OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1914-1922, June 23, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070582/1914-06-23/ed-1/seq-1/

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Start With the Bunch on the Trail of Greater Albuquerque at the Commercial Club Tonight.
Qifl , a Ax
Off while working
with a Herald elec
trio iron. Phonn
168 about it.
Sec mi J udg Burg also ha
viewi about Republican
Congressional candidate!
Vol. !. No, .
tub tvpfpco nnuMi
VOU 4, M. ft.
iVjjiy vvh vw
coiiMissmrj wm hgbizoh ahother crisis in i wf n n a nn a k f r receivers NMD!ftSci"MlEiiinRc
Decision Yesterday by United
States Supreme Court Inter
preted to Mean Much Power
for Government.
Trans-Continental Railways
will Simply Proceed to do
Hauling; Interstate Com
merce Board to Arrange
Price Schedules.
IR I -ease. I Wire l
venlnf Herald. 1
4 Washington. June a vmn
tlii- supreme cmirfu decision
sustaining Ihe Interstate com-
nierce commission's Intermotin-
linn rnli orders the way I"
opened fur ehipicra to recover
sum estimated im great a $l'.
Ililii lKKl from llllonil.- which
Iihvc been barging the old rales
while lh inH wsa being lought
through Ihe court. Ilepara-
lion, If any. and the am unit will
have l decided by I he coin-
mission In H separate a -Hon.
Washington. June. 2J. That lh
'distribution throughout the country
if the benefits of ihe Panama ennui
will rml wlili the Interstate com
merce roinmiwlun and not with ths
transcontinental railways la one of
the conolualmv eekna drawn today
' from the aitpiciiie court's decision in
lha Inlet mountain rata caae. In
whl'h. ntler nearly I wo yeara of ron
alderalbm the court upheld the or
tin a of the commission liy unanimous
It Im a been generally ilaimed thiil
lha Panama iiiiml would reduce
freight rale from Allaiilio seaboard
no una in Pacific muni 1 It n-4 and vice
versa, hut the questions of to h.it
extent the rallicart iniKlit allow In
terior points lo share in lhi benefit
were in dispute. The decision of the
ronrl t that the t ninmtnaion a III an
rrr I hour problem and the rail
raw will simply proceed lu haul the
Mil Till-UN I'At IITf Tit ITU'
MUMTOIt .lr Ills II WS
New York, Jim 21 U J. rnenee
director of t rattle of the Motithern
I'aciln eompany Imui-iI a atHlement
here today relative to tun dm ll"n
handed down yerterriay ty the au
pretne eottri In what la popularly
known aa the Intermotintaln cane
"The Immediate efferj of the deel
alon," an) a the aialentent. "la largely
within Ho, control of the carrier,
becatia the t-othiiilxaion 'a eeeted
to rivogniiii the propriety of the
tranacontiiientiil line aijiaociiig Ihe
ratea tn I'm it u cnnt lerminala.
which are leaa than reiuionabie. w her
ever they deeire to do ao to a ban mi
that will preatrve the ratea lo Inter
mediate point, the majority of whU'h
have been pre, rileil or found un
reaaonable by Ihe onintlaeioii.
"Tha unfavorable feature of the
derlalon la In Ihe aerloua reatnetion
Which It pula on the trana-nl mental
Itnea In their future effort! to meet
w-a competition hlch tn the near
future promtae to become mora
a tile than It ha ever been by re
quiring them to cliooae lietween milk
ing ratea to I'acllic roaat terminal
In retain btialtieea agnlnat the compe
tition of Ihe va anil reducing rata
to intermediate (lentinattuna to con
form to ihe precrlhed formula of
the eommlaalon, or atMitaiiitng from
making ratea to hold bnalnaaa again!
Ihe rompetiilon of the aea and there
by aiirrendering a volume of tin file
In which they niiKht hate olherwfe
continued lo participate with a ineaa
ura of profit "
(lit I-eaard Wire) l i;enlnf Herald 1
luuiver. June S3 The proapecta
for an early annoumement of lha
f indulge of tha court martial ' which
tried :l officer and men of tha fulo
lado national guard on charge of
araon, murder, maualaiighter and
larceny, growing nut of the battle
at Ludlow April :u between the
militia and atrtklng coal miner went
glimmering today.
Adjutant Ucneral John Chaaa an
nounced that he would not he able
to anbmlt Ihe caaea to llovernnr K.
M. Animona until lute today or to
morrow. The governor alated I
Mobably would lake him aevetal da
lo review tha verdict ami until this
waa dona ha would maka no an
noum anient.
Hope for Ultimate Success of
Peace Conference Felt in Ad
Circlet in
Arrangements Go Forward at
Niagara for Meeting Be
tween Huerta and Carranza
OlMtdal IHspaUh to The Herald).
Washington. June 22. No furmul
answer to the invltalmn ly Iho Amer-
van peace commissioners at Nlagari
Kalla to constitutionalist agents lor
an InforntHl conference over Mcxicnn
Iphi iniii la nin'tlad In be rnrtde
until toBjidentlHl aRpnia of (ipncral
Carranaa rearh auhlnglon lata to
day or tomorrow.
Fernando liilexlna Cald.ri n, All-
ledo llretcda and lA'opoldo lluprtadv
Kainomi ar en routo with aiieilnl
Inatrucllona from the cunatitutlonallat
chief. In official quarter today it
waa declared by one IiIkIi In authority
lha( h MW "ahaolutelV no ilouila
now on the mediation horizon." In
adminlatmtlon Irelea the hope for
ultimata auceeaa of lh peat o cnnler-
en waa tor.vldeied more iromUln
It waa euhlnet day and aa the prea-
Ident'a advlaer gathered there wera
aeternl Informal eonfereniea. None
would diai uea the alt until. n for ul
luation. hut It waa evident that all
wera encouraged. That the In vita
liona would oa aneuted waa not
.ltll. man iik.hm:i
kk4'uii:nt.tion', in iii mor
New urleana, June II. tienerai
Carranaa will not accept tha Invita
tion nf the fnlted Hiafe government
to aend repreaentat Ivea to meet In
formally agenta of Huerta in any an-
eavor lo aelort a provisional presi
dent of Mexico, acrurding to a state
ment here today by Alfredo Rrercda,
privato aecretary of (Icier a I t'arran-
ra. and a member of the latent com-
miaaion Carranaa I aending to Wain-
'Carratica la firm in hla attitude
that ho will not trent with Huerta,
except on the battlefield," llretedt
id "W. ale on a very Important
intaslon to wafhlngton, where we
a n not talk, bin It la not to meet with
repreaentativra of Huciia. formally or
That the commlxaioneri Intended to
la fully informed of tne aituatlon tn
Waahlngton and Niagara F'alla wta
indicated by Ihe arrival today direct
from Waahlngton of J. K. l"r. ulrtl.
secretary nf the ronatltutlonallal
repreaentatlvpa III Washington and
a ho dellveied the Carrunxa note to
lha mediation coiilerence at Ninaara
Kail. l'riul.ll auid he waa in New
urleana on another inwwn and
would leave probably tomorrow, but
for what place he would not . If
he had a message for the eoniinlaaloll
era he did nit make II public.
Iteatdee llreceda. the delegation la
composed of Fernando Igleaiaa Cab
deron. a leader of the liberal party
and K. K. VllUvlceiielo. 1 'aider on
waa emphatic today In hi declaration
that he would not repreaent Carranxa
In any negotiation lha: ha might en
ter either at Washington or Niagara
Km I la. Hla traveling companion,
however, atated that Calderon might
act a go-net ween for the cnntitu
tlonallata in whatever negotiation he
might be a party lo.
Niagara Kail. June il. Mediator,
American and Huerta delegate wera
occupied today In making arrange
menu for the Informal conference
lietween representative of tienerai
Carranxa and tienerai Huerta it
which It la hoped an agreement will
be reached on lh Individual who ll
to be prnviatonal president of Wei
ll o. Iielaila were ait ill lacking and
depended on the traveling arrange
ment "I the constitutionalist auie
galea w ho are en route here.
tin the delegalea or two Mexican
(action themselves will rest th0 bur
den of aelecttng the man of tha hour
a task which deadlocked the media
lion conference and nearly disrupted
It last week.
In the Informal conference all In
ternal question will be dlai uaaed. tha
counsel or tha American delcgataa
and mediator being given when
tin International auhjeil the me
dial ion board will continue Ha eon
lerettcea Tha result of the two acta
of negotiation It la hoprt ultimately
will be Incorporated Into a pact el -feeling
a cessation of hoalllittea and
opening the way lo a complete rcslor.
at ion of peace.
The fact that Ihe two warring fau-
llona are lo be brought together 10
discus personnel for the new prnvia
tonal government lia encouraged the
mediation colony generally to hop
for a aetilament. There are many,
however, who ar no mora ear ul:i
Amendment is Offered Provid
ing for Vote in Ulster Coun
' ty; Situation Unparalleled
in Parliament.
(liy 1-eaacH Wire lo F.enliig Herald )
ixmdon. June :i The trial in
connection with the grant in of home
rule to Ireland entered another stage
today when tha Mnnjuia of Crewe,
l.llieral leader In the house 'if lord.
Introduced o bill to amend the Irish
home rule bill.
The terms of lite amending bill are
Identical with thoae offered on Mann
by Premier Asipiith and contempt
uously refused by fir Kdward Carson,
the Irish I'nlonlwl leader, who de
scribed I lie premier's propositi as a
"h procrltlcal sham."
Ily Ihe new bill parliamentary
electors of each tunny in I'laler arc
to bp allowed to decide bv Vote when
Ihe county shall be excluded from Ihe
provisiotiH of the home rule bill for
a period of six eara from the tlrat
meeting of the new Irish parliament
The situation ha never been par
alleled In parliamentary procedure In
Ihe llritish Isles. Never before bus
a bill been presented to parliament
to amend a measure not ei on the
atalute hook. This as, however, the
only mean of overcoming Ihe dead
lock, aa the house of lorda refuaed
lo consider Ihe main bill until the
full proposal- of the government
wete before II.
Tl IY. JI NK 31.
riralee, I;
Pittsburgh . . noo
IbNlgiT-e, it.
OHO 010 1
nil OHl 3
tUoi.klyu ...,2tu
Itucker and
ami (iilnon
T; l'lillk,
H K.
St. until
ins oon oi ;
l te noo 03 3
U it
11 4
I'hlladelphla .
Itatterlea: llagertnan. Steele and
Ktiyder; ttlxey, Jacob and Killifer.
laiNvitk-. 3; Milwaukee. I
Klrat (tame: It.
rr K.
7 11
I.otiiHvdle ....Oiid 111111 (1:1 a n
Milwaukee ...blMI VI 1 4
Itatterlea: Northrop and demons.
Dougherty and Hughes
First tlame:
1; lliin'nHdM. A.
It. II
Cleveland . . .
, on oin (1.10 4
1 on linn tox u
7 1
2 Z
Minneapolis . .
and b'liiith.
link and Ib-xogt,
17; M. I'aul. 0.
It. II. r.
Flrat garni .
Columluis ... 724
Kt. Haul 000
Hal lilies Cook
nil 01017 il t
noil tiO'i it n 1
11111I Hinlth. Hob-
rtaon. Hall, ilourdmati and lilenli.
UiMidn, 1; Wichita
("list game:
noo 1
Wichita I ' "
I. Inc. ,li 010 030
Itatterlea: I'lcmuna
Cooper and Hupp.
and Jones,
l'ta4MHlull Italtt.
Ilrooklyn-lndianapolla, first 1
called off; rain.
Ittl.tHirgli, 1;
I'ai kers .1.
Pittsburgh ...0110
Kansas City.. 021
100 010
too i) ix
Adam anil
lluffalo, 4; lMc4t
II. K.
S i
IPlffalo ,.
.000 110 021 4
.00(1 IMlU 10t i
And"! son. Kurd.
Chicago . .
vigne and Ulaiii
and Wilton.
Wat eon, lli-liditx
InrliKttiNi, I; Valo tt.
Princeton . .
and Hunter.
H K.
4 :
3 1
,11101 inn noo 1
,000 000 000 0
eo and Malmon,
than before the vexed question ol
personality of Ihe government can be
Belli -d aui cef ully by diplomacy. II
la an assured fact nevertheless that
be'-vre the Informal conference be
tween constitutionalists and Huerta
delegates will be permitted tn dissolve
without agreement, th power and in
fluence of tha I'nlted Hialc govern
ment wilt he brought to oear with
renewed vigor and determination. A
eeltlamant will be Insisted on lest
4) raver consequence enaue.
HHi1u1111111111.11 rnn iiarninin
Philadelphia Merchant Prince
Interesting Witness Before
Industrial Commission;
Frankly Gives Views.
Believes Prejudice and Misun
derstanding Betwevu Capi
tal and La bur can be Elimi
nated; Advocate of 8 Hour
fBe f -cased Wire to Feeiilna Herald.)
Philadelphia, June 11. ' It's an In
sane thing not to rccoxnlx,. orgunixn
Inn of labor." said John Wanamaa
er today, in glvim further testimony
before Ihu t ' it fit ((tale commissi n
on Industrial relation. He Miade l.'tit
statement In reply to a question
whether employe should recognixe
labor union, on the general qucs
liou of unionism, Mr. Waiiumuker
aid lie twlluved labor had "suflered
frightfully" In the past because of
poor leaden, but added that he la see
ing a boiler clasa of leadership com
ing In.
Commissioner Wcl.ntock of Cali
fornia, who prealded toda, asked Ihe
witness If ho could auppiy the miss
ing link that would bung capital and
labor together.
Mr. Waiuitu ikur said; "I believe
that laoor and c-viulal Hav,. the rtiinl
to organise, tin the tine rblc, capital,
theru la responsibility and on the
other, labor, there la none. Theie you
atop. The misting ItpK I believe lo
be prejudice and niiauiideralaiidlng
whl lv iiiusi b overuoinu.
"oiin of the way to wipe out this
prejudice and misunderstanding Is to
unhitch labor union from political
ttpinki-ij of capital, Mr. Wan,i mak
er aald John 1). Itocn. f. llcr. Jr.,
made a great mis-ake when he out
rrealdonl, Wilson in the position ol
spllillng, tloop Into Coloudo.
"I iiiltjhl bp iiilstuken In i Ins,'' lie
an id, "but that I thu vi 1 feci abuui;
Contact with the clnl I' ck is a rem
edy for mm h misuttduratumting, the
witneas b.ild.
"There are labor unions which have
no other purpose than lo protect their
wages," he aaiil. "Men who spend
their time kettlug; their salaries raised
generally fall."
Commissionera Lennoli of Illinois
and '(',, mull of Wasbiiialou. who
are Ihe r. proscntulnes of the worm
men on the commission, plied Mr.
Wanamaker with many iiuestioim.
Asked whether hp waa an adocale of
the eiiilii hour day he replied:
"Klght hour or less."
on Hie iiielioli of minimum wage
for women. Ihe witness said thai aa
an experiment t hould nof be con
demned. luacuuing public onehl a a
mean to reduce Industrial strife. Mr.
Wanamuker said ho was an "aosoliile
believer" in government ownership
of public utilities. 'I believe the
goveinmint should own Ihe rail
loads.'' he said. "II would prevent
conditions that have existed in the
New linviti road and in 'he Kock Isl
and system, tiovernno ni owneramp
would bring one cent postage because
Ihu .government owned the mean for
tarrying Hie mall "
Tho wttnesa painted a ris feature
for lha workuigmaii. "Men and wom
en are in a rising market: the are
being belter educated, ha.e Hour san
itary xui loouding. and are no lunger
mat for rich men tn wipe their feet
on," he sold.
UuriiiK Hie discussion of public
ownership of utilities t oiiimissloiiei
Weinalock dropiied the remark that
tha cointoiHMon will, In drawing up
Its recoiuiiielidationa to congreea,
conalib-r Ihe wisdom ol adviH-ating
public ownership of utilities as
means of reducing atrife between thu
employers and emploes of public
Mint Miiarliitcinhnil Itceign.
Washinston, June 1 John II
Landis, superintendent of He mint
at Philadelphia, lesigneil today. He
ha filled Ihe position aime 1 -
Iraiil Hrl)e .Viwuial.
Kansas 'ity, June 11 Iialn et
lea on roads m Kansas v.n reMHtel
aa normal today and I lie lloodii wblcn
have cause I Cunsldera'de llamas
during the last week ate receding
rapidly The I'ulon I'acii i, , the Chi
cago, Itoi k Island and Pacific, the
Missouri I'acllic and the Clilc.i.o,
llurliiu-lon and fjuincy ruads report
ed Ihe resumption of usual ac bad
run flvitn un
Charles F. Wade, of Albuquer
que and George W. York, of
Cleveland, Appointed by
TjrOTTMtlTTniT nt iintpn
Corporation Unable to
Past Due Obligations, One of
Main Reasons for Present
taeeltl Dlapalek le revealaa leralg
eJania Ko, N. M., June il. Y idlnw
Ing tlie filing of a petition In the fed
eral court h't'e tmla) by the luiroll
Triisi company. JuiIko W. H pope
appointed Charles K. Wade, of Alliu-
iieriue, and tieoine W. York, ol
Cleveland, ll , recelvets for the Amei
Ican Lumber company, with mills and
head office in Al'impie riue.
Immediately following the appoint
ment of the rei.l.ers, K.. W. Iioliaon,
attorney (or Ihe lumber compui:.,
atated. in reply lo iiucHttnn, ill it
plans are ulreadt- uitdi r way for mily
rorganlxatioii of the corporation and
for resumption of i. per., lions at tile
mill arid III the Wood.
The petition filed by te Ibtroil
Trust company sei forth autoim oili
er things Ihal if had beci nie necei
ary to foreclose a tnortirage niven by
the Aincrloin Lumber company, to
secure I4.1ii.iiW0. upun which ll.'.u.O'fU
hud been paid; that the company had
delaulted in payment of oond due
in June, l'Jlt, and that taxi' on ttic
prupurly remain unpuid.
Appointment "f receiver for the
American Lumber company, which
action waa taken In Hanla Ke iodic,
has been expected In AlhiUUeriUe (or
onus day. There I every reason t
believe, however, that the corporation
will ba ri-oraaiuacil at an curly day
and thai work ut the mill here will
be resumed.
Empress of Ireland Investign
tion Develops that Adequate
Life Saving Facilities Were
(Uj la-aw-d . Iro lo r.teutiuj Herald.
guebec. June 2:1 - When Ihe K.111-
press of Ireland wipck inquiry war
resumed today, Ciiplnin Walsh, ma
rine superuiii mleiil of Ihe C, imduin
1'acilic railway, continued his lesti-
mony In regard in the numner m
boats, and life belts carried by Ihe
liner. In each Ihe number called
lor by regulations was found to have
been exceeded.
C. H HalKhl. of counsel f,,r the
owners of the 'oilier Slorstnd. which
rammed the K.mptes. questioned the
witness about the promotion system
In vogue In the Canadian Pacific rail
way marine service.
Captain Wnlsh said that the com
maud of the Kmpresa waa the high
cat position in the adv-lre.
1 1, W. Wn!herpoon "f New York,
who had chaige of Ihe diving ..pera
tiona ut the wreck. descrilH-d the
trips made lo the vessel by Ldward
Cossboon, who a.l'lcrwards was in
jured durum bis work and died.
He said Hie diver bad established
that the Kmprcs was Ivlng on her
stui board side with her bows point
ing lo the northeast.
laird Mersey, chairman of the
commission, asked what this cvt
dene" was imcmlcd to show.
Alt. HaiKbt: 'It eai.ildishe my
lord, that the vessel us she lies if
IHilntnig 10, Hh 4" degrees east This
I praitiisllv the .mgle on which we
say she was loading when the Hor
stad hit her "
lit leasee) Wtre n rtefong Meeald '
Mexico City. June :i. Urt-vaiio
Alcarex. the Kilipluo aelvalit of Cap
lain lluh of the battleship Florida,
who tinned up here yesterday, e't
today lor Vera Crux He waa accom-
Hiin d by a icpn einallve of Hie
l:issallsll letatioii who will
him lo Has Amcroaii authoiities.
The Filipino waa urr.sted by Ihe
Mexu an Iroopa near ci,i Crux aome
weeks ago and charged with oetng a
spy. He waa reUss.il. but did no
know that hi dlsappearanie had been
made a diplomatic liuldenl.
Eduardo F. Hay, Civil Engin
eer, and Hero of Madero
Revolution, Likely to be
Honored by Mexican Leader
(ll? Ix-ased Wire tn r.Teeing Merahl I
Ki I'aso Tex , June 2.1. Tha re
inovnl of Hernial Trevlno aa Car-
mnxa' chief of staff and of Vsldro
, Kaliclu, n. tliiH niitnelcr of foreign
lanons 111 the coiisiiiuiionausi
laken b
lev obit lopisis here today as
a victory for the Villa faction. Moth
il"" eild lo have been opposed to
IV1 eet , Villa s southern campaign and lu fa
vor of Ihe creation of Ihe new mili
tary Tin.- which blocked hi prog
res until Villa insisted on continu
ing his udvancp toward Mexico City
The prospective appointment of
Kduardo V. Hay is chief of staff was
hailed as agreeable to both tactions.
Hay, now chief of stuff lo tienerai
l(.l.u i. UIh.,I,... a. V.1- 1ft
the Madero revolution Ho was Ihe
beio of Ihe lli-st battle of rasas
tiratide. where he lost an eye. lailer
he was sent to Kurope by Madero
on n diplomatic mission. Hu ia u civil
engineer lind a aradniite of Ihe t'nl
tersity i t Notre Inme, Indiana.
Yslilio Knbela, a young attorney
nf Mexico City, look a "onspicuoiis
part In drafting t'arramca's note lo
the Washington gov eriinicnt and lo
Niaitnra Kails In connection with tl.e
Mexi mi mediation conference. Il
waa predicted here thai Luis ('(. -brera.
now In Washiiig'on, will suc
ceed him in the foreign lelatl.ma
Portfolio. The presence near fur-
larxa nud Cabrera would create a
dllfcrent attitude on Ihe part of tile
constitutionalist government, both I"
ternaily and Intcrnatuttiully, la the
belief of local oliscrv era.
General Funston Reports that
Man Who Disappeared From
Vera Cruz Suspected of Be
ing Unsound Mentally.
Ily I -eared Wire to TSrenlng 1 1 era Id. 1
Washington, June 2:1. llrigadier
iie-icr.il Kunsion reported today thai
til,, marine private whose disappear
ance from the American line ut Vera
Crux baa caused some alarm, bv Pri
vate 1 1.-111 rl' lis Tliobe, who lately had
ijucii under observation aa to hi men
tal condition, icttcral Kttnston made
no menu. ,n as to thu possibility of
the missing marine having been taken
pm.oiicr by Mexican federals.
tienerai Ktinslon report was sum
marised in this statement by Kecre
t.ny Harrison:
"Private Tlmhu left cump on out
p"l June u aiioul li and nil
not been seen since. Ho took his
rlflu and ammunition. Krom May ts
to I J he was 111 hospila Urn oberva
tluti ol mental condition. Some d.iyi
ago hu tbreateiieil to run uway and
return to Ihe I'nlted Statea A thor
ough search has been ni.tdn for him
and vv ill continue. '
Pennsylvania Village Threat
ened; Dynamite Used to
Check Flames; People Home
less and Hurry to Hills.
(It? teased tAYtrei to Keenlur Herald.)
Washington, lii.. June 2,--Atier
a IIIKht of terror the people of
Meadow land, a IH'le mining town
near lieie, Itiiiay r.luinecl to the
nouns they had yesterday fois.iken
when it seemed the village would be
engulfed bv toireui of biirtniiaT ml
Twenty-foul f.imilu s. rendi r d
homeU-rs by tin. lite or the dynamite
used tt. chei k '.is progress, were
lamped on tin- lulls until otticers of
the I iii id Coal companv 1 otild find
lliiiii iiioip 1 010I111 talde shelter- Hoc.
b'tn and 1 ohstabh liungl'd Willi the
1 roads 111 search ol those who had
bee nhurt in the panic last night, out
no 0 in. seiliuisly Injured was found.
Tl I 111 the tank sirio k b
HxhininK Sunday night had binned
itself out. .ill ho lit! ( Ml 111 , arts of
spot wbcle II stood,
spot win c 11 s.icd
4 Xlll'l Mil It MHI III H TO
I H.IIT -.Ol M." VIII Vll
l.ttdoii. June 2:1 It w an
noiin.eil bile tod. i that "Vounx'
I Aheai n of 1 : 1 ,.,k ; j 11 an I Ue.qges
I Cat pen) o r. Ii ai v eiulit , I'.impon ol
. Lurope, have oeen matehed to light
111 laoidon August t for a purse of
t.lii.uiMi. The money was put up by
Horatio llottomley. the Kligl-ll pub-
.Usher and financier and former lo-
jeral member of parliament.
Sub Committee Finds Evidence
Insufficient Either to Im
peach or Acquit Georgian
Accused of Miscouduct on
'Minority Report Stineine Crit
icism of Method Adopted by
Committee in Conducting
Investigation into Jurist'i
Washington, June 2J. "Th aub
committee regret Ha Inability to
either recommend a complete acquit
tal of Judge tlpeer of all culpaMUttr
ao far aa Iheae charare are concerned.
on the one hand, or an Impeachment,
on Ihe other hand."
Till wa the conclusion submitted
lo the house Judiciary committee to
day uy the epeclal sub-committee that
for months has been invest lgtin
charge of official misconduct filed
against Emory Speer of Macon, fed
eral judge ot the southern diatrlct ol
The report, after an exhaustive res
ume of evidence with severe com
ment, held that some ' of Judge.
Speer'a official actions "tend to ap
proach a condition of tyranny and
nppreaaojn," but recommend that no
further rocaaulao tvl tf Wl
The conclusion now rest with tha
full committee on judiciary which la
expected tn report them to the house
lor final disposition of tho case be
fore the adjournment of the present
session of congress.
Tha sub-committee comprise) Rep
resentatives Webb, North Carolina,
Filxhenry, Illinois, tiemm-rala, and
Volstead. Minnesota, Republican.
Mr. Volstead, In a minority report
similarly declaring that there la tP
evidence warranting Impeachment,
will attack the majority of ! un
tommlltee for criticising a Judge toe.
declare not guilty of any Impeachable
offense. Nineteen chargea were tilad
with the committee. They allege-,
among other thing, that Judge rlpeer
entertained matters beyond ht
court's Jurisdiction, allowed excessive
trustee's fees In a personal friend,
used hla official position for prefer
ment of hi son-in-law. A. H. Hay
ward. anused hi authority by domes
tie us,, of government' paid court em
ployos. t Cited law regarding drawf
lug or J . 11 id dissipated bankrupt
estate b 1 'lointlnt iinncrutaviry
flciala a ! 'Wing excessive feesi
Another ' -.1. va that in the av
of Henry im, n, a Macon negro,
J.'c'ge sipeer defied the niiindatea of
the aupreme court of the I'nlted
Htttea and the circuit court of ap
lea's. Complete exoneration of Judge
Speer waa recommended In a minority
report by Representative Volstead.
Republican, of Minnesota. Mr. Vol
stead also attacked the methuda and
tindluga of thp majority of tha aul
Moiiuiiltee. who held that the evi
i!i ni g dul not warrant impeachment.
I ibsire lo have 11 diatinctly undur.
stood thai I do nut cr ti ixe the "to
ll es of my associates, out tile pro
iiclini:, in this Invea.'Katloti have
been nuirsed ny act truelly unjiivt
and unfair.' said the report. "No
ettort wa made to prulc I Ihe Judge
,11; ui iisi mere slander and ubuse that
could serve no other purpose than to
disxtacu und humiliate hint. Kvery
enemy that twenty-nine yeara on the
bench had produced was invited and
eas'ei ly ..ii'ouiaged to detail hla griev
.iil.es and lu auppltmeiit that Wltn
..ll soils ot lnuendoe, Insinuatloiuj
and lii-AUltmg oplnicns utterly Illegal
aa uvnl. me and Inrorr Vetent for an!
piopir purpose, ll i humiliating '.o
read 1 Ins record and have to admit
t li mx l a committee of congress I re
sponsible, for this sort of cruel inlua
li-e. No iouri In any nvllixed coua
tty woubl tolerate any u- h pro e-1-lng."
To refute th harge. that Judge
riprer allowed banaruptcy astute '
be dissipated through allowance '-t
rtn-MlK altotneys' fs. Represent 1
tive Volstead pleseriu-d siattstp-a ot
the cot of administration ol tiana
niptcy assets in lh southern district
or tleoisia. from lxv to lull, in
comparison with the districts of re-
litem of the vattoua meinbere of tha
house Judiciary loininuii for lhoe
years. This tabulation showed the
coat in Judge ripeer distrp t tm I
per cent, while the average fur the
other dial I let listed Was 1 J pes
"If judges are to be subjected la
the treatmeut ascordetl Judge Spear,

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