Newspaper Page Text
SIX. THE EVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. II., SATURDAY, JUNE 20. 1914. The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Story of the Mcx icon Revolution a? DANF. COOLIDGE mtmOm-f "lb. H(l.itnf rod. "HM4r. Viman." "lit I ask' kmm HJuitalimhVON J. LAVIN tCoernsni. 114, by i-iauk A. Mima ay .J If 'outlniicil from -wtcriUy.) "Yea, I'm Jt'lui ! ' answered Hooker harshly; "Jealous im th devil! Ami I want )on to keep that promise, ane?" "Aw, hud " begun lw Cancoy In credulously; but Hooker silenced dim llh a look. 1'erliupe he wn really Ji'Hluua, or perhaps tie naly said an to have hla way, but I'hil auw thai he was In earnest, and he went quietly by Ma aide. Hut love hud art hla brain In a whirl, and ho thought no mora of hla promise only of some subtler way of meeting hla Inamorata, some way whl-li Hud would full to see. CHAPTER XIII. For sixty deye and mom, while the weather hud been turning from cold to warm unit they had bwn lahorliig feebly to rli'ar away the great elide at loose rock that covered ud tha ledge, tha Ragle Tall mine had re mained a mystery. Whether. Ilka tha old Kagle TaO at frontior fable. It was to rich tint only the eagle's head was needed to turn tha chunk la to twenty -dollar (old idocna; or whether, like many other frontier minus. It waa nothing but a bole In the grouud. waa a natter still to be settled. And Dud, for one, waa determined to settle It quickly. "Come 00." he aald. ae Foil heal Uted to open up the way to the lead; "we got month, maybe lees, to get to itbe bottom of this; and than the bills Will be lousy with rebels. If the a nothing here, we want to find ot I bdoui ii guic akin end If we strike It, by grab, they ain't enough red "aggers In aonora to pry sue 'loose from It. So abow these bombre wbnre to work and we'll be up agaluatj .rock by the end of the woes . The original Eagle Tall tunnel had I been driven Into the aide of a steep I hill; q ateep. In fact, that the looae lehule stretched In long alioote from the base of the frowning porphyry dikes that crowned the tope of tha hllla to the bottom of the canyon. On lthcr aide cf the discovery gulch laharp ridges, perforated by the gopher lioii a of the Mohican and the ancient workings of Uie BpautarJs, ran di rwlly up the hill to meet '.he contact jllut It waa against the fare or the big (ridge Itself that Kruger had driven this drift and explialed hla giant blast lof dynamite, and the whole alopu bad rbeou altered and covered wiUi a slide ,ot rock. Aralnet this elide, fn fne days when they were marking time, Hud and hli pardner luid directed their energies, throwing r,c loose stones aaldo. build ling up walla agulual the etlp, and 'clearing the way to the solid echlst (There, somewhere beneath the jumble of pewderrtven rock, luy the ledge which. If they found It. would make Ihoin rich; and no w ith single Jack lurid drill, they atta.kcd the runt hug ifragnioiita, blasting them Into pieces ,aud groveling deeper until they could irtrlke the contact, where the aclilet laud porphyry met and the gold apray llttd spewed up between. It u slow work; slower than th had thought, and the gang of Mexl kaua that they hud hired for muckers 'were man el ii of ineptitude. 2eft tc jtlieiiieelvee, they accomplished noth (Ing. since each problem they encoun iterud aeetued to present to them some lelement of Insuperable difficulty, to ,eolve which they either went Into can cua or waited for the boee. Mean wiille tbey kept themselves awake by lainoklng clg-iret'eii and telling stories iSib-jul Lleruardo Hravu. To the Mrnlcut.a of Honors Bernardo Bravo was the poraouirlcatlon of all the malevolent qualities) be being a bandit chief who bad turned first gen eral and then rebel under Madero land the fact that be bad at lust been .driven out of Chihuahua and therefor .over Into rJonora, made bla malevo 'leuee all tbo more Imminent, I'lidoubtedly, somewhere over to 0i leant, where the Hurras towered like a i blue wall, Reraurdu and bla outlaw 'followers wets gailicrlng for a raid, and the mid would bring death to So mora. ! He waa a bad man, this) Dernarde .Iiravo, and If half cf the current ato rice were true, he killed men when ever they failed to give r.lm money, aod waa never too hurried to take a fair daughter of the country up behind htm. provided ahu took hla lunry. - ....... . i es, euri iy n was a baa man but Ui4t did not clear away the rock. f or the first week Mill took charge of the iisng, urging, directing and ca joling Ibem. and the work went mer rily on, though rather slowly. The Mexicans liked to work for Don Felipe, be was so polite and sioke such good Hpantkh; but at the end of the week It developed that Hud could got more results out of them. Kvery time I'bll started to explain anything to one klex'an all the olh j Kloitd to listen to bin st.4 tu Stork's firrivsl to.-,k tl,e. Hut'liuiia Vvome w'ay'ol Flunnlu fCf tll8 uiii'i-iiiin n iiihii hp ny arums and slatiH and bi-iidlng hla own back to the tank. Alxn, he refused to under stand HpnnlMh, and rut cIT sll long, winded explnnatlons and suggestions by an InipH'lent motion to go to work, whlih th trnlinjndores obeyed with ah rope and grin. Ho Ih.ii Kelipa turned owderman and him kmiilili. liHri.eiilng up the drllle nt the little urge they had fash ioned and londiiig the holes with dy nun, lie a hen It bcrnnm nereasnrv in bri nk n km k. while Hud tNsaed the unilllng Mcxleuns. (0 J Among thiwe thlnra whl. h nil women in an old tunnel behind their tent it a eM-mii-i evtnal ,.,,n.i,.r, they eel a heavy gnte, and behind lt tn mo"' ltii mn- uml-r the nnme t they Mnred thi lr preclfiue powder ! ,"M"'h'-r "rl-'l." It Is a pen-trming Then cam., the portable forgo and the Ir; n'a tilm kmulth Fhop. jiiKt liiMlde the mouth rrtml ef tsnrv. In chl.-f pur- Of the uie, and the tt-nt burked up' '" '" ,,,,"l,'r ,he tnilons. llKm..iit a.....t It for p..,,.., ,,,,,,. ror If there r.,r SZZ In ii n y one thing, next to hornes, that ', Intense ptrnin no chsracterlatia of the rebels ar wont to ateal. It la ,h" r''"' "f eN-.-tney. giant M,wd..r to blu up elver,, with. ' . ViilyT.lTlnZ or to Iny on the eouniers of tlinoroua Inllm-n e uim ttm ily dlpui(iou of country inen liutitfl ntnl frltfhten them i ,'"' ,","r'" a-.o-rntliin. into ntakinir t rit.iir I,,,, 1 w h.u.-.r In.lii.-.-s tn the ea" an. entn. into maKing minimm. i frt , ,,, ,., .,, , t,.,ly, , ,,.., Aj for their horiow. Hud kept Ult, i"HI Hh not ml,m ,.( Hi.- tl,y. bePed nnd hobbled, close to the house 1 ,tA.' """ ' " " V""! 10 ",lr . . , , " ' thit "Muth.-r s Krl. n.l has b... n a mid no one ever aaw him w llhoi l hla . .,...iii..ti to in..ih. rl,, f,.r m..rn th.,n gun. In the morning, when he got up, i 14 e.-ntury it iiihhi m n thnt ho took it from under his pillow ami! """" '"4l" l''"-l rrit value, ul. ti.. it nn I...H ...h .1.. .. I A'k any drug no, re f..r "MiithT- hung It on his belt, and there it m., ,M.netrtin. external iiniid Stayed until bedtime. ef rrent h-lp nn.l alun. An. I writ" tn He ..ho kept a shurp watch on the! Jj-'l Zb fa trail, above nnd below, and what f 4 and lluiU tnfurmalluu. ,1 1.1 .iskd ll,r,,..l, 1 I , i'.." n. ' ,-oiiarioiis of Ma eye. Therefore it was all the more aurprlHing when, one day, look ing up aiidilitily from heaving at a greet rock, he auw the big Yu"'i sol dier, Anilg". giuing down at hlin iroin the cut bunk. Yea, It was the same man, but with a difference his rifle and cartridge belts wore absent and bla clothes were torn by the brush. Rut the same good-natured, couioetent amlln wsa there, and after a few words with Hud k.hi be leaped nimbly down the bunk and nihi. laid bold upon the rock. They pulled , d.n, tugetho', and the boulder that bad j balked Hud a gang of Mexicans moved I" easily tor the two of them. Then Amlgo seised a crowbar and slipped It into a crauny and showed uiem a lew tninga about moving rot ka, Additional Society News t oiiiiihiimI iioni film, rtiv.) if. nnd ttill i , tin- Kile"! ni to r , M I K J. I . ..Ill !l Sl'W I , i" full- r tin n in j to lor 1 1 i -. M.-ndi I Sill.-r. ihiio-iK i ilii.i im i i I A II. ii I lull iinu in', it i,t Hi,. 1 t i.-K nf r,iw Ii-ioii- i N.'. or- llMti". llllH .-it'ltMll in .llMiIM-rll.. tn : i , . i . . 1 1 1 . Hi,- I'.ci iiiili'lu i'iiiiiiIv 'I'i.i'Ii 'eix lio-iiluie wlin h Ik Im iiik held in t he "lit r I Hi lliliil. Mm. It. Forte nnd poii returned from (iliforiiiit the llrsl nl the week ! nnd left for the I'eeos to J . In Mrs. 'Fi.ite'H iiinther, Mrs. Florldit l.lKht lnn.l lie. For half an hour or more he worked along, seemingly bent on displuylng bis skill, then be sat down on the bank and watched the Mexicans with tolerant, balf-amused eyes. If he was hungry be showed It only by the cigarettes ha Amnlifstf anil Hooker, atudytnir tip the ch.jncns he .,..., f , , would take by hiring- a deserter, let , Mr, F " . " Kim , , 7 """" ter, l.iirini. w ill Hpend the Hummer him wait until be camo to a decision. ul . UI, , ,..,. rum Oyet, Amlgo." be balled at last, ut 'Jcvu.iu..-. and, rubbing bla hand around on hie stomach, bo amllod ouestlonlnslv. 1 M'- and Mrs K I.. Itr.tdfuril moved V 'est Hi. Id UVelllie whereat the Yaoul iin.i,iuH hi. i.... Fnd.iv from rl avidly. j xo 611 Went silver iiM-iuie. "Stuwano!" said Hooker, "ten." And ... , ., . A , tfi hi. ii i . . ., " Mr. nnd Mrs i i ule Andrews wiMild while he led the Indian to camp, two weeks. There be showed him the coffee Kit and the kettle of beans by tha fire, set Will U llornn. brother of Mrs. . out a club of Dutch-oven bread and a N' M irii.n. Hp.-n Friday In this city aa k of jerked beef, aome stewed fruit "" ',v Kelly, N. M.. to and a can of sirup, and left him to do "' K' ' ' " hl" '1',,""r- his worst. J In th w.i . 1 Mr. tind Mrs. Mux N'mdhuiia nnd he rani t I A . . "v" 0 r'""1" " have left f, th-r summer he came bark and found the Yn-iul hoi.,. .:ir ..,, Ke. "iMiug up sirup witn the last of the bread and humming a little tune. So they eat down and smoked a clxurctte and came to the business at huiid. "Where you got" Inquired Hud. but Amlgo only shrugged enigmatically. I "Vol. Ilk , U..L . I .....a ...A .",.: Mi' lth WIlll.Hi... llllUKhter of a snnio oi j-,r. ,i MrM. . M wnliums. bus re U t turned to llcrkeley. Tat., to renime "Muy blen," aald Htoker with flnsl- her studies t thu t nlvemuy of Cul Ity; "I give Mexhaua two dollars a Iforniu. daV--I fflvA V,,,, r,t,W Mm . . m-m. - - ....... iuui enouaui j "HI." nodded the Yamil anri alih,.ni Mt mid Mrs. 1. 1, ilia llfel.l nnd d..i.-l,i.r iliiiirlii) and Until, ex pei i t, x)ieiul the aiiiniiier nt Trout i i" -.i. near Iis Veg.ia, where they liuvi ,i Mimmcr home. more words be followed ttud back to Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Hint who were nuirrled recently In Hodnllu. ih. no Th i- . M"- arrived In Alhiiovtcriiue Friday ..... v. ,,,-,, iii iiai. iist. lift ars , ........... .t .. . .. "'I" "in niaKe meir Home here. MT g iima hii ma Mexi cans put together, leaping boldly up the hank to dlHlodge hanging boulders boosting them by main strength up Hint Is pienident of the Hutt lirug itnpniiy. Amonir the nniminiiir, IIuIm nn onto the ramshackle tram thev had "e rniie Irene of the North tier- conntructed, and trundling them out "" ''"'1, "uiiing from New June lTih are Mihb Marleits York Vulo tn f Ii .1 ,1 1 1 in r will. II,. . . . .. . ....... .UIIinl, nana. : ' " r" " '" l .,, . ,llll . ., . .. hu.nn-r.nie. who m e going to Italy to le waa a willing worker, ualng hli. ,.,, , wltn r.,llllv,.,. head every minute; but though be wa4 I Jin, I.. Hawkins and danahter. ll:scl. left 1'hiiradiy for Hluler. Mo. to upend the miminer vimiing rela tives. Mrs. J. A. Pklnnrr la en.ovln2 a vlHlt frinn Mrs. T. Kuott. who Mopped here a few days en route from full f'irnlii, where she has been for the M AwPii far" T . i, , . i ii FAMILY AVOIDS ' ' SERIOUS SICKNESS 8 Being Constantly Supplied Willi Tlcdford'e Elack-DrteguU McDufl, V.-"l guffpred for seven) rats," uys Mrs. J. U. Whiiinkcr. ot ins place, "witli atck beizl, and ttoiiuili tiouble. Trs yriis "70 a Irlend told me Ic try rtirdfoid's HlHck-Diauchi, which I did. nu 1 louna 11 10 dc mr ocM latnily mcUi- buo waa uoing xne Biacksmlthlng. ,u' 'uunK "nu um- ! I krrp Jilnk-Drjuht oa hand all Iht such a hustler and made their pun Nnie now, and when my chiidicn a efforts seem so Ineffectual by compart- ll,le ,,aJ. iUfkY 1e 1' ilokC, and ii eon, be managed In aome mysterious j!"ci "lem n"'re U001 V aJiy meUitine way to gain the Immediate approva. Ulcy ever t,,td- of tho Mexicans. I'erhaps it was but Uei nfvtr. have ' ,onf rt ,,ck" al. perva.ue good n.ture. or ihe re "S spect Inaptred by bis hardihood; per t i? j.. i ,v . 5.: si rr : rrl Xs snip wtich had made him a picked Uic wenk stomachs, aid dtKestiun. te nian among bla brother Yaijuls. Hut litve indigestion, colic, wind, nrus.-a, when, laid lu the sfteruoon, Hud cam headache, sua Hoina.h, and iimilaf back from a trip to tbe tent be founC y,"e'""is. Amlgo in charge of the gang, heaving ' ' tcen In constant use tor more and at niggling and making motloni 1j yejr. nil Bl benefited nioie with bis bead. I Uian a nullum people. " I Your drupis4 S'Ms and recommendi w. ,. , T. 'UU'k-l)raut.l.L tiuly ix, Ucl (Cuniuiud MiMubtjr Afiniuni.) faOut U-Wy. N.CUI puKl few Kanatia iimnihfc, to her boms In Mtaa Sophia Yr lain 11 returned Frl duv evening from I, t.seles, where alie Ini Attended Ihe i, 1 is' Collegiate durum the pnst yeui. "iion Newell 11 two-weeks' 1 Jeifie. Mr. iiml Mrs. J, I lime returned froln iiiiitor tup throiiBh thi llei. Ilei on, n I. W iiiuiina end Mrs. Willmma nie leavlns soon to spend aeveial weeka In the Mioiinialus. ttiMlMIIO MM ll-TT HAIJ The well known Italian siM-lelv of 1 In i-topher I'olumliiia. "AssoclHrlons Iinllaiia t . I'liliimhii." 11 if no 11 11 1 e that lu .1 1 1 1 11 it I lull mi;i lie given this year in 1 oloio In 1 ball. Friday night, Jilire .'lltli. Im-k Ulnlllat t . o'clock, when ihe Krnnd nun. Ii will h alart e.l tn iniiali l.y the lln.ialer on heal ra. This is the tluriy-f, ,uith Hiinual hull f iIiih noilily mid eery one of the ttiulV four has been aiireeasful in eveiv way. The no. letv's eoniinlt-te.- ii'ilhing undone which will make tor tha pleiiMlirc of their gllcaisjvlre, reception of mm me iitiairs are limki llrl lre1i)'lerleii. Corner of Hitver avenue and Fifth street. Hugh A. rooper. pastor. hiium ev A. Foreman, aasm late pas tor. Itlhle srhool, Adult HHde classes meet ut ID. Morning worship, II. Hei mon there. ' Is i 'In lit limit y 11 Failure?" Fvenu.g worship, I. "In. terraiing gtiotntlons from 'Hilly' Hnn dsy's Cfriniiiiii." fpei ial 111 null' at each servl.e. Kolo In the morning by Mian I'harlotle Hrlxner. I'haa. A. Andrews, direc tor. Mia Hen I Kenworthy, orguii lt. The C. aiMlety meets nt 7 p. 111. J Tuple, "Mow the Thief hen 1 a Are 1 1 ear oen Leaner, Mr. nurry v Hiking. A. foi ward to Willi ,-n-.ii '.ntereat ly all who are fond of d.inciug. MOOSE OFFICERS ENTERTAIN MEMBERS The offli era of M., ...... la.dse N'o. t2 enterl. lined the Mooae memlier in 11 noiiiil mt iv evening ho-t-The follow itiit in in-;, al program, di rected hy I'rof. I'lixton-Jenner, was etiihiial.ialli nlly received ; Violin solo t it Martha; (hi Wat. h on the lihlne ' Master J'miI Hi haeffer. t'lnno aolo-II Hnrlo Ardltl I'rof. Kaalon-Jenner. Violin aolo Venetia I.owthl.m Mr. James I:. Hoi , lid. Vocal aolo Sleln Song I Hi I lard I'rof. Knsloii-Jenner. Violin aolo- Herman 1-iler Mr. James K. Iloland. Following the mii..i.i,i nrotrnni an iil'lieiuinn Inn, h waa Honed, helna mm h in i,o., ,y the larne crowd. It w.ia Ihe "ff, ama hours" before the lni song waa sunn mid Ihe liuhts Went out. o New Boofe at the Public Library KAHM illKsiil' I.ITI Ii VITHK A. K. IPotMli-w. Tn.. things which m ih k noks are her. mude clear and iiilerextin f. 1 I'lii'iiln r read 1 111; l,y M. linreriin o' the Ht. Inils , ul, Ii,. Ulirnr..'. ho Si's gathered uml groui,i1 .Jiieincr I uny thliigK that ar her, .,11 ,ll,-:iK ' In leaduhle and comiuo t r .in.. fipening with a chapter on the nu tur of literature, sludiea ol tn, grain. :ii.'itl' ul form, clem lies,!, ippropri it' ll m, ud churiicter of style f,..K.w 'Mi,, atriotuie, apprecution, prearv.i to'li. uud ownership of llteraluro each hss a proper place and tnen'tin. The mur-cra of literature nre d wuanxt. 1 i.ii other lt portaiit fcnidr.a ihe hiilijei t are iKlinirul.iy tlenl- d. rtMITV VF.WtM tV IT. Ilraiul Willi ha k. Thin volume Is In 11 sense a hltory nf Ihe progress of ileinorrai y in the middle west. It la thr story of an nn UMially vlvoroiis and mentally alert young man who has been ident tiled wilh gooil government for many years. In the recounting of his own remln ai ein e;v Mr. Whitloi k hr:r,s Us into clos,. Hi'iiuaiiitanc,. wilh timny nolulil, figures In our political history ilov ernor Altneld. Tom Johnson, iSoldcn llule Jones, and others of their tyne. And In the telling of these men and their Ideas and idea la, and of him. self ns a cont inn. iior of their wont, he lllumlnutes that spirit in humun nature which wmks for democracy. I'lrwt CiniKregniionnl t'liun-li. Corner foul mid Hrnadway. Tooihiiker, minister; resilience, Hoiith Kdlih street. Hundiiy school, :., n. m.; ilKlne worship, It u. m. nnd n p. m. Mer 101. 11a by the pnator: Mornl'ig theme, "I'lirlallMn :xm 1 leliie and Ihe I'ro 1 liiiiiatinii of It." Following the ser mon tliele will to. coiiimuiiion nr. inemlieia and ha;- tlnns. Fuelling suliject, "Curing tor 1 ies' Houl '' Young I'eople'a meeting, 7 p. m . Herman Snyder, leader. Hpeclul must,' for ihe day Mop.MNH. Mrs. Mabel Htevena llimne presid ing nt the piano. I'telude: " Itlenxl's Praver". . Wagner Solo: "Seek Yc ttie Lord" .1. V. Hubert Mrs. Ada Pierce Winn. Rolo: "The M.i of Horrowa" Jos, Adnms J. i). ilonld. KVKMXll, Miss Tin la Postel presiding at the pipe organ. Prelude: "Adoration" Athermn iifttrtoi-y: "Pusioral Theme" I.Uili-huchl Roo J. 0. Dmtld I'ostliide: "liuolnguii" Drey (entral Avrnue MiiImmIm ('Imri-li. Corner Arno and Central avenue, j. K. Alllsin. pnstor, 71 South Fdtth; hone 17. ."D. Miss Mary tfuliscom, deai'otiesa. Siindav school at t '. a. 111, T. M. I on Is. auperlnieiiileiii I'reui'hliig services 10111I1I' ti d l.y tlm pastor ut II a m. mid x p. 111. H i'i Jei'i for the inoriik ig hour. "Your Lit,, an Open Hook." Topic for the evening service, "loyalty to t'hrlm and Ilia Church." Special music iiv ihe hoir nt both morning mid evening r ices. Iievotlonnl meeting of ihe Kern ir Fpworth Ii-hu at 7 p. m. Wednesday r-velilng prayer service a I K p. in Teacher training class at 7: IT. p. m. A cordial welcome tu nil. I leal Mcili.xtki I I-iimiI line Ii. Corner lud avenue nnd South Third street. C'lmrl, 1 i .ii Iteckmnn. Pastor; residence all South Tlntd street. Miss Kdtlh Uorliy. deaconess; II A. I'orlcl Meld. ll,el Hem lent of the Siiliil.iy school; Hurry I'rulik. presl Id, lit Kpvvorih league; Mr J Ii. I'ulK enhiirg. director of choir. I'lihlu- worship at II 11. in., witli preaching by the pasiur. The morn ing tin me will he "Tile Heliever in Christ Jesus" Kvening worship at a Willi preaching li Ihe pastor, the sU'i. Ject of the sermon UvIiik "The I'urpoae of IIimI.'' There will h,. a selection hy Ihe iiuurtet nt both er mid some spei-lai niuMc besides The Sunday school meets at S:4i a. m.. Samuel A. Kay. acting sup. r ilitendeiit. F.pworth league devotion. i servic,. at 7 p. m.. Miss Ituth Fulken burg, leader. Prayer meeting at p. nt. Wednes day. Unlit j' Aid society will hold a short business session In tne church parlors on Thursday afternou-i ut J. " " '' mat folks enoy coming oiiiiiiisii ami sirotig nuinnn appeal 01 Mr. Whitloi k's tuigt'S. VACATION Ctlpj MH I.IIIM. Ji-aniH'tie .Marks. An cxr-eilcnt handbook lor the out door girl, showing In detail how to prepare for camping and how thor oughly to enjoy the Treedoni of wooits Bud lake. Ii tells where to en too. how tn build camp fires, how to gin.rd against forest II res; It gives informa tion regarding the Atttreg up of Ihe camp, tells where to buy things uml what they coat; It devotes several hapteia to physical training out ut doors, the formation of lamp hahtts. cleanliness, the aecrets of the woods nnd In general lell how to injoy camp If. S2 lust Sunday, an Increase. The only way we can account for It Is l.e( there be no slump tomorrow. Preaching of the Word at II a. m. and S p. m. Sunday school monthly business meeting at 2 80 p. m Joe Scbreiber leads the Kndeuvor meeting at 7 p. m. Topic, "Chief Scuta, and How to llet Them " The ladles huve taken Hie lust Thins, lay In the month for their cof fee social, which will be held next week at the home of Mrs. Ileydt, lit North Hfih street. The serving will lie limited to the li-cent lunch. Free Loti; See Moore Co.'i Ad. ' - i Cliiofiafo is tlto jrnlownv to t)io liikt rt'L'ion. 1'niiti lion rniiiiili limit nf tlio iniMirl:iti( water t riiia. 'ti rnn ntnki 1 ir- t lo of tin? tircnt Ijki rt"rl. nilinjf tluiMR if WiwHitiNin, Niirllu-rti ii liiu'iiti. ntnl fiiMiririiui liny. 'I'licii tit ItiilTulo mill Niufnra ''ul!, (In rknliirvsj tif N'W rnolntul ntnl I In' ilinitulai k of N W York, with ft few uy' Mniint AlliiittioC'itv. low summer tourist fares on I io-Simla IV liriii this trip within U10 rem Ii of nil. I tiavesoine lutiTetieeiltiiKtmte, Irnv. l- laaaVx for you, aiel will Is- gl.ul In fnnilli ample itinerary. Ili'menils-r that ls-l aervs to ( Iii csg. 'he t.reut likea gateway, is via the Siuia le. P. J. JOHNSON, Agent. el V y v v Y ? t ? ? ? v ? ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A BANK To gain ilie confidence of the peo ple and increase its business, must have for officers and directors bus iness men of integrity, active in con ducting its, affairs. Must be accommodating and safe. Must Ircal all depositors with equal courtesy. This banf justly claims all of these essentials and invites your account. State National Bank Albuquerque, New Mexico A. V f f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Try The Evening Herald Want Ada. They Oct Results The Churches fi-rtalian Science Society, rhrlellun Si leu. e aervlcea are held In the Woman s i lub building, nt the corner of Seventh street and Hold avenue, eevry Sunday morning at II o'clock. Wednesday evening services are at H o'clock. The liunlli' la cordially Invited to attend these aervlcea. Monday ai'hool ut :iS o'clock. heading room in the N. T. Ar- loDo building, room Nix, IX, open 1 em n ween uuy from 1 to S p. III. M. Jot. u s (liurch. forner Fourth strict and West Sll-! ver avenue; Archdeacon W. K. War rrti. re.-..r; residence, Uu West Ti Jeras uvenue. Second Hisidny after Trmiiy. Holy com m union, 7 s. m ; SmiUuy sehuol. :5 a m : morning prayer and sermon, H in.; leacheis' train. Ing cluss, 7 4J p. m. I Music j Proceaainiial: "I.rd. with (llowirig ' l art I I'm,,. The".. It Itedhe-iu' Veiitte W, Kussvll 'il'iria o. J. lilvey Te lcum J. ,itmt Juhilute lieo T. S liupuia inirou iiymn: -Tliiie Kteinal li..w. err si. John Iiamuacene iiffertory: "The Son of Clod does Forth to War" Ht. Anrg j . . . . rilia linr t.iitta, 1 1 curie Today" tluudete St. Paul's Ktaiig. IuilMfan. 'orner Silver and ttlxlh. Fdword I'. Siiiueler. ! P., pnstor. 1'sia.inege. 3t' South aUx'.h. i'hune i Uncle Sam Knovs Good Roofing The United States Government does not buy an article because someone SAYS it is good. It is subject to all known tests, and must "make good" in every way. PAROID ROOFING "make good" wherever used and that is why the U. S. Government has bought such large quantities of it. Not only for Alaska, but for Cuba and the Philippines, where a roofing mzzt b? of ib? h;h?:t quality t3 stand tb extreme heat. Any roofing manufacture can try to imitate PAROID by using 4'0ID" on their name, but you want PAROID. Sold in' Albuquerque by BALDRIDGE LUMBER CO. BUILDERS SUPPLIES - SIIERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT Phone 402 First and Coal Our ftunday i hool attendance was ,