Newspaper Page Text
Hoar. THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. W. M., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24. 1914. Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND ?.ANOES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pnmis t S18 West Central Atum. BOOKBINDERS RULINO, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 20S-210 West Gold Arena Phone 440 STRONG'S LIVERY FIRST CLASS RIGS AND SADDLE" HORSES IIKIM, 1!,2 TOJ H. KM OMI ST. C. T. FRENCH MM IHI, IMIIMTtm FMIlAI.Ml-IL ldy A-wManl. 1 1 fill sn.l Onlral. I'hoim My ami Mglu. fiao. Expert Hair Work. Combing mail lnti awltchea, transformations, puffs, curia, It'.: switches dvrd. Hits. M. I'l llKN MarliM'llo Miop. Phone HI. 11 S. 4th 8t. V. II. 1NNI:lt. M. II.. II. O. niteoattili' NNNlalUt. I treat all curable diseases. OnVe Hern f IIaT. phone ill anil 21b. DUKE CITY CLEANERS We lran liaia. tnen's anil wo men' clothing, ruga, rurtalna. ilrajierlre. etc. 120 Wowt (.nlil. I'liono 4 IS. Promptness Our Motto . FAMILY. LIQUOR HOUSE V, A. (illAMin Prop. agent for fan llrn Hum and (1arcil. (Mit-of-town irriler promptly lllleil. tWiilsuexl Itooms by week ur month n car Una, rixmo toa. SO N. llltOlW'AY. A 25o TOOTH BRUSH FREE With a bottle of Williams Tooth Towder WIIIMIS DRUG CG. 307 Wekt Central Phone 7S9 CARNES Optometrist 1 1 of I lip . Hi t n 1 1 1 .limit July I'll, afirt win h dale I ill )' ai t ! I" in! V1" want hi III-lit MTIl WIIK. loltll uimI MiYITith, I I Nls. mi) utluT irplbal Veil. ( I ATUAI.. I.IM.U Till l OMIl Al Ihe ellc i' Hiead b.ike tliev are differently sluiped and aixed but Ihe quality Is liliiforin: bluh. We Use only I ne ir best aid purist flour and oiler inalerialM uml oilr l,.ikiiy la scrupulously than thruughuui. Furl Hliad Holla, His, ulls and I'ake il'illy, delicious, apptlixing and nu tritious And we offer the best qual ity of bieadsluffs al lowest prices. r.-r- II IIMIIH I WATCHMAKERS 8 JfWCLtW T - HD I i f J07W CfNTWAL AVE B9f aVenU. ftnt M. PHONE 315 4 - BEWARE of Cheap Soda DON'T L?t your children drink something you will not drink yourself. It costs money to make good goods. We have no cheap goods to offer. Insist on Sodas and Mineral Water bottled by The Coyote Spring! Mineral Water Co. Our Motto Is "We Makt Pop -Not Slop." We are The Coyote Co. F. H. PERRY, Mgr. Phone 727 323 NORTH FIRST ST. The June Bride, It Ik wi ll tluil you lii pettrii,.r in 'lui lain Hi., till) lir the J il iw Hnde, Mini nlMii'trr Hun mil may i,r. win lit er ii lunula IHtllOMl 1(1X4. nl linn In :iimi or a more mode! one ol from I.'.'. tu I'.U. yiiu wan I the best. Tli.. s.iine IuiIiIh good If you give, h IIKlMMil. ur W T II. a I.AV Al.iritr. t lllll.rl. A i.n of CI T .l ss r Hiiinr sl l ltl IM. MI. H nil wtmlc imhIiii ,. Iuim nfcn umiil Hi,, jiwri.rx Iriiilo ii tul rxMM; Bum lulu i ry hiIh Ip r liuy: lll l'V "Hi' li' HI'll If ItllllKllI nf llltllT y mi r id ft will mean tin l'i"l uiiluin.ilili' lur tin- iii'iiic). Tu in. Ik.. hiih'ImIn fi. Hi,, in, ,,n W'liK n' i if Hli.i..iiiit ihi). uialln-r li ill In- ii M'l l I l. lilM'OI VT un i mtv uriulp (1 u 1 1 1. k th" innnlli nl J urn-. Ur run- iiinl ,ihI( fur thia iliuunt See 'em at IIAIIIi AUTO GO. (No Trouble to "rhow" Tou) W. W. STE0NO, Prop. 7o W. l-niral. nione JJT. L'AIIIXAC LUBIIIOANTU, tlUUK- niC'H TIKES. THE 8IZH THAT FITS VOUtl CAIi, MICHEUN TUBES Nurr bed. F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM ER. Ill wIkT l. Al riton ! or algbt, ITS. CRYSTAL TODAY ( Ml I'M Tl HIS) "Till. WIIMIW Ol' ItiXK" llagrapli Osmeily Willi Wall Van Tin: two v iimi:i.h" I ill-m Two-llcel Valiir -Till-; s ki: nil: TI.KIl'' S ami A voi.i x. Ir next Thursday I ho. tail haUdy!!" PUHirr. Matinee S-.IIOj tmxt sImiw at Night Ikgln t:l.1. TRY SPRIM And Get Good Service The Weather Fort-cull: TonlKht .mil Thurii Iny aenrmlly fulr in miuih .r -thin, uimrti led In imrih uitH'ii. Iirnlmlily Ihumlrr Imwrr. Itrimrt for ;'4 hourn t-mlinii at H n't lurk ihla niiiiniii Miiximuni, DO. Minimum. 61. KaiiKe. At M oiliMk. Tl. Houthwral wIikIh. cli-ur. TIIIX.S TO WoltltY AllOCT (inly one rrnlitnl In I hi- wliolu of the (lunjlc diniriil uf urt huniitnnahire, KnulHinl. with a iiiiululUin of l.'.ouo, Kna inHV cut1 laat mr fur Intoxication. The California-Mexican borrr cover l.'ii mllci. Arlxona haa 3 i" inun of nonlrr on Mpxico Nw Mexico nilKliliora with Ihr Mexi can for llu Milieu, nml Tpxmb live along the Mexican bounilary lor more than ftuo mllvi. In liiriiuny I he anfu la lne.leil with a auni'tity aa of a llimne. The lBilor muni not alt on It un icri ekpei Hilly Invltt-d to do .i liy the hiiHieni, To take a aeat I here unaiiked la an outraiieuu ireaum Hon. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO Bl'B.HCRlHKHI If you fall to get your vanlng 9 paper, rail POSTAL TELKORAPH COMPANY, PHONB It. Hcnd us your ordera for Ice renin, j Fee s Tandy Store. ( W. W. Xlchola and Mrs Mchls of I'lnvls are viNiiurs In A iiuiueriue guesta at the Comha hotel. Attorney Fram la K. Wood spent yesterday Hi Snni.i Fi burking after' legal affairs II IV ). K. I.udne 4l will meet tonight In the KlkK' al o-cpck. In itiation of candidates will be followed by a lunch. e'ergeant Itay hena of fompaiiy i AIIuiUeriiie, haa been plunioted by Adjutant Menenil II. T. Ilerring to tie second lieutenant. Miris Floren.e DrunsfelC. daughter ; of Mr and Mrs. Ivan (Irunefeld. will. arrive Irom ihe east tomorrow on the California limited. For special meiscl.era. phone 4UI. .1. t). McNury. vice presidenl of Ihe First National bank of IA I'u so, wu here last evening on hi way to New York. The It. I.. Musts and II i Strong motored to Mania Fe today. 1'r. Ilust and Mr. strong attended the Mueouic celelirution in Ihe capital. The Hw-lor'a Aid of Ml John' church will meet tomorrow after noon al 3 n clock at the home of Mrs. J A. H.i i la ii, 3IH Keleher avenue. Ilvv. V. J. I'cliil. parish priest al Han Marcial. was here yesteiday on his way to New York where he will, sail fur ICurope lu spend the sum- I mer. I C. C. Chapelle. general manager f the federal 1 1 hi Hon company or New York, which cuiporatluii owns Hie Albuquerque lias. F.leitnc Light and Muppiy omHiiy. Is here ou a brief business visit. For baggage transfer, phone 104. yhrlners and their lamiiies wi!l pli nlc al the Carnuel l oiintrx ilub in Tijeraa canyon on July i Senator Isaac Harlh Is chairman of lbs aiouseinenl committee. I'lan al under way for a big celeui attou. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mi Miilen, Mr William It. Walton and Miss Walton and Mrs. A. II. Mtroup motored l Mania l e yesterday, taking dinner el the le Vargas hotel and seeing lb . sight of Ihe capital. (ieotge W. Yolk of Cleveland. II.. one of Ihe reieier of the A met l an Lumber.' company, arrived last even- BILL'S SHOP AMI rilFKsKItt W are not hi todjy and gone tomorrow. W have no sulk iiur out. Telephone us snd you will get prompt aervica. Sl K, Sad. IM. IMmmm 4. eeeeSWseeSV IWIMWWW Air dome Tonight and Pastime Matinee 2:30 Hi;lsT M I.Ki I'KTOIMAI. t World W Ih Curt-rut Kvmta TIIIh I Tilf. I.IIK" j V i alwrrt ConHUljr THK VIKKHAMV Two Urvi Ihranta h'1ui I'Mnst. Kmtj I say K.x.fpt Tooiy ami Tliunnlay Alnltimc slmwa rain or elilnc. "Pan T"l la a ilanily taM year. HUNT SHOW AT II OCUeCK LAST SHOW MM. ON AT t:4-1 Leaders and Followers li every walk of life theae Iwn elemenla encoun tered. The one make road, I he other weara ruli In titoae road. Tiike the matter of Youn men a cl illu i aa an exam ple. Tim huuxe of Hicln llloch l eaxlly the leader In Ihene I'nlleil Mlalea, nut only in mnrkinii each neii aon a rlylea but In main lainln taluea aeaaon after , wiiiiin. We are privileged to rep renent Stein -Bloch Smart Clothes In Alliiiueriiie nnd vlcin lt . We count that a dia tinct adxanlaae, and we are glud to ahuru It with you. The Hummer ug are ready $15 to $30 the Suit i EfWasliburnCo i ' Ing from iantn Fe. accompanied by ('bailee: F. Wade, also named a re-' ceier lor (he company. A. If. Wlldo mnnaaer for Armour t A i'u., returned yeslerdav from u trip w4-st of Albuquerque. rnukiiig Hntbroiik, Hi. Johns and Hpringer- 1 vtlle. Arls. Mr. Wilde reoorla liusl-! nea condlti'lns unuau-tly good In, western .New- Mexico and northci i Arisona. I William MM'lurken. a tin n la Fe com,; lines conductor, uttempted to lilt a bog at the Knita Fa elation IhhI night, and wrenched Ilia back. I go out on his run on train No. 7. .Mr. McCltirkcn was taken to the coiifll line hospital for treulmenl, I'onductor Frank A. .Murphy suUsn luting on the Hip to Winslow. MOTHER. GETS CUSTODY OF LUCILLE CONLEY Ittieh has returned from I.oS John ngeiea. wnere ne auen.i.n a neai- llig in 1 ne aufierior rnuii, as 10 .mi should have Ihe custody of Lucille Ci'iiley. bta eigbt-yenr-old niece. Cus tody of Ihe child was i lu lined by Mrf. Ileitha I'unn, the iiunher, and John K. ' ley. the lather, divorced from each other here scmihI years ago. and both of whom hate remarried if, California. Tile superior couit held thui the mother ua entitled tu th roplodv of 1-ucltle bei'ausi' of "moth- ,r v, . CARLSBAD L0BBYIST3 ON THEIR WAY HOME Mayor Keott Ktter. L K. Merchant. It. Wells Benson and Jack Wclih of laiieluid ere In Ihe city yMid.i fiooi Washington, i. 1.'-, on ib-u- .y home. They were In WushinKton iirging legleliition lo extend the nine In w hich land owner under rev lama ...... .e ... ...... - ... in.- .i.e.. n- ..i. m . --,, Combs while here. I rouble her ann. REINFORCED SEWER ON TRUMBULL AVENUE t '.iiler the dlrei Hun of City Kngi ueer .lames N- liladdlng lha Trum bull a venue newer Is being reinforced. The wmk is called for by the pro pcd establishment of Ihe tug new simps of Ihe Mama Fe railroad. 4Hise broken es'e ait. If you want Ihe very beat milk aherbel or the purest of be cream telephone iOI, Iiiulul s. and your ur dei will b pruinplly filled. Ilisa, brukiw He aim. iilHFti' s REf-TOVAL COTICE We liavr med frotaj isur obi 4aud l i W-s Ttjera. and art, Imaled In new U-lo-Ual auaiK-ra, wliee wo will he pl. aseyf o liae our .srdera fsr e-rt ladies' laihsring, J, p. r:sEUi & EF,0. 711 W. TIJIIIA AVK GAS EXPLOSION Oil FREIGHT 3 Will Thomas, Joe Whitesides and Bailey McClintio Have Miraculous Escape From Death; Jump lor Lives. Hurfrring from painful burn re (elced In a gaaoline exploalon which occurred on a moving Simla Ke fieight train near Ouam auout o'clock eirduy mornink. Will Thomii. J. It. W hlteiildea and llall-y Mi-l'lintlc. Hantn. Ke employe, were lirouilhl to Aliiiier'Ue eler(luv" evening, and removed In their tinmen, where today they were nil reported j aa rcMiim uller Having epent a real leae night. The gaa exploMion occurred In u niaiuer unknown to the Injured men, while they were engaged In claiming the cabooae of the freight train, which wan running at Iwentv miles an hour. The exploion enme without warning and within a moment Hi' riilnmm, a maaa of flume. The men retained aufficient prcaence ol mind to Jump from lh ralmive na , quickly aa the flrai flaah came. Their 1 erenpe from death or terrible ItiJU' lea la considered mlraculoiia. A ea 'h man mario a rueh for the cMboe door, he waa enveloped In flumes, nnd after Jumping, rolled about In the nd to prevent cremation. Mr. Thoman, who la a conductor, had both handn and arma painfull) burned and waa allglitly Injured when Jumping from the caboose. Mr. W'hltesldea, a chemist, hid both hjitds, Tina aid his fact burned Mr. Mi-i'lintlc, a I rakeman, had his left hand and right ankle spniined The pnginemen, discovering the fad that the cnbooae was on (lie when the Hlr-huse burned, brought thn train to a stands, III and hurriedly rendered aid to the Injured men. Tli mi- burns were Ian r dressed by a Santa Fe surgeon GENERAL BLISS TO T SITE OF IT il Division Commander of United States Army to Look Over Location on Mesa on Return from San Antonio. Accepting nil Invitation to look oxer the site nf the proposed military posl, on the ineea east of Albunuer mie. Tanker H Kill's, itivl- .1(1 conimunder ol the t'nlted Hlaies Brm), here luM night his wav from Foil Wlngule lo his headquiu- ters in Man Antonio, Trx:is. declared Ihut he was under the impression that II la Ihe plan of the war depart ment to I.Male one big military piwii in a number of strategical points thioughotil the lulled Mlaten, thus holding out a glimmer of hope that this city will yet become a place r Impot lance In a military way. The Invitation lo visit the site of the pro posed post was extended lo lieuern! HIisH bv I'lesldent C. O. Cuehman and a committee of Ihe Commercial club, (liner. i HI Is promised lo slop over In Albuquerque and look over the mesa sit on hi return ftom Man Antonio. The refugee tuiiip nt Fort Wlngatc Is a model place ol tis kind now, ai -fording lo ileneral lllia. who In spected Ihe post for several days. The general said that Ihe refugees ihake become' reconciled to their fute and no a'templ have been made re- 'cently to escape The death of len eial Itomcro. one of ihe eiahl Mex- b an general detained al Fort W in- gate, was unnottmed by llenerul HIiks there laal nis-lil The Mexican gen eral died last Monday. While In Albuquerque last night the hospitality of Ihe city wu ex tended lo tlw distinguished army of ficer by a i ounliltUe representing Ihe Comeinrcial club, consisting ol Aluyor l H. Hoalright. M.r ra. A H Hlru, j. A nuni II. A. Kaselnun and F. A. liubbell. President CumIi I man and Secretary Kgan of Ihe club 'also accompanied Ihe committee I" Jibe Alvarado hotel, where tienerul ! between his atrivul from Winguie ::uh V'TexT ,hr"y """" w iioi.Fi: biim i:im ti l-ITIIItiX Hl.lss The New Mexico Wholesale lilo cerft' ussui lailun today took up h lelegtaph with Lieneral Hlisa Ihe matter ol being permitted lo bid on groceries and other supplies w hi h ) are being furnished lo the refuge" i amp al Fort Wlngate. Il la under idood thai Hie auppliea are now be ing furnished by LI Paso wholesalers, local wholesaler heretofore having apparently overlooked a bet In not making an aggressive campaign for business within what should he ex clusively New Mexico territory. lit N T l'lMsrMT Uar(iHHMar In IUw-ict lilk.. Corner First and TIJeraa, 4 2 by 41 fret, with asm. lxe cement basement. Inquire at A. O. Uuchei hi A Co. Ia-1 the Herald want ad do your work. t will give fioa-fourth olf Ihe price of every piece of summer footwear In my big stock Thia I your chance for bargains. W'm. Chaplin. 121 W. Central. T BURNED VIS F POS Want a maldT A Herald want a 4 will Hod kar (or 'ou. fprfpfi ah Thursday, Friday & Saturday LACES OF ALL KINDS One-Half the regular price. Sec them and save money. ALL EMBROIDERIES One-Half the regular price. Wc have a good selection to select from. $10. Vhite Dresses for $4.90 LADIES' WAISTS at Great Reductions All ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY THE, MOBEIL DRY GOODS CO. A. D. CAMPBELL, Mgr. Dainty Summer Shoes Warm weather brings with it one Comfort Low Shoes Pretty, light and shapely, they are the very thing ti add the finishing touch to your new Summer Dress or Suit. We have the proper style for every occasion. Patent Colt, Gun Metal, Satin, Velvet, Nubuck and Suede Pumps and Colonials for dress wear. Vici Kid, Gun Metal, Calf and Canvas Oxfords far walking and outdoor exercise. Soft, dainty, comfortable Slipp;rs for the house. Every pair is up to the minute in style and best of all is very closely priced. May we have the priv ilege of supplying your wants? Summer Shoes for Men $2.00 to $1.00 Summer Shoes for Women 1.50 to 3.50 Summer Shoes for Children Summer Shoes for Babies NEW SCIENCE TEACHER " FOR CITY SCHOOLS Muperinlendenl John Milne of the Albuquerque city schools has an-, nun mcil I hat the school hoard has selected Ven.oii A. Ibinl.ivy of liloomliigton. Neb., lo lie ! her of silence in the high school, succeed ing Prof. K. J. Moth, who Koe lo HanU Fe a principal of Iho high LYRIC THEATRE THursday and Friday 4i THE (Universal Special in Four .Reels) This wonderful adaptation of James Fenimore Cooper's novel discloses every detail of his thrilling, heart-throb bing story, and shows the intrigue, the plotting, the treachery, the deceit and the horrors of the Revolution ary War. DON'T MISS THIS WONDERFUL PICTURE. Today and Tomorrow "LUCILLE LOVE, THE GIRL OF MYSTERY" Series No. 11. -mmmmis,, . . .i is. i I. .11 .11 n,..,. .Mii ill. l--l. . J Mil mi 1 . I .. ini-pliss. Cor. 4th and Central. ('J 1.25 to 2.50 50 to 1.50 there. Mr. fiunlnvv ia it N' braska unlveislty inun. rrc icimen ed as a stirng teacher, a ,,inii'r '. ulhlellc and promises o be able addition to the fiiciii'y val new coin I Ul, win ,n- "u the soreness ol your corns an. I wu lire them. lUc a box. C May , Shoe Mtore, 311 Wert t'enlial ave. i:e trouble Man Vann, SPY 99 l II s I