Newspaper Page Text
An Electric Iron is a Real Economy in Any Household. Telephone The Herald, 168 About it. Baca also Appears to have Definite Views about the Andrews The present timo har monizing of the Repub lican factions is pro ceeding rapidly. AT I candidacy. 1 JBi Vs5 mjiirxK-rmzEJf. Vol. M. Mo. . L Nine Aviators Lose Lives in Mimic Biplane Battle Above Austrian Clouds COLLISION JIT GREAT HEIGHT TRAGIC Terrific Explosion Occurs when Navigator on Attack ing Craft in Sham Fight Miscalculates Speed. BODIES HURLED TO EARTH MUTILATED Flames Engulf Airships and Crash to Mountainside in Full View of Horrified War Officials. (My Ifiml Wire to rrnln Herald. Vienna. June 2 n.--Nine a'. Itlnr lol their live today when mimic it in the nir wa iu n I . In rind Into a trsgic reality the an identul ripping .f h dirigible airhlp nd biplane, while tn)h were flying at h height durum Ihe Austrian army manfunti Hoth craft were dent ro ed nnd their nccuii.itit, nine military anil naval of. fleer and nnn-commiiu'lo'ied officer, were humid and mutilated beyond recognition. ",'ha. AiMrUi army tllrlailde balloon Kwerlll-ig amended at Fiachiiinend. about irKr mile inmi Vienna, wherr there ta a nillliary aviation atallon. Il was the Intention of Captain Johann H.iunwlrth. the commander, to lke photogrj ph of the mm emeiit of the troop In In ami thru In join In the maneuver; The aeroplane tarted half .in hour later fioin the name pot. It wa manned hy Lieutenant Kbit anil lloonta. The tnoniiitii i raft eoon overtoil her big inlcr mul Immediately begin h aham After cm In ling the air aeverul time a I a height of l.'i'HI feet, the biplane illii Hiiddenly man euvered hie little daft with the nu e't nf taking a poi:u.ri dire. 1 1 above the aunhll' The navigator evidently m lex a Ii libit . . hla dlHlame or hia speed for the now of the biplane gtaxed the en velope of the air.lnu and ripped it w ld open There wa a terrific explosion and the airship took fire The flume en gulfed the and in a few nm nienta the remnant of lioth craft and their occupant trashed on the elope 01 a mount. ill The bndlon were n charred and mangled they were scarcely rri'iiinif al'le The namea of the victim were CVptain Joahann ll.totw Irth. lieuten ant llnenl II .if m. 1 1 r. Klatt, Moon'. Hi uer and H.ildingor. Corporal Had Una and Weber and Knginrer Kam mater flEl'l MEXICO ROADS ARE PRAISED BY Pioneer Pathfinder on His Fifth Tour Through State Pleased with Progress Being Made in Building Trails. (litxHal Dmpalrli to Tim Ili-rald). Knnta Ko. N. M . June St). A. U WrkUald, finder of HutiM untmelital trail, arilved In ha ma re at noun today, leaving thla afternoon Uif .VI huiiirriiie afler a biief Interview with ilmernor Mrlnmiih) Mr. Weal. Bard I neatly leaaed with the till pioteuieiil In Si-w Mi'ilio load.. TODAY IN CONGRESS. t.i:.TK. Met it noon. Itukuuibd debate on the Indian lull. Mel at noon Keaiimed debate on the aiindry civil bill and chairman r'iu-r-ald uf the apirorialiona mm mitiee gave noma of night aiuoa nval vk until It U aaad. T TODAY'S GAMES itllY. Jl SO. NATIONAL LEAGUE I twin. S; (.laiitx, 7. ft. II E. )'lniiniatl ....WHO I "II (ml 2 a u New York ...Mill UJU uux 7 4 w llutterlv: Ihoiglaa, Snyder and Clark; Tvarcau and Mt-era. f'nlas ft: IMiillica, 4. re: H. II K C'.i.iHiti. till tiov ooi ft H 2 I'hlludi'lphla ..Oil li'iu lino 4 ft 1 l.attcrle: Vaughn anil Need ha in, Alexander, Buhner and Klllllvr. Plifdiurirti, I; llrtxklyn, 8. "lore: ;. H E IMtRburah !'" UUI (1004 7 0 llrooklyn Km noo nil 3 Id u Halterlra: liopi-i olid (ilbion; Hcul. l ach and Miller. anlliK S; llravr-i, a. 'ore: u. H K Hi. Iiuik (io onn imi s ,t n lioatnn II :u (101 IMI 3 h 0 Katterlea: Ferrllt and Cnydcr; J j men and llnwdy. AMERICAN LEAGUE . ltHl No. 3; Wlillo hii. ft. It. It K. li.oit'in mil "On not- II 2 t'hli'aao nun 40I in & t i Halteile: Wood and I'ady, Thorn a: Itueaell and Mi halk Vankitw, 1; Naw, I. It II. K New Turk ....ikoi iidil Inn 7 7 ; Cleveland ,...nnn 010 (inn 7 II 4 llatlerln: Caldwell and Sweeney flow loan. Jnnu'H, Norton. liaKerman and O'Nrll. Athlrtli ; llrtiwii), 3. It. II K Philadelphia ..nnii Hlu 040 G It 1 Hi. laiui nit j nno Hon n 1 llulteii: Hhawkey and 8han; Hamilton anil Agnew. iM-nator. O; TiKnra. I. R II. K Washington .. oki onu n-in o .' I Detroit nun nun o 1 4 llatterlea Area. Ilentley and Hen ry; i,vel.kie and rlanaae. FEDERAL LEAGUE ltrMklvn. A; lndlaiWMllH. . KlrM game: It. II Urooklyn .10 oil nun :, 5 Inillanapiilia lino in n.W o 1 llatterle: llouck, Staton and ltnil. ralkenburg. Iiilll.ii d) and Itarl den. Iloalo, I; (lib-ago, (. It. II. K Kurlalit linn iiio noo 7 Chnaan (Miit nnn onn o ft 1 Hail.-rle- Kord and ItJalr: Hen dilx and Wilaon AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. t tiluinbiia, I; MlniHMilla, 0. It. II. K Columbu . .iMi'i noo nnn 1 l 7 o Mtnneapolla (too OOu linn 0 0 I 1 Itaiiiro liavi and pinith; Lake and Itarlden l.onlnvllle, ; kaiuniH I ll jr. T. It. II K lainiiville ....O'MI Ilia 00.' S ( 2 Kanaaa City ..too 012 I. 'a ; 10 I HatteMea: Kill and troid. Al llon and liobt-l. ImlianaiNilia, 1; Mllwaiiket), I. It. H E Indlanapoll ..001 10U uOD I 10 0 Milwaukee ...noo noil oil 4 1. & ISHlteru-a: l.arn and l.ivlngatone; llorlik. Cutting and liughea. Mi: tiraw. 1 levtlanil. I: ot. Ianl. ft. It. 11. K. Cluveland .....OHO (Mm loo 1 4 & M. I'aul lino laci 0U S I U Hutlerie: l-unh und levogt; Walk, er and (llenn. COLLEGE GAMES. Harvard, 8; alf, II. II II. K. Harvard 14 I Yule la a 3 Hatlerle: Mahan, Hit'homk and ilornei Way, die and Hunter, THIRD LEAGUE WILL BE ORGANIZED, PLAN Hr toward W ire o SCvetilng Herald.) .New York, June The National CoininiMlon, the auirem rouit of haaeball. look with favor upon the proiHHal tu ealablikh a third major league. Thla w-ae the announcement made by Preeldent Harrow of the Interna tional league, who, with other mem ber at that league, conferred with tha in aeaalon her to day. LITTLB ROCK BANK SUSPENDS BUSINESS (Hf taed Kir to CTeaing. Berald.) Little Hoik, Ark., June 20. After . an all uigbl tontcrtim. ut tha di- FIRE HALTS RESCUERS; 20 BODIES FOUND Great Explosion Which Occur red in Alberta Mine Yester day Came Without Moment, Warning is Belief. ENTRANCES BLOCKED BY TONS OF DEBRIS Many Bodies will not be Re covered for Days; Revised List Places Victims at 197 Killed. ltj Lraaoit Wire l i:irrtiing flernlil.1 1 lrflh'.ii nine. Allieila. June '2. Alihooah the work of re ov -erlng ImkIhm iiroKrixxed alowly loday. owing to nirotbli't'ing Din in the em ramo of in me No. 20 of the Hill ('rent i'nlier Ltd. a total of 9r boflii'i. had been removed thin afiernoon nml pliired In the union hall, leaving 10 yet entombed In tho mine and given up for dead. William drown, brother of Cinneral Mauaaer lirown, la among the vn tun. .eiooiioKe, ,..eri. jnoe .viie,- recovering twenty t lia ied bodiea to- ( toiiiitht Ix muking any an day. reyueia werj' driven from lluir noomement and that there probably work by fire helore noon at mine No 30 of the Hill Cr.-.i (Alberta) Coller Ie, Ltd , where a great i'X'l..Mori ye Icrday w reeked the tiniiergrmmd iroierl and ia believed lo have kill ed 1H7 mm. Among the hoilie reioveied itlr I hone of Jam. (JuiKle, h i r I n 1 .-n . I -ent of the mine and Thorn. i Taylor, fire boaa. Tone of rot k. broken limb. r und oilier debiia at,. Im.iimiI in in,- en tranrea and It neemed iiobaole many of the bodies will not be rrioven-d for veia il.i. KkiloiMlioil by rem lie m earl, today in. Hi and the in ruin had no warning of death, aa iomtbI Imdo were found atamlin nearly erei t wiih .i ka nml other mining tools in nan i. I'enned lo wall by Inn n i or roeUe. BAIL IS D E iN I E 0 STRIKE LEADER President of Miner's Union Must Remain in Jail Until Trial on Charge of Being Murder Accessory. (lie Iaed Htre , K,e,n. ITerald 1 I Trinidad. Colo . June Itoin . I I Ihllih, foimerl, pre.ldent .,1 the ! miner.- .in...... w ho h.. been In I he i i unn Jail alnee leeem!er 30 charged I . eionoy n the k'llili ' with being an a ot Amu. Alexander, a mine K i i rrt . lain during a n.iiile wiih on . t ...- r 2". and Jamea llleuviiili, who hu been In eu.tiiity eini e N w ioi.i r 2.1 ihaiged with the aetnal killing f A lexaluler. were denied bail I hi morni-ig In Ihe dlnlrlit eoiirt. The f,,r bai wa made by A loenev Y W. Chit k. i eiim-el I 'f the Vntied flute aim,. Wmker. I'hllih waa llrm arieied by the m.ile military auiboiille early laI November In conne. i Imi wiih varum alleged diaorder Th.. unlltaiv ni'ii- ilaalon In It leimil made puidli' If- i ember j, pronoun i'.l I'hlli h to be a "dangerou and undesirable alien" and recommended hi Indefinite detention. He waa afterward lured over to lh.i civil atithoiltlc on ihe murder charge. Hn uvarlB Ik a vtilker alleged In be Ihe leader .,f . Hand of Creek trikem that ot in inber 2!l eugaued In a bit tie with guard near Taluiaeu al whl 'h time Alexander waa killed. He w wounded n Ihe leu in I hlu eng.taeinenl. Ttto munlli later he wa arretted at a hnnpltnl In tienver and brought hete by the mllllarv aulhoritie. It I the aecond time that an ai'ldf ration for ball haa been denied lor the Iwu defendant reitur of Ihe htate National hank of thia ciiy. that lntliutlon did not on for biiliicK toilav. The bank U lapituliied at SMio.iiiiil. It carried deiHllt of 11.710,114 I'reaidenl W. II. (iaranflo wild the action uf the director wa taken be- cauae of g "ateady withdrawal ot d-Pou." Ifj TRINIDAD ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1914. ion coiiiiT MEDIATION WILL BE SOLUTION Argentina Minister After Con ferring with Washington Officials Returns ta Confer ence More Hopeful. BREAK THE DEADLOCK IS NOW THE SLOGAN Effort will be Made to Abandon Discussion of Types and Individuals and Work Out Other Peace Plans Hy l-ael Mire o turning Herald.) Iluflalo, N. V.. June in. " wua never more coiillilcut than I nm to day of the liltiioatu aurreHM of medi ation," naid Or. Itomulo Naou, min luter from Argentinu. lien he ar rived here toilav after ronfernneH In WaKlilngtoii with rrcmdiiit Wllum 'and SeiT'-tary Hrjiin. "I am confident " MiniMii r Naon ' udiled. "and a .t i lit ixl ii', will, h I havo Hl:iy been. While 1 rruard I ho ' diflerein ea whlrh have bri n elii'oun I li ri il aa ai rlou. ihrie uie ulwuys i ilifferem ea III inediatioii, und It ' the duly of mediator iilwa) to llh u way to ovei'i-ome them, o ieai'D i may be iu'i'olli.l" A the inlriieler took an automo bile to a hotel for llllirheon prior to relornina Ii. N'lMK.-ir.i I'iiIIm ho mmIiI n wnd loliault With hi volleuglie would be mi lull aeaalon of the dele- ' gale and mediator until Monday. Naon de.-limd to aay what pro. Ir. ImuoiIh hu had In iniiiil wnieh would bn-ak the dciiUiotk. The piilill. atlon i,f the alutrmetit Hitting forth the r-rtive poititioii of the A on r i.h n and Huerlu ili-b -galea ailiinttedly hn rimf a alutdow of doubt over Hie neuotiullona In that eai h aide find ll diflUult to reredo from a publl ly antioiim nl atlilude. Mill there ia a etrong probabllit , In the opinion of Hr. Naon. that h." aliHiidoning the diKiiiaiiion of lpe anil Indivldoala nml going ahead on the other polnta In the lo-in'e plan, a man may be found in the inierim who would Katiafy, if not the letter, at leaxt the prim iple of both the Amerban meiiiorainliiiii, a well a that iNrnied by the 1 1 ll 1 la debiiale. n any event MniiKtir Naon :i mire I ha I mediation at leaet would reaolve the diflereneev neiween the mled Slalex und Mexii o and Kpoke with fonfideiiee of the ultimate ao- lution of the Internal problem. Pit KM I HAT WILSON Itl l I Klt.TIl HIS 1IITI(I WaHliinti.-n. June :'0 M in inter Nairn ol Arxeiitin.i, returiilng today lo the NiaXarH eonrelelK e. bore lo the medial. on and the Hu. rta dele gale l'ri Wilson a pernoiiiii ex planation of why the l ulled sialic Mtand . hi, i rely on the ioxitlon out lined in the recent atatement of ihe Amerli iiii deiegnlo. Alihoiiah H of'lii.ilK were i.hhii.1 'enllj niieiit on what took plare ut ; lal nigl.l'a long White Hollw lonf.-r-jenie. il known the mediator 'el. ii led f,,r Magnru Fnl la ninarentiy Ilre'mle'it lewa','r,,'' ,'".r: ' 'i'h: ' , '7 rt H"u"i W """n '". "''T"", J" . I"" tl',HJn " .M' " ',-,""h hy h . ii t un 1'ifiiit iui i jnfi I Irtti llif n I ttt .. iim.i ia..e... , ,,, .... .. " ooie. i 1 .. , , . -. ... .1... , IIIIKIIIUIIIIjltll- IM and wbieh In hi-, oflniun a ao- Hilled 1 ( . 1 1 . I prrxldenl would prolong the bloodi-hed. oiny -MI:iTlii ttlM'l HI At K i sr:ssiov oi: mov i ii Niagara Kail, (int., June 2u.--.IuhI one on. mil ago today the fn-nt oi the Mexu nii meilialion i onfi iem e w.ih held. 'ii.,,y k, ,, Hi t ,, , ur toduy. The predntlon .oiitd not be made wiih poHitlvenera biraua,! ol ponaihle iliAelopment in Wahingtoii nd Mexi ,, about which the medi ator lai ked definite Informnllon. Allium, r Vaor. (1f Argenlimi, who waa expe. 'id here u'o.i.l i p. m fn.iil W aHhingioii where he conferred with I'realdent V ilm.ii and Secretary Hry an and l.nm Cabrera, one of the con atttutloniiliHi. my ,e bruuiing aome new plan. Thla Waa not i onnlered probable, however, a the delegut.i. M-emed unxiou ye.ienl.iy t-i aireu.l ihe new that their Htatc mem to the public waa final and that a coe-tdatioiialutt iuut be aelecli-d for prm imi. mil ,ieldeni It wua not conmden.l line ht Hiiythlng Jlin lter Na.oi could aay to the atl Ington government or the conetiiu tiouallM iiaent would liange the de termination of either to reject any Man I Hall a "itvullal. ' ' I'llni ipai In Ihe mediation confer ence will go into the aeoion late to day feeling there I no thence of an agreement and doubling If a way can be found to prolong Hie negotiittiona If the line plan re formally eub mitted Ihe Americana will reject the U oxnaii plan. Tha JlcXKan dele- OF TROUBLE zwecjs will DE HD Villa has the Soldien and Am munition and Ready for Battle; Out of Politics. He Says. DEFEATING HUERTA IS SOLE AMBITION Rumor Rebel Chieftain has Proclaimed General Angeles Provisional President Re ceives Small Credence. (Hy la-aaed Wlrn in ILtenln Herald.) Toireon, i o.ihuila, June IV. i''-'i milil.try wne lo Kl l'ao. June Jo I The bint of Ihe nrKaiiix.ttloli ot ihe dlvlHiou of ihe north to he emph'tcd In the utt.ti K on Zai utecu lett here early tod.t. (ieneral villa and -ii atatT will follow en her late. Itida or early toinoiiow morning "In the atlai-K on Zai ctecu w ill oe employed uli.nit J.'i.oliil men," Mild Ce.-ieral Villa today. "of thia num ber annul li.nioi helium to Ihe dlM" ion nf ihe north. We will be iiiori ed by llfiy-ohe piece of field nrtillirv and c cnty-thrce machine gun There im enough ammunition lor bolii m n.-ll iih for the men. "I would preler that ttioioi .vlexicnii patriot who engage In polltb lake a rule and help u light lienor il l.uerlu," mild Villa with a broad Himle. "For mynelf I wIhIi 10 nay that I um out of poliiica, and that nriliging thl campaign to a .iccenatul con rlunion W the only object I iurue.' Lnt night a train with llfty-nx aeveridy woutidi-d goldiur arrived hete from the Znntecea acene nf opera lion. They were irunalerred to tn; military hoapltal. Havy lain have put the railroad trai k in H pre nrlniiH condinon. Thu lire to Chiliuahii.i City I oroken in two place near Jim inc and Santa Itomilia. VILLA I'IKK t.MMS Wt.Ki.FJ 1'ltK.xlHKNT Niagara Full. June 20. The Mexi can de'.ek.H ion here received a tele kr.mi today from the conmil uf their government at Kl Pan... Tvxiih, mat (iciieial Vllln n. m iHMiied a atiiteiuent uddreNM'il tu tin.- American people av. ing that he had prochtlmed (iencril Aiiueiea a provlHlotial previdcnt ot Mexico. The coiinul lidded that according to intercepted private ineafage at .loinc report of un ainli nble adjuel menl ol Ihe iliff erciii-c between Carrana and 'lllu were not true. He aim mi d word had reached him that Cirr i ',.i waa ; u i it I y gcmling a force of two thoiiwitid men into I hi- mat,- ol Sm Oru, Willi the of depoHlnt ('eneral M.iylori tin. wiih whim I'ni -fatiat wax reported to have had dif ferencta. (.i l.i:s hi i-oki i itv OKHKIl OK tlllt. Haltlllo. .Mix, June '.'. Via Laredo. Juno ) lie'u ril Felipe Angilea. acting aecretary of war of the conH tutiouallHt cahinel ua depohed from that tioHitbn today by order ol tien eial Carranxa, for dlo of ur del . No further detail of the action r ai bed here be olid a xtatrtiiftit tlin Al.Kcl.-a had received ceitain orde' fioin i a r ran. i und h id failed to carry them out. (ieneral Angele I general of ar tillery In Villa army and a piping Villa iiartman. Hi lemov a Troiu the vabinct redtp't him to tin- rank ! genital. II" I a graduate i.'Chapul. tee" military Hiadi-my and h i plav rd a proliiinciit part In Villa campaign- itnN. i i.K.n r ll.oliM si v diaii n Hiltillo, Mix.. June l'J (Via laiiedn. June '.ii. It. from he I t iled r'tali-4 tilat Celleral eCll!!!!;!!. C- . ranr.i waa about to llee to the horde, readied i onUi jllonali; he iibiuai t o .ulii ami were i har.i. terlxe.l ttl i 1. 1 1 A '.iiurd." lieneiul Carrun.a on', two d.i .tit.i Mecurod a perin.iiient home hen- Into whlih he moved with III wile and two daughter rilia-lliT lU liig 1'nitnlol, rialtlllo, Mex.v'une 11 V.'l liledo. Tex.. June Jil l - l inlir dale of June 17, lieiieral Fldcln Aila. goiernor of Chihuahua, reported that be bad dis patched conatllutionaliHt rn'Miem to Simla F.iilallu. Chlhuaiiiia, lo prolei t the pro.erty of the American Hutch ing and Itetlmng company 'from run in re. It. riM iit iUnn had been mau. through lb.- American etai dep.itt ment and t ieneral Carranxa had aHk d ltifni mution 1 1 'in iletieiiil Aviia. Ilia .iillt4r apliii'il. rialtlllo. Met. Jinn.. (Via Laredo gate then will reject t'ie Anieriiaii plan. The mediator will then uk both ilelegationa if Hut feel ihele I any ponaibility for a change of npinlon. If deadlock ia t onfeaed. the prxeedlnj automatically will nd. Br Mil or 2510 asquith fails to tdlHUSt 0 0 SUFFRAGETTE British Premier Tells Women that Even if They Secure Franchise. Legislative Prob lems will Remain Unsolved PANKHURST METHODS SEVERELY CRITICIZED Government has nto Desire to Interfere with Free Speech or Proper Organization of Opinion Declares Statesman Ite U-aard Wire ui r.xeilng Herald 1 Loudon. June JO I'temler A ipilth lodn lulfillid the piomlHC to receive a depiitittlon of auf fragettea which he m ole to Mi ri)lvia 1'ank hurt, the mllitnnt leader, when after her recent tcmoprary rebaau front Holloway Jail Mhe look Ui her ioal tlon ..ll the doortep of the home of common and threnteniil to tarry out a liuni:er und tlilrnt etrike there un til the piomiHe Waa given. A parly of alx working women, member of Ml -a l'aiikhurt KhhI I. nd fedeiutlon. lotlay vlxlted thy prime minlnter h; Iiih ofticlul rc-l-ilion e in Kownlng ntreet. The premier welcomed the mem ber of the deputation a iepreenlu live of hi "ulworlatlon which dlo clateil ItHt-lf from the criminal met hod of Ihoee w ho have done ao much to damage und put buck tho cauae of women." Mr. Aaouith argued that If every woman over 11 yearn of age itoaaeaand Ihe vole they would atill find legii lat've problema regarding wnnien eg ccetlingly tliftlcult of aolution In the aiuiia way aa tha . men had found them. He agreed with the deputa tion that If the train blBO were given In women It would be granted on the ame term an it wit glvn lo men- The premier explained thai while It had become net ewtnrV to aupprea the org. mired violence of the militant Hiilfragette the government had no demre to Interfere with Ihe free Npe h or the proper organisation of opinion. In run. low. nt Mr. Amiulth prota led 1 1. of the Women' reprcKf illation and wild he would P rem-m tn Iteginultl MrKclina. the home Mi retary. the deputatlon'a re OiieM ror the releaae of Ml Hylvia faiikhiirm iinconititionully. SUPPLY OF BOOZE FOR Secret Agent Here from Den ver to Keep John Barleycorn and Poor Lo Apart. Five Cases so far and More Prom ised. Through Jullu J. Jerome, a l'ni'"d Htuieg agent t-nt here from iH-nter, he golernilleut in conducting it re lentle criiH.ul.' .ikuiiihI thone who cll r i,,... In. Ii. in with luiuor Mr Jerome ha be. b Io n only a few da bill h.i .iln illv IhKt It Ule. I He at- ii !"tn. The latent made this morn, inc When i'utlnlo TlllJlllo .i.n I.ik.ii int.. cuj.ti.i: o-i a i lt..rfci. i.r mipplving .vinlreiiH l'i mini, an I-P.t.i, w'l'l h ntt .mil It oik. Tile ,'overninent i after leu otil-tbo-e w ho e I dnei i .. the Indian, hut ihoee who aid Iheiii in ct.iduig Irte law. There i a nU"u.'ion that a pr .. Iieliill tlddo ha been limit u;i nmon llnllalln In Hun vi' icily ny will... mc I Wb.i bo lur the ie.1 no ll, mul either li.tia,. ..r the t i . . or get it i omilil.iMori fi.ilu Hie dealer. Jcloine ban net i, i:t in Mtut-ll unvlbllig ut Ihe Hori that muv cxtnt It in mud i Ii . i he ),., ;,.un.l i i-c-catlolia that iilooime a IciN-. tune 'ie f"re he 1 t ll I .11 K ll Willi I h.i n-iun. h.ii h, I a mm who I1...1I (.r hi cliltie today orTcred to nlti.A him Ihiee or lour pia.e tv licit- Indian ale being u.l,ed wlUi The Inloimer wanin pnv f.11 hi w nn'ii, hilt If Ciilidltlill.H ai- lie inti 1. .11. il. Tex . June 1 iln. nm. 1 II vomii mx loilex l.illn .hi. MHH c..p iiitl'-riei. a tmrth of 8an ur I I. .day bv I'lieial T"r- count II II 11. lei' re, acci.r.Mng 10 olliciul dice re rep ed her. . lielietal Toiri wlio Ihe con! 11 oi lon.ilinl for. e bemegitig r in I.UI lolol reported to lieueial Car uinxn thai the tedeial force garr' onltig thai city wa "very numerous but he wa una'.le tu ewilinute ther truugOi. STOPPING IB TUB EVRXTVQ ITRRAtJ VOU 4. M. M. f X C II R S I STEAMER Hour After Discharging 000 Passengers at Alton, 111., the Majestic is at Bottom of Mississippi. OFFICERS AND HANDS ESCAPE WITH LIVES Collision Occurs in Early Morning Near St. Louis; Tin at rnmrilMlv Snhmerved Within Ten Minutes Alter Accident. I By Inotl Wire to Evening Herald. 1 St. I.outn, June 2". The aleamer Majentic. the largenl excuralon boat on the Minaiaalppl rlvrr, (truck th cribbing of a waterworks tower near here early tod..y and aank in ten minute, of tha thlrly-lhrea pergona on board one was not accounted for. All on board were members uf tha crew or of tho boat's bund. The collision occurred ut I II this morning. The steamer an hour be fore had discharged 900 excursionists at Alton. HI., and was headed (or Ml. Louis, twenty-five miles below. The boat was owned by the Wish erd line of Wulncy, III. It carried mix lifeboat and un these nineteen of the crew and other escaped tu tha Mtaourt bank. Hlx officers remained on the upper deck and vera titers w hen reporters and police officers ar rived an hour after the accident. Waterwork employe saw tha ves sel come Into view, aa It turned a btind JuM above tha Chain of Kncks. A moment later they heard a era ah and the lights of the venue I disap peared. The steamboat had gou down, bow foremost. lafklng h,uts, the waterworks employes were 1 w erleaa tu aid those on hoard and tele phoned lo police headquarters for as alHtance. F.XCI l,M1 TF IX ' MOW VOHK I HAM M .! Vonker. N. Y June SO Tha TouriHl, a small excurlon steamer coming down the Hudaon after an eventual river parly given by J. I. Haveinev er of Ardnlcy-on-the Hud son, wan ruinmed by a scow off Jera early l' . 'y and was beached and sunk. I. ' crew uf seven all were; reMcued ' .' pasnengerg had hee landed tie 1 " e crash occurred. Jerome 1 In. a slew of proeeti before he flnistwa tlons under way hi crusade. The canes are not confined to poh oulclil.. the city. Trujlllo" Is id'ta have p.irchued the llnuor which ha I alleged to have supplied lo Pcralt. In a, saloon in town. Trujlllo was held in ball for Ihe lit lied rttat. grand Jury t I lilted Miatea CommiMioner tleorge II. Craig- thl afternoon. EMPRESS OF IRELAND INQUIRY CONTINUES (11 Lraaed Wire n Ketilng fTerale) I ivuebec, Julie i'll. Counae for Ilia I'aiiailiiui I'aclll.' railroad owners nt the KmprcH of Ireland, iron exam ined Jacob Kaxe. third cither nf tha today ut the wr.. k Inquiry In an effcit to Hlu.vr tnat the colli-i-l.i-l belweeti the veiuelrt was due t'l tlie . nnii of the :toitad mate l'i pulling bin helm to port. S.ixc In-mted this wa not tho ri. He dei dared it w a not wrong tu port the he. 111 In u fo he .111 o there Was a miotig ciiri-e it. The ship did not an wer l'i 1 he nrji ioit:ng of the helm, he e.ud. .imi then he pn' ' hard aport te. ante he wan aftanl nhe would wtn ou r i" trie other side Ha knew thai the tiiarn-m er w a hot reHponHihle for lb,. 1 olli-io i. oecillKe Ihe chip did not 1 h .in-.. In r course. TWO MEN AND WOMEN JAILED FOR DRINKING Nn anor I'eiea. l'elhiano Loiex anil Maggie Li.Jaii were nenteiu ed tha county Jail hy Janice A. J. tied t'l of 1 oil, tne tod.iv, ilriinkeiitiBHS The men g"l thirty tlua apiece and the woiioin ixlv day. ll..iney A II MrMili-n reieited II teletlinlll loilay Irolll (I. It I'ylia hoo, fureiuan of the McMtiimi ranch mar fun Mateo. den ing ihe story orient here ptnt etenin that Ara Sheley. a uapper. had been killed by J. 1., n t ow hot It Is a)t known how tl.r story originated, but Mr Mi Millen Was t ttnatdrrsjhly re lieved to Warn aulhi-rita.ively that there wa nv foundaiion for It. SINKS III RIVER A 10-. nt want ad will find jou Job. In tha Herald