Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HE11ALD. ALBUQUEH.Q17E. N. II., SATITRDAY, JUNE 20. 1914. four. The Evening Herald. ru..ixhed ljr THV. H VMNt. IIMItl.H, INT. HKiil'iiK S VALIANT. . . M ii.ii r .1 11. Ili.MN'l r.dimr ruhlmhetl everv iilirrt....n rx-n-IH Sunday, Hi I .'4 North e. n:i. Stieet, Alhu.iicr.ue. X. M. ! f ! c i I in npinnil" ltiHi. rr l 1 1 if ...ti.ll). nl Allm-iin ripie. N. M . under th A t nf . i ; hup month by ma.l or currier. .''' iuiP week to. .airier lie im. etr by mall or currier ill dvll. I'' U'l Telephones: !uihea Kditorutl Ol.lce. . Itonma. .1IW i.'i-hcl. i.f tiliiDwi one-fourth of Irn- nine w il. I uvcritae produi tton 'lllIK IX 1 I ."(Ml hiixliclx niui ilmti the malnxt previnux record for thi iiiuiiIiv The report aiutea Hi.. weld 1. 1 onl a in) Imr'i't mil he ..MO I.f tile !e:llexl l-Ver b.irii''l i ..n.l I n i ' ether . mp repotted i.l. i. null' Hi ii.-i uioux v ichl. The buxmcxx hip in. I vet tri . i .i ! Hit. nut ni f I'x.i it' i.f thexe IlKlllfX. I.. I l lul" I Mill III U' ll IH'l li. .11 nhil in viin.nx .innil. ru mil' li ti-xiiuxiit. ll i-. m l.i Ink, inn vim ma proof .f l.i-ili-r innen l-i rc- iimii- llii. vl Mini fi-nr in cn- 1.1 l:. .in. I I. Ill evidence ix n. . II Ml :i -l .ii.'K that .r..H'i i it v in pieater ill -oe lIlUII I'MT I. ell p, Veil I" w.ihin lhi ruxp i.f nii-ti who h.tve llii- l..n iif III l.i wf iln npprotirli." Illl. NIU Ml Mil I I' SHOW. xlNI I I1I IIMI- ItKI'Hr.SMOV N SIM r I'n anient Wllxi ii ih flu III HKtiliixi "i- mill Tumi loHixhitiori In). i Ihi- ii I inn week with lii itiii-rt ih .it'i. imntiiHi I hi inn i. "In aeekiiiM I.. create liiinii' in lh tn-.inirv ny v. holoK lea deprexxlon. lettera nml miite litenlx nuppoitlnR the ptcxi.lclil m- t ion h.ivc n. nr. d In from nil r the couiitiv. ii in I no mutter Imw aon-eaxful or uimiii cexaf ul lh eiitixici I'fv. linl.iKlt uml tlii-ir ii In in it y -how linn amuM-lutea. tin- m, iiewxpuiM-r niny he in iliatiirhltiK huhlncra. no tlnuht la ft l.i the ti 1 1 tkI of onv ihoiiKhlful n. An I tin I Hie coiin try itx whole in jh.i onlv wit ixfli-il with tin premileiit mnml. I ul peer fully ready to llr him u Irce IiiiikI in cnrrvlnn" nut hi policy. Now h re Iini the i oliflilf me III thi-1'M-iinli iit mi. I iit.rrovnl of hln ili l. r miin'.l 1. 1. union i i i n rvlli-nt thmi In thn ...w.Tful iniln-iiiliiil iifWHpnirrii of llii lint I. n. thon' whli-h nrr fi-f of rorpurnH" Htrlnux or in. till. Hi ronttol. Taki. fur In ttn.i., Hi. viKoroiiHly Imli-pi'iiilfnt Kunxnn l ily ftm. pulli k lly un ar rtput Im. ki-r .f ll.iiixrvf ll. thi- Klur III un ptlitolliil Wrdni'Mliiy until: '1'ri.iildcnt Wilron It cm th illwon iirtlnK hnliit of nuikliiK thorn who niflil hln polli ii ftitlit In tlx on ii It in thn km. I of a thnt tin Aincilrun " j 1 like. "Thcip noihliiK In tlii i r I -dcnt'H firm utliiik iii.oii 'tin !niil Iiiun lolil' Ihitt Inill. iiii-J nny pni - pl..r to f.r Mlfl till-Ill H.ith IliH io. i. li' Their m nolhlnu now. p"hrr hmi l.nn un.l In. however, ihu very dlMlinrt pui.oxe to tiiiiku all allien piny their ( n rili" nhovr "The .reaulelit um-h to. i-oinpulKtoll other than the f.ilr .rrp. nlnd.iii of fair o.nloiij In a fair field. If the ioiri.iilRton la on h!a anie It la onlv I.e. u unr pul.llo opiuinn ih mi hla ahle "I'uhlir oiilnion la un'tueittoiuillV with Mr Wilxoll In It in poniOoii thnt il la the duly of ronnrixj. to iliapel inn ertiiinty The rouniry Inta the rlitlit In a definite, enii. l-il polli y lor the Kuidun.e of leKlliiiinte luixlneHa. "The .reniilent'p aervl r In unff Mnil eurrein'V Ii-Rixlnt ...n In name no dlier of liln eertl. ex hx nxaun d HKaliixi the dnnut-r of ill-.'onxi.lered l ul n o I ixiii u il '.ia axx ire.l i.tlllllixl Hie daliKer of U atltlulput Collaer'.a tlxm 1'he rouniry need not prexume l.i know wh'-tlier Mr. Wilxoti'a ioli- lea are .e i... t. Hut u the ieaxt it ix lAllllllK to Hit thr VVllaoll IllilllllllX. tiHiion 'it ilmw for Ha hile alley' III the aolutioii of a Uiftlrull I roli- iem. "It Un mix firmly bark ; f the prea litem in hin demand Hint I hi re nil. ill l e no 'inannfai I uied' l.-.r . and ihui lli.f who ei. Joy ill.-aul or linriioial privilrae. nr t Im ure niixin . .lined ol x.lioll, fhllll not Oxe tlielr i" e r In liinliten ihe ; oile Into in iit turn or Int. i aiirretiilfr." lux. uKxtiiK, gfiirral I. iixin. ax rondi tiooa unit j.roMip.-t oti tin nanir day the riirixlian Mt ii-ni r Moiiilor, un iiltier aliMolulely tndt'lielideiit and eiv eonxrrv allv r Joillhai, paid: "iluniiiexa i ond it mux IhruUKhout Ihe Hoi Id are ahoHinii further ini-proM-iiitiit. In aoine touiitrira the xll. union in Irna hut un a whole Un. iiiuv finent la forward. It In hflieted Hint ll l a quextion of only h fe iio iiiha until liu.iuixi hi n- lii ll liaa KHii.e'l u iiioiiiemum that will rxiabluh pi-oapeniy in etery land. Keuxoiut for thin view are loan 11. .1.1 in ihe Hint I'lae theie ha ta i ll u aleudy Irieaaioii ami retretii ll inent, rotelli.t; h . riod of aeteral eata UuiIiik Ihia Mile euoiioiniea lllle hrt-ll prailieed IK ll -M r liefore. .Many - apola inn elin.l naled w thin the lnl ycur Him kn rerywherr ure lout un a rrnult of the .ei .xlxti-nl 'unml to-in iiith luiv liilt poln y f mr.i-l.iliv puiaued. There ix im over eatennion ir apei-ulntion at.) hi re. In xh.-rl thv volume of e ami In ' ixlry t an lr ineita ui'rd hy Hit til Hunt dpnianda of it t onxiilli.i.K puhlle. ' onditu n In the I'nlled Slate are aid lo be linprot in mora rapidly than ilxexuherr ami Ihe improve ment In Ihm rouniry la tertatn lo help l.uxiliraa mi-road. una of the tfreateal axxui antra of orller lime waa roiilaln.d In the crop report la ailed thia Keek hy thv department of fiainultuia f ir June. The ataiemnit "li.dienti.fl l i.H.d ura wf aloi. Q0L0C I' Mm tin.l Hdille. l" Great Trials of History - 1 1 I k I' till J a t -i timillu I' t : M i: l:V MKXIi'ti ix n nnl'irnl rniitte o.ll.lll. a uhel p eolintrv. i.roxiieroiix it ki m nit ure Ix uroit Inr up In tunny aet'.ona of the xiuie. and will arovv up in other e. ll.u.x Nil lllldev elopotl . IhrollKh '' inveiiiiily of man mid hy hln elevi-r ...nlinli.K Mut ti t rovkled all III.- exxi l.lllllx for xun ixxflll hliee mowUm and Ihe linluatrv l.nx remind itx ptexent nlnae viillioiil mm Ii ax nixlmnr. '.ike 'loiinv. tl "Jtixl tirowid. until In thix experiiniy in volatile vi. u It la KoliiK I" hrlUK in In Ihe xlate n tot. I ill rnxh vthlill Ih lh iinIiikIv iiio.irliiK. True ll hnd "proleitioii" for mituy yenrx, l.ul It xeetiin to ! dolna l.elt.-l without "proti-i tion" than it ever ill. I with It ami Ihe xt ite ix hk. lv to i ..r.linue to i oimt tlx xherp KrowiiiK an one of 111 hlef Indunirlen for nil time In eoine The pinii of the ainir. fair rommla xlon thin yenr to Hive Ih.- xheep In dually nileii'inte rei-omut 1..11 in ihe late fair Ix 11 K.iod one: one whiih xhoitlil hnve lu-t 11 Inniiituiated loin: iiK't 11 n.l to w hii h loo inn. It import -nine iniinol lie iitlai hed. It la the plan of Ihe fair roi.imlxalon to offer prl-n xuflli li-ntlv adeiiuntt t.i In ink otit n reprenentnlive riillipetitive illx play nil over the to k (trowlna aee tiona of the eoiinM-y. tin.l eapeilnlly in the ninrketing xeetinnn. xo that the men who open the gati x for our xheep and wool. Ihe tiilyern, will lonie lo the allow and K'-l Into eloke hmul-to-haiid toti.-h with our grower. The henefila of au h 11 Ket-to-tiet her IlloVellirlil Alinol he o 1 Text I mill I'd. The iivrniKe Vew Mi-xl.-o wool arow t i known verv little n'milt hin mnrket When hla clip Ix leady h" ineeta one, two. or half u lo. n huyeix nnd ik Ihe hex! prii e he ran net from the l.uiuli. 1 1 ix. upportiiiitiien for aiiid) i ti K id ni l 11 1 inalket roiidltion are limited. lie worka at n il let iii.t tllx advautuiie. There are a few. nl ihoUKh a rni'l.llv ki owlet nuinher of xrower who are nol in Ihia elanx; who are li-nnimn that it pava lo have iluln liliuil knowledKe ah n.l what ix K0I11K 011 otilxide the lliiiiii-iliate home inarkit ilnle, .1 ml lo fiKurv the luuu i-x for himxelf. Th' lire the men who ore maknn the itioxt nionev out of hol'i wool and luinhx The ediiintional value of a biK an mini xhi-i-. allow- In tiemt-ndoun. from whatevet inale ou look ut il The xhow will hum! the innpiration to prodiii-e a heller f let;, e and n h.-nvi.-r lamh. ami with I tut t knowl edKe of how to ki ni. ..tit it. the lu ll oilii. 1 11.11 of lietter and bet tor I.ii-i-iIk and how and where to 1 hem. Thin from the iii.ude. Krotn Ilie oiilxide. the allow will have 11 direri advert lalim value la the atleii lion il will ail'ni t from xtoi kiiieti uml l.uyetn i.r the lurg.-r m.irketx. and an indire. t value in general ex ploitation of one of the nate'x. moat Important r-xotirrex. Tina aiw . upon the l.axia the rninmixxion ' planniiiK II for IhU full. Ix one of the real piupot.'x lor whiih Ihe atale fulr wan ereated and burked l.y Ihe atali It will he one of the xolid and null; AXIHtKWS x..v he will ai.ihd .iv the w;.l or Ho- l-'Hv mid Ihe imrlv nominee nx x(.rt x. d in ilrli-iiili lonierilioti. What JihIui l.i d'.' w 'lilx It I III lii do Ix to at ii llil iV ihe will ol the i.trl nx i-xiixfil .it .t xtiilewiilr pltmnrv ll l" 11 lit that I. If. uo llioa and x..mi- ol ' hi vx woiiid In- Milium I" tui'e Ii I 111 Vloluic ti. one le.iillfiH pi null It- ol hit I. -UK nil. I 111 Ihp life mill hop III. I'llllV - o- TIIK reiniatlvnnin r.iilr.ini li.ix 1 11 1 1 Ii. yma- 0 If inr 1 To!. 1I.1I114 any IiivIiim off of men in 1I1W rouiiirv elf a It-v. rnlu nit v howl- fx who hai-nl wiikmI up. - -O lliiWI.IMl 'A I. A Mil V In New Mi t. 1. Hun venr ix it I 11 1 un I'.. "I iiiilaimui nx ml rodin 11m 1111 11 1 1 1 11 K pup into .1 1 linn h rh nr. A Hi 'It' 1 t Ml 1 11 at th iro,i-d 0 If in ihe miilxl An ilie month wax Julv Hi. ile. ul. -.1 to die 11. IVV he liK.ti thr nerl XII lie. O HV TI'lt.N'iXi hi krin .111. il. 111 it brain on lull lorre we have 11. 1 tloum l. tci li ,. Wiliiain .1. Hiirnx will nope Hie mvxlery id what hapi lied at i:r.m.l lt:i.i.lx and why. -O Till' SflillTIMI KIHTnlt xnid yea. Oldiiy the Klkn were t-orkxiili- they ...ul. I xtoi the KnlKhln Hurt of CP. v.. I UK before duy. THKItK WAtn A Hfl.l. M'lOSK nil' who wax t-ie-Knure hut m Mill la. - O AI-TKIS THIS neanona xhortiiKe ot l.lienietn In Ihe nheep Krowina tltx irntx 111 k ht be well lo t-xt.i Idtxh 'tl 1 luploy tne nt .im in v in Wall xirei t. - O IX 'KIMKCil they nrr hopinic Mount I.nxxetl inn keep It Up until IHIi. o Till-: Kl. PA SI Ali.MKVS rluli lo ik it Jat kuxa lo thr ti'ttlonal onv 1-tit mil. IN Till: relun of llmrv V there w.i n ..t tllnrover.l .ix.illint the I'.loll nr. h life, but who were th. real piottrt.1 1 ollltl never he deltlllttly an iiilaiued. Thoxe wlm were xux.e't e.l weie heiravt.l one Kdmund Mot'iiner. Knrl of .M.irrh, uml utter i -..ud 1 11- OlMl. Il.xioiy i 11 for it. a un Unit he woiiid br u-xnxx-iia were pn.riitncd 11 111IIII..11 of a-. 1. 1 by I'tiarlt n I. Kiiik of Krnii. e, lor wlnrh I hey w.i,. either Jo k i'I I eoiiiileiian Hen r v while en 1 .in. mi a Voyaite Ii'j wan l.ikitiK. or, if thin eould nol lv ilone, 10 delivrr him Into th power I ihe Krenrh moiini. h. To make thu ileximi look iiioif rial, ami partly 10 rounty of Northumberland, hinl. n the twentieth day of July, In the thirl year of Ihe reln of Klnn Henry, ton npired with " number of men to huvr led away the Lord Kilmtind. Karl of h. Inln Wolen, uml to hnve pm- u. (Hlgneil) feeretHry Labor. JAS. J. VtiTArV. Fxeeutiv Hoard firunied Irabe f M..nve hlop tnr no I xt-.ui irmrft autipi'ii. iney 10111 .111 1 their plana to l-iiiiiiund, the Karl ol Man ll, ptelenilinii that it wan lh"ir .It iun to put him upon the thton 1' III. ll he hn.l little . la Illl. (Hie tl X. hoWt-viT, thai Hie prudent eonx) . tmx kept to Ihe.iiM-lven waa Iheir em. l-l. .v ei . unit the nonit ) Hint I In y xhoiild re.'rlvi. I When tirxt told of the plan. M.nil mil would not have nn thing to tin with it. but lulei, win 11 xhow 11 the ad. v. int. me Hint would un-rue, he pmin , ixe.l to i. If fi.-v would mil Kl.f It 1 in one hour to tlitiik it over. I'l'iih I'.niiiiuu hla liberty to ..unlit whom he would, inxioiid of either KoltiK in the plot or iliuw-liia- out, h(. went atraiKht lo Henry with Ihe whole tale of the plot. I'flhnpa II wan beealine he wn , I riahteiied. or perliupx uK.un bt . ;iue of the favor he hoped to Ruin. When Hie kitiK heard the taltr he (i.iild hardly believe hin ear, unit, lull. 1111 Hie toiixpli.ttom toKelher, Me anltetl litem "What thoxe ilexerved that 1..11I1I be Ktiilly of aurh 11 trenxun"' Tiiey merit." xnbl Ihe nntirpera, "to ; 1 :.plre ill horrid lotnientn. to deier i iherx from the like crime." An th y littered Ihexe woiilx. the king order ed Ihetn lo be xelxcd. Aftet appi't h. 11x1011. thev vvrre broiiKhl In-tore Inln. where Ihe Indiv Itnenta were rea l an ti.1l.iw : TI1.1t Hlclinr.l. Knrl of C'nmhrltUe. of 1 'ofniixhui y, in the founty of York, Hired him to mile the overnnienl ol the reulin." The Indictment then went on lo xhow who waa utility ol I.elt.K iii ihe plot: 'to l.rln from Hen In ml una TruinpiiiRton. and anolher one reaemblina In xlinpe, favor niul Kik Klchiird, nml Henry. Lord ft roup, of Manhnm. waa llkewine Hull, ted n . .11x1 HI iiik lo Ihe prem lea." A In the Ini idenln thnt follow, hln. liny in xlletit, hut we know ihnt the it eurl wan convlttetl. but by whom. . hat manner or from where la no re'-1 i.rd. 1 The kini then wrote n letter on Ilie loiirth of Augon! In hta broihtr. Thulium. Puke of flu rein e. talMnic htm In appear on Ihe following Moiiduv to try the prlnonern nml lo pro. e-d lo Iheir execution. The enrl tn-n wrote it letter lo Ihe king, following It by a petition, which in ntlll pre- nelVetl. 'Mv muni drentlfiille and overekne lege lord "Itii hard Vot k tow re rnre all man ner nubgyt nml very legrman, beee rtnvrr grace of nil milliner of oftcnnen villi I have done, or nnncnlyd to in heny klnde, Ity lerynu of oder lolne el'KVtige me I here to. whereyn I wote well I have hyle olTenilyd lo gowre hyiienne. "HeneechyiH. H'f at the reverence of Hod. thnt gow to ink tne Into the hand of gowre mercyfi.l nml pytoiixe grure, Ihi nkyng art wel of gow re gtet Koodnexne.'' Thin very, very effunive anil elo iliieni though oddlv worded reuinm. wna nol much heeded, for Henry' ' not apare the life of the earl, and therefore, he. alotiR with Scroop and I'rey. were U-headeil, and Ihe earl f Ilea. I and body Interred In the chaoel of (I1.1K lloiixe In Houtham'Hon. in AiikuxI 7 of the game year the king cm 11 ted a pardon to the KuM (Com I mI from raK To ) poulry. Since Mm. fiooley had akci 'chnrge, he aald. 1 upun of room Were privileged in call any phiaician they 1 hoar. If they culled hlln they I Would have to pav t i n call, lie hud only one palieni in the hoiix now, lie aald. Ir. J. II. Wrolh, ae. urlng permi- li II from MiVor lloairlght, piemdenl of Ihe honrtl, lo apeak. ad Ihe iro- leedmga were 'lot fair. He count point out three bi.iixe on X..nh H-c-ond alrrrt alone, he an hi, wheir fuli aiiinplive were living. Pr. Hire aalil thai Ihe coiiil.ilnt under ronalderntioii waa diri-i led ngal-ixi only one plate. Pr. Wroth excuaed bllnxelf anil left the heurini Pr. .Murphy brought before the board at veral lining men. all uppnr- limine. Mr. K. H. Hiilndler. who Uvea at 1115 North Second atreel, aald that hi- didn't think all the mm who in tirdcd at the hone were preacnl. Judging from the r.oghlng alio hear. I, it lie xil'l. It nerined to hi r a if nearly every one in thr Itouae wn nit k. inlly in good health, who live it I the mm or ihott m jot rtifrr Dr. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM 01 MAGICAL tEAUTiriEB f I ReaiaimTan. Ma. l tilrx. Hllklll. U u t -v ".,,Lr:-r.:L", umi rfiv ltrniih titi br.Mii v. ami or M dlr iHatl II ha -ti-ud liir trl -4 A y-nri. n4 ! at tnlraa mr lti ll to lr Inr t irttrrtr tnnttr Ac Ctpl ItQ tuutitrrfrtt tt tittiiilMi hiki, Dr. L. A fWirt mM t tir l.auit' im iMiirntr, A i..ltr will ur llirm I rr c on. m r n.l Oiarin i Cf llw krmmt liarmtnl ol nil Ihr Pkiit piriNitMlluiil ' At ai'iglsta aiitl Dt(dii)iKn( Kiorr. ItXCf MM4ta,t4n.i;lrUijMH Stilt -n -i . 'ajm r il. xax.-,,, rw. -veaaa-. ot nml Tin. in. in (irey of llealon, in thr. March. WHICH SHOWS what wlxe little l.oya Ihey are. Mmi t tmv ctitn.n del-i-K.iUoii make 'em after Ihey nir.'e. 1 - O - AX Y WA V Ihere la ho "pxycholoi vitl dcprcaxlon" III the ure. O Hl'KHTA nml I'arr.iiiru could mn a good pool on which i. lie gel hi III'. O Th,. Tangerine, a little t r tl It. Which in Morocco crown I tliflt rent from the TuiiKoilne Who ohc-xlt'pa tn our i..c .. . . . r-O . , lltau'illiia' IIimim xinitil. Said Ihe Axxorled I'ukle: "At Inxt they've aeiibd I lint one about whether the centaur wan feit on grain or ht-e-aleak." The I'ltkled Heel: "What the an wer"" The Aaorled I'it kle: "Corn-beef." - O JI'P'iK ItcPf'V wiinl the Itepii.'iti. I ciin atate Commute,, to tllaprtie w ith H'linahoe method: which confirm i ir I rumur thai the judge witiila lo ! fa line with the committee. -O - WHAT A WIIAbK i f a time l.n rer'a private ne. reiary could lime had in thai )('.'. i' he boirowed from Hie I .a Salle Street bnnk. if lied ..lily known he had l.i.rti.wc.l ii. O TIIK ITIKIoTnlltK in in the halilt of going; on a tt-ur, but l:'.', iiunri of t.t'tr iliimtied In all at tine ought ' rulae II a little. O FANt'V TIIK FKKI.IXMS ,,f ihe ow nt r of that brer w ho hail to open each xcpari.le bottle and aee It go to I'lirgitolre. O WOXIiKR IT fol. I.o(-ket limed him. We vr often wondered how o"g 11 iictuullv took to empty l iuuit of brrr. l.oln of thr bova have lri-it il. but iixuully after the IPItli ipiart Iher iHii't an" b. uly left to keep time. can't help aucceeilinx, while with a waaielul. t .trt-b-xs wile, he might n vi II give l up, ' 'Thexe :ir litcla. Make the text lake two men, one with the riant kind of a wile ami one who haa tne wuxletiil, cart-lex kind, and aee lioiv leal it In In the actual progrex of tn'M laiullv " T. P Mart ill Kill 'It Woo! Crops and Calamity (From the X. M mmle proxperou hy fixing he many fnr thr hrnrtll of Ihe few. Alno, an we remarked before, II " rvldehl that thia la nol g. line Ir ue ' gooil year for Ihe culumlly howler Service that Builds Business Ih rvmlcTitl by Ihlx hank lo It patron lat-aiixr of Ilie i lie) H-rwnal nlHtbHix niixlalnttl by I lie bunk' onii-erxi wilti thn 4- liiiiiM ami .nili v ltlii"U wlut lntittti tlielr Inxnklnx iiiximm llirongli II xarion ilear1iiiiiln. I'hti kliiK AitxniiilH are luttltil In any iiHiiint ami t'Verv tiling- mmmIIiIi I ilone tti aHiirei our Milnn)ia of the gititltx-i aallnfuiiiou. lf ixtrtliaily In vile oi lake ail taniagr itf llat untpii-lloiittl anf'ty ami iiniili'lr fax Illl ixT I'Hx old hank. '. nine. I'crhiip n moi,. freiut-nt en una In lliefll. leliry in Ihe blixlne- aide of hoiiaekeepiiig. Mr. Julian Heath, prenldent of lha Xatioiinl lloi"rWvea' league, rndoraea thia declaration of tine houackecper: I believe that my huxbatid could Manila! feature of our annual r-how , iiln our home belter than I If ha were mid in the xaine tune one of the moxt li.telenting of Itx deparimeiiln. l Talks on Thrift t HTIIWAIiAXT WIIMI V. 'I do ni v own it 1. 1 ' I . i ii it beciiiine I gel one hundred ce ii l x vtoiili for t-vtry dollar. If more people tlid I lilt I their would be li-xa talk of hard lime and Ihr high coat ot living'' Mix. Hetty tin-en. "A In. k of know bulge of the value of moiii- on ihe -pari of women I the luoal powerful t-nemy to domeatic haipinex that eiM," declared J ml He APhur l-nry. of ihe domtviic rt l.ttioh ourt in Petioit ret t-iitly when he made public ligure allowing that '.! per cent of ihe nut-i that eoine before hi court arr due to extravagance on Hi pari i.f wivea nlij lhal In anolher 4'J her rent of the cnnt-a In win. ii faulta of both mull and wile are n xnoiialble. rxiravagani r of Ihe wife l( the principal trouble. W are proud of Ihe A ner.'.in wo man, her Intelligence, her harm and her in hievement. hut It nillxt be ad mitted that In loo many luaiancra n la far from a cairful aavei or a nine lender. In moat rnneg, probably, Ihia la due to faulty training in ail v life aa to I I.r nilue of money and the Imporl unca of apemting It wixtly and xuving it portion of Income yntemalually. It la not entirely a love i.f rnr and i lit " H'at lay eur women oiin I" loini wnen, tr... m "-TT,,e i, irr.- Trr.m.i that la an l:n)iortaii factor In In JU.UUU.IinO nnipelled to rtu 11, becnuxe he would run li n h'' run hi buxinexa." I'harg,. account at the xtorea, or ilerlng gooda ovrr the telephtne and! frea delivery of even the mn a He-it pat kagen lire all fruitful cauae of ex. liavagan.,- nnd higher co of livinir Alfred P. Wooiliuff of the Xew Yol bureau of city food aupply given 1 nlariling a.ioiilit of w.ial haien when the grocer " hargea II." have found." xy Mr. Wnodruff. "Hint only aiioul i per cent pay tlielr bill ) in Ihliiv day. ! per nl lakr Iroiii one to three month lo pay; 4d per cent never pay in full, and 1 per ceni never pay at all." With au.'h drawliack to the t-redit avalein. il i not axloiiixhliiff thut grocer go bank it'll in apite of the high nominal pr i lux. Mr Woodruff think Hint If wo. men will pay a much attention In do. mexlle economy n lo "drea. nrliWe pal lie unit tango lc;i." If they will pay t axil, buy in large tilianltllea and leal xholi weighta, "not le than I . per cent might be deducted from the gri.xx proliix," wltli eorrenpompnl beue'lt lo ihe ronnuiner nnd hi aav ii tlx nank account. I'll In mailer of common xerixe Ihritl din- not apply onlv lo (he t-ily hotnte keeprr. It la of Importance to lha fa.-iiier'a wife aa well. Aa J.tmen J. Hill iUt it In a peet h to agrirtiltur I.U' "Whin I am talking In the farmer I renumber that the turmer wit t nne-hitlf of the family, and ahe I h bigger half. loo. The farmer auc tea or failure, hi going up or down in hi acale of acco ni llxhinent. da penda upon Iter. "A helpful, thrifty wife, who la con. ervlng hla capital, hla health, hi earning ability, not In mrnl!.,,i l'i 4hr ave ante, will niaka bim auccved. In Molne Swantlkn. ) ! Ai.i ar.'lit'.y thin la not going to be a good year for the ra In in ity howler. The final xl uniting blow coint't In Hit' iiit-duimn of a record wheat ciop. I' eara goutl i rofm and lt-.-ublican rule have run hand in hand, or at leuxt : thr ' ' I'- oratui and ..rganx hive dehcatt-iy hinted, but Hie alleged par tiirrhi between the Almighty mil lha Iteptibliran parly xeenia to have been dixxolved. Haidly It ix dlxlrexning fiom the ti. Ii. I', viewpoint, la the uii.n t oiini.. de and tcniid:iliu perloruianre of wool, ll ha been prot i.inrieil I roin pan to Kerxheba that the en.i. t ii.-nt of ti I., lunclalli- tariff would rum the wool grower und tln Ihr wemtt-n mill. Thr dread pemiH-rallc tarirf bill w ix paaxed, Ihe notorious "Schedule K Wag eolllpielely elliux. il, und HH' bar were let down lor a fleet v i loud of foreign pauper wool. And, aa a re null, have American wool grower I e, n ruined, have the textile null xhut down ami have thouxund of woikingnun been thrown out of em ployment? Well, hardly. Inxteail of doxlng our woolen milt, frea wool ha given them a frexh Un it tux. and American iiinnufu. turerx ure allowing tht-maelvea well able l meet all foreign competition. A far the wool grower he la getting a higher mill net prii ,. for hln product toiluv than he i.-e. ived a yenr ago under "Schedule K ." And. ntrnngely pari doxlcnl nx it rnny neeni, the ronuiiu-r la ben filing by o er pi It e for the ftnixhed It ull iiii ly dim f.nxlraten th,. truth of the old axiom thai ci.ii.i . ni liin la the life of trade and Ihe li"ll..wnern of the prntection Inl theory that nil the people tun ne NOTICE. We, th organlied hodle of the I ullding trade department of Ali' i nuerttue, wlx, to give to Ihe hiimnexn men of AlluiiUetiile the numea of the I I nirat tola who employ only organiz ed labor. ( ansiiler f 'oiit'at1'n. K. A. Ilerlt;, W. Ilenaelilen. J. W. Mi W nude, .1. A. Harlan Hull, A. W. Haytlen, l.yon A Axtell, W. K. MorrlHoii, M. I'. Sawlelle. Kd Kournelle, A. f. Ilolll. Frank At kerman, II. 1'. Mohn, Albert Futility. riimilrf-r I'tmlrat lora. Jteeinun av Ayera, Whitney "o., Hantinry II I'. Co. lu Htuehlin, J. A. Siruimiulat, piinbar lleauthnmp, I 'rent en t Hardware I'o. J. U Hell Itrp-fc Coiitrattora. Krl Imlikx. Anton Anaon. faiiillng Contractor. W. I.. M.Poiiald, A. t'hauvln, C. K. VI uier. '. ''. Nonemun, llumrro Art rlgn Co., F. Hroaey, K. Kamora. Felix PH Hlaxl, T. M. I xeliihoyd. II. L.. Aaron. llMMttr ('iMiirau'tiira, Mr. lirrry. Sam Wagner, Harry Itinlae. Mtanit Maon f '"iilra'txn, Jullu Johnaon, M. Pr Tultiu, K. pnlflnu. f lettrical Ixanlrmtlnra. N ixh Klectiltul Co., Arnn llunliig. Joe ! Kdniondaon We puironixa Ihoae who patronii A IN Cheap Summer Rates to Eastern Points Commencing May K.ih and dnily Incluillng September loth cheap rate ticket will be on ante to eaatern point. Thexe ticket ara llmlled lo return Ucto'ier U t at and priiili liberal alop-overa nl pylnig. flelow 1 a llat of rate lo aome of Ih Important poinlg. Colo. Colorado Pptlnga, I lenver, Colo. . , , Pueblo, Colo. . . . WanhlnKton. P. f Atlanta, lil Chit ago. 111. ... Halt inlin e, Mil. . Iioxlon, Mn. , . 4 1. iihio. Toll il.i. I Hit I'lttxl.urg. I'a, .. . i:i lo ..mi. ..1.4 . ... : . . $s; in . . 174.;!. . .Iii la . .ICI.fli . . t. li Salt Mke, Cteh . I leirint. Mi. h . . . Mimical-. I:-., Minn. St. I'aiil, Minn .. Kunxaa I 'ity. Mo. . St. I in. Mo. ... A tin title City .... N. Y. ... Xew- York i l"all . . . I'liiladelplna. I'a. leu, I 'tall .... .142 (It .1(1.1' ,ir.7 16 . 7 i ,I4U ( .lit Ml . 3 .! ki 1X4 US . lit .tl Iik .142.(11 For further Information pleine call nt the II' ket otflra or addreafl. T. J. JOHXSoN, Agant. (Alo agent for Steam Ship line lo all foreign poc xrfMxeix ,"...xi.xaje-ejXtet XStiN, Agant. I oinlg. I Fimiri Willi ik rtn S.nVi fnnr: I . - " " V, Mouldings and Everything in MILL WORK Superior Lumber & Mil) Company 404 444444 I . . i .... . . . -'fa W. II, HAIIII CO. ru lu Ikfrt In VH ol 1U klrtda. PHONE tl. wur GALLUP LUMP UALX.UP KGO ANTHR AC1TK, ALL. SIZES KINDLIN'I AND MUX WOOD DRICK AN O fLASTKKINl LIU 81 ANTA m BKICK i FOR SALE. Two New Modern 4-Room Bungalows One rented; one completely furnished, on corner property; room to build two more; fine for income and home. Owner leaving city. Terms. 6ee owner, 311 South Ninth St. -beach excursions daily via Santa Fe We would BtMRent San IMeo, Coronado. Tledondo Leach. Ile I Wur. (Irealialda, lA Jollu, ('atallna you run follow lha Simple Ufa In u tent on lha beach or ou ran alop at auch reaort aa Hotel del ''oionadu with avery luiury and cu.nforl P. J. JOHNSON. Aeent Phone 204 We are now m our new location. i Nos. 213-215 17. Gold Ave. The New Romero Building I ALBERT FABER Furniture, Carpeti, Draperiei and Stovct. ax-t . ' :.-.- - '' -1 ' IHiMtttlMHMHHritt4t4ltHtMtntUiHff