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TUX ETO7I77Q jTERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, H It., SATURDAY, JTTTE 20, 1914. FIVE. 0P wife Ity JFN HIHUH. TIMF.LY itrrtvul home nf num. her of Alhuiueriiie buva and Mil la from the . h"nla anil lollcjea which they hnd been attending during I In- Inat ninp month cnuaed a email ripple In Ihe r 11 till world diirlnK Ihe Inat week, thu holding In ..iH-yiim'e fur a brief tun Ihe aummer lethargy which I Inevitable anl which liua already ! Kim envelop local oclely. The colleKlun arrived hi time In artly Mimiterhulnnce the departure fur niomitaliialdp imil aenahnre f ninny A lhuu;iier'iie people. O LORNA LESTER HONOR GUEST DURING WEEK Mia l.i.rnu l.etei returned luat week fruiii Wuahlngton. I). C. where tie wua u atudenl nt Mm Madero'a Hi hi n I for lllrl. anil lefi Thumdey f.r i hp Pecoa and Teuiiie. Hpr many frlpmla look advantage of her Man hrrr to alve a number of Jolly purilea In h'-r honor. Monday morn ing Itebu Connor gavp a o'clock hreukfait for Mia l.eatrr which wa particularly delltinu and very much enloved Dancing anil carda pnter lamed Ihp Kin-Hi" until afternoon. Thoee who were thprp arp Lorna l.eaier. Florence Welller. Oracie Kturn. Irene Fee, l.oiiiM Treffen berg, Ki inwni Ih, and Adele Carr. I.ymnn and Hobcr! Putney gave a dinner Monday evening In Taft hall u( Hip Alvarudo hoirl, and afipr a dp IIi'Ioiik menu wu enjoyed Ihp lolly riowd went In Hip picture Khowa. A hiiKP hiiiirh of lovply rarnallotia w'a thp i'piiIpi filprp on thp table and II wua pieaenl.d to Mi leter. th aural of honor, at Ihp rloap of the dinner. Thoap who wprp thprp: lima Lee pr, Florence Welller, Daphne roltb. Aniirlip Wplninun, (Iraip Hlortx. Adi-lp I'nrr. l.illiun Kempenich. Iteba Conner. Hubert i'utnpy. lionuld Wll aon. I.viiinn I'utnpv, Harold I'erry, Harold Khi kendorfer, J It. Hern lon, Mini in lh r k. nhof and tleorge White. Tupaday afternoon Florence Well ler una hoiMca ul n I'rngreaalvp live hundred urty und aerved a delicti, u lum-h. The ruoina werp beautifully llei orated for the im 1111011 with . weet liena. rueea and hollyhock. Prlxee were won by lluhu'Conner and Ornra Htoilx. Thp Kurala werp l.orna loa fer. Looiae Hell. Hiiael lluwkllia. Irene pee, lmia Tref fenberK. lBih ne Cobb, Mildred HiiKhea, AnneilP U'elninun. l.llllun Kemiienlih, Oraea Hlnrli. I'leoru l.lahf bouriiP, Jeffla tnrl and Heba I'onner. Tuea,ny evenlnu Orare Slortl Itava a Iiiiiko iartv at the Woman'a lub A ileln li ua atiM-r waa aered and a Jolly lline enjoyed by all who wpre there. The (urtla wr Lornn Iater, WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU BUILD UP NEW MEXICO Tlhe Missouri SHate ILIfe liniSUEirainice Co. A GREAT EVERY The Missouri State Life Insurance Company presents for your consideration policies embodying every approved feature petition but present absolutely new and highly desirable features of great value to the insured. It will te to your interest Life Insurance. ' SOCIETY Helen Ttulherfnrd, Heba t'onnar, 1 Iwiulap Treflenber-. Irena Fee. luh. np Cobb, l.llllan Kempenlrh. Anneile Weinman, Klnrpnra Walller, llaael f'ornea, Donald Wllaoti, lipoma A 11 II. Ilporaa I'ratl, Hubert and Lyman Putney, Herbert OrunNfeld, llurold I'erry, (leorae White. Karl Porter field. (leorRp Poolltilp and llurold Kill kendnrfer. Mra. J. T. Mrljimhlln pnterlnlnpil al am lion Tupadny afternoon In hon or of Mra. K. 11. Nixon of Meilli Ine I.imIkp, Kan., who la the Riieat of her laatpr, Mra. J. K. Malnt, and of Mra Amiido Chavea, who left Wpdnpaday for the I'proa tu apend lh aummer. Afier a number of IntereatlnK an mra a delli'linia lunch wiia aeryed and a dellKhtful afternoon wna en joyed by all who wera there. Tupadny pvpnlng Mlaa Katharine "hnveB entprtalned few frienda and a moat enjoyable tanKn party and aerved a tleln lona aupper al tnldnlxht. Her a ileal a werp Miaaea Vlralnlit Parr, Heien Hopp. Kntberlne HirKk ler., Kleanor Viiuahey, Aline Htern. Aanea I'hlldera, lOlleen MrMlllen, and Mera. Howard Waha. Iater llfeld. Krneal Indolfl. K. Hill. J. Powell. Willard Htrlrkler. Arthur Prnraer. Iater fooper and Ijiureme Ie. Jolly Surprise Party. Mondny a number of frlernl of Mr. and Mra. P. I Willlamaon de rided to give a aurpr'ae In their honor. aince Mra. Willlamaon la leaving to abend the aummer nn tha roaat. The crowd gathered lit the Wllllnm. ain horn. U0 Wrat Hold avenue, and walled until th gupkta of honor re turned from town. Tha affulr proved to be a complete aurprlae and a par ticularly pleaaunt evening waa apent playing lordM, and at mldiilgh'. a de lli'lniia aupper which hnd been pre pared by lha gupata waa aerved am very much enjoyed. Thnae. who werp thprp arp Mr. and Mr. P. I,. Willlumaon. Mr. and Mr. Wllllnm lirimmer, Mr. und Mra. Hnrrv Aapinwall, Mr. and. Mra. Hurry KraiiM, Mr. and Mra. f'hua. W. Poller. Mr. and Mra. Thoa. Ilunaon. W. M. Huywiird, Mra. Ilenrleita Mycr. Ml-i Maud ICadi'llrTp. and Mlaa 1-aura Ihtvla. O Informal Parties. Mm. Albert flern. 1123 Weal Tl Jerna avenue, had an Informnl after m.oii Thuraduy. Mra. Oeiirge Kloik entertained at bridge Wedneaday afieriioon. Mra. Ilea-nard llfeld had a few la dle in lu pUv auction Kilduy after loon Mra. V. ft. Htrli kler waa honleaa at a very Informal auction party Thura duy afternoon. Mra. Ivan Crunateld gave an in formal dinner pnrty Wedneaduy eve ning. Mra. Jake Weinman waa hoetraa at a amnll dinner putty Mlsa Mildred Huahea. who I the (ileal of her aunt. Mra. Diive Wellbr. for thp aummer. entertained Inform ally Friday aftvrnoon and aerved a dellcioua luni h A crowd of high achool hnya give an Iriformnl dunce Inat evening H Colombo hall. Mra. J. K .".ilnl la entertaining at auction next Tueadny afternoon. Itch! Itch! Itch! Hi-ran h? ftcraH'ht Hcrnlch! The mora you ratch lha wore the Itch. Try iJoan'a Olil mpnl. For ei-iema, any akin Itching. SOe bog. Try a lu-cent Herald want ad. EXCESS GUARANTEE TO PROTECT POLICY HOLDERS $1,880,000.00 Insurance In Force $82,000,000.00 LIFE INSURANCE ORGANIZATION WITH AN AGGRESSIVE. CONSTRUCTIVE POLICY DOLLAR OF YOUR NEWS CF THE CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS The Mlercnlea club enjoyed a de lightful meeting Ihla week at the home of Mra. J. . llentry. Pinna were dlacuaeed for the club'a annual picnic on July I. and anidv waa be gun upon the Pnaaion Pluy of liber A delicloiia lunch wii aerved. Mra. T. It. Pearl wna the gueat of the club, Thonp who werp preaent are Mra. F. Kuka. Mra. J. Hliikp, Mm. T. Pomerank. Mra. I'. Phllbrlik. Mra. Wlll'iim Metinul, Mr. K. ilnaiafaoti. Mr. K bulla, Mra. II. I'alklna. Mm. A. Wittenberg. Mr. M. c. fwnyne, and Mm. K. II. Hunt. The Vnlley Sewing club i-njoyed a pnn tluliirly pleiiMint afternoon on ThiirHdnv with Mm. John liolnn. Mm. J n mra Ibivlilaon wna honlea thia week In the Tueadny Hewing i lob and aerved a dnliiiy lumh 1 1 r gueaia beaide the club member were Mia Muymp (Jiilnluli and Mina ller Iha Hinkel of Kunaaa I'ltv. Mm. J. A. Itlehl will be honlea neat Fridny to ibe nieinbera ul the llonil Cheer club. The local '.ram h of the Woman Suffrage leHKue met Mondny nflcr niiun with Mr. A. II. Si roup, und en joyed a very plpaaanl limp. There waa a abort li mine aeaalon followed by an Iniereaiing book review by Mra. Alible Krewer and nn enlertni lug reii ill nit. "A hiiffriige Monologup.'' Heverul inuniciil number followed Thia nranniniition nipeta the flrat und thud Mondnya of em h month'. The membera of Facelaior Lodge No. I. Iiegree .of Honor, celebrated Iipgrep of Honor day with a picnic al Camp Whllcomb Thurmluy of thi week. Well filled bneketa nnd plena ant weather added to the enjoyment of the day and only lho who were fortunate enough to attend can ap preciiiip the pleuaure of the Hip. A number of young people en). .veil a dancing party at the Woman'a club lut night. Thoae who attended were: Miaaea Lotla and Anna Xewh.ill. Kuby Ithea. Limine Treffenberx, Al ma Maler. Imiltella Kenaon: Meaam. Harold Kabul, Merrill n In. C. .. Hunk, Tom Munuua. and Steltihouap. Itehearanl hnve begun for the operetta, "'loldenhiiir and the Three Henra." which I In be Ringed aome time In Auguat. Mra. K. I.. Ilmdford I directing Ihla production, which inaiirea ita ex cellence. Children under IS year of age arp taking thp part. There will be a number of drill, woodland ibincaa and marchea. and the oppretin will lip elaborately atuged and coaliiined It la Id Im given tinder the uuaplce of the Pureiii-Teiichera' aaaoclutlon of the Flrat ward and the proceed will be need to lucreiiae the piano fund. The Thirty club and Ita eueaia will dance Tueadny evening at Colombo hall Twenty-four ladle met Wedncadny afternoon at the home of Mra. T J. Winfrey, (ntt Went Silver liven lie, mid organised the Monokeriitlc club. It I a aiHinl nrgnnli illon ami will meet (pmi-monthly. Mr. C. II. I'lirnm will be the next hoaleea. The painting cluaa of the Woman' club had a moat enlovable meeting thia week with Mra. William Hrvce. A SO-rent Herald Want Ad will gel whnl you want. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. Let Herald want ad aave you time. Assets VM. S. PATTERSON. General Agent Office in Barnett IVcddings Cause Ripple of Excitement In Otherwise Placid Social Week Tim pnt week ..mrwhat devoid Of anclal if I villi', bi'inllm, ol for mher clime, and the arrival nt j weiher a irlfia warm, neverthele turniabed Ita tiuol i of June wedding. Tha June wedding la a commodity id in lal lfp, hut II I not alwaya depend, nl le, the number ' Junr bride aiy liig according to the aupply of nice imr-eiible young nu n who are willing to furnlah beaut 'ul dlnmoml run". wear eternal OIL main r. and piinnl iv lo hoimr, love and obey -bev any (Ming abort of a cnininiind In become it fi'inlniat. Judging from the num ber of wedding whan hapianed lhi week, aomp nf tlnin announced, and oilier unnrtnoiinceil. the old time ov lotion ml arp effective ii ever, culminating In Utile alup trlpa I" the marriage licenp nltliea, brief Inter view with miniHiir. fnllowi'd bv In lievntnon Irlpa t.i the beauiifiil .t.nd of aomewherp friend are not al Wav.i given forwarding addreaaea. The only regrettable feulure of I".' June weddl. in I net! June the now June brlilea will not be able t" any very beautifully and pathetically ; "I bale the moonlight hecnuae it la beuiitiful nod 111: I not here to aer It." a I F. I.AIIt-F.IHiAlt. Mia Claude F.dgar and Mr. Chaa. F. lClaire were innrrled Wedneadiy morning In llprn.ilillo and li'fl thai eening for Kl Puao w here they w il upend a abort honeymoon. They will make their home In thi city in a charming anartment which they have rented in the Highland. While It waa generally known that Mr. I.pclalre and Ml F.dgar were en raged only relatlvea and a few friend knew when the wedding wiia to be. Mr. and Mra. LeCbure have a boat of friend In Ihla city who wiah I hem etery hupplncaa. :kf.iit Another wedding of particular In tercai waa that of Mlaa Clara M. Fel Meri and Mr. J ami H. II MerrifU'ld, which wna aolemnliu-d Tueadny n Her man, ut & o'clock nt the Methodlat i hur 'h, Iteverend C. O. Heckmiiti, oltl- latin. inly relutlvea were preaent. Afier tb ccrenuny the wedding party went lo the home of the hi Ide a hrol lu l -Inlaw and alater. Mr. and Mm. John Fulkenberg, where a dellcioua wed ding aupper waa aerved. Mr. and Mm. Merrittcld will make their horn In Albuu,ucriu at ztii .North Jim at reel. M ITM W-MOI.KIMi W FIXIIMi. Uuat evening at ft nuartir puat o'clock. Mia Henrietta Wolkkig nnd Mr. John Ihutman were married all the hum of thp bride parenta. Mr and Mm. Fllaa Wolklng. 1010 Foiealar avenue. Ileverenil Iftiti Cooper, pnatur o thp Preabyterlan church, Varlurineil the Impreaaivo ring aarvlc. Mlaa Wolking looked churmant " a beuiitiful own of while rrepu nie- iinr, trimmed In lace. Hhu wor a long veil. F.nallah alyle nd carried a huge bunch of white aweet pena Mim Lucy Ali'innder. the mnd of honor, wore a Invely gown of whl'a rrepp dn chine with wide g:rdle nr ; knk nnd green and carried a large bunch of pink aweet pt-ae. The groom waa tttende by the brlde'a brother. Mr. Harry Wolklntr. After I he ceremony a dillcioti I wedding aupper waa aerved The Wolklng hnme waa lienutifiillv ili i nraii'd for the oc.-aalun with lirnnche of California pepier Ireea, amilux, and aweet pea a n prof uainn. Mr. and Mr, tiuitmun left Ihla morning for an extended wedding i tip. afier whli h they will make their home in Mirror. Canada. The bride traveling auit waa par ticularly amart, belig of n bliip and 1 white chpeked material. Hhe wore a ' while hat wllh blue band to match. I The gmala at the wedding were I Iteverend and Mra Hugh Cooper, Mr. iand Mr. W. F.. Wolklng. Iteverend $10,000,000.00 Building PREMIUM and Mm. .lame Hhlmer nf Hanl.i Fe. Mr. and Mra John Wolkk'ig. 'liifrd and Walker Wolklng. Mia Fdn.i M ' Cheney, Mlaa Paula Poatel. and Mix Pearl Wolklng. IMTII-nllKJ I IHtlU F.ST TIU ltil W, Ml Florence Rnrnea and Prnfe or Kdward lldh will he u-illrd in marriage next Tha mil ay. and will leave aoon afier Ihe ceremony for a everul week' wedding tllp The p.. Ill' ula r- deliilla o' the wed ding hate nnl been announceil pt, but l la to be iiuile t'iformal ui.d otilr relutlvea ami a few frienda will be Pfcaeiit ut I be ccremnov. V AIM WT-Pit.i: M F.IiniXll. Mr. Deorge 8 Vallinnt. one of the unniTH and iienernl iniinnKer of the Kvetilng lleralil, left Inat night for Wlnalow. nn aliriuiive eiiinmer re aoit in Ihe I iar It niniint Una of Ar kanaiia, where he will be married on Wediicmlny evening. June 24lh, to Mlaa Fllxalieth I'uge, daiighler of Mr. Fdnn A. Page of Winidow. Th ceremony will be performed In HI. Stephen hptacniiiil chu-i h al o'liock. and Immedlnlely alter It Mr. and Mm. VallUml will leave for a brief honeymoon Journey. They will he nt home, bit Weal Copper avenue, after July lal. O (if much Intereat lo A lhtiiueriUe people will be npw of the marriage In Ilerlteley. Cal . of Mlaa Anna Voting, a prominent Herki ley ani lely girl, to Mr. Italph llMlloruii, an Al bimiipriiueiin born and rearad, who ho made hia home In Hcrkeh ; for pomp yenr. The wedding waa unit nn elaborate affulr. Mra. . N. ron. of Albuiiipriip. aimer of Mr. Hulloran. alleuded from here. Th newlyweda urp now ut Uike Tahoa nn their honeymoon and will muk their home In Herkeley. Mr. Hul loran In one of the henda of tha chemical department of the Htandnrd MI company, with nfflcea In Point Itlc hmond. O Mary Leeds to Wed. At an elnborute luncheon In Ihe Hotel lllehn. lleorgetown. Ohio, Mr. Frank Lepda of leorg.'town, an nounced Hip engiiKiinent on Friday. June 19, of hi rilecp, Mlaa Mary I.eedH, of Albiniuerine, to Mr. Henry J Point, of C,eorgetown. The en gagement announcement will come aomewhat ua n aurpriae to nuiuieroir Albuiueriii friendN. Mia l-eila left here auinc week ago for an extended lay In her lormer home in lleorge town. There ho r"newed acquaint ance with Mr. Pobat. renewing with the aciiunlntancp, evidently, a boy and girl romance of aome yearn ago, w nu n culminated in plan for a marriage which will take place on AngiiMi I. Mia Leed I Ihp daugh ter if John T. la'ed. and a alater of HI" Ir I-eeda. of Albuiueritie, u nil waa very popular here aoclally. Mr. Pohal la g proapproua young biiaineaa man of lleorgetown, where the newly wed will make their home. -O Personal Mention Iiorolhy nnd Catherine McMillan returned hum,, today from Lo An liele where they have been alllilenli" ut the tiliia' Ci.llegiale during Ihe I aat year. Dorothy McMillan waa a member of thi year icrnduatiim tlnaa. Dr. and Mm. Fred 1'itlll and lam ll expet to leave next week for Whit- comb'a Spring to apeud aevetal week A number of AlbuiUeriiueana have been Invlied to apend the Fourth ol July In Hutitn Fe a gueat ill the Santa Fe club. There will be u len t.l lournnment at thai time und an lahnraie dinner and dunce nre being planned. Miaaea Heatrice ad rtulh lHeld and Mia Florence lirunafclil will arrive Thnmduy from Mancheater-by-the- ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. INVESTED of the most modern scientific insurance upon life; policies which not only meet all com to investigate carefully the unusual advantages extended by this company in considering pen where hey have been the gueat of Ml. I. mil lUer for two wrika. Mia Iluth llfeld graduated from Mradford thl aprlng nd in thp tall he will enier Wellealev where ner drier ha been a aludeni dining ihe tarn year Mia Urunali ld w II retu"i lo Hiudlord In Pi-ptember. Mra. W. U Edgar I vlalting her l- ter. Mr C. C. Hall In llullvwood. Cal. Ifnrnia. Mr. and Mm. John Lee Clarke have gone to Hevellv. Maaji. huaett. In end the aummer viniung relative Iteverend Jnmea fh:mer nnd Mr Shinier of K.i ni a Fe hip Kip gueat t Mr. Hhlmer' parenta, Mr. and Mra li II, Ward, having i .une to Alhtiipicr. niie to attend the wedding of Mi- Henrietta Wolklng and Mr. John liiiliiinin. which look place lani even ing. Margaret. Anita, and tinman Hun It II h.ivp returned from Xoire Dnme. fi.illana. where they have been In a rim 1 1 during Ihp paal year und will npend the aummer with iheir pareni Mr. and Mra. Frank A. Ilubbell. . Mlaa F.llxahelh Miller of Knn'iil wpent aeeru dnva Ihla week Mailing her brother. Attorney J. A. Miller Hhe waa en route to California to apend the aummer with her father. Will A. Kelehrr returned Mond iv from la-xlngton, Virginia, where he ha been alud.vlng law at Washington and lee unlvermiy during the pnit year. Mm. W. It. Chllder and daughter, Fdllh, arrived Thursday from Ca'l fornia and will hp thp gueata of D' and Mra. K. J. Aiger for u few weeka after which they will go In the peco for the aummer. Mlaa Myrl Hope, daughter nf Dr and Mra. W. II. Hope, relumed Thur. day afternoon from Lo Angrier where ahp graduated recently fro.n the fllrl' Colleglule. Mr. and Mr. J. C. Ilaldrldge and their dnughler. Alma, have rented a cottage at Long Iteuch and will apend the aummer there. Mlaa F.lleen McMillan haa returned from a Unit with Mia Hrb.ra John aon at her ranch near Hantu Fe. Mia Iji Charlea Hhupe and another urtiM have opened an art unit craft aimlio In lmg Heach. Cnllfornbi. which la auld in bp a wnnderfully at tract Ivp place. Charle Melinl. Italian rnnaul In thl city, and Mra. Melinl have returned from a year a travel through F.umpe. R. n. Hlak and aon Arihor, U. . Marron and hia anna Italph and Owen, and Jack Hhephun left Mondny In Mr. Hiak'a Studehakpr for a lew weeka trip through Ihe While niountnln ol Arlxona. Miaa Mary Arnold ha gone lo Chi cago und I Ira lid llapld to apend the aummer. Mr. and Mm. W P. Meicalf have gone lo their ranch at Teuiu lo apend Ihe aummer. Mlaa Adeln Holiiuiulat left Wednea day morning for the Pacific rouat, where ha will vlalt In Hun Francimo and eat lie and may later in the aum mer anil with a. party of frienda for Alaaku. Mr. and Mm. W. C. Kogge. ! North Hlxth Rtreet. left Tueailuy In their automobile for Magdnlenu. Mr. and Mr. J. F. Mullen arrived Tueadny evening from Atlanta, Ueor gla, where they werp murrled recent Iv They will make their home In thl city. Mr. Mullen, before he! marriage, wna Mr. W. W. Karon. Mr. P. L. Willlumaon and children '.tux Weal Hold avenue have gone H Long lli.ich for two month. Mr. and Mr. Albert Korber and M urfd Mr. II. K. Zi iaer left Wedneaday IN NEW lYOMEII CAII ' HARDLY BELIEVE How Mrs. Hurley Wtva Rtv tored to Health by Lydia E.Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Eldon, Mo. - " 1 waa trouble.) with ditplacement, inflammation and femalu weaane. hortwu yearg 1 could not lam on my f v t Iotik a time am) I could not walk two block wltiiout en flu ring cutting: ami drawing; tmlna down my right aiilu which Increaied every month. I have been at that time purple in the face and would walk the floor. 1 could not lie down or it atill aometimea for day am) a niiflit at time. 1 waa nervoua, and had very little aptlte, no ambition, melancholy, and often felt aa though I had not friend in the world After I had tried moat every female remedy without luc re, my mother-In law adriaed me to Uke Lydia K. I'lnkham'a VeKetiible Compound. I did ao and trained in treng-th every day. 1 have now no trou tle in any way and hiirhiy praiiw your medicine It advertlapa ilaelf." Mr. t. T. HuaiJfT, Eldon, Mlaaouri. Remember, tha remedy which did thia waa Lydia 11 Pinkham't Vg-UUe Compound. For sale averywhero. It haa helped thoutanda of woman who hava been troubled with diaplace menta, inflammation, ulceration, tumom, Irregularitiea, periodic paina, backache, that bearing down feeling, Imliifeation, and nervoua proatration, after all other meant hava failed. Why don't you try UT Lydia E. Plnkbatn Madloina Co., Lynn, Maaa. In Mr. Korber' car for Whll.-nmn Hprlnga, where they will remain fur evrral weeka. Mia. K. Mnndill. Mr M. Mandeli and her daiighler. Ilrunelln, lelt Thuraday evening for Hautu Monica lo apend the aummer. Mm. Ike Hinger and her aimer, Mim Abbie HeuciM-k. have left for a Itvi motitha' trip to Denver, ouiuhu, ami y-t. I-oula. Mra. Sleven Andruj of Cham- paigne. 1 1 1 inula. hn arrived for a vlait with her father. Mr. M. W. Floiirn'.y. Mr. Charle A. Wright and child ren have gone lo A Inline and Foil Worth. Texu. I alieiid Ihp aummer Vlalting relative. II. J. Dur.ind 1 enjoying a vMir from hia alater, Mlaa Corrlue Durand of HI. Miiiiiiiville, liulaluna. Colonel and Mr. D. K. tl. He'lura left Thuiadav morning for a Ibrei moiitha' motor trip through Ihe White mount a Ina of Arnmiii. the c.ruml canyon, and C'llitornlu. Mr. Amiido I'liuve. her daughlem, Kulherlne nnd Conaeiilo. and her ami, A ma. In. left Wi diieaday for their aum. nier home on the Peco lo remain for iiionlh. Frank Ilubbell, aon of Mr. and Mra. Frank A, Ilubbell, returned Mond iv from the I'nlveriliy of di.cyl vo lit where he haa been u aluiliin during thp puat veal W. L. Kilgur I In HI. I.oula on a buaineaa trip. Mm. A. H I.emmon of Cinlii flmd, California, will return to Alliuiiieriue Monday from a brief trip to Winth'l.l. (I'lNBIilllMxl tail lage Klx.) MEXICO ,n ii r i'TV 1 .HpWiW? '