Newspaper Page Text
SIX. THE EVENINQ HERALD, AlBUQUERQUE, N. 21., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24. 1914. LIVESTOCK Tl The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Story of tha Mexican Revolution ly DANK COOLIDGE Hwcra," lb Inkn." fcjfe llltutrmhni ly DOS J. LAV1N lOuprnsht. hilt, by 1-rsnk A. Mum J (Continued from 1 nett-rilay.) Once more Muil looked It over, and Mien Hi rink f 1 1 from hli hand It waa I ho Urn I piece they had found the piece that belonged to l'lill! CHAPTER XV. When the solid earth quakes, though it move but a thousandth of an Inch beneath our feel, tha hiiinnn brain reels and we become dixry. tick and afraid. Bo, too, at the thought that Borne tniiited friend hat played ua fhlHe, the mind tuma back upon Heelf and we doubt the nubility of every thing - for a moment. Then, am we find all the treea straight up. the world intact, end the hllla In their proper places, we rant the treacherous doubts aside ana listen to tha voice of return Kor on awful moment Hooker saw hlineeir betiayed by bla friend, either through weakneaa or through guile; and then hia mind atraigiitened Itself and he remembered that l'lill waa In jail. What more natural, then, than that the ruralea ahould search hla pockets and give the ore to Aragonf He afooped and picked up the chunk of rock that precious, pocket-worn spec men that had brought them the Aral promise, of aucceaa and wiped It on bla aleeve. Mechanically he placed It Lealde tha other piece which Aragon had gouged from the edge, and while be gated at them he wondered what .o do to leave their mine and go to hla friend, or to let hla friend wait and aland guard by their treasure and hla heart told him to go to hla friend. Ho he swung up on hla bora and followed alowly, and aa aoon aa It waa dark ha rode secretly through Old Korluna and on till ho came to the Jh 11. It was"! equar atone at met u re, built acroaa the atreet from the can Una In order ki be convenient for the drunk, and aa Hud rode up cloae and atared at It. some one hailed him through the bura. "Hello there, purdner," culled Hook er, swinging down and atriding over to the black window, "bow long have Ibey had you lu here?" I "Two day," answered I'hll from the Inner duikneHa; "but It aeei..a like a lifetime to me. Hay. Hud, there'a a Mexican In here that'a got the J I in Jams - regular tequila Jug can't you ut me out?" I "Well. I aure will!" annwered Hud; '"what have they got you in for? "Where's our friend, lxn Juan! Why didn't he let me know?" "You can aearch me!" railed Pe ljuicey. ".Seems like everybody qulti ou down here the minute you get lulu troubln. I got arrested night be fore IiihI by those d d ruralea Blauucl lN l Hey waa behind H, you tan bet your life on that and I've been here ever since !" "Well, what ant you pinched for? Wt.o do I go and eee?" ".Inched for nothing!" cried De La nee y bitterly. "i'lnched because I'm a Meiloavu cltiaen and can't pro tect myaeir! I'm Incotuutiicado for three days!" -Well. I'll get yott out. all right." aid Hooker, leaning cloaer agutlist tha ban. "Here, have a smoke did tbey frtak you of yuur makluga?" "No!" anapped Ie Lancey crossly, "but I'm out of everything by this time. Tlud. I Ml you I ve had a time df it! They threw me Id here with this craty, munierlug Meilcan and 1 haven't had a wluk of sleep lor two days. He's quiet now, but 1 do a t waiit any tiiore." "Well, aay," began Hud again, "what are you charged with? Ma) be I tan grease eonx-body's paw and get you out tonight!" Tfcere ua an awkward pauaa at thin, and finally le Lancey dropped hla white face agalnat tbe bare and bis toice became low and beseeching. "I'll tell you. Hud." he said. "1 haven't been quite ou tha square with you I've been holding out a little, llut you know how It Is when a fel low's in love, I've been going to aes Gra. la'" ' Oh!" :-oinmented Hooker, and stood very quiet while be waited. ".es. I ve been going to see her," luirrlcd on l'lill. "I know I promised; biit, hours'. Hud, I couldn't help it. It Junt seemed as If my whole being was tupped up lu her, and I had to do It She d be looking for lue when I i .une and went and then I fixed It lor maid to take her a letter, and then I met ber secretly, buck l.y the garden gate. You know iney ve giK some liulet punched iu tbe wall -looplioli-d during tbe fight last sum mer and toil -" "Hure, 1 11 take your word for that," broke In Hooker ratably "llut get to Hie point! What ale you pi lit bed for?'1 "Well." went oa I I-anccy, his Voice qiisterlug at the ivroof, "I waa going to tell you, If you'll liauo to me. 1st, uy body saw us Lrr and luld Ara-, "What Ara You flnched forV gon ne enut her up for a punishment and she slipped me out a note well, I couldn't stand It I hired tha string band and we went down there In a back to give her a aereuade. Hut this cud, Manuel del Hey, who haa been acting like a Jealous ass all along, swooped down on us with a detach ment of bis rurales and took us all to jail. He let the muaiclana out the next morning, but I've been here e '?r since." "Yea. and what are you charged witn?" demanded Hud brusquely. "Drunk," confessed l'lill, and Hud gruuted. "Huh!" he said "and me out watch ing that mine night and day!" "On, I know I've dotie you dirt. Hud." walled lie Lancey; "but 1 didn't mean to, and I'll never do It again." "Never do what?" Inquired Hud roughly. "I won't touch another drop of hoote aa long aa I'm lu Mexico!" cried I'lnl. "Not a drop!" "And how about the girl?" continued Hud Inexorably. "Her old mau waa out and tried to Jump our mine today how about her?" "Well," faltered Do Lancey, "Ill she" "You know your promlae!" reminded Hud. "Tea; I know. Hut oh. Bud. If you knew bow loyal I've been to you If you knew what offers I've resisted' the mine stands In my name, you. know." "Well?" "Well, Aragon came around to me last week, and said if I'd give him a half Intercut In It he'd well, never mind It waa a great temptation. Hut did I full for it? Not ou your life! 1 kuow you. Hud. and I kaow you're hon eat you'd' stay by me to the lust ditch, and I'll do the same by you. Hut I'm In love, Hud. and that would make a mun forget his promise If he wasn't true as steel." "Yes," commented Hooker dryly. "I don't reckon 1 can count ou you much fr mi now on. Here, take a look at this and aee whut you mulUR of it." He drew the piece of ore that he had taken from Aragon from his pocket snd held It up In the moonlight. "Well, feel of It, then," he said. "Shucks, you ought to know that piece of rock, I'hll It's tha first one we found la our mine!" "No!" exclaimed De l-ancey. start ing back; "why where'd you get It?" "Never mind where I gut It!" an swered Hooker "The question Is: What did you do with It?" "Well, I might as well come through with It," confessed I'hll. the luat of bla assurance gone. "I gave it to tiracla!" "And I took It away from Aragon," continued Hud, "while ba waa digging acme more chunks out of our mine. So that Is your idea of being true aa steel, is It? You've done noble by me and Kruger, haven't you? Yea, you've been a good pardner, I don't think!" "Well, don't throw me down, Hud!" pleeded I'hll. "There'a Borne mistake some a here. Her father must have found it and taken It awayl I'd stake my Ufa on it that Gracia would never betray me!" "Well, think !t over Tor a while," suggested Hud, edging bla words with sarcasm. "I'm going up to tha hotel!" "No; come back!" cried Ie Lancey, clamoring at the bars. "Come on back. Hud! Here!" he aald. thrust ing his hand out through the heavy Irons. "I'll give you my word for It I won't see ber sgain until we get our title! Will that satlufy you? Tbea give me your hand, pardner t in sorry 1 did you wrong!" "It ain't me," replied Hooker sober ly, as he took tba trembling band; "it's Kruger. Huflf you'll keep your word. I'hll, maybe we can win out yet. I in going up to find the eomlaarlo." A brief Interview with that smiling Individual and tha case of I'hll lie Lancey was lld bare. He had been euguged In a desiderate rivalry with M&fluel del Key for tbe band of Gra cia Aragou, and bis present Incarcera tion was not only for singing rag time beneath the Aragon windows, but for ti)liig to whip tbe captaiu of tha ru ralea when the latter tried to place hint under arrest. And le Lsncey was tha prlaoner not or the eomlaarlo, but of the captain of tie rurules. . More at heart. Hud rode up through the Mexican quartera to tba cuartel of tha ruralea, but tbe cap tain waa Inexorable. "No. senor," he said, waving an elo quent finger before his nose, "I cannot ruluaise your friend. No, senor!" "Hut what la he lis r gird with?" per slated Hud, 'and when la hla trial? You nut keep blui shut Ug without a trial." (CouUuued Tomorruw Afles-ltoost.) News and Gossip of the Range First h ii nd 1 1) f rm . I in many tefer. se. lions ,f New A1 . w-i ni e to range cumin ion, in ll.ilierinc mill the ll cum k growers HiroiiKltniit h etnte si wt-iirina the Imi'l'y Klliile Unit Inillcitlen n I'T"" liriiv. droAer from ami southern New Mexico reo-i nni" In Hume sei tlone I ho hml in Iw. nlv f"e year, with tliu sih k f it nnl Klo-n.y. Ins prices for wd. Kheep, i utile and hoiaea era making: the rowers Join m the rxnae irorrltv liorim ierltcnly mid energ- tti iiliy MIII'MI NTW Mill M V l IHMIIKT Kl:VI Tlie number of chMIo shipped from N'o. 7 diHtrlrl of iilr aiale. hi. h In- lud l.iitni. lir.iiii nml piirt of Doirt I Aim lountli-a. ilnrlne the month of M.iy. m'i or. Unit to fmnr.-n fiirnlaheil l'v I'niil.. I nn.eitir w. (, Sim i.iii. whs l..r.iin head. Prices nvcniiii'd :t per lo-iid, In-lining tin. total .pic of the cuitle shipped close to fgim.. (inn. The recent rains and the f.ivor. aide winter have put the riinaea into excellent condition nml the stockmen nr.. Kill ln refold prices for thi-tr cintle, and the market shows no sian of gnlnit stiy lower than the present values for some time to come. i..vm iii:i or sti huh HOI II IX K lSH flTV TwenH-flve hundred heuil of three and steers were '!.! by .1 .1 Heals oi it lust vee.. hclne th(. lot . .-i to Itolilnson and ery .. nl Wayne ( ' I'ool, l.yona mid (' ii Islmd. In Kansas II M .tonetinikr The steers belong ' II multon. Tom lv it Ivle. Ilollow.iy nml Kiti.-r and o'h.-r Plain- country were required market. ar.iK.r'. Three tr.iln" l ship the cnlHe to Speaking of cotllllt Ions declared the rnnae In f in arnss knee-di-ep In minv with fliie proHpe.-ts for n Mr. Il.-nls shnoe, ui!h III s nnd ' ..I fall. 111 It It op lllltlloitiis Itol .T m Tlll Hen Hall, of Toihan. re.-ini pur chasetl ; head of fine on., nnd two. year-old whlteriicetl Hereford hulls, from the original (loodnlullt Ad.ilr herd In Texas. While not registered the hull are heaiitlea. The hulls were distributed several grow ers near Talhan. Mr. Hall Is on,, ot the leading growers In New Mexico snd haa a fine hunch of pure hred Hereford)! on his ranch near Talhan. MO SHIPMFXT OF III 1,1 A I nuM sriiii.r:it itwni I The rharles Hprlnger ram ti recent I Iv shipped from Hpringer 100 heed oi thoroughbred yearling Hereford bulls to Landur, )Vyn. The,, bulla were sold to the I'lillid Saates govern ment and were di-llvered on the Miot-hone Indian reservation near where they will be Issued to the Indians. James T. l-all of t'lm- Economy Is essential in every household -practice it by coming here for your Hats, Shoes Shirts Neckwear and Clothing Just received the early Fall styles of Forbush and Snow Shoes. Watch for them this week. M. hlandcll The Live Clothier in New Mexico al l. .n n.-.-otiipsnled the shipment. Anoih-r shipment Pv th C j rain h of thlrty-elani head of the out , same lass or stock will e sent to ii-i Indian reservatloii in ColorniH. tin Johnson of the springer ranch ii iiiiompuiiy this shipment. I Tin. !.'. hend shipped by the same loinpiitiy last week to Atlsoiia Slid' soiilliweslet n Sew . M tlen netted !MI ii bea.l. whi h Is n splendlil price for Vexrlinea. ; Th.. M. L. C. Nunn and Latham i irnwil shipi'ed sortie ffve htindrcu hi a.l .f yearling hell, ti from oseeoli . on M u II The t.rthsrs) wool clip miiounted io nearly Itiil.iinu pounds, the W....I bi-ina so pi IA cents per pound at the depot n i Suit I Shi-rifr .Mrilrath with lepu'y Mr-' 'art went down to Huadalnpe can yon, whn h is In thn extreme south-I Western iornT of the .-lute, and there I iirr.-HK-il I.e.. HudspHh for the lar-l ceny of tueiitv-elicht head of cattle. Mr. Iliidxpcth is i brother of Menator lendspelh of y. I'aso A J and Wutt illlinor of Tarrl loroit dellN.-red a hunch of 2 .' steers here Saturday to a representative ot ri Missouri livestock cu:ttmtatoir house. I'oleet A t'ostn Shipped twelve care, 4H0 head, of cows snd calves from Staae- .ln to Lnkewood recently. They were taken to a mil' h some milca northwest or I-kenod. M I(KI.TM I.HT 111' I.tMsW, Mlt KI" IN K tH t ITY C. T. Adams, of l allsliad. rerentlv ! sold the hist ( ".ini'l sheep which he I had shipped to Kansas t'lly. The sheep told well nnd Mr. Adams made considerable money on 'bet deal, ac cording to n statement in the hrov er s T. I. srain. kim.stox .ot f.uowrn rt vs him it or hi i.i.s Tom Weilaewood, of Kingston. Hurra countv, one of the gout klnu In that section, recently returned home from the easi, with ft carload of fine Hereford bulla , 4 tti.i: t'oxnt ti:i nit VKAHH I'KMHIK III-1 Mi Oll David C. Trior, of the X. A M ranch on the I'pper tllln. In Orant conn i y, haa sold a thousand head ot yearling steers to sheriot k snd Tom kins, of Hie Wet Mountain valley in Colorado. These csttle were con tracted 'or three years ago, or two years before they were born. tXIXMTloV 4H-" ItWt.K VT KI.VIIIA lKT iS VrUH J. M. Pusaiis. of Klvlra, In Kort Hnmner recently, reported range con ditlona the beat In Sears and that his crop of Ijimbs averaged o per cent. KWSAH MTV Mill KIT KTHOVt.. Kansas t'lty Klock Yards. Jun 2.'. The general cattle market sdvanced l.i to i.'i centa last week, due to very light receipts. Stockers and feeilers 4n to."., hUjihor, medium cows 2 r. to 40 higher, and venl IS to 60 higher were exceptions. Knlns restored nor. I mal grazing and crop conditions (n the corn states, thus removing pres sure to ship out live tok, resulting III sharply redin-cd receipts here, and stronger markets. Italnfall over the corn area Is still ilcfl. lent for thP sea son, but reports of corn conditions are favorable. Additional rains Sun day unl Monday this week stiffen tonfldi-nces In the saying that "when a drouth Is broken In June It neans plenty of moisture all aiiituner." Keceipta today are 7, Mm cattle, nnd the market la steady to 10 higher. Heavy nullve yearlings iirouiht t'.i : today, thn highest price paid here In a month or six weeks. Miockers and feeders are Purely steady toduv. ns not many buyers are here, being kept at horn.! by stress of harvesting. Ic ceipts of slockers and feeders are I.ght, and sales are at Itt sn to 17.7V a range of prices !S to 8.1 cents un der a year ago at thla lime. West erns advanced l. lo 2S centa lust wiek, but very tew are coming from Colorado snd the west. Jiiarantln t rrltory Is culling loose, particularly the north Texas feeding dlatrlct. Fifty or sixty loads of theae good cattle were Included In the run of I OS cars of iuar,itil ine received today, nnd they aold at lh,. highest prpea off the year, largely $7.T.i to In V Four teen cars of south Texas grass steers brought ti.L'.'i lo 1 7.75, and various shipments of in. ilium to common Oklahoma grass steers Is. 3a to 17. Conditions fuvor a light supply from native territory daring the next four weeks, and the market ahould male some gain. II. .its have advanced steadily during the last week, and prices were steady to i higher today,' top It. 4 1', bulk II .'0 to I ' !.. I'ack- em tried lo stop t lie advance today and employed waiting luetics, nut I Ibey only partially succeeded. Ke ci ipls are C.lioo today, and apparent. I ly ih-i Is ii gieat reserve number of hog in the country! Htnokod meats are moving freely, I and middlemen are beginning to nil- serve the paucity of the hog supply, Iv. huh is an iiidu. for them lo I till their shha with pork produci. This op,rmion n turn gltrs strengtn I lo the lite hog market, h'heep and la inns are firm today, rtceipie only .".. '0 head. Hiuing laioi.a sobl laigeiy at .V to lb. 17. today, and native ewes 14 '. to I'.. riotiie Texas yearl.ngs brought $7.10 I today, and mixed Texas i n and w.i hers brought fit, consider.-d strong lloats btlng 13 to . to. Light re ceipts and atrong marketa ere pie dined. J A. HICKAIlT. Market t'orrrspomlenl. I will give one-fourth off the price of every piece of summer footwear in my big stock. This la yuur chance fr bsrgulns. Wm. rhuplin, 121 W. Oulra I. I -el time. Herald want ad save you It. I. Moore, Attorney, Cromwell Hliia-.. It Ind ML ffcona 141. Try a IO-ci,i ,Urald want ad. Big C! mmmer Footwear 121 WEST CENTRAL Foreign Manufact'.ers Re cognize Conditions and All Attempts to Depress Prices Have Thus Far Met With Failure. Itoston, June 24 The strength l th raw materials market will not ne gainsaid ami all attempts to depress', prices have met with failure and a hoiiysm v of values thai was imllspii- . table. Demand for the fine territory! wools snd for fine and half-blood for- i mn wools nas oecn strong ami imio-i have remained liilly firm on these grades which sre not. found so read ily as merchants could wish by any means. It is noteworthy that nu ll mm crossbreils 4U-44's quality un der inei demand from nulls havfi nppre. luted slightly- in value, some holders asking fully n cena a pound more for low quarter Argen tine. The turnover fr lhc week has been of fulr volume and some think that n ery considerable qiiurttliy of wool has been taken in a unlet way by one or two prominent operators For aome lime it haa been evident in the trade that there was a w pie disparity In values between low nnd high quarter foreign wools, in fact loo great n differettre to be main tained for any length of lime, ami it is evident that litis difference of to 10 cents a sroured pound between 4's and S's Argentine wools was re. -ognlsed as offering chunceg for prof itable business by certain mills. It Is also patent that the foreign muliuluc. Hirers hsve not been slow in observ ing this situation and advices to bund this week both from and Continental Kurope tat,. that spin ners and tnpmakers have been trylrm to Induce weavers lo attempt the mar kutlng of lightweight goods in whn h these low wools utilized. Of course thore la a Very luirlliilitv for fine feeling goods lor !the lightweight season but there Is. on i the other hand, a limit lo this ten dency when price considerations he I come lo,, weighty. Home of these wools, which have been bought In this market of late, however, are under Mood to have been bought with the bexl heavyweight season In lew. leaning I p tbe Wcwtrni 41li. Perhaps a million pounra or wool are left In Montana-hut this la IUc! to i... purchuaed within the wee It prn es do not prohibit. The prices paiil to a certain Minnesota blanket mill for two fine medium and half blood .Hps. however, would seem likely to stiffen prices beyond the bounds which dealers sre willing to ay. For two clips, totalling about tlo fini pounds. 2 i-l and il cents Is reported paid, which is fig ured lo mean a clean landed cost at lh mill of nhniia 60 cents, or clean lumled bssis in Itoston of ubout .' cents. l Very little wool is left In WvominK. I Idaho, Oregon or the Triangle snd New Mexico and Texas are fast being (cleared of their wool Al the aale al Kerrviile, laat eatar.luy. about two million pounds ot iw.-ive ad eigha months wool were sold lo Itoston mer chants for twelv months being divid ed among three llosotn houses For the eight months. 57 In 7,1 crnts is , generally figured as I lie clean landed test, while 10 lo (3 cents Is she esti mated clean landed cost for the : twelve months wools. lu pous lust I week to the effect that the Han An ' gclo wools had been sold were not true bul the option which In f.u'l had been laken on the wools waa l- lowed to lapse snd since then u pail 'of the wool, known as the Ith hard son sccumulution. Is reported sold In lioaton firms st th aum parity ot , prices aa Ihoae . paid (it Kerrviile Tbe Wool Warehouse association wools aa Han Angelo are also report ed unsold al this writing. TctllUiry. Kales of original bag territory wo. I have Included almost every .lass hut principally I'tab. Colorado, Wyomlnu. Oregon and Idaho. A lot of (O.OOii pounds of original Colorado wool brought 12 lu XI 1-1 cents In Ih gn uril clean c-ts on various lots of this lass of f ool are future.! any where from III to fi cents. ortKJnal bug Oregon, Idaho sod Wyoming I DIG DEMAND FOR TERRITORY WOOL III ROSIOIi learance OF ALL- few Wm. CHAPLIN 'IIS w.iol whn h have a fair percentage of emple wo.d in them not quctitly rang,, as high as tin c nta, clean basis, hut the aveluge run of them bring about .".7-riS cents. HaPs of good llah ormlnal wools wet - airly heavy at .Mi to 7,7 cents, c.-in basis. Soda A sal,, of inn. no pounds Springs wind on the basis ot n hoot cents mmg i.l nta Is reported or at ;'.' I-.' in the g leave original Wyo woo is r. polled to luni- ..l.l as high us 24 o uts In the gi'-ase lor medium wools this w.-ck Very little wool has nen offered in the market. Soon- staple Oregon Is otl.-i. d in the mat ki t at ' vents hut no business Is fi ported thus far this week Inquiry is e port. d for high hair-blood and fine staple territory wool, but n,, hn-t-ni-ss has been lis los. l up to thi writing. M BELONG TO Ifl IRIS STATE Report to Be Made at Conven tion in Chicago on Member ship in New Mexico; In Flourishing Condition. New Mexico lp well represented lit the foiiiteeuth inlet national Sunday school convent ion. hih is now in eessioti in cbi. ago. Among those in attendance from this state are: Judg. W. II i'ope, president oi the Stat Sunday School ast-.M lat on t. ml a member of the Internal nmal com mittee. 1 1. A. Porn if i, -1,1 .ma Charles Hewitt, of Albuquerque; Mrs, I arr - and Misa l.indsi-y, ol l'otlul-: J. ti. Vii-ighl, iN-ming. W. ! Ogle, lata Vegas. W. II. t'rlMiian, Farmlngton. The convention is one of ihe most r.uonopolit.i n gatheriiiKs ever held, every nation under the sun being represented ut the great trleunlul gathering. Three ye:ira ago nl tha conven tion h.-ld in San Francisco Itev. W '. M.-tritl was ot.polnte Interna tional Held secretary f.r states of -N' viidii, Arixonu and Sew Xlexli u liurlng thi-ee three years he tu la boreil tini-easingly fir Ihe uphu.ldiu of Ihe Siind ly s. hools ol ihise thres great stales. In New Mexico many new s.-nools have been ..manned, and roniiy liais been lls. ov..i..( which naij bt-en In rxlsleni-e but had not been associated with the state ussoclalion. Kverj county In New Mexico now has a county orgunlxetion and sever SUflDAY SCHOOLS Olood TrcuMss Oiicnjlard to Lccato Cctrrh, fcr Eicspb Qii Ca lha Cct;:3 c V7 W A ImmJ A Silent Trouble Often Urlnsa a rsrosie euia snesns Bnmetl.ln wr..M enasiltiiii..uslly l'luils n..tu I...I in.f isia means Isilllj elo.iliisll.ia Iti-se Slid s kuutlied t ti.-r syii.pta.ns sre essliy rrrtwlsed. but l-rt Is tu trv'ihls V lo.-re Is it l.saleill W last Is Wroug Willi Ike iMKlllf ma, blurt If will .., Iptn any first rlsas Store as4 get a la.itl f h. H el. i.iu sr ua 111 way lu getin.g rid uf Hi. r.s,.liu,,n, u,t rsuee and dls. ase. Hot d .u't let ai.roiie .. last uid trick ut Sustiilug Just SS gu.." - M M. is tsken tnle the bUmi lust si Bsturally aa (lis sosit f.M.d t sprrsits hs lua.ira. o.r frt urssa In lu IhsIjt, ,-..ii, ibrougs sll I us s, n, sn.l sriern-s. eiii,l,-s all uuit.ns surfs.-es la i. n.aaii.niatur a. nls aud uthsr Irrllsllug aal f..r ailerlal deni. uia list elf.vlusoir tleasss II,. srst.iu a... I llo.s pi.t aa cud lu sll p-lo.llua. M. H. H tlvslts kXit i,S SlwIUS' a Ul AuUvVUS SVASS- feM34j7 Sale al of the larger count li-a have twt naaociuilong on nccount of the greet .hc-tam,. between lite primlpnl towns. Helow Is given a synopsis of the general lep.irt of the New Mexico ns soi-iatioii, whKh will be given by It.-v. Mr. Merrill al Ihe liiicniiiilonat convention: All of the 2B counties In the stale .rxannu'd. with .'1 county oiganlxti to. lis. Number of conventions. Institutes, both stale and county, held during the past three years, :I0. There are 4 49 white, s Spanish, l'l Indian, 10 negro Soinlay s. pools In the state, with a total incinl-r-ship of Sii. H4.1. i Hit of the total of f.7.:i Sunday school), all reported for Ihe year 191.1 ex. epl I4. Thirty -eight Sunday si hools report n home department and (in have a cradle pull. I Miring the year I HI 3 37. schools observed !-.lsion day snd 1IS2 mcmhei'H of the Sunday schools join ed the hun h during Ihe same year. Number of schools using the graded lessons: Primary department. M. Junior, 31; Intermediate, II. A tl ii 1 1 organised HiMc cloeses, hut not registered a. -cording to the in ternational standard, Hi. Member ship, 27.IMI. Membership of organ ised and u not ga nixed adult llil.le classes, 3717. Teacher training classes enrolled and registered in llr.. slan.lai .1 i ioire, I. Number of . laws not registered. 17; total membership of 144. Number of temperance pledge sign Ms leporteil, 14 mi. Schools having inissionni y stiperin. tendenis or coiiiniitiees, 24. Num ber of schools having definite mis sionary instill. -lion. 4 4. Schools roll Iribiillng regularly lo mlt-stona. 111. A in. oi in f conn il.utioiis repotted, l.',:iii r,x. The Sunday schools are in a flour ishing condition at the nresenl I. me and the officers of Ihe state associa tion are planning for a splendid stale convention lo be held lu A : Ooqn.-i ,ii.. September 30 Hn.l o. toper I and 2. TRAPPER'S FAMILY GRIEF-STRICKEN OVER REPORTED DEATH Mrs. Charles Tolty of Marathon. Tex, i..'clvetl a telegram yesterday from rmlershcrif f ;ip k I-uis jp prtsing her of the fact that there was no troth In the report thai ber brother. Ara Sheley, a trapper, was i hot to death by a cowboy at Hun Milton. Valencia county. Mir. Tucv read Ihe false report of her oroih-ra death in a newspaper, and tvrot In rndersherirr Lewis for details. she accepted the report aa true mi l hi r letter reflected the grief which Ihe new a had brought to herself nnd Hh. -ley's daughter and aged mother, who live with her. I'hona I, fled Ham, 111 W. Topper, for rtrst-clnsa hacks and earrlug, W. U Trimble ft Co. ire "essa lass issavla ftertoua Blood DUordcrs. latp.aa ee sides galy pure, l.l.sxl mating n.sorisls lo ester I lis luirstls-a, with tlie foud slemeols lu eutse I Us rlr and la less tt.aa ss bmir Is st w'a irnugbuut the kvdjr la lbs pruesaa si V.. u will soon resit, Its wnnderful la flilea.- I.f th. ila.-ii,, f headset... a StsJ H luaproTed of I lie k!o su.1 is-nse uf iHKllly r. Ii. f that prose haw re.... Iwear'tlli" "Ul ,k4 '" .. V? ."" " " " " I "P .ii '.i'". rr"'-sbi reiuwlt f..r and sit kluud, rsh. .i...s, t,.tlrr, ior:,,,.. h.,!, .,, Ktli.-r diOT-aa.4 r-ediiiubs .f tl,. bi,t (.., rT-L"' S'lV.'.-", ."" dlaraw wr(. Atnlais. 7.s y"viu lv" '" Is, Sol trig. ltfc .1...!..... "it, 4 gvvw Cwwaui i.iia a. a. sv.