Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1914. H n I H u Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS TOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Eteam Pnmpi 318 West Centra! venue BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON printers, binders, stationers. 20S-210 West Gold Avenue EAT MATTHEW'S VELVET ICE CREAM Phone 420 C. T. FRENCH m m it i. nun rioit I Mil I.Mt It. I .Mil) A-l-tllllt. I (fill mul ( iilrnl. I'll.. ii.- IHi) an.l Mjhi, ,MI4. Expert Hair Work. 'oln'lli' llllldo into BWIIlhrg, I r i ii r t ' . t in . 1 1 m. puff. rurl, el..; g. hen tlv.-il. MitH. m. i'Hifa MarliH'llo Klinii. ,' til. IK 8. 4th St. DUKE CITY CLEANERS Un i linn liata, men' ami ( nu n t'lotliluK, ruitx. I'lirlalna, ilriiM rl.-. 2 JO Ull 4, old. limne 4 10. Promptness Onr Motto I AUTOMOBILES Mike ..tir in. .tor "" good an new. V. in.' . !- t" n- grind your lilliloln 'Ill.l make new ptlli.fl- h.-ailn tol.lAIW III k (OM I'WV. Sid WrM mural Aw-nur. F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Ill IT I HI" I'll. ni- lay ur nlglil, Tt'.i. BILL'S SHOP i 1 1 M i wit I'i'.i h:i:m i in nn li.if li. l.-iv :iinl ir"Hi "'tw. W'l- h:!!1 Mi f.M' iI'im "ill T' 1 -1 ll'Iir ui ill') ..ii will t' i pnoni'l if'iif 21.. S. 2ml. St. rit.iiK- IHD. FREE While they last; Wita each box of Nacline Faco powder a 25-cent box ol Hadinola Talcum Powder. W1I LIAMS DRUG CC, 307 Wet Thone Central 789 I BEWARE of Cheap Soda DONT Let your children drink something you will not drink yourself. It costs money to make pood goods. We have no cheap goods to offer. Insist on Sodas and Mineral Water bottled by The Coyote Spring Mineral Water Co. Our Motto Is "We Makt Pop - Not Slop." We are The Coyote Co. F. II. PERRY, Mgr. Phone 727 323 NORTH FIRST ST. PHONE 31S t Phone 440 I a ' i I , The Ruby for July or nil I lie ii-pi'lnm kiuium tlml are nl,-.l (mint ami Mill, h i-rr iiinllt I' a tfionwaiul )ir nun. Hie ! Huh., ii.iiii'v n-l In I Ik- diamond. Illllltll, U lirlllllMKt ,'llllHll' I'll ll Ha Ill.l ii Imlng: IllnkiH, II iiIiiiii-I irr. f-nili-. l or lliimt lit ininlM-r- iii m t or. In Jnlv hi- arc slum Inn a womli-rrnl nwrtini'iit or III IIY ring. Ur liiMi- I In- lnrM'ii-li 1. 1 Oil nl 2.1m, ci.iio. tr. iMi ami mil oil. ami oilH'f. lip In In- Ill Ml M I I It. nlK-tluT ll In- a lilltTIIMW. a l KIHSli or an olh'-r t.llT .mi a Moii. oii villi fin. I M peeli-ruMe to hut voir glfl or I t I HI IT. j lll:(T LI T TCIIS, I.WA- I II lis. MTYH. MI.M IIWMII'. !l Millis- Mwtim I li l,i'.l ,( lowrl prior. RELIABLE MATCHMAKERS & JfWtltM 107 W CtNTRAL AVE Are You Going Hunting Tomorrow? . ho ru .oi oih unit mill" anil iiiooiiinlll'iii. i- Inn i Ju-I lull In u mil llm- i.f llic i.-l. l Remington U. M. C. Guns and Ammunition l- h l.' u . Illl'l.'l.- lin k "'I I irii- ill ll i. h;. noil kOoIuiiii Ii II-. - iil-o liii,- ii full lo of nil klOlt-H llf tl.lllllu (JINmIh. 0. 1, MATSON & CO. In Onr N- nuiii-r. 300 Ui'nt Cnilral. PRESIDENT WILL CELEBRATE FOURTH IN PHILADELPHIA III) l.i-nm-il,- to i:rnli.f l.-rld." i- i i'i i i . .mi - I to- .I' lin II ii.ii. rk iliirini lH'' ' ill. I'liiin.iiial iini:ii . i iii'i, .1 l.y 1'i. Bi.l. nt Wiliion ii .. ,i V ll I ' i. i . i.. ih . inii'iii In .in , In n In- .Ii 1. 1. 'I. IT' if ni id.- K'.orih ft July n-rf . nl hull ;.. nr.. h ill. 'I'H' ' I f i hnh hi y ili.' loo;"ii !.'l-.'iiili'ii'' uH ihw'-fi - inn t 'iw.iiil In mi It Hill he I'lii.'Pil in : t:t of I hi- it. mhIi'IU i.n.l a .n. lo r iiM.-tl I.-. i;rott. W.,"hinKiivn i; i i i... . il on Hi,, i.iiili- un.l (ill l will. I.,- Kutir. IIiuMuihI .ri. ,-ry 0h-m I ill. TI.. Ilnthliiii.l Krorrry lrr will r. in. .in him n f..r tin In-ni-fil of Hi li.itiM.iM nil iliy Sut ur.lny. July K. in Ih Thr r.iirt.-lor Hint nn l'l",'H Hill hn tli'ir i-rlflirHilon on Siinil i whi n nil h.'iniln will to t" Ilia- iii..iin(uln fur un nil i!:i .n nlr (aril i.r Tliaiikx. I wInIi in rirl.'nit my Ih.n.lil In ll i'.'M It.ilrf, S.iiiIm Kr -iiiii.vri. Mint Iri.ii.lh ("r umluilliy mill klmlnva ilicHii uio In tht Iom of my IiiihI.hiuI. K. 1 1 Imr. n M Its. K. H. M'UKV. Wo." YirvlnlH t'litr. ilMiivhtiT of I'iiI-i.iiii ii ii. I Mm I'laik M. t'arr. left thu m.'inlnif (or tin U..rr l'n-i, t-kprniiiig u remain until AuKuat t- tSTD ' 1683 t L. I Vnuna CRYSTAL TODAY ( M l. lit r.M: I'UTI KIX Till. soii Ol M!NNV 1TI.V lilruli. TIM. HAHY KI'V" St-liu Tun-lti-4-l IVanm. Till: I.I.I l-I.H" i "mi")!. .Mnlli .1:30; I .ant Show at Mgtlil S lira llrirtiia fits. TRY SPRINGER And Get Good Service The Weather KollKfAST 1" id tli'in.l.-r nil ih iliix iifii-Mioi'ii or t.'II.Ullt. -i I nrilny Rriui.illy luir. MK Al. l.llli :. HI I'OIM. l or ilu- ; I liourK rii.lini: i ' ii' In- k t li ih innrnifti! : Mix in ii in. Al 111 I 111 11 111. dl. Ili-mr. IS. l h ii rlm k, 67. i:.mi u mil. t'loiiil) . it. un. o; in. h, TIIIM.S TO WOllltY AIIOI T In-nvii i -u la t .! ti In in iw .'t 'l.- f.'j:!. Tliiri' ait 2II.SIH rolf ill l:..i li.'H. r. x. Y. Illinium Iii-khii growing 1ml hiuiM,. c ru f ..-a fiftv yi-ar usn. All unilii ground iniii. 'IK in un tnrlo now lime th right hniir ilny. ' The hoini' HUr.iiinlm to .in In-t,nm-ly rnl.l t.-in n-rnt uro m.oni-l th.ui hii olhrr uiiininl. Thr Lirgi-m mul hluhrit furm In thr world Ik fi.iiml in Ariorm. It 1 .'.'12 f.-.-i In hright. iifM' l.iI imlii utr Unit HiH gold I'luiliii lion of thi I'liii.-'l Hintm lit Ht yi-nr wan thr amiilli'U mtnr 1 i while that of niUrr w.m tli,. gnuti'M for "iinuitity on n-ior.l. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW To huhhi:ribehi If you Tall to fit your tvenlni pprr, rail POPTAI. TKI.Kfl RAPII CUMP4 NY, I'HONB I. ltiol. whiti" nn.l hlui- l.-r rn-iini f" tin- 4ih. Krr'n Tandy Storr- Thn U.iynol.U I'Ul.ln- lil.raiy will o rl. ht-il nil day tomorrow . i "el your July Fourth i-undli-a "t l'..ui-11'a. Fourth nn.l iVnlrnl. H K. Iluwr of the Snnt.i Fo rrad Hi!; rooms Ih In thn ity today. Sin. nil iitti-mioii gi'n to Jl.v I'oiiiih I-' rr.-ani ordi'iH ill Fowi-llii A. I:. Arnold of i 'row n I'olnt. X. M , im n iii..r in Alliuiiii-niur imliiy. I:. ii ur fhopH will ! iiiin nil d-iv Siiiurday unil f.-gulur lift. h imvuil. H illy I', oni-n rriurned I ml niklil trom ."in "rni, whi le he Inn. ,n-ei. ul leli.lillg .oillt. irort!,. T. Ilrown, mine n.i-iator. of liii.Hon. la i-l Die -lt lu Hill. no o'er III,. Fourth of July. Mm. N. I-?. WiIIb returned rmr .l.i tr":n a vinit of M' uioniiia m 'li'-ago nnd Xiw Y i. W. A. t'ameron, truvrling fieight and ianK -liner agent ol I he Mini. I Kl in i:i I'.no. i iii tin- city t'liWiy. Ir. Kuett A. Joiii-b. nendi-lit i" l!ie Blnte lloi'l of Illl li-N Ut Koinirn. lilt Una lllullllllg fur .-.I Ill.l Ff. Wt will hit v' MieilaU l"r thr l iHiilh ul our fountain I'owell .Mr. i.nd Urn, l. K. sutilitlv. who have I urn In l.oa Angrlu for a vimt ol . i. ia irki. hdir rrturiu-d home. Thrie wil lie u regular liu-rling nl ti. K Warren ml. II. A. It , ut l.'l ."ouili mri-rt Haturduy v ruing. July i, at Tit.'.. itmhuli Flrdrri.'k W. Iluwdt-n hi returned tt. .lou.UvrU from a tru Utroukh noil li.-in .New M. xko w In. h look him into Han Juan vouniy on i'i ('im vmii. I'l'iilc iuiti ran g-t ihelr ue . I. a in orderg III led lirm al I'owi II W. II. dunlin arrivt-d l..t miilil from Trlindiid to take the Hwiilon ol night rlrrk at Hie Alvuradn hotrl. He hag hern with thr ll.irwy aiem ut Trinidad. Hon. FillX Martlnrg ol F.I I'.mo wag In Ilia illy Ihia morning for an hour on lilg way to 1 Vegan on i t.ualiiraa trie. Mr. M.irtint-g will vlgit Hantu Fe and Albuquerque l)e- lorr reluming hoinr. Juilgn I:. L. Medler of Ijig CrtirM la iii-iidliig arvrrul d..y in lliv . II) viBliIng frlrndi. He hag liit romr Iroin Krlamiii. where he rraldrd al a Lilef inurt a.-w.inn. Judge Mrd l.-r and hig atrnograidirr, f. M. I 'en dug. .ii, luudc Ilia liiu from Im. Airdome Tonight and Pastime Matinee 2:30 l.l, i n I :st:n rufl hk.mj iuiii it ii.ihttiov Two-lli-H t liagrajili (onteilY John Ilium nil I1"rn llinli. nm MH.imoitH m at iMMiir ltl"Ktapli IMama. iiiu no Mil .t. ovti.wv n. mill . I'Ptiii-rn dHUMtr I l tTl TimmIm mnl Tliurli. I MCT SHOW T O'CMM K l.vr SHOW III ..!! AT nn.l Allm...u-r. or CruriK to F.tin"i.i ty .iiiii.niiiliilr. Ml Ho' i.lili ix In houfi' will I"' . Ion. il tomorrow ill oli B. rMini of thi- r.niiih of July. Minn Aiiim I hllil. i. nlnli-r or Mm K. J. Alii.r. I.-ii Un" iiioriiiiig for b icii , vi-m-uiI w.-i-kM on tin' I'l'l"! I 'i-. H. nt 1 lin lor Sun Mil .Hull. .1 Mil II lh- il. nil. to Tin rr llrlnira, mail lo.'iil itiiti..n, Klaniimo lor irnniif.-r .IrrK Ii iim tonight it Ihri-i- wi-i-kH A. Logan 'ln I''. Lndira of A. I!., havr ioliolied thnr meeting Mont Milunlav. J 1 1 l-rnla. July Huh. will I.r rr u ii In r meeting "i 1 Adah .'li. i. i.-r No. r. "'rili-r of thr Kartrrn Slur, ill M.iaonii- Tiin-li- Hub, evening ul K im Im k. IIiihiih-'B ol iiulioi l.iii r w ill In- I ran-. ii led un,l a lull a' l.-iulanir m ilemied. Mr nnd .Mr. Tom Frum ib Krh" her. Jr, Kd Hertig nn.l niolher and M ibb i.-rltg left IhiB ntorning lor n ihi.e wrekH' Miiiy on Hie ii''-r I ei n. Kinnu'it A. Vautlii-y. nuurintin.l rut nl ngriu li-B. l.-r thr " i ldrntal I. tfe litBuruu-r ioiiianv. ri-turned tmlas Iroin a hrn- IjiihineKB vigil in I nunx. Iliuno liei iim.tiin, X. il. M-'Trnd.-n, J .ike Harlan and Turn ln.n.itiy hll i hi- all. -run. -n l"r i he in. . mil. litis. Iran-ling In u m.iihinr. In ho gone .ait Un- Fourth. Fo. I.rr. a of thr t'nlvrr Bii of New M'Hii". elt ill in morning for ."..iniii Fr. where hr will work during the mitntiier iib night . lerk n the I r VtirgiiM i--K-l. IMtigu I'na, en n .1 id a t e (or thr noiiilnat ion f..r inngii-BH on thi Iti lnililiian In kri. returned thig morn ing fi.-ni a hrirf init in Santa Fr, where he onfeiird wilh polttlral lrudi-1'H. M ibb Kaihryn l'owrll Irft on thr t'lilltoiniH lliiille.l today for her home in Sim Ihegn, niter a month MBit mi A lliioiui rune, the gil.-Bt nt Mow. Julia Keli-her. of ."."I Wert Fruit at. -line While In A lluiniieniue Mua I'owell wub ghown . oriHidera blr at lent Ion liy in. in be rg of the youngrr Bo.'ial gel. MrB. I.oiiIb llfi-ld. in rompnnii-d l.y hi-r Bon. l-uwrine, and .1. night. IB. MiBBen Huth nnd Ileum, r, w ith K.r li.Ht l.iin.lolll un.l Arthur I'tager an lul'itB. leli for Suiilu Fe thin uftrr noon in n m i. tune to remnin over Ihe Fourth. Mrn lliel.l un.l ilaui;li-t.-m will ilrlvr front Santj Fr I" Ti .'iu Si'i ingH, nrar Vegug. w here Ihey will Bprud the Bummer. I.awiinre llfelil. b"H of Mr. nnd Mib. I.oiiia lll.-lil. uirivr.l In town lust evening Hum i hr northern part ..I thr Mate, lo intend thr dam ill pmt given li Ihe lliel.l girlg in thr Ma... nlr Temilr. Mr. lliel.l n-pri'- Bi-iitg a llogt.'ii wool buying i-onrern In .New Mexlii, and t-gprilg goon to leiir for the Hub i'il lo rro.nt on linil kel ronditiong In thig b.- lion. W. I. l.irpidr, Kinrrnl agent ol Ihe Sanlu Fe niillond In M.xko City, Ib In Al'.iii,inr',ur lu remain ovrr thr Fourth. Malting old friends. Mr. 'iamlde, who ig now temporarily lo r.iteil ul Kl I'aao, when hr in long ing aftrr Mi-xi.'un liiumm, ban e- ral rx. iting expel le:n e in Mi x i'o City befnie finally getiirig out of the (ity on May .1. Tul'i he wan ul im krd l.y iiini.a nnd for a time wan held a military prisoner. Ml SITE SEEMS TO IE SLIPPING HLL Aldermen and Mayor who Profess to Favor Purchase) -i i n ii n i ir ' Fail to Call Special Meeting; Necessary tc Clinch Title . . . ... In aplle ol the piof.-aaeil d'-alre i.r he iiiiior and a nuinher of lounlll-i men lo -e. un- ihe kiu-m re park una on the menu from the government, , neither Ilu- . x'-i uttve or any of thr j iil.lern.rn hid mudr a inmi up I" mld-ntlei noi'ii lo mil the Bu'i lal i nu-etign . in n.iinrll nri'maary to' n 1 1 1' i . li in t r the HUU ri-iiiired to liiuh I Hie i,, the trail. Ailing city Aili.inry t'rewi haa atated puliuly that he a.n mea tnr i-oun. ll to pay Ihr money at on. to avoid .oaaiblr litigation, but not a move haa brrn made lo rail a nirellng Hi la evening A mrrling i.. morrow night la a vir tual liiipoB.-i'iilli), and on Monday, wli'-n Ihr i.-gular meeting of Ihe i ouiu ll la heduli'd. iiie I line limit glvrn tlx- i 1 1 y by the land I'lttVe rx lurrg. Muyor It-atrlflit could rail a meeting without regard to Ihe roun i llnu n. but ha iuainia lhal hating l ulled one meeting, w hlrh fllvvrrril la-iauae of iha non-up.euraiua ul iiuoriiin. he haa done all Ihut ran br exi-e.ird ol him. He aulil thig after noon he would rail a Hireling it Ihr aldrrniril a'ked him to. but not nih il wiar; ihe next mora, aaid, waa up lu I linn. ,wv,wvmii niiniirnniir mill ill m l m l ft HLUUULIigUL HILL HAVE UNIVERSAL OBSERVANCE OF 'Many Amusements Ready lor the People Constituting a Strictly Safe and Sane Holi day. RACING PROGRAM AT TRACTION PARK Old Town to Have Only For mal Celebration on Nation's Birthdav. Many Social r Events and Motor Parties. Xo In" of iittiii. tloiig la. eg thr holiday-maker tomorrow', although Ihe b.iBeliall Ian il have to g "Ut of town in neiinh lor ha favonti: M'ort. Anide fr..m thr piiu.tty m luiBiball Ihetr will b- pb'Uty doing in thr upon world here, and plrnty ol Ihe a., i-pted form ot erl.-liriit mil In the it proper lirew..rk a id Inn riih-.lolngB will be taboo uinler the ntru t mifr and-Biinr ordinainr. I.ui in nld Town the lid will br off. Ihe Ah. una HiBpnno-Atnrrli alio will bold a nig .-. Ii lirnllon. with fireworkB, oiatoiv, mil.lary le.iliiriB, and shubii l.y I'larken Impiiial bind All Al l u. (in tun.' I invilrd to go out and join in the oliset v ain r ol thr day. In addition to the inaty pon h pnrtli-B held ptivHielv. there will i. one lug r-iriil here At the Short!.- Biinitaiiiitu an all-day holiday trio will hr held I'aiirntn at H'li other mi mt .i rlu m in the . lt. Ihe pat rtitn "I all th,. .I... torn in ..w i. the .1... torn IheinselM". and all the iiurB.B ure in Mird to attend. ll will he a t, Htal rxrnt ol Ihr re.l-.tti-r ort. It will .tart a' . o'c'ork lu the morning aini ontinu, without n mlnuti'K let-un until onr wee hour brfote in dnight. r..iU'it.'oi:n rrl u "hlnentn havr nern virtually ail thr jnrr.haii! In the it having joined with tin n.initariuui in pn paring for Ihr lienin. Thr Idrit thai AlhiiiUrUili pognlhly may not welionir heiilthBiekein will Irrrivr J"l al that party. The program will infinite a lawn frtr. n big iiuf'et auiipri. . nrd-pluying in door arid out, i ro.uri, miiBp. danr llg, firework' ami nil free. Krrv (.ur will hr taken to nilnl'irr lo thr .-..nifort hh w.ll an the ptraatire ot thr gin bib Thr ground' w ill br r prclally lighted fur ihr inriinli.n. Tomorrow afternoon at Trartlon park ther" will be nintiin ylr and automobile rave, and J he' will have un aura' lion in a road r n-e, lo atari nnd IiiubIi at Flrat nri'.'i nnd l'enr.. UM-nue. It thr evening lilrr.ior M irk I.e will prririit a lleaillilie run! to thr tilth! f.uiB nt thr Flk thriller, with J. iik Torre and Ihr Untiling Iinne in ii i.-n-round Imut. Manv nutoiin.tillr pnrtlra will trnva I In Helen, where at old-fiiahlonnl town i'1-li'l.ration of linlepi"idrn'r day haa brrn urr.ingrd. Hundred!, arr rxpr'trd to go to Helen by irnln. Kprvial em uml.m r.itea having been annoiini rd bv the Santa Fr. Ilaai'.nill na will are Ihr Helen tram In tll'lioll. - F.iinilira who like pl.nir pnrllrB will B'-e In Ihr Helen rilebrullon an opp.irtunliy to park n ton or i m fi od and make an old-faBhioiie.l ilu) of It. Aulomblllata nerd have no doulitg nbout the ron.lg Into ihe nil -off metropolin. Thr Helen I'ommer i l.i I . lull ha had nl thr road' lead ing Into town Binoothed. The prouram and order of event fit the shuttle aiinlinrlum will be u follownt linn.'lng will begin nt ! o'.'loi k In thr ri'ii'ptli.n and dining rooma. i llartiniiirn or. healtu. I I'r.iiiurt l.iiirnament, beginning lit r. tin .. . I.n k. Futile' re. l ived up to opening of pi. iv. Aniline elu-ilile. I. It. Ilinion In i-linrge. I'rixe. Titer- , mo' bolt lr. Itiflr toiirnnmrnt. beginning at .' oil. iik Knlrii-B rrciivrd un to opening of play. Anyone eligible. I lr. Iiotirari in rhnrgr. I'rir.r, Thn- Im.'a but lie. Au bnflel Biipper will br arrvrd nil I the lawn from nul l ft o'i lin k. i'Iiii'Hs will I.r rvr.l al I'le rafeirrlu aland. Iteglnnlng nt b :I0 n'li... k there will be a diBplay of fireuoikg aonth or Ihr uroundn. mubi.,,1 pi.,grm Fxhtlnlmn lan. r Mr. iuk-n n.i MIbb I' l"",,i,"r.,,. "' Indepriolrn1'!-. . ' Onheura ... .....i o. Select rd Ming Mary Auderaon Anwrlran Medley Ilnllr Apple HbiMu.nia llobrrta irchrBira. Vo-a luetiio, I'rrliy Hoar . . . Mlaa ( harl.ilir I'r.ilt anil Mr Falkenliurg. Man h t'ndi-r thr llig Trnl Indiana lie. loan r hentra. llrlll Strvrna j N'oeal Solo lale ol liemure I Mr. Hen Tursear. Overiure I'oel and I'eaaunl. . Strt rng Star Spangled llannrr tin beat ra. Mlaa Hlanrhe 1'orterflel.l. At c-omiianiat. If you want Iha Very Wat mlU ghrrbria, or lhv p ureal of tea irrnni. telephone .07. l.uilon a. ami your order will he promptly filled. WATKM TAX IH'B AMI PAY AJU.K AT riFFH'K UK WATKH I'd., 1KB. HKt'OXIt. Saturday, July 4llt, More will fluacU. K. W. IW FOURTH WAIT! FOR OUR B I G alf-Price Save Your Money and Make (SI. 00) Take the - ($2.00) Sale Starts Monday, July 6 and lasts throughout the entire month. The greatest money saving event ever offered. Don't Forget the Date Monday, July 6 THE, MODEL DRY GOODS CO. We Celebrate This store will remain open tonight until 10 p. m. to ac commodate our customers. Tomorrow being July 4th we will remain closed all day. Watch for oar big Sitni-Annual Clearance Sale which starts Monday, July 6th 21. Iflasljlmnt (Un. GHASTLY CRIME IN ATLANTA SUBURB Atlanta, tin. July .I-The hodira of . K. I '.en net mid two uiiuletitilu-d women were found In n awaini lit Fnal I'lilnt, a aiii.urb of AH.. nl .. ally today VVotinila in. In ale. I Ihut all Ihree hud been allot Thr bodiea if Ihe minii-n were row-rid with briiBh while Unit of Hi-inn tt lay In Ihe open a lew Jurdg uway. The r. .roller of Vunty ban been aiimiiionetl to Jnwtlgitli.. A.'lordltlK to the p. illie. I lure Were In.lli atlona that lleiin' tt killed thr two women wilh a rhotgiin, mid after l'..ering their l-mina with brunli, fuBleiied Ihr gun lo a atuiop. Blood befurr II and 1 im lunged II with a I w ig. Thr i barge lore a grral hole III hi' (Ileal. While the Wol.un have in. I yet Sale - Place of been nl if led, it l.H thoit-hl Ihey were H. iiiiell n wife and tnoi li. t In law, lii'iiiiell lanl ai-rn on TliurBday. Hr formerly reai.p d al Louuiibi illi. liu. Wat.hliigion, July S. Al ihe rr .iii'Bl of many .i gaiil'Hi Inn Ihroiigh oiil lel.niii. Ihr treaaury d.-puii-melil today ordered r'urgiKii lleii.-ral Hlue of Ilia pul.lii- lieallh a. r i e lake ihurga of the bulionli- plagua exii-rmlnntlon m.-anurra in tVrw or I. ana. II.. had aone then" lu make an Invent Igal Ion. Twelve expert rat latiheta havr been old. red lo New nrleuna from Han Fnun In. ii and lodny lira. Freiu ll Sutipaoit and I'huilrg VVIII.uma of Ihr i.irvbr, In-Ill rxprtla Hi PlaKilu rX I. rnilliatl'in. arm ol.lered lo New nileaiia llolil New Vuik and Wanll-llililuii. f