Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24, 19 11 MARCUS P. SAWTELLE General Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop 211 West Gold Native Uric for Hale, wa re ..f the Minei's I'nl.-n hull. it.,1 hi t"i, tiinnin ai iniliiiu I'.rrh Ml f I" the "lull ing., "fl l-oft Mctca of llir "Heel "' II Mm k em h alilc i f '' ;" shut- I, red Tim p.. petty damage Will " I ml tl'UI OMI. IN. lire ami 'Hit. If. I. .III. I- wet. lumtitr iluriiiK Urn riot nml dynamit ing Home . tf..t wen- in. ill.- to pre vent ilHiiuiii.' ii. .i...iilv'rr Ihim .In. I ... III. miners union. I. Ill the "f- II, mu t....k I hp nonti-n Hint H inure far gr.-alcr .tailing. In lit.' l.ioi.eitv In httcit.i.t lo pievehl tin n In-ill destroy iim w huv they u eerted belonged In il.ctn. 1 11 la. .1 1 ill nu ll lit- V Mi Ins men eiii-td the hall ' thai I V iire.l nnv li.. in it ill in the rn'l ha7 Tin- III t iili-.i" i .uw' from I'm hull vhi'ir the meeting Him In I'l.'Ki1 The k lllinii i.f l-.mexl J. Nn had the i -fleet if Inl in lailnic the crowd ml moil himdieda of men were fir ing pistol, aiming mainly id III' windows of I hi- union hull or f .ruiif : Into the air. ! A helhcr under existing cniidlllnng Ihe imnoa will I"' loninmed Hi nper iiiinii Is a nuiniion being decided o ilav liy llio oi-ruling companies, i In ii i om crm.t mo Willi (Inventor Mew art early this morning Mayor Iiuii.iiii declared thai he saw- no! jvce.l for state tr.o: beucv Ing that! I hi: situation won ll unlet Itself. COMING . 'Ill the DeKreKo Brothers Greater SilOWS June 29 to July J i "Get It for Albuquerque" Commercial Club Slogan For Big Year's Campaign "If It'i Nailed Down, Pry It Loose" Urges President C. 0. Cushman at He Announces Plan fn Immediate In crease in Membership to 500; Working Committees of Active Men Named to Prepare for Fall Activity; Mem bership Hunt Starts Tomorrow. Days 6 Big Nights-6 Auspices O. R. E. Ball Club Show Grounds 1st and Central Avenue HQ TO GALLUP 15 NOT YET READY FOR TRAFFIC Tourists Will Not be Advised to go that Way this Year, Says Pathfinder Westward. Work so Par Encouraging, j A. L. Westgard. the moat f union ftnd moat traveled p.iihtihdci of American autninnhlliiig. returned to day for it brief amy In the city from a trip to Flagstaff, Arix. Mr. Hil Kurd la engaged In aurveing high vt)l to auiipniihl the Hoik he did In Ml, when he covered more than l?.nitu in I Ira and mapped llir prin cipal routcg in tin- Inicrmountalii uud Vrmnn atalca. Thia )rr he pur pose to survey about Ih.uiiu mile of iroHiiHid iiatioliul IHKhwu for the National ItiKhwuy Boiiul.ii. Mr. Wrstgurd anid thia afternoon thai ha had only three more route to in. hi in thia stale to finiMh with .Vow Mi-Klro aa tur lia iiiitionul high ay were com vriH'd. TIi.ihu routii" are froin hero to iiaJliii. Iruiti lu te to l. l'nm vlu the I uiinn ) Iteal, und I l oin HoKwell to I'umo. Il left her aevcrnl d.iii tiKo l" K In KliiKMuft to ree lm l .l II mum lumMhle lo Inn fiom there to tore In a nit He maile the trip lion- l.y tiain uud look to "hi u li.-.Mf ." in, he uii ii, in heuuliiK La. a li nn i'lati'laff. He went Juki i lur a" rould b' Liir, and Rot hut hu mi alter - the exai t Mute ol the hiKh yina ii nil Hie rHiiit limitation ! the route lallui ieo.le, he riiorted. were full of enl hum. ii-in iiml il lei nunii tion on the loiiit il i.I'i.kiii.iii, und icood Morka ere errtmn lo lie done. I. ul alule he rniild ri..ri iroKrei- alontf the Iiik from ihI1ui, the wmk liailn l none far enouith yel to al ia nl ail linK 1 1 ii I Hi' to l.y uy of 4.iillili thin Ht-iiHoli. 'I he iialtlii .eo Vie. he aald. were fair aenatlile l. Ill lrall.ei that. NiXt year, he Ihoualit i.illni ai.iiI.I Me on the uj l. mot. ii.- nmi. Mr. VVi-xiitard will head hla mr for Tui uiiu'iirl t-.rfiiiMow' iiioininu lie will it" on uo-r Into Texan, where he. llllH II Hood ileal of .!. IK'KlMK oT to.ul. to do to l oinulete hla aurM-y of lh- lilKhwu)H I'll al.ont July In the iallilliiiir .i- t lo .1 1 1 . !. l lii.l.l. r I., i. outer. He will hi-i out from Antonio :.iol liaVlf iiKtaholtia, Knnsiii N'. i.iaK.i. South I'.ikit.i und Ninth link "t i I..- l-intii it. i ' ii tut d.i . He wiil -.iv n. i oltll-lul ..It. nil. Ml to (molt, in I'uni.da the ti..t Jtr-to-l.oi -der rtin tmlini tit IVmbma, on the North I in kolu-i 'a nii.l . m line ' don I .(oim nil. nit tm iln in Alexl. o or I'aioulH. " Haid Hie ...t hi irul. r The trii hi lot ii.unlry will lie a aort of .roi-eanion of ao'eriHrii. K;n h plate i-xeiMit ie will iieroinimny the liuthfindiiiK party n r..w hii rlule. STUD G METHODS OF DEALIIIG WITH HEALTHSEEKERS Mayor Boatright Getting Data on the Way Ashville and Other Resorts Have Handled the Problem. It la lieyottd the lioiinda nf lirohalul lt that Hie conKreannuin a anawer Hhould he mil la. klmf Krlduy morn Inn. "tie! II lor Ml.ti'iuerque. If It " nailed down, pry It looiie " Thin la the bnala upmi t'liarlew li l i-nhnuin la "Imk iret-l.lenl of llierelnl whuh he and upon club the and SHADED FOR 7 MILES Scheme Suggested Would Result in Trees from Mountain Road to Alameda on North Fourth Which Planting Antli liutiriit poHKllile h. Hon town. I the revlaioii of the orilinnn.en mid li KuIiiIiom. Bovi.rniiiK liiine. lioar.linK hoiiaea und lmli I". Muvor I .. Ilouttililit. who Ih ex-ofllrlo of the I. our. I of heullh. ha la nun iiulheiinu In f. . I i. .11 re-j-lM i liliK the manner In w hi. h other clli.-a 1 oiirioiil.-d with Hie pioiinni, of iiiiina for heiillhB.-el-.cra have1 handled the matter. He wr.-le y.-Mi rd-iy to Vli. vlll". N. 1',. lo learn w tin I Ilie t.unil..ry ol that .in are. AhIhiiIIi ih a popular lor h-a IHim i-kern and Ih a mmd -Mtcd . -1 1 v Willi 111ual l the kuiiii . on '111 1. .mm to meet thai .'onirotit A !nnnrr.!ie. It it. t.n.l 1 have aolvid tin- prohlcni in 11 autia fu. tory manner. Mrlkliia Hie iiieilinm i-twei.i thi- extreme of nunc, esuurv liltidlty an. I i iiri-li in laxity iither pli'i-n will la. written to. and xlioiilil the roiin. 1! take up the mutter of reklxliirf the p-enent reu lutlotiH Hlu Iliaoi hoprn to have a K I de.i of ilul.i on Ho- way to ap proach the mil.p-.-t In-fore lu-tlon l i.iki-ti the iiiv nuthorllii-H will 1111 . I ... 1 1 .t ell confer with phliuiiH and other auiiitulioii expeite. The neiahlmra of I r. W. T Mur-pln-y, who lirouaht the .iici-tion ol liuntttirlum leBialnllon l.i-fore the put. he hy aitaikliiK Inn Ionise on Noith hue. .ml atreet tinder tin HMid ordinance forlii.l.lniK aauilana with in 11 mile of the illy, are .lelei niiimd to force m-tloii uKalhM the pi. 111 The IMMHt thai the hour-t- In ohje ' tiona'ile. Hi.ii it I., an offetiM- under the ordinuiii . .mil they want It put out ,.f hiisito fn. l'tn-' are n-.t .-..n-laileiiiiK Kiinalaiiii In itcncral. or hc irTecl their iKtlon may have in atlr rinii IhitiUH up. hut are xiniply Int.-ot on ficeinK Hieii netitlil.oi'h....d Irom what they n-Rard ua an ol.Je. Iloual.le 1-nta hln-hiiienl And ihc hae tin I no inn -. 1 i ... h th.we who .-:..linu Hie 1 1 pt Ii t Hun If the hoard of health il.'.on I ,,. ( ihcy w ll! take the muttet 10 onii Tin y are ileii-ruiint .1 to hoc at a riilimr on the oii.t.l.iint .iinl they he.lcie that the Ii. wild of health .1111 lule only one way on the Mretiitth of the c -dem e nn.l.-r the exmiinit i.rdinanee. A ahiidid hiahwiiv from Mountain-e- ml on North Fourth atreel. nil the Way In Al.ilncdi, a .llMlnllt-i- of acvrn mil, la ,.f auvai-aUoti maile hy lr. W. 1). IIoh, and will, h haa he. 11 tak en under i-onalderntion iiy I'rcaldent I'. t'uahmun. of the t'oinmi r.inl 1 I11I.. It 14 hehi-M-d lhal It will 11 posall.le fur the clilli lo outline a I In 11 whereby treea w ml. I he liiinlHhe.l In piiH.i'ia owiiIiih land el.. nit .lioih ai. lea nf Koiuili all 1. with I ho uiidcrelaiidin- I tint Ihcy would plant the tree and tare lor Ihein The lull would he furnished will'.. oil .'! I" I ho.-.- who would promote o 1....K properly nfter their Krowih. II Ih In-lieM-.l I hi.l hut very litlln erfoil will he reipiired lo whin Hi. I ree-'l ill inn n heme Inlo h..-' yealH .Noli II apllit I that urlh alt way i a d.liKhl! lime. ' ill 1 11 t will 1 1 1 few l.c a h. id . tunc all h to A la no. lu. urforiiliK drive in the auintner GRAY HAIR BEGQmES DARK ,1 HICK GLOSSY w hu h in a AIIti.U.-ii c t'om the hala upon cx;.c. u to woi i hit'i-elf which he expc- 'i ev rjr memlier of the orna nlxiitlon ! woK durum hia icnure of the ottl.e. Willi Ihe alateiiicnl lhal the chiiiii In no Htronitor than Ha w-iikeat link, he told the club iiicinbeia who il.illi ered liiHt nlKht for Ihe first and only iiieellnn of Ihe rummer nionlhr that he wm ready to an hla limn 111 hard work, but that h expei ted cel member of Ihe omanlautloii '" bacli him not only with ftuth i.n with w.-rka. To Hiul end he hn appointed a niimlu r of apeclal comniintea. Iind expectH lo appoint olhrra. ti whom he will deb unto the delail work. He . . 1 rirn haa fallen on me womin 01 n lu.iier.iie to Join In thr w..rl; lor a maer. better (lly. Aa Ihe flrrl atep nece.iry In ef fective club work Mr. ruhm"n pointed out neeeaaitv for a luraer mcitiheiHhip und laid nefore th meeiina n aimnle mil effciive work- Inn plan by which It la 1 olieced the chili' inemberHlilp will be lifted to tlx- hundred in four ilaya- Tin" accoiiipliHlied. he expect lo act nu ineroua coitimltlecH to work on varl- I nu.. pioj.-cla and to keep Ihem at wmk duriim the aimimei n..itith. hiiln all ready with ilclinite repoiia of reaiilla aci-ompliahed at ihe Brat ' 11 linn in September, which will mark the Iichuhiihk of the yenr'a ac llve wmk. Thia la your liub," paid Mr. -uah. man in concludittK hla lii.iiih-iirul n.l dreaa. "In P. every man inn get ( hearlnii. No imitier whnl hla plan, if II la for the Knnrt of Alhii'lueriUJ j it will recele moat thoiiRhtful con-1 atdernlion from the oriranm.tlon. Nu doubt riiimy acheniea will be preaen'., ed to ua which nre not pr.irti-al and' which canont be undertaken, but there will be a reapectful henrlnil Tor every one. and ecry nu-mher will not only have a top-e but a pail In the work we are koIiik to 1I11". ' I'uaxliig to Ihe 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 K of coiiiiiiil leea, Mr. I'uahmaii talked lnu-fly but forcefully of memberahlp. The linai- Ilea men of A Ibmi.lf rUe, he an id, inuat aupport the ol 1011. lioa well. with leaa .lhn AHmiue,rnH' ' j popiilnllou of 11 doxen euia nto. aup- porta a club with more limn live hundred lucnibera. Many cllica of the central tin. I eaalern and western atulca had n.eiiilu-iahipa in the tin. 11- j The liub'a piepetu mc::-.ier-I alnp of i'.j ua not re prerentativ e I of AlbuiUer.ue or the A luuiiirr.ue a ml he proponed firat to brum the memberahlp lo where it abould be and keep It there. I'.evleMiiiK whut the club haa 11 compliahed for Altiu.pieniue in the puat. Mr. Ciiahmun pointed nut that it haa bronchi - heie praitically everything Albti.ueriue haa of an important public chuiucter, from the car heat railroad aliopa to the huge plunt whuh the Kama re l now erciiliiK- Later in the evening lr W. n Try t.raiiiliiiollii-r'a Old I avorltc Itii In- of Kiiuc lea and auilplmr. Rockers Buy a comfortable Rocker, $1.00 down and $1.00 a week. Solid Oak, genuine Spanish leather, ityle, class, quality, from , , l-ufc.!.. $7.50 to $25.00 ' Don't miss this opportunity. : aa1 Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPER BOY SCOUT PICTURE IS ON BILL BOARDS Allium! everyone know that Sage Te and Sulphur. properly com pounded. liniiKH bio k Hlu n.ilurul i olor and poure to the liair w hen failed, alrciiked tit grav ; ulao end dandiulf. IP lung scalp i n. I alopi I .i 1 1 1 iik hair Yeara un. the only way lo net Una mixture waa to make II at home, la Milliuiy uu.l trouble aoiiiiv Novvadaya we aimply uak at uny ill uk (.tore for "Wyelli a Hane and v'ulphui Hair Hi iiiedy " Vou will a.i a tai'lte bottle lor about ' tenia. I.v ci ytiody tiaex thia old, lamoua re cipe, bci au-ie no one i an poaaibly tell yuu darkened your hair, aa It (I... a ll ao naliirally Und evenly Vou dampen a aponae or a'-rt bruali with ll und (iriivv Una thmuKh yulir hiur. taking one amall a.i.iud al a nine: l.y morning ihe gray hair dia ii.. cilia, u i.'l afl.r anoiher iipplua- , tn-n or two your hair becomea beau ( lifully dark. Ihu k und l"ay and i you look yeurx younger liar, in -e A. Il'iil-ull, A Ihii.pii r-i'ir I. I-Mwlliillu. ,,f Ihe Natl. .mil l!lll I'oalera' u liilluli, ha port.-d on i.( Fifth an. I I'.iiliul .not t-....rb. ...a i- .-... . ' -in. ii, i -'i , i n - ii. . . i.m j pniur. inteu-t.-il to i.-.oii am. ill Imva lo be couraccolla and I,, .i.-leli.r Utl'l Pro,,.. I dun. i. ami - Tn. ,., -turej PLANS ARE PROGRESSING ia Ihe fourth of a acric of j . tinea golte I ..ill l.v the li.ntonal K.Mi.,- Theo.lole I.. What ton. He. relalv of lion and which ale in lima i,,,,..,,.,.. v v . .1 waa a vimioi at Ihe I'oiumerciul club HEARS THAT SAN DIEGO 1 lllfliienl I p( nae l.f I I ."..mill f The !iHmitra,.li'ia, I prcaa eoitipatiy and all wn-4 in Amiio-a. nt an il- r e.o h j.i' t ii re i I, hill pm-lcra. i-X- otliel .. .ui'i-1114 and liuliv tiluala win. h h. nolle Hie p. later, from Hie pitnting l.. the p.. a! me. render their a.-i M . a ih i order lo lurthi-r the t a-.iit.ilkin ol e-l-t cation mi. I. UClUtlo.i. rtaklil l.v the Hall' -Illl ua I Ii Ih morning Mr burton la on hla ,) lo San In. a., lo urrauge f.-r tin exliihil of hla fit in at Ihe San I'l.-u-i expoatlion He aai.l thai r.-porta I ftoui a rcpreaental Ive of Ihe In. nae w.-rc to Ihe effect lhal prrpaiatlotiR lor Hit- fair were going on finely and that the .riapecta poMtlon would he were Him Ihe a blii a l ci fax ex- I ESS Gold Medal Flour EocnluallyW hy Not Now? THE JAFFA GROCERY CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS . ... .... .-ay pe-;. istszmBt mum-' mmrnmnf - ". fa,- g 1T. W. H Hope. J. A. Iluliha. F. W. H. hwenlker. II. H. Undey, Harold I'lerie nod Harry' llenjamln. Noriheaal 11 H. Mthgnw. llrover Iiivlne. H. ii. Strong. H. K.ilm. J. M. Ilanollltlc. t'harlea rihero..,1, li. f. Vall:-.nt and I.. H. Hoehrlng Southriiat H. Vanow. Wnrren llraliam, IJeorga Arnot, l Iconic I. carnnrd. A. Fleiacher. J. W. I'at terfun, V. II. Mc.M.ol and Inivld l-"u rr Kouthweat K. U lroae, A. I Mill tin. A. ll. Slrolip. Jtolue J. II Hurt ii. A. Mat-ion, K. J- Strong. M Naah. Jerre Hngaard, J. A. Illaini-y and Oc urge S, Kl.nk IMlM-r W urkhtK t iMiiiiilllii-w. til her working oininllteea iiumed by I'realdent t'uahluun luat night, m -ntr of ihime he will enllat In active work during thJ year, are ua lollowa. Hailroad J. II llerndon. chair man; 1'. J. Johnaoti, Max Nordhaiia, W. S. Hopewell, M. Miilidell and J V. Heaael.len. lloiiae Frank McKee. ihalrman. AIIktI Fuher and N. l. M.i'rodcn I'ernianent nicmherahiP K. I llroae, chulrman. J. l. Albright. A l Martin. A. Fleia. her uud lr. W. T. Salmon. t'niinty aurvey V. 1'. Meicalf. chu'rniun. S. Stern. M. K. HU key. 1. S. Itoaenwald. M. Naah. Pill Iloaa and I Hat r Hi Attorney M. 1. Vigil County reaouri ca iliapluy 11. II llenlng. chalrinaii: 1. K 11. Si-1 lira, J T. M lu ii It Ii 1 1 ti, K. A. I i.i via, Sol Weiller und A. J. M.iloy. La-gihlutlve conunlttee A. II Mr Milieu. . h.ilrmun; JmiIkc Heorge Ii Craig. I. Iliinley, . X. Marr.-n und I.. A. Mann. , Finance- Ho rulae money for pro Jectai Jerre Haggard. ihairman; Imvc Weinman. A 1.. Martin, H I llogcra. lioy Mclionald und J. K llanniim. Munufiictiirlng J T. M. l-aitu'illn. chalrninn. IV F. Met 'anna. Jarnea Wilklnaon an. I II. I.. Illooka. Agricultural A. II. Hiroup. i hatr- man: I'. W. (! Hope, I mi. -a Hem -ruck. I'harli-a Mlchaela uud Hoy A. Stamm. (eneral booallng - 1 1. A Ma. pher Kon. chaliman. In A 'J. .-in. rile. In S. I'eter. In-. J-A. Heldy audi F. II. Schwetilker ' t'nnventioiia- lannc I' chair-! inun; .Mayor I'. II llontr-.itht. I 'oat-j maatar II. I'. Hochl und l.. A Maun In lh olH-n -meeting whkb liw-i lowed Mr i 'uahin.i n a n.tilreaa I ir. ; Hope. Frank McKee, John I la roll Iturg. H. S. I.ithgow ami olhera apoko' briefly "for the good of the order." l. A. Mai phera.-n. i huir'iian .of the! advertlaltiK comiulttee. made tin-1 moat important upon of the meet-' ing He auid the committee had be-! gun Ita campaign with S'.Siiu in hand and the ceiinlnlv of more thnn . .imo for use Una year. AdverllaiiiK Albuipieriiue with n realrlctlve and! conf liiilng ordinance governing tu- hercuhir aufferera. he u.-l. wa Im poaalhle. und he urged a aieeal clul.. committee lo confer with the board i of health tu the end of nbtuininK a modification of the ordinance wlm.hj would give udeiiiate protection uud ' ul the aunie time not Interfere 1th ihe a:lv eruaing commit t-c a work . Hope pointed out two important lu- Thia view waa concurred in by Mayor lliiitrjigh! and the committee waa iinunimmiBly approved and waa up- pointed by I'rcal.lent t'uahman ua ' follow: lir. V. ii. Hope, chairman: Frank , McKee. I. A. Macpheraoii, K. I.. I IroHe und lieorge A. Knarinan. i Mayor Hoalrlght auid a meeting of the board of health would he culled I i ' him to meet aa aoon a., the niein- j bera of ihe club coinmillee had fa-! inillarir.ed themaelvea Willi Ihe ordi- name and the condiinma reiilr-j ing udjualment. Frank A. kerman I thniiKhl the matter ahould he handled ; with great, helleviug thai mere' , need for -protection agulnat tin-1 anfe und diaagreeabl. conditional which might rcaull from lux regulu-l t Hon (if tiil.ei'culoaia caaea. Thia wiih 1 the view . nerally ex prepaid In Ihe! j meeting and the ultitude In which (lhe club approachea the aopjtion of I Ihe problem. It waa made plain that I there Is no thought in tho inlnda of 'anyone of taking down Ihe bur to! proper aunilaln.n and precaution, I ggatnat r-ontuglon. hut merely u aline: JadJiiHlment of the health ordinaiicea' ao that there mav be no undue r-1 atrlctlona on the tree uae by all of i the Albuiiuer.pie linnale. Judge John Huron Hurg, at the liuae of Ihe ..pen meeting, thought the club ahould do Home thing . bring down the neteaaitlex of life, ' dwelling chiefly upon butter and gal- dice. Thia brought out u general diaciiHMlon of the high coat of living In which II at. Llthgnw the belief that II 'waa rather Ihe ' coat of high living" that waa troubling ua. Frank McKee oppoaed tending thn club out to pry Into the l.uaineaH of the retail merchant, holding Hint to he no part of the bualne-w of thn club. In Hoeing the meeting Mr. ('uah man appointed a committee lu call on (leneral Tanker 11. Illiaa, I'. S. A , allttiliona which Ihe cluii brought ; here which Mr. Cuahiimn overlooked. Ihe I'lilverally of New Mexico and thv I nlled Si a tea Indtun a. hooi. The club gave the ground upon which ! the I'nlveraity ia located, lr. Hop auld. and II. S. It. ..lev. then In the leglHlulure, secure. I the paaeage of Ihe hill creating Ihe inntitiillou. The club ulao guv a the land for the In- . dian si hool Among the things which the club proposed lo do during the coming year Mr. t'uahman enumerated a dox.-n Important things, ihe i-ount.v . survey completion being one of them. ; He aald Ihe club proponed tn go after, every convention In aight and some not In aight and it wua here thut Ita laid down the slogan for Ihe year:, "Oct It for Abuiiier.tie. if it a nulled down, pry it looae " Albuiueriie aa u health city and (-enter must b a clean ciiy, he auld, and to Hi la end he propoaed to enlist Ihe active co-operution of the Wom an club and association. the I'arcnt-Teachera' thi-: Kr;n ion thi: M-ilMI' OF IUMSTIi "With a few men of die type of leudera In l.miHiinrf I have met In Ihe new south and on the Pacific count. ' , said Mr. I'l.ahman, "we an add ten IhoiiHand population lo Ainu. pier. ue In two years Koonting la a habit. Ie It. When a siraiixer ask about your city don't tell him ita on the ragged edge of nun. .-ll him bust neaa la good. If he arks about your land don I spring that ancient chest nut about there being no title to our land. Tell him what those lands will produce and ure producing and the money to be made out of them , Thia spirit in Ha Influence on our selves la aa Important ua it la on the stranger. Cultivating th cheerful I spirit, we Will soon find thai We have made conditions cheerful. There I who waa lu the city for several hours should be no room heie for Ihe last night, and adjourned the club prophet of gloom and disaster. We ' until September 1st. when active or need Ihe cheerful spirit " ' ganlaatlon work and regular weekly Tlx- Vlt-mlH-r-alitp amMilgn. meetings will begin. To lilt the club memberahlp lo i" 11 III four .lays . the task delegated . ' WALTER JOHNSON TO four comiuilttes who will handle euch I -iriDDV TTrVifll flTTJT h quarter section of Albu.iieriUe. , JUAXvivX XliVAjjA Ulivis lleginning tomorrow at 10 o'clock - 1 a commltte a day will Visit (It IsswaraJ Wire ttvCfllitt: Herald I reap.-, lively the northeast. north- Washington, June Waller weal, aouthraat and aotithweat Johnson, pitcher of lha Washington sections of the cuv n. divided American league baseball club, will aa by Second and Central, each Com mittee to be accompanied by Ihe president and aecretury of the liub. These colon. Ill ee a are aa follows: North weal J. ll All. right. II. O Hrooka, II. I. Jufla V M. Cuilul-ac, I be married her tonight to XI las Haxet Itohrrta. a daughter of Kpresrntulle K. K. Itoberls uf Nevada. I el Iim. Herald want ad anv )ou Housekeepers E The values we offered in our Housekeepers' Sale attracted a generous size crowd of women who are watchful of saving bargains. To realize what values we really are giving, you must come in and SEE for YOURSELF. Th?sc values are sea sonable and are of extra fine quality of merchandise. These Same Specials are on for Tomorrow. Free Demonstration of Fisher's Toilet Articles Tomorrow Martha Rose Fisher will give a free facial massage to every lady call ing at our drug department, demonstrat ing Fishers Toilet preparations. YOU ARE INVITED WOOL BATS Just received a shipment of extra quality fine Australian Lamb's Wool Batting, weight 2 pounds. One Comfort in One Piece For High-class and light weight Com forts try wool bats. Ladies' Waists at $2.95 ft? miiM Waists regularly priced at $5.00 Special $2.95 Made up in plain white or colors and in excellent color combinations. Don't Forget Housekeepers' Sale Now On tanwa d s Where Quality Heels Price " t s J . ajwsfctatta- 'wx,m isu awaymKHMi . rr.-. j i "4MAm