea. Ftirihrriiiiire, piflurcs that portruy vividly the initial acenea lueiitionrU In Ihu III hie are hound lo have ureal educative value. iost or iMti thi; t .i.. I N A I.I. thr diacuaxlou of the canal tolla lt.).u.' few t. u:t K.iHicreil much idea of the actual ooat to inert hunt n hi pa of uiin the canal, or of thr navlUK to (utiimrtir whbll the t 11 11.1I will cflri t. Thr Vancoutrr board of trude. who Ii loo. been ni.ikiiiit In" MiluaHniia in to the 1 omparuti v laitM of cHtttini; cilia,! from HrltUh t'olumbln I I'i.iih to the Atlantic coast of North and South America unit to Kuiope, Hit, .nub Hie I ,i mi ii 1 1 tn 1 1 . I and .round South Altuil u. ban iiiten out .1 nlalcinciii wlibh In of lieneiul in let ent in thia connection. 1 1 in nhown by the report Unit oil the I.iihih of the pi cent , anal a hieamer of the uteiaKe nlze w he h pii'babit will ..p.i.itr tiirmiiih lh t'lllial will ball I., pay I'lntlll t I I (Hill for the pun-.iKe thlo ili I lie 1 .1 11.1I. Ttir (.iHl.Mt hti'iiiiura n. ni.ikn the run from Van, o lirr to New V.'i k mound the II. .111 in t,, ttn .l, , ull. I.r a daily i i.H ol .',inl ., I mil' lor 1, I'l l, iti. ,11 ;y Hie I'n 'I., in.i . 11 -i ll the nunc ti-HM-ln will mak" lh- J"ir ney in ui".i.l .11 il.ivn tin the h-iala of d..n f.,i the ..Iht'l route tu.tkct U dllleletl. e ,.f I.', ilaya. Will h lll'llll- l b. -I I y I Mel per day for oi erui n '.it- Ku.-M I.'.' r.n.i. whl'h venln Hi. ili'.iin.'t actual navitiii. 1 '. nii.; P 1 in make the tup tin tl inai 11 tl-ivn. thet will I.r .,'.1.. lo licl.e two tripn by that rmilr to uir t.oiM the .onisnenl. whi.h will srea'ly In- ream' thr turning (a pa I'y of h t .'.'m-Im. Il i- ( -tirii.,i, , 1 ,y tli.- Van' "liver boald nl 11.1,1c the . penlliK of lb.- i.i tin I v teuilv mere. imc thr .hippm I'Iimiiick'. UntiMh to tiiinii.u lo 1 he runieru 111.1 1 k.-l.-- and the ...inn i.irrjttn 1 onipmiea ara I'll I'.iritiu to II. ill. lie thr Itn lenae im 11. ipat. d by the "pt ulim if the new all louie. wbl h wi l I.1.11H Hie ti,oi and we-i much neuter to tut h olio 1 1 tin 1 . l.illj . Till: Ml(sl. IH.sMtIM. Ill' I III HIT. I. .I t. I I'.telilliH II. laid .u tun den.ttes i re. lit .r nrlnn lionrat In Ina reply to Hit iiuentton. "Ar.. the ,ieeni laws aul li. I. til with whu h lo .o. eed at.illl-t the ledllKbl ' He n.'l'l "I i an pi... ee.l only on the .ham-' ol tanicram . " To. niii'.-h n km-wa. i ii'l v uieiiiber of the i oun.'ll kuowa. man In A lbu.i,ei tur who knows aiiMhtiiH knowj thai Ihu oidi i.atiie for frilling the le.lliKht ' wa repealed Then, la in, urn trying I" d'.tlKe Hie laaue. whuh la wh.thtr there la to be reaper! for Ihe will of Ihe people. 'Ihe iUtaloil is li"t whether Mayor lloaiiiiiht hua made inlatakea III Ihe past or piearut. or wlielher he ahull make I hem in the finuic. aa doul'lba he shall, but I whether he ahall he a law to I tlo what the majority hate aaked In in lo do. Jf the inembera of the coun cil ara not willinu. to do thla let thrill ay ao mid let up on the aupponiiion that Ihe peoplv whom Uny aeive are Id Iota or lgnoiariiuaa. ii. a. ro(irr:R. Jun. I. 1IH, I" I'll III I III till' loll in i I .1 i:i I I ' i 'ii f ' I v II II it hid Ihl i.iikIi ' III llll't limit. ,ii I'll m i.i fiiKmri Imi l.iitr .. MHII" I 'lilt COLOC kl i.r t- 11 ea ' Mra imil I I, Idle. R i:-i I.T of ih. 1 1'Ml.ilid bull... ,11 w t h it b. Ill, 1. .11 U'S . till ibuKlia. I t' t l.'ll.l I., r 11, lltK .'In. 1 hua Itn THAT l.i'Min.N Till ' 1 AT t . I ll 1 mill t.v . t ii.1 In :i ' (lull wot ki .l. He di -('tell tin. -O- kei I'M the in XI line.. ih t ic in: l llkllm I. if I lie I. nil Iro n Ill lit hi. he II be two WI.M - o - AXU 1 1 1 : A W a Nobel prize O IT IS 'il.XI.HAl.l.V that tiring!- W. I'd I tin h what run hot " 1 nl In I- r.ut it all dependa on Wln.M' lii -lef n lor or wealth one IlilppillM to I.e. o- SIK'.l. I'AltliKX tfl.r d llm H i Hafr ciuduct and .1 battli hip to take 1 1 1 ill awn) from M. m. ,. Whuh W in a mail' rrmin'h u.troiit to mm w hone tiatv In in llbHolule collll'd at I'.n lib ttalein. - o lll'KIITA S Victorious I'm 1 II c S'lii' on h proiioiiiu rd 1 iuer-r e-r-o. II.imiik . ('liMiil.t.ililc roll 111 a he.i.) aea. I - O t iil.t IN I.I. IHMiSKVKl.T iui hu little inlt'lenleil In (l,,Tln:,l ,- theoloKV. The 011I1 kind of doKiiia that inlci. tit the t'olonel In t ontained In "nit 'I b ten ' And here iiIh.i the pin. tc ul upplii atlon Is cippeclally intereata hi 111. -O- TIIK Mi iKKX U'titUiMEN dr.w the timber from the whole T'dcdu I nice. O- PAVI.N'i! XH I MKT, that In I' D iron .1011 wouldn't hate In i n m il Xi.'k had taken the iltp'h. - O A I.I. Xh'K taken la Ih tin. Wo null li.ive the .lit- Il Wlllr-H l:i:.MX.-- lln that a utirn nsk.'d Al (iooililih iMleiil.i wlier the Mai'i l.ia ditch rutin Al hind II tun llil.'imll tc city ircantir). 4B - fl'KKIilXtl in Albuiii. t'l'te at ;:, per ni't ed, la Krowlnu noli, ea' lt l.-nn popular. - O tl.NK help i, uniter-tl pune would be the brmny h" who could ail ipt thr Maxim allencer lo your ncikhbor a blu)er-piano. O- tilCTTIXtl HIIKKfl': out i.f Turkey is 1 rot itiK 11 meaay ho; wcathrr Job. -O - IT I'AVH lo ftet up eurly theae 1I1 lil hiful Hummer iiioriiuirK I'. do- HIK .vou can slop Ihe baker Irotti lem Inn the hir.i.l on the i'i" Imnt mop wiiera I ha lie man tan put Die on It. - o- IV M lis PAXKIUTIST lo.'k li her nutting picture ou iiin't M.une an KiiKHnhmaii lor fruring any I'unh. hurst Incur. o- ; KKKI' Vtil'lt KVK on thr knl who tt-ll . too he':i worry a.'liool'i. out for the summer. - O ' W!TII Till'. N'KW V'tltK ITfKr-a- simm Ha Itoonetcll or retiiriiient. With the New Milim I'rt'K 1 eani t ea Hi Htitemetii iiihei way. - o . You 1 in grt from Heneral I'mi'l.'n i'r Irom Mr. .lu.U.. laimar Whu h ..lie Hie ban bst Muni's on I't'll'llilt peU'-e. 01 w.ilb-Hii war The Same Old Gang (Hi "in the lEio Hrantle Id iiubiuan me of H Idet mem . . is ot the It. lull. II. nn partt eompl. lined a day aline that the party aa at prrarnt cm. diluted 'had no'' V r fio not debet e thia. We bellrte that thr ll' i 'il'll. an leadership, or org uil xiilioii working body is ihe same n Il ItaH been for s'.ni.. yeara fall the roll .iii.I i" cry man alive will aiifwer to the sun.' old fiiinie Ktrry faithful old whecl-horar will br found at h! l-oat. full a .on . etn ion tomorrow and th.. posts or honor will be filled aa ol oil. I rol.ably thr nainr obi nnmlti.ttinT ( I'linniltre would iiunie many of Hie amne old candidates for the regular f'theca. hh of yore. The "olKaHKatlnn" la lis (cmplelr, and If leu. sure of t i . t . . 1 1 they are no leaa mire of lliiniM hin They will n. kite up a Mimic . tfi e- to ne.ter or more popular men not In thr . ohm n t t n if It conbl be i ailed. What the,, la t hanged ? Tlo. rank and file la i hanged, the follow ing I h it kept thr perpetual of lice hi eker perpetiiiillv n oih, e hat faced about mid in linking ri . 1 11 1 r-: 1 1 ' in. "ii l.,ns Thr volets are calling 'or an accoiintinii They arc asking . trrt 1'iiblii' sin mil what he haa done lor ih.on. And whin bis report la iiiin.'iii they want to know why. Vou can it u ii I on I be Hiiiieta of your two hands theae pn. ,ll. aertaiita who arr ir- Xionslblr for the plfsrnt m p"iit- . al . oii'lillona In their parly. Thia political inbreeding haa led t,, pohln i poterty and vereea t,n pollibnl ruin. And yet do we bear any n.-w i.iine. ace aiit airaugr Via. we hear of new tiHincb in the ranks We aee lacrs in Ihe ranka. bin thry air not tuitu d toward U". obi tune leaders who have failed of I'l hm ti l. .11. who h.itn arrtrd ihrmaelvei and thrlr atali rulrra and not ill.. . lie who atnt Ihrm out to do nrrd.,t "rk. I'nleaa Ihoar who rnsay to had n... roinn w ine In time before they reach the approaching crmia-ihty will ne man hina on in tlittcriiiK, proud ar raj with no follownia hosts only the rabbi,, thit follow the fanf.i and In their tain self (lory bapa netrr ml a harkward t be rank, that thry lhem.rvr. hat. ? T t ' Ld"UnC falill Ihirinrd a. the yeara went by and Ihe V. ' C" "K"' recommend your paiirn. of lh people turned to ..n- r'fUbla ComHuinJ to women who tern in. autfer M J did, and you ara at liberty to What tha naht-.ihoiii.fare mote. le'er."-Mr. ClUJUUB B AO mint will tie, ar u,ucria none may R. 3, Cum tniu j, Cik. The Dead, in Alaska Remain Forever in Cold Storage ffiuw InierratlMK I Im AIniiiI I lie Kt-Houn IlimliM' of it liif In llir I , I'riMten NorlhlHnil. My II. S. ItiUM V, l ot iiii'r I . H, ttornr at Nomt'. If unloi uitintely you d,r at Nome,, or al uny other point In the teintor, ante on Uif aouiheitit 1 th-rr there la opt n llir yeit aiound. ..ii arc not 1111111. diately bur ied. It"l' in it to put your , 1. nl. m r in any apei nil 1 old Mora kc I V. ur body in alltlply -I Itiltted to (, tin ,1 no. t f barn-, not am- In the vein- till), or the undertaker nnnply kce,i- I ;. -1 1 it 111. nun In Iht ik room of hut I I slablcbiiii tit nil wlun r b.liit. until III.,; .,( the "Hi Mt boai" in the , H'titi whl'h la at I. h 'in before iihotit I Juno I '.. Thin ket i iiik . t the rt run i 1 a .la not (bill, lilt, bcc.l'le willlltl it few bo lt., alter oU die. uiilena tlrra arr kt 't up lo plctlUt II. )Ur body 'k Iri'eti Milnl. IbKuiiik' a Krate in Al.oka is a hydraulic riiKUU'f mm . .!..-it 1., 1 Klial t lie Hi'Xt.iii, or Ihe diK. r ban t,i remote the nn.iw, who h j 111 1 j tary in depth from 11 tool or two, to ten or lifteen feet. tlfpcndiriK n v hi ther Hie Hrair Im in a rh. t. i,.,l npot wlo ir ihe allow i ilrep, or in an ix'..m"I i'li r where ib,. winds h.itr awt pt it off. Next 11 hte.ull boiler In broUKhl to Ihe place on u nled. Thry bate nice nmall unci, nueli aa are utril by tint pioHpeclora for winter work. Three or four "iImiiii points" me llm. 11 dot 11 inti. tin- Kroiind nlowly f..r 11 loot or two, iiii.l when th(. In K "In t; ,1c, 111 thawa the Kroiind down a I foot or mi. the m. 1I1 11.1I la shoielle'i 0111. an, I the nl rani I m; ri d until thr vim,' ,itt. ilnn thr rr.UireiI (I. .th. I ready to receive thr icinailiM. After ;thr 1. .Illn la lowered, th,. earth or tundra ot muck lie It wn tniu nte.imid out. brum mt.iin fro.en In t hunkn. in broken with 11 hIciIko ham- 'nor. mi, plbll in on lop ol the col hn box 111 a loiife aori of ttay. and le't to ..ick tt'tdf alter the nprinM thaw the I follow 1 11 u nil tinner. In Hi,, filler pnrt ..f u tober. 191.:. tiller Ih,. nl.'ltii of llerniK neu nt Nome. 1 1, Mint and uodlra were inn in I'vi ty tlirr'tloii. Thr ae.i had waahrtl about two hundred fret of the h. -slim . -Fill,, of thr ii'tiietrrt, anl (liHIlilel led doietia of hodlfa that , been buried for tell or more yearn. I'l on., or it" o install. 'en where the r.i h id mi'lli il up over the coUMtuI plain?, mid In an, I around cabins of famlb.n nnd pronpectora, the rtBhlciitn uwokc in Hit. ni'UiiltiK to Hud coilln or bodirs either on their door atcpa or In their k.i 1 k yards In one inntance a lobe t wed,. awoKo to Hud thr fr.otcn tadavrr of 11 aipiaw In IiIh rmnt room. It wan u n.arcd Swede, that uwfu' mornilla alter llm alroiii, that broiiKht the I'tule.l Hl.itci to the aceiie. to tl.w tn.' Krn. soiiie nlithl. AIoiih the . einetrry u.i nlu'ii' front whrrr the colTbin hid been w oh.-! out. other eoflln by the tlo.'.tn Were pile.) up liBiill"! ,ihr ex posed bunk, or left ft!' Itlnit in their places In the blah wall hank Willi hiM the IrnitHi of the coilln left froxel -. rwvnonn or,j'erervro ltl.i .-uruxcvjiju -nnj-Ltxrxxvn-rtv but that noine aclloll' nnawer now, but that nunc ucli must .ir lakrn to I'M' ape the old mis taken mid Ihe old aelllsh blnndeia t hi lt. In no doubt, if there is to I... anv chance for winuinit in the approaching conical. Hut, to 1 luxe, there I.n th,. H.imr old 1 1 is.itux.i 1 Ion. thr name old clonr toln munioii. and nil Unit la lacking to complete Hie old familiar condition "! a paat politic. il day la the rank and file the follow inn. 1 The toteii, d, m.ind a change and 1 II II lens fhet Kel it they yt ill mane 11. Big" Grab Sale starts Satnr day. Values to $5 your choice 19c. The Leader. Let time. a llci aid want ad ante you MRS, Wltill'S ADVICE TO WOMEN Take LytJiaE.Pinkham' Veg etable Compound and be Restored to Health. KartMa City. M.).-"Th docUira lld tn 1 woulJ never ba a mnthrr. Kvery ware at iia.i mil t coulil not Inar my weight on one foot I .x'yan lakin( I.y lia t. rinkham'a VaRctalila Com noural anH had not nniahad then rat bot tle whan I fait (freatly relieved and 1 touk it until it iaU mn anund and well, and I uow hava two (ina hahy pirla. I cannot praise Lyilia E. Pink ham ' VeireUlila torptKHinJ too hlirhlw for what it ha dona fur me. I alwaya apeak a word in favor of your mediclmi to other women w ho aurTur when I hava n opportunity." -Mr. II. T. Winn, J'J25 rreeniont Ava., Kanaat City, Mo. Head What Another Woman aayai t'umminit, Ca. "I tell aoma aulTer. j mB woman every day or l.ydia E. rink- ham'a VeRetatile Compound ami what it hat done for ma. I could not eat or! ieep, had a tad atomach and waa in miaary all th tima. 1 could not do my houaework or walk ny distance without auffprinff BTeat rutin. I tried lis-it medicinea and diffewnt natent madL. einea out failed to Kt relief. My hua band broujrht home vourVereUKU rBi. pouna ana m two week! I could eat any .'.nce'.o I'". T.lL?::Vhk" helthy b.hy. s , f . . . -X i r olid in the hank, 1 1 k,. an Immenae pe tlrltrn Into the froncn earth, lime ni'lii,. nnd aolrtmi, and uwful, wax the aceiie, out evrry body waa froxen aolul. 110 m. liter bow tniinv yeara it had hern aim r Ita tun in I. anil no 1 hunui' whalrvrr In thr appearance had taken place. It hud been on per fct, 11 111 haiiKeuhlr. natural cold slur mte throiiith Ihe ye.ira. The I'nlleil Malra mnrahal mid 111 tie If secured it lot of men, and through th depart- menta w e obtained the ultl of thr aid - tllrra from Kurt Hntla. aome three and a half 111 1 lea ennt. and in Ihrt r rmir tlata had all the hodlea that could I.r found, decently reintrrred In tha northern pari of the cemetery, w hrre It la believed they will not again ne illsiiirbed by even the most unuauil j atiirm. And what a trail of aiiduena utiitj death, that moat awful nlortn bit alonK Hie ahorea of the nort hlan I ! j For d.iyn. ami ilnya, after the sra as. tin became calm, amall coaalwls.. ho.ital were either reporting or hrlniiing In boillia, and low llm In wrecked hoat. 1 '"e cane In particular waa peculi.ieiv aad, and the wet eyea of the coroner' Jury in thr ltiiiirn which Ihe law re liilrrd tnr to conduct, were no differ ent from my own. It consisted of a man. a area! big mant of n Swede, hia aiuuw wife. Ilia two amall Holm, about cluht nnd trn yeara of age, nn Kaquimo Indian, and a white man; thr. latter of aome dark race Thr bo.i't and th.. hodlra, and the inert handier which Ihe boats had contained. Here found distributed over a atretch ol t oast nearlv a hundred mib a b'ntf frnm sou 1 he. 1 st to northwint. Whrrt lound the bodies wern rrighlfully mi', trrnl hv the pounding they receltel after death againal the rm ka i.r th 'nl'.'". and the ahnrea They hid Htaried, aa uflerwarda found . tit bv the wireless, frnm Saint'a at thr mouth of the Yukon, with ' atenni laun'h low ing a flat boat I . with inerrhandiHe to trade W'llh tit natltea of N'liilt.n-k Inland during th" winter. They were raucht In the great Sturm aome 200 miles aoutheust of Nome .and driven northwest In tint 1 nful bllrxard and cold, and nioin-taln-wnved ara. and the wre -kaBr ill tribute! as staled lad us hoie th it the fates willed 11. that their ho... a rnpalxed al the beginning, and I hey were saved the awful HilfTcrlii of cllnglrg to the wreckage for nnv lenuih of time. All thry had in the World, aa well lis thrlr Uvea, thry loaf, and they were bill a few nf m int lh it n.. the Bum" fate in that awful ntoim. We buried them, aa well aa manv oth er, aadly and Hobmnly. benealh Uie frnxen tundra of thr norihland. In the little lee-grlppnl cemetery at omr, the koo.I ladlea of thr town obn lug III. He emblems of artificial flower on Ihe (tiffins a they were low err, I Into the froxen pit. and thr .iertyman h I id the prayer. A Few Words From The Editors Mixed Hn-iU on Hie lttaa.. The politl.'imia of Han Miguel county are tuat at present t,.y husy tring to ride the feii'V on the prohibition iUck. lion. The dry hate been making IhuiKa warm tor polu b l.nia i.r thai county, and aa net era I Mexican I rt -t Huts hate recently gone "dry." the alarm In grnrral and the f.-n' e la lull of one of the funnieat political assort, menta poaab(l In any atulv farri l.'l.i .N't wa. Mint Off llw AdteriMuu. The mllllanti. revoluiloninta and union labor arm the only thinita that hold thr iill.nllon of Ihe nrwspaoer lepottcra. If I hey were not Kit en mui h free publicity there would not b., no mui h trouble Xaru Vina New. Hum lro diets. Stacks of wool are helUK brouKht in town now and brlli ahlpped out na I'iKt na can he gotten In Home of I hr wad men who ao ac-ired about the lar.fT cuttina down Ihe pi b ra and aold early In the arnnoii are a little bin., for th reaatm that the tariff did not curtail the .rice and wool la brum Iiik about 1 centa a pound more thin thry aobl for It dot a not alwn. work aa the political prophrta prrd! t. The fact la llie supply and demand ha more lo do with it thin the tariff anv way. M.nil.ilena Nrwa. What or Ht There ara a few looao acrrwa In i tery town.- Kl. eumnrr Leader. I till -MnllKll lo tc. A tintn titer nn Ihe Hio Hranda wauls tha rtunla h'c railroad In eatab llsll a atation for It because It la two hundred and lllly old, having, been ralnbllahed by the r'panlards At thai lute, aome Ihinaa are real dead-. I'arrla.'io .Vnwa. I I-'air I-mhikIi. I ranee th .Vrwa-ll.rald In the only newapaper in Katani ia, It will lake nn part editorially In Ihe controversy now on In ..r.ah ll.ll in m Hulimiis. The editor haa decided opmiotia on tha iubjL.. t, aa all know, and will not he- Mala lii eaprrna them personally, nut under tha I'lrxumauncca will not aa the culumna nf tha .paper for In it purpoae. Kach aide will he treated prerlitcly alike, and, barrlna peraonal II lea, will be iiiten auch ua of lha pa per aa la deairrd on eiaitly the aunin teima that la. lha absolute coat of I.Miidllng the mutter. The opcliliiil "f i I h .. U I r,,i 1. h u 1 1 1 ... u r b Ihlmi w..L in Ills, ' form of a communication from Mr. (Jriniincll. i:lancu News-Herald. CJimnrrvalhm. 1 1 The aame Una protect tha beaver,!? tha. bcavar da ma tha alraaut aniljllia Ibo beuver. t.mta Vo On Hie Im-liiie, The Im IhiiuIc) Kuteiprlae b l Jrul ouny crop out lant week III all editorial KiUlh under the heudliiK, Kvcnitil l'i." I't.iildn'l help II either 1 aup. poae. The Kntei prise would h u -Ita rrndera brlleto Tu)b,in haa Rone In Iho "llow-wowa." We think The Kn lerprlne will aer illfTirtntly noon Ileal ealal.i la dreldeilly on Ihe Incline, and r o indleailona of a iluwnwuid allde Tallinn .New a. Me li I live Mi'iK The Klllrrprinr helletea that il rr tlllilea a crrialn amount of taxes to run a arvcrrmcnt. We iilao h.llete that if a county or ut ile nan a hran bonded Indel.teiliu -s on which liitcrct must be met, that that county or H'"'r' will be oldiiiril to reipnre a laracr rnoiint of reti nue 1mm Hie 1. x- 1 payera. IVople are ever willing to vote for j I rldxe bond. roaU bonda. water wuiKa ( bi nds, city hall bond. aldrwalk tionda 1 and other boiula. A;nl If the nplrlt 'd prom. -an la to be inallltalned. It in proper they should. Hut when It I omra lo paylmr thr additional tax j . - r y, w I L. rancher damn KiiKlc. Service that Builds Business in rendered by tills hank til Its MitriMia lataiiHr of thtt I'lieaj. i.-i-moiiii rehiKoi.a .iisinliH-tl by I lie liMiik'a t.m.-"rB wllll llnaa- Minis ami Intllt iiluiils who tranntt llielr lankli)j( Iiii"Iiicm tlirnuuh II" various ilcuirliitiits. I liit kliiu 1ts.11nls an" liitllitl In any aiiiouut ami ctcrtthins; Is ilon(. 1.1 aan.iirx our uaitajia taj Iho Hicatc-t naHfi.i1loll. Hp inr.llally littltc )mi tn lake ail ai,tan,. 1 if Ih' iiniiii"ll iitil nufcit uiitl coinplcte rat1llthn fl tbln old hank. Cheap tl 17 ('ommrncitig May I Mil and dally lie ludilijf Hepleuibcr 20th cheap rate tukrla will b on aulr to can' mi poiuta. Thraa II: kcl ar limited to rrttirn K.tobo BUf and vennU liberal i..i-.t tra at various poiuta. i llelow it a Hat of rale to nonic of the Important point. t't'lorailo HprinEi, c!nlu. Iientt r, t.'ob I'Ucblo, folo Waahinglon, 1. C. ... Atlanta, f.i fin. ago. Ills l,i 1 1 liinil c. Md o int. ui. Mann f nn inn. ill, I'luo Toll do. a xttis I'lttabutg, I'a , . t: " i .123 70 ..ui,. '' " .lit ia . :. . I..7 I i . 171 7."i . $!i.". t a . IS I a . . IS li .iH .i For further information pKic (Also at nl for Hie. mi Hhip Figure with us Mouldings and MILL I Superior Lumber W. II. IIAIiri GO, Fur tluj lieM In Fmrt of 4U Irata. PHONE tl. 444444444 444 4 4444444444 4444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444 4444444 We are now in our new location Nos. 213-215 W. Gold Ave. The New Romero Building ALBERT Furniture, Carpeti, Draperies and Stores. "-f nn theae improt 1 on nia Hu n the on. Jeiliona pour In. Hut lie who dame must pa Ihe fid. lit r, and he wh'i bonds mual remunerate Ihe boii.lho't,. er, mid aa a man sows so ahull he nap, and when a people aow to bond and -atali h.'.'d, they nerd expect nut lo reap Im renai il laxea. KurniliiRtoti Kiitcrprine. 1 tniu or inurr 11 m roirvri Dr. T. FELIX GOURAUDS ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BUUTIHEI ' J J - kemomTid, 1"! P'"' witrhlr: . f-n Jt Mirth 1"lhf Math K - t. aa i, j inn na n i n fir. nil nrt lrmiN on liMtiv. aiiil ! HrtO tMrfl It hMilinl llir trl 'f fA Vfuri. ltd htrml'4s wv It lo lw tur il irririlr tnnl Ar trpl ruunlrrfril f Kinnlaf n m t. Pr. I. A fUvrt mM lo bMv tt turn (ihinh (a 4ttfft( ' A 1 - hi Imtie-j will ur thrm. I t ommrtn 'im mi ' C ' m flic trnl hurmful full the nkitt prriNiiftiioat. ' Al drifii ii'l tefixtrtiiii tit htutr). f i I. awkitt U, Prm. j; tul km ,SKf Summer Rates to Eastern Points ' Halt Iike. I'lah . 't liott. Mb h. . . . Miniieapolia. Mum. Ht. I'.ul, M,ni, .. Kanaiafily. Mo, . Hi. .lima. Mo. . . . Atlantic fity .... lliill.ilo. . v. ... New Vork Ni.imif i K..IU . . . Hhil id. Il'lu i. 'a. ii-. I. n, run .... 142 U l la t!.7 Ik IW li 110 Hi t ' I X il x.' Si I Jt t.r, X4 Hi I7 Hi It.' u ia! at the to ki t ollb e or addreta. T. J. JtXINSON', A.ent. lines to ull fi,relu poiuta. on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company CXH Ft UXOR L.1I MP OA I.I.I IP LUMP (IAU.IIP KOi I ANTUft aflTK, ALU HI7.ttH K1NIH.IMI AND MUX WOOD liRU'K AND ri-AMTfTHINif I.IMD HA NT A rm B Kit TIC 44444444444444444444444441 FABER ! v4f4444444A444 J a. I y I i V'1 i 'III t : s I i 4 . v 'r H .. it