Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24. 1914. IIVEX WELL, AT THAT, HUERTA FINALLY OOT THE HAT. ' BY "BUD" FISHER YSi Tmij fcoviRpeco WAS PSMTet 1 ib Hi;, Famous VjAt. hat. h wfttJ.C I IT AT JuRE7,tAlTlLl.O, AT THC TAULLt'T HOtt " 'T. Hut., K.TA vTO CPTlRt TMt .'.AT UCU THii CXJfcMT to Be iNor,TCutr'-E ( tX THOUGH A WAR. , AAO ) tHeN THINK Cr THt HlVteRifsU. VALWfe I IT. j 1 UlLI At , ,j HAT '-' kail 3 VIVA i ram fWMAT G J r, i n J 1 i M , - u f I I LI t M - - N 'ETER OF CIS SERV A I E TO HJSOII oyal Proclamation An I nounccs King: i in 111 i Health and Wishes Crown Frinte to Look After Gov-eminent. TicluiuUv, HvrviH, June 2 Kind l r 1 uf 8 iviu wan iixitvil imlu) Iiiixc ulnlivuluU lliv ihi 'iic in luMir Inn riuiKl auii I'llnv AlvnnilT-Th- kniK l. fl H!lraUn in llr ultvr xin for the butlia at Vrttnyu, tn Iho min i ii imrt or tfvrvlu. kui! a uul f ul iiv ihr ,rrn in uk -in) in ii ii .ll .1.1 lli blttlt'. il.-lil llir. flll I mv hi' llwil 'lli'lli'Hleii, bill roll cud IlKI'U till' Ulill. lll' III llllll III ijiHy hn.l i.i)Ciii'il a iikafp niruil- thr Kov-liinii'iit i'f St rvtii iluliliB n alini'iirr from IK lo i own I'mi'T AIvxhiiiIit. A ri ii I ir'M'Uitnuiiin mm af(r miI Iftuitil, ri-atlliiK ui ftllnwat "iiiik in III lipxlth I am un.ilile t mi1..iiii my' il in If a, ali'l in iiclunv mth iuriimuh ixi-nin tv t riiin 1 0118I1I ullmi. I - tlf 1 In K"vi'i nnifiil ( fMiut ( my ir, the 1 'row 11 I'miri AliKBinlir, iruiu my illnew " Ai 11 ii liiiiiwn thitt KIiik IVHT in vi-rloimly III. I ht lirt liiiirrKiin , mp ti the iulillt' b I he Imiic I1 liroi'lHIIIUtlilll 1IH (llMt hilt IIUii'H- I1A1I a l.'l ii alril, uml lti(ir wuulil 4 1 11 1 Ir fuiiiilxr In riiurl cirrlra In Hunirli If lixliiy'ii u Ihin ly Ihr king .hiIiI lurn nut ! tx iim'I-I a pre knlnnry Bli p in Hljilii-ation a hu h iik Ivirr m h.i 11I to huva hud In Hliiiipliitioii for POllll limp. Kirnt I'liir. who i iu ycura 0I1I. i 11.I.1I Hi.' Si r la 11 Ihruiip June l.. H.'l. alii r Uu niurilcr nl Kiiim AltK- iiti r. Kinii 1'itfl unlil hi wrrnniiin lv1 ri iiilM'iiliirniia lift, lie alu(ld Sw llM-rliind uml lin n wpnt In thr limh itiiliiiir aruili-my nl tH. Cyr. artli li.niil In I hp Kriim ii-iiiT- hi wur an an ollli-pr uf thr furrlKn Inn. Kur nninv ho la aniil m liuv uhKi .I 111 1 iiiiHiurai Ua uhhiiihI Kliilt Ian nf Krrln. hut . fnr forly-flvr im Iip hlmarlf ni'vpr Mt font nil rv in n ll until hp liiul 'n vn l. i Inl ng hy Dm HTlnn iirliuniint onir uf nrlllnf iirranurc. Hhinta pip fr.-p buyera. After Martlnit un imiiiKi'd to l-4c tilKher, the murkel 1 iiiill'iui il ; am piul Data hardpnvil Hh corn. Hmhir prlri-a for hog" made iro vlHlona firm. ChlrMKii, junp H. Wheat July, imr; Hoplpmlier, Tiv. Corn July. 8tc: Heptrnilier. ilc. Onta July, Siplrmbir. fork Jurly, l'JO.75; Heplpniber. 120.07. lrd July. '1 10.07; Heptrnilier. 110 22. It iha July. 111.47; Brplrtnber, f 11.62. f1ih4f l,lPlMk. hlii, June S4 lloga .ppplpi. 27.IHIO, iin.iiK, ic hiKher. Hulk t.25 II 31; llht. IK.KMi H IS; mixed. lH.or.4i a o. heavy, f 7.3t 17 1-1; rmiKh. 17 ! .'11 K ill; plia. 1 7.2.'. K. IS. ('Mile neielpti, 11. .Mill; atimly to mil 1 hk Kpevea, 17 .'lOft .4U; ateera, i04iin; tiKkera and feedera, t.Ul li. rum and hcllera. 11.70 'r I K.-,; i-mIvpn. 17 00(iI2.-, Fheeu Uei'el.MK. IS.IMIO; weak, 1 enta lner. fSherli. I 30 i 3 .'. . 1 yearling.. I.lfl 7.40; lnmla. 1101 ft.2; aprlnga, 1 7.'. 11 2.V HOE PHOTOGRAPHS Oil E10IT1 HT HESIOEflCE Photofellowi of the World Send Magnificent Collection of Prints to Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. The Markets fc4444)4)- Chicago Grain ;t hl'MU... June 24. Not m. It hatandini kr wheat market hail already uniler Mie a vlilUHlly alralEhtnway hreH4 f (I'll rplla a bushel, prti e Imlav Ifiirrrl an additional amaah. upen ty prlren. whlrh wera a ahade to ' lower, were folluwed by a mod t.ite rnlly. 1 or n rnac tm aerotnl of the Kaiiwn City IJurt-liN'k. KnriKna f'liy. June 14. lo le- i'lil. V.Oiio. alronK to fie lilnlnf l!u'k. I 201 1 1-2; heavy, IIJO-H 15; parker and bull hem, iH.'iO'Jr it a;.; iiifht. tn ioi io, iim. i7.ioif l.nn. fiillh Reeelpla. l.r.OH. alearly to utroiig I'rinie fed rteera, l0t 15; dreHHPil beef atpera. t7S01ik r.O; wealern Meern. 17.00 4( k 75 : Miulliern 'teera. II 20 4i K 25; n.. 14.154r7.i5; heifera. 1 7 5 4i W (1 0 ; atwkpr and feedera. ! 75 l 7 H5 ; bulln. 15 50i 7.00. Klin, 6041 10 20. Kheep llpeelpla. 4.000; ateiidy. ji.nli, 5041 9 25; parllliK. tK 25 4f 7 10; wethera. 4 75 4i.IO; pe. 14 254i .'; atiH'kera and feedera, f 3 00 ti 7 - The Metal Markets. New York, June 21 Copper dull; apot and AugUKt. Ill 304 13 TO. Tin ipilet and eiiH : aput. 12O.504f 3o7f; Auiuet, till 24 .10 7. Iron fiilel. tlm hal.itrd. I.iilnliin iiiolaliona: Copper ateady; apot, 110 IK, d: fulurea. 1(1 11a 3d. Tin eaay. apot, (139 2a il; futiirea. Hill 17m Hu-li-on. Clevplnnd warrant!, Din 3d. Don't exaggerate or misrepresent an article advertised in this page. It will certainly prove a boomerangand besides we do not want that kind of adverhnng. Tips On Finding the Right Petition ft it f ' I BiliflU. Aray " "t - J )u.t rrlT4 la . ajar-ajga MM Tb Waalnaaa world la rauad wltk anlaflta. Artyoaooat Hajrbarna kaT to. Kiyba you kat " kf for yaar. Wako 1 iik I riod your rJ work. Rppywin ysa w4. To (at actkm. Bod out Ut our UttU Wat Ada will do. All lor a fW BaaatM I Hayb) a our CUaalfiad pg today otnaone la atking fur ycm. Orak Ovportuuity by Ua coat collar. Yoa caa da It It yon Read and Answer Todav's Want Ad3. Albucupriueuna interealed in pho. tograi hy ur In fine photngrapha will hxe an opportunity all Ihla week il viewing an me of tin- flneat photon ever Hlmwn tn thla city. They are nt the rptldence of Mr. and Mra. H. K Koliiimon. 70 Koulh Walter alreet Mr. and Mr, floliliimn are mem ber of a worldwide anaoiiation ol I liolorpliii- enlhuauiata known mi the I'hi lofi'lliiwa of tho World. The orgaiiixiiiioii la for the purpoae of exrhaiiging lileaa and prints, and n ply now an! then to whp h membera 'ontrlbule the beat of their heweat plilurea are aent arounii among the Photnfel'ow a. Tnduy Mr. ri'ielved a hia uffii In th' Keileial ImlldlnR a bog of I'holi, fel low prima Ihut Im luile aouip of the moat flnlahed and etnklig photon pver appn. The pli t urea ini luile lamlm-a . aeaniaHa. anowatiipea, pnrlmlla and atudiea. Home of the moat striking romp from Gotland, and there la one beautiful genre nil from Hw Itxerlitnd Mr. Iinbliiann an Id that anyone In the city Inlereated In the plrturer. would be web nme to look them over at III realdenre. Membera uf the Phntofellowa are allowed tn k?ep the enllei Hon a week Mr. and Mr. Itoblnaon, who are ex pert photographer, ronlrlbuip nota ble I ml in 11 aludip to the enl lection. Mr. Itoblnaon hi eiiperiniendent nl Inilliin IrrlK'itlun hua many oppnriun Itlea lu aeviire fine plilurea nf the red nun at home. STATE RETAILERS MEET II! OATOII JULY 8-10 Tentative Pi igram Announc ed for Gathering of Asso ciation M:mbers; Local Men Down for Speeches. Ilaton, X. M . Junp :S Aaauraneea from Alliuiupniue, Itoawel!, Kantit Ko and Las Vegaa, that tach pU-e will be represented by a delegation, means that the ftate Retailer' convention to be held In ftaton, on July I. and lu, will be a rtt(lng success. Tlia larger towns are to send lane deleg t tlnim. Koswell has promlwd fifteen automobile loads, with slxly people, sending the ears over the same route aa that followed by the Itaton deltgn llon last year when nln ears Inadu'l with Haton boosters invaded Roawell for the 1111 convention. El t'atnlno Heal la in eplehdld condition am) cars from the south will be enanled tn make the trip with eaae and com fort An Interesting feature nf the Kamn convention will be the keen rivalry, which la sure tn develop among four ur five of the delegations for the llli convention. 'Bhe Eveinma' Herald W &m Ads Three Lines : Three Times : Three Dimes AAMWkljaaVkagstiaSa INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Plate Glass, Liability, Burglary, Accident, Health, Life, Livestock. MONEY TO LOAN All kinds of Real Estate and Investments on Easy Terms John lil Moore Really Co. NEW MEXICO HOTEL DIRECTORY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 8ANTA 2 K Tho Montesuma Hotel, American plan; eer.'lce first class, electric likhts. gtenm heat, telephone In ovary room. Bpuciul attention to auto parties. Physiclf-ns 4 Hlg llargaln lit IIihm-IkiIiI ;imm1. Ccinalatlng of 2 refrliteratora, 4 atpe rangea, dressers, roi'kera, I loonier cabinet, foliting bed, 4 Iron beda, tables, sHiilliiry couch- pa, rook and healing aloves, etc., pic. Sep goods at 114 ' ,'. Coal avenue. notified and reipilred to present tho wiine In the undernlgned In the man ner and within the lime prewrllied hy law. tilled June tth, 1914. Alliaiter que, X. M. JOHN' K. .SIMM H. Ailminlstralnr. In the IHstrli't Court of the Second Jiidlclul iHStrict of the Slate of New Mexl -ii In and for thu County of llernallllo. Notice hy liililli allnn. No. 9551. Florence Kdmondaon, I'lalntiff, va. William W. F.dmondsun. I lefendnnt. To William V. Kdmonilsoti, Defend ant. You are hereby notified Ihnt Flor ence Kdmondnon, an pla'ntiff, haa filed a rnmptnlnt nanliiHi y u In the lilHlrlct Court of Hernallllo county. New Mexico, the general object uf which said complaint In tn procure a divorce fri'in the marriage rela tion now exist Ing between the said plaintiff and ynnrxeir. and Hint un let. you enler your appearance tn said cause on or before the 27th day of July, 1914. judgment will be ren dered In aald ruse ngulnst you by dp fault. The name and uddreHs of tho plain tiff's attorney Is Isuui llarth, Albu querque. New Mexico. A. K. WALK Kit. Clerk of the l'ltrli t Court, Herna llllo County, New Mexico. By T. K. I) MADDISHX. Ileputy. Mill lltCMT. Store room, Ccitral Ave., he- tween Third and Fourth SI. 4 rooinB f urni.Khed, near It. It Shop. 114 00; large shade trees. fc-roini tnoderii brick house, M9 .V Y. avc, 122 1.0; water paid. 10-room bouse. Fifth and Unr ' iiielte Ave; modern, 127. .'.0. (-room hoiiac. 111 No, Fifth St.; modern, 12a. 00. 4 -room Iiuukp, Hiuhlanda, 110. 4-room house; east ll.ixc Idlhe ' avenue; modern, I20.00. j SAI.K. j S-rnoin house on a fine corner near III at a baigaln. modern with fine shade trees, flip lawn, etc. 12-romn house, perfectly mod- cm, fine shade and lawn; near In. A, bargain. , e All kinj. ut terms I1IIF. IXst It WCK I 4 li'ivi-v r, 1 oiv Dt'MlAlt'S ItlvM. FSTATK OFflt'l'i 214 fiolil A?t.. 'iin.PT Thd M. IITKI COM USThe new commer cial hotel uf Albuijueniue. Kuril pean plan; first class cafu and buffet. I'nder new manageiiieiil. Headquar ters ticean-to-Ocean Highway. Boarding Hoases TIIK i'i 1TTA1II; INN. 1120 North Second street; fietlle Iinoley, Prop. Home inokliiK a apeciilly. PleiiHsnt rooms with Klecplng porches. Kvery. thing modern and lots of shade. BUSINESS CHANCES PI'IKMXH pa; dollar where chickens pay cents, small capital needed; small space required; nlwiivs penned up; ready markets; send for May l sua uf our fully expluinrd there; price ten renin. Kellablo Squall Ji.iirnai, Versailles, Mo. W. M. SHERIDAN, U. D. Practice Limited 10 UEMTO-UMSAUY IHSliAht And MSFASF.8 4F TIIK fcKIN. Tba W aiwerinan and Nogucht Te Salvaraan -nt" Administered. Cltltena' liank IPlilding. Albuquerque - Mew Mellow A. (1. HIIOKTI.F. M. II. frai-tb'O I Imlied to Tuitrnnt-fciaaa, Ullct Hours, 10 to 11 a. m. nmne 1 171. tllH West CiBtral. Albuquerque Sanitarium Phono DRS. TULL tBARES KMlJillats Fye. I'r. Niaje-, Throat. State National Hank lllilg. I'Iioim SSt. I. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On salaries, household goods and liveilock with out removal. Note bought and sold I'nltin Uian Co., room 11. over Flrat National bank. Phone 12H1 Foil III. NT Furnished, one 3-rmnn upait- Hu nt, mndcrn, 115. 4 line 3-rooin apartment, mod- 4 em. 112. 4 tne 1-rooui tent house, 112. 4 j. 11. ii:k v oil Y. Central. Plmiie IltlK. HELP WANTED KMPLOYMKNT OIlK e. 210 W. Silver. P. o. llox 13. phone 254. Carpen ters, 4 day; laborers, II 75 to 12 5'l. LC3T. visMisaiAsval I.OST Indian bell nf leather and all ver: reward. Ilelurn to Ml" Clauds Albright. I!li N. Third. Admlni-xrator'a Ntli-. In th Probate Court. Hernallllo County. New Mrxlro. In the Matter of the Fslata uf Wal ter V. Flfleld, lieceaaad. Notice Is hereby given that th un dersigned waa, on the 12th day of June, 1114, duly appointed adminis trator uf the eatale nf Walter V. Fl fleld, deceased, by th Probate Court nf lleinalllln County; and having qualified as such u.lmlnlNiralnr, nil persons having els litis against the tats of aaiii tlvcedvnt gr titraby xtyrHi-: of siiFitirp-H i,k. In the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the Stale of New Mexico in and for tho County t! Pernalillo. The Cniixoliilatcd Uqimr Cninpntiy, a Corporation. Plaintiff, va. N. Napoleons, Defendant Hy virtue of an execution issued out of the district court nf the Second Judicial district uf the slate of New Mexico, In and for the county of Her tnililln, In tb above emit led action, wherein aald plaintiff recovered a Ju jment on the 11th day of January, lsiO. against the aald defendant IT one hundred sixty-three and li-lou 11143 J7 dollars, and which ld ex ecution waa duly atteled the 12th day of June, 1914: I hat levied on th following desei Ibed real 1 ntnte belong ing to the said defendant, tn-i.ll: A certain piece or parcel nf land I) ing or being In Loa Pari la. Precinct N'n. I in the county of llernaliilo, alst of New Mexlrn, more psrticnlarly de scribed aa follows, to-wit: Helng fifty feel wld from north lu aoulh and oni' hundred twenty. Il.e (125) feet long Horn ant to wrst and boumlcd on th south by land uf lin-Korio Apo daca, on the eaat b I be l,l known aa the Herein road, and on the west by land nl liregorla A podaca. No 1 Ice Is hereby given that on Fri day, the 10th day nf July, 114. at 10 o'clock In the morning of said day, at th south Fourth stict door of tn poatollice of th I'lty nf A 1'iuquerqil. county of HertiMlillo, state of New Mexico, I will sell the above described property 10 the highest bidder fnr euy In satisfy aald Jiiilcmeiit, Inter est, ntid neerued costs. JI'HI'M RoMF.IlO. Ulterl.T vf Pvrnallllo Cuttoty, N. il. WANTKD Neat appearing younu men for special work. Thla 11 hi'ih Krad,, proposition. Cull nt lleiuld ut lli'o between I and a. m. NEW M KXICO Kmployment Agency. All kinda of reliable nelp on short nolle. Ill W. Silver ave. I'huti 411. WANTED. KM Pl.t Y M 10 NT WANTKM Persons having employment of any kind for students Identic notify the I'nivtrsity of New Mexico Call phone K.'.O n drop card to President David H. Iloyd. WANTED TO BUY. WANTKD To buy. aetl or exchange aecond-hand furnltur. 121 Wee B.lvar Av. fhona 19(1. FOR RENT Rouses. Ft'lt It KNT A real bungalow for two. sleeping porch, front and rear porches, screened In. New and clean. Fine shade. Cull mornings. It 11 5 Knllia avenue. FOIt IlEN'T I room furnished tent eotta;- lll) South Waller 8t. Foil R KNT r"uS"-ronin if.dern brick house. Fifth street and Mi Kir. ley ave 1. up. K. J. Strong. FOR RENT -Tlooms. FOR It KNT One modern furnished room for Bleeping. Apily SIT . Hrosdwsy. Full RENT Two modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ap ply 117 B. Hroadway. S''VWi11l'l,w R. ARCANO Plasterer and Contractor II. I. WOIIK t.t lt WTI I D (all 171 W. Hawlilltu ". WV.VNSSVSNVWV W Blacksmiths. OKO llt'TCHINHoN. Ill West !ad Four Shoes, 11 00. Vulcanizing Vulcanising nnd Tire Kepairliig All work guaranteed. Albuquerque Rubber Co., If Weet Central. TYPEWRITERS. ALL KINDS, both new and second hand, bought, aold, rented and re paired. Albuquerque Typewriter Fx change. Phon 144. Ill W. Hold. FtJH 8AI.K Oliver typewriter, good as n. 121.00. 311 West (Sold. Phone 141. T. F. TWM'H, M. Specialist In F.y lr. Nine ami Throat. Capital Clly liank Building. Phn fie (1-J Snntn Fa, N. sm Kliropn. Dentists mi. J. Kit A IT. Denial hiirgpey. Rooms 2 and 3. Harnett Hldg O'Rieily's prug Htore. (Appointment made by mall.) phone Tit. Ur C. IT. II t. I, AND. I. I. H. (ilant llulldillg. Albuquerque - - New Mexico of ice Hours' 9 to II ami 1 tu 1. Phnne ta7. Attorneys SIMMS tX KIMMH wK'r IT-IH ItarnHI llil. .AbuiierqiM. Architects. r.Lsox 11. Noitnis Ar1iltert. ITactli-al ami t p t Date Work. ItiM-ma tl ami S3, Idling llulldln.. Ttpplione 1093. FJEUSONAL FOR CARPET Meaning, furniture and rtov repairing. W. A. Ooff ' phon IIS. CROWN FI'llNITl'ltK -- lliairlng and packing, cabinet making, up holstering, rellniehiiiK. maltrcsa mak ing, rug alxing. All work guaran teed. A. It. liari la and It. K. Olivaa, 117 South Third. Phone 024. Fenton J. Spaulding Agen. Hew York Life. Kimhii IT. X. T. Armljo Plume T0.1. A Lilt tt I HVl I- lllilg. ltMF PAINT. WANTED Kvery home ov ner to use Krlo Carbon roof print. Stop leaks, last I years Dcrnc ready paint, 1 gal. covers (00 aq. feet. Thus. F. KelPher. 401 West Central. FOR SALE Automobile. Full SALE 5 pim-H'iiger Hoick au tomobile In good condition. 711 West Slate. Phone 7S. F01 Scile Miscellaneous Foil MALE Old papers for putting down cspcls, etc. Cull at llerxid omi. FOR SALE nurse, liilu-gy, harness and siicl die. Horse Is well hied. year old, perfectly safe and (nun'l. K. J. Strong, 8t rung's Hook Store. FOR BALE Advertisement space on thu Alrdoine rut lain. Harnett Amusement Co. Poultry. sa,klaaai'si' OKXTHt'N . (', WIIITi: I M.IIUItN HltV tllltkA SIS PI It I (Ml. Hav shipped several Ihousand tu satisfied cusuuncrs. Some have or dered three times. (ENTRY'S Iflt'LTIIV HANCII Alb)U4rqu. N. M. 'for SALE The Vandersluis poultry ! ranch, fully equlpied. lo acre, i in slfslts and fruit; owner leaves for California this week. Price IS.OiiO .mm, 12'iOOIlu do at, ball lire on lllll"; buildings Worth 14 Mtiti 00. Addr, w Ranch, cure Herald, or cull up J llenaou Nawall, pliune 159J or 131. PHOTOGRAPHERS Pi 1ST CARDS 11 00 per doxen. F'.rat elaaa work guaranteed. Kodak omening. Severn h and Central. WK WILL d. FILM for lo 111 So. Second. vel ip any KODAK Post Card Studio, TAILOR TIIK. Illtott Nil: I I Nr:HH 224 Souib Fourth St phone 741. All Work ilosr-tnli'cd. SANTA FE TIME TABLE T. . T.ep . la ip . likop . T Ida F.ffei tlv December WpMtbouao Claaa. ( si. Limited . Cel. Express . Cal. Express . Cal. Fast Mall. (Thursday only (De Lux lVuil hound Overland Ei press Eastern Express . Chicago Limited . K. C. Chi. Ex. . (Wednesday only: ( De Lux Huutlibound El Paso Mex Rg El Paso Passenger 111 f Valley Ex . Nurthtxiuud From Mex 4k El P 111 From El Paao... Ill Ft-oi Peeoa Val ley aad Cut-off l:4sj till No. I 1 T I II II a 4 101 111 in Arrives. Depart .11:10 Ik lea lia UP 40p 7:10p II 94 1 41 I 00, I I 40g 7 0p I 4tp l:l I'll nee T a .1 IIP F. J. -lOHNSON, Asit. . 1 t t o.-i4viir