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XIORT. THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N, M SATURDAY. JUNE 20, 1914. Crescent Hardware Co. j; STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNEES AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam F?myi 318 West Central .venue ' PHONE 315 BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & TESTERS, BINDERS, STATIOIJEBS. I 208-210 West Gold Avenue STRONG'S LIVERY FIRST CLASS RIGS AND SADDLE HORSES :i s. M-:mi kt. C. T. FRENCH I IM II XI. HI It I (I I III I mhii.mkic. jnl Al-taiil. I'lflU mid Central. I'tinne IMy ami Micl. SIIO. Expert Hair Work. Combing made Into switches, tiaimforinationa, puffs, c ur l, etc.; switches ri J. mum. m. ri hkn Martnello Minp. I'hnne til. II b. 41 h St II. MiNMII, M. I.. I. (. (Iaiiatlilc hiei ImIIhI. I treat all curable diHeiiHcs. OMire tern lll.lx. t'hnno ti ami Jli DUKE CITY CLEANERS Wei clean liata, uien'a anil ner-n fiiHIihiK, man, riirtalna. ilra-rb-. Hr, 220 Meat (.old, llione 4tn. Promptness Oar Motto FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE V. A. lil(AMK l'rp. fh'ln agents tor fan rmtrw I, line and Ctiari owl. OtiLoMovwii .irdi-r promptly filled. KurnMicI Ituoim by wick or uiuiilb n car Una. Immm 03. IOIV N. IUUIVAV. A 25o TOOTH BRUSH FREE With a bottle of Williams Tooth Tovvder WHLIAMS DRUG CC. 307 We.t Central Phone 789 CARNES Oplomclrist I ter H 1. 1 ll .1.1' , I Hill In iil-i " ' 1 1 " ' "t ,11 .1 III II, ill I it I ki i;k. IOIIIC nn.l Hilt I'lnli I.I !.!, in h iiilw r illial Ni'iil. "i i in:, in . 1 1 Ainu- NOTICE MY CONTRACTING BUSINESS ' I'lir-rpla i,f Int-i.l! unit oiiIhmI,. paint p.ipir Iiii,:1h, i.niinii, dc-nril-'UK. lelief wmk, Willi I. in n di'iilju. Wall Paper. Paint and Painters' Supplies. A. CHAUVIN klitfe flMMif Ut. It.--. I'linnu 3H. Ill South liar J M. I IcM liapiiM. I'miii-r of troail.. mid l.e,,d. I ir. I' V Longfellow, pa. tor. Kunda . ll H a. m . l'r.if I. V. I'rke, auperiiilendcnt hlle hrcieiary Itev. K H. AIM 1 will pieui'h al I I a. in. and X p in There will ) liuptiem al lha eiening ri i. e. Young I'enple'a meeting at 7 p. Ill eimngrra aa aell rraioeol are cordially invited In ail of Ihe rv- Ua. ANDERSON Phons 410 1 of Cheap Soda DON'T Let your children drink something you will not drink yourself. It costs money to make good goods. We have no cheap feoods to offer. Insist on Sodas and Mineral Water bottled by The Coyote Springs Mineral Water Co. Our Motto Is "We Makt Pop Not Slop." We are 1 he Coyote Co. F. II. PERRY, Mgr. Phone 727 323 NORTH FIRST ST. Butt: s Says: our prices are right because we do most of our buying with 7,000 leading drug stores of Amer ica We both lose money if you don't trade here. BUTTS Incorporated The Rexall Store NEW CRANKSHAFT FOR AUTO ENGINE RECEIVED A hew i runkuhali f ,r ihe aulnmn liile Itie ingine win. Ii woa put nut 'if i ni i m i win ii m ilu;a ago by the llll of tin khuft, mi receiied by tallica Ii.. in lbv fatloiy M( Klmlra. N. Y, tnda. An rxix-ri In pul the kliali In la expected inday or tumor ro. If Ibliigx go nahl, the engine will le hack In coinmilun eily iicxl week. The fiiemen hai been takinn idvaniag i f Ihe ! lime a tempnr.irv letirrment In pii k It m pieiea and niaiuiuia all lh parla. BEWARE CRYSTAL TODAY (Al l. I ll I M I'M Tl III) r i tih: mi i ki. mi. nr Xtlvami' Miuwliig nl I venm I.iihiin mihI Wrap froin Carta. Till: I I. HI II ItlttrTIII If ami . To-ri l Urania. Tin. imi rit(M smi.ii;v Itfiirraph I uninly, 1'iir Tottm rm "M or thu TiiK.sTiir-:" I tutoring Mli r Jn Maliite 3. aii; l Mm al Mailt llcgln IM.V THE AIRDOME 300 North Second Street w h i. TONIGHT FIRST SHOW AT 8 O'CLOCK Last Show Begins at 9:45 o'Clock LICENSED PICTURES TRY SPRINGER And Get Good Service The Weather Koltfci'AST. Tonight anil Hun iliiv fnir In anulh imrtiiin, Kinrr ally Itiiiily In imrih initiun: lrnlHly I'miiu iim In iinilh niKl imrtlnn t liia alirrnnnn nr tA IIIKllt. l.ot'AI. wiMihtr rr.oril fur hiiiirn i nilniK it S o't lot k tlua iiinriilna M II X 1 Ml II Ml. HI). .Minimum. 63. ItllllK)', I Al S u'cloi k, 77. uiithwvMt winilif. i.illy rlmiily. TIIIM.S Tl WllltltY Allltl T In Kranii1 Ihp gnvprnnirni r'i'i'-btiiM-j a llxcil k' i -iiIhkv nf I lie amount i xin nilid hy Hit' l.iliir uiiioiih for the aui'iMirt of the un i'miiyi'd. Culm la apPiiiliiiK f I .anii.HiO in oiixiriii tlnii 1. mill hoiiKi a tm Morkmi'n, ( owl Iti.'.O e.irh. Tlf workf.rn oiili t,-oin ounrrii ('' I'n m n n u mm II iiiiinthlv rrni. Th' S.iriu.i (imt Cnn.nli.iii hivb Ihul "ThomnH Culhnii. ol tin- hrt i oiit-i HKinn of i.l.lilulph ionfhii. who l :'4 yi'.im oi. lot lu.i inn in,' ii til l.ikinK inUMic linni' ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO ai'BMCIUMKM if you fall to et your aveolof paper, call POi-TAI. TKLKUItAPH COM f. NT, rilONE it. Iti fri tilling pineapple ahi l in t. Ket'e ( a ri it y Htorc. ii.. r. Ion tiuHH, holt of llcv. John II loin, i planning to lcae ehorlly on a re, otiiiaiKeani e trip dire, led by the lulled Mnt"K I'lirnl cnie. Kor xpeilal ineaaciigora, phuiia IUI. If vnu mint the vei licnt milk rhcrln l nr Ihe pmeat nf i. e . ii iiinx, telephone r.u7, I.uuilon'a. niui ntir i. liter will be pmuiptly fllb-il. Mr and Mm K. I. Huge. Mr I" IK Mi i iiiiiia, ri.uiKhier Militant, and Mix kill hcime Kilclnr apenl n,ln In Ihe Klaiii'ia cutiiiliy, inutnilliK through the Tijeraa lan.t .ll Kor baugaga tranxftr. phone 4UI. Jaik Kianklin, of the I" K. Mi l uiilia I'lll.e f"lie, and Ail J .Mm gall, nf hi. ph. Mn . tll.i 1 hela MHiiing Ilia linther. Arthur MnrgHii. a Iui-mI iicWBpupcr man. Icne lumnr r..w fur u weekk aiiti..ii In Hear canyon. Krank e't'itn. mn nf Mr. and Mra. Kdward piix. returned lut night frmn New Ymk Ctl, where he at tended Ciilumliia nnhcr-il during the laid year, taking a maaler of ki'leine degree Mr Spit. U a grad uaie nf I' N. M. While at Culuinlna he dmliiiKuiahed hliimelf in aiadennc mk and paitnipated pmiuiuciitly In older cullegiate a'lultnn. Atiuiiicy Klfcgn returned to day from Koiorro. where he auv- BILL'S SHOP ( I.KAM II1 AMI l'KKKKlt)4 Wa are not here today and gone tomorrow. Wa hava no aullc iluia nut. Tclephou un and yuu will get prompt aervlc. Ill K Hud. M. I'lMHte 4U. Airdome Tonight j and Pastime Matinee 2:30 "AT III' KXI'KNSK" l.uliln. HHI .iTIVK KII.I.V lBlie Tvmi-HwI I'ralure. I I TK IN OIH M MltKKS' s. ami A. t nmedy. must siii iw I.AHT Ml AT n IITMK K I'l.lNH AT t orr.N These Men's Clothes are Optimists' Clothes Speaking of blues, we wish to call particular at tention to our Spring showing of Stein-Block blue serge suits. Coats full lined or skeleton lined. Price range $16.50 to $30. Colors fully war ranted. Browns and Greys and mixtures in abundance. Come and see. Ten to one you'll become an optimist if you aren't one now! Mail Orders Delivered Free E. L. Vashburn Company cenxiul In having a July return a ci ill. I of not guilty In the caae of the "t.ite aHain.Hi Kloreni In Hill. haiKed with Ihe murder of laai tiallcgna In 'an Manial ninre than a ear agu. Mi defi'iidvd hiw client on the aelf defi nmj theoiy and i mn iimwI the Jury that Hill Hh"t Cnlllegoa In nrder In a" hi on I fe. Mr Kierilt Itrown and wife of Aim. .lea are here xiKiting Mra. Hinan'a purenta. Mr. and Mm. K. It III oh ii, of 701 Wet I nal avenue. All .lu mber of Mineral lodgi. ?;. t, Khii'.bla of I'.. Ihiak. are r,..UeliMl lu met at the Ci'lle hull linnnrruw ut In in.. .n at J.:iO lor the annual mem orial M-rvice. All v null -in nicmbe." mi.. I filend of Ihe ordi"- are lnit-d in iilliml tin i.e acrvlcea Hlnrh w ill lie I'i'M in lh hull al IK went Hold ave nue. REMEMBER THAT SUMMER HAS JUST BEGUN It I well In renumber lhat auiu in ei baa Juki begun: that there ic inaiu innre Ihaii tnn muiilha nf the h( weuther and thai aummer guHtm i a ii neter b ttuiie numerous anuugb t.i meet all demands un the ward i"i.e Whether uu are kiu)lng at li .ii.e i. going In the kraahurv, an ad. ill:..iial guwu nr wu, at real bl gain price, (annul come in amis. We bnunht a large tmk of very iiea.iiiful kuiiiiuer guana fur after- ."ii nd evening wear Ihia year Tin y ure ex'iuinie creations; lha very beat and inuet pupular modes, of ex i eilent maleiial and well made. Our hiHt pru ing wera ieinaltl ; but e find we are overstocked and be ginning Monnay will aell tha enlira imk al lea than actual rot to us We I ll II vnu to see theae guwtis and cniniare Ihe price we have ina.le. If nu a ill do this we w ill ba sat ml led, fur ) nu III buy. The with our prices, ar Irresist ible. THK A UT "linn, 111 West Central. ft. t,. Moor. Attornar, Oomwall Bid... it 2nd 81. fboa tit. l.ot anything' Let a Herald waul sd find It fur nu. Ilaratl phvulis recl. Weaken the In. ale, will lead lo chronic const i pa in. n Itoan'a Itegulets uperata easily. c a bug at all stores. The HERALD Want Ads get the best results. . 3 PILL ROLLERS GREAT TIME AT B. Ruppe Returns from El Paso with Glowing Account of Warm Hospitality Ex tended to Druggists. II. Ituii-. tlic-KHlv (torn lha Ni Mi'iliii rii'irmiu ruiH al hiwim lall'm anil tni'inliiT ol tho N-w Melin lioHid of iilmrinai . returned lat ii IK Ii t from Kl 1'imo. where he hiia licon mundlin Ihe Texaa (IruKKlitK ciinvvntlon. "1 had the Rreatect lime of my life at the convention, and ao did rviryone cine who intended." anld Mr Ituppn lodiiy. "Thone Kl I'lmo lieople i-ertalnly denerva the hlwhent praim- ii nd riedli for I hi. hr.inil of hiMiitullly rxtended In Ilia Utltoia." The huBlm-M aeMlona were held on Tiieridiiy hmiI Uni-i.ilMy mornliiK at the ChmiiliiT of I'ominerre. Mr. i KuMe wild, and the afti-moona and nlshta were given over In Joy milk ing. Tuendiiy afternoon the vlattor weer taken over In Junrrx. where they Ini-piM led ihe ienllenllHry and other hiiildinaa of IntertHt, after whli'h they were uenta at a hull fight Three bulla wera killed and hy the time the hint lilooily innM ' wm drugged rntuy the druggmt linHlilliioiialv aareed Ihul their nielli oda were fur let painful and not I neurl) h brutal. In the evening n ralmret parly wan held on the r.Mif i garden of the Unlet dd Nolle. MuhIi' and moving pli tuiee formed the pro arum. foll,iwid bv n ilanre. i'n Wednemliiy afternoon fifty au-J tomolnlea carried Ihe ilailor down the valley, ehowlnf them Ihe parks, ' the remctery and Ihe oetrnh larin. 1 The convention waa cloned with a , lance at Ihe llntfl del Norte and n, tli'O pine awarded In the heat Inn- . gnlat Mr. Itnppe denle having pur. tlcipatefl in Ihe tangn (mala. A trip in Cinudcrofl featured th TlmrHdii) program. The Traveling Men n amclalin rn-oierated with the i:i I'aau drug glala Htid niui h credit la due them 1 for the great aucreaa (lf the conven tion. Mr. Kuppe aald. I Mr. Iluppe delivered aeveralj epeecnea anil aanreaaea al Ino con vention and brought do n Ihe Iioiim' when. In clnaing one of hia addretwcH. j ne pri...en mat al Ihe next wmmi nf the New Mexico legielnlure a bill lie paaaed annexing Kl I'.imi in New Mexico and making It the capital of the alute. Mr. ICuppe apoke In Ihe hlgheat term of the Kl I'ami drngglata and eald I hut a clone and cordial feeling exiated between them and the nnen ber of New Mrxicn. In addition to Mr Ruppe the New Mexlio delegatiiip rnnaieted of MeMirn. Warren of Alamogordo. Cn- man frnm Tiilurnaa. Morenn of Criicea. and II (i. Iyne of Alhuiuer-1 que. ALBUQUERQUE JUST M '".limited from -ae Tu.) will do with the lund. That it inav ! nu. re readily located. It lies I 'i mile northwest nf the Jones road hoiiHe. which all mean Uaveler know Tbioogh II runs the line of! Ihe AlliiuiueriUn Kastern grade, now i completed, and which undoubtedly' win oe in operation in-tora many inunthn hate .aimed With a ready developed water supply, this I nut III lime la certain In lei nine l emir mniia value aa a public plagruund, liMuled aa it 1 aithln twenty min utes of Central viii it, by aiidiinoliile or train. AM'THKH t1M ( II. MK:iim; m-(siiv Annther seslin of the city cnun 'il will h reiiiired lo clnse tht. pun hae ut Ihe mesa tract frmn Ihe guvrrn-j nient. It waa learned today Ibai whll,. ' Ihe council aulhurlired the purchane of the tract at Ut Tuenda H meetnn, it failed lu provide fur drawing a warrant fur Ihe lt)(i neiessaty to .-' cure Ihe aovernmenl naient. I It waa Ihuughi at the time all fnrnialitlea had been attended to (ha passage of the reaoluiiun pjt through, but Councilman Kihcci. chairman of the llnani e rom.nltt ., slated today that the resolution did not give him authority to sign a war-1 rani. A apeciul meeting would 'ie neeeaaary to straighten mailer uut.l he said. Mr. Mi heir added thai he ihnugbt it would ba well for council In see If there arts not aolne way nf i wiuilng an extension of lime frmn the government before a ppi upi iiik Ihe money. Mr. H. heer Is nut upp... ed to the purchase of Ihe tract, out the iiiy a an hard prsed for tasn al the present time lhat he thinks it would be well In delay the purchaae until sm h time as the city ran better afford (he expenditure, if it be al ill possible lu get an extension nf time. It la not expected lhat Mr. Mi her lll vnt against attending the mnn'-y nuw If it Is shown that the city must proceed under lha special act nf con gress governing the sale within Ine lime sel. bul he will urge thai e-cry effort In secure an extenxlon of lln;-. ba exhausted before tha cash Is hunt ed over. As Ihe notice rm-elved from tha land tittle, ia undeiatond. the city hag 14 daya left in which to act under the government' offer. Ailing City Attorney rioliert H. Crefta will communicate with Ihe land ittlce al Mania K and report In roun. ell at a special meeting Just what t'm illy can or cannot do if It wishes In seiui Ihe (la acres. Will Walaon, of Arnot Co, hrnkera. haa resigned lo become cash, ler of lh UuMHiilil Htal IJI Ins H am e coniany s (tat ofti her. Tne i hang will lake place July I. Herald want, dime. S lines J times -1 corivEiiTiori I I fo)tfplAfl I ) 1 For -.-- I SATURDAY AMP MOIIDAY PILLOW SLIPS Worth 25c Each SATURDAY AND MONDAY 15 cents SHEETS Size 00x103 Worth $1.50 SATURDAY AND MONDAY 90 cents Ready-Made Table Cloths Worth $1.50 Each SATURDAY AND MONDAY 75 cents A Good Size Hemstitched Linen Towel Worth G5 and 75c. SATURDAY AND MONDAY 35 cents I All the above prices are cash only. I T1HTTN MOTDFI . ' m m ill ri"v rrm o rr n A-rjiv a vjiw vyxvj v. ) 1 A. D. CAMPBELL, Mgr. Cor. 4th and Central. 1 i" ' I WPP.V. ik i 1 1 ftelferi I It shaMbeonevero tame. 1 C5t- I. a Try Oar New Beer Southwestern Rrewery & Ice Co. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., FROM LUCCA, ITALY When purchasing Olive Oil why not buy the purest am best. The LUCCA ITALY trade mark, Gradi and Do in enici is positively the brand you will always want ii once tried. Ask your dealer for Gradi and Domenic brand. IC01ICEI I KLL! We are Going to Give Away a few 50-ft Lots NO GAMBLING YOU GET See P. 0. BROWN, Sales Agent with John T.I. Moore Realty Co. ; K Phone 10 214 West Gold Ave. ( 1- mm THE LOTS NO CHANCE