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TWO THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., SATURDAY, JUNE 20. 1914. " 1 - i H EAl TH ftUTH 0 R ITI ES Tl HESITATE 10 ACT Ofi SAfJlTARlUM QUESTION Realized that Risid Enforce ment of Regulation Would be Inconsistent with Pro posed Exploitation of City. DOCTORS DI3APPROVE FRESENT ORDINANCE No decision tt I lie I'twnl at least. Ik epe. led '" ",a health hoard en th- question tmsetl l.v the oiTiflMliil K.ii.M Hi"- house on Nttn Meiond street, whlih Is alli-acd In be a sanitarium by protcstlnit neighbors hi, (I w' . h ih proprietor maintains Is H hoarditis. house. 'Ihe health i.t.ard lust nigiii tioiii u h.Hiinic on the compluint. hHh la basctl on the ordinance forbiddinic mutnlciinnc i.f sanitariums within it radius of uin mile of the lly , . ; Thr board im the matter under advisement. Member say frankly Hint they hesitate to nili-. bei uuae while the ordinance Indicate a iccn- rral coruee of action In one dir in, ii. It la realised thHt n rlKld en forcement of the reitulullon would aded ninny boardinit hot""4" nd be completely "lit nf Hints with the spirit if the publicity campaian which is bout to be Inaugurated iiir the ex ploitation of Albuquerque it heullhseeker haven. loctors und other rlilsena Interested In the ques tion raised pointed out today how In consistent It would tie for the my council, thrmmh the ordinance, to "run a sanitarium out of town." wlille throuuh one of Its duly accred ited iiiemliera It uruttl the Moose to brinK Mimiher aaiiiiailtim here. Mayor HnNirmhi, who .a president of the board of heullh. wild this tin. ruing that he h more thun ever convinced 'hut "nie revision of the ordlnume wna needed. 1 here Wit,! no question, he sold, that In Ha pres ent form It waa tml in tune with the community ambition to make Albu querque the health tup.lul of the I'nlled Wales. Il made a tentative atiKKeatlon alone the llnea of revision. It miHht help aolva the question, he aald, tn aea reaulutlon oinlttlnit reference of any art to sanitaria, lnnitlntc the number of tubercular persona ttd mitted to each hoarding house. Jl waa aald today that the present ordinance was not approved by phy alelana of the city when 't waa flrsi auKgealed. At iaat nlKht'a hear in lira. Hue. ltcidy. Kauffmun and Frank agreed that It waa much bet tor to have boarding huunn with H resident, physician and other tarium features for the acvoimnoda lion of heal th seek era. than to have thti hitter llvln in boarding houses of the usual sort. It Is aald to be the hope of the health board to dispose of the prea ent rase without the necessity of rul ln at all on the question raised, which ainounta to thin. "When doe a boarding house eeuae to be a hoard ing house and become u aanitarium" lr. W. T. Jdurphey, who conducted the houae complained of. ha auh leaaed It to a woman, ami the lutt'-l may lie Induced to take anch action aa will eliminate the objectionable wuiltarium-like BKpect which the place haa been said to weur by rime plaining neighbora. There ia leur that Kht-iild the biMird. enforcing the letter of the oriluiiiine. rule agniiiHt the N'orlh Set t md vtieel houae, a half a doxen other com plaints would lie promptly filed, leading to a nrt of publicity highly unilenirable in the luce of the pro poeed iidvertltting campaign by the l-ommen'tal club. It. Murphy, m iklil'ota who had rtniplalntd of tlie houae. and aeveral young men who lived at the pla-e were, bet le the bonitl at al niih'' hearing. It waa held Ii I r. I. tl Hue's olllee. lieorKe Klock -it - -ed aa attorney fur the complainants. I ir Murphy aald he no longer con ducted the home in June I, he ie tilled, he aiin-leuMd II to Mii. InliH (t'tHillnunl am I'agr l'onr.1 Pre - Inventory Sale on all zzzz: ELECTRIC LAMPS Special at Cost all next week. I .'(' at&iC A beautiful assortment to select from. All shapes and color.. H Triers from $3.C0 to $21.00 Strong Bros. 2ND Alt'D C0PPE21 AN OPEN LETTER TO WILLIAM H. ANDREWS Elfego Baca Asks the Candidate For Congress Some Pertinent Questions and Recalls Some Ancient History. Abii,iiei .pic. X. Men. W. II AMHtKWrf, June JO. 1 I . A ilM!pie-fiie, .. M My Mr. Anliei... In Ihc dornihg .lo in ii .l of vtleribiv, I noii c that you have annoum ed .,iir, It iHiiilol.ile lor nued Sluleit I iiiiiitemtiiiali. on the llepublii an ticket. In thia iiiorning'a paper, pitge 4. column 3. I iwine a letter that you luif nmn J duied June 19, lM, which l In Milntt.ilice na loloN. Vou aa, "while I b...e lor .he Ion at the haniU of the lt.-l ,in Male Cnnveniiot, b"ultl II. in Ha wlmloin. see III t" n.itiie some oilier than niief I here and now pledge to u h nuininee toy lieiirlit Bi mippoit a-ul i w my ii.,H, ,,rTotta to net u re bin election." The l.niK iaue of )rmir letter Una compelled me to wriie you an o,en lelier V'btp you any you pleilg,. youimlf. let me imk ou If you know the meaning of lh.. aora. and 1 am asking ton Ihat iiiea tlon lor the reaaoii that perhiipn I may not know the in- ' f the word myaelf. In tbm timnecilon want to auk of you. If It i not true that at the hint tatc It sinlnlure. artsr you were delealed f "r railed sialea Senator ymt dot nee me In company alth other He, nihil, .iti of prominence A lliuqtierque, and aaid to me that the f..ct thu the lti I'tiiteil e'laicii h'rnatora and the t'ongrean iiikii were (,f the Ko-callctt A nun' n eleme'it, that the Kepuhli, nn one to the Hpanish-AmerlcaiiH the congn'SHinnn of the 114 elecilon and In that connection you wild 'hat the logical candidate for that office Waa mtnell. and that If I auH Khort of money that you could get money to help ni election'.' And Ht that time ynu gave me ynur ha-id. in preaetice of the part lea ami you anou Mho they are ua well us 1 do, aaymg that you would lo anything in your power to get my nomination ami election. IM courae, 1 deaire to lie frank wltn you. when you said that tou coiiiil n.-t money for mt. I never had any hopea of getting a cent from ynu, hecauae at thHt time you were tulking to me on the money iuctn. there came to me the recollec. tlon that the Iaat lime you ran for delegate in misiena ynu told ua that, If you got the nomination tnt yliUr vnnt It aula frlenilH were going to put up Ilii.OiHI for ton lo nee tn your election. At that time the Republicans were speculating, and trying to get u malt that could make the race on hia own cxpetiae aid we nominated you. but we lifter aaw a cent. In tlua t on neilloll I want to say that every lime you have run or delegate ill coiigrraa I hnvr helped you w il h whai little imliierite I had. I ha',, mx-nt n,i own money. I was tld In the tint election that you wt i ,. can, Ii, l ite for delegate in con-gn-M that tu had a barrel of money. 1 was an unfortunate that I didn't ete-i ace the barrel, much ief. (he money, not even a dollar of It. Vou may say now for an excii. that a H-tltion haa been present ed to ynu cnmiioacd of prominent Americana ami Spanlah-Amcrican, but let me tell yinl in inlwui' e th,it that ex. uae will not work, gite us something better. K. A. Muni who la youc slrongeat supporter, who haa circulated the petition asking your consent to become a candidate ia the same person who m generally known as Judge Mann, whom you know and everybody ,,le knows that about three months after he arrived in AHmiu uertUe, he couaetiled to lie the main engineer lo deal roy the HepUlJ(.Hn party in Hernalillo county and in the state. Vou reiueinla r that he followed the Instructions of his boaa and went, and giithere,i proxies from the different mem bers uf the llepubllcan central rolllmltll,e of i,.ri,ann,i counly. ten days In advance, from the outside precincts ami then he called the central committee to meet in his ollk e and auminoneil the chairman of that ciiinmittf p. Mr. tlillenwa ef, U) , there, giving him a hair an hour time srrlv,, from hia riimh. When .Mr. illllenwater ar rived he found Mann and his men with proxies, ami the object of the meeting was for the purpose to remove Mr. llllll nwate'. who wna chairman of the central coiiiinillec m t,t um, Thul wa In the year 11I. The proceedings wenl f,m ,,, lw. Klnslly the result waa that the county of ilernalo and the county of Sandoval aa far its the llepubllcan party wa concerned, aplit. and col the de feat of the enllre lit publ'can ticket In the election of 1!I1, anil If the licmoci tts are in power lotl.ii n, hate been suite the Ural state election It was il' e lo the "'"'ion of this man. Judge Matin, tint Is your supporter. If you hate the Republican principles Mt heart Mr. Andrewa, ynu ought io keep your word and M;u,a hy y our pledgea. and don t let u man that tlelroyed the Hcl'ni,ii,i, party once be allowed to destroy it again hy unlng your nn ,,,,, u,4 ,(,,, mher supporter of yours Is Jimmy W fhavex. I op,lm, th.n f.nt niakea the fact that you aay thut you have been sole ii.-j ,y Aincritans and Spatilr-h Americans. Mr. Jimmy W. t'hate had uIh,. plnlged hlmaelf to me, He was my supporter. I say that ,.(auae lie tyld me o ami he wore my button all the time up l a wees ami when you got lilm tn clean your ulllce and I presume thH( aince lhat time he ia your supporter. Now. senator. Daniel M. I'her,,,,,, m yr vx wh , ,,r,..nt are the prlnclp il engineers o.r the Allnniiii riie Morning Jmirr-I. aeeiit to be booatlng you. We ;ill know you are digging a hole In the ground Linking for till, and thi h,. thre,. of ynu hate a heavy slock of paper In ihe hole. hope th three of you will get rlih und I wlh you all good III -U, )u, )llU know, acnalor, that If you have been called bad names In )our fl.i lr )(lU hflt,, i.n abuaed the worst that a man run be abused. y,,u have been abuaed by Ihe Morn ing Journal: when ynu were o ti'l i ,ulw fr rt,.,.g,Ha ihe Albutuertiie Morning Journal tailed you every name thai you could be called. In fact. 1 am now printing a little magaxni,. which will he culled "The AlliU'iuertiue Morning Journal and Hcn.itor V. II. Andreas." 1 am simply going to get fiotn tn,, . ,,unty tlei k's rrenrda from the Journal tile everything lhat the JouniAl haa said against ynu and while mt and these part lea ure digging for oil I expect tn make money by selling this magasine. t lB , ,rr) Intereallng one. An other thing, you know that Daniel M.tcphersui at the city ele lion ward priniatj wanted to tote with the iH-mncrata, ami I ha ipiea t I'm waa lalaed that Mr. Mcl'herann waa not a Democrat and he at that tunc got up ami naid that he had been a Ih uhm rat for the hut two yeaia. ami Ii.. la identified as M Democrat toda). hut In this con nection 1 also want lo say. that I hat been here now nine years, arid I hate neter ae.-n the Alhiiiii,.r,,ilal Monung Journal uy a good word for the Republican ticket 'it fur a Republican candidate. I give you all this explanation, senator, n order In make you umieraiund that you are not carr, mg , , y,IUr pledges, but that you hate allowed yourself lo lie the I i mi in nun ( of thoae who want lo de stroy the party. If you get the ''"iiuiniiiun i.f the Republican party I pledge you mv word id honor that I will do every thing In my power to defeat y ou. I will talk ml my tongUt, w ill get thin bei auae I tn i. not aupport a man that h4 pledged lo me so many tlmea in preaem e of peoplt;. anil then he tme a candld.'tte agalnsi Inc on the aoltci'ation nf the ciiemiea rtf the party. You remember, eehnior, that in n,y nltlca in preaemv of about 2l different persona. Immediatelv nfi,.r ilr, M'ltleinent of the differ entia between the Pi ogrcMt ea an, Republn ana Ihut ynu gate me your hand and aald the following "Uat-a. toui at ti n In the settlement id the party n llerlialilln county assures your nomination !"r cotigri binan. I hate received tt I ephiniea and leiegram" from difTerrnt parts of ll'a stale udmuiiig ton for your actions, your a, (ion no am th,t auccesg tr the Rt piiblrcan parly Una ytar and means that m the ilecllon of , I the Kcpu.i Iichiis will curry the entire Itcioioiicaii n.-ket; Hm fi,r you for cini gress ami the Republican parly l indebtxl tn jnu and ynu must hat,, it; in the nrat plu. e tt is duB lo the S.aiilsh-Amerl. ana that wt; no hate two TrU'-d Slate 'nalor and one congressman, 'he next citididale fur congress should he a Spanish-American; we isn't get away from It and ynu ar, xr .,m,icII .andiiUte, for Ihe reason that you were a candidal" at the nrat stale election and etei-vbndy knows that you weie ni ileleutetl on actount of lack ot quiillfli Mllotia. but you were defeat,.,, account of your name and t lioee lhat voted against you. tn thai account they are tnd.t) Itahamed of It." In thia cunnection, senator. I want In ask )ou wbellier you made that statement In my olll e , whether ynu in.idti llu- mher alatemenls In Santa Ke. aa I bate act nut In my letter 1 hope that ynu and your frlenda Judge Ham and Daniel Mac fiheraon will hate the inuraite to answer my b-litr and fun brt more to hava the coursge to say that my letter I, true in every respe-t. and If you hate the courage lo git,, the hat of the persona lhat hate aigned a petition aolulling your name I will he loo glad .o make comment on every one of then, iu satisfy rtery one of the Repult. loan party that It would he absurd to listen to such foolish propo anions as that. W know aa much, as you du of politics, senator; n, ins of these that ynu call , ilil.h-Amcrit ans can glte ) "U cards and similes and atill beat yuu. And I repeat again that If you get the nomination count ma and every man that I can get In tote aliiiiat you Mud 1 will say why anil j'erhapa make myself plainer Very respectfully yours. "r" KI.KKtJM RAf A. gaawnar in iUriwmiutM i Gold Medal Flour Eventually-Why Not Now? THE JAFFA GROCERY CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ALBUQUERQU E JUST MISSED AVIilG ft MILITARY STAT 0 . But the City Received Instead a 640 Acre Fark Which will Prove Valuable in Near Future. HISTORY OF MESA TRACT PAID FOR BY COUNCIL City Obtained for $300 and a Special Act of Congress Land on Which Several Thousands Have Been Spent The action of the city council Tuesday night In paying over Ihe iuil lo the government necessary to comply with the special act of con gress ami obtain patent to thn PI acres of hind known as the military 1,0.1 she on Ihe mesa six miles east of the city, recalls the fact lhat Al butiierttie barely missed hating one of the big military posts of the west established here. In place of it the city received n very valuable tract of land which will be more and more valuable with the passing ot every year. ' From 1!'U on lo 1o the Com mercial club was constantly on the trull of H military post, which it was considered would prove a very valu able asset In tlie city. 'ur upplu u llona were on filu constantly In the war department and were kept active by I'omtncictul club members and commlltct b. until in Ihe eurly months of 1 '.." u special cumtnisHiuii of army engineers was sent here lo make an Investigation. The engi neers went over thu situutioii care fully and prepared a report favor aide to A lbutUcriue. The chief ol staff of the army nnd the generula tomiiiiiniliiiK the western division vis ited the city und finally asked for u site. The foiiimert iai club commil tee, headed by ii. I.. Brooks, offered three sites, t,nc north, one south and one east of the city, and the latter finally was selected hy Ihe visiting licnerals ua most desirable. An en tire township was set uattte ut the reipiest of Ihe war department which tlr ma niled that the city tl, inonstiate an adequate water supply on the ground Itself A well waa sunk on Ihe northwest corner of the PJ acres now owned by the city, the well be ing exactly W miles from the Kama Ke tracks ut Central avenue. The follow inn report on that well by thv man who drilled It Is Interesting us showing not only the water supply available for Improving this trie t, hut tha water supply atalluble !r mesa land development and which sooner or later will make the vast nrea east of the city u garden. The report is: Albuiiiertiie, X. M . Jun. To II I Mrooka. chairman, I menial Club Mllii.iry Well ' mlttee. Alhutif Mile, N. M. Dear Hlr: j I hate to report that from the date Octoher 17, when I was placed In charge of the operative work at the well on the mesa ut the proopsed site for a military post. I was present prai-ticiilly all the time until the completion of the work, and I will not enter Into details nf the many dlt fh'iilt lea encountered in order to get through Ihe tii,'ks.- nil after It I wag struck at a ib pib of III feet. , All difficulties were finally overcome land a flist-t lass well put into oper- Phi.-, ation gnd Is now in shape lo update ut any time I continued the sinking i.f the well from where Ihe 0lcksaud was found at 4 1 Icet for Ik feel mi lies, so Unit the bottom of th Strainer Is now at a depth of 4.12 leel H Inches from the surface. Hlx-lnch casing was sunk tn this depth and then after the strainer was put In It was raised so lhat the bottom of the isslng s now 4 .'a feet from tha surface. Ilelow Ihe iulcksnntl we tame lo a stratum of splendid water gravel from 6 In X feet I h It k and probably still thicker had we continued to go down Into II. This gravel was free from any quaksand and the water was clear almost from the minute we commenced to pump. We pumped, using an old gasoline engine aa power for IS consecutive hours, the well pipe being Inches In diameter: the stroke waa 12 inch es. t tn the minute, and the stream of water was steady Irom liegintiiiig to end, allowing no Interruption or Indication nf siting out. and I am satisfied Would be cuniinuoiis without any break if Ihe pumping hail gone on for months or years. And, more over, I have no doubt that the same would tie true If the strainer and pipe had been of sufficient sine I" produce n much larger stream. As an Indication of Ihe sine of the stream under the stroke given I may add that during the entire time nf pump ing It wiiultl fill a lu-gnllon hand every i minute. We could have continued piimplnu 24, .14, 7 2 or any number of con secutive hours had it not been that the old engine we had completely broke down at the end of fifteen hours. Acc irdmg to your insirut linns I let the 3-lm h well pipe and the 1 inch w leu pump roil In the casing. Hush with the gurlace; atUched an other piece of casing to the top, so that this casing now Mantis hi the air about eight feet above the sulfate anil in the top of this Joint of casing I screwed In an Iron plug which can not bo taken out except by Instru ments which will have lo be sent from this city, lor which reason there Is no danger of anvnpe Injur ing or tampering with the well ex cept by authority, and yet it is io such shape that within an limirn lime power can be attutheil ami pumping continued ludef imtely. I attach lo make part of this report the afllilatils of the two men who were In my employ and helping at Ihe time the run i,( 11 houta pumping was made. Respectfully submitted. A. D. J llsii. i'umplng ami Deep 'Veil Kxpert W IIVT TIIK 4 ITV Wll.l. M WITH Till: I. AND foon after this report wus pre sentetl and submitted to the war de partment, where It practlcullv cinch ed ihe locution of a mill. try p -t here, there came a . hantie !u admin istration, In the war department hikI in the general policy of the depart ment as regards western posts, t ic policy changing to one of large con centration points. The result wos that the whole matter was dropped and Alhuipic riiie'a hopes ,,f a mili tary post vanished Mr. Rinoks and other members of the club who had been active In Ihe work Immediately hud prepared a special a. t ,,f con gress granting this land to the city. Passage of this act through conaress was secured, with the conditional payment of II ;'" an acre, the gov ernment's regular commutation fee for public land. This Ihe city has Just paid. The special act, It shot. 1,1 be noted, carries a provision that the land is granted In fee to Ihe city "for purk and other public purposes. lo revert to the government when-1 ever not so used." so that Its sale or other disposition by Ihe city other than for public purposes la absolute ly prevented. The necessity lor t his provision has been shown hy fre uncut attempts lo secure the laud for privufe purposes, substantial prices having been offered for It. lince the payment of the ! by the ioimu those not familiar with Ihe matter have aakeil what tha tit)' ...AND. u ( Continued on Page Klglil.) COMING DeKreto Eros. Greater Shows The World's Best Carnival Attraction Auspices 0. R. E. Baseball Club WATCH FOR THE DATES unit Cases At Very Special Prices Never break Traveling Trunks made up in a dependable way to stand rough usage. Fully rivet ed with two straps all around -in all sizes at an extraordinary price Suit Cases Our line of Suitcases made in Fibre or Leather are far superior at these prices 99c, $1.99, $2.99 and $3.99 See Front Windows Women's Summer Dresses at Special Prices Our entire line of summer dresses, values to $35.00. special at $2.95, $4.95, $5.95, $7.95 $11.95 and $17.95 Phonograph Concert TONIGHT -THIHO FLOOR Learn how to Tango; One-Step, Hesitation Waltz and the Maxixe from our Dance Records -tells you how to dance on one side and the music on the other side. These four dances will be demon strated tonight. PROGRAM Half and Half Victor Military Band Loves Melody -Hesitation Waltz Victor Military Band Goad Bye Broadway--One-Step Princess Band Florence Maxixe Princess Band The Aeroplane - Tango Princess Band Columbia-Hesitation Princess Band Dengozo-Hesitation Princess Band For All the Girlies Princess Band Facination -One-Step Princess Band You and I Hesitation Princess Band !! liwS i i enwa Where Quality Heels Price d s .. i " ......