Newspaper Page Text
WnK?Sf fa will be rather a quiet 4th of July; but it will be safe and sane. IT 40 IHIIIntl 14Ur4 rorlh fl lioiiMt trade In S ehow oiisliic ln't quite rulni-el h Ihl nation. J rnrnnB-cm7.E?r. Vol. I. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, KEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JULY 3. 1914. TUB KVKMMJ irraAi.n iU 4. . Iitl. 1 chi m ii is CLAIMED BY P, LAST Great Englishman Who Rank ed Next to Gladstone in Modern Statecraft of His Country Passes Away. PIONEER OF TARIFF REFORM IN BRITAIN Was Bitterest and Most Force ful Enemy of Gladstone and Man Whose Policies Plung ed Nation Into Boer War. lly Id-aivd Vt:r r.cnln neraltl.l London, Jul, a..Ioeplii'ha.nhci u in tlictl In tr 't niKht. The cause ol Mr. Chamberlain death ' '" iiou-ued hn heart f.iliure. Ait). ootid hi- had been gradually MnkiiiK aince Tuesday, iiii:iilui t the i.miilv hinl vii-Ii rn-il his iimlli ion should nm become publKl) ll iiowu. Tin- IliKht II. mutable Joseph j I 'll .i III 1 ii I In i n was thr . in. u r III Ureal I llrll.uii nl tariff reform, nul the I Heal Tol.ocati- i.f imperialism. V ilui I i -cinht j i'.i'm, w ii h a In icl inter- tiKtiiini. ho r. picsc iiihi i.ii iiinKii.ini In parliament. In ll'i'ti h a career stormy iii-tii it wa ndccl h a stroke of par.ely!. The blow tell when he wna In the midst of tren uou cumpaiKii f"i the establishment t i prim e tie.,, tatifl with pn ferem e or the Hrltish toleeiiic, nml Juae if i. r hi. enniiiltueiiu hml celc-uraicd the thltiii'th anniicraary of hm Hrt election. Hnc-e that day Ihe strung lighter hn been nil Invalid, it iiHthetlt' on looker ill the political kuih.' pictured eiwa with hi loyal wife, a dauah ler of W. C. Kiidicoit of Muaeachu ee tin, who wa president Clc eland's secretary of nr, hciilc him. IPs hief c otiio.l.itlo'i were the grow tun ii l Ml prominence of lit son Aim ten Chamberlain, anil Ihe loyalty hm rotmiltui iil HirninKham would not dispose her leader. iilihuiiKh he va Ho lo-iaer nl'le to re present her ii.i.n .'he floor of the holme of com Ho. lia. In eiu h election he w.i rt turneil to hla old cnt. u nil nieiireil nfierwiinl In the honae hut mice, where, luoiil respectful silence. In' mu le hla way lo lhB speaker' de i n the mni of hi "on nml lonk Ihe ut h of office. January j. Mil. Mr Chamberlain wrote lo hm ce.tistit uent, resigning hla K it ami euyinit: cannot hope again lo do my work In parliament, anil I feel thaf our ellv and Ihe constituency need the service of a youtmer man." While hia greatest rliilm lo fame waa hla determined and hriilliint ad votary for yearn of a protective p.l h y for (treat llrllitln. the t llmlel ol tree trade, he will alao he remem- tered aa the tillier.m nml moat forceful niionrnt of Oliidmone In Ihiit at.iteamnn'a efforta for home nile for Ireland: na one of the foitn dera of Ihe 1. 1 r.i I -1 ' n I n l t tmrty: nml na the mlninler whoae policy In Votiih Africa Itnohed hla rountrjr In the reatrl war It had experienced alnce the t'rlmean ronfllct, bill blot ted out the two Hoer republic, and made XoiHh Alrira "nil red " Front Ihe day he left I'nlveraity rolleae, ,i ni1"it. to enter hla f.nher a rew fuctory at IlirminKhnm. Juaepn f 'hiimberliiln devoled hin hKt ener rlea In "Ihe principle of ronatrueilve reform"." It waa in ISHH, Jnt S:' yeara iirtrr hla birth In London. Ih:t he received hla h.ipllain of public life, na town roimcillor of fllrmlng hnm, litter aervltm aa mayor for auc tenalxe term lie save hia whole t me to the ruttae of municipal rrfortr nnd what hud been prevloiinly one tit the wont foverned t-ltica in KnRland berume a model for niurilcip.i; re former" In 1ST he entered parliament, be ln a l.x led' without nppoallinn aa a liberal from llirmlnahatn. In hi" early yeara In the rommon he ant nmonc the home rule linrral with w hoae aaiilrnlion he wna auppoeed to aymiinthle, hut u few yeara later he emphatically diaabuaed hla tun rliilan In Ihe houar of any notion Ihev may have had of hia belief In arpnr ate unvernment for Ireland. Ii lea than four year he wai a ciiblnel mlnlatrr, e.ilerlnn OlitiUtone'a Hovernment In k aa preal lent ! Ihe board of trade, and In leaa lhil'1 a decndfi hla hold on popular op. 1 hn waa iliumt na ireal aa r.l.ul alone'a. After the feieral election of iSst bf, beranie prealdeiit of the local aov- rnment board, but liy the aprlnc 'l hla and flladalone'a relation on the l.itler'a Irish policy had hecm te an atrnlnrd that he broke wifh Ihe real premier, realgned hia place In the rabinet and left Ihe lleru pirly never in return to It. Purina the rnmpalfn of mil Mr. Chamberlain worked with (treat ef fect and aubaeiiuenlly In I ha com- DEAT lllb NT mona he " to the forcrront In all the niowttlla on the Irlwh Roertimrnt bill and t laahed freiiiently with Mr. ilnilaione. The home ruler ronaid tred him n reneaaile nml thia ran kiln he iiBirnvated by hi" rii'ln lactlia. Juirlna debate on the bill, one nlulit In Julv. 1kU. Mr. (llud "lone tartly eompiireil Inni wlih "the ile II mlvoiate." The next nla'tt, in debate. Mr. fhnmberlaln retort.-d o i niiHilc ally that T I. n't'oiinor veiled nt him '.I Milan' .IihIiihV fol lowed preentlv by a free fiKlit on Ihe floor between neveral member a rare outbreak In prouably the moat Maid lealilatlve body In the World a mpanied by vlKormi hl"aintt hv the irnllrrle. The Hirminahiim man with the mono I,, nnd Ionic aiiillinr none ibolh the dellKhl of the l-:niilih i itrlcat nr Intni; the keen hend and the forceful lonaue; the fn,illlcnlv fashionable nt tlr. lopiied off with a while ii hid In the Oonl l.ipel. wa now a commiiPdina flaure it I West minster. n the formation of the coalition I consert a ti e nnd unionist I ministry in H'tr, he took office iinlet l.i rd Kallslutry n cotnninl aecrciarv. In thi" position hi remarkable pow ers were neverelv lealed hv South " rlcn the thiiin of sir" events I.eKlnnlna with Jameson hare-, iTiiiiien rniit, anil enttinir, wnen t.or t Kitchener wrn down the tnl iiorn Hoer reslnlnn. e. w ith the Tre.itx Vereeninlnii lint he stood the test. Mi enemies, ion, savimlv nniilb'd him nn bi ieir Ihe nilr.iii tool of thr Hand Bold mine owners nnd his nurse low nr.! the A f i ikn nilers w.l n lendint; laeiip In 1'ie rnmp.ilcn ot IS'ol nml tluritiK lliil Vnt he was the object nf Kreiii popular demon stration hif.iie his vlalt In Suttihi Af rica late In I'm? on 11 mlson of con 'illniiiio nnd obserxation an. I :ilso on his return early in I'ih.i. The Wiir and Dip elciiinns i,er tc si-t himself the la-.t of f..nri-H tlir lelatii.tis l.itwe.,, i lie n...i).ci coun try and Ihe colonies The iiimiiu lion for the Ausi iHun i nmm.inw "alth w..s one of bis product ions. OF E Practical Education in Details of Effective Service Aim of the Young People's Union. Jlly f.mrl Wire tn Frrntnf llernld.) Kansas t'lty. July :i - "The VoiinK People union M a shop in which we tniln iipprentli e t 'hrist ians." said I.. I. I.euvell of nxiord. Mix, today in mi mldreaa before the twentv-tlrsl rniiventlon of Ihe lliiptist VoiinK I'eople'a I'nlon of America, meetltiB jolnllv with the l!n.t!ht VolltlK l'e.i ple'n I nlon of Ihe South. "From this hoi we srndnnte yonnar men and women after they have served their apprenticeship a lout ne men t'hristians. skilled in their work, havlim the Iniilnlue and the knowleilKe of rliiir. h affair that make for a miccesnful church." Mr. I.euvell paid. "Thev are capable of betiiB of scrvlie and of ImparlinK their know ledke lo other '' The church ua a field for the study of life was iorir.'iye, ,y Itev tieorxe A. UriKKs of lluflulo. HUGE INCOME TAX RETURN IN NEW YORK (Hi l,rafjfa Wire tn F-enm l-eral.1.' Washlnutoii, July 3. I 'etailed re pot t of income tax collections is sued today by He, retar McAdoo showed that the second New Yotk cliMltict paid ;.."i.ti7u.tij, while the total paid in the I'nlieil State be fore July l wo I:', 311.1,3:16 . Tin New York district paid l.'i.k s.u." 4 1 Incorporation taxe while Ihe entire amount collected from that source was ll3.n;lMI. SHOP FOR TRAINING APPRENT C CHRISTIANS ftfMSffffSfflSlflfffflSffStfSiffSlflffffffeffSftfSie ffffffff ff -SfffffffS ROOSEVELT GIVES 1T1TI0 OF A SICK MI Colonel Worries His Political Secretary with an Hour of Stenographic Speeding and Spends Rest of Time Plotting with Mayor Mitchell of Democrat with Roosevelt New York. (Ilf Ifraard Wirt to Rveifliig Herald 1 ovater Hav. N. V.. July 3. otonet Hooeevelt iialuy aave a fresh dem onstration of how lie meant to tib- aerve lite iloctor a ciecree lor a i ' week rest cure. lie alept a bare' half hour longer than usual. Then tor an hour he wa at work wuh John Mi ilraih. hi point, al aerre lary. latter horse were broiKhl out nnd with hi duiiKhter, Mr. Iluhard Derby, Jr., he kullfiped off for a long ride. The one rule which the colonel Mild ha would enforce- for the next an weeka waa that of aeclna; few visitor, and none at all with whom SURRENDERING BIDDERS ONLY Illy TOIIEl HUERTA Constitutionalist Delegate in Washington Gives Out Dis couraging Opinion of Pros pect for Peace Conference. HflJ) LEAVES TO TRY HIS ELOQUENCE ON CARRANZA Calderon Tells Washington Government Unlikely Gen crals will Care to See Huerta Except as Captive. lltjr I .cased Wit tn Fetilnt llernltl.) W.ishi.iKloii. July :l.-Tbe Ainerl- rftll deleu.ite to tl.e NlaKlll nifdl.l lioll ci.llf. ten. .lllili. e l.amar I'll'1 Ktederi k W l.rbin I'm -iciurneil ! II,,. i ipii il i ".lii .- mni i oiifi-ried w"h riesnlcnt Wilson atid Secietnrx llty iin. Wh.le tli,. 'i.iara l.-n ii.i' in in re. i -s .iwiit'itm 1 ' irian.i's i.nn.i .! of h.s Ki'to I'.iIh under the Plan ol I illlol.i 1 .1 i , lis l.i senium delclMlc I" treat Willi Hucria'a it s, the Amen, .in ihltii.itt will remun in iflimul' ii. i.nd the title, .-touth Anierlciin iiieill.itor will return here lo ke,i in touch with the situation ;nv .i . 1 1 n ir ihe next move. K'lesia Caldcroti, one of ihe consti , in lon.ilist le.i.brs. expelled to repre sent t'lirr.inzK If he sends ib levate. declared today he did not belli e the raiiviis of cotislit lit loimliHt chieis Would iiulhorlne hciuIiiik delemiies tw treat with ll-iettii ttnlesa they went to d w'us term of aurremler. John II Slllitnan. formerly vice tetisul at Haltillo, left Washlnkion t" day for Mexico a President Wilson " i uvnv to attempt t., induce , ,.niitu llcnitlist lender to mediate lln ir li' fernce with Huerta and to hrlns about harmony net ween C' and Villa Mr Silliinni had a final conference with Ihe president. He Would not ilie.'iia his mission. While l:irran.i Ik cativissiiiif hia Renerals on tneetina the llllerl.l deleKllle. Mr Hilllniiiti Is expected to till the ton rtlttltlo'ialtsta of Ihe iiiiportiin.e at lai hed in thai proposal by the Wash ington aditiliilst r-it iin. Mr. Slllitnan will be raised to the full rank of consul later, it nits nti nntimol, but not nt thi time I.e. ..u u Ii in aci miifht be construed as recoitniiliii of 1 1 ii- r t ii . t'reawlent Wilsoll Rreeted Ihr American deleautea warmly. "I'm proud i f the w.y oit re presented the I I tilled Stales," said he. The confer ence was brief and an enuaitement wn made for a lonucr one later. Ir. noii at lluffalo. lluff.ilo, N. Y.. Jul 3 Pr 1!o- tnulfi S N'.mii. minister frmn Argen tina mid one of Ihe ttioili.itorK In the Mexican Hi'iiuiinn, i at a hoi,- here today. lie Pliintied 11 sikhiseelnK trip around the city and expected to leave f. r WashiiiKton on an evening trnln. I'liuil for I IIi-kkI fhlcago July 3 - (Maine Salea. The necond trial of Truax tileene Truax tileene and fotnpativ tor the lib-Bill sale of cocaine resulted III fon'lction ami Infliction of a fine ol tii'iii in the mui.ii court to. lav The Jury iliai;ree. lit the iirsl trial T'HG II BEST New York to Run Independent Tendencies for Governor o 1 !,e had not made apolnlmenla pre io,i.i t oliuiel Hooaevell' conference last night with Ma ol Mllchel waa th cause of conjecture loduv One theory of Nasaiiu rotinty pollti liana wits lhal t'olonel Itooseveli nnd Mayor Mitchcl dim UKsed the oilit ity of the nomination for governor if an independent Itemocral wh would receive Ihe aupport of lh l"i..aresUe" In rase the regular I N'mocratic atilisfai'iory. nominee should b un In tin ronnecilon was mentioned aa poealhle nominee. Ihe colonel kinsman. I'raiiklin i. Iltiosevcll. us atatanl eetretury of the navy. ON CENTRAL RAILROAD TODAY i Sale Postponed Until Seplem-1 ber Tenth When Road is Of f erred at Forced Sale at Santa Fe Court House. DELAY FAVORABLE TO HOPEWELL'S PLANS Lack of Bidders Unexplained but Believe Helpful For the New Railroad to Albu querque. ("relal IHsyalrk in rrrralaa Qeraldl Santa Ke, .V. M . July 3 Thi-lf were th, i.nlflcrs when the New Mexico t railroad was offered for sale lit public auction to the limhcsi ladder ut 1I0, Ii. .tit floor ttt tile III. ill COlirl house Ih'.s a f It-i tioou at :! o'clock. ! .Mil r wnilinti f. r a reaeon- able lime for .1 IcspoliHe ,i the 1. ill ..r l.nls, the sole Was for- niiillv potpoiHil until Sepii'tn- bet Huh ai - fi t lo, k in tile llf - ill 11. No explanation was of- feted by un cue iua I:: speak for the alisen.e of bid- dels, ns It had b.-eii iXic.-ted Ihe liitndho,eit. and others would he preeeni to make Luis- line statement had it that the At. bison. Topek.t nnd Santa l-'e would hid oil t'ie Ifiad. No one n pi ,hcni not the At-hison old- 1 lallv wiis pr'sent. The pifHtpinia utent of Ihe sale k i coiueded lo be very fiiMtTiible tti iiirrMim out the plans of Colonel W. S. Hopewell, who liar prac I iciilly c ompleieil nr- I'aliKi llienls w th Kreti, h llnaii- ciers for Moatiiia a loan of 1 1 ' nun. mni with which to buy the I'ential nnd build extension to 4) Allill'lUer.llle. Iloswrll mni Hun x Juan cotintv. x AXE KILLS EIGHT Seriously Resents Being Sus pected of Horse Theft and Indulges in Wholesale Mur der. flly l,ri-l Wire H Fwiilna; Hi aid. 1 I trail' In 1II1 Tot.. July I. Sheil .M.iniiu.k elKhl ilher 11. with 11 s.hoii . 11 n''i;ro. ku:ed irroe here today haiifllc'd nxe he- cause- he sil.-pecte f tllcy 11. 111 1 harued hliu 1II1 b. l-i Hull Twice thin week, W h' It lllle-st- rd at email town near lure on w the 1 hiirui'. M lilimu luoke jail. lie airivi-tl In if todiiy nml lifter the ktilniK w.ia urrei-it d. but ! escaped lioin a train on the w i to Jail. Tosses are roan hum for 4 h""' riincc- w iiiiuiit 'ie-min. July ' t llllls IMII MO. ' I'riti. cos illiuin I the new ruler of ' t I Mira.o with hi-1 lltfllce of the 1 ril -t te. she has none f Wie.l. Wife Alliani.i. foduv I, 1 hiblr- 11. In con ical situation 1! lo Hut hal ' st. Il I believed that tto departure of tli print css foic'sbaii- i.w the al. die. ii ii 11 1 tl . Hl i-t I'llloe Wil SAFE AND SANE FOURTH WILL BE RIGIDLY ENFORCED Ollcf Of Pe liounced this iinil-riri hi.iks huiUfrcille Wi', foe C'll tet llol l, tenfton lo the law which pi off of fire-c 1 or rxiilimne lice M.M.ilin III. It ordinate e of bo riK'dK an iliu Al-f'l- ,w and culled at proviHitiiiH of Ihe - Ill Hit the set 1 not ken. firework. ' ny kind with in the city Imni. Any patriotic youth who lei that he 1 mimd restrain hia d. aire for liill.i-tl- Inahle nob II du well 111 Ko culslile of th, break loose. The fall of ' ly heavy It year and this drpiirtmeiit u.l.l t'lty limit to .lion l unusual lbllilllereiue tin Klvea Ihe police ed rt-tiaon fttr rX' teplloliul men! of k.if and are the Kane in I HI e- law reeuu.i lnif a Kutirth of July. NEGRO AHlvlED WTH I: II TRA TO REST OF Interchange of Products in this Nation Reaches Enor mous Total of $10,000,000. 000 for Year 1913. TEN TIMES THAT OF OUR FOREIGN TRADE We Own One-Third of Rail road Mileage of World and do One-Third of World s To- tal Postage Business. fly Imsed Wire to l.tenliif llernl.i l Washlliult I nl v i ' 1101. nil a world leader i" prodiii ts amour I'nlled Slat, a to 1 hurt of lis imni' Sii.-h is the 1 o o the tit-nan no ter a HtU'iv of Hi the Hi- inter, ham; i.w 11 people. it t lie tar i-iiMi trade Is lialc possibilities. , la-inn ol ofl 11 I il 1 of , t.u.'lier. e al stal isi nil ii'.m r.u t , i.f tne l inieil SI.Hi's lot- I'-'rl made pnlili.' today. Aiiiern .111 home tnolej at present estimated ft 1 ut ".- niiii.tiini.tiiiii. which ta e.iial to the tn tcinntlona; ex. hanm- of the world mid nptnox. mutely ten lime the nluo of Us nil forelun trade, now allied at II. .null. mni. The iibslra.-l st.os Ilia! the pres ent American expert tnnle of f'-''i.iMiii icprescnis abi.ui $ Ti pe. t a pit ii. A per c(i pita basis riUal to that of ArBcntlr.11. It ay. would raise American export power to ". Mid. lulu. noil ami one riiiiil to that ol Helulnm w ould bt Inu it export to f . nnO, mill. linn year, while It grcttale ffirelitn IMde, when Ujioti a per ciipilii basla na larae a fa iaila s would be c-f.iisi.lf rably mcr IM.ioui. nnii.nnn Tb" I 'ii it eel Si. iii- comnier. i i pow er and its sti.nm power I., f ir'lu i- i.mphasiio'il In the iilisine t. Il shf.MS that ihe lulled Sl.l'e wlih I miles of railway possesses 1 nc-third of the win Id a total. H I, a. la In the inlleaKe of its lelenr.cph lines, performs more than one-third of Ihe world s mad s'-rvle,, on I' own loail't. while II public cb-bt of II. foul, nun, 1001 is c th.i'l that f Itiilv. Allslrla. 1 1 11 11 1:., 1 v. Sin. ill. Id tllan.'. Aii-otiilii. .1 1 -. 1 1 , i;it n I'.ili ni iiinl Is Inu thnn oneslvilt licit of Krnii. e nnd 1 nc.ionrih that of l!u"iu. W bile i-OS-sH-l IllOIC ei lliel, bl ,. In ell It mpor 'f. iiitsi. ,, A inerl- ;i n tenib -n v 11 ev ! I'liuil 1 1101 to I'm I trade arew from I!" Ill the I 10 ct Ihe 11 Ill'U.lltl. 10 fori U'n has In A met i II in, :,an.iiliiMii,ii t. re. in' of I . fl v f j .,,,1.1.11,111111, . .ri per cent, while front In. reaseil front .'. 4 .' "..Mllll.lillll, n u nit I '.in.' 1 I :t It 11. mni mni to 1 ,f pet efiit Hi the peti,,U r.ce 1-eTu farm product rose m Milue fn m I .c o billi is to ten billion Mitpill flolil b"is .-,tlil,illi,IUlU lollU Ij.r.mi to nn'i ii from 2. nun. nun petrole-ll n from i -car. Th.. coal than :?a. ii. in. nan t,, oil. I ffflill nn. linn tone;, pis i It 1 emu. mill tons, 1'L I .una. loot to 11. J .ii. nun mni K.ii..-is, end m a n if id nre from 1 1 mm. mm OCtel o ,,t,'- -J III) . .111,11. (Hill, STRIKERS BRING SUIT TO ENJOIN SHERIFF FROM KEEPING PEACE Pie Is'.illt L'll. . 1 , H'l II lilt V - Hri-iif i VlleuhellV If III, EQUAL 1 Sl COUPLE FIGHT WINNING BATTLE III DAI WITH ROBBER Illinois Farmer and His Wife Tell Dramatic Story of En counter with Burglar Who Invaded Their Home. Hus band Finally Lands Chance Blow Which Floors Intrud er and Sixty-Five Year 011 Woman Chokei Out His Life lit lraaecl tri in ff-ntnB Herald. - ,,, i.. i.. -l .v a,.,,,,,,,. .CltitltU I in Hi n.r, en. . " story ,,f a fmhl to Ihe death In the dark wuh n masked robber who in euih'el their home ant l.v today w as told by Mr. and Mr. Joseph tirim Wocd, an axed couple, who live on a fill 111 two liillex c-iiat of here. Tb rolibcr died ii she Was Ihroli l.iiei bini. Ml, liriiuwood said, lifter he ll. id been thrown In the floor by her husband, she U a In me uml power ful Womaii, allhoiiKh (.' year old llcfore Mr, lirimweeeecl o Into the filiht her husband and the -the farmer urmed with a club uml Ml'ittri it .l-.l.n ill a 'pi x ..I II. I . I ,i I.I. to. Ion: William A. K. 1'i.rm 1 0 let i v .. Hi I i rise i iiin - i I'.il m euiiil.v ii' .vKiiik -li.lllt of I -'I'll' . I 1 .1 W I'll - ii 1 1.. . mil 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 - 111.' IIIO! J. oh" Mil Ii. ill till .1 iH ., the ' n . ti .... I,;.. I. i-ii. i . , ill .i w mni ol ,11 . lle.llt I 1 1 l:t ow i fi I Ki. I. -,, unlv -I . in- h. .ii I. Ii . i.i .1 1 1 1 v i a CONVICTED OF THEFT OH $175,000 BY BIG GET RICH QUICK GAME flly l-asv wre to Frenlnc llrralil.l .Ni 'iiopi r, Volk .Iillv William II I . I 1 1 . 1 i . In ol of III,. New I el.t f., ll all colnpaTIN . ilb 1 1 1 1 -.: Ilie mail; to de- Ollll' I'.'HI lllCMlom I. lit Ol I' uuiltv toilav hv (III- If, nil. 'hum W el e el II. e s u n.l I I . n n Hi,, i nil, .1 Slates nt mv . hal .' l I -.1 I -..inn a l.irv Of ,,s , ill-ICll II. .11 .Mill mam I. lie. -I l-s. Se:ilclii c w as de- t oo 1 llpll V I 'OO I I tested A i: I 'oopel 1 1 1 i.iiii..iiti Willi III ' I., o unit oilier t ' I. mile J I. Ii". n jitnl II.S.H I, III i nl nlo bank- r no ai'seta nnd f!'.tcln vii'in iir all Shi k, J.IIIK'S llnesl Sharp. Wire Indicted U and l:.ib i son took the StilUtl ill linn iiii Sis-. e.oleil KlliltV ami MliillllKl the aw uli It in I . f former ' hief Sharp THREE MEET DEATH in EARLY MORNING FIRE IN NEW YORK .eased Wire In l-lrenine lli-rnbl 1 1 - New I ink, .lull a Thiee petsoii. 'two women 1 ml n mull, ate dead a a I result of 1111 early moriiliiK fire In an Il-'ast 1 'tie 1 1 ami 1 e.l nnd Twelfth "licet tenement house. I Mih. II. in 1, all Nn kftls. 4'i. nml her j i eir-ol.l iliiniihicr. were bin net) to ulh and .la.'oli l''llikesetii tiled ill boHpital. 111 1 Si h islicrm r. a policeman hin, l.-.l nave. I n family of aix i-iiiki Oil lb Mill five-foot l swiimlnu them ncross hiism hciwccn buildlua. PRESIDENT ASKS CONGRESS TO E Sends Special Message Today J Recommending Immediate Appropriation of $200,000 for Relief of Salem. lly ! see I Wire in IHeiilng Herald. WaHhitiKton, July II. - Preshlenl V'ilSol Sent il special Inessimc lo con- ttics toila, ntif-itm liiiiiiciliicle' icp- pl-opl lallfill of I.'UII. I for the- re lie f of tho-e iti.itlt, boMii-lt and destitute III the Saletll tire. He elielosetl a H'hifrim II in lioMrnor Walsh siiy Ins' thai line'- ih.iusiiiul lull, .In were 111 need ill III nies-ICe' In I.I that tin' o. t tt Kul I'lt.lliitil al the l-'ra licisci lllsiister pr. f f tP ni. "Ill View of the Plesiib'llt Wilson ii iif the national time ol the Sail had liitniMhed a i-real numlier of llollicl end ib-siilnie in Salein, I nil eiiinisi'v aipropttal ion I llls'e the col'liles il l.v the illlflli-lllllle ol I. 'I'll. - l!..l'l -It'ef. lliret I loll e onelUiP ,1 umi. -.-,lleel i , tilled ll'oler I 111 Hi c, t tnry ol war." RESOLUTION FOR A NICARAGUAN PROBE PASSSES SENATE Ilv l- fiH4Mf Wtisr n rrnnr llfraliV) W f t i im: t 'ii. ,! ' i i .'! 1 ri v M ix t H"M t ".trt .iil .it! t in c it t utiiM ,i(Ttt-Iti- tli,. ii i. ...,.... ii i iti I., rcri t hi ll, u l m.ii k ntt Ni, ,ii il. i l.y l h fi ii.ii. 1 1 n i -la 1 1 n 'mimtt' i iiIh i in ,i (V.)ii:in U'!' I't -I l i.i t (he xt-Hitl'- 1 I h(. robber with an I e ptc k -cln led the dark. lunK- Ireetiinl and i..,ind IliK lill.l I't'eathitiK hli.kiiia Their heavy was all that icunled their blows. Al b ruth awiiiK crash, ami he fell. one of ci-inwoois d on the rolctcr heael Ml eiiimwood. who hail be of feel, bun by n awuUe-neit by the ruslilna lenio-il on the I seo-.lllK the Ihiont Kb., c hoi e.l him While her hllH'falld Vol litcht and went alte-r u the man. The robber up. Mi'tu-k a lope to I, mil died a her husband canic b.n k. Paper found In the pocket bore the li.ilne of I hit i. r.,lii..-r William cental Tb .! Il.ii MIC in I .. I DECLARES FIVE UN CONTROL CHICAGO Commissioner of Public Ser vice Names the Five and Points Out Uses Made of In terlocking Directorates. OWN ALL LIGHT, POWER AND TRANSPORTATION Vast Combine has Whole Group of Lake States in its Grasp According to Sensa tional Report to Council (fly lieaaed Wttm to Kfflo HertUd.1 I'lilciiKo. July -. Hy meant of In terloekliiK directorate, control ot public.- utilltlea in fblcagu and the surrounding atatea hag heroine en tialUed 111 the hand of half u doneii men, accordion to a reirt mud public- today by Mot.tadue Kerry, ChlcoKu c.-ommiaujntT of public aer V Ice. J ii hi report Mr. Kerry Indicated that Iho close relationship shown mining; public- aervka corporntlona may constitute a grave menace te) the public.- and urnecl a further Inveatiga ttoti by the atate public irvice coin mission to iletermlne whethc-r the i lly suffer by reasons of the ventral- led I'oTllrol. Named in pu; llculur In the report are Samuel '.naull, John J. Mitchell, Jtimn A. Patten, Henry lllalr and Ira, M. Cuba, who, aald Mr. Kerry. i ercle control over the Commonwealth Killeon rnmpanjr, the Venple'a tlaa. T.'.ahl Coke company, the Chli-Bio r.levaied rallwaya, thH C'hteaao ant fn. e line and nunu rou utility ccim-).'i-ue- In aurroundihc town. A chart which accompanied the re port wa said by Mr. Perry to show Dial three men, Snmui'1 Inaiill, John Mm he ll and Jamea A. Pnttcfi. con st II ule a majority of the executive committee of five which dlrecla the business of the Ctiinmonweiilth Kdl Kuti lot. i. any; that the some three constitute a miijcirity of the board ot direct.,, of thct cli company; that Mr. Insull nnd Mr. Illair, who 1 a dire cior It the t'ommotiwealth, are a majority of the executive commit tee of three which controls the ele vated; that .Mr. lll.iir. a chairman ol Hi,- board, is the cotit rollitiK factor In the I'hlc.iKo Hallways company, v ho it operate riteist of the surface Inns; that "Samuel Insull, with men holelinif salaried cxeec'.iive iioNittoit in the Ciemmoiiweiilih KJIsoti c otii panv. eo-itfol the Public Service , otntany of toeriherii lllinoi and Hio Miililb-west t'tllltle Collipanj ." ! show mi: that II. Y. Sum pre Idenl of the l hi, -an, i Ti lei boiie oiiiii-I-iiiiv. I director In the surface' line i oinpit-ilcs. Mr ferry Indicated a re-l.-if ionthip between the telephone cor poration and the nt!ier uliliiy com Panics while other dire -lor of tne telephone company were shown to be director of the f ', nt, m.,ii w call Ii in, I t be- c tn company, ' ' Comment ins the facta show l, Mr Ketry an id: "No fiietn are In Ihe possession of ih,. department of public st-rviie vclnch would Justify the stitiemelit that the price lucid for c-nrn-ni liy the several tr.insportictloi tnpiniea ' t't-'i-ie.ea c, hut the circtttnM.i ne c-a i.nile-r which these t werce made, wuh uisiantinllv the salon lin -1 a Inn t ts and Keller, suittiest reed for iit'iuirv. "The New Haven Ciilru-ol e,,m-f-anv. H. H. Claflln rnmpniiy. Ihe St. T.i.ui iiml San Fran, U.-o and enter nearer home are freah in Hue II, 'I,, Is of tile public " The report wa ordered hv the council im will be considered i.y colli 111 ' I I .'M (.1, iMlim ..H.I il V the ll ! 111. hi. HEAVY MORTALITY OF FOREIGN AVIATORS I .eased Wlrtt to Freolng Ileeal.l 1 Itbeiin. rKame, July t -Corp. mil Hiihrlel tlodefroy of the Kreti, ll Kimv in lotion rorp. was k.ll. cl and I'orpural Kmlle Mierat lltsllv in jured today by u fall of .i feet in In a monoplane of whl. h they h oi lost ccmlrol. Amsterdam. Netherland. July J. -I. lent. i. I) Spamluw a Ibiti ti iiuli tarv aviator, died toduy from the ef fee t of Inluiiea recened In an aero plane accident ut the Soeielcrboig ueioclr- me yestc iduy. fall for Hank statement. WushttiKton. July a The comp troller cf the currency today IraueU u call for u ult,l,-iiiMi,i .il Him ...... s I .. ... o :,,,..,,J, t u . .... , ,w u( ,U.,1BM Tuead.iy. Juue 1 SVth.