Newspaper Page Text
SIX. THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., THURSDAY, JUNE 18. 1914 iff The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Story of tha Mexican Revolution Ft I) AN F. COOLIDfiE H-taflt." lit IflllA," fcic H;jtr,tt,n,hVl)S J. LAVIN (CupriuM. lilt, by l-ruik A. MuuMr.l M mil in. ifil lioin t-.i 'H l) ) inn now, in : r tin- nig eiimptili n In riil!imiliu:i and a wlr.t. r ft lill"iu i at Anna Smth. liny were innrrhiha; (.until townnl their mtlho Inml an. I, In aplfp of thf Mern Kl.ini e of iln-lr l :i -t era, thry liurKt fnrth In w.tril Vs,(ul oriKii mtalch: If thilr wordii h:i.1 lirrn known, mUl.t ally ln n.iin il tin ,r Mexican oITIcura soma alight imeaal lll'HH. It wan, lii fact, only u niteiitlon of tl'ivs. miwtlis, or yearn until tho entire Yaqul contingent would ilfwrt, taking their arm and mnmunli ion with them. ";, what a bunch of moil!" ci rlnlrnc'l Hud, aa he (toiwl off Hid d mired their lark forms. "TtienVs some genuine fluhtera fur you." he oWrved to Mill, iiml a slant Yaqul, Btanriliift near, returned hta prslne with a Hlnlln. "W'jr. hello tliern, Amlm." hulh'il lluil, Jerkin iiln head lu a friendly iuv lute. "Thnt a feller I was making signs to ui In Anus Neurit." hn ex plulnei! "iHiefted If I alu t ni in k ou thee YHijula the) To all turn, believo me!" "GiKd workers, all rlKht." conceded Vf ljinrry, "hut I d halo to bsv-a "em get after me with tlmae giius. They sny they've killed a lot or Ainirlciuis, one time and another." Well. If they did It was for being raui-ltt In had comiuny," said Hooker "I'd tuko ctiunte with 'em any t!mo hut If you ro Into their country with a Mexican escort they'll kill you on general prlncipleii. Hay," ho cried JmpulHlvely, "I'm going over to tulk with Amino!" With a broad grin on hli honest fare he advanced toward tho giant Yaqul and alums, hutids wremonloimly. "Where you got" he Inquired In BpHnihh. at the. aaino tUua ruUtiijr. a cigarette and (taking by a sign for match. "Moclejuina," anxwered the Indian gravely. Then, an Hud offered hlui the maklngR, he, too, rolled a rtsnrottn lid till: ktlloked for Ili'.llUttt 1(1 llenre. "You live here?" inquired tho Yaqul tit Inct. "Come hero." corroded Hud. "1 liae mini- ten toll. o er there." He pointed with the flat of IiIn hand, Indian fuhhton, and Amigo nodded un d-ratmidihi;.y. lie wan a line flftura of a man, (land ing six feet or Letter In hi well cut 'tidal and liundlliiK It's heavy Mau er tut a child Would awing Arn'HB hlH hioud (hunt be wore a full cartrliVu hilt, and around bla wulat he hud la.i niort, hlied to the Ut Imlu with cartridges and loaded clip. At Int. I t luy hU blanket, bound Int'J t'k'lit roll, and u iiu tiirii and ioflnt cup completed till outilt, hieh, o far a lni diuiei.ta cra cotttnicd, wae Ity Itself. l'ut inHead of the cheap linen uni form of the fed. -rain ho uus drtH In good Amerii an ilolheH a atrlped ahlrl, overall, and a aomhrero Imuded ltb briyl.t rll.d.un and In place of the beaten, hunted hick of thoee poor cooiu-rlpt lie hud tliu at cad y gaxe of m trvv They atood and amoked for few moment, talking Lnellv, and then, aa the Yaul cl.....-d up their rank and marched off to miike tamp for Hi night, I'uJ pieNi-t.ted III atrungi friend uh the hmi k i f toliueco and went buck to Join lii paidner 1 bat fveultig the phuu aa tilled with the wildest ruhiui, and another train utrived during the uMit, but through It all liud and 1'hll remulued tiultiir-Ku. lu the morning the aol dleta went uiarchuiK off down the tiail, liavlng a great alleuce where all bad been bug lu-cil nl ex Kemeiit, and then the firat fulllv came In frota down t-kiW. You Llva HaroP Inquired tha Yaqul. tiling lusml imd ptiiritig eyea, and h told a t ile of otilrai e thnt ntnilo their IiIim.iI run rold. 1 lie red flagitera hnd eome in In I.. ih nt nlgl.t; they had killed Mh IIi nod Hon, left him Upon the ground for !rd. nnd carried off hl iliingliler. n prisoner. Mi l later, when the comlmrlo quea IkiImiI him Khaiply, it developed that lie lived not lar nway, had no iluugh ter to lore, nnd wait, tn fait, only a . Mr.d old inati who told for truth that ulilili he feared would hnppe.i. Not n IthKtxuditiic the denouement, Mh gtnry Mrre, iho Memran popula tion to the ii t hp. and when Mud and I 'li il tried to lure men to the work on the mine, they reallie.t that their trouhd. B I; id hemin. Not only Mai II InipoHxIhle to engage lahorera at any prl e, but on the follow Ing day (rua Mendi . with IiIh wire and chil dren nnd all hW mildly mnHeaaona on hln burro, none hiiirymg in from the camp nnd told them he could erva them no more. "It l my woman!" he eiplained; "my Maria! Ah, If thime re voltomm nlioul.l ee Mnrla thy would ateal her hi fore m) Men!" Ho he t given hi pay and tho fifty il.illarK he had earned and. alter tho ciiHtniniirr "fuchaa graclaa." am! with the faithful Maria by bla aide, b went hurrying off to the atoro. And now In crowded vehicle, with armed men riding tn front and behind, th" refugee from Mocteautna and thf hot country began to pour Into town adding hy their very haste to the panic of all who aaw them. They were tho rich property ownera who. having been guhjectod to forced cont rihiitlon before, were now fleeing lit the llrat rumor of danger, bringing their fiiiinlloH with theui to eaeape any being held for ranaoni. In half a day the big hotel prealded over by Dan Juan d Ulo liracha motile waa awnrmtng w:th atarlng oed c( untry mother and aternly aul dueil famillea of children; and Bnal ly. to add eel at to the occasion and xiiipeiiaate for the general confualon iNin Clprlano Aragon y Trea I'alacloi reme driving up to the door with hli w Ife and the amlllng Uracla. If alio had been in any fear of cap ture by bold marauders. Gratia Ar gou did not show It now, aa aha sprang lightly from tho carriage and waited ujmiu her lady mother. 1'erhapa, aftct a yenr or more of minora and alarms, ah.- had come to look upon Impending revolutionary conflicts as convenient rxcupes for a trip to town, a long atop at the hotel, and even a dash to gay iuilndfii in cane the rebel pressed close. However that m.y bo. while Don Juan exerted blrasolf to procure there a good room she endured the gate ol the American guttata with becoming placidity and, as that took some time, ho even ventured to look the Ameri cans over and mako somu comments to bur mother. And then or o It seemed to Hud tho mother glanced up quickly and fixed her eyes upon him. After that lie was In lea of a hurry to return to tne mine, and 1'hll nld they would atuy Inside for a week. lUit a for I'on Clprlano, when he came acrona them in the crowded lobby he glurcil past them, with umlignant insolence bud abruptly turned hi buck At Im Kortuua be wa the lord and mauler, wllh power to forbid tliem the place, but now once more the fortune of wur had turned agaliint him, and he was forced to tolerate their prchciice. The bund played in tho plaia that evening, It being Thurmlay of l fie week, and as the cornet led wllh "La I'aloiiKt," und the bait viol and guitar beat the meuKiiru, all feet seemed to turn in that direction, ant? the fuir ol tho ruldi rs was stilled. Around nnd around the band stand and In and out beneath tho trees the pleasure lining maidens from down below walked decorously with their iioihtrn. and thu little band of For tuna Americans, to whom life for some months had been a trifle burdensome, awoke suddenly to the beauty of the evening. And uinong the rest uf the maidens, but far more ravishing and high bred, wulked (iracla Aragon, at whtmi Hud in particular stole many secret gluncci trotu beneath the broad brim of his hat. hoping that by some luck the In. eurriH'toa would come upou the town, and ho could defend bur he hlone. For he felt that he could do It against any hundred id ex lean that evei breathed, r ' CHAPTER XII. In Its Inception the Fort una hotel Lad not been intended for the uae ol Mexican lu fact. It rate were prao tlrally prohibitive for anyone not be lug paid lu gold but, alnce moat ol the Americans had left, and seven dol lars a tl-y Mn was no deterreut to tha rich r furee land owners. It became of a sudden International, with a fine mixture of purse-proud Spaniards and racu-proud American adventurers. Not a very pleasing combination for the parent of romantic dniusele des tined for some prearranged marriage of aUtta, but very exciting for thu dam sela and most provocative to the Amer icana. After tha promenade In the plaza the mothera by common consent pre empted the upstair reception-room, gathering their pr-ciou charges In clone; while the Americans, after their custom, foregathered In th lobby, convenient to the bar. Hot argu ment about tha revolution, and pre diction of events to ronie served to pass (he early evening, with many scornful glances at the Mexicau dan die who went so Imioletitly up tha stnlis. And then, as the refugees re tired to their apartments and the spirit of udvenlure rose uppermost, i'hll lie Lancey made a dash out Into the ilufkticc and came tack with a Mexi can string band. (t'on tinned Tomorrow Afternoon.) free lots; Sec ZIoorc Co.'i Ad. TO STUDY SOLAR RADIATION AT SANTA FE -..til , IV. V M . June IV It Is ii'i ili I "t..e. I Mr K iii!i,i II ot t he I 'n't . eil ,llil. ' -t'l.f t . .1 1 .- I II , t. .:H tlne'il 1 of it k 1 1 - itlnm will (iiti.e in H.iiila l' 'till fOlllltlM I I" ."(I. lUi I CKICIIIOVO I' "euri he Int.. "..til I 1 1 1 ;! t to li III 1 'te mount un tn . ii lilt- i ;t TIiin m on of the moNt' lii; I'f l-ti of Hi Wt Hlier Itlirellll .nk and pit. iff tt i ..i,-i.. rilde nt. i.n l.i n- e T'l. et'-et ef the itetilili' I il - ..I tile --1111 n 'ill... :.ttlli1,. Mild :. ! Ml."- h I e in till i nli-Mii' o fruit mid !-i iniuliii ion ft , i ui latum it".. w.M l.e ftipli. d oivlil It It well k'niMlt tlie In. tele II Imllt of New M' V 1 - dm i h a more liciuit II ullv ...lend f i nil ! th in utivwliirr idne In the 'untiv In ; t Illi m.ik U'e IK 111 l ie of the e 1 1 v int. meter, peritli lotlleter niid liMicr Itt . geriioii ileii- e-. v oik ! e.r. . lied on retflll illy to ti mot,, or e ev I Ii ni ill I III- li- ill ..III. r. 'land office issues COAL LAND RULING I Sitnta Kn. N M, J-irn- 1 Tiiiltr ' it I tf CnlttTr-f il 1 r v Al'lil II. l'.ttlt (he "llilir"-li-r R'-tl- riil lithil i'ftlr h:i ljutl hiHtnif I ii iii. ii ,irvrii iiy A A Jim , fa ni n.-;. unit w M'liiry. 1 tin i-n . I I w lu re 'iit !it. i.r itM -Mi ul'-rit, h: InNIUmI INtllt'llllilllT M fl'M'! Vill i'ti 1 ninlrr tho t r M ,t h .r .Juno ??, 1 ? 1 0, nrnl pn.-h !;-hIh hnv fill itt rvir,ii ti-r. nrw nr ?-i itt - tni'iilnl ! - will withm f Hin h l ii ton. i ri;AN'isrvi ru.t; CATTURE T.IAN WHO IS SATn TO HAVE SHOT JUAN PEREZ li. rlw M ifftlnl. t, i. a Fe track l.tholer. Wll lllTehte.i lit lir.'lttl T- iti.h.K, cliiirced with lio'ti'tir Juan I'erez. nnotlicr I tenter, who wn i.ri.uulit lit re tei-e. I iv iiinrnini.' with a built t wound in hi throat. I'erex Ii In a ilanuei ,..i ..edition nt the S.tnlil IV coiiM Inn - ' intiil. -pelhll gelit I toll Si .en . loll til t Mi vdii leiui h-re IiimI iin;lit nnd thi" 1 1 1 r ri I nit he took Mm I., the Vnh n i la county jail nt I.o l.un.i. The priHoner wn locked up In the police Million overnight, .-.'tinwdcn confirm id the flrxt report on the hootlntf. vi hli h wn lllllt Mim.lal. il l I allesed to have shot IVrcx while the latter lay (i-dccp In the laborers' bunk cur at lirant.i. Magdnlenii la said t" have been drunk i:l the time. Htinw den told the police hern that ho had com liisive eviileuee a K 1 111 1 the pris oner. No motive for tho shunting wa given. STONE GETS SIXTY DAYS FOR CARRYING A THUG'S WEAPON For cnrrvlnif n sluitgshof I.. M. ."lone wan Keiitenceil to MVty l.i. " 1. 1 it lit by I'oliee Jtnlmt tie.. rue It t'raig IIiih IliornlllB. Stone', olfelim ii u urn va ted by tin, fact Hint a J-lloll tlllle before hi arriHt lie lie iiuiiiiletl iiniiiey of n woiiiaii in tin Ti n. let loin, she told the police that flu ordered him fr..m her room, ami lie went without inakina Irtiuble t'liplam I'al ii'iiiitlv urreteil Stone follow li:i( the Wolll.lll H report .! the 01 t li . 1 1 in e. He w.i chllfKetJ u. th earri.nw a deadly weapon. PLASTERERc7lARGED WITH PUTTING OUT WORTHLESS CHECK .t.iiniH llnteliiii.t, ii phisttrer. will be nrriiivtii il before Juslne of the l'eai e tieorgc It. ('ran: toniorrow tnorning; on a chiirito of issuing a WoltllleNs check for SIT. II" wn airextetl by I'lilef of l',,lie Tliomll Mi Millin lal night, on oinpl.iint of Frank Kruenroll. He w a to have lee n nrraiitiiid this iimming but aflieil for a continuance, if (he case. FATHER MANDALARI SAVES SOME MONEY ON RAILROAD TICKET Father Man. In lari, taKtof of Itie t'hirth of the Immaculate l'miri-.-lion, went to the station a.t if.i-hl with a voiit.g man for whom he in tended to bll a In ki t to tiallup. He f ni wh.-n lie not there thai the t: Mi l(. lu i I with hi ill wn not io -te o nt. un. I left the Voilnu in in to Ki utter more money. Ho left the I'.'Xt in tin- window. When he returned I the young man was gone aiul so wa I the mi. Fl her Mandaliirl doesn't i know thi- young man's name. WISHED SHE COULD DIE kai tt Trt From Her Troubles, lot Finds Better Waj. Columbia. Tfnn. "Man time," lays Mis. JetMB bharp, of tint pUcc. 'I wished I would die Ind be relieved Ol n.y BullcfinK, Irom womanly Irouhles. 1 Could not fit up, without pulling at something to help uie, and stayed In bed most ol the bine. 1 could nut do my bouse w ot It. The amount ol work Mred me out. My heid would gwttn, gnd i would tremble lor an hour or more. 1 inaily. I kiok Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I am not bothered with pants any more, and I don't have tn (to to bed. In fart, I am sound and well ol bU my troubles." Cardui goes to all the weak spots and tirlps to make thrtn siiong. It acts w.iti inline not against her. It Ii lor the tued, nervous, irritable women, w ho feci ai it everything were wrong-, and need sometlunu to quiet their nerves and tuengllii'U tne worn-out tyilcm. If you are a woman, suffering from any of the numerous symptoms of wotaamy trouble, take Cardui. It will bc!p you. At all dru'fts. . )!, Chsnsnoor Md-tn C, U.-W Idvi,'r Ltvt . c:i . 7in. fur J-tt'm- ttmg ttf w.ji liiii'.i Si i.a twv.n '11.,.. I SOMU, Mas-SiSilS. H.klklf 777 Styles for young men! Wc head-line Styleplus Clothes because they are quality clothes at a medium price. The styles vary gradually from conservative to the popular Fnglisn fashions for young men. There is a big assortment of each kind. Our salesmen will tell you that i - P" "v"-r in iiiwwaaaaaawawaaawaBa?waaswasMaaaBasaaaaa " '' r yrywt-r.t.M.n.ii .l.i, I IHI u n.i.i ...... i ,,. .i.m.i i. i, ... ' always fit. The cas with which you can be fitted and pleased would fill a custom tailor's heart with envy. Yountr men, tall men, short men, stout men, all men wc tan give you style, fit and guaranteed satisfaction in this special suit. Come in and let our mirror do the talking. SIMON STERN Incorporated. 1 1 51 t r i t TODAY'S LIVE NEWS OF SUNSHINE STATE BUSILY AT WORK ON DETAILS OF WOOL PROGRAM FOR ROAD MEET Headquarters of State Associa tion Opened in Santa Fe and Vigorous Campaign for Attendance Will Be Made. Hunt il Kt. X. it.. June Iv Tin ttalthfer ol tin Sliilt- tiooil Uo.iil.t ll.-ee. euitioti lie.i.i)u.i-ii-rn o tlim i ity yen tiiil.iy wur t't-oinltlly lolluwt-.l hy a liiinioei- of . I . 1. 1 1 111 1 li I k In Die tre llinlioiry .ik for the eoin tin i..ti el ihhiIk riooMt t- whli li urn to In It! here next no .mil. The .t... i .. in. ten liitiM Iv .i 1 1 .in l. t yeMti rmiy. i- irt.i il a luiue nil 'uli. r ..f iiiiihi -,il n u :n I m .in 1 XIvi-n m-t.ut.iu. ,. of aoine i-xt-elli-nt .ol- ill'eKiin floiit .l oinllli'tit roatlt 1 't- er trotu :itiouu HiintM Aitiuu tn,. Lite. Arranii-tin nt: Kire lumle throtn:h the i h 11 in I it-1 ..t eniiiiiiei tea eotiiiiiit;i i on iiri.inK' 11. i rim for hnlilinn the tne. t . IhfcM In tin ntiith Cite i ni lif-ilr 1 1 iiml the tii.ik't iiii-ent mi.tii t unit ,ik f..r muni.- whuli .re iiffur'leil y finUi:!' In I. iiilo t it Here 1 1 mi-i .I upon tiM in on v irit ion s nfti. eih ur, - on lieinu .ti. the emlit iiml only Mt r u- t u 1 1 i. teil inn. uli. .u for tn Tlie rt..nn .it-no. I iti.e iik rut ulm i nir the nine U en in In. 1. 1 then nif.-iliiK n un II In I loli.ihly the In thi i lty. iiiti'I the r.ittol, litrKt i nuimll to .roperly aeat the iniiny th l milen hn ate ex.e. le'l (hnlr, umler the leml- rrnhiii i.f I.I. w. llyn ". H ill, will ren tier never 1 1 1. 1 t mum at iiiioiih lino ) tltirliiK th. ..nventloni. iin.l Mr. ieoiK,. II ..l. Htolle Inia eon.enteil tn I'l.iy kew r.'l xoloa un the muKhlliei-nt I 1 1-- in k in it In h la I'ltrll'in nf the i ,.(.i ) merit. I'mf. I. U Tt-lln will ni" i I., h. iM In Molln ooa A nuinl.. : ..f at i el't.m in lime . li te, uly ot en r1 i-lvid from mi-ti hhK'.ii to ui i' on the troiir.itii, iitnnu" litem one fi .iti IHalriet Forixier A. t" Il liik'lu ml, of Altiiniupriiiie. Mho la to H't iik on the natloniil imln y of t'o foi i nt hfrilif with referent e tit roml. Thit le.tuie utll ti lllait rntf 'I hy n m rn a of r h.inilmiie lantern alhlea There will uli... Iie eM-r..l other Ulna Irilieil l.-.-turiK. Imn I'. J.. In -on, a tl foreM hi r vli e ol!. e a ill h.eik on the nnil" work lion.- l.i the wriln' fro.n h m-j In lnt. Hint T he tlnr.l t iy of the i onvchtliin will lie r'en ii . t. the eiielli.ti of ol!) -i ' anil In m.t i. Utility run to urlotia polntM of IiHiiiki near thin illy, o thnt ylKit .ik in. iv have un oi poriunitv of ttlwnnn road work n .nut I In thin eoiiniy and may ulo. levy thr i II ff-il i elliiikw. lllorU'ta It.iltl. flelil a'll utlier int. r. ei 114 1 -m. Big Grab Sale Starts Satur day. Every box will contain more than 19c in value. The Leader. It. It. Monr, Attornar. Oomwsll suz iii a fu4 w -rA fit. iifrfflHat 1 "i ftlisi SMill ittM SALE AT ROSWELL LAST WEEK Total of 645.000 Pounds Sold at from Fifteen to Twenty Cents; Total of 2.CO0.OOO Pounds Will Be Handled. I:.. mill. X. M. June IS Six linn-ili.-tl anil fotly-tiM- llioiiHaiitl iiouinti of wool were oltl h-re in tn il.if l.ixt week, the wool lieinu i lii w hu ll hail Iteeii t-otlklleit tti the KottWell W ool niu I II n It- i om;.i.ny. The Wool nMT.meil I H t eulM per pound nrnl KriHturil the KrowerH lliiH. Iiin. The Illk'heM pru e Wool wan Mi I '.t 1 1 loilet te, la. he. ii Mini M'Kn'Khl i lipH, e.u 11 f tlliKintl I'S i-entw. The Imyeia vlm weri pienent ut the LU Hale weie S. 1. Attune- . Kalph Vntulet wort, n-prtki iilina the I inm n-.Vil.ilon i tiiiip.niy ol ll.t"U. .MaeH. V. ,. M.iiIoii uiul U I'. Kilelui:. 1 1 preMftitiiig lliillowell, . J'Uleo uiul Itoiialil of lioatoll. AIiikh. A. I'llllll, lepleHeutllllt Juilil A It. i..t of Hurtful it, Conn. Law it in c lllelU, leilefenlinn lai. e of llociloii, M.i-a. 111 r tt-h Salter. I'jpleei-IUIliK F ii iimm.i tli Mru hiu.ii jini ('. ot 1joh1i.II, MiM. "tin K ii li ii, re ri-M-iitinti tltc Hiil nny Woif-teil Mil id. of I'u.uii, X. J lal Sea.'. It-presvlltlllK thu ItoaWell SemiriiiK Mill. The mile hli ploVeil twtl thlllK" on Itinl whin- wooIm tun he hroiiKhi tnmether lit one plate lor the ItiMpet: llon of l.u.-i!. Die "heavy" liuyeta, lepreHrlll IliK the lilKKent mnt'l-rna ot the wot lil. w ill eome to inak lmlt. All'. tiler la riinipelitlon tilVlk to the nheei ni'-n what ! their llue, unil Bin h a, ule i reaii li.-allliy eompi ti ll. m A1101 her thii. that linn liei-n pimeil in thai HokWi m u wool luar ket nf the Kiiuihwrt. Thr wih.I ei..p l:tho-r this yeHr The prleea luounlit ut llila aalu almw that they uie Ilia hiklnut reieHeit ainec te yvar l'JOK. Tim hixhi-Ht pi lev rereleil thriiliuh tho It'ihwill Wool anil llule eoiiipuny In IHt' wu tlt eeni, but that, of oour.e, wua a top noli her. Tlie aviraKe rim in 1'JUl wuh :u lenla. 'I lie aulea of thu Hoawell Wool uiul Hide lolnpany lit lyuS uiiiollnliil to Suti.nuo pouiiiln. In 1U they tn -1 imi J to 3,Uti0,liuU iounila. Thm -ar they will hainlk- tthout S.i'Ull.Uito pouiiiln, tlm ili-.reae from 1H1J he IIK hy u (too. I many aheepiuen KnliiK out nf liumiiina anit other du 1 11-iiKiiiM their lloeka. lite follow Ing- 1 1 1 pa weia aol'l, brliiK ln the pine gum. ut the Mile: I'nutiil. 1'iiiia. W. J. Iti-yimlUa (u.duu US Kritx III lin k 110. nut) 1S I. II. ( rai lu.nuo im 1 ;in-i.. 01 k 1 II Out) It Mi Kniii i 11 A Uitiaruy. , . lu uuii H 7 li.iu.iii.i 11., 1 1,11 .a .... 1 u, miu lh i. 1. K. Smith In.litiu lli'i Tuul WilM.n I I (nui 16', J. TuUntll t .jj.., j,(V! .5 .w,w 1 m 'wrwffi.'.V : IT. ;. V ,..VSKV.r. i r. to -- .i, ir I. ii l 'ii i' bi Hi fll! h A : : I -' ' ilk 1. t iMr failloiii tie .... 7 Hun I'.i'i f. M. KnriiHWitltll . . . . Itt, null I'l', than, lie ISremoml ... :i:..uiiu 1 1.1 opohl I' l' lit-. 4'l.ll'tll I .1 '.- 1'. '. Mart. 11 K'ti.tiini J7' I'iifttii iiioh :i:i,iiini i'.t' T il. Mt Ktiklil ;:..Jn.n I'M, W. T. Shannon i:..ihik 17 A II. Jull.'H I'tnii'i i; Jim li. I'l. 'U mull 4 nun I T i WilliaiiiN Itri'B '.' """ l''' It. ". Itoiny 211,11011 1111, COMMISSIONER OWEN CORRECTS STATEMENT ON EXPRESS RATES The Kvt-miitf llet'ultl h.u. rt-fiuitl the following letter Mr. 1 1. I. Ilwt-ll o the tit. He ritl'I'Oi at ion 1 olll IIIIMMoll ' Santa K.', XV M To tlv Al'iu.iut-r iut , June 11 1111K II. -ml. I. .Mliiiitit-riiie, X. ,M 1 ierillt-mi-11 . liefeirintt to Item in your entei il.i 'r paper, e il th .1 "Xi-w Mexieit I'l.itetl In Thir.l LxpnM X.tiie'" Your eortii-i lent nt ' '! thm item er math c . 1-. . i - I . Whit I .hit Hi. lie to the I I . 1 1 ' I was the 'I hit thi' 1 OIIIIIH.--.-.OI1 v.h jti-t in re eelpt of eornilitl tariff, win.!, . .rrv r 1 ! .1 on -ht'iiieiti? of tlri an.; . t-. -mill ehiHi. ixpn-fcit la-lwein till- thlttl V t V V ? y v v v t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A BANK To gain the confidence of the peo ple and increase its business, must have for officers and directors bus iness men of integrity, nrt!vin con ducting its affairs. Must be accommodating and safe. Must treat all depositors with equal courtesy. This banl justly claims all of these essentials and invites your account. State National Banlc Albuquerque, New Mexico v t. TI i a iiml fourth xotie thlnl zt'iu t.,im 1 t i 1 itoi n i) on the f rait V 'U iloiil'l- h-n know- that the of Xew Ateti o id Im ; one nir loiy umler l!ili-rwt ite I olililielee illif thf letlltl'lilt l.-K Hoiii-it. The weplein eaM'-rii portion ,i..l in the lliit'l the oilier of tho 1 '.iiioiiMMion fix 1 f 1 lie tarloiiM ptirtton of th' Mule In 1. 11. tti tl In the lolllth olm t'l iiti'iM on.!, r tin- nan tiler I tin. t.inllH 111 oin -1 1. 11 fiinply lim-il the raii-n ,,n Iir.-I ar..l ia oml 1 i,iiii'i ki. tui nuiM no til.i to a't'l from tK" Ihinl innl louitli leiritoi-- I11.. on III- I0W1T I'lli-M Th nf.-lell e III I 'll" unit. I'- f. to. wiik In I.I l.i st I -. eniln r, anil mil ret-entlv. n iimIii-iki in tint ttetn lit v i-t-1 1 I tin y'tt paper. I hllllpl) writ- thm lotreiietl 110 lli i- ll il tin puM'i in i) he M I .1 riKht ..11 t'lni lout ti r Y o 11 1 1 1 truh. I. HWKX. ol!lllllHM..ner to have hail the 1 1. 11 lii rw l-e w e fin Ih eoirt ' tly. Some boxes will contain Mdse. to the value of $5.00 Each E jx 19c. The Leader. I'hona I. Ileil Mini. 811 W r-,,p,,i.r. for lhi 'in -. Im Ks unil 'ui rlugua. W. I.. Trimlilii K Ou. V V f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y V t y y y y V t y y y y y y y y y t y y