Only a Few More Days to Get an Electric Iron The Herald Way. Telephone 168 About it.
3.lliuiiriiit HcHihll-ana lieve
ww mnnn il tH-lr willingness
lo ssrve thHr erly In an riuT
gem . .r gent irfa-a?.
agree with Mr. Rodey,
The Republicans cer.
tainly should have a
statewide primary.
ritrar.N R-rrnin .
Visl. . No. M.
TUB evkvivo nnuiff
VOfy. I. x. nil..
Minister Naon of Argentina,
sion, Appears Unexpectedly
With President and Secretary of State; Serious Crisis at
Hand and Indications Are That Mediators Will Dis
band Without Accomplishing Desired End.
Has No Flans for Going Before
Mexican Situation and All
tervention Is Groundless;
Thought of Recognizing Carranza, Villa or Any 0ther
Factions in Mexico: Detailed Statement from White'
(Br I -fr-l Wire lo r'.ytmlne; Herald.)
Washington. June I I -M I'.i ! c.'i
nit nil todav nn the br'-ia ( f.i'lme
('lily concessions by I ren lent Wioen
r Hui'Mn i nn save II. While I In
Niagara i "nli ri-iu f halted. Minis! 'i
Nuon t Argentina, rnir or III three
south Amtriiiiii mediators, returned lo
Washington lur a conference with eie-.-trlmy
llryan and proiMnly I- ir. l'r .
Men: 'Alison. I'll! let t Mrtii
bees Ik Niagara KulU lonlght carryuu
word whether Ihe conference hll
proceed ir disband.
Announcement mi thr While llousf
that the president squarely un inr
principle enutilcsted in 111" elate
meat ol lbs American deiegatee seem
ed to mske II certain that the 1'nHco
.-Uatce will nol li satisfied with any
thing lese than the chop e of inmii
approved hy lh iiinmmninnjlli4lii li
hfl tho txrw pr.n iKliitml uriiinvni. j
Th firm uttltudr ol Ih liurrU rt It"
IMtm lur m n- hIIi'i "nmlrnl" m -m-lo
hold out no hope of n-.ik in
(hp ft.u'llmk.
Till' NllUMtloll. Ulllllllfllly llllullfl-
i iibi. h Ui unKt il in Hi.' iiii'iiiL-i
liicrtiiiK "fill 'mi. hti of iitll' il iuto.
in.' .1 fioiu llir prcHHli'tii linii. lt lo
'ornuiic I lie putilir fully In .".' m'li-
tion lull ir.'inlMil oMi'l.i
t ionrnl li the pri flili'iil dn-lnrfil IhMt
hII litlk uf lurtlifr Mimed Inlrrs nil Pm
of CarriinM or Villa ut thin (
r.omtilu H. Naon. iiiinmti-r Irmn A -irnlili.
and opt) uf Ihf im ilinlum ut
Ihr NlHiura i oiifrn , mrnril un't
priicilly oilii. Ilo did not in In lh
IfKMtion. hut lonk i i.irl.ri. in A ht I ihr While H"im
The icturn of tho nit-dntlor o the
apitl. uiilou.lit'lly l"r i niil. r. n. ri
uh HotroiHiy llryan or Trrnldi-nt
Wilm.ii. or hoi;., at r tlnio II' n the
Nir ronft rriK la iiik lion
and lhrat'nnl lth i-oniplrtr tailui
aa M'anlni aa olKllly aiKnimani. n
It aa known oltliially Ihut Minml-r
Naon aa lo return, m wn of It w.i
(nrrfully Ruard.d.
rrPipnl wilaon at.tioiH a.uar.'iy on j
III" alaloniclit Kivrn out at ni.ikh:
r .ilU hy the Aiih-i P'.in di'l tl ili ii and I
will anfpt no with'iiiriil of ihp Mix-
Pan prohlem whhh In not turii on
the prlni-lplea ouilmrd Ihcrrln. Tula
km made i lrnr by ollli lala afte r the
prraldnnt had an i-arly roiifrrfn
Hh fn-rrijiy I'ryan. It mvdlHtlon
falla ihr I. I.U ii plana to Ikxu?
rlnt.mnt fully lu(..i uilns the pull
of th poaltlon of I h adinlnlKiriitlon
and outllinnu hli fiituri- rou . The
prraldi lit hua no pinna for koiiik
lire iiiniri'M lih any phaa" of the
Mt l an m nut Ion all. I all talk or fur
ther armed ini.rvrniion l groiindlai
at the prewmi limp, iniordtnu to olll
i lal. The aanie, h.-y any. niuy he iwid
of la'poria that the l lilti d Htalra plana
to reioanioe il.-nnal 'arrana. I'.en
eral VIIU or any other anion In Mt
to. The Anitrlt an and lluiTta d. l.'ipii s
hold himly lod..y lo the t,ppoaile lv.
rxpreaavd hy them In puMIc alate-
menla explained Ihe t ie of man Un-
aired by each side for provisional
pirhldent of Mexico.
lloth sides have gone oil record, the
Iinwpeit la that neither will give way
and thai there will be it ininplela
breakdown itt mediation.
Word waa received today from Min.
later Naon of Atgentina that he would
hot return until tomorrow from hit.
trip to New Haven and Cambridge,
where he received honorary degree.
The eonference thai wua lo hues
Issen held today waa therefor post
poned until tomorrow.
It may be determined then whether
any common ground remulns for an
The American delegates still have
some nam. a in submit, hut the Huetl i
lelegalea have opposed energetically
all persona suggested thus far and
there Ig Utile llklihood that any name
emanating from the Americana will be
.onsldered seriously. The mediator,
as a last reaorl, will submit a Hat ot
Uva names, There la a faint hopa
Member of Mediation Commis
in Washington to Confer.
Congress With Any of
Talk of Further Armed In
The United States Has No one of Ihr s- Kill lie a''1
.'ill een the ineiliulom do not pl"fr
Aaidn from the inability to iil'- l II
man for proviniotiHl piealdent, a t-on-trmemy
ha deelopeil between lh
Amrrhan and lliu rta deleKatea aa to
how the elei lmiia for permanent pres
ident n be toiidiKled by the prow
lotml RnxerniuenI, tdiould be nuper-.
tlM'd. I.ikewiae. the Ann re an oele
Katea, III liiitiei Iiik on n (-onulllutlonal.
IM lor prov ImioiihI praaidenl h.i."
armed that the i oni-timlii'liMlmt pull
nol only dominate the country from
a inllltuty po.nt of view hut la numer.
Itully ln Ihr majority.
Kmllt.i ftnhaan. the head of the Mon
ti un deleiMllou, emphatically denn
today thai the eoiiiailtiilionkllata ron-
trolled the arritier populaimn. anylnjr I
mllliona of pe.'i'lo bid been paaxUe
i lid had not noli' ntc.l in any way In it
they favored the revolution. He ir
liued almi the impracticability nf a ld
liirtlnHn i lei tn. n boaul, tli h na hnl
I een propoaed lull.
by the American dot 1
The M HI' all del.-Malea Wele in e n
ference early today dmf'uiu.iiK whether
they ehould Ihmi.. another alatemenl in
allaiver to Ihe AmctU'Hn deleKatea' ut,
tel. nice of I.. Ml tllKhl.
'The American repreaenlativea ul
li rl repudiate an tniKK'-at lona tint
the AmuriiHii prraideni hua any in
tentmn of dcxtt oviiir the electoral III
erly uf Mexico," w.ia the reply made to
Ihe KiiKKcMlion of Mr liahaaa that Ihe
pullifm Ihe conatililtlonaliatii In ron
trd of Ihe eleitliin lino binerv :i
"tHiitiiinouut lo abettuiK and even cX
ucliiiii fraud, at Ihe eleclioiiK "
The bwue of Ihe of Ihe Mex
ican deleKatea by .enor Kabaaa, and
the reply of the American deeale
pil lil lulled IiihI tilxht alter It had been
approved by Provident Wllaon admit
tedly bna brouiiht Ihe mediatUin con
ference lo a pi'iol where it generally
la expected lo fail
unleng one aide
given wa
The llueila delegate, atuiidtng
fir(I1 or Uift
aeleciion of a "neutral"
for tho prov pi. na I preaiilenry. and
the American deleuutea, no leaa llrm, '
that the new executive ahull be one'
fully upproved by the conatltullonal
no, are lonfrunled with a ailualloii
wbeh only a inodiliniiion of tie- I
hianda on one aid, can umrlloruto. '
The Kcncral belief waa thai Mr. Nimn i
had retumed to n ukIiiiiuIhii to una
hia efforta with Ihe ieaident und aet -relary
of aiale lo prevent a break.
AliuoHt M the hour of Mi. Nuon a at -rival
a lonu rneuwue waa received at
the While Houa. Iiiiin the American
deleiit.. fecrvlary Hryan. after if
receipt, mUI he undcridood there will
be a meeting in Niagara r'alla lute
loday. The cabinet nam-mbled mi the
White llouae ua the newa of Minister
Nuon'a return becume known. After
a abort alay at hia hotel Milliliter
Naun went to the Argentine legation.
He K.111I he did not expect to have'
an) confeience there but planned I"
see eVcrctary itrvau luler loday.
Although Ihe leading agenta of the
i onslilutloiiulisl Junta hele. Un lulling Z,, "nteir PlPTIIIVt
those with whom the American dele- TO PACIFY FACTIONS
gales . (interred al Hiiftalu, were In I M .
Ihe same hotel with Mr. Naon, It waa'( Lrastil Wire) to Kvonlng Herald. 1
, sal dhe would have no conference 1 liutte. Mont. J
line IH. I'harlcs
with Ihem whatever. w. Mover, president of the Western
. Those ofllctuls who regard media -
as having definitely laded, luok
the ministers visit as one of
coiutes) tu olllciully notify President
Wilson of the deadlock and Inquire
formally If there is anything further
said he would have nu conference
fore it ends.
HecrcUry llryan waa more non
committal than usual aa he went to
Ihe tabtnel meeting. With media
tion as a solution of the Mexican dif-
fu ully In an admittedly precarious
stage, attention Was divided with the
amine of lbs situation between Ter
rain and Villa. .Uncial reports ron
firming earlier announcements that
the lust chief and bis flghtln gen
eral had patched up their difference!
Willi the understanding (hat Villa
President Insists on Action
Being Taken on Important
Legislation; Majority Lead
er Underwood Gives Assur
Indications Are That Adminis
tration Conservation Bills
Will Also Be Taken Care of
Before Congress Decides to
Washington. J""" 19 lt.picn.nt
ative I'nd.iw I conferred
, president Wilson today over the og-
. . .. .. ...... ...ill
ImlatiVC Kllil.llli'll 111 lllllki.
h. i, rem, lent there Was U tt rHK
- ; - ; 'JZ' T,i!:
I of at ihla m khIoii
leader thoiinlii n"i
L.a.l.r Ihoiicl.l tli.l "lllV tllllt Wnllhl
lie done, hill thai Ihr ndiiiililtrntioti
t-nnaertatloii Idlla "Uld be dmpomd
Wiinhlnalon. June l! - A K'le
B I a in rrom l'ron Hroih-r and Se
lixman and Compan. New York
Imnkeia. read In the aeniitc loday on
nreveiititllon by Senator iniornnin
and denyltm they had
lewnrly by N iriiriiKHiiil
profited - I
bond Iwuiea. I
demand from Senator .
bl'ioKhl out a
Kmlth of Mi.lnnan Ihut
the bond .
Isauea be lineal mated.
Hmlth'n rharitinil the bank-,
I IIP ir r.i.'ii ...........
era with lame profita wan Incurred .
nnil a baaeleaa nccuaation. I
After auiln that he had thoeouiili.
K. iiiveaiiaateil tb.. NicaruKiiail bond I
Iniipn Iwfore he introdin ed
olntlon, Hennlor ."inltb anul:
hla rc-
"n my rei pi.n.Mbiiiiy to the couii
(ry aa an American aciiiit.n. I alb go
that Ihe Imlciiii ilnena now aouKht to
be VHlidaleil ami Impoaed on the re-
loiiillr of NpiiiHRioi la In Ihe main
fraudulent and ought not to receive,
the approval of the cciiule.'
(By ImnI Wire l livening Herald 1
WuahliiKloii. June I'J. The limine
today inraee.1 loWard a Vote Ihe elec
tion content for Ihe aeal of the
Twelfth Miwourl dialnct, between L..
t.'. liver Ihe Incuiiilient. Kepublican,
and Michael J. liill. Iiemocrat.
A iiiuj.'ii'y of Ihe elecllona com
mittee, win h reported a renolullon
unneatiuu 1'ver and giving till! the
place, contended thai Ihe election In
19 12 waa an tainted will) fraud that
Ihe relurna from eeven precincts
should be thrown mil. That would
give Hill the election by u, plurality
of 7.
The Iiouimi waa treated to the rare
Scene of being addrcsNed In Its own
hull by a man md a member. Oili.
Ihe conleniaiit who under the rulo
haa the right to speak fur hihiHelf.
took Ihe floor and made, u briel
speech supporting hia claims to !'
er's seat. He declared he hud been
an "honest, lifelong. hard-working
Ih-ihoi nil," and resented any Intima
tion that his repreaenldilvea had
tampered with the bullots.
Althoimh many election contents
have been tried In the hoiiac. It has
been several years since a coutextnnt
has availed himself of the lifcht to
speak lor himself.
, Federation of Miners, arrived here
loday iroin Iionvcr and will attempt
lo bring about peai e In Ihe disrupted
Putle Miners' union. Junies I-ord of
Washington accompanied Mr. Moyer
j The federation president went Into
ronaultatlon with J. f.Towney. Ihe
only federation official who hua been
here since fund.iy.
la to have supreme inmmand of the
army were received here, with the
additional Information that Villa Is
about in return to their civil nfllcea
all I hose t'arransa supporters whom
he aelsed when he forcibly look poa
aession nf affairs In Chihuahua.
1 Thia waa taken aa added evidence
that differences had been smoothed
Turned Vessel Over to Rebels
for Love of Pretty Girl -Committed
Suicide When
Boat was Captured.
(Ut leaard Wire lo renin nnrnld.)
un Hoard I'. S. H. I'ulilornl.i. Ma-
atlan. Me.. June I v. ( I'.y Wirclrtui I"
Hun I Hello, I'al.. .lime l I The fed
eral minimal fluerrem. wbb h aank the
onHtltulioiiallat gunhoin Taiiipi' n lo
ll ny. Hirlted ut .Mi.. it I in laat week
with her colora ut h.ilt miixi in I i- ' r
of t'.iptain Malplio of the van.Unli'"l
y.Knel, who t'biiimitl 'd auieldii.
t 'onntilutlonaliHtH pn ki d up after
the tonkin- f tb Tampuo will li d
bo liKtii'd oer to the fedeial author
Un a at Mitiwtlali, the (iuern ro's ottl
i era baviliK deiided to op. ire Up lf
fiiptttln Malpbo formerly waa n
lieutenant In the Mexp an nuvy and to.
VMird hull Mild lilt- men the liuerrero'n
new entertain it brotherly reelinii.
The I'nited riaii rrulaer New ' "
liana and Ihe diKtioer I'err, which
wiiiieHM-d the bnlile and nlded in P'a
eiilnK membera of th,. Tamplco'a i-rew.
arrived here with the liuerrero, the
New Drleuna havlnu i wounded 111' :l
I loin the Tamplco aimard.
When the T.iinpi'O beKiin to Milk.
Malplio and u number of the i nn '.'
templed to eaeapr In a launch. The
liuerrero R.yM eh me, out did nu lire
on the boat, whii h wax Komi oerhaiil.
id and raptured. Aa the launch :i
belUK broimhl alouHHiile hu iSllelTe'.i,
I'apUin Malpli o commuted aUH id".
Ilin dylnu renueat that lilt body be
buried at .M axii Han will ho honored.
The eontltuilon.iliia hae evacuat
ed I'ledrna Ihlund. In Masatlun hr-
bur. learinK a boinUardinent by me
Onerrern. fit far. however, no noin-
I.ardmenl hua been made. The Purine
mail ateamer flly of I'ara, norinwa.-'i
bound, la due here tomorrow. It will
pl' k up at Manail.m u lartte number
f MMHfiiRrra, ineliidiiiR many
eana. They will I tarried
ml lo Ihe
aleaiiilr by Inwila from the American
Captain Mulpicri
who committed
Mill Ille lifter he ollKtilllllonulii.l Kim.
j bout Tainiuco had been Mink, wan Ihe
otluer wlu turned the Tampico over
to thn i oiiHitiiilonalliiM a 0 v r r .1 I
i month uco.
1 Ana luutenant in tho Vcxi-iin navy.
Milpico comm.ihdud the Tamplco
; which waa u federal KUiihout Htatoii"l
lilt M.m.nlan lie VU III love Willi the
handmimo ilaUKhler of a ilvllian, huh
in the coiim itut ionaliKt couni da mi l
the eurrembr of the Tiiinplco :i
1 made the pi f her hand l th
daniMtl'M lut lo r.
Ho olio iwthi Malplco pill oui In xe.l
olid turned hia command over to ttie
, enemy. Natmally ho expected no I' ll.
lencv from hit former aina-riora w'i-n
Ihey faptiirnl bun y.alerdny
! Decision of Far Reaching Im
portance Announced To
day; Adulterated Grape
Drinks Must Be Hereafter
Be Properly Labelled.
Washington. June 19 - Ke. letary
Houston today decided "wliut Is
wine" and made a pure loud ruling
of far-reaching importance to dollies.
i tic winu iiiaki is particularly inosu
uliin and I'al.fnrnui.
He prohibited the use of Ihe uunie
"wine" on pmducie made l Ille. ad
dition ol water tu the June, pomace
or pulp of urapea, and d. lined w un
to be "Ihe pi.'il'ict of the normal, al
coholic fel un nlatlou uf the Juice ol
the fresh, so. in. I. ripe- grape end with
the usual i liar 1 1 tint uo-nl ''
The new decision provided that
where any water Is added it is not
permissible 1" label Ihe product oth
erwise tha "imitation wine." This
will affect all wlnea Iniule alter June
IS, 1H.
Thla action was taken. In Ihe lan
guage of the decision, because "the
department "f agriculture has con
cluded that ijima deceptions have
been pracin.'l under food Inspection
decision I .'" "
Food Inspection decision also
relating to wines, was abioatcd.
Hy lA-euml Wire tn Kvenlug Hersld
Madison. Wis, June 1 .- Miss M ir
gi.rel Wilson, daughter of Ihe presi
li nd arrived from I hlcagu tins after
noon o a.'sisl In launching a soclul
center mami'ine and lo particulate n
a eonference on civic as. relar) ships, a
eubject reUted.ta tha o. ial renter
Department of Commerce Re
ceives Reports from Many
Sources Which Are Gratify
ing; Trust Bills to Be
liewaeit Wlrn lo Evening Tlem.!.T
WnidiliiKt'in, June I - in
liens iniidlllons n ml Hu ll ell
oil Ihe iiilnilniHtraiioti timl pto
Ktatn wer.. taken 1 1 t....iv nl the
cabinet llieetltlK f-'ecl ela H Itld-
fleld of llie departiueiil of coin,
in. i. n t'd l tb prcKidi nt rei'orM
received from many sources Indi
cated hti.4iiicM was iiiiUHiial
ly goud l"r this tune of yeur and
that prospects were that It would
grow In Iter
The president was mil' h i n
cnur.iKCil by the reports mid II
wan snd his determination t"
push the trust bills had been
Chicago Financier Appointed
by Court to Undertake the
Work of Untangling Af
fairs of Lorimer Institu
tion. (Hj leaned Wire lo K.venlnf Herald
flip ago. Juno is The I Hall"
tlnet Trnsl and Savings bank whiih
waa closed by u stale bank cxuniili' l
lust week, was placed III the hunts ol
a receiver today. W. I N'IMaek, v. e
president of the fhlcago Tl'le and
Trust company waa I.ainod for Ihe po
sit ion by J-.nUe Wlndi S. w ho plac. d
hia bond ut I:'. Sum, (Kin.
The closing of this bank was fol
lowed by the closing of n number "i
smaller institutions United with
I j.i liner- M u.HHliiy bank.
Charles K. Ward, whose li.ime was
slKIled lo a personal tlnsei ured note
lor 1 1 was lound among the
Imnk's assets, iifsritcil today that ne
never boirowed the money. Ward wis
I .ori liter's piivato s..i n t iry when
("liner occupied u seat In Ihe
Klatcs senate. He w is it din
the bank.
..lot ot
Shooting of Marshal Preci
pitates Clash Which Culmi
nates in Blacks Being
Forced to Hike.
II I -acri wire) I" f.ventng Herald 1
I'.oiM.. lilahn June IU t'ltosctis uf
Slnishuiic, Idaho, drove all nesioes
out of that town lust night after
Jin k Kdwurds. a negro, while resist
ing arrest on u charge of .Unlikeli
ness, ha dshol James May, Ille low n
marthiil, und K. V. Hower, treasurer
of lam oln county. Hower's wound
may prove according I" ur
After escnpinil from Marshal May
Ihe i.ero i limbed lo the top of
moving f re ik til train and ehm Hower
when the latter made him surrender
Kilw.inls was caught enrlv today lit
Americun Kalis and laken hack to
It I"mcI Wire to Fveillog Herald 1
tjuebec, June 1 ". Tile l lilp'ess "I
llelalld Wleca ill, nil) opened I.hI.iV
with expl.inati'in and apologies by
S Haigbt or counsel lor the owueis nt
I be collier Ktoist id. w hl. Ii s-.nk tne
Kinpress. He said that be not
meant to Imply eteid.iy that t'
'.in. nli. in pacittc railway, o.vnc rs o;
the K npress. had tried lo siml' ''
n.'Ss away. This waa Ihe iinpressi.iii
made by Mr. Ilaistbt yesterday when
he placed on the aland James Ualwa..-.
a iiu trtermastc r of the l:uipres wh i
testitled that the ship's steering gear
was defective, bad luld him.
he said, that he was about tn be sent
to lOhgUlid.
AMItsssIMlt '141 IIIIMI;
Washington. June ID. The senate
loday confirmed ihe nominuiioti of
Congressman William U. simrp ol
i:i)rla. U., ag ambassador to Frame.
Noted Sleuth Evidently Con
sidered No Longer Desirable
as Association Member;
Vice Segregation Justified
Sense of Resolution.
(II j Lem-l Wire ut Kvenlnf Herald )
ii.niil ll.ipoli, Mull.. June IV -William
J Hums. Ihe b te the, w.ia to.
day dropped Horn bonoiaiy member
ship in tin- National mil of po
lice I'lneis In .olilitl'iti it .ins onb red
lb. it .ill police i hii Ih, detectives and
ot hi r oltnets wlin ale imi members ol
the hmiiii latloti mid wm use ils olllclil
llisiHiila on their stationary without
pel mission should bo legally pros
ecuted. V olllcial reason Was given for
dropping Itiirns, but It whs said P
memi'ei of th. association thai it m-i.
Jorily of the delegates informally de
cided t i eliminate bun and to Ho so,
tho honorary membership IIM was re
v.xed and Hums' name ninilted Hci .
era! times duriiiK the convention !
i lice i hi' Is cliii' lr' '! statements w hich
Hum was alb Kcd lo have made run-i.-rniiig
poiic,, meiboilH. Ills action in
Ihe leo M l'r. ink murder case, whl h
he InvesiiKiiied In tieurBla, nlno
iiroiiKht toiirih rather caustic com
ment fi"iii some of the delegates.
The convention resolved that Ihe
case against segregation uf the s.n lil
ev ils h nl not been proved und lb it
the i iii.-s wlilth found segregation tic
best met hod of comml were Jiistilltd
In i t.iliiin- t hut poln y.
Attempt tO Introduce Beerifrnm " r'l mine stated that
I . i . . ..I I - 1. 1 .. r- Ir amnli. rnn.
Int3 Colorado Town in
ip,.i, t) tTnr...o;Ure-' A "."vcrnment mine reecue car with
Trunk Proves Unavailing,. ,in(m,,, r.wlie ,, departed from
Ban Now Off on Soft Drinks! '""j""";" '"'" ''r"l'.-..n re.v.
I Mlxty-llvn biHllea have 5een reeov-
, . . IT ,,,. . I ered from the Hill Crest mine, t.lttla
Illy 1 Wire... Even n '1 ,,,,, hell, ut f(ir the other June I ... - The -- Uu)( , ,,. haB bn
tents ol 12'. iiniilt boll lea or beer was fjre for nollr,. OfH Inl flgurea
cast into the Purgotoire river Ihlshnw that 2: men were entombed,
murning by order of federal urmy,
t ' - sh,M,,AK 7ri;K:,,,T,;rx,,,iis..u,,v
outalulng Ihe contrabaii'l I r at ,,.KI, Hclghim. June 1 Two
the f.iiitH Kc depot It was consigned ' hundred coal miners were entombed
to a local mil' propiietor und was' in the Vlellle-.Marlhnye colliery near
cunsiilered in tie in woluiin of the; here when rue broke nut today. To
leileial orders relative in the ship- hundred or their comrades escaped
in. -nl .if li.iiinr imIm Ihe strike ills-
trlcl The loan to whom tb.' Iieer
was miaUi 'U'd was taken to Ihe sa
le' ted spot on ih river bauk. or
dered to open each bottle scpurtiicly
an ilponr Ihe contents Into tho liver j
i ol. j !. Kelt this morning grain
ed pel mission or a number of sa
loon men In npeii their places for
Ihe sale or goft ill inks.
It fs-asiHl Wire lo Kvcnma Herald. 1
Ncvv otk. June l'i.--Aii
now lni.l.liim for liuilmiin
aiianiaker in wlibh an attempt
will be made In cross the Atlantic
o.eai will carry three pilots, ac
The alert evening newspaper makes it a small world
in which to live.
For the thing that happens to John Smith if it is
something unusual, and of marked "human interest"
becomes "news," and the facts, about it are read, on the
evening of the day it happened, in the homes of John
Smith's own city, and of hundreds ,of other cities. If its
intrinsic interest is strong enough, it may travel beyond
the seas.
What happened? Where when how -how does
the event concern me? This demand TO KNOW the
ruling passion with normal human beings is answered
and satisfied by the enterprising evening newspaper m
and answered PROMPTLY.
The same DESIRE TO KNOW gives to advertising
its special importance. "If I can save a dollar, I want to
know HOW, WHERE, WHEN." This thought inspires
ad-readers tinges "the ads" with the glow of INTER- '
EST quickens their appeal to the self-interest of the
reader. i
Unless an "Ad" makes no appeal to the self-interest
of the reader it cannot fail to bring RESULTS. , , '
Early Morning Explosion Re
sults in Death of Many Men,
Relief Trains Rushed to the
Scene of Tragedy.
Sixty-five Bodies Have Been
Recovered; Hope II Aban
doned That Any of Entrap
ped Victims Will Be Res
cued Alive.
It, leased Wlrei U r.Temln Meres I
t'nlgiiry. Alia., June IS. Two hun
dred men are believed to have bean
trapped and Killed as the result
nit explosion In Illlf '"rest colllerlea
mines, at Hill t reat, near Frank, on
the t'rnw'a Nest line. Ihia morning.
About oil n went Into the nilna
this morning before ihe eiploslon of
curred. More than 400 men escaped,
but L'i'O were left and It la suld thera
is no hope for them. .
.fanadlan Pacific railroad om-
pany ofllclnls directed the equipment
of ii special relief train here. Tha
special, carrying surgeona, nuraea
and n number of company ofnelala.
with a large amount of hospital sup
plies, wb expected to reach tha Hill
I'rest mine thia afternoon.
Private mesaagea received here)
tinned In issue from the pit mouth.
when the al
The fire was still raging this aft
ernoon and every effort was in'
made to rescue Ihe nilnera left In Ih
cording lo announcement today.
I. lent. John l. Porte ot the Hrltiuh
navy, who has been selected by Mr.
Waii.imaker, will have Aviator Hal
leli In ihe flying boat with him from
Newfoundland tn the A lores, where
Ihe first stop will be made. Al the
A lores II is planed to pick up John
l.aiislug I'alliin.
The d ance from Ft Johns, N. V,
lo the if is I. I!l miles and t.ieu.
mint P hellvvea he cjtn d It In
twenty h
The im i" i n of gasoline In Ihe
Aores wii. Iii n Ihe load to such
un extent thnt fallen's weight will
make ny difference.