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THE EVENINQ HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, II SI., THURSDAY. JUNE 18. 1914 FIVE. sales AROUND Paris Says: i LASCRUGES F0R4 White Linen on Crepe is the last word in style when accompanied by White footwear Its perfectly' natural then for you to expect to get the white footwear here. Just now we have some very exceptional values in the famous Sea Island Duck. Many shapes and varieties are made in white this year. We have the very choicest of a large selection priced as follows: Men's $2.50 $1.50 Ladies' $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 Children's 85c to $175 Statesonls? 214 West Central Avenue State News. STATE UNO OFFICE WILL FIGHT FOR . ITS LANDS Notice of Appeal to General Land Office Given in Matter of Mineral Bearing School Sections. m-vcT penetrated befnre tiy a whre unman. Sin, went In .nme nf Hi li on! Inarennibli. ruin, nf ihe reainn. rearhlng altitudes it. high us IS.omi fret. S 'Human Admitted to Aniiahnjan. Mr and Mr.. Jame. Kellgmiin toilav rrrelved telegram from their son Mo rum fi'liuniun announcing that he had u lly passed hi ex.'imlnil linn fur to the In urn Wales Naval Academy at Annapolis IIEW YORK ill IS FATALLY HURT Oil -.f 1t.mmI Wire t Kv-nlii( Herald h.inta Kr. X. M.. June IS. Tin- state l.nd nllii today li. " tenth. n to u i' i .. I In ttii general l.i nl i. III. i- frnm Ihe ili. Inmn ul Hie I'nllcil Ktnte I . nil nitlre In rr which hu mint tllHl lllr Inritl l.lllil nllire ha. miui I 'l id li i lnin. whether In riiln selected for hi hiii.l Intnl. ate mini r il or imn run-t-t . I In h.iracti r. Tin- ruling nf Ihr Iim Ml I, in. I ntllre. kIiiiiiIiI II .tin i. will. I deprive Ihr .Lite nf Ihr rmnt li. mIi.I available In nil -i. anil Ihr Innl nilniwMnnir. umlrr nilvirr trmn Ihr mlnnirv grni-ral will maintain 111. power til select the liilnl. nil. Jr. I In approval of ihr department nf the in. li imr regardlms nf whether nr tint they nr.- in I i ir mm in trr. MISS RUTH LAUGHLIN MAKES RIDE INTO THE WILDS OF GUATEMALA Sm-II UMiattli lit Tin Herald.) Nan l.i !. X. M . Junr IK. Minn liuih IxiiKhlln. (l.uiKlilrr nf Jmliii. X. H Uiiixliliii, ha. Juki returned trmn lioaU-maU ,whfre .In- accompanied hup nf he archaeological expedition iMiring hrr al'iy Min. Ijum'ilin', m lioinchaik rhlr nf 175 mile. Into thr Mihlr.1 i.f Ihn Guatemalan country, G William Charles, Son o; Wealthy Grocer Finned Be hind Steering Wecl When Car Tumbles Down Embank ment. Kant las Vritua. X. M . June IN Whiln driving a liKl'l automobile op Ilia scenic highway I h In afternoon. William Charles, sort of a New Y'"in City leading grin rr, .u.lainnl I. In fatal injuries. a.nd hi. rmnpanlnn. Kllul Craw lord, was Iniilly .hakrn Ul unit bruised u a sr.ult nf h sudden iave-ln. The car wan rounding a nharp rune unil whiln at the apex h0 earth nil. I nut trmn under !t. The car turned four i-oniplrle somcrmtult. Churlr. w.i. raualit hrhlnil the steer tt.g gear ami could nnt extricate him If. III. hui'k I. HOVi irly arenched ml the extend nf hla Internal Injur ies cannot hw tnld at t h la time. DAMAGE TO KAISER WILHELM II NOT AS SERIOUS AS FEARED 111. i.'aml Mtr in Ktruln llrral.l I HrriiH n. June in. Tho Nnrth tlrr man l.lnyd tmlay lnmii'il the fnllnn Ini atatrment innirrnlna the inlll nlnn Itrtwrrn the aKiaer Wllhflm II an dihe Iniemnre: "The Knmi-r Wllhrlni II wu. ntrui'k on the .1 a l In. aril aldr hrr third Rrnup nf hnllrr. Mir firnnK leak mini h. hnMcver. cnuld he kept under runtrnl. "The la inn no l.ithr Kaierr Wll hrlni II n...iri iill Ih Irea Ihun wii.i lit Mini Itepiilr. pinhahly will reiuirr nnly 11 ahnrl time und will he undritakrn at Sniithamplnn." "CHIEF SAM" AND HIS BACK TO AFRICA SHIP ARRIVE AT GALVESTON Try m lo-vrnt Herald want ad. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. A. x X Touring Car - $629.00 Runabout - - 579.00 A Second Hand Ford Runabout, Good condition $350 QUICKEL AUTO AND SUPPLY CO. 313-515 West Central Ave. (lie l-awd U'lr to nrenltia; llrral.l I (iarinn, Tx.. Junr IH. Thr Hlraitiehiii l.ilii ll.i. .n whli h'TVlfrril . Sam. Irmlrr nf thr "Hark In Afir limvrmi nl aiiimiK nrttir.p. nf Ih.'i rnimtry prnpnar. In taar .ryrial liun drrd mm nr. to the Rnld riw.1 nf Al rlr. arrlxrd hrrc today. Tin- arrivil nl the vrwwl ums thr asinn ' t lllllrh reJiili'lnR nliinna ; hun ilrrd fnllnwera of "Chirf ' Sn n, w liii have hern here several m.'iHIiN It I. not known h h-n ihr l.iiirri.i lll .all fur A.rlra. "t'lilrf" Sum I. (aid to he nn hnnrd. MONTHS REACH S1DO.00Q Convincing Demonstration of What Advertising will do in Way of Getting Real Money (laeetal rrroae ! Ileraldl Crure., N. M, June I'. Thmna. Cnnney. nnr nf the iiinul . Minimi nt nf Hm nri.. runnty'i It I rn. and member nf ihr Mate Iricla latuie frnm that nnini, hu. pur I he Wer.milrk Ian. h nnrth ( l.nn ('tlirr nf HH arrrs Inr IM.ItUII. Aflrr limklna over thr vallry with Kiral lull. Mr. t'nnm ,r. Iilril (lull Ihr Im-.i ranrh tn huy waa nne tilrrmly hmhly Improved. Thr Wi-ramilrk plarr ha. an nn hard nf 41 arrrn. rntiliiliiiiiK nnly thr Mirlrlle. nf lii ple. pi nt 11 nil peai Iii-h hrxl adapted In Ihr Mm 1 1 la valley, erlnlrd umlrr the .uidaiire nf I'rnf Kahhin (larrlii. of the S':w Mri n I'lillrae nf Akm rullure. and pun hanr.l from Htark lima Xurarrira an driharda ' Thin nn hard la now (wo jrarn old, Ih In prrrV-rt i-iinditmn. without a "Inulr lire ml. ulna, and It only re Ilium thr lapae nf a few .hnrt yrar. until It will he wnrih more than a thniirimd dollar, an ai re. Vr Wrrannlrk had planned thl. nn hard hi. life's Murk, hut nwinn to errliin. health rnmlltlnna w hlrh rrndrrrd him unahlr in Rive It the altrntlnn It reipnrud llr was fnried In srll. John rilirtkhrldge nf Mr.HU Park LAWLER' LEADS OVER HAMMOND BY 1500 VOTES IN MINNESOTA NOTICE. Wr, thn rtrftanl.rd hndirs nf Ihr t ulldinj trade department nf Aliu iiicniuo, wlah to alve In the hu.lur.. men of Alliutiuerque the names nf the ntrartors who employ only organis ed la bur. CrM-titrr Contrst-tttrs. I.'. A. (Irrtlir, W. HrMM-lden, J. W. Mi quade, J. A. Harlan & BuU, A. W. ilayden, I. ynn A Axlrll, W. K. Morrlaon, M. I, r'awtelle, y.i Knurnrllo, A. C. Mollis. Frank Ai-kerman, II. I'. Muhn, Aihert Knrlnrjr. Ilunilter (XMUraitra. I'eeman At Aycrs, Whitney Co., Hanltary II V P. Co., !u Btaehlln, ' J. A. Struiniil.t. A iieaurlwmp, Crcwent Hardware t'u. Ilrp-fc t'oiiiractora. Kd Iirnihke. Anton An.on. aiming 'tilraiiors. W. L. MiDiuiald. A. (Miauvin, -'. K. Quler. ('. C. Xniioman. Itomero A1 1-1(11 Co., K. llrnaey, K. Zumiira, Kills l,. lllllMll, T. M lirlnhnyde, 11. L Aarnn. I'lMMty (jiMMmtiora. Sam Wamii-r, Harry Undue. Mime Ma -.on fntitraitors. Jullu. Jnhtianii, M lie Tullm, H. I talll no. I .li-1 rlral (omtratmra. Xa.h Klertrlral Co., Arno Hiinlim. Jim I Kdmntidmin We patroniK thoav whit patmiiiie us. (8llied) JAM. J. VtiT.VW, Berretary Kxe.-utlvs Hoard Orsanliel lathnr. Mill take i harse nf the farm and ton dint It. nperatmn latter Mr. Cieiney epn a In mnve to lata Cnn r. w hers he i nn take ndvantaae nf the fni ill lie nffiirilrd tiy thr late Cnllese tnr thr i.lii.ailiin nf hla ihildren. Hli-llla alley lnil Maku Ail It r. The I'slmer-Hens rnmpany, iIibik nnlrd naenl. nf tha Water I nt r' m- H. iriiilii.n, ha. diirina the pant fifty da. ...Id nlinoat t.Ml.nnn v ..r I li (,f fertile farm land, nf thr M.-nlla val ley The II. t nf pnr. ruim-m f..ll..w Mi. Maud I' uf Arimma par. Iiannl five ai rr, pint we.i nf I41. Crm-ea fnr Ilia per arte. Khe e ierl. to move nn the pliue In the fall and imprnve II Mr. Jame. K Mnne nt nmthrrn Xew pur. Iiaurd the I "in h nf I'luf William II floan. north a eat of lata Crure.. Tina Irart ron.lHtril of eight aire, wild 11 fine hoii.e. The inn.ldrrnl Inn wax I. '.mill. Mr Stone I. now- ll Ins upnit Ihr piemlKm mid la M-ry nun h pit aerd llh It 1111-I the Mr.llla Valley. I. nihi l Id thermal. .n pur. haed thr ten .i.i- Manly nri hard for l.'iit all aitr 'I hu. 11- an mi hard with a bran tilul hitlr iMinRali.w rieitrd nhnut ikii raii imn by Mr, and Mr. K. 1' Mi Intnxh ,.iir. hnnrd nlmiit U"l in lex nf In ml foul nnlr. ti'.lth ( nf I. an crin-e.. paiilv In 1 nltna liini. Mr. Mrtnionh Ik a brother ( tin W. C. field, wire of I'l Kirld. who li.rto.t Iv lived in l.o- t'rii'ei., ami If I hi. In 1 -t 1 1 n t.i Immr.liiitrly .tatt the ir'itt nf a 1 iinimrr 1I11I nri hard Willi a lr (.f inaklnK hi. hnnir here In a few ruiH. The prbe wiih li .'.11 nn a. re .Mr ph ('. .Mt-i'iiiii pun ha.rd lllr Hi lllr .1.1 ranrh nf 2:1 .1. re. Hirer nilleM..thweFl nf I'llnen. The ronxnlernl Phi wn. Il.i.iii. Mr. Mr t'artv r.itne. from Mimirnnla and Is an eniiirlriir-d tarnirr. Henry Kit. h nr. I .Ii mim ll. rnal nf liinia Ana hair puri liannl I m in-re. of Ihr Minium- lands nl $13 T. per ai re Mr. Kip h .1 'rw 11 1 -n 1 ha ami pur- thaw. I a tr. t nf ;n rr. ft-nn Mr stiantir. ,iml a 111 tr. Iroin Mr K H Hi.nKl.iltd. ail ..liina thr par ihin-r. With the 11. 1. In 1.. 11 of the pn-MMit aileite he will have nne of the lament ami nn.-l profit. ilile film, in the Menllla tallry Hla firt 1 mp of i.'laKa "ill ui iimrr than Ion. and Mi Kit. li ntale. thai In" neiin.iii . 1 ti., ail! .teniae aern l'.n per in re. Thl. I.rlnan the aterase t..tle. up ft The reniarka'ile nm nf alittunt $l.i'a a day the hint filly il.iti The nalin ..f Ian. In In the v- I mill of 1 .11. I'm. f doriiiK the paA f.ntr timntha now ntimunl. In n-.i-r I I .Mi, una and tin. dm . Ii -t tak. Into riinntdi-rntloli the .ale if the Hatfl'l innt nf tlml aires. 11011I1 of I J." t'rnirn. whirh nmniinlrd to $1. '.' Only tie small latm sale, are minni ered In the nmminl nf $ I Mi. mm. so Unit if thr llaarr .ale were added the I' aim. nnt .,f the farm tranna. tl"na would ami.iinl In U.''. "On. K twacd W ire o tenln Herald. 1 Pt I'aUl. Minil , June IH Hrlatrd let ill na tnda v frnm Mlnne.nta'a nlatr Klde primary rlei ll-.n. .vtelled lantt l Lattlrr'a lend nvt-r tnnsrr..inan W, H. Hammond to nearly I. .Mm vote. In the ontti.t fnr the liemnrrutli- culiernii IkiI.iI nnmlnuilnn. W. K. la-i-'a majority over tloverimr Kberhart was lm d by lata rv turn, and mn. nf the aioernor'. sup porters rnn.-eded his defeat. L'vROE URGES STUDENTS STUDY REFORM AND ALSO REFORMERS ftlr Inraaed Wire In Ktrfnlnc llrrnld l Cam bruise. M'u., June It. sia.t. of relnrma and reformeia In order find out their real value wa. iml-v uried on sludrnis of Harvard rr sily by I'nllvd Htales Hi Henry la lint Laidite In an addrr.n Inf. we Ih" Harvard Alumni aaanrlalinn. Hrm.ti.r lnllie said "that Juni n w e have with us one nf ihr rurienl peiiuds whrn the world in lllled wi.h reform., larcely dr.tru. t.vr and pllll ItUe In (hararier, Kriirrally of that altrarlK e kind whli h aim. at making limit one other than numeltr. virtuous by prme. of law." "Thea liientlnn.," ( (int Inueit the n. nalor. "sr. nut to ba settled by lld detiilli. lalmn nl existing wrnna.. Thry must Mud their solution throunh a knowit-dite I be paat und a cool Judgment of tne future." IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER MILLIONAIRE MILKMAN SUED FOR DIVORCE IS ON HIS WAY TO EUROPE f J ra"nl Wine 10 rweatwr l'fn New York, June 1ft. Hail Harden, tha millionalra milk dealer, wa. vr'.'. ed with a summon, and t-nmplalnl In day In tha anion for divoree InMilut ed by Mrs. Helen M. nurden. The ae. Hon waa reetntly filed In a Califoinls inurt. Tha complaint charge, deser tion. Mr. Borden said ha would nnt ne able to answer It In person, slur he was gulotf to Europa. lake hallH In llu-li Kldnt'yn ami Nru. Irall.t- IrtiutMn .1l1ln. 1 . Kidney and lll.nliler wraanenn rrniill '1. .111 uriv and. na a noted authoiily The kidneys tlllrr this arid fr..m Hie blood and pass II on to the bladder, v here It often ii-.naln. to Irritate an1 intlame, a burntiiK. ablint nriiaatlon, or .tiling up an irnatim at he nei'k of Ihr bladder. tiblixiliK vou lo nrrk relief tw-t nr three lime, lim ing the night. The aurierer I. in 1 on .land dread, the ualer pasnea a-nnr-limra with a .. aiding aenmitmn and nt very profuse; attain, therv Is diltieulty In avnldlng ll. Illadder weiktn-as, most fnlk. ra'l It, bei'Miise. thri inn't cnntrol utina t Inn. While i extremely ann nl-iK and snmetlmen trry painful, til in In rrally nne yf tin- most simple ailmrliU In overcome, mi ahuul four nunren of Jad Valla fi. io your ph.irma. lot and lake a tablrnpnnnful In a i.l water before breakfast, continue thm fur tarn or three days. This will nru. trsllsa the arid' in tha urine so It no lmier Is a snur 1 of irritation In !-e bladder and urinary organs whbh turn art normally again. Jad Balls I. laespen.lvr, tiarmlen., and la made frntn the arid of grape and lemon Juli e, combined with lilhii. and la used by thousands of folks who arc subject to minary disorders cau. a by urlr acid iriitallun. Jad rialts I. .plendid for kldm-ya and vau.r. no bad effects. Here you ha e a leaasnt efferves cent lilhla-waier drink, which iUickiy relieves bladder trouble. Accident, will happen, hut the heat regulated families keep r. Thomas K.clectle on trr siirh emergencies. Two glMa, tic and so4, gt all storaa. DO YOU WANT la JH THESE ARE HOT DAYS AND SWELTERING OVER A HOT STOVE WHILE HEATING IRONS IS TOO MUCH FOR ANY HOUSEWIFE The Evening Herald to the Rescue BY SUBSCRIBING FOR THE HERALD AND PAYINO A SUM ONLY SLIGHTLY IN EXCESS OF THE REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF THE EVENING HERALD YOU CAN SECURE A Williams Electric Iron The Albuquerque Gas & Electric Co. has been selling thu Williams Electric Iron at its actual cost to them $1.98. Subscribe for The Evening Herald for one year and you can secure one of these Irons at a cost to you of only $1.00. You pay $1.50 down (this including payment for the first month's subscription) and 50c a month, the regular subscription rate of The Evening Herald, for eleven months thereafter. The Iron is delivered to you as soon as you contract for the paper for a year and pay the $1.50. What the Iron Is The Williams Ehctrin Iron is under an absolute guarantee by tha Al buquerque Gas & Electric Co. The Irons have been given a sixty four day test. Think of it! Fifteen Hundred and Thirty-Six Hours of Steady Current and Still as Good as New. The operating expense is about the same as the cost of fuel in ironing the old way. The diff erence is that with the Williams Electric you turn the switch and in three minutes the iron is ready for use. All the heat is concentrated on the iron; not a bit of it escapes; you can iron without interruption until you are through, and YOU ARE COOL while your IRON IS HOT. Whereas, by the old) method, you will burn a bucketful of coal get ting the irons ready to use and heat up the whole house in the mean time, tramp back; and forth after fresh irons and to pour bucketful after bucketful of coal into your already hot stove, and YOU ARE HOT while your IRONS ARE COOL. , "TODAY'S NEWS MOAT THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD