Meet the Commercial Club Membership Committees Three Fourths of the Way. ftefifif You want an electric Iron the Herald can fix it for you. Telephone ICS about it. Is likely Moyer hat a brU ter understanding of the) power of dynamite thau lie ever had before. IF V-5 TOIBtTNK-CTnZKNi Vnl. e. No. ft. AUUftUEUaUE, HEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24. 1914. the fcVETixa itttratj VOL. 1, Ml. Hi. IT uLtiR) GRANTED TO FOUR President Wilson Announces Decisions in Appeals from 24 Men Convicted in- Dyna mite Conspiracy Cases. TWENTY MUST BEGIN SERVING THEIR TIME Applicants for Pardons Con victed Following Blowing up of Los Angeles Times Building and McNamara Confessions. (By lrer-d Wire in Ermine Herald.) Washinglon. Juno -M. I'rcsidrni Vil: I.mI.ij i om.iiuloii in expire Ht inn the sen lend imposed on Ml chuel J. Huntien of M Tallinn, I'm.. Krank II. Painter of tunaha. Sub., Kred J. Mooney tf Itululh. and Wil liam Hliupi r Chlcsgo, all convict ed In the dniinic conaplisuy uim. TIi other l pnly defendant. In cluding the leitd'l. must brum gcrv lug their sentences tomorrow :n .ravcnworlh penitentiary. Clemency lor John II. Harry and I'aul J U"t I In, both of HI. Iiuia, was withhecs while they have opportunity to aud it!!! etarat pelitlona. Ilannon had lieen sentenced I" thro years. I'alnlcd lu l, Mooney and Khupe each gol a er and a day. Ha rry ae-l four year and Mwrrin three. Thoae whom applications for clemem were filially drilled and the term litry must serve are aa follows Krank M Ityan, head of the Iron woikeis, Chicago, erven eiir. Ku Kene A t'lanry, fan Francliro. si years, Michael J. Young. llostoti, am rar. Frank C. Wiinl., New V"rk. an )ers; 1'hilip A. Coolc). New Or leans, six eur; John T. Hutlcr. Hu' lalo. N. V. six year. I'hailra T Ileum. Minneapolis, three eur. Heiit) W. laglclincr. Ilenver. thrac yar; Iwiieat i- W. Itascy. Indian apolis. I nil, three )enra. J. K. Mull sey, Hall Lake Clt. six ear; Peter J. hniKh. Cleveland. .. four vear. Murlay I-. I'dncll. MprlnSlleld. III., thiee eara. W. Kert tro n. Kunnu f!l. three years; rid ward simjthc, Peoria. III . three car: lit-orge An deraon, Cleveland, three year.-, r'rank J. Higgtna. Iloelon. two years; Mirhacl J Cunnane. Philadelphia, three yearn, William K. licddlu, Milwaukee, llnev ytaia. Xo iiieiitoiaiiilum given om ac- lompanylng lite president's action. sometimes la done in such case. Put II aa understood the prcldcnl fol lowed rloaely Ihe I eciiinmoiidallon "I Attorney liencrul McUeynold. The tour men whose sentence were com muted hud a minor part in the ion ppirary, the Koternnieut (hamed Tha luanly-loiir men ho applied for pardon ware convicted of conapir aiy and tha iraiiHportuilon of dyna mite in l-iieral coiiinierca for the wieiklni of liiiiUliima and other airurturaa In a labor war between the Ktrucluial Irotvtorkera1 urianlaatlon and Ihe employera. The noted caaea (lew dnectly out of the dynantitiit l lh Loa An. Time. biilldl:iK and tha cuntemom ol the Mc.Nainaia hrolhera. New Inula hava been granted and are pemllnn for the lol oln: ttlaf A. Tvelimoe, Han Kran- lei-o; Wllllaui J. McCmIHI, Kanaa Cny; Jamaa Iv Kay. I'eoila. III.; l:l h tird II. Houlihan, fhliaau; r'red hhcr nian. Indianapnli. William Heir hardt, Cincinnati. roKVKTEIl MKN Will. KKI.I' UOIlll M ItlJ'OltT Chicago, June J4. Klijah X. Kit line, ol counael for the defendant In Ilia ihnamile caxe. when Infonncu nf Treaident Wllaon' action on the petition for paidoiia, aaid that the t'onvlcled men would report at l.rav enworth lumorruw with lha exception of Kugene 1,'lancy. who, a h muat liatel from California, wa allowed until Krlday tu begin eervtng hi ii lence. "The defendant understand that in, lat card haa Iwen plaed in their behalf." aaid Mr. Zoline. "Their or ganlxatlon In a bulletin in formed Ihnaa delendanla tu whom pardon were refused muat keep their word and report at lh penitentiary." IHvldend IHH-larril. fhiladelphla. June Tha dire.' lore of the I'lltahurg. Cincinnati, t'hl. lago at -HI. Laiuia railway, lha l'" hgndle lem, a auoaidiary of in Tenn'ylvania railroad, today ad the dividend on the common xio.-k and reduced the dividend on lha pre ferred nock lu halt of n pel cent lor the quarter. The I'ennaylvaiila company direc tor, Ihe lilies weal of I'lllaburg, de clared the uauel eml-annual divi dend of three pur cent. CBSSED" OUT PHDEIT Unfortunate Pasture Pool Vic tim Unaware of Identity ol Gentleman to Whom He Ac dressed Improper Remarks. (Ily lnl Wire o Kvrnlng Herald. WaaltinKlnn, June il. Tho lory nf how I'reMdent Wllaon. golfing on locnl green, avnl a bull nhlulng near anotb-r golf era head, nnd how the other lei- low rou:tdly "nived" I lie prel di III nf the t'nlted Htutea and then In ronfiiMlnn and i-hngrln made proluaa apologiee. had k eiiuel today when IMealdent Wll aon nnd the other golfer ex changed lellera. o:te an abject apnloHV. and the other an ac knowledgement coupled with firm iletlaration from the prenl dent thm he wua within hi llghla under Die rulea of tho game. .Manager of the club were ex peeling to take loine iiilmn uaaliiKt the "cuHalng" member hen he wrot0 hla Hpolugy. Lo cal golf l ii in ( oiniwir keenly for I be preaidcnl'B game on their green, he probably vvil not visit one of them again. iis it VERA CRUZ ARE Federals Continue to Annoy American Troops, in Effort . to, Provoke, Fight and Force Intervention. I By lraeatl Wire lo Erenlnf llrrald.) Waahlnaloii. June H I'erilaienl reporta ol anuung b Mexican leu irala on the American oulpiala at Vera i'iux and rumor of ionIIIU lloniiliKt further advance Inward Mexico City, aerved today to tlr n I went in Ihe Mexican aliualion. Although the war department will makr piiiillc 110 report from llelier-il TunMion n'garding aniping on tne American font ;t i known there hi been an Invenilgalion of co.tllnned re port lo thai effect. Thei e are many Inference that llueria force were attempting to provoke a full! with lb.. Anicrban trooper and lorce in leri entlon. I'.illinl wiiiimg on the mediator ''onii-iud to be lha altitude nf the aduilniKliatlon. Thr coming or Al fredo llieceda, a reprenentatlva M Carranxa. lo VahiiiKton Inmorrnw waa waited with Inlercal In official luarlera. That Kreceda and hia col league are coming lo participate In rnnferenie with official of Ihe Warhlng'on go eminent i declared lo le a fact, bill whether thev or olh cr conMmillonaliKi H!i go to Niag ara Kalla lo Join the America a no Huerta delegate In informal rtlK'u ion (lf peu-e attlt aeemn problenial- Ical Admlniniration leadera lnlted however, that medlullon propped were hopeful. POVERTY IS CAUSED BY SIN AND DISEASE Hr Leaard Wire 10 Ereiiiiig Herald. Atlantic City, N. J, June -' -r Keeulc-mlndedne, in and d ! Wei today characterized a lh prln clpal caueea of poverty by phyaiclan and aurgeon attending the aatlonal meeting of the American Medical aov taiiuu. Dr. Murly of Indian poli. a mem ber of the commute, on poverty, de clared tha normal peron never aank to Ilia level of poverty. In Ihe main he aaid. povelly wa caucd by in unmentionable in a public gaiheilng rii .railicaiioii of ln and disease I he (aid. would remove poveity. Th liiant imubalicn haa been mole of a failure than a net ea. Ir. K. Chapin of New Vork reported in a paper before the Bection on dlaae of children. DENSE FOG PREVAILED IN NEW YORK HARBOR (llr leated Wire lo Reewln Herald. 1 New York. June '.'i The fof which shut down over New Turk harbor last night did nut leave until late thl morning and many vel were held fog-bound. In die bay Ih achunner haauu-l I. Howcig crahed into tha Meamer I'oinl Comfort which runs flom Keanburg, .X. J., to tha Halter). The steainri'g wheel house waa damaged but none of the 3 ii pasaenger on board was hurl. The ateamahtp Taurus of the lnn flcemboal company collided In lb Ii.ol.on uilih a ci-owilerf i.,crv boat oil ll Central llallroad of New Jrrary. Th. .Ida of lha ferry boat waa badly it.rn.nail and several uUiea on the leutua wi bent. swept FIERCE North and South Dakota, Min nesota and Wisconsin in Path of Rampage of Wind and Weather. DAMAGE TOTALS MORE THAN $1,000,000 Watertown, S. D., is Torn Off Map, Two Hundred and Fif ty Buildings Being Wiped Out With Cycbnic Force. (B Ijeaaed Wire, lo Evening- llralL) it. I'aul. Minn.. June Zt. K' killed III .Minneiipi li, two fatally and a iore aeriously Injured ut Waler lown.'H. I. property d.imagi. ell maled al more than one million dol lar with an almoei complii pioair.i ttoli of telegraph and Iclepbonu coin niunlcatlon for a number or hour, v.a lhe reported havoc todv of lat bight a wind and rain lorm which kwept over North I'ukotu, Eolith Ibi- kota, MinneMita and W lRconiii. Keporta of the Ktorm, however. were in-omilete here at noon hum II la oulte poeelble that the lova of life and property lolala may be large ly Increased when com minicaiion i restored in the four ta!ea. Apparently the atorm el ruck with greateat aeverliy ul Waterlowi., where it cut through a aecilon of tne rlty for aixteen block with cyclonte forte. Itetween Ii and 300 bullil- were wipco out. Mra- C.i 1 tlecklund and baby and Mii Marie .. Clove were caugltt In Ihe w Teen age or their home ntul poHMly lu- tally Inlured. In Minneapoli lthcr Muiihoii, W year old, wa killed when her home colla ped. I.oui liram nnd M.irgarcl Kelly were drowned whet their canoe waa blown over III talk Hal net. Mm Iirclla liram of Jordan. Minn , alo wi ciiUKkt In a iniio,. which wn wamied In Lake Marriel and drowned. Will I'M IMIWX: iu:tii.k or iiwi i n i,i ki; Chicago. June ;'l Lnt nlnhf wind Hlorm rmiwd n oa of lir and only minor ilamane lo cro. fllmy atruciure and to the ti legrapt and telephone wire The tnrm wax moat aevert at Waterlown, Wn.. where ii reached Ihe proportlona of a tornado, ilcatroyed building over thirty blotk and Injured 23 peraon. Wire are down In Wionln, Min nesota, pall of Iowa. Smith Da kol il and the uper pctiltiMiU f Michlknn. Information that no great damage wa don" oulalde Walerlow n w a gained from railroad ip lh toim ar ... The etorm w eleclri' al In It nn luip and In many place wa accom panied by heavy rain, according to report received al the local weather ,.mI. The alnrm covered Houlh Itakota. Iowa. MinneMita. V ronln and the upper peninsula of Mbhigaii. Major Here)-, the forcib le r. aid. In ihe vlcl:.:; of Applelon. Wi . in itutngiiinle itiunty. It w eat'm.tteil a, loi of waa call' d by the Rioini which If 'ke early tod.iv A number of hnime wel wreik-.l and many cattle killed. Conalderable damage a wr. night In Milwaukee by Ihe lorn.i lo ut no tatalitie were reporteil Cliiiini-vg were raxed and aevrral hoiiwa dam aged. A number of hou-, at Water H wn, Wl. are repotted l" hae lieen blown down by ihe toim one woman la aaid lo have been taken 10 Ihe hoepual auffeima from injuileg aurlained during the lotnad'i. Two Killed In Waaeaa. W'auaali. Wi. June II -Two w'e llv injured anil ev- enteen hurt, ai-veral of litem et,i.'ii ly, when the boue and barn of Mi chael kuruwcil. in Ihe town of Km niett, Marallion lounty. wa blown down by u tornado eaiiv ,Mlay.- The dead are lavuieina Zalxmunn. 17, and the iwo-vrar-nld t hilit of Kurtx well. VT:HT1V lr:MI.IMIKl. HIMHtr.l. Alii: IMMr.l.l-".Ht Waterlown. H. I .. June 2i- Two hundred building III Ihe path of lat night a loriiado present a M en of ruin today. Home are entirely de molivhed. while ore are unroofed, iwlated off loundatiotia and moved many feel. I'raitically eveiy barn In a all ip wo bloi kt wide and len block long wa wrecked und acal-U-ied along the trail. 1 All the mokt eeriouaiy injureu are e'eald lo have a chain lo rei over. A epechil Ineellna ol tne i Ity conn- ell and rommertial club wa held thlg , aflei noon lo atari work pi railing relief fund for victim. Hundred Mi homeleaa. HID iSIST THAT BE EXECUTED Constitutionalist Chief Quoted as Standing Pat for Compli ance with Aztec Law; All Bandits Must be Crushed. ALL CHURCH PROPERTY DEMANDED BY STATE Head of Lieral Party in Mex ico, en Route to Washington to Give Rather Extravagant Views on Mediation Ily I,ceiee4 Mire lo Ktrnlng Herald.) New urban. June 24 Whnt pur ported to be the detail ol thn de mand mild,, by th,, Chltrd Htalea on Uencrul VtuuMiHiio Cat ranu.i, ihrougli which Ci.itanxa repreaentnllvea would be admitted to Ihe mediation unlerene al M.ikji.i Kull". were given out bi le loil.i by Kernundo I i lexia Calderoii, chief of Ihe liberal pally of Mexico. He I en route I" WaMil'tglon in comic, thm with the Mexican pioblcm. Aside from ine aimlrtice fealurc, which Cairanii reluwil to consider. Mr. Calderi n aaid II w.i the d'niuinl. loncernlng of rcliKlou iue tioiia and Ihe time when election bould lake place, MhlJh greatly In lerewted the lonalitutio-iahel. According to the ataivmeiil of the liberal party leader today Ihe l ulled Stale demanded al properly conlir cated by the conliiiif lonnliia ehould lie returned lo the church, that build ing dcMtroyed should b paid for, that priesi should ho protncled and thul o'bule driven from the country I should be allowed lo return. To thi CurrunxH replied, according lo t'al deron ataleinent that the conalitu llonalt laws of reform provided that all hureh properly ahoiild go to the tale when needed and also t hut Ihe prlcHi must go. Mr Caldcron alau Mate, I Car runza refuni'd to accede lo I lie do main! for election as oon a the rev olution is criueil. 1 1 in reply to that, aiioi.lrig o Ibu aliitciiient w is elcclion could not lake place until banditry had censed. therefore he would not ugree to holding an elec tion until several leader now clutscd as bandits had been cruhei. Another demand, accordi'ig lo Ihe statement, waa thai llueria should '- paid, lo ivhlch C.i nan .i I ie, oiled lo have replied Unit according to the Axtco law Hilertil muM die. and the cn'istitiiimiialist chief refused to n'. quleace III Ihe demand. That Curt sum uUo refused tu obli gate the eunnliluUonallsU to pay debt Incurred by ih,. Ilueiii Kinirn metrt was aiioiher assertion im ludcl III the Culderon statement. disci ssion in- i'i:m: I'l.AXhS T M(.lt Magna Kail. June -I Furiher disiussioii of lhoM idaiik of the peace i ongrev wbnh relate lo inlnr national dil fclclK cm between the ('lilted Slates and hv lloeita govern llienl o i upled the llledlatot Hlld delegate toil. iy. while walling for a defliiite undertalidiiin of lntrui tion Issued to constilutlonallst agents who are expected to come here. It wan said that at leapt one of the plunk would be framed aa a protocol toiluy and that other would oe agreed on by the end of Ihe present week, ii Ihe purpose of the prlnci pals is t'Jlf tiled the iiilernatioiial aide ul the , oiitroverMV was i icared up leaving the selection of provlMo-i.i president and other Internal affair I a confeteniie of cniiMiliiliuilaliat and Ihe llueria deb-gales. Notwithstanding lepoiu ftoiu x Cirleaii ,Uollig I arr.nua spoKeniiicn aa cai-iing doubt on ibe piotiabiiity ol such a meeting- confident e prevailed In American uuariers thai ultlinatelv I lie two Mexican fa. tioiis- would be oioiiutit together. STRONG'S BOOK STORE FILES INCORPORATION PAPERS IN SANTA FE Olicrial niapalcli li llie llrrald). Mama Ke, X. M , June H Tha Klrotig Itookaloie Company of Aou iieriiie filed artu U of iucoi-Miraiion lod.o. wilh K. J. Si l ong, Clara Mlrong and K. H, l.tvliigsioiie 1'icoi Imraloi. The capiial U a la lati. UUil. Mr. t-llolig hold 117 hale. Mra. Mi. wig 1 and Mr. l.iv lugatune I", BABIES AND BURROS IN MOTION PICTURES (Special lUwli-h Santa l"e, -V M.. II. r. Twin-hell 1 niot ioi pit lure of lo The Herald.) Jvil.e ;l. Colonel ariaiigitig to lake rii-iv baby ill Xew Uexi i ! old or under, for use ai t'o- San Hiego expoHition. Motion pe l lie o burro w.H also he taken. l is planned lo have several reel of piciuie show lug Ntf'V Mexico baoie and buiros. TA E CAUSES STIR Wireless Flashes From Impeia tor Information Colonel has been Busily Preparing Speech for June 30 Delivery. SCHEDULED TO BE IN PORT TONIGHT Progressive Leaden Gather in New York and Eagerly Await Opinions of Chief on Political Questions. Mjr New Ymk, June H The I in - Iterator, with Colonel Kimsevell aboard, will reach iiarantiiic al S no o'clock this evening, according- lo a wireless message leceivcd to, lav at the olfbe of the 1 1 ii in tm g-A met lean line, file would ipa k. said tile IlleS- age, at X .tu o clock. New Yolk, June 1M - The. sei-ond homecomitiK today of I'olonel Theo dore Itoosevelt w It Ii l :i two nionlhs caused "linoft u nuc h of a sttr among I'rogresnive party lea. let and friend of the former president aa did hi first on May IK from Koiith Amer ica. Today, as last month. Colonel Iti.iinevcH opinion on political iU,t- tioha drew I'l ogrewlve leader o I hi elty and for sums lime the Itoosevelt Iki.tim at Oysur Hay will lay Ihe eeene ol marly conri-ieiic,.. From the Impcralor i-ame u)rele message yeslenliiy slating I hat Col onel Itooseiell bad spent inn. Ii of hi time sime Ihe big lllier sailed n working on thr speech he will deliver on ,lu..e i at I'ltlsburg. Kog last iiikIiI and eaily today vvcie exiected to cuuse the linpcrator to reduce her speed ami she may noi leach CJiiaraiitin,. until lonlglit. Col onel Itoosevelt planned to leave Ihe ship at Qiiiiriiiiiiti,, and go direct tu "Mter I lay on bourd a yachl. Theo dore ltoiiglaa HobinsoTi. I'rogresiiii e slat,, i hairman, and Ucorge W. I'ir kins. weri. Ihe only party , olers who expect to meet th,. i oloio I and n with him to nvster la. Mio Coose velt also planned to meet the traveler n lh yaiht. BIPLANE FLEET IS HT FUNERAL Nine Austrian Aviators Who Lost Their Lives During Air Manuevers Buried Todav; Ceremonies Unique. tll lieaaMl Wire In E renin llerard I Nieitia, June . I An eat oil ol twenty aeroplanes lliug ilioui HUM flug and manned I , aviator fiom sev.-ral natittnu. torrne. tt ll nig guaid of honor at Ibe I'lnelal today of the Cl io A oki i lan olf'ti is and men kilb"i 111 the itauii ,ll- I ,t. It I tpl,. nf 1.141 Sal in da v. Willie Hie flu. Mil sen l e was IS, ploKl-ess lite Mliall a. t ra f I ill'dll 'round und round ' I h, ceinet,.r' and Ibi-ii flew- off in ei,iniaiiv. Tile llagcdv Willi 11 tost ib lives of the inn,. uWatoiM lillll' tl loila; oi'itied iliiilaa Aiistii.m aiuiv tu lieuxerii. A ilititiiolc n i. par!n itaiiiis' in Ih,, 111 01 eitiec in wan followed by an act oplane. stl alli l- i l ift soured a. "ow. Un a nu Tli-J I, il- built dor oiy Ibe tl olijet t ol lak llg Up i bat'le won In, ,.alt ion lo ,lt .,'i 1,11 It lliltcl pilot of the . i Ii sel I lla l plane riind explosion. il ,- a 111 1 Id li I. "Till. Tin lei opt., lit app'oa bill so !e of I ti,. it log- of bis the lail"ou. aioui4 all TODAY IN CONGRESS. hKXATK. Met at noon. Iiebale wa continued on tho Indian appropriation bill. V irginia lobaico growers asked the Joint coiiiii eSMlollal Cl'lltmis- aion to ilev ise aoiiie tin an to te lle! them of lo, proe Senalor Woik intlodu. i d bill lo abolxh 1 1 l'l i Ii w on imeisiai earner and lo make 'dlV ilialrul of th national laptful. ihum:. Mel al noon. The eorrui I callipalxu praile-et act waa dvbaled. T GUARD OF HONOR HULL ULuLHIILU H VOID BY Operation of Vasectomy Can not be Performed in Iowa on Those Twice Convicted of a Felony. HELD TO BE CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PENALTY Statute Violates Constitution of United States and There fore Uncontitutional Opin ion of Feeral Judge. (II I .eased Wire lo F.vettlng llerald.1 KeokuK, la., June - The Iowa vuscctomv or slerlllxiitlon li.w. pass ed bv (he lust geneial assembly was declared iiucoiistilutional null end void lu a decision filed by Judge Smith Mcl'lteranii of Ited thik. la.. I'niliil Slate district Judg of the southern district of Iowa, here soi'ay. The decision, which wit written by Judge Mi I'hersoii. and a I fee". r law in oilier atate. gratils the writ of tenipoiai v liijiitn lion anplied fi r bv Itudolph lails. an it if ' h-' slate penitentiary, enln.ning the tuember of the board of parole, the wunlcn and the penitent I n y ph.'sl clan from causing Ihe operation of Viieecioiny in be perfotnied upon ih" complaiiiani "The case." as the decision, "i one ,,r dlveisity id elllretisblp. wilh federal iiiet bins presented by a bill ill euiiity with an application for u temporary Injunction to reslmln de feudaiil a alate officer froiu en forcing chitpier IH" of lite cast of Ihe tliirty-IHib general assembly (IKCII. muiIioi Ixiii, a sin in til opera tion called vasectomy on Idiot, fee- hU-mtdncd. drunkard, d'ttg ftenda. epilepilc. e ihlnic. moral and sex ual perverts, and mandatory a lo criminals who have been iwlce con victed of a lelony The statute in iiuestlon provide thai certain persons muy be subject ed In the surgical operation; but Ihe latter purl or seitiou I provide that such operations shall ho pel fol moil upon prisoners who have been twice convicted of a fcloliv, such u Ihe complainant. omplaiiiant In hi verified bill al lege that the statute I in violation of ibe Culled Stales i onKlilution in thai there is lo be tin indictment or . thai Ibe statute nlu idiic Ins privileges and thai lie is denied duo process of law. that ibe statute Is In conflict with the loWa I ooi.t it III loll lu thai the statute denies the inalien able right In eniov Hie. Imeity arid to puisne au i obi. mi safet and hap piness, tliit there Is no Jury trial awarded him and thai Hie statute provides cruel and uiiuhiiiiI pumh lueut. W hen Hl.i' kstone w rote his Com motilities be did not. mention castra tion as one of the cruel punishment unite lil,cty (or Ibe leusou that with Ihe allium e of . il lli.atloli Ibe opera- lion was looked upon as too cruel ami w as no Pomei pel formed. Itut each o,eiation is to destroy the pow er of proi real Ion. Il is. o," course. k, ft, How lb,- uniii duiing the balance of bis life The physical suffering llniv li -1 be ,, gieat, but ibal l not Ibe otilv test of titn-l punishment the boillllUillon. the degradation, the menial surteriiig ate aiwav pri"-eiit and known ibe piHdic and will fol low him wheresoever he may go. This belongs to ihe datk ages. This miii; at.- not only allow loll commands th. ,,,ei-atoii uf vascio- IliV to Ii,. p'ltorilieil li,o,i all twice I a rdmiv A lelotiv III Iowa is lo.t o nl muiiler aii.n. tape, i oiiniei feiiiiii ami other -el ions i-.iio'm known as lloeiis in the i-otn-llloll law b::t Hlei have Oi'i il lull' Il eXlendeii lilolel Ihe .-w sl.lliltes, and some Ibinrfs ate now fi.oii,s wbnh i.lilii loi-lilii tiij-de. me. noi ivitli lllaln lufoie m Juslne of Ibe O'iI i i . ,,r ,-ts, in, irillie at all: wife a n.i inlii'ilnelil. clillllia ele, trie llutll wiles. I'le.ikir.g au ele. Ill g!oi list r n i n, c lioil.A.i: oin.isien. lex a Mini. In a hai-nes- .111. 1 other ll.inifs. e. tli..t . 1, ..r-"M ,1. ton. lis IWn '!' III.'!', of these. II,. in I., n.. sua. I't le. I,, Hie i,'IIU"o, I tills MI lie i I lifol'. e. W Imlil the -I 11 lie to lie i..,l alld 'in 1e in holilthli Hon a t.-tnpoiai c Wl.l o 1 11 J 1 1 In I am sb.ivli'l I.,' l"Mied u-t liliived. JmUe Wa lil I SiiiiiIi I'llilid , Hi nil lllilge fill tins III eiibih 1111.11111 1 .linie John l'ollo,k. Clnleil Maid dl-ll, Jlllli:e for lb.- diMt i' i i,f K.iiai. com oried w II It Jmli... M I'lll I "ill. ASSAILANTS OF NIGHT WATCHMAN GET HEARING Mial Hi-amp Ii tu The Ili-rald.) Mai.l.i Ke, N M . June :'4 -Kiaim anil ieni M.lianiels. ihaiged wi'li luaklna an assault with litem to kill I'll Kail 1 01 lii nil iiinht wai'hiuan at Ksi'atioU. M on-lii 11 is lit . were gin a iiictiiniiiarv hearing at that place today. Tiie men pioiesl tlt,-ir Into n f, hut the 1 1 r ' u iiiNia tu e uong 1 Indicate their guilt. COURTTODY F0LL0II0G NIGHT OF TERROR Clash Between! Union Miners and Insurgent Forces Cul minates in Dynwuiting cf Labor Union Hall. GOVERNOR OF STATE TOLD OF SITUATION Attempt by Federation Presi dent to Insist on Reconcila tion Precipitates Fierce Rioting; One Killed, Three Hurt. BBSSaVWBBJSai (Ity ta-aard Wire lo Knlng neraM.1 a Woshingtnn. June J4 Treal- dent Wllwm late today recef en a telegram from tluvernor Stew art of Montana, but nuking no rcgiiest for federal troni. The governor said he would keep Ihu president fully 'nfnriiied of the situation When the trouble started he asked the vrrsldenl to have troop kept III remllnc. Senator Myers of Montana Maid today no reiU.l l"r troopa would he made unless the situation grew more serious. At the White House It was said no iroopa would be eenl iinle a direct requet was re ceived from the governor after it had been decided the elate hud used oil the means at il IISIIOSHI II. nilllllinill .eu..- MOYMl IX llll-I.NA. cxki:iih WITH .1KIIXIJ Helena. Mont.. June 21. Uovern or 8. V. Btewarl waa urgeii 10 eaaeiv stale control In llulte by Cliarlee H. Moyer. president of the Wealem reu. eralion of Miners, who leu nutie an uuioitioblle early today and made the Ti-mlle trip directly to Ihe sia.e cupital. linvernnr Slewnrt. Attorney bun' eral Kelly, Adjutant tlenerai t.reen an. I'realdent Moyer and a Unite man who refused lo give his name were in conference several houri-. Th novel nor said he bin I nothing lo ' of the proceeding. Mr. Mover ni sei ted he had come over to lay oon dilioiis a they exist today In ItuMw before Ihe governor. Asked whether ibe use of troops would lw Justified. Mr. Mover replied thul stiongar au thority Ihun Ihe county and clly au thorities wa needed lo restore peace. I will nut aay Ihey are unable lo cope with th situation hut I do say they have failed." he explained. He 11 --,1 Ihal peace would not hw restored I'd lb Industrial W')lktr o ft he V ' 1 sleuieni. which he said wa In fi wa elliiilnated. An other 101. r. ! lo be held-late today by Mr. ...oer. wltf. uoveinor Mewart. I nlted Male eVnslor Walsli and M M lion.ihoe, president nf the Montana Kederalion of l-ll'or III lr 1: gl'll-rr TH V I IHt sl'KI XI Ol w Ml.HC llittte. Mmit. .lime :4. Alter a, night of terror 111 Unite, apprehen sion waa felt throughout the city lo ll, n that Ihe mob of mini sent tinn er that Ian night w 1, eked Miners' I 11I011 hull wilh iweiuv-rive blast of il; 11. unite, might tuui ibeir g'.tt- nun 111 another direct ,ri. Neverthe less the 1 i'y i uui Hardly culm I' dac 'Ibe iniiit. all but two near lle wicked miners' hull, f 1 mil one "f whuh ihe power that bli w up Ihe building was stolen, ate w Diking lie. Uui No trace ha be,'li found 't I'lesident Charles II Moyer of ihe Western Kedetallon of Miner. ho l.i.t night culled the mi cling uf the old on on lo order and presenttd ins plan lot cnnciliiiiioii ol 1 lie wa ring f .1 , ttoi:. Hardly had Moer read his p.ipir, pioiuiaing to entreat the griev. nes of Ihe seeding millet and 1 on, hnling with a plea lor aline lii'lgn.eul. w lien ihe lust shots of lb eaiiv evening iioilng, 111 which one f.', lator was klliid and Ihiee In Juied. weie heurd Mover and about JU" in.nels. st'sd. f isl lo Ihe ause of Ihe old union, weie bin rtedly warned lo Ilee for Ibeir live Th, y csiaped from lha tear cf the building into an auloinobilr Two men in the ciuwd through wh'ch the ilia- bine daubed followed Wilh drawn revolver which thev di.eUarged as the i gave chase 1 11 a moment Ihe 111.0 bine nail tinned a coiner and u mil of siKbl. runs nothing haji been s.-, a 01 beaid of the federation pres ident. , After several hundred shot fin rifles and award-off shotgun were duhwiged, the dynamite new be awn its work This continued until 3 o 1 lock Ibis nminiiig when the -plostvea that hud been taken by forte front the Mtewan nun hail l.n exhausted. The fear and aMte