Newspaper Page Text
Lltriniwinrn-i- " "" " SMSSWSSSSSS(PISIWM1 irtrf will f.rlli.w this llli nf July than any In our liMocy. Kale ami raw I. one lecmt to lack inter est in cinching that mesa tract but the city council I mini's E-cmzEX, Vol. I. No. . A1BUQUEEQU25, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914.. TWELVE PAGES TODAY this EVFTxixa irmAiiO Vol 4. NO. 10 J. PRESIDENT THRILLS MIGHTY CROWD Advocates Modernizing; Decla ration of Independence by Applying iti Principles Our Modern Conditions. to SPEAKS WEAR WHERE DECLARATION WAS MADE Fays Tribute to Patriotic Americans who are Willing to Stay in Washington and Sweat Doing Their Duty. (Ily Ixamil Wire to Iaiikia IL-rald. PliilatH iplUu. July Adim-at-Img- llw nHidoniUtiig of llM' INt-. lunation of liiihiH'iiik'iu-e liy ap hliMI Hi NiiM'tliM lo Hie bust-ih-w. Ih ladltha ami the lorcUu m)Ii kti of ' Amerli'a. president W (Im.ii imI tin ilhil a huge iiowil a'nihhil In Imbls'iul rWT Miiarr wlililu a lew Ui-i of wlntv llie original declaration (an signed. T'm irt-lil-nl loin-hod imi M)'x hti, IIhi Panama tiMIn rt'M'iil i-oii-lri r. Iiin anll-lrust icogrnin, I msIim-m condition ami hi lili a of modern Iwtrlotlsin. INhhiiIIiic his IM oil Hie laMc on whsili IIh iKilnrathai of In. ih'lM'iiili'ixv mum signed, Ih' ! rlan-d Americans today muM niaiiuiti llH-tr affair In way lu lit' honor lu tlx- rounder of tlr nation. TlMTr are men In Washing tun Uskay."' hr (oC'd. ! Mlriniin .t !,( uliuuy Ihii m Imi a,ioiiipllli jimt IHHI- lliiiiga. Tliry am oiaylng In Ik Wah. ItiKtini, ihii iik UiHr iluly, kc-tiig a) 4iioruin In each Imhjm' of iihi- vn-M ft lo IhikIim ami I am Highly glad to May IIiitp anil II. fc h) tliiin." hr added. T"ii' hlng on busbies cnndll l.ttiti ol Ih,- country, president Wilson said 11 glial ni.inv allegations of faM ni'lr In Ing In ii il r-. hut that it great limn ' i.f these f.u ! limit tally with each ut In-r. Ar,- turn., men Irving t serve Ihi'ir niiinlty or eomct hlng smaller than their country?"' lip asked. "II I li Imi America ii nil there In nny thing wrong It lii their business to pill I In ir hand to I Link uhil act It right " l;ilil -flv,. cr ri'iil of tlir Mcxl- ii n'iiili', llu- president .ud, In touching mi Mexico, noii'f have a right to have a "look-in" in ihoir H-im rnini iil or how thf other flfiotn per rint wit runnlim It. "I know the A.inrHKn i-plv li.ivv heurl i hat orala for thorn Jumi It licala f.r olhi-r mllllnna," I'ri-nlili-nl ViIi;i i i iillniii il. "I lifiir n Kriat ilnil alimil the iirnpnriy ok in Mumi a nl I rruri't ihHt with all my lii.irt. tint l k of It till la a iruKKlink l"il" Let im not forK'l lliit ntruxuli' in watililiiK what U "tim on In front.'' "I Moiilif I 'f iwliiiiinil of Ihv fliiK II wr itul unythlni outmlr thla coun try hli h wn woulil not ilu In It," tin-prwoili-nl Uri'lurvil. K i K I ii a ot I'm mi tint tolla, Uif nl a.iiil thf truily with Kiik- laml Mli;lit Ih- a iiiiai.ike, but Its' i iiiriaiuiiK iiiniiol In- miHlukrn, ami hi l.iln v i In ko, .ln ilio naimn g niill KatloiiH. JIp hfllrvt-ri In ki'i'lilns the naniH nf the I'nltpil Htaiia umiaia lmii..,l anil unaulliiiit. Hi lori- I lie pn-aiili iit got hla ain i i h wi ll uinli r wny tho rmwil urncd lorMar'l In auih roiilnlnti that a panic Wd tlirtaltriLil. Two cii.npan- MMMSSSSSSSWSSSSSSSSSMSaSMSjSMSSSSSM SHE- Of EIGHT BLOCKS G0L00AD0 SHORT LINE Jlty lwsl lr to Evening Herald.) Colorado tipilng. c,,o., July 4. Tiaiiia of I he Florence at Cripple Creek ruilroud, known as the hurt J.I ne, on which a strike waa de lta red at midnight by tralii.nen, en liiiieuiei and tonductora who are inenilM'ia of thu Federated Train men's union, are moling us usual this morning lu churgu of non-union Hi . Tha lirst passenger truln lur the Cripple Cuea disiiut lelt her at U:ti a. in., or about ten iul::ulea later than the 'scheduled, mid there wa comparatively laile di lui I'n n e ull' tiding lis departure. tilfnlata of tha road tu hava enough men In take out oilier trains a usual, although they will Ira of mnrlm-a and anlnra Monit 1 1 fur the api'Mkir'a atuml unit Mr. Wllnon WHa fotrt'il to ti nvrral tiincH hut finally got tha i'r"l un ilvr cniitriil. Wlillr the pnnlili nt wua wnltlng to kpeak Mm. inlth innllii'r or una ul the first Mllora IUIIimI at Vera Crua, griituil hi in. Mr. Wllaon told hir aha thoiilil le proud of her aon mil Khook lur warmly ny tho liiiiul. An tho train lieiirliiK thf ircnl ilcntlul party krt nn III,; ri'luin trip to Wufhliutnn a lurge crowd gulh-rri-il at tho atatioii ilupped and ihicnil, wlulu tha prialilont mood on the ol'wrmlioii platform and bowi-d and aniilt'd. Mid Chrlat rhurih, which filillco la ( KiMily aMoi laii d in thu hiato.y ol Aini'iKan frft'ilimi with ImUpi-inJ-me hull, tp'UmU'd today tnu hlalorlu tiKht lulls thai laiig wllh tha L.IU rty lull on July 4. 1 1 7U. kikhl nii-n mamiud th ropi.ia KUaihed to tht tx-lla in Hi'-' tliurih toar. on July 4. I'Tti, thviu wua a inict lnn in lii t'nriht ih'inli at almost thr B.nim hour ot thu In In ili'pi'inlunov hall, a few ulucita away, whir,- the lO'intr) a falh ra wire clratliiiK I im iJuilurution of Indi- lIVIIlll'liV. Thu mueliiiv In Chriat i callud lu U iav Ufa an thuu'h waa unit niliiitiil tu tho prayer book. Word of tho signing nf tho dvclura lion, sounded forth by the liberty lie 1 1, waa echoed by tho elil.iuo In thu (.hunii tower and then the uaactiuly In tho chureh punned a resolution ui.i, inlliig tlio prayers for tha king ot Kiiiil.ind, so thin thu ieplu nut lit pray for thu oflulala ul thu new ru publie, Tho old prayer book, with thu ul Uratlolia In thu hrtllill lull, ol lllnll up Willie was useil at tbu eoinniein nj'ation wrvli-f today. Three-fourths of the aiKiiera of tho Iieilurnllun ol Indepi'iideiue were iliurehmeu, and miiliy of them attended Christ i-hurch during the daya they were :neetiliK. The Kitst rtty troop -1 I'luludi I Phla. whii'li today u led na eaeort fur I'remdeiit Wilson, wua Intimately ron ncetrd with the revolutionary history. It s nrKuninod In 1771 and la Hie oldest ornanlsation In thu t'niled ftati-H that lias Innllit. lined a contin uous aetlvc tnililury exlsleine and taken part In evei way In uhlih vol unteer eaxulry have served. oEIlEl EVANS TO GET PRIVATE President will Administer Re buke to Army Officer Who Criticized Foreign Policy of Administration. (lie lrasHl Wlra) o KseoJng Herald. I I'lill.i lrll'hla. July 4. I i iKadiel Deneral It. K. ICvuns, lormer u.m- minder of the department of the cast will he privately rei oinmeiiijed by Ih.. president In eonseoiien'e of a apeeeh at a recent bamiuet In New York In whb'h Ocnernl btiina is said lo have made itf,irin,s to tha forelni policy of the fulled Bl a tea. Ileneral Kvana sent Secretary Oar riaon a statement on bis apetih In which he said he hud been tnisMUot fd and gave his own version of his remarks. While this version Is wild to have partly aalisfied the president It Is said he d tided a reprimand should be given llcneru Kvutia. DENIES DISCUSSION OF MEXICAN MATTERS ft'T lTHseil V.'lrsi in Kventiif fwrwldl.1 I'hiladelphla, July 4. News- paper report that I'reanlent Wll- I - son aid J. P. Morgan discussed Mexico and tho payment of debts due American bunkers out of customs rei-elpta at Vera C'rus. duiin their ronference Thursday were denied eiuphal- bally today by members of the president's party. TRAINMEN nmke tiu def.nite protuiaea about earilng piusu gera or freight. The union men uppeur determined to stand by their decision lu remain out unlit Conductor C. 1". Itoliinson, hose dla hurge precipitated the trouble, la reiuslutud. Uailroad of'l elals are eiiually positive In refusing the union demands. About eight luea are Involved. l.ulcr olflclala were unah to e cure a new to the regular 1U.3U Passenger train for Cripple Creek and Victor, and nu attempt wua n,udc tu milium,, serxUe. It Wag alsu learned that no freight has been lmid on the loud tuday. Condi tions n the Cripple f'retk district are reported quiet. REP I Fourth of July Accidents Mrnlli fiiM'im Sniir 'ounli. Iiuliith. Minn. July 4 Hululh'a tlllrd "nam;" Fourth opi-md will! thi' dfnlh ol n hoy from li'iamia. ilux to u wound from nn exploding i-urt-rlilstt'. Wlllliiiii 1'rrk. uRi'd II. wa tinliiTlng wiih .4,'.-( alili, r revolvur ahfll when It ixplmlid. KIhiI hy rli-hralnrN, C'olorndo HpriniiH, Colo., July 4. Ahly Mi'Cri'i'iy, amd t), for many yvara a rt'Mldrnt of this rrgion. wuh ahot in tho fk-Khy mrt of tho rlicht arm hy aonm unk.ioMii piraoii ! briillng tin- Kourlh of July furly UiIh morning. Mr. M('r"ry waa In hii. ynrd whi-n In? i.uil.!i'iily felt n rhmp pain and roulizcd that ho hud l'-ii hit hy a Inilkt. Thu wound la not raril,d uat aor; oua. Thr pollm have no i lun to thu piienn firing thf gun. llllliii hy TVrrllliil Umi. iK-intr, July 4.-j!iim-a t'. Klrm Ine. 7U, a Civil war wax tx- verU lttn on th thigh l"dy by a ilo that hud Iwi umii ti'rror-Htrii k- en by exploding flrei lin kers. Mr. Fli MilllK la the poanessor or n medal for bravey coiiferrr-d hy rougriis. Iloy I4MI-II lllulil liiiiul. Creensliiirg. I 'a.. July 4. David Cory lust his rluht hand and William Heath and Thomas Moore, hoys, were In Jut d when the toy euiinon with whleh they were eeluhrutlng the. Fourth here exploded. Women Injiinnl lii Ituunway. Ilnulder, (oli).. July 4. klisa Ines flent and Mrs. Emnielt hen were In jured today when n horv Miss Kent wu riding beeuine panie-st rii'k'n at tlrecraekern and bolted. The horse, alter dashing madly through u Kf"up of niitomobiies, ran Into n.birtKy in whleh Mrs. Ilea and her husbund were driving. MInm lient wuh thrown from the horse and her nose broki n. Mrs. lien sustained a broken Juw when hurled from the hung). FIRST WESTERt Western Goernors Unite in Call for Gathering in Sacra mento to be Held in Marcli 1915. (Uy Icaard Wire lo r.eiinf neranl l acr.imrnlo, Cal., July 4 Th - governors of the stales of UrcKoti, Wasbmalon, Idaho, Nevada. Arlxonii, New Mexico. I'liih, Moli lalia, VVyoiiiliiu und Colorado hav Issued a formal rail for tbu western commercial congress to be held in Ibis elly Mutch li-2n. it was announced today. I'rolilcins iittemlant on the open ing of the I'aiiaiiui camil will he d," cusned. I 're.- l,l lit Wilson pus been asked to speak In-fore the i-iiMh'n as March ii. two days aff r he is due to reach 1,III Frhnclsco at the head f the International fleet he will I' id through the canul ut lla formal o;ieii- ing. John Hiirrelt. director veneral of the l'an-American linon. will Inc lude and make the opening uipiieas Among other speakers uniiotiii' ed are hurrelnrlea Lane, Wilson ami liedfleld. Frank A. Vanderlip. Janur J. Hill and I'rof. Kmory It. Johnaon of the I'niverstly of rennsylvania. SILE1IGE MARKS IK Minister Kaon Arrives in Washington to Help Along Conference Between WTar ring Mexicans lily IbnI lre In rvrtuiig Ili-rald Wiishlngton. July 4. Minlsler Nuon of AlKeiitina. one of the inn Uiators at the Niagara (inference, returned In the rapitut today und pre puled for conferences with bin i rs u flhe constitutionalisl ugeticy latter he will enter wllh l'resalviil Wiixoii und Secretary llryun. Ilia conference with the constitu tioiialista hud not been arranned, but probably will be Ik Id early hex week. While tletnral Carranr-a la can vnsMlng his generals on lb proposal to send deleagtes to ileal with emis saries nf Hue! l. Mr- Naon will do What Inay be iu.ll'le lo help along a lonlcrerne for a sell lenient of Mex ico m difliculties by Mexicans. Minister Huures of Chile und Am bassadur I'aiianii of ilruxil will not ruliirn lu Wasbuigloii untd later. Agents of the I'or.aiilutlonaliHla aid they hud received no further message fiutii Uviierul Can ait lu- tJjy. COMMERCIAL C01 SITUfi AMERICANS TIE HWRE FIRSTS Clear and Baker Carry Colors of New York Athletic Club to Notable Victary Over Englishmen in London. HARVARD SECOND EIGHT WINS BRILLIANT RACE Crimson, in Driving Finish Takes Grand Challenge Cup While Italian Carries Home the Diamond Sculls. lif M-ared W!r la tfrteulng Herald. Jjoiidoti, July 4. W. M. (Hear, Jr., and Homer IJaker eauinl the coloia of the New York Allelic, club to Mcloiy today I'l thu 1. 1 nil Jump and tho half-mile Hal rme, respectively, al Htanilor Jirldriu nd wrested the ihampi hip ill leu from their Kril- ih holders. W. F. roller of Y.ile. university also made a aplenilld bid for the li!'- yard hurdlu ttile. He won his beat I'liHlly, but In ihu final lost tu thu Untlsli holder, C. II. Ciraj, by only two feet. (.Hour, with a mnprilf ireiit effort on bia last try, too th high Jump tltlu from It. 11. Hukc-r of Liverpool. I loth cleared S feel t in hep. Then three Kngllnhmeu filled thrice ut U feet 2", Inches. The American failed twice at that height before hu suc cessfully negotiated und won the title. I W. U. Applek'arih. i.' Ihu Polytech nic Harriers, In addition to winning the Kile for the luo yards, took that for the "21-yard sprint, which ho did in !1 1-5 seconds, equaling the rec ord. J. I. I'ulteraoii of 'pnnnylviinl.'t university ran In one of the prelimin ary heats ol' Hie ID') yards flat, but was beaten by V. II. H'Arey, Poly technic Harrier, in lu sccoihIm flat. IIMtVMtll WCIIMI I H.IIT IS ItKIM.IWT lt( i: !1 r,ey-on-Tliames, July 4 The two lending troplilea lonlested for ul Che Henley regalia were won bj for- eluners today, th,. ritaiid ch.illentte cup falling Into the hands of the II. ir. vurd second clulit and the 1II.11110--I sculls lieinj; taken to Italy by (ilu aeppe Siiiiiiallia. The weather was perfect when the I'nion I lout club of lliaslo-i and the Harvard crew went ! the shirting line. Iineion was "if In thu lead nnd was half a leiiRth in front to the iiiirter mile. Harvard spurted and the sheila were even at the half. Harvard lino drew away and led hy a third of n lengili at tiirct quar ters of a mile. At the mile post Harvard had ilicrenK I their advan tage to three quarters of u length and from there to tho finish line widened tho distance tu a length ami a t.uarter. In the final of the diamond sculls. ('. K. H.uarl of Cuiiiloidgii led Kinig uulia ull the way to within nu'l yards of the fl-lil'.lnif line, where be Kave up, the pace being ton strong for him. Fngland was elliihi'v romp, muted for the loss of the rand eh alb ngi cup by the victory o' La-ander over the M iyence liowtnu cluJi of (ii-r many In the Slewuri! ; chalb iu:e cup Slid by the SUCCesslUl defense of the ThamiH cballe-iKc en,, by Cams col lege, Cambridge, i,c.,,il the att.i'k of the Koyal Nautical club of (ihciit Helglum. RICKENBACHER WINS SIOUX CITY CLASSIC AND $25,000 STAKE Hy leased Wire In T ienlng llorald Hloux City, Iowa, luly 4. Klekeiibacher won the Sun miles i lassie of the eioiix I'lty ,i,a day association this iiltcieoon lev lllindl- I n I the I'" laps. 3'-. Ias nbead of i-peiicer Wisbart. I; tph Muliord. who Hook Alby'a place, llni.licl third and I'atscbke I i nil. The uv- eragn speed was 7x idles an hour Hi, keiibachcr's time w.,a 3 hours, M minutes und SO s-cio.ila. The aluke was C'j.ouu. Hn IT maiareil lissanc. London. July 4 Tli woman who was urresied late la1 night at the gates of Inn klniihum pulace, where she deliiand.d eniran e and Insisted on seeing King Deoi.e, was blelill f ii it today us an Austtallan w ho wa silllellng hallucination1 Mic (urrl'd two revolveis III her pocket at tun of her arrest. the Today's Baseball Scare on Page Four. T LIVEST OCK SUGGESTED Founder of the Better Babies Propaganda Arrives in St. Paul to Address Teachers. FIFTY SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION OPENS Problems of Superentendency Engage Attention of Thous ands of Teachers in First Day's Session. Ily Lraard Wlrt, lo ICruning Herald. M. Paul, Minn , July 4 lls .ubsIhi of rrohicina onf runt Ing I he school superintendent and of conditions pre snieiil hi iiirnl achmd distrlcta narked thu opening session today ol the filly -second annual convention of the National l-Mucullon n.-ciattoii. speaking before the National Coun cil of IJoyd K. Wolfe, ol Han Antonio. Tex.ia. iidvocnied uni form selection nnd ,niniolion ol teachers on merit and urvvil natlon wldo co-operatloii "lor the solution of problems lhat fin to the very foun dation of popular educaHn and nu dalloii nf popular ediicution and na tional prosperity." The appointment of a committee composed or represent itlv educa tor; tu Investigate and study the l nest Ion of school supcrintenilency way, advocated nnd given careful con sideration at today's session of the nutlonal counsel of educntlun. riuvh a committee. It waa pointed out, conld work out n plan (or making unlf'irm nnd more efleetlve Ilia work of au- perlnleiideuta In state, city and county. (i. M. Plimmcr. of Portland. Ore gon, father of thu eugenics niove- ment. nrrlved today and will addreSH the meeting' Tuesday. "I am not a scientist, ii, I con ceived thrt Ideii of belter babies after watching the JudKlng id livestock fot many seasons," said Mr. I'ltitnnier, who 1 4 secretary and treasurer of the Clilon tttoekyards of Portland, and manager of the rueinc uvesiocs as social Ion. INDICTMENT READ TO MADAME CAILLAUX (Ily Iewsrd Wlro lo Etenlng Herald. J I'ariH. July 4 Mudaine llenrlelte Calll.iox. who on Man h IA last shot und killed I lust on Ciilinelte, editor of the FUuru. was viaited today in tt. I.u.aie prison by Judgn Louta Allianel. pr-sideiit of the crimlnul court, which is in try her. I no JU": formally read tho Indictment to Hit prisoner. He asked If she persisted In Ihi statements she had previously ma le lo the ln eetik'.itiiia magistrate. Madame I'll, Haul replied In thu uf lli inatlve. i:nrliiie Ma a I'ard.'iH'd. Havana, July 4 President Meno cul today puidolied F.iill'iuo Main, the I'ul'un Journalist, who lu Aua'ist, l'H, was seiilenied to two and ! half years imprisonment lor ai'sauii linr Hugh K. liilison. then iharg-' ,l'anair''B of tho American butioti here. lareoiix ami Morley Wed. Paris, July 4. Vulinl Marcoux. the French I'usa kIiib' r of the lioslou and I 'hicug,, operas, mid Mad' !!im Morlay of the Tin aire Ai.tome p.iri. weie imiriii'il today at the Church of Sainl Sulpee. , (ermail 4 ruIxT K Mexico. HI. Thonim. . W. I., July 4 The tiet m. .a cruiM-r Karlsruhe b "t here today for .Mcac an w iters. SEEK REVOLVER WITH WHICH MR. BAILEY WAS SENT TO HER DEATH (Ily lirasril Wire to Rrrnlnir ll"ald Freeport, N. Y, July 4 llipte Silllativi lit (lie lll'tlUl allot ne..1 i.l fice and county ilitettivi today re newed their sea rill for tha rcvulvir with whbh Mrs. l-onla,. llnll'V e murdered wlulu ronsultin lir IM win Carman lu hla otfbe heiv Tues day night. Tiny begin to Interview every person seen in the neighbor hood of Hie Carman residence dliect ly after the murder in tne hope (Knt they might chuni'u on some one who hud PL ked Up Ibe weapon from the shrubbery and carried i. away. The coroner' lniuet will bu resumed Monday. A police guard waa maintained ut the Carmau noma (luring the night and today. The guard were Instruct ed tu prevent any person from cuter- EUGE1IGS TO HI ing iho grounds, hut pol tu prevent the occupiiiils of the hotiMo from having should Mice care lo do so, Instrl' t AMornry Smith was assured that no meuilier of the household will ntienipt lo cross the boundary ot X.i"iiU county until the InvotiKition ol the muni, r has been completed. NAVY WHirS THE ARMY IN CONTEST TODAY AT VERA CRUZ Ily 1cawil H'lro io l-.vcnlng llcrahl. Vera Crux. July 4 The Fiilted Elates navy v aii'iiilshed the army nnd murine corps today in a long pro grain of athletic sport which mar' -ed their celebration of the Fotirtn of Julv on Mexican soil. llundtei!" of natives witnessed the oveiita. A' noon iho loial number of indn's made hy the navy Ih the nthledo events was greater than thill of tha uriiy and murine corps combined, and the results) of the events to bo decided could not bring about any cluing,. In t tu tr positions. I Hiring the Kouwiii r,i"e of the cavulry b n.mve woimm standing In front of the galloping tennis after they had crossed the finishing line became panic sir I. ken nnd was un able to move us the horse approach ed her. The driver of Ih" first learn, lunuble to stop his hor.ies, forced them a on it und Hie nrnni.ils paused nn oath shin of the woman nt full gallop with th,. rider rtraddllnif The woman was untouched nnd thou sand or sollder and suibT looking on nt tho during feul cheered the rider. Promptly ut noon cannon from the ships and shore thundered a nation., I salute or twenty-onv gun, tu whb '.l the foreign warship In the haruor replied, gun for gun. TO START ON FLIGHT ACROSS ATLANTIC ABOUT JULY 28th ftly lit awtl Wire to lirenlng Herald. New York. July 4 Lieutenant John Porte, who Is In New York making final arrangement for his tiatis-Atlantic flit-hl, ild today that he expected lo start on hi perilous Journey nlinut July ax. Lieutenant Porte had hoped tu get away earlier t ut the addition of hydroplane hoards to the America and the ntispenslon of work on the flying bunt at Hum mniidHPort until Monday, resulted In hi change of plan. THREE KILLED III E Leader of Industrial Workers of World One of Victims of Mysterious Explosion Flat House. in' Illy la-aiMKl Wire ui F.reoing tterald.l New York. July 4. A boinh of ter rillc power exploded either on the roof or mi one of the upper floora of a slx-slory flat .house in Harlem today, wrecking a thud of the build ing and killed at least threu persons and injured tiiunv others. imi' of the dead was Arthur Cnroii. a maebliiiHl. and a leader of the ln diiKlrial Workers of the World. The two other dead were Women. The explo.Hion was nt llrst attrib uted tu d iianiltlliU in a nearby sub way excavation and In Hie excite ment attendant oh tl Ilapse of the biilbling estimate of lie dead run as hit'li us f fty Inspeit'M- hunt! of the police bureau of combustibles said the bomli was powerful enough to have wrecked the entire neighbor hood if properly placed- '.irons biuly was Identified by mean of card-i lu his poclo-t. II" lived in the building where the ex plosion occurred iiii'-n ha been prominently blcntllled with the I. W. W. and was ancsc, diii'lnir one f i he I'nion St,uarc ileiiioitHtrations. f' I' lice bi-g.iu looking up his rec. old I. Ml. IV on the ll.cofy Ih.ll It might aid lu i l- . ii in up llu- explosion. DUTRAG If NEW 0 Most Money Is Earned by "Taking the Trouble" to Earn It "I might save a dollar, now and them, by reading the ads but it would take a lot of time and trouble." Some housewives take that view. It's not a saund view. It's not "good busir in." For if it is pos sible to "save a dollar now and then ' 1 y watching the "ads.," it is possible to save SOMETHING on a majority of tin purchases made for the home. Aad systematic saving, in the run of the year's expenditures, will count heavily, and be greatly worth while. For the reading and study of the "ads" in the Herald is simply the adopting of "business methods" in managing ib horn;. And the home that is managed in a business way is usually a FINANCIAL SUCCESS. And. in the home where there is usually a money-surplus, instead of deficit, ontent. hope and aspiration are apt to thrive. Th; Hsrald brings to you the "bargain new ." every day. . It shows you HOW, WHERE and WHEN money may be saved in making your usual purchases. If to read the "ads" seems like "a trouble," then the whole scheme of living is a trouble-rather than an OPPORTUNITY. H LlliW CAREER AS President Abruptly Separates Minister to Greece From His Job Without Waiting to Receive Resignation i;t HA3 CONVULSED ALL EUROPE WITH ANTICS State Department Utterly at Loss to Explain Reason for Minister's Insistent Butting in on Albania. (Ily l.ce-ed Wire lo Ktrenhig tiers Id 1 I hilailrlphla, July 4. President Wilson h r-.rnieateil the resignation of lieorgc lied Williams, American minister to 'Inn'o and Montenegro, n a rcaim i Mr. Williams' pulillu sialementa i R . ling the situation In Albania.. Tills ..ecame known fol lowing I lie president's arrival her today. Mr. Ull I 111 ma' own repre sentation 1(f hi statement wsr taken tip at the cabinet meeting yea teriluy nnd afterward fMr. Wilson decided Ihclr effect waa auch that It would bo Improper for Mr. William to longer repnaent Iho I'nltod Statea In the La Ik. 'ins. II has been understood that Mr. William of hi own accord ha for warded hi resignation but so fur aa could he. learned here It has not boon received by the ic-caider, . WI! I.IMS' M II S IlK.IVM IlillF.r III T IJXt lTISt Washington. July i. Th term of tleorgo Fred WUIIiiiiih a minister lo fileeea and ' Muntenegiu luta been brief but haa attracted much atten tion. A few week agu President Wilson. Wecrclary Hryan and other offlclala were umaxed by a published report that Mr. Williams had circularised the powera offering hla aervlcea aa a mediator In the Albanian crista. Htate department officials then said the minister had no authority tu do so. hut had been Riven permis sion to visit F.piru and make a re port on conditions. Fecrctury llryan called for a report on the Incident and Mr. William replied he wus sending nne by mail- While theru ia nu confirmation here, It I believed In official clrclea that the minister a resignation I accompanying that re port. The concern of administration of ficials waa Increancd recently by publication of a further attack on the Albanian sit nut ton, the part of the Kuropeaii power and the rule ,,f Prince William attributed lu the minister. Ho far ua I known, tha power have made no rcpreacnlaiiona to Washington over tha minister' uetivlUes. but officials would not have been surprised If they had. MIMvri:U'S Ot'Tllrtr.AKM imvi: ALL Ft HOPK I.VM.IIINU London, July 4 The Fngliah newspapers have printed tho an lu, nn, ciunt of Cm urge Fled Wil liams, American minister to Urecie and Montenegro, on the aunject of Al'ianla without comment exi ept in I heir beuilliiics. There they hava sut h In in le us "Amaiing A tlun by an Am Hi an Minister, " and "Amer 1, an Miiiixler'a HI range' Stafments." The Tunes yesterday headed Mr. Williams' second statement with the line, "Ameriian Mtnialer'a Further I ii'liHcrel Ions.' In ih,. Hrillsh foreign nflh'e and Ibe London diplomatic st tip- affair has caused great muscment. ulPLuFvlflT ENDED 1 '