Newspaper Page Text
ITG7TT. Tin: EVENING HERALD, ALBUaUEHaUE. N. M., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1914. 4444444444 4444444444 4444444 4 j Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND RANGES ritACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pumps 318 West Central Avenue 444444 444 444 444444 4-4 444 4 j BOOKBINDERS j RULING, SPECIAL FORKS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 208-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 M4M STRONG'S LIVERY FIRST CLASS RICS AND SADDLE HORSES imiom: jj. 70J . M l DM) ST. C. T. FRENCH I IM KM, IHItHTOH KMIlVI Ml It. I.nly AwMuiil, lllili ami ( mm I. Plume Iff and Miil'l, Htfl. Expert Hair Work. '..mi'liiKi mud Into ewttchei, 1 1 tin I .r ni.i 1 1 . iim, puff", curl, et,: switches dyed. mii. m. run: MarliM-llo Mni. Phnns 111. Il h. 4th St. I'. II. COWr.ll. M. P.. I. O. Onlooputlilf Kw laMal. I treat nil curable diseases. Ofll-e "urn I'.blg. Phoncg ji nml Ha DUKE CITY CLEANERS W I IWill lll. BM'"' "! uii'ii'ii clothing, mun. eurtnlnn, lruM-rl. 2'JO Mm l.olil. IHioiir 4 11. Promptness Our Motto FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE I'. A. l.ltlK. Prop. aip-nts for t in ldr I .lute and Cliamaal. onl.of-lmen .trdi'rt promptly Mled. HiriiMieil ICmni" by week r nionlli on rar Hue :Im'i Itn. in N. IIICO IV Y. A 25o TOOTH BRUSH FREE With a bottle of Williams Tooth Powder WILLIAMS DRUG CO. 207 We.t Central Thone 789 NOTICE MY CONTRACTING BUSINESS mH .if Inc.!.- ii ml numldc pal'it- m. ..iii hanging, timing, ilei. .ru le, t : i.-f wmk. with l.ittnt dmUti Wall Paper, Paints and Painters' Supplies. A. CHAUVIN Mori- I'll. Mir ll.t. I tt-. riliillf flr.H. Ill S.lilll Ttilnl SI. MORTUARY llifijamlii A. Ull.y. It. iiIjiihii a ViI. i nr Mmltiil. nn ii,...M' ,,f Hi.. . 1 1 . i -1 , i . i,iu' ami .It, II. il I'i.hI i i, tl . llll'il in XI- l.u'i.i. r.i ih.'. ini.tiiinK ! iiii'tiiiiitl 1.M lllti it 1 yt-alh ll.Trlthl'il WH." ,r,,iiKht tn ii.- i ny TihuiI.i'i niter hi' mi I-ii i,i'i . iiiii. ttriiii'. lit In nut" I i i.l I'V ll Wit.' illlll II IlltU' Mull uti.l il.i in hi r r. Tl.i- Inn. ill will ink. .hi. 1. nil,. iii. iv iil. lit 2 3i ut til.' t-ll.hH I III Ml :iliil till- MtUi'l" In Kiln I. w . I'lii. l. ry w ill I..- tlir.-i t.-il by Ihr i.niliii. ii i.l thr Win lit, i.f III' h Mr Wil. v i. m-Mti,i'r Free Trip AH Expenses Paid To The Pacific Coast Expositions 1915 Any lady or gentleman desiring to visit the exposi tions in 1915, who is willing to engage in light and pleasing wjrk during the summer vacation, occupying only a few hours each day. can secure details of this offer by communicating with THE OLD SANTA FE PRESS. Box X., Santa Fe, N. M. i 4 4-4 4 44444444 444 444 4444 PHONE 315 44444 4 4 4 44 444-44444 444 BEWARE of Cheap Soda DON'T Let your children drink something you will not drink yourself. It costs money to make good goods. We have no cheap goods to offer. Insist on Sodas and Mineral Water bottled by The Coyote Springs Mineral Water Co. Our Motto Is "We Makt Pop -Not Slop." We are The Coyote Co. F. H. PERRY, Mgr. Phone 727 323 NORTH FIRST ST. ANNUAL CALENDER OF THE INDIAN SCHOOL Tin rn:.iilar of llic I'tilti'il Stuli'N Imlliiii I rit HilfiK fi h'lul hen I" I O.iiik illslllhlll. il I.V HIH I ll.l.-lilli-llt It Iviry Tin- i'ul-iilnr l.r ISI4-I:. i mfM .111 llil.ri'xl ii u IiihIkIii Int.i III"' ' I. it. ml i hm. ii itr ..I Hi u.ii k it.. in'. : IIh .riu'lnul iiuliiiv nml Hi.' iiipiility j Willi UllKh It Ir IM'IIIK hi. m.I. iI. I ii , il.-r Hi.. i.Ii.ihIiiiih il.'t. i 'liiii.-.l on ( iIiii'Iiik ttii iniKt yi'iir. Ilii' ruursr lit Miiiily In I hi' ai'inli'inli' i). .a 1 1 nrn . In. h ... tis H. I'li'iiili.-r Huh, In ' luil.'H tin- kihili rKiirl.'N nml nil i k i lull'" tn ii n I in, I in 1 1 11 K thi ninth "f III ft M ar i, IiiIi ki IkmiI, ,r ,nrliiK 'ii 1. 1 Ir. in i nti r i ' i,ii,l ymr nf hlitli In... I. Tin- in u.l. inl.' work In iiihiIh ' In ii i r ti In 1 1 with tin. imliiNlrliil ami Ih l,.'ii"i'il on thi. Ni'W Mi'Xlru fliili' iiuirf nf m ml v. "fin. unrk U iinnl' ir.n'ti' :il ii ml thi i-Iiihk ilium ti.a.'h' ii Jiri" ri, tn nitiki u.'ikly Im il, tn tin- itiilimirlul ili'imi I iii. iitu in iitil.r tu M.'ruri' iiiui'tiial ni.iti'rinl ..r ii ml in-.' in l.thtftiujir ,i nil in it Nm.'i !' tn ,'iuitil. th. t.'iirhi-r tu kui in- j mi h. iii.ii th;il niiiy In. h.'i'fiil tn lbt liiipil in l.'atiiliiK hiH trmlH. A I. anil i.f 24 p!ri'ii in niiiiiituiiifil iiiiili r I : liiHtrin ti.m .if Mr Hhuti' Thf Imiiil In n Hpl.-ml I.l nr- Kaiiixiitlnn nml furnlHhi'K j. I miiHIc. Hula in i lif Itintrin tmn mi thi' ,iiiin. A i hiiir . unit nn i.n hi-! i u in in Urm li il l.v Mr Hurt. .ii. Iinlu-trliil IHimriiiuiiiH. KnrnniiK. narilinniu. rarptntry, I'liiuiiiii!. lil.ii'kxniithi'iii. tii k ii tun k niK. tallnrmK. hlu, ! unil huriii'-.H inuk inn. Kti .iiii unil ! i rl. ,i I . tiKln.'.'r iiiK ami iliiriin-t uir t intht the lii.Tti. A In IK.' nh.ii Iniililiiiri Ih nun in i.iiiiHi' of r.,niiriirtliiii nml . i--In 1 nml iiiiii.. ii, irulniiin Mill In-kiv.-ii in ii niiinlicr uf iIim irailin In tln iI,,iiiiki . m Irtirr ili'lnl tiiiint thi' it. i Ik nr.' tauulit tan, liv runklliK. rvinu. lit i n.l.-r ii a ami Kiinral h. ,11-1 ",iiU. Tht-y nr.- Inmrui t.-il tn i. thi-r ili'i'iirtinciit!. In iniiinu. fittlnn ami r. KliiK. Iiiiiim"mii k, rnrr uf tin hum ami m ln.ul IniimlrylnK. Big Grab Sale Starts Satur day 3 p. m. One Box only to a customer. The Leader. Ilarli ihviii ti r.'ni t. f-nkn thv liiiHti'ii. u ill Imiiil tn i hrnnic i' iim -II. hi. 1 hi n'n Hi'liul.ta ,,irul t'lmlly. I' n bnx ut nil j Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. ! - I i . miiiwiMWMm t YiiiMinmiiiL!i.j,iagi CRYSTAL TODAY I M l. I II I VM II I'M "11 III m Vstiirltig Hie Inimitable inmc-illnii. Mr. Miliict mvw. In I In- ii. Mill I1IM'I TOOMWV lUSHAM.s" Mr. ! In nnpiiortiil by nil VII-MHr m.i (.r tin- l'miiiii Vim graph plui.'r-. ami I hi-) Imi ini iliHtl a ihjim'iI thai U guarnn Ifil 1'nrr .a- the IdiMnt. TWO OTIII.H 1.1 mil OM.M ( minx fur Ncxl Miinlai: "M Till: Till VI l it ' Featuring ! f. Muilnex 3:90; lM Slum Ml Night It. Kin. I V THE AIRDOME 300 North Second .Street W II I. .Saturday, June 2Q FIRST SHOW AT 8 O'CLOCK Last Show Begins at 9:45 o'Clock LICENSED PICTURES TRY SPRINGER And Get Good Service The Weather KollKf'AST: tifniT.Oly fi..r t iiikI.I nml Krlila). THIXIJS TO WOllltV AIHH'T Thf rhlnon. Hnvcrnmpnt l ".iiilitm rt inl.'titta to ih- 'hilll' plni'M in nuily m-lcntifir fnr.'Htry uniliT thr liiKiilar KiAiitiiiH'in. A Klnmi i.f wiiter ili'-J In tb" I, i, tl., in nf ii IiIhihi will belli I" lrrv-iit the wi.uil wnrpInK nml " ki'p Ihv InHiruiii.iit in tun)'. I'.iulinK 'KK with a iamr nindi. of "en Halt, vc-ui't.ilile imben uml wnter, ('biiifvi ibii I beni limit ill.tunie in k"'"I c.imtltKin. 'In the but turn of n rei'enlly I'litenieil laililir In Mil uiljimlnl'le rnrveil I, rail' mi Hint It may luml tiniilv nn nn um ieii mil f. n e. K"P cnllinK rii.-tiilw timlep wa ter ii li.rniaii bun liiventeil un i.Kphyilr.iK. n Inn h tu wbli li the KaHia nr.. t ' 1 1 1 1 . - I nt blKb ire mire. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO bUBHC'ltl HKMH 11 you fall to t yuur ctcnlnf 4 papor, call POSTAL TK1.KORAPH COM Pi N T. 1'HONE II. lH'lu linm pern h le creum Ker't rntuly Kt.ire. Minn Mary Arimlil. "2 WVkI Ci'l"' per iiM'tiue. left Infi niuht fi.r fbl riiKH uml ilruml Itupiila, Mi' h , where Hlie will Kieml tb aiimmir. Attorney W. !'. Hein.nK. Allnrnry Hairy It. I'.irnell nml lr. W T. Snl 1111,11 lift tiiilnv fin an iiiiiniK in I bo JellieU IMIIUIIlllillK. K. !' Hue. HWitiliint ciihnr at llif Sunlu K lirmlii i. tti. en, li.ii nne t" M huh, hi i fnr ii in, , ntli m v.. ,i(u,ii. The limt ineelinic if the Iterniillll" t'liunly Meiln ill am let y fur the aiini imr wua h.'hl In the 'uiiniieriiiil ..I.... i,.u. ..ii.i Tn.. r..,itni.. f tin ineellnK wuk n impel by I r. J. H. ' Open. W. W. Mi h.ila of fliivla, member i.f the Iiihi IcKiHliiture fr.nn t'nriy rmintv, in In the i ity tml.i. Nb'hnln Ih beinit iirkeU by hi frirn.U t lnake the r.e Inr the lnWfl limine uuin Ihia full. Hiim.n NiiiBtuilt nf I' l.uniin l npe mlliiK the luy III AlbuiU.'iiii'. Kur apei'lnl mnw-ntirrt, ,hoim 401. Walter anil party nf San Her nnriilnu. I'ul., iirtlveil in Albrnmer ilii laat nii'bt In a I, IK Cadillac Inur ing car ami kpenl the nmlit here. They will leave Ihia aflerm.nn fur Santa Ke, (,ii I he way In Ih iimt. Mr. Ki.hl Hula Ihu mail IhrmiKh New Mexlrn I him fur hnve been eai'elletil uml he hua muile unuauully Kouil lima. BILL'S SHOP HiKIMIH AM I'ltKKMKH W are nut her today anil gona loinoirow. W'a have no an lie nor out. Telephone ua ami you will get prompt aervlca. SIS H, gud. hi. llMNt 40. ran a v Oi l. I KiAM II 1'K'H ltl "HrllST SI- I K. PHTOUIAI." . 2. World-wide ( l:vriit I p In I hi' Minute. "WIIIA TIIK MF LMTTOWV l.illnoti TwklM I'nnteilj Willi n All Star I'mhI. iii'iiit itr. tiu mi'h" Pel lie. MiiIIiki' 1 nil: Iji-I Miw Ml Nlutil llentim Mi 1.1. opl: Mr. anil Mm. lirlmnhnw and child, returned thin nmriilnu ftiim n ihi-e wekK' t" I .on AtiKelen. Mr (Iritn nI.uw Ih aupi rini. ndlmi the work it lemnilelinK the tnre rerently mi'u pled tiv the Hull ( IntliiiiK inmpnnv. nnt flttlnn it up Inr iii i'iipiim v by the lillniHMUW ('huri.liit.' Shop. It in e- prrted th'tt the furniture for tlun ne-v ri, nf.-. liiitiery will be urriMHK in n few In) it. Let n llertibl nnnt ad anve you lime. Mr. and Mr. 1. W. fox have tme In nmrk. Ark , where they will nttenil the Ktndiiiitlnn nt Ihelr duiiRhler They will return by ,iy of Temnna and will nmre than likely make the trip fmni Texotn.'i tn Albiniueriiie by amnm bile. Khp buRgnce trannfep. phone 404. Mr. and Mr. K. II. Sweet of Si mrro nre In the city fur the diiy. Slate Kngineer J. A. French ar rived In Albii.iirrine Iiihi nlxbt. coin. Ing by nut., mo lnle front Dulliip for an Inapecliiiii nf the J 1 1 ii -1 l.nnan roud. He I Itinpeiting the Uli in r.iuil work todiiy ami will go on to Sanlii Ke IhlH evening. Junn r. Jnramllln and Franclarn roiiunlnnlonera nf the Tor re.m grant In Tnrrnni'e county, ara In Allniiiieriie I'hIuv. Itegular i .inimtiiili atn.n nf Temple I.nilge No. , A F. nml A M . Ibln evening nt H ii'i loi k. VlKiting mem hern weli-nnie. There will he a regular meeting of A I Inn i net ue Temple Nn. S, l'vthian Siner. in K. I', bull thin evening ut H n'clixk. The lln.thi rbiinil nf American Yeo men will have a regulur meeting In till. I Kelii.wa' hull thin evening at o'clock. There will be nml ref reahmeiitH. Mr J. A. Oarcla and wife lenva noon for nuiithern 1'iillfnrnia to b gone fnp three week or mure. Mr. liar, la in a well known men halit at 14 In Itarelan roud. Mr. K. Mumlell. Mr. M M.indell and the latter' daughter. Mini Hun ella, will lenie Ihia evening for Sutil.i Mi, una. t'.tl , to apeml the aummer. They expert to remain away until Oc tober. Kdwiird I.. Price, the well known Socorn. banker, I vlnitor In Albu fiicriiie fi.iinv. T. V. I.invllle. a former well knnwn men hunt of thin . Ity. hu written tr.HH IJmn. I'eru, where he In now living with hin family. Iluni neaa ronditiona In Lima are ex, cl ient n in I money 1 plentiful, w riten Mr. I.lnvilie. but the cimt of Ih Ing higher Ihnn A lbiiiieriiie'a alu tilde. A niu ill plnle of pork and beiuia ri, nn 1 1 20 ami egan are 1 rent upie, e w hen bought by the rinn. A Hit-rent Herald Want Ad will get what )ini want. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'i Ad. Fiction... Folio ing are m,me of tne latent wmk of popiilur fiction we ure nl,e I.l nflep oUr cun I i.liie i n and the public: TU. III' TIIK AI-r'.H I'llM.IN I.M I.l Nk III' KtltMHI I.l i Ol' III I.l, III X Till: HUM VH l.W I'l.MIMI WITH IIIIK III ATtlVK VKNTI UK I lllti Y VKIHN OF IT lit I'raiul Wliltbah. K l: KI'IMl II' Al-I'i: Mt ANtlH. The nbnve are only n lew 'l the ,i, . ii In r wurkn of fiction we have, and In addition we have full line uf the nu rent reprint, book which only a few month ago were aailiiia for 11.21 or 1 1 r,u. 0. 1. !.!ATS0:i & CO. Ih Our Kw Quarter. XO -Wrw frulral. PASTIME TODAY Meaning of the Word" Exclusive" It nieaiM little lo a ntoie un- lenn ,ini k of It In a priMlml that liieilm a whole lot. S r nnow ilnnenn of ma ken n lii' li n i I'll hen for which We pretep that nnme olhep Htore i lit I m excluniv con Hoi tn Alliiniueriue and Mi inliy. lint for sn-ln-llbxli Hftiart I Imlli-n we nte not nlllv glad but proud to claim e. Illnlve reprenentittlon. TlH'y are I'll' mm of iittlie to which a holme uch J nilln liken lo pill Itn repu tation one year niter hii other Spring alHa an1 lie. bbtllr attrnctive. I'hoonlng env em n wide range of t.tbiica H 11.1 Ht le. Suits $15 to $30. E. L. Washburn Company Judge Craig Sends Persistent: Male Flirt to Jail for Twee-; ty-Five Days; Muches Had Been Warned. J. C. Muih. n. who the police any la a perniHtent "masher.' wa nnt into retirement Inlay by I'ollce Judge lie" me Ii. l ling He wua given twenty-flte duy in Jail when arraign, ed on a charge of following a woman on South Flrit at reel hint eve. lung. I Mptain o'Crudy caught Mui hen at bia trick. He wua pillowing a young woman down fouih Firm mi cel. try ing to attract her attention with what he think in hla let. hmg little wu. ii'iirudy put a prompt nti.p to the performance. Muihen hud nothing to any In hi own ilefeioe when urraigned. o'liriitl) aiiyn the man ha miule a practlie of following Women In iitlempta to flirt with I belli nml ha been warned to M,.p it. Muihen la about J" year old GRADUATING EXERCISE3 OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL The graduating exert-iaca of the Im mnculute I 'onceptlon nchool are being held ihia afternoon un the achool hill with a large alien, Ian. e of parenln and Irienda uml with good ailed rlaanea ol gmtlu.itrn In both the grammar achool una commercial department. program follow: The lIuiiler'H Call Vrai'e I'hnru. Accomr'nnlal FrancrH Murphy. Kuliitory Tenn.i Jnhnnton The lidlnien' Secret Minini TIIK MTTI.K OYI'SV A t'unt.itii in Two Act, t'har.ictern. Dnlny fHenn a Oypny girl Allele M,r I'l Kale Hli. inner. Florence F.nrle achool gtrla .... It u I, y i'lnter, Viola Ike a ilypny boy . . . . Htephen Hailing Willie Fair. Frank Kill achool I-iiwrence (julnlan, l.en lie) ll.lllil Village Ibiv and Girl. The Sweet I'ta' Farewell I'hnru A, en mi. in, Ft Trrcna Johnton. Truumerel It. Schumann Organ Chime. Valedictory Klliithcth Drewl Ci,ii!i. ring of 1M,, nuin and Award- imr of Me.l.iln Hcv. A. M. Ma mln lurl. H. J. Irom Commercial I'e- pattment: Alphone A. ArniDn. Ter- eu l Jnhnnton. Flixaiieth F. 1'ren- n. l. Anna J. :.. Cnftrey, Huby L. I'lnter Until Medal for Phritian rotrlne, I in Klixaheth F. IreHel. Oradunte trnni Orammar Iiepart. mint: Hiinnii H.,ying, Milton llinkert. Margdiet llorrenn, Jiinna llrun", Jn.inJ llrun, i. Frank Oeotrte. Vint l llerk. nlli.rr. Matthew HennennV, Jan Klein, Maiy l.orentn, K'leunor Lynch. Adelurd Mercier, Irene I'm. ter. Publo llnmi rii, Clwirlc Hchmldl. Hortenne Hi harlimn. Callinlrul Chime. .Arnold and llrnwn lrb! Orchestra. Clan Pong Penlnri GENERAL CL0SIN0 OF THE STORES ON FOURTH OF JULY Acting nn a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Iteiull Men hantn' bmoc tut tort, a committee ciimpi.netl Of J. W. I'reatel. Mina Maud Had, llff, T M. Cartwrlght, Kalph Keleher and IHck Myera will make Ih round of Ih retail tradesman to arrange for general chining on Fourth of July. A resolution fuvnring a shutdown on Independence day was adopted by tho angulation laxt night at a smok er In Ih Commercial club, The plan 1 for grocers, butcher tid baker lo lioao a half-day and other mer- ITGRADY PilECfs Y0UI1G Ml FROM FBI) u w3 For FRIDAY We have 10 dozen "Mother's Friend" Blouses. AGE 5 TO 15 with collars attached, in Blue, Black, White, Lin en and Fancy we will put on sale Friday at 35c ' i ,i J,l L i I I Middy Blouses Worth $1.00 to $2.50 1 FRIDAY'S , Prices 50c to $1.25. Table Linen FRIDAY At GREAT REDUCTIONS yon should not fail to see before buying elswhere. "Todies' White Dresses Worth $10.00 Friday $4.90 All the above prices are cash only. THE, MODEIL DRY GOODS CO. A. D. CAMPBELL, Manager. CORNER FOURTH and CENTRAL. ihnnt tu nhut up nil day. A rrnolution wua panned fnvnring the nemling of a large deleguliou to tin ntute convention of men hanin ut H.iton July . An elfort in nfoot t bring the convention here next year WRECK OF LIMITED AT BAGDAD MAY COST THE SANTA FE A MILLION That the llngilod wreck will cont the Fe ruilroud ulnnwt a milln n In tl ii inn u.' clnlmn In ultK nn behalf nf the dead and Injured alone wan the Intimation given out by railroad otti claln yenlerdav, naya the fan Id flint -illlio Hun. ntHialn of the ibiluin ile partmehl are bunily engaged in net tling up dem.indn an npee.lilv un pi.nn. lie in the hupe nf uvniiling ci.n'lv damage nuitn. The wreck, c.miiii within two weeka of the end of the preneht fln"'H year, ruined n ptrfect record with "tin punneiigern killed thin year'' marked m 11. For five )ear the Santa Fe hil carried It perfect reenrd and the ac cident la a blow In more way than i lie. Pcrnnna killed have been due to iititomohlltt cullinlotia and almllur ill" aniera. At upland thi morning at 1 " 1 n o'clock the In'iuent III the omen ol Heiilamln M. Cram and Churle v.. Itebleii will be held by Coroner K. I. Fuller In the ottbe nf Juniice of the Peace Oeorge II. Crnne. The date nt Imiuent wan changed from yenterdny, when it waa originally -t In order to allow a reprenentntlve of the atate rallrond rnmm iiwlnti to at lend W. .1 llundford will act in that capacity lor the commlanlon. Itelatlvea of the deceased, many I the Injured and their fmniliea, otll cinl and member of the crew will iie nn hand at the aennlon. An I'pland Jury which aaw the Imdiea of the two men who were killed ua the train pnnaed through 1'plnnd. will render the verdict at tndav'a lniinnt. At llerntow yenlerday otllclala of ihe Hnnta Fe took nn Inventory' f the dnmagn to equipment. The damage to thn contly enulpment .f ihe dlnmg rar and eomponlte rara and to the two liicnmntivea will alnne run Into more than ll'in.i'OO. It I thought. Itch' Itch! Itch1 Scratch! Scratch' Scratch! The more you acrati h. thn wotae the Itch. Try loan'a Oi'ii liient. For ecxemu, any ekin Hi lling .Mic n box. FREE We are Going to Give Away a Few SO-foot Lots Ml OVMIll.lVt; M I II vm i: VOl t.KT TIIK I Ami St-e P. Itrowii, Kuti-H Agent, wlili JOHN M. MOOIti: ItlM.TV toMPAW. Ptmne 10, 114 West fluid Ave, FRO LI LUCCA, ITALY When purchasing Olive Oil why not buy the purest ana best The LUCCA ITALY trade mark, Gradi and Donw enici is positively the brand you will always want if once tried. Ask your dealer for Gradi and Domenici brand. CITY ADVERTISING WILL BE STARTED T Committee Calling Upon Sub scribers to Make Their First Payments; $200 More in Pledges Secured. The publicity campiilgn which In t' advcrtlxe AlhiiiiiTiiie climate from one end of the country to Ihe other In In be Hlarted In Augunl by lb" '.in, iiiel . in I club. The committee In charge of the mailer ha begun to call on aiibacrlbera to the I unit lor their flrni monthly payment Yenterduy the committee continued Itn innvnnn for aiibacrlptiona, and "I lei led I .'U. The amount innttltiu ted la clone tn the lO.omt denired. Hefnre going un Ua round venter tiny Ihe lolnmlltee organlxeil by ele, ling l. A. Mm pherm.n chiiirmuu, lr. l.eroy H. Peter aecretary nml Ji re Haggard treanurer. A hept'oy man la a king In hi wu rich'.: an unhealthy mi n an unhap py nlave. For Impure blood uml nlugglnh liver, line Ptirdnrk CSood Hit ter. On the market 35 year. II ml n bottle. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. WAGONMAKERS & BLACKSMITHS ATTENTION NiiMwmI Oak Tongirr: Hwnl.t. II (Mi. some m low m II.ihi. Onk ll"-' lien, SIN- U. I'hIhKtm. IXHIim ami Hickory Axle at gnwlly etiliuiHl nrbve. CITIZENS LUMBER CO. 4IHI Stui h Wliiml M. FREE r?oiiijiiijwn-ti'.ni'.'.'ini-. (I AUGUS