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THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24. 1914. TUBXS omorrow Ktorninj 9 'Clock 3 t Excellent Quality, Beautiful Designs, nearly all classes and kinds, values from $1.25 to $1.75 a yard AH OLD FASHIONED GOLDEN RULE SPECIAL oice sii(D a Yard SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Ik Golden. Ride Dry Go odsCo. J O. R. E. CARNIVAL DE KREKO BROS. SHOWS The IxKreko llroa. Hrcaler Showa will In' tlie Inn nola,, In I tu. .-ri 1 1 nil f next week opcnltiic on Mooda'-. J u ti a. 2. a:id iloaiiiH on July 4. uihIit the aiia'ilica and ftir the benefit of thi- . It. K haaobull i lull When Ihi galea "if tin- iiiri.iiia attraction! 44 J. L. OOBER General Auctioneer 2 !!u'litil iHHlM KptM'Ulty. X 'l..ito 3. P. . Iloi 121. Wa t.ava completa Hit of Wall Paper and Palnta. Can do your work on mlnuta'a notlra. C. K. QCItO. B3S U. Boil Kt. ptitma TIT. are Ihrimn open In Hip public mi M mmi u y iiIkIii a vpiiIuUIp f.iiry Inml will have been erected in help the lull dull ni A luliiicriue on On' ti.iKi'liiill mii fur tu M'limri i.f 1911 Am vim enter the nhuw iir.iimil-i i'l Kirtrt ii ml Central avpnue, you will be aurpriai-d nt the line-up of lenleii I'lti that will fill every lin-h nt the hirue allow grounda. The uiir.i' liuna lire all hunted In new aid nn. tritt it theater mill ihe niiiituKcment hm luukeil ti I hi- . .rn f . j rt of the amu"iiient li'Vin public. Mr. Yoiiiik. th KPtierul ii miit of tna Mhnwi", ha hct-n In the Ity fur fun'1 lime tn perfect all de'.mla fur Iho coming of th., ahow. I In tinll club mi mlu m urr nil huatlcra, h ml ua t lie Imva tcr a liberal perccntaae uf III r.eelpia. nil of the fun ouitht to net ill ami booat the ball rluti nloiiK. SPORTS Baseball. Standing of the Clubs (The averuKua do out Include to Juy a rciulta.) at tonal I euuue m. 1.11111. Philadelphia, '. merlin n lnitui'. Cleveland, u. Ivirult. 4. I ii ! In nn il it. I;': llrooklyn, 3. lialtlmorp, 8; ft. I.iiiiIh. A. K ii nana city. fltlahurKll. 2. Iliilliilu, 4. i 'Mr. ii", Z. SAYS SHE TOOK POISON BUT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. General Planing Hill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 LUMBER & BUILDht H l V V L 1 K Wlioiceala aad Ilrtail Albuquerque Lumber Co. North rtrat Stra Hob from lh room of her hoard er Ifd Mra. Ki amino P-rea. of North Klrat atreet. to InveatiitiilP fatpruay nfti'miion hihI "h" f on ml N"ttt llt'ril rtuhl, tht iktuihiiiI, lylnic on tht lied wlih an mi H y vlul in lu-r huml. Th'' lrl auld alif hail taken pumun ami liiilmatpil thai a Ii 'V affulr hud lit-pii Hit t-aiiHP of her Mi-t. Tlx luiltlf waa not Uht'llpd, but It iii if 1 1 '-.I of it'iit-rtnliit. A ihyl i inn v cuili'il. lit auld Hull llu r.' wt'rt Ho initoma of Itoirn'iiltitt. toil hp udininlMtprpd a alron pum!!.'. Thp alii avi'inpil to l' all riulu Iihi liiahl. und aulil alip had no tnleiiiO'ii of Hwatlowinii any more miniu. ' r:hp iiaiil ihi IioiiIp mIip ilrainpil wuh filli-il with Koint'i IiIiik Inahly i"Imjiu'Uh but ahp tliilu t know what it wiik. Npw Vork . I'lni iniiHtl . . St. Uiuta . . 1'lttoliUI'Kh 'Mi ami . . I'hilalt'lihlu ltrookln .. Iiopton . . :i t . .'4 i AiiM'ruun l-aaio' Won. rhlliulil.hlu :! Kftroii S Ml. I.otli 33 WuMhiiiKtun 31 Hunt. hi it I'llKllK'l Npw York i lt' plnnd I Lout. 1 '. l!i U II si I .oct. t" '. ni a:i j. p. t. .6 -.' i ill ..Mis .4'.U .4fl .47 1 .4:. 1 .4l'i lit. I4 .r.7 : r.4i .r.;i4 .r.11 i .47 .377 .374 TODAY'S GAMES U:iiM.iV. .11 K SI. NATIONAL LEAGUE Why worry wIipii a, Ili-ralit wnnt ad will do It. I ndinnaioha IIUfTalti . . . hultiiuorp hi' iiko . . Kuiinan I'lly I'lilxtiuriih llrooklyn .. 't. I.IIIIIH . I isli'rnl Lfiiaur. Won. 3; i 1 , . .32 .23 "WB.ij'mxTOinSj min -ifmirH nana It should beonBtaHe. j y . Try Oar New Beer Souihwtdtern Hrewery Cz Ice Co. ALBUQUERQUE"," 137 in, I ipiiypr . . Sioux I'lly St. Jutwiih lipn Moiiici I.I mill 11 ., Hiiiihn . . Wiihiu .. Toit'ka . . W ti-lorn I t'auui'. Won. . .37 . .16 . .33 . .32 . .3:1 . . l.iirt. .'t 21 3 2 31 2M :i I.OM :'4 10 11 4 'I IttmliHi, T; Now r irat khii' Npw YorK . . lloaton 11 .1 . . ... iihiipiii'i. 1.0-0111 1 t-v, r roiiiii Ituduli b mid WhuliHK M pi a; 1. II la' l . ... ... .HID IHI2 Ui" 3 I .I I oil lux 1 11 1 nipp. Krumiiip .Hid llii-4.ln. U: IHillly, 3. Klrat a wn.' It H K llrooklyn .... nil" Olio u 7 u rhllmli-ll'lila .1 IHI tli0 2 4 II.iiipik'm: II ii mi -i. Allen mid Kiw n tr; M.i;er and Dooln. I.l. .Ii3 .Ti 7 I .537 . 4 7 j I .4 li : .44: ; . i i i. t " ; . 'i a 4 .' .533 . : 2 4 .44 1 4 all .315 t ardx, 3; l1raUN, 0. Si-ore: II II Si LillliK Mill III) OHO 3 l 1 I'll t mi Kh ...Villi mill Ouil U 4 It l;. in run Ihimk ami Snileri Allium, M-'Jiiill.iii anil tlMnuii. Itiooklyn. I; I1illaiilflilili . Sf unil auiiie It It Ciiukln ....inn "il Out) I 7 u I'liilaili-liiliiii . mil) I2X ID I Hill, iit-a. fro n Allen and IM win, .Mit'mty; Alexander and Killil'1'. AMERICANLEAGUE ii i: GAMES TOMORROW NaliHial I ruttiH New Yolk ut Honiiiii llrooklyn at f lnliuleliliiu. St. laiulti at f iltabui all. t'hlruRo at ('inrliin.iil. Amertt-an l4auue. 1 ict roll in t tin aim. I 'le eland at St. I.uUin. f hl'iiilplihlii at WimhlnMon. HoHion 1 'w York. I'd lor l-MKIH. Chliaxo at HI. Uttuia. Kuiowa I'lly at lndiiiiniioia llrooklyn at llallliimrr 1'iiiKlnirKh at llultulo. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. National I t-aatH. Hruoklyn, 1, I'ltl-timrah, 1. lltMiHi, 3: New rU 0. Klrat Kanip; It llimliin Inn) U i" 000 3 .' New Vol k . . . . limi nun lion 0 4 2 Itatteripii: I i n.iril und I'un ixati. Mi Hale, Cole, Waihop und Nuna-maker. at. liliutiiMi, I: fliilail'liliia 3. flrat aaine. It. II. K. f hlladeliihlu ,0HI .'00 (1 110 13 2 WanMiiKMn ..nun .'."0 tlx 4 II 2 liatlpiipai shawkpy. Ituali anil hi hang, llothlinit and Henry. Itillailt'liiliU, I: axliliMitoti a. Seroiid aaine It. II. K. I'liilail. Il'hia .un lul 000 1 4 1' WaxMiKinn . . Oil'.' uno 00k J 1 II llatterlia; Wyikolf, ltruwii and l.l'l: Johnaon mid Alnnuilih. Tlin rM, 3: W Wlo N. S. HVnr; 11. II. K iN'tmli mil 110 000 3 1 4 Chhago .... liiii 100 0I ft 1 liuttprlea: Cmlr-kle, Hall and I1' Kee. Cli-otic ami Mayer. n N'elll: Taylor. Iluninr ndner, Wpil nuiii, Muiiiiii ami Aanew. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. lilwauket', 3: linlkvlllt. I. Kliat anuiP It. H. K Miiwuukpp ...hoi inn nox - 2 7 2 I.uiiifvilip Hon nni ooo I Ti 1 lliiiteilpa; l.iin.lerniilk nnd Si-er-old, lloihk ami Huahpi. MORTUARY. lliil'IC 'EM OUT I iniii-al uf fliirrnift T. rllman. I'linerai m-r irpa Hill !.. hilil at 1 n'ciui k 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w nfti'in i fur ilir- em .. T. Wellmiin. V hime death oe-i-iirred nt th hoiiie of hut luiienta. Mi. and Mra. r K. Well mun, "ml South Arnu The aervlrea w II lie In Itlukpniore'a ( liai.el. with l:py. 11 A. Coi'tier ofililaiiin. Jiur lul will Iip In l-'alriew eemeiery. Tht; Maputll." Inuliea Milt alli'lul I he lll lii'lal. Ml Welliiiaii h ii v 1 1 1 u I'ii-ii a niemiier of StiKinnw t.mlije. A P. n" A. M, nml l:io tlr.imle i liiim-r, It. A. M Conalalent Riiya, th'-e oiiiinlxet Imll Mi.iK'ia.lille Sny there la no room fur a lliml major li-auup nml then iiroreed to i.m n fourth one I NO WORD FROM CAPITAL. COUNCIL MEETING OFF II. i inff rei el'.pil no CotipteKtunnn J-'Ptnuaau Word from i rea.inliiix the iu.H ihv of delay In takiD-i over Hie am ai ip i'i i k aitp on thp nipa (fi'iii Hip "V i i nun lit, Mayor H A. Ilxairlalu Ihia iin'inmi dei tiled that il a .i ii )i In. lioai toil ,,ff the aria i lal i iium il tnet'tiiia tentnt uply i-ull'il fur I " i i K Ii I It van hufiil early in I lie W' -k that I'otiHreatinian Kerau aon A i in 14 h.iyp ailyiaed the rity hy Una nuitntnc ex.i.llv a help the (Ity aloud III tin Hunter of the mean trui I. ao Hint (uiimil W'liild have knuwii IoiiIkIii whether It roiilil delay iay-nii-iit or iii iai haie h WHriunt drawn nt inn p in meet the cn of ae'-urlliM I'litent AMIr.g I'll!- Attori.ey Hubert II Cre Infut iiii'd the mayor thla morn" Inn Hint he confidently pipei-ted n reply to hla ti to ConireaaMi.tti FerKiiaaon In toinorrow nt the Imip.1. The iiuivor nnnounipd thiit he Would mil the ai'i'i lal uuo-Miir for Kriday nlalit ahlih would (lir Mr. Keraua aim amip tune in whuh to reply. Hut thp Idea apieala to lll0 trouble. Imeta on th, aulelinea li'a the lua li'ul atep in a ri'd-bluodt d war of re ITiaal. What the orauniaed uriny Hhuuld do to (to at the IbitiR riisht la to il:nt a fiai k I en m riahl next dnar to the Fed ialka. tut the pile of KiamUland a.-aia in ten it-lila. nnikp eiery dute lonriirt and Ip tr.idinic alampa. I I'm the way thy eldur atortt lnil, mid other ilenluma of I hp i lialll ature IiIpm killed eonipetltlon. The hiK leiiauea hiiip been aiufllmc n aar t'tieat full of aliuoleoiui for yeata auai-iat Juat ailill eoiiditluna ai h:ie m laen. Let 'em aiatt rpal wnr. nnd ahoot the Imoleona In aoliua and l.ya. i f r "f T ' ii.. I ,i a in. a I vV-; 7 There's comfort good K r chccrrefreihment W,r 4 A. I mm satisfaction in every cup of Calirmnla li.m atopped hIMhk bux ItiK exhibiiluna to iU iriaonera. fml(. alily woke 1 1 j to thp fart t,., t xr ituel and uniiHUiil tiunlaliinent to iTinke iaitia nuti'h fell'.y, Mynn ami Nome, other nt work. Humor luia Jake liaiiaert aimed to atuieed Wiluerl Itoblnaon aa imitl aer of ihi. llrooklyn Inidaeia. H mi'mbtr that Julio MrMraw proteNteii eally In lilt HiMKon that Itoblnaon'a atyle or man.iKUiK waa no) ll!ii. hla. luhn'a protpal aietua lo llie been UKtnlned. IM "oi hrnne aaya that If Jm k .luhnaon la a ahell of hia runner a. ll Mo I'm, alullila a li.un.. to real the In m i weiKhi i-rov d from hla kinky roof, but if hp la In I he aiiapp hp waa ii Uia V'i-k.ih Mniar w ll lie I'liili belt aa full or hul, a ua a pie' t uf H.vlav t heeae. Three Essentials a i ill Thp (lianta rituhurali Jinxed on Itn on m id. In four yeura pte- tuna in this aeaaoii the New Yorka have won 27 aa.uea anil loat imue nKiiliiat the Pirates on the liitler'n own lot. Thiit'a a tleady .net age uf thiep out of four. faaehall haa ehiiiiaea," ileelarea Hun llruui hera. now a ante keeper at Hie folo itro'i-ida. ' In ibeae il.iva the Pluxera bine the RroiindM in their Mil aittoinulillea, liut In tuir day f utin 1 1 V left the park on the flour of ii 'baa, with the huraea doinir a .I.-hm-lamia und roeka and oiiiona cominsi in throiiiih the wlndoHa." ItiKht oil are. Haul: tlmea haa i hii iaed. Tia no loiiai r ine public, but the magnate w ho ultei ninety throw ' ti'i k" nnd oniiuii ut the i I . ' -era. Kxpoclnlly Ihe rocka. It'a that eK Pliiiua the niituiiiobeilB. In placing your money at Interest you should always bear in mind the three great essentials of safety, interest rate and efficient service. This bank afforjs absolute safety; he interest .ate it pays is the highest consistent with thi 3 tafjty and it renders to every depositor the most efficient service regardless of whether the account is a few dollars or several hundreds $1.00 is enough to open an account at 4 per went interest, compounded twice a year. Pi I aM. 4; U-own, B. Klrat nam: rt. If K. Clew-laud ull "OH 110 474 SI la.ula nla 003 001 f. II 1 Mallei Ira: lluwman, Nitwit a id Johnny Kvera. cu plain of tha Hravea, lieliewa that the old Cub ma i blue would atili be in the rimnlnK fur the i hiimplo-iHhlp if u had nut bet 'i tliai'iipt.'d ity Charley Murphy. "With Slater, Tinker, Zimmerman and mtkelf in the Itiflelil." aald Johnnv, 'Archer and Klliitf aa catchera, our old oiitfleldera and the pri aent piteh imt alair. the club would bp In (lit world'a Be r lea thla full, liatead ot att-UKKllliK ulolig in lhH aecoiid dlvia-Ion." l HI to rn FIRST SAVINnS RANK & to :: TRUST COMPANY fiinital and Surnlns over $300,000 00. i . . . . i . ' a . .... . .iai i ''i aiw,pa.,t:a'T' RENT AN ELECTRIC PAN FOR YOUR STORE i a A ahalp triple play broke up n Kami In tht ent t'other day. It waa 1 1 ar Ii 1 11 1 li K tu thunder tu rain. Charley Williama. former hualneaa ma natter of tht Cuba. Ui-clan a on hla lienor that the talkatHe px pr.-Miile-n of the Cuba la alill in power. "I do not ticNtloii ihe ypiucity of Mr Ti-n-er or Johnaon." paid Williama the other day. "They nay that Murphy hua turned user h.a atoea to 'J'.iti. No doubt Mr Taft allowed Dm. Tell er aui h a tranaler. that, nolle the leaa, doea not pieicnl Mitil'l.' from cottrullinR th club. He la tin I owpr behind th(. Ihruttp, ull riuht ." Well, y' can't blmne ol' man T if fur oil 1 1 11 u 1 11 k to take Ihe ptuwto ol a auldy geniua who made that amne ball eluii tratiHlui in a tlmi'-l riJsn iui" a million. n Ihe face of It. that liueau't iuoK an I'lumb ruulia't, tiuw iluea II? Kirat baaeniiin Vic Saier la now Ihe hiK iawirit. with loupe fatia ai Clu laKu. S.iter aeldiiiii aaya alivthniK. ' til he ia one ot Hi,. haldcHt woik'ti't I'layeia in the fanie llpaidea leading, lite Cincinnati I'eda in tin kw'Ua. Mm. m la itoinii brilliant -civil,, in Ihe outlielil for the apceity Kent a rrum tibiu. Comfort Draws Custom and Encourages It to Stay ti ' irr.,--,4,:n i -r i"j.,t -j ieorya M Quill. in ia the John I.. tiiiiivan til itaaeiiii ii. tie on in. aluff for lliiod a -el la diuvMiiK a in the majora inaieaii or a minor cult pittance. buy ir- 'Yeti, tlie v ay tt li-va licrn Iwit outside allilny.lmt it lins lectiquilrr()iiifiirtallo in Hit (.tori. We have fleet no fnna, tlie ovciilaliii)' K iixl . Viaj nrcj extra fun lur your liair tlie lirerxe U to atrony; " "Nut many cuatomrr-if Tht-rr't w in re tiMi'ie vrroim. Hie Itorc wai crowilcd Irutii ten o'elia k until we cliwcii. My Ptiatonifra ol'lt ti tell tin tltey do tlirir alioiiiuj( Willi ua because the fliico la in nail ami rralful." '1 wind 1 Iia.I an t lecl'ic Ian at liuiio I Woulln't need to ndc way nut i tin' m.'k f-vi ry nijjlit to ki t itail!" If kin iui!y kin vv it t.lit io-. 1,1 davc a G-E Fan Tht re a 111 b,. N meet Inn of the Mlaaiomiry Circle at thp fapial i hurch at 1 o'clock tomorrow after noon. The lender Mill lip Mra. I!ub eriaon and the aubject "Tha Inble." 1100 Feet 3-in Select LUMBER f to 14 Inehe. wide, regular 70 00 per thoiiaiuid; whllti It laala, 110 00 Per Ihoinuiiid. K.xcellent for lula aion furtnlure. etc. Alan I.OuO feet I-lmh lUm.M'r, til 00 per thouaand. CITIZENS LUMBER CO. 4IHI Koulli M'ttilld M. In lier Mami at unall na-t -1.111I a aineli" ear ft re would t'n f a wliolt iiiiM''i ituiilot't. Ili'l jfou kittiw t It it. ALBUQUERQUE GAS. ELECTRIC LIGHT 4 POWER COMPANY. 34TH ANNUAL BALL Associazione Italiana C. Colombo FRIDAY, JUNE 2CTH, AT 8:50 P. M. AT COLOMBO HALL Musio by Booster Orchestra Everybody Invited. . -Tickets $1.00 for Gentleman and Ladies i. Mil I'.