tiie evening herald, Albuquerque, w. ii Saturday, june 20, 1914. thuxs ummer Ir ootwear m west 1757 CENTRAL V V Albuquerque Foundary and Machine Works. ICnfftiKf r.ennoera Marhlntnls Castings In Iron. Hraas, Hronia, Aluminum, Ftruetural Hteel for Bridge and Buildings Forks an Wnin Alfcuq ) . . M See 'em at IIAIIt! AUTO CO. (No Troiilil In "Show" Ynti) W. W. STRONG, Prop. ?UM W. 4 luteal. I'liiHie S7. I'AIHI.I.A," I.I Ml KIC A NTS, (iOOli I'.HII TII.K4. 1 1I K HI.K THAT KITf yulilt CAK; MICIIKI.IN thhkb NUFK Hfllf i J. L. GOBFJl General Auctioneer l(oue"ti"itl C;ikmI ftpo-lalty, l'ln-ia 421. P. O. Hot lit Wa havs a complete Una of Wall Paper anil l-uln's. Can do your work on minute's ootlra. C. K. QriKIC S2S 8. tiul Kb Plume TIT. Chicago Hill & Lumber Co. General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 LUMBER & BUILT if i' v v v I v. Wholesale anil KrtaJJ t Albuquerque Lumber Co. MARCUS P. SAWTELLE General Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop 211 West Gold Nailvo llrlrk for Kale. I.M.1IT AMI I'I. I:MU In our famous Hread, yet ronlnlnlni plenty i,f atrength ami real nutriment. II hu a delli Ion ftugrance hecauea made from pure Flour, nnd It tastes good Ihut I hi- llmt till lempta you lo rut n. There la no belter Hread urn ilc. We are extremely currful of all the Ingredient uii, our method of imk I tm in i if.it. Ami I ho price ol Ihe Bread r.M.-T.i-a. PI0I1EER OAKERY Wi"- V'. i.et tuna. Herald waul ad aava you earaece OF ALL? OFF tPI4 A PI 111 VA AOA A-iAl I CENTRAL Baseball. Standing of the Clubs (The averages do uul lm ludo da, a results.) to- National l-cngiir. Won. New York SO .I'ltu Innntl 31 Ht. I.otn 2 liitnhurgh 2" . I.OHt. is 24 Z z: 2H z; 3U IV t. ..MM . r. mi .usu .4 'JO .4-i'J .( .412 I'hllinl.lphla 24 hlciiKt 3 1 rooklyn 2t l'.IMto1 21 American lKgue. Won. I."!. I'i t riilinlMl,,hlii 3:1 21 ll IIIIlK 31 lMtn.ll S.'i t4 .r.3 Wimlilnittiin t 2 .r. ? 7 )..i.t'H mt, ttK 2 ,.&3! lllliano ih .11 NfW York 1 .32 .37.1 i'Ii-w-IiiiiiI It 31 .3r. 1'iili rul W-iiuim'. Won l.ot. Prl. iiuitjIo t: . r. 77 lnllBiiiili 2" 22 .rM I'hiiiitlo 3" 2 .T.:l li.ill'niirii 2 24 .U2 Iviiiimiii I'lly 21 2t 41 llloiiklyn 23 24 .4i fl. I.uim . . ;Ti 3 3 .411 I'ltuliurKh 22 30 .423 Ii'iivir 34 21 .SIN Simix Clly 24 23 ..' ft. Jixi'i'h 3'l 2Ti .i 4 " I M. .mi., 30 2rt .r.3 I.in.oln 2 2 .f iiniuhH 24 30 .4 41 Wlihilit 2 3'i .4 2 To.ku lit 37 ..13 GAMES TOMORROW AiiH-rhan I'mkiio. lloNion nt ('hli'MKo. I'liiluili'li'hiii nt St. I.oiii. Sfw York nt t'lrvrUnd. WimhliiKton at I'll roll. NuiIihmI l-aitiir. No giiniea. l'iilTnl 4siio. I'lllnliurtih at KmrniiK City, liultiinoru at Hi. I.oui. lluftiUi at C'liUaio. VKSTi:iUAV'H IU.St l.TS. NalHnial Ihkim. Xrt York. ; fini liilmll, 0. Kioilon. : Hi. lmia. 5. I hiiUHo, I; I'hiludi-Ihlu. 7. AnfTliaii linii. HI l.lilllK. hll:ul-l.l.l, ;. li-iroli.S: W.mhl'iKton, 1. I'hiriiVo, 3; lloHlon. I. Nw Vor k-t'li-vilaiiil poni ponrd, I'mIitbI f.-ajiir Kami m Clly, '., Ii iliimori', i. Krooklyn, n; HI. I.oiih.i. liurTulo-lndmnaiKilla iol puneil. A hoallliy limn la a klnn In hl owil rliilit; an unh-itlthy man an unliap iiy flu vp. Kor liniuiri. l.loml ami nliiKklkh IIvit. iii llurilork lllooil Kit- I ith. tin the niHrki-l 3Ti year. 11.00 u bolt la. Auction Turmlay nflirnooii, I i. in. aliarp ul the lioinn of M I. Mi'-t'lilM-, 115 Hoiilh Kullh. I MI loll ul pulilic aurllon the fur nlahniKa of a 4-roi.ni horn. Kooila voimiat In part of rook love, rvlrixi-raior, dining ta li I and t'hnlra, di"hi. fla warn, three larae llruiuiela rum, Ihrre Iron liuda, drop hend arar lull machine, centi-r tahle, two difaarra, three parlor rmker. alm a ynunK tlOO Jeraey row, giving mora than two aullona of milk a duy. limpwt Monday I, fora aule. Ktreet rar taki-a you lu tha door. Ill Soutlt Kdtlh. WXITT KMt.llT, AunliBiM'r, Sale llJ m west CENTRAL STAGE IS SET FOR BUTTLE BETWEEN L II Elks and Knights of Columbus Primed for an Exhibition of Big League Stuff at Trac tion Park Tomorrow. They aay Hint la-ffiit major leamie hull la fadilix. Muyhe II I on tb" lilt leaRiie I'liciilt, hut major leUKUe hull I "till avallahle to Alhuiiieriiie for two hll. "ml one dovNii't have to Hit in the Ideai her ut lli.il- Hllt leaaue nt ii f f .will he turned looH ut Trai lion park tomorrow' af- ernooii, when the Klka and the KnlKhl of t'olumhu ineel. The teiim hae been praitiruiK with a devotion demanded by the Imporl ume of the fray, nod they nre on ede for the i laMi. I!Ik leumie muff. and a lot of trill r you iim'l ee In the lit h'UKOi'H. and no i vlra i hiime. The name will be nt Trillion park. in uroreHiiid, oml It will m.rt iuhik on Ihu minute of 3. All the Klkn nil the Knlahl. nil their friend ami ull the rent of the populace are ex- peeled to hi' 'ii hand. Teno-loiia rootlnK I one of the pleiiNurahle uui.ilii'ik on the curd. The trolley company I awake to the lt tin lion an. I iirrunKementa have been made for ample trncllon in'i'oin modatioiin to and from Ine park on the old Town line. AlthotiKh Ii may lend to hi nfnan- Inntion beforehand. It lm been un- noiiliced that t'harle Lenibke will umpire. Tbl I the way the rival force will wheel Into buttle nn.iv: Klk Mi lbmiild. c; Hull hinnon. p: Me.irn. lb: Momnian. 2h; Kiiui. : Merrllt. 3li: I.onerKHit. rf. II Kcnjn- min. rf; Htrlrkhmd. If; J. Wilnon. Meyer, Uruhiim. ul. K. of P. Httimpf. c; Murphy, t'ha- vex, p; Hippel, lh; Kmni. I.etnrte, hnr. aa: Mci'nfTrev. So; .Murphy. I'oncrove, IlalliHK, Morelll, lltiian, out field. A the dim rriunji will notice, the Klk have plim. .1 tlieir faith on the inniiv llulch. They expect him to let the Knlahl down with a few arattorltiK hit. Admlnnlnu to the name will be th.it popular two-tutu mentioned mice or twice hereinbefore. It will Include u vent In the Kr.indntnnd. The eland I roomy nnd the crowd will be utile to enjoy i a excitement In comfort. YOU FURNISH THE SKILL FOR CATCHING TROUT Let Harry Jolinon aupply the tackle. If you know all about local condition you will hit In a minute that he haa the tackle that la right .ii..lny, price and amorlnient. If you are not familiar with local condition hi espi iii iico In year of tackle aelllng, beside hi pirnotial llnliing experience, will be of great value to you. He know Ihe right file and ixe. the bent flnhing leiri tory. and la willing to tell you all about It. In hi atock you will find the len! rod, recln, leader, flic, banketx. fly book, a well aa all the little tiling every fisherman wania. Yod may think that you will have lo pny till. lit! for a really dependable fv rod. If Von do. Junt take u hold of hi 17.60 African ateel vine, at atrip rann rod. Tlu in not u ateel rod iiictHl but a kind of bamboo which will give you more canting power, and be more durable than anything you have yet uned. It I filled up Juki the way you Would like lu hnve It. r irk grip, anuke guide and all. Con.e with extra tip In cloth bng on grooved form, other In Ktock from tl.un up. Harry Johnon'a iore la located at 401 Weat Central avenue. Alhtniuer pie, and If you live out of town, or happen to be on the alreain and need extra tackle, he promptly and cure fully fill mail order. Accident will huppen, but Ihe bent regulated fnmiliea keep I ir. Thoma Kcleclic oil for audi emergencies Two ginea, I-'io and loo, at all atorea. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad Phona I, Ited liarn, 111 W. Copper for flrnt-rlnn ha. k and earrlugva. ODG W. U Trliublo Cix LimriG 'EM OUT on the alrenalh nt ilu. dop there la only one likely flnlfii I., the miunKie Leiueen ho Klka ami Hie KniahLi l i ill 'i in linn ut Traction iik tomorrow nlterimoii. A teventei ii-innltiK 1 1 U lo U. t'r 'te they'll both win. It will lie a Hume, runway. The teatmi ure keved up (or iiioruil .lattle, anil the ronllli't will. I k- a not. n diiw-t In the nnnalu .f upmi uh a i In if I W hi'.vo onlv a vaviie I""'.! a to hliat a i 'liianli.' In. Imt e think Ihla will he one of ihem iIiiiikh. Home. Iii dy hn overlooked a hut In not cop puiH the movie rlKhla. A picture of Kill Mean In ml lull U north three lllnta nlone, I'lilaliui uh f.i:m are p uniliitf Cliirke lor th hail el (i ni p of the l,irai', I'll IhIiiii Kh f.m were alwuva iiiiim Thi'y het on tile aiiiiie ei-r' hr'-ak at;alnrt lloir poi kelhook m-ii the n u Jaiimliieil feellna. Ihey nay now I li.it t'hirke ha lout bin old time mm! ami viilliiy. one reviewer a n a K ce I ihal pi ih.il I'larke I mil put mil for n hem Ii huder. Ill him day, H l reralled, were when he led the ie.nn in hnr heioi, KiinniiiK with hi in nun from lett field ami heaillna the ooarillmi parlie. nlih hi trimly tiliiili(i'"ii. Ii I ' Reeled ihal nowaday I'l.iike, a. ! niaiiiiKer, I A blamed "ood Kukii' farmer. Il will he a month nt leant before .Ilmmy Archer, the C'nli hucklop, l hack In the name. Ill broken arm if mill In a rai. Mull fllppel of the Knlshta of Col iimhiiK, ii he la developInK a tri' k play to pull In the anme with the Klkn tomorrow. It'a a foiil-lly mli h In fen. Irrfleld. If nny player In the American liauuo ha a rlKht to ,. ore. that lap I in ley, the mitnchl.'r. 1'ntll ii few day uko Ihiley wa with th,. Aih- tlc and rinht now the Atb..ii me the bent look-In for the American iiKUe peniintil. The Athle'lc at h i"l le mire that they will win and ale i tinting on another biK pot. Iiuh y roluioly had counted on hi ha e ke the other. Then Tbiley wa tra I. d lo New York, Frank Chance aend- lnar Walnh, oiilllelder, In Connie Min k in exihioue. Miracle happen in li.ie ball, but New York winning the !M4 11 a K a one that won't occur. lhiley reallxea that. Hut what hap pin to be Uiily ! I WhIhIi gain American league magniite don't irlve a rap beciiune the Ni.p are In the cellar. They aeent to be enjoying I ho npiN'tnile of lant year hiitllitii iiiHd wallowing around In lant place The fact (but they nre drawing h.inlly muiKli money to pny their rxpin- mid thai the Nap clJb I hming money very day make no diffetence U them. llmt Johnson' muamile hnve iifn- I n deaf ear to Charley Hommer' n- .ealn for aid. They will not lift n hand lo help him mreiiglhert hi cluh Homer ha offered iilmoet fubiilour iri.i for Kiirnlti player of other lub. Then' men oiild he umd c 1111 In where the Nap are weak nth. r league chief, although not uMiik ihei, men riguliiilv. have refused lo l them lo the N.ip at .iy price. Homer tin offered to trade player The Ira.lo tirolioKilioii mmle rlvtl owner have bei n ridiculoua. If Hmn. i had gone ibroiigh with nnv "I them, he would hme weakened mi Niinn and that would have bed M:kt ninf aoine. Homer offered one club a couple rf good player for a pin her. Tin ciui ha a horde of good pitching intent but la hy on player who tan hit Ihe l ull. The dub chieftain almply In"" cd at Homer. Homer ha pulled every big league n.ine nun mri:i ' haa been able lo Kt.mli. tin ha mei wlih aucce nowhere. That Ilenny Chuve lay on ihe llooi cf the pure ring 40 aecontta long than niiritw'y when Juh'iny Kllb.ine knocked blin out lure not long ill" eel m one lie wa alruul the CleM'liind tighter would kill him with the next blew. I the declaration of Abe I'ob.tg, referee of the fight. "While I'hatex w.i down the Hr' Hme. aaid I'ollock, me lii.inii i kiibleil bun. aali-tg: 'Take your nine I'i nny. becaune w b. n you get Ui I i going to kill you." "When K.lbane eoiifl tna gnocgoin no leuneu oei and aaid: 'Now. lie ihere aa long n you want to, kid. In. -i t gel up. '1 ik, li.ur lime. You'll be all right in . l,w minute.' And Ilenny lay mi tn tloor fully 40 w.i. n dn lunger than " nhould Imve. Kilbiine tlien helped him tc hi corner." Jo Leonard, formerly of 1 Moltie. la blavln third baae in IRe l luce of Mike Mown y with the Tilt burgh National He I making a g"."t allowing and hitting regularly. Joe Kelly hu beei ili.'ppcd down in the baiting order and I no longer leuding off Fred Cluike la not In favor of um- .rea alternating behind the bat mo ur. the baaee; lie uya they nii.cnu ntay In one poHitloii all the time in ader lo gel the pre t Ice," t SPEED10 GUEVARA STAR ON FLAGSTAFF CLUB Our old friend, Hpeedlo auevara. alellar performer for several year on various local baaeball club. I now alternating u bai kniop and abort for the FluKtuif team. 1. 4'huvek, a Imal pitcher, la ulao on Ihe Flagmaff cluh Tha Old Albu quennie box will work In a big g.niir against William lo ha played In Flagman on July fpeedlo 1 a enullon on a haneball dlumoii1' when he la right ami ought In lieiP' Ihe high altitude club to win an lion-1 ruble pocltion in the won and I""1 column Oil aeuson. THINGS BEGIN TO E Andrews Sounds Call of Party Loyalty and Elfego Baca Comes Back with an Open Letter Commenting Thereon RODEY ALSO HAS VIEWS ABOUT BACKING TICKET In nplte of ihe fin t that today li the hollenl of tile ni loom in Aliiti i, ,. it . i iii'. Holuntry ban been rampant a .g Albu.iie.iie licputilicin, an. I the politicu1 onel.ilion mill ha been wot king i. en ime. Willi thru l onlenlantn lor the Kepuhlli an tiolnl- lllllloll for I'OHKlenn, A I ulliUer.IIO In :i ilav ha apt ling Into prominence a the i enter nnd hot bed of that parly litlnil ucthlty in Ihe mate. S . II Andrew i ame oui tin imiriiing with further ntiiti'inent to hm parly un- no. i. ilc, Hi" taring in. it m woiioi nuppori the triiitiiii'e of Ihu llepuh Ii.iiii cons iitioti tin mi. iter who It in i u lit be. Tina hroiiKbl n foriinil public tato. menl in the mm pe of an open letter u.l.ll tnne.l lo Anilrewn from Klfego Itncn, the firnt candnlate lu the Held. und who wa luiicwil until Andrew entered the game to have the bet chance for Die nomination. Haca charge Andrew with had f.illh: al lege thut the former delegate prom ised him, I la. a, Ihe Andrew nuppori for Ihe nominal loti thin full, and give annul an. e over hi Hignnture that if Andrew I tioininuled he will fight him to the final ditch nnd lick him. Till a nominee from Mr. Ilacu cairle cotiniili'ruble weigh! ill tbene pal t and throughoiit the Ktate. Mr. Ilacu iilno call iiileiition to oine Kepiiblicnn party blntory which nihil to ihe interent of the nil. lull. .11 nlni Hhedn interenting liKht on the whole nubject for I hone n..i f.niuliar with lieoulilli an party event in.l ntrug- gle III Ihe pnt. JinlKe It. H. Itodey, iilno. come hack nt the Andrew tatement con cerning party regularity with the n nuiiince that he too will holt the ticket If Andrew I Ihe nominee. I'hnrglng Ihut Mr. Andrew "tole" the nomination from him In ld04 by theft of proxie of Instructed dele- mi I en. Ilodey nu Id thin morning: "In view of t him I wonder If he can ex pect thnt any elf reipectlng man could Miipport him. I nnnwer hlin no. len tim no: that I would tml nuppori anyone who gain n nomina tion that wny. The decent, honent way I for the alula committee to cull a Mule wide iKimarv and let thai primary decide who Ihe nominee "hull be; then let the convention rat ify the nominee of the people, not the bonne." it 1 uiidernlood that nevernl men who hnve claim lo being lmon-piue I'roKrennive ami who fought the I'rogrennlve fight In the Mate, ure preparing to hnve eomething to nay of Mr. Andrew' aanumpllon of pro prietorship of one Theodore Uoimm elt ami the parly which he founded. Mr. Andrew today had nothing to nnv The nltuath.n nf thi time nppcnr protnUltig for further firework. m-ofncM I Miiuot IU' Cured by local application, u Ihey cnnnnl teach the dlneaned portion of the ear. There i only one way to cure deit lien, nnd that I by connlitulloiu.l let, eilie. licafncn 1 canned by nil untamed condition of the niui'ou lia m of the Kuntai hluii Tube. Wlvn tliu: tune la inllammed oil have n tiitnhl'ng aound or Imperfect hearing, and when It I entiiely cb 'd. Iieul i.en in th renult, and unlea the In llamm.itioii can be taken out and Ihl tube reniored to It normal condition, hearing will he destroyed forever; nine cane out of ten nre mined by Catarrh, which I nothing but an Inllammel condition of the mucoti nurf.o , n. We will give One llmiilrcd l'oll.ir" for any cane of Iieafnen (c.iUMe.l iiy catarrh I that cannot he cured by It. iii Cularrh Cure. Send lor cir cular, free. K. J. I'll KN K Y CO . Toledo, Ohio. Hold by HruKKlnt. .".c. Take Hull's Family I'tlla for cunati. pation. BASEBALL CARNIVAL TO OPEN HERE JUNE 29TH A haneball carnival, under a'.mpice of the O. IS. K. banetiall club, with the le Kreko Hreater Hhuw furnleh Ing the umiinvinent, will be the ill tiacllon In AlhuiUeriiie for a week beginning June 2'.'. The how will reach here next Sunday und Oniric M. Young, general agent for tha I'e Krekoa, I in town arranging the de tail for the carnival, which travel In a apeclul train of ten cat and him .1 fourteen-plece, uniformed band Pally band concert will be one of the feature of the dally program. The cnrnlval I naid lo be a (lean-cut I VS Make the Harmonize No uiatliT wliat tin- Ik, Uh- 1 G THE REPUBLICANS CHI -NAM EL READY-TO-USE GRAINING PROCESS Will gie a new hiirdwiwid effect, lighter In color or darker Ih.in I lie old , riling to your denire. Till new la'iinh wlil nlilwear Ihe llnUli onli- narlly given to natural wood, and ci i only Zo per -. ft. With th dl rciiionn furnmhed anyone ran apply It. WHITNEY CO. IIMtUW HK Jlii.ne 7. aarntitlon with atlrnrtlv lop and new dhow, iiti.l n the . K. K. rluh will r,.,elve a llheral hit of the gale ri'iMpm, will doiihilew he well mip poiteil here. WHOLESALE GROCERS MEET AT ALVARAD0 The Whoieeale ilrooer' Ano'-in-tlon of New Mexli ii held lm eeml aomial meetlna nt the Alv.triiilo to day. The aeaalmi wa deMiled lo roiiilne hiKiiifn. iaii.1 irnl" iiieHon. Thoe prenrnt iio Puled It. IX Viil ney, Mn NorilhiuiM mil Wilmol llooth, of thin rlty; M. W. Ilrowne noil II. W Kellv of I Jin Veuiin; f. M lieitn.l,,r llnton; '. N foiion. IImI li.p, Krunk June. Silver lily. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad, 34TH ANNUAL BALL Associazionc Italiana C. Colombo FRIDAY, JUNE 2CTH, AT 8:30 P. M. AT COLOMBO HALL Music by Booster Orchestra Everybody Invited. Tickets $1.00 for Gentleman and Ladies i Put gold in the bank before time puts silver in our hair AN OPEN SECRET fTP There's nothing mysterious in acquiring riches, jf It is simply a case of saving money. trrr When your savings are sufficient to give you Working capital, you are in a position to make judicious investments. qrIf 1A mo you want to get money, with which sooner you start and the it, the quicker you will WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY AMERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK A Coo! If cnii:pf Day with the Til.- c.-r l.IIIIC-til( Fii;. in! Il.c ( lalmr l!ie i :lu- nir nnil tin f.m G-E Electric iRalirons and Fans fo.in n coitili.rlalili l l.i ccnt lit iron a wlmlc or lour ci ui ( i keep cimiI Wc handle all hl Ir CiMiie in anil krlccl tliovc will like hct. Wo Rent Electric Fans as Well. Just Tele phone and we will Deliver One as a Surprisf for Your Wife. Only $1.00 a Mtnth- Do It Now. Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light and Power Company PHONE 98 502 WEST CENTRAL Woodwork and With your iNew rurniture rokir ar r-ouilllliui of Hm old nut Im-e may STOtX I'l l IUI1 IU H. ItrHl. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. Try a 30-irnt Herald want ad. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. 1 100 Feet 3-in Select LUMBER to 14 In. ho. wlile. renulir 170 no pe( thow.iuol. while II lieli. 140 "0 per I hoiimuid. Kielletit for ml- ion f urniiiire, elf. Vleo 3.IHMI feet !-lnch luill er. ft", no per thuUMind. CITIZENS LUMRER CO. IIHI Hoillll MNillir hi. rich you must save your to make more money, me more steadily you keep at become independent. "Comfort Twins" 1'. riiit.iiin are lilcnl aiil lit ir "rouiiil. Tin- Iron ilm not licat ..vi.li- n pleasant, cooling lirrrge. i catlii r iiuiiliiiiitiiiii. Cta onlv week's wash I tads mily tliree ull ii id' (i-K Jri.n ami l ain. which Jou think your Wile Floors L -zv in M ii 'id ii'i'aiil na- - Jim i itiiMjaig)ai.i igM nti naamWn iMiii. 10