Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M SATURDAY, JUNE 20. 1914. 117X3. LEGAL NOTICES. I'nr limit t the order of the t Hu rl! t t'mirt wtihln it nil fur tha I '.ill nl v it HcrnulilU, Hlale of No Mexico, I tli i. ia hereby given thHt said1 Court aa ntdcrcd nn. I directed that all rc.lilor of The Famous or H. K 'oote hull prcefiit anil make tirnnf y' u. K t'iilHba.', receiver f.,r tr.a mi . i.. i-ooi ot their reapn live luiui iik hi n at Tha Famous or 1!. I., mile nn or before tha flral dav of my. ISM, otherwise, all creditors nil . I.iIiiiihiI failing ao to do within ic said turn. ,n barred from par iipming In tiny manner In the diatrl- iin.ii .r llm assets or tha aald II. I. oole I 'one l.y order of Iho Court thia 'Hi day f a ay. 1M4. . k. irunAnAC, Keuelver. xotm: if hum. Iho Inaiiii't t'oiirt, County of Her- tiilillo, Stale of Now Mexico. i Iiii M. Monro, trialc. for fl. Hat- utiii iii, hcnollclury, riiilniiff, vs. A r nn In unci Holla M. do Ar tnljn. hla wlfo,. M-fcmianta. 1'iiil.T anil by Urine of a judgment and un order of aulo, mmlo and en tered on the tit h day o Nov em nor, 111, In tho above enlldw. cauae, e-v tho almvr mimed court, wherein tho above named plalnilT illd oitiiin n Judgment agnlnal the ithnve named defendant in tho mm of 112. 01 dnlliira, with Intoroat at tho rate or 11 ior root per annum from November II. lull, unill inilil, and for all ol Ihr coal accrued and to accrue in ati1d cuuo and for tho mala mill ex pcnaea If tho aulo of tho hereinafter ileairllicd properly, I, thn undcraign od. aiiolntod by tho raid court in aald cause aa special mnaicr to time a aulo of tho ild roorty herein' aflcr doa rtbcd, to anilafy Iho plain tiff a Judgment, and the. coat of anil and rlcli-a of a. ild aulo, do hereby give notice, -that I will, In puraunncv of mill in obedience to thi Raid Judg- mi l. I and dr roc, and order of anlp, at the front door of tho court houan In tho roiinly of Hcrnallllo, state ct r Mexico, on tho 23d dny of Jul, 111 1 4. at tho hour of in o'clock. In Mm forenoon, offer for ale, and will acil. In the lilKlnat and boat hlddor for ihhIi, . eatlefy imntlft'a Judgment nml the sum a.i.iva mentioned, the following described prnpertv, to-w.t: All the undivided ono-nlnth Inleroal In nnd to a piece of unplatted land ii ml adjoining blocks numbered aig I4. twelve (12), eighteen IIII, and nineteen (I9 of Iho Francisco Ar mljo y Hero addition to the city of Alhuiiici'iiip. New Mexico, whli It aid piece of I. .n. I contain about twclv Iota If plulled. E. U UflOHK, Special Master. IWOIOjWOWiWWWWWOj '00te ' o?e Evemiimg' Herald W ant Ads Three Liries : Three Times : Three Dimes Trw irEHAT.T) Want Arln triev Li l- I iiring resting. DO YOU WANT ran Ikb 11 Mb jiiiyJk THESE ARE HOT DAYS AND SWELTERING OVER A HOT STOVE WHILE HEATING IRONS IS TOO MUCH FOR ANY HOUSEWIFE The Evening Herald to the Rescue BY SUBSCRIBING FOR THE HERALD AND PAYINO A SUM ONLY SLIGHTLY IN EXCESS OF THE REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF THE EVENING HERALD YOU CAN SECURE A Williams Electric Iron if I s The Albuquerque Gat & Electric Co. has been selling: this Williams Electric lion at its actual cost to them $i.9S. Subscribe for The Evening Herald for one year and you can secure one of these Irons at a cost to you of only $1.00. You pay $1.50 down (this including: payment for the first month's subscription) and 50c a month, the regular subscription rate of The Evening Herald, for elsven months thereafter. The Iron is delivered to you as soon as you contract for the paper for a year and pay the $1.50. What tHe Iron Is The Williams Electric Iron is under an absolute guarantee by the Al buquerque Gas & Electric Co. The Irons have been. given a sixty four day test. Think of it! Fifteen Hundred and Thirty-Six Hours of Steady Current and Still as Good as New. The operating expense is about the same as the cost of fuel in ironing the old way. The diff erence is that with the Williams Electrio you turn the switch and in three minutes the iron is ready for use. All the heat is concentrated on the iron; not a bit of it escapes; you can iron without interruption until you are through, and YOU ARE COOL while your IRON IS HOT. Whereas, by the old method, you will burn a bucketful of coal get ting the irons ready to use and heat up the whole house in the mean time, tramp backhand forth after fresh irons and to pour bucketful after bucketful of coal into your already hot stove, and YOU ARE HOT while your IRONS ARE COOL lWDATS NEWS TODAY" ( THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD IIHl UK ST t-rooin modern houae, I'M n; 4-rooin houae, III (Ml; 4 r....ina. t'.l iMi, 3 . ii, ma, 1 D OC; I r"Mi., II. VI 4. II. I'KAK Ml . ('tiilral. 'lHtlr :IHM. Miff I lor I ii In HiHiarlmlil ImmmK f'onalatina of 3 refriKcrm,,ia, ateel raniea, ilrraaera. rocker. llo'.alrr nil. met, foldina lie.l, Iron lca. l.ililc. Hiinllary c.ui. h- pa. i-oolc li ml heating atnve. dr., etc. fe-e a la at Ml W. r.uil nvenne INSTITUTE PROGRAM FOR NEXT WEEK Anm.lin. enienl of next week a .rn vrnoi at tho aaaeinlilv period ana nmile today hy County Hillierilitend ent Alaniialo Miniloyu. Ir Jiuiii.. II. Wroth, former inemlior of the lio.ird of recant of the I nuerally of New Mei will apeak or. a h ol a.ihiln- tlon Momliiy. Mlaa Nunnelte Me cra of rianlii rV. alnte director of In dualrliil eilui'iitlon, will alao apeak tit Mnndny'a aaaomldy. Tueailiiy. 1'rof. I'harlea Mmluin. ilean of toe I'nlver- a'lv of New Mexico, will apeuk on "ftemovin l.lmltiitlona by tlon." Mnrlnn I.. Kox. editor of the' Morning Joiiriml. will cpoiik We.lnea-1 di.y. Tho Inalltnte w ill end Wednea.liiy. J Kxminiitlona for iippllciinta for teiii hera' ceriiricntea will he held Krl. dny ii nil Kntiinliiv. rly thoao Inking rxaiiiliiHllona will lie required to he on hand. Tho xliile npilrea an ex amlniitlon fee of one dollnr. I'r IhIiI It. II. nil, prealdeni of the I'nlverally of New Mexico, ii.l Ireaaed the toachera inatltnto today, hla topic. "KdiiiRtlon." holnaT Inler eatlnc and helpful to the tea. hera. MiiNieal iinmlM-r hy Mlaa l.uey Mi. ka and Miaa Itaaiille W'llh and a re. lm lloil hv Mlaa M.ithhewa were olher fpiiturea of the program for the day. IX)lt ICKNT. t B-roout modern brick houae. SI X. T. ave., Ill bt; water .mill Hi-room houae. fifth and Mar- (luetic Ave; modern, lii.'.u. l-room houae, 131 No. Fifth Hi ; modern, 1X1 00. 4 -room houae,, 110. . 4 -room houae; ,-nat ll.iieldlnii "venue; modern, fit') 0. 11111 BAIJ- 4-room houae; ll.Klil.iuda, on car lino, ioo 00. Un Central avenue, 4-room 4 houae with lola UJfiHQ. I17&U. 4 Landa In large and email 4 trait a. Kanchea near tha city. Hume fine reaidenrea for aale. near In. 4-room adobe. IMoS.OU. All klnda of terme iiiti-: inm nwrE M'ti:V T IAIS. 4 Vt'MtAlt'M ItF.AL FTATK 4J 234 G(Hd Av 4'oci.e Third El. 4 4 NEW MEXICO HOTEL DIRECTORY. 8ANTA FK The Monleiiima llolel, American plnn: aerilce firm clnaa, electric llghla, tea in heat, tolophona In eycry room, fcpcclul altentnin to aulu parties. HELP WANTED Foi Sale Miscellaneous lull HAl.b Old paper for putting dun lapela, etc. Cull at HcMid oftlie. FOK HA I, K Florae. hugy, harm ax and aaddlo, liurae la well hied, year old, perfectly aaf,, and xounM. K. J. Htrong, Strong's Uook ritora. Felt HA I. K The lien puylng hotel In the city at a burualu. Muat he taken at .line. Cull room S, Whiting Itlilx. I'lione MO M. I.. Srhutt. FOK 8AI.K l.lneu., pillowa. gaa atovp. table uml chair; ileall and aiiintary, alnno-t new; ncwr uaed hy ah k. Itoom J'.l, llnrncll HI. IK I'hone ll'i. Full HAI.K Adverllacmciit apace on tho Alril. one curtain. Harm' I An. laeni. nt Co. PERSONALS Traffic on the main line of the Haiita Fe waa delayed aevcrat hoiira Una oiornlmt aa the reault of tho de railment of an ciiKine and two freiuht in r a at 11. -la thla loornliig. M cat I. mi ml IraliiM leaving here thla morning wore held until after the Hack waa clcano. rial l.ound trama twin ahehl at l-.l.t.i No one wan Injured In tho derailment. FOR RENT Houses. Fdlt It F.NT A real bungalow for two, alcepmg porch, fri.oi and tour pontile. airceiied In. New and clean. Fine ahade. Call mornlngx. I4H6 It.. inn avenue. F lt ItKNT 3 COtlHKO, I00X room Houth fiirniahed tent Walter HI. Foil IIF.XT Four-room model n bru k houae. Fifth at reel and M' lv!n. ley avet.UK. K. J. Strong. MORTUARY. Iiifanl Manila Kk-r. After aufierlna from Infanilln trouhle for Nimr wecka. .d irtlni. tlio li'i-nioiitha-olil bal.y ,,f Mr. and Mia. I.ealle A. Itlrc. paaaed nwuy thla af ternoon. The l:icea will hmr the aymtiiithy of many frieinla In the loaa of their lined one. Vulcanizing Vulcunlxlng and Tiro ttcpalrlng. All work ruaranteod, Alliunuerqua llubhcr Co., 6i" Weal Central. TYPLWRlXElUi. ALL. KINDS, both now and aacond hand, bought, gold, rented and re paired. Albuiiuer.iue Typewriter El change. Phone 14 4. Ill W. Oold. CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS A mngtrlana' club of 200 person hag been recently formed In London. Thn oldcat account of a chimney plare g In Venire In 1347. An oalrtrh feather which coat f.'iO few yeara ago la now worth $75. Tha value of Import Into Chile by parcel pott during 191 amounted to l.ft3.334. Oleomargarine Import a Into Ger many during the ft rat Ave month thli year totaled 52.KO0.OO0 pounda. Jupaneao aoldlcra are nearly all gymnasia, and every barracki haa gymnaelum. 6o well trained are they that In leaa than half a minute they can acale a wall II feet high by almply loaplng on each other' ahouldera, one , man auatalnlng two or throe other. The educational building In the Prilled State ar valued at f 22S.OOO,-1 000. I Cigarette Imported Into China at Ttentaln Increased 82 per cent In 1911 A I3.00f.000 telephone cable la to b laid between England and Holland. It haa been eatlmated that Hrttlib Columbia ba an area of about 2&3.0O0, 000 acre, of w bleb, about 1 6OO.OO0 la composed of lakea In tb Interior. Ther are acre of timber land of no value for farming other than for stock purposes, and while It la estimated that 3,000,000 acre is either under cultivation or partly so, Stat latin show that the actual yield ing average, other than for grating purposes, Is not more than 260,000 acre. FOR SALK Oliver typewriter, good x new, 116 00. Ill West Gold. Phone 144. WANTED. F.MI'llVMKNT WAXTKn- I'eraoi.. hating employment of any kind for atii'lPlila I leaa. notify the I'nlveraily of New Mrxl.o. fail Phone K'.O r drop cinl t Prralileiu lniMd It. lloy. It P. W A 1: 1 1- - I will 1 . y $.". reward for the return of my collie imp wceka old. Loot Tliilra.l.iy No iU;. tloiia naked or will pay reward for Informal Ion that will lead to Minium him. lieoiKe Crane, 12 21 Weal HiHer imniie Phone 161. sy Moon Is Oval Shaped. Astronomers will await with Inter est detail of the "experiment" car rled out by Professor Rtlatteal st Bo logna by which b claims to hav demonstrated that the moon la oval shaped. Tb moon la more easily measured Ihsn any other heavenly body, but though It baa been measured thou sands of time no difference ha been detected netware Ma polar and equa torial diameters. A riergynai recently put forward the theory that the of the moon always turned aay from th earth Is of the same sue and shape as th great pyramid which, ac cording to Kevelatlona, form th 'New Jerusalem " Eventually, ao a sorts tbe author of th theory. Ih moon will fall on the earth, ami tbe betniapher turned earthward will bury Itself In our plsnet, while the pyramidal Sw Jerusalem will project above th rack and ruin of the la ment as th Celestial City, whsr th fsithful ar to spend eternity This remarkable User theory ha bean published with g, prefsM by U bho U CUaOf. Fenton J. Spaulding Agon'. New York Life. Itoom 17, V T. Arnilju lUilg. PtMnr Ami yt F.iiyric RANGE COITIONS IE BEST FOR 25 YEARS Col. W. S. Hopewell Declares Cattle, She;p and Horse. Were Never in Better Shape "Itutige condition In the Motitlu-rn part of New Mexico are better tin ar than for tnty-flve yeara, ac cording to Col. W. 8. Hopewell, mm returned laal evening from a tout ot hla Hirrra county rattle ranchea. "Cattle, aherp ami horaoa are 111 splendid ahnp,. bocauae of favorable tango condition. ' slid Colonel Hope, well today. "The range aro green it!t era that la plentiful and nour Ihhin. the raina a'!d ih w:,r h.. lea, and the livealix k look fat ami aleek Thi ear la auroly a winner for iivcatoik men In aouthern New Moxiru with which part of the aiaie I am in.. a tfumllliir " T00LATETO CLASSIFY m t'ttlt r'ALK Furniture and chlcarna. Owner leaving city no ah k. Call 1 11'. North Hecond. t.MIM.uVMKNT (illl.e. sin W. fiher. P. 'i. Dog li Phono .1.'. 4. Carpel tfia. 14 day; l.ilmrrr. II 7i In I.' V WANTPIf Clioi olale ami 1 team dip per. llrlmaliaw Co. W.NTI'.I Woman for general houa.. wotk Aildiea M. F.vetunK lieralil. WAMKIl-Neat aipeai'lng young men for apeclal work. Thla a In ill grudo propoaltlon. Call at Herald -it-llee between I and a. 01 NKW MKXICu Fmployment Agetny. All klnda of reliable help on ahort notice. Ill W. 8ilver ave. Phone 4l. WANTKK Young man with aome egperlptice on od fountain. (Irlmahaw Co. WILL PAY reliable woman l.'Sd "1 for dlairlhutltig 2 "'HI FHKK purk agea Perfumed Hoap Powder In your town. No money required WAItl CO., Si: limtltute PI. Chicago. KTATK mnnaner wanted by lllinnia manulai Hirer for thla territory. P.atahllah ofllce, manage aMleameii. High claaa product. Ilig demand. F. ..rlence not eaaential a you w ill lie fully lin-trui ted. Permanent con nection. Monthly awliuy anil com inlMOlon. Iligheat referunic given. Inveatment of I4UU to 1 1. 'ml In atiak of men ban. Mac required. Net profit should amount to at leual IS .'."U an nually, laiathtlinc, Old Colony Hull. linn:, Chicago. III'MTLlNi; man under Ml, each lo cality, tntiudme our member ahl.a ir.'i to I :.'i monthly. Tin l-l.-C 2053. Covington. Ky. PHOTOGRAPHERS as,ae. mmwvoi Pi 1ST CAItMH l 00 per d.xen. Firat rlaaa work guaranleeil. Kodak flmahlng. Ho vein h and Central. WK WILL develop any KODAK FILM for lOo. Post lard btudio, 111 So. Second. PERSONAL roil CAKPET cleaning, furniture and atuv repairing. W. A- Qoff phone til. MA Kit Y If you are lonely. Clie He. liable. ConllL'entlul riu. .f ul club haa large number of wealthy, ena ble, member, both cxe. wlahing early marriage. I lem free. Mr. Wrubel, Itox 2, Oakland, Mention A loiiiUi-riue Kw-nlng Her ald when writing. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, 1L D. Praillee Limited to (iKMItl-l HINAItY DIsKAsM And PIHK.AMt tF TIIK UK IS The Warinian anil Nog m hi TrartaV Dslvsraan 'ot)" Administered. Cltlreii' Hank IPillilina Albuquerque - Mew Mat Ice A. li. HIIUP.TI.K, M. II. Irallti MoiUrd to Tunon'toxaiie. UlBc Houra. 10 to II a, m. Phone 1 171. 114 Weat Central. Albuquerque tianltarlum Phmi I4l. DRS. TULL & BAKES Kanctallela I ye, Far, iCoa', Thnaaa, fcital National Hank lll.lg. PIm.iio set. T. F. T ' M'K, M. D. HprrtaliRt In Fye. jir, Noaa- ami Tlirnat. Cuptlal City Lank llulldlii. Ph. in 11-J. Pantn Fe, N. M. iMto au Kurons Dentists 0 -sSrsNysBT, II It. J. Kit A FT. Dr-ntal Snntrry. Itoums 1 and 1. Harnett Hldg. Over O'ltielly irug more. (Appointments made by mall.) Plume 1 11. I". tZ. Ilt.l.l. II. II. H. (liant Hulliiing. APni.iier'iie - - New Me Ice Ofice Houra' to tl and 1 to I. Phone S17. Attorneys MM MS A MMMS lyra. IT-ld llaroctt Itlilg. AlbiHiH'riiio. Architects. l:l. SOX II. SOIllllH An-lilleit. Irathal ami l' l Hale WrH. H'MiriM SI anil 2:1. V lilting Hnlldlng. Tclcplione HIHX MONEY TO LOAN. MONF.Y TO LOAN on aalarloa. hoiiaohold goo.ln rnd livealock with out removal. Note hough! and aold. I'nlon Umn Co., room 11, over First National hank. Phone llil. Poultry. CIHiWN FCItNI'l TIIK Itepalrlng und parking, cabinet making, up holalerlng, retlulahinx. mnttrea mak ing, rug allng. All Hoik guaran teed. A. It. (oin lii and li. K. (iiaa, 117 South Third. Phono C.M. fsfr seooooooj.wev om f.i:Mlt H H. ; Mill! I. I.I.IHlltN llHV lilltk-S. Jl Pi ll urn. Have Khipped Keveral Iho. la. in. I to aatiatieil cuaioimr. Mome have or dered three tlmea. tiKNTIM 'H IHM LTHY HANtll Allmiiiiriin, X. M. TAILOR IKMIF PAINT. WANTED Kvery home owner to ue Krln Carbon roof pilot, top leak, lual I yeara. Ixvoo ready paint, I gal rovcta BOO aq. feet. Tim. V. k'elehtr. 4H Weat CVntml. FOR RENT Rooms. Foil ItKNT--tine modern fiirniahed room for Bleeping. Apt ly 117 A. Kroadway. Foil ItKNT Two modern fuinlnhed rooma for light houackc. plug. Ap ply 617 8. Hroadway. tiik imow.Miv n kn;:ii 224 Houth Fourth HI. phone 741. All Work (luaranteed. BUSINESS CHANCES I'lUKoNH pay dollara where chickens pay renla. ainall capllal neodiid; am. ill space requlri'd ; alway penneit up; re.oly im.ikela; send for May h Bun of our Journal; fully explaine't there: ini.'e ten cent Itellabli. Squall Journal, Veiamllea. Mo. TO SMALL INVESTORS I we can allow you how our money works for Yon inti-n. of the Hank. 1 Tkaii. t) r1,. Ki IVntrwl Ao. Foil ItKNT Two beautiful i-ooma tor light hmia.-k" eplng, ali-.-.iig ...r h. and all modern cuiivi nlemea AppIV 3 HI North A mo. LOST. Lost Two hluek inure poulea. Call lill J Howard. LOST Indian belt or leather and ail. er; reward . Itetlltn to Mia Claude Albright. 121 X. Third Blacksmiths. fl HO nrTCIIINHoN. Ill Wtit Ix-sd. Four Shoes. 11.00. Boarding1 Houses -seSeaBrwsa4s4ss m NOT1CM IF SI 11. No. 77. In the iHatrlct Court, I'ouuiy ot let - liallllo. Stale of New Mexico. Shell). 111 U. while. Plaintiff, vs. Lillian II. White, liefcndJiit. To the above named defendant: You are hereby notified that a anil haa been filed ugalnal yo 1 In the .il"l court and cutitity hy the .iUr named pliilniltT. In which tho aanl plainMlt pray for an divorce on the grounda of deaeriion Hnd mtnl. And you are funher not ill id that unleaa you enter or cauae to be entered four appearance In ald caii.te on or before the Imti day of July A. D. 19 14. a do. ree pro confi aaao w ill e taken against you and I lie relief prayed for will he granted. The nm of the plaintiff aiti.rn.-v I Frank Aikerm.m, whoee poet oitlio addreav la Albiiquerituti, New Mexico. A. K. WALK Kit, Clerk of tho UlalrUt t'.iu'l Hy Tlloi4 K. 1 1. M AHKISl IN, Deputy. Free Lots; See Moore Co.'s Ad. XOTH K III' ItlSPMM TH. Notice la hereby ghen that the in parlnerhli of W. II. Smith and Hob ert A. Walkup. known a the Coitb-1.1 firy Cleaning Co., ha been dliuiolied ly mutual convent, tl. K Miller ha purchased th Inure! i.f V II smt'h and the new firm will pay all mil and (licit all debt due Iho compan.v. W. 11 Smith rotlrra from the firm. W. H. HM1TH. JtOhKKT A. WAI.KCP. TIIK CiiTTAiiK INN. Iljn Norm Second aired; Helllo i....e. Pr... Home cooking a apeililiv. Pleaaanl rooma with sleeping pop hoa. Kvery thing modern and lota of ali.i le WANTED - TO BUT. WAXTKIi To liu-y, sell or exchange second-hand furniture. iii Weal Silver Ave. Phone 1068. Herald want. I linea 1 tiinea 3 dunce. SANTA FE TIME TABLE 1 en The HERALD Want Ads get the best results. F.ffoctlve December 7. 1U ' Weatbound No. Clna. Arrive. Depart I Cat Limited ,.,.11 Mi It ka 1 f'al. Kip re a .... 7 Oip 1:lnp 7 Cat. Kxpreaa ....10 I0u II P I C.I. Faat Mall 1 1 40p l 4a (Thureday only: It le Luge T.lOa I 00s FnailMiuiul IS Overland Kxpreas 7;a I a 1 Kaatern Kxprraa . 1 Up 1 4p 4 Chicago I.lmlt.d . 4ilp 7 9p I K C. at Chi. Fx.. 1::tp I Op tWednesdsy only: it (De I-uie S lD :0p laouililNiun.l 101 Fl Paso A Meg F 11 la 111 Kl Peso Paaeenger 111 Pecos Vslley H . I;l K orth htHM od lit From Msg Kl P 7:1" 111 From Bl Psse ;St ' SIS Ft-si Peco Val ley sad Cut-oS. t:4tp P. 7. 701I5S07, lzt 4 ,7 K t-rc.