Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, JULY 0. 1914. MARCUS P. SAWTELLE General Contractor Office & Cnrpntr Shop 211 Went Oold nilin llrii f,,r Hiilr. RIVERS AND DUNDEE MATCHED TO FIUHT IN JUAREZ BULL RING flljr Wire ft. r-r,,ik. ,.ri,,.f I. IV !... ' ..H, J,l!v . J,. l;i'.ft, til. I) l'-lll,. Il (J ( :,!:(",, If! 4) I. II. .'IM.I .1. . I, n r . . ii ,,!... , ( , : W Vi'.k, Im ht . r !i . uir.- i if ;i- il Ix.lf. V I H i . n' r.-'ii 1 l".niK rniiti.l ., I.,. i,,,l hi J'l.ili-K, M'Xii " ...i,-! .nl.iM- Th" In i.l.r II '..-.. H i lux J - i i 1 1 1 ii I !y :ini'ii i in Mi'- li-lmr W nf trie J'l..ii r iiini'li im, tin- iHH i..t1 ill I1A ' ! rn'll" t" ilii iliy. A. Mml'li. i ii ! r if tlio jii i ih-(1 m il Ii, ,iri oi'ii'i i Hint illin llltrlil... Hi.. I vhl hi Itilil i . in j ii i will mi l l Mi- Yiiiin.r 4 nf Hi., fi.'lit. POLICE ON TRAIL OF MICHAEL MURFIIY WHO ESCAPED EXPLOSION IT lxwl Wire In ! :i nlntt llrmlit ) New York. July - Mli h in Miir- li, pi i'iir olil. Ill niily mi rti Ix r nf the gruiiii iif five I inl of.iti'ii who ennieil tith Ii, l.rp fnon the l il il i iiiluHii.n nti Siiliirilny morning whl'h wrecked the. tenement il Ifi'.'ii l.i'llilliin avenue, !m Ihihk miiivht hy every pull' I'tmiM nml detective In New York an I ho one n-rion rri"e likely tn km'W the real ati.ry of wliiil occurred in the i"Iii tint. Murphy tloiiiii.e.iri d ufu-r lo'ltiir in Iho hiilx!" nf hi police hm Inf. .re they wire nmirr nf llit. i' - : n y nf 1 1 victim nf III n iii!ii . lli v I 1 1 -! n neiir lv police (. 1 1 in . a.ih aivrn clothes to ri ilm, h h own Mlii' li iti lorn til lilts lllld thi n dropped nut nf niKllt. John ('. r-'pcnra. 1tll lnlMlni': I lllllll. the ilnv. i well known H:il i in 'lie i lly luf MRS. rADIIT.A GETS A DIVORCE AND $200 Jin! . K M' on r. Inil.iy. aittinu fur Jii llii) nuliix. granted a do it! lit divorce in liiim Krampton I'.iUilli from Kiiul I'.nllll.i. nti th' C ri hi ii uf nlui f .il I u r In support arid cruelly. I'a.liiln pin hia wife $:tlu In lieu uf alimony, i oiinnel fees and tirotmitv i I.iimu'iI hv the l'litlnt iff. Mrs. I'ailillu K i iiiuiael u A. A. Hedlllo. HUNDREDS OF FEET OF STOLEN HOSE RECOVERED Clarence Wells Said ti Have Admit! d to Tolice that He Mad? a Business of Stealing Sprinkling Outfits. Ailmiiun whiih tin- u. r tiiiv I Ini iihi. Willa, i...,ri-i, rniiiln tidi, xt r.n ir- lii-n tin. niiihnrltlrH in I hi ! lli f Hi.' iii-Hr IiikI fluli-n minli-n ti"w fii'iii n ii iii ! r uf I'l.m-a ii Ik .ii I Ihi- illy. II,. mm nrii-Htiil Inn Kll ihiy ita n misj.i-i I IIhimIh iU ur fi-pi nf lit.ii i li Iwmiti.l hy iho .i.. t'uhiy. A aortliin f.t hum w ti I. It iift-'ir Ki 1 miiiiliui K-invrri-d at Juhn Si rutin a lii i y at i hl.i nti Sutith Sit ut:il irii, hh liirtiitrii-il thirl iifii-r-tm '! hy fiirmi-r INmtmtisii'r 11. W. M.i.kina n In I'lniic-rty. fin nr i imi I nf tin- rnln I ifl n k, wlii- h n. ti. uri '.iir uf n w ik unni i i ry, it a.i.-.ii'I tinil iiiuil tudiiv. A tn--i--r.i, h.u.l u In- ViK hi. 1. 1 It fur 7.'i if nta. l-i.nii'iiio arnt iiut tliia nf'f- ikiiiii to u(ik u i hoaa nhuh Ui-lla la athl to h:ii atuli-n. Il rn mi liiii-k to hi-mliiiiri-ra wiih u mirnliar i'f ai-i-llun, n miri-nit Inn aav ir;il foil. Wills iirri-atrd in thi flrnt i.i a lin niMA pr-u.i in lli aunt n I nrt of thi rlty ri-imrtr-il to thi iulli i a inKro wiih uffirliiK Rnrdi-n Imap fur anlo. Hp nnawprid th dp airipllun uf thp tnnn nml I'unnlmi-niihlii-d him. Tuday In- la aiid tu lui'n mlmltlpil his KUilt lllnl I . 1 I wltpro atulrn huaH waa to hp futiml. ( MA l.ltTlsJ Mi:T.) Says Andrews Would Wreck the Republican Party tl'min thp I .a a Crnrr ("Itinn uf Jut- 3. Hil l I'rtjan, N. M.i 3U-'4. Killtur I'itli-n: I h;ii- Jnn ri-nd KlfiKfia Irt-ti-r In '''.I Anilr- in ymir l I i lln did nut in I ii r mi. imh Aiiilnwj will i-priainly ir. k i tu' ' illy iii.ilii. if tiiuiii iinti il. iiiid I . r i, up n nt to Hi-Ii il spiimuli A mi-;'iia:iii In I'unuri'n. Th Pink limn ul mi r pnrt In tin. n a 1 1 i i-li-iiii nt, unit h - -th v nhu'ild In- ri-ruKiilapd hy a fir-'-t i lima iiiH.ituti, am h na inn iTi'Min.iit. I h.ivp nlw.ia hp. lie. i-. nml an yutid, i hut ulie jt iiijit:itivp In ronKri-N, ahuiild III- II S.,.i Ii Ami ru-iiii. Mini 1 hplli ve ih.-it rtlfevo lliu-.i U thp mini ami ii iiiu lil s thp nnly una til. it i nn l urry our party to l tuiy. Tutu I'uuiiey of Sih'itm riiiin ty nnd tiiyn If are Cur Klfi-Ro mid Ihrrp nrp uthera HupiiiK Mlmo will i-ut thn iniiat.ird, I ri'iniiin, Ymira very truly, tSird) M. Ii. I.i HI AN. Mr. t.uuun in n iirniniii nt Mm km in uf tin- I'raiiii miiiin- IllitlH. SO SECTION JUDGE EURO OENS REGULAR TERM OF PROBATE COURT T!ip rirtiliir term nf prolmtp rnurt whr upeneil tudiiy hy Judue Juhtt Huron lluiir. All the emirt uftliera. im linll-iK thp Interpreter, warp pna int. an. I thn ti -in na IniiUKuriited wllh the llaili furinallllei, Wlian A. It. Stroup filed Ilia report na i-xei-uliir of the nullified will ol I'Wla II. Klnir, nollrp of nbjii-llona n rai'i'lvol Irom Mra. llutli Ktnr. Hid widow, who hrukp the liiatrument In i lia, dlHtrirt emirt. llerina; on tlie w..l ho held MODEL WILL OPEN E AT ONCE Announced that Entire Ship ment for Big Department is on the Way. A. D. Campbt!'. to be Manager. i report and the uhjii tlona ' tn-ttt Tueiday. GOAL AtlO WOOD Best Mountain Wood GALLUP COAL in any quantity TROTTER Phone 912 l.Mk Till M HI U All the alj'le nf III pad p hiikp they are diffeniiiy hniu. und aixi-d but thp i.imlny la nnliorn.iy hith. Wo use only the very lu-M and pun-it flour ntid utln-r muteriiilH. and our Imkery la a.rupiil.uiHly ili-mi throuithi.ut. Kret-h lirend KuIIm, f!i. ulta and Cuke d'ily, deluioii appi.tiins end nu Iriliuiia. And vie offer the Wal iiil lly of lin-ail-n:f 1 (,t ,.WrHi pi li ra. PIONEER BAKERY of HooU. Ptra H. Klnnl reporl "f Mr. Htia.P liryiint. nilminlalriitrlx nf the eaintp of H. W. Ik l!rant. wa miproved and ahe nnd her In. ml wi re dim h'irr-'l. Klnul reimrt if Juaph V. Weir, adniiiiialriilur of the palate nf Martha Weir, a npproyed and h ami hia 1. 1, ml were dlaehitrKed. The Hume eotirie Wat followed with riuard to Marlp lloeh. udmiiilatratrix nf the eniilp of llrrmin Weir. Mra. Welr'a nnntiiil repurl Hi nunirdlnn ol her ini'ior ihildren wua afiroveil. Il'-ariiiif on prohutp of thp will ol llnljert A. Sa:nueln m inntlnued un til next Tueailiiy. M.nitarlto r.iiplnoan wa appointed iriiarilian nf thi peraon of Anlnnlo Kax. He vera I dna iiiio Ine Model rnm- , paiiy ainiuiiii' ed their l:itentimia ol put oieiiiiiK their ahnp ileimrtnien Sim p thlH niiiinuiirenient they ha , heard fmm their tnaniifiK Uirera th il I the entire line had heen inadi up ami I Unit ahlprpent had heen made on Iho ' lnr-u part of their order a" It la with h aaure that the Model rompany un , tiuum-e! uni-p more that Ihln deimrt aiPtit will he otiined up. and aain I v.111 In. ready for Iho puhlie In a I week or tin di. .Mr. A. i. faint'-l-ell will naaiinii. the inaniiKemeiit und Invite nil of lila frleiida to en II on I him and inapert the oeM and fineat line of liidiea' ahopa ppr olfered to the l.idiea of Allni'UeriUP. MORTUARY EFFORT THIS WEEK TO BREAK STRIKE IN WESTINGHOUSE PLANT Jll I .et il Wlri li i:nnln,t IlrrnlM I'lltaliiich, I'll., July .-illce were npi ne.t here today hy unenta of thn Weaiinahoiiiie coinpanlea. who" plaiitn nre uf e te. hy the atl ike. the pnrico of lillitiK the ten Ihoii Mind or more viiruiu-lpa In th aho,i. It Wiih reported in Kaat PIltahurKh that a deterinlneil pffurt would In made thia week to hrenk the atrlkp. Troopira of thP plate rouatuhulury anil wera on duly In the to-..n, acorea nf pi. ki tu wnti hed pery Ptilrume the fuiturlea and nil rnnmna werp opi mil, hut there wua no dianfder. Until fi. IliinildT- . nnth U Ilamlily. little dattuhter ol Mr. nnd Mra. W. V. Ilamhly. died thia mnminir " 1" l,j"' aven o'l lork at the family home. 104 North Klrh'H atreet, of pneumonia, folliitvinn whooping roiiuh. She wua 1 year ami 1 month old. The father, who 1 With the llahn Poul Company, la In i inkliinl, fill., on huaineaa and fu ll ml nrriinupmentu will not he run 1 'cted until ailvi'ea from him arp r ipivi'd. Mra. dela Miuieii. Mra. Adeln Muneaon dh-il at het hnmp nntlh of thp city on July i. ol ; tipiimniita, aited 21 ypnra, she ii aurvived hy her htiahand anil fnm c hildren The funeral took plm hta nftprnoun nt the frnllnt chape', tlir remnlna being taken tn I'njarim '.-r ln!ernient. l.oat nnythlnn? I-Pt Herald want ad find It for you. CiiriK Art-lillpqii. nporitn Archlheiiup, infant arm oi Mr. nnd Mra. Kphronin Arihihenup. died eurly Ihla inomlnK nt th fam ily S4 Weal Hanln Ko nveue. The funiTu) will he held tom-irrow mnrulng at 9 ii'i ln k nt the r'mllot i hi I'll 1 1 ii r Iji I will hp In H in Jnae i-einetery. We have just received a new shipment of guaranteea GO-CARTS Trir-'i, Terms riglit. k'tt ,.:. Z ; y W' i U le rliaseil to have you call and look them over be fore you make your selection. Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPER T J. A. SKINNER Green Corn Cauliflower Summer Squash Mangoes Green Chile Tomatoes Green and Wax Beans Helping Kidneys By Clearing thzi ' A Function Greatly Assisted By a Well-Known Remedy. Pie Cherries Strawberries Watermelons Canteloupes Peaches Plums Apricots for Give tis your order camping g jods. Canned Meats, Olives and We have a full line of Pickles in Glass. Welches and Armour's Grape Juice. I. A. Skinner 205 S. First St. aft A W CL U W ii. . aim i.i.i mi jliliaa ttt f nil. ( will h IntKtM tn mnr rliriir uii'l ttamj i,y bnl.n uf ttrtut Im l.ui -r lain. la Hi n- i t K. K. H. I'tiriTv t- I'lvxI. 1h nni..ii u i linuiiii Im I it? iu l mil f flr, IiIiniiI iium i t-.ut i.nki up Ii-.- r.-icl i ti-tii. liNxxt-i -f In' fcciiiry. All tUi- i'i-f-l irmii Mil 4,vr ttn- U-'ly ltiut i-.imn ttiT'ii-Ktl 111? kUtni-T. TU V ft I h !"! r- nnd Buv''ni, Ami rt.-t-f.rtini; Iw Kluit IIm y i4lir tu jat (Mil in tlx bri.K', Utll m lit ij ii.t'lljr liiwl lliii! i i;iU. (In I,.-., ilh nf lhr Liiliii . il nn I lt M'H'i''y t 1.1... m Im tj itTttiili' t l '4tuiitr i-tHTi-y .ir..ij lijr X. H. H. 1 fthowii lu V- yum It In il-n. r.-.rm,t lu ttif Ail lt!-M t iiilii i' l wiw'ji thr-u (.it kMinK IK' Intii'-.mtlt'ic hnturp of H. n, H., fc.nnif ft Il ii.M Um.u.:U ii) II," m-nr-n u' t iinunali -n. jk'ii-w a d-rfi.ft if til u-'iwlf. (ail(-r l tn imtitttitt .y iirhif aiinI)!. TmH n-'l-l nt r U M vim rt-ili'f n th H.m. 'I (,. ut . .i rv ul) ilist rV rU l I i in .in. . ir'. -t ii.i-fr I'Miuiiui. .ii u mii'i liiau-ti .v Dip l.-iilr . -i.,n mi.r.1 .1 j:w li-r. l'Hiv, k'h mul V . -m, in ! of r im. nut t (ma, r ( .t , t hroiiu- 4 tlTl-Rl, lll'Khl M i.f vui. br.ft. II! u. ii. mul iti im ml .f .t'..-r r " If.'h.n liHlia of H'Sa ..Ui'V ;l"fl, I't.l .it y .ur I-1 1 a. -.I n)i H. H K , i Ir h! nniM lli lt'-l ! alll i ci'llliitsr irlii,tt feiti r"(.lu lit 1111111. hI lifiiiih H. K H U T.-i.Hr. .1 l.v 11.,. Rwi'l Sr.ftfl. fV, ':! Hlfi l.i-ltf , Atlnnitt. m i M )t.u lint muv tit ai Hfitl ir .li-itiiHt In. ..I,.. i. U iiitU AlrUtvttl itU I-4 I Iiv ftJvk I . The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Story of tha Mexican Revolution St DANE COOLIDGE A i f -rw rikt- ni. iibita Him" lululnk" kM. KtumlumihVON J. LAV IN tCoprriihu luli, by r rank A. Muoaaf J (IXHitiniii'il from uml).) Alunic lth thn raat want Hooker nil (Irarla, and, though her mother beckon! snd her fathar frownad aternly, thn lltul dmiKl.ter or the Ara Kona did not offer to leave him tliey acaiiipered up the hill. In fact, aha rodn rloaa Wlila him, (purring hin ho apurrpd end, finally, lien tha ahower of atray bullela had pained, ha led on around the hoime. "Won't you help me tuke my hone tnilUe the wallaT'' aha tuked. llud followed after her. cln lltig the fortreaa boae blank adobe alia gavn iheller to the ai reaming women, and aho amlled upon hi in with the moat en KUKiliC coufldniice. "1 know you have to go aoon." he said, "and I (upDoae I've got to be sl.ut In with thoan cruatureg, but we muat be aure tu save our horaea. Some bullets ml lit hit them, you kuow, and then w could not run away! "You Tifnembur your promlaet" she reminded, aa llud gaiad at her In aa touiahment "Ah, yea, I knew you did other le you ould not bare picked ucb a (rood horun for mo. This roan la my father's beat riding horae. You muat put yotira Inside the Tall with lilm, and when the time Is rlabt ve will get them and ride for the line." "What?" cried Hooker Incrrdulnua ly, "with tho country full of rebel T They're liable tu take the town in ball an hour!" "No, Indeed they will not!" respond ed Gratia with spirit "You do not understand the spirit ot us Sonorana! Can't you see how the Bring has tack enwd? The miners have driven your rebels back already, and they will do more they will follow them up and kill them! Then, when the rebels are in flight and Del fley and bis rurales are away, that w ill be a good time for us to slip off and make our daab for the line!" "Nothing doing!" announced Hooker, as he dtamouuted at the corral. "You don't know what you're talking about! Hut I wffl leave my horse here," ho oddfMt; "I sure don't want him to get hurt." "But you prom toed!" protested Gra cla weakly, "IVouilw-d nothing!" retorted Hud ungraciously. "I prom laud to take care of you. didn't IT Well, what's the use of talking, then? You better stay right here, where you're sale. Come on, let's go to the house!" "No!" cried Qrada, her dark f yea turning misty with Imminent leara. "Oh, Mr. I looker!" burst out. "didn't I keep them all waiting while I lnt on this rtding-aklrt? 1 thought you bad come to take me away! What do I ear to be Safe? I wsnt to be free.! I want to run away and go arrots the Una to dear Phil!" he faltnrcd. Then she looked up at him sharply and he Vote took on an .Timing tnnc. "Aha!" she said, as If making eome expected diHcovrry, "so that Is It! I thought perhaps you were afraid!" "Wbatr demanded Dud, put sud denly upon the defensive. "1 might have known It," soliloquised Gracia with conviction. "You are Jealous ot dear 1'hll!" "Who? Me?" rrlud Hooker, Milling down at her grimly. "Well, let it go t that," lie said, as she regarded him with an arch smile. "I'd certainly h a fool to lake all those chances fur nothing. l-t him ateal his on girl that's what I say!" "Now that, Mr. Hooker." burst out Oracla In a paai-ion, "Is very unkind and rude! Am I a woman of the town, to be stole u by on man or another? Am I" "That's whst you would be." put In Hud, with brutal directness, "If these rebels got hold of you. No, ma'am, 1 wouldn't tuke you out of this town for a hundred thousand dollars. You don't knuw what you're talking about, that's all! Wan till the lighting la over gee! liid ou bear that? Come, on, let's get Into tbe house!" He ducked sudduiily jm a bullet went spang aK"inst the corrupted Iron roof above tln iii and, seizing her by the hund, he half dragged her throuKb a side door and into thn summer garden. Hero a nudilou outcry of women's voices aamilled tmlr ears like a ruati of wind and they beheld peon motburs running to and fro with their scream ing children clasped to their breaats or draining at their skirts. A few help leva ineu acre trying to keep them quiet, but as the bullets began to thud ugaluat the adobe walls the garden be came a bedlam. Uracla aloud and surveyed the scene for a tuuineiit, ignoring tbe hulking j liud with disdainful eyes. Then she i Hatched her hand Indignantly away I and ran to pick up a tlif'.d. That was ' all, but I looker kuew wbat she thought I of him. j He paused through the house, ho ping to discover where she bud gone,' but all h heard was her coniuiuudlng ' voice aa i.h eilenced the walling om it u ."'J,,I,,S iowvj-ryiiiiK'b ' out Tjf place, ne stepp mi u im open. After all, for a man of his build, the open wsa beat. Iel thn white handed boys stny with the ladles they under stood their ways. CHAPTER XXII. Tha superintendent's houas stood on a low bench above the town, looking out over all thn valley, but protected by a high hill behind, upon thn summit j of which was placed a mammoth black WBter tank. In Its architecture tha raa grando ; was an enact replica of a hot country : hacienda, -a flat roofed, one-atoriei4 ' aijaaie of adobe bricks, whitewashed! to keep off the sun snd preeentliig on 1 throe shies nothing but dense trees planted near for shade. Along the front n i long arcade, the corredor, iu raced hy a series of mnalve arches ! which let In thn light and air. Inside wr low chambers and long paaaiigea; 1 and, behind, tbe patio and go r dun of I orange and fig trees. Unlit for a sumptuous dwelling. It , became In a nioiiient a fort nnd, with 1 men on the high hill by thn tank. It i wan practically Impregnable to direct assuult. As Honker stepped out on to the cov-, ereil porch with his suddlfrgun In Ma hand ho became simply one more of a band of excited Americans, all armed and ready to defend the Ionian to 'he. last. Honirt were paring back and forth ! In the corredor, others warn hurrying j up from the Mexican quarters with a last belated handful of women, but the malor iiortioii wera out on thn ntienik bench, either gating north and south at the scenes of the distant firing or I engaging In a curio mad acrumble for aay spent bullet that struck.. The fighting, euch as there was, was mostly up the canyon, where a huce party of Sonoran miners hod rushed lu pursuit of the rebels. Tbe fi.'lng dou the canyon in the direction of Old For tuna had died away lo nothing, and for the moment It seemed as If thn futile ensign and retreat waa the beglunlug and the end of tbe buttle. A party of rebels hnd penetrated clear into the town, but it whm appar ently more by accident than Intention, and they had been quick to beat a re trent. As for thn main command of the Inaurrectos, they were reported at t'hiiliir. six miles up thn railroad, where they bad surrounded and taken a small mining camp and raptured a train at the summit. The column to the south the one which Hooker had enciuutered had ! taken to the high hllla west of the town, and. along Urn skyline of tho buttcllke summits they could now be seen In scattered bunds making their i way to the north. The defenders of Fortuna connlsted of a rag-tag garrison of twenty fed erala and the hot headed, charging miners. Hut apparently that waa a combination hard to beat, for, while tbe federals entrenched themselves be hlud the black tank on the hill and prepared tu protect the town, tho So norans In shouting masses drove every thing before them and marched on to attack Cbular. Hut In thta they raado a mlataVe, for ! the rebel scouts, seeing the great body of defenders pressing on up the nar row canyon, rode back and Informed tbe tricky Ilernardo liravo. He would be a poor general indeed w ho could not see the opening that was offered and. while the valiant Hotiorana pur sued the rebel cavalry up thn pass, Ilernardo liravo sett the half of his thousand men to cut off their retreat from behind. Along the broad top of the moun tain above they cam scampering by ten and twenties, closing In with a vastly superior force upon the now defenseless town. In tbe depths of tbe canyon below tbe miners were still chasing the elusive cavalry, their fir ing bccomliiK faint as they clambered on toward the summit and tbe rebel ' beadguarters at rhnlar Tliey hud.'ln !cT,"L'een handled like children, and the Americana Joined In contemptuous curses of their mlataken bravery as they beheld In wbat straits 1 it bad left them. ji rorbldden by the superintendent to' participate In the combat, yet having In their care the women of the camp, j they were compelled to stand passive-. ly aalde while rebels by the hundred I came charging down the rldgna. i In the last resort, and when all diplo-! marv and federal defense had failed. would they be alloJ to so much li t cock a rifle. And yet well, twenty determined Americana might easily turn back thia charge. Taking advantage of his Mexican cltlxenahlp. Hooker was already ou thn run for the trenches when tbe super intendent stopped him with a look. "Let tha Mm liana fight It out." he uJd. "They might rwen t It if you took aides, and that would make It bad for us. Just wait a while you never can tell what will happen. I'erhai the rurales and ftiderals wilt stand them off." "What, that little bunch?" demanded Bud, tnliug scornfully at the hand ful of defenders who were cowering behind their rock plies. "Why half of them peluiies don't know whut a gun was made for, and tbe rurales" "Well, the rebels are tho same," sug gested tho superintendent pacillcally. "It them fight it out we need every American we can get, so Just forget DgyLpr.' nvt. K?'..r." l, (4'iniliiiueil Tomorrow Aflif-tiiMiii.) FOUR COUPLES TAKE OUR LICENSE TO WED Four nuirrlu.a llieimis were Iwmeil by County fli rk A. K. Walker Oil limning. Th y Weie tuki-n nut I'nuiilliu rhu. es and Junto 4'undel urni; Tiiif.. Pun.n snd Manuel II.iIIiKimi; II1I511 II. Klilclil ami John A. Ad. una. i. t il Anil unit u r ii i im l.oiigoii). c IEAMCE SALE 1 c peciaiis ror Tuesday July 7 Long Silk Kimonos in va ried patterns, worth $0.00 to $7.50, special 51.95 Silk Parasols, worth to $3.00 special $l.'3 Rugs worth from $2.75 to $3.50, desirable patterns, special $1.49 Ladies' Silk Hose, in black and colors, worth $1.50 pair, special, pair 79c Ladies' Tailored Waists, worth $1.50, special 25c Bath Mats, medium size, special 25c Witch Hazel, 1G oz. bottle, worth 50c, special 25c lG-oz. bottle Peroxide, worth 75c. special 25c Toilet Paper, special 10 rolls for , 25c Sodium Phosphate, worth 50c, special 25c Men's Onyx Hose, Silk all colors, worth 50c, special 25c. Boy's Blue Overalls, Reg ular 50g value, special for WEDNESDAY, !JULY 8th o c pair Wednesday Only July 8 Womens Fancy Cotton Dresses, worth $4 to $7.50 Special one QCJ day only pl.JU STORE OPEN 9 A. M. Rosenwa IS H9 Where Quality Meets Price aw1