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THREE THE EVENINO nERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, JULT 0, 1914. 4 I SPORTS j Baseball. GAMES TOMORROW la-ugne. Navr Vrk it t Hiiul.uixli. TODAY'S GAMES MMV. Jl I V a. Ann r dun l-eagnr. PI Lmila lit uxhiimloii. pell.. It at Hhiliidolphln. 'lev eland hi New York, ('hl.'iigo nt lloatoii. 'literal la"num Hi. (.iiiiih nt itiiiMiiiu:iH. I lull i Mini., nt lirool-1 n. l'u llur.h nt 1'iin.iln. Knunan t'lly at rim ago. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS National I nu nt'. Cm. Inn. hi, 7; St. buns, fhlMic", a; I'Htxhiirgh. XlnerkMii la'iwiir. 'tiling", i;, I'ku l.ili'l. 3. Ht. J Ik. g. lietlotl. 6. Kiral game. I hi. I.iuiIh, i'; iH-lroil, II. Stolid It 'line. I fili-rul l4nuiii'. Chicago. 2: KiiI'Mih lily. Hi. 1 ih. 1; 1 itil in mi l if. GIG WALSH BACK TO STAY SAYS NATIONAL LEAGUE l'lilliiil4lilii, I; V'm Kiral game: I'liiludclphla . .010 tmo Now Yolk .... I0 l ltnlti.rir- Mill llm. n aid From.ue, Wlltae ntnl Mi ih. Ywk. It. (ion i iins C llrmiklyn. I; IUM"ti, . Flrl u.iiiii . It II I'.rooMyn ( mo iiimi 7 l Clkimii imi:i film imif 3 10 li C.iiti rn": pfeffer mul Kla. her; liudolph uml (lowly. llnNikljn, II; llontoii, in. in! game: Hrooklyn "' ' a I li HI IH'O mix I 4 Allen uml McCarty; Criil" her mul tlowdy. FEDERAL LEAGUE hnM Hit. i 'lih'wttM. 11. KmiwiR City ..010 00 Hi I 4 Chicago ...(...1'"' "'l 0110 1 I Hiiilcrlc: Packard uml Kaatcrly I.IIHIIO mul Wtlaun. n ft hi -An Mlllfrr; ri m i iiMn a is M i-: I - .. ) 1 r ": ' . T J ! V r- ..t . I. W.l lling liilllinln .1 I I lie Quality! Not premiums Cigarettes Camels unite In marvelous Hrnd all the eoodnrss and ilavor of choice quality Turkiih and domes tic tobaccos. The man who has a iaded cigarette taste will delight In Camels, be cause they're so good in flavor, so smooth cren, that we tell you that money can't buy a more delightful cigarette. Do not look ior premiums or coupons ia Cunct package. The corf oi lh tobaccos prnhibiti thir int. IO Imr mnm ink I . " for carton at m l2'0 rHIi, 0mtnttm wfmt. a rr mot I I im nit McsVsaartv, afon f ft4 CAMtl.3 m rsrtMMff. rlmrn thm mikvr ) afci4T rv fund jntur mommy, K, J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wli Ska. H. C. Afti r rpiiilmu inimi rniin ti-nt Imnn In tin' nn' liKl"H la "n hup Mint i'itiniitu i'i 'in n n Mitt l I IH ll'llnp.l llllii ti.l'HtV'l. Ni l IT im i'r.' HriiiinilH Ih f..ri. Iyi hikI hii rli i'mIIim tl.m or liliml''" llll!llll . "lll-ll Ht tho I'lllo 1.141 M.i'lil.iy tin ! fill" III ihr ilinihlP licuiliT llrnii' .Sri Ynrk nirftli' hli L I '.. A K t- I ! Hi.nii'thinii niunt l.o winni; In t! n Inn whi'ii Ihii fnna li't Tiim SMm rr. h.i In ri'i'i'lvliiR tll.r.HO t'll vi';ir iMiilriK ii-ri nt ilnutilf-h' .1 '"T lih h- Athlftlm hi Kiiiwhv !' Hip rr.iwil it af'i'r Sin-nkor In mr. U fimhlnn. limn It ".imo i . I.. hi hut mul fn'!t"l t' niiikr u nil Im .i hii.iifil. Sir;ikir, uli'i hi'l ih, I lii.-n hlliiiiir Mllh IiIh iikimI fAM) hi" hnl rnfntili'tply itn.l it It uiiikti nut tn 'cnti rf !!? '.i. i ti i. ht mini.. Kintiiri'ii anil fin-K lit ih'' rri,i' Tht' tuna III tin- ni't n Hal. ki'i' ii Ihi'lr urtinna ntnl 'h' u!1h nil lhr ii . It tho arrli'M. until Si'; r .i Hi ..I tn li-iixc I'll Hip woU'rn ti :. S' itin Lire. JUST TO SHOW III CftU OE QO'iE HE BREAKS C No One Else Seems Able to Fracture Lude' Mark, So He Rolls it Into the Discard Himsek'. A .-rnt Hrr.ilil Hit what y.'tt want. Wunt Ad Will Economy LllililG 'EM OUT , In tin- lilaltiry f MibIIIki li.m n rl.iaa j ln'i'ii t" liurrrn uf tn-n r -f m tloiiit. 'I'll. i ni'icru utiindK Uiri':nv. Tun rroMn la ma until Im ruiirca. Ihiliinmrc, A; UriHiklyn. 10. It. II. Itiillimi.rr 0i K2I nil - & lir.'iiklvii bill uml i: 10 IS li liHtti'i Ii-b: Himi:k. Yoiiut, lliiKhi'H. Willti'lm mill Jui kllta.'h. limn her; Mm Ion unil t iMia. In niitr of t tif fu.'t thnt thf nnrlil hiiiiiM.i-iH lire not In any loo rum- fortnhli' h intuition. It la now u fun l ' at lf-rvl'lfiit fai t tlml Ihp Ailih'tlta - Vl'll ill! III.' (illlllta nillHl tllllHiNU III i fall Imi k Into iiiohi unixipt'ti'(l Hlutnp to fin. I anything off hy tlrloliiT. hi'iullng thi-in l'itilHirKli, : Veterau of Chicago American League Club Performs with all Old Time Skill and Fans Give Favorable Judgment. lly ImwiI Wire to Ernlng llrralil. t'ltiruRn. July "Hiij KJ W.ilnti la h.'k to nl.t.v," wiih Hip i-tiimiii m to. lay .'r thi- pir.'niinKii'f of tin VrtTiiii l.HtlH'r of the i'IiLiiko Amrf- l. an It'iiKiifi t'luh who ypnti-rtluy il it't i'd hia flrat giimn of thr ISM WiiIhIi plt.-hi'il flrll linlnBc. hold ing I Im Clpvilanil hut 1 1 ra to thi:' hit. Ilii airurk nut tn nml mive thri'P Uiim' on luilla li.l,.rr Mixing way tn a "Wiii'h" hitu-r. In Ihp cv mh ihp lum Inning hp rlt.-lipil hp ri'tirod the alilt on Htrlki-a. Ho Im prrxMil aa"r f illahin with tho hnw l:iic of tho l.lg ilti-Ji-r thut hp aiinouimil thai Walfh hi'm-pfoith would take hla turn on ihi mound. II looka aa mini na vcr." f'nll.i htn u rtP1. "Ho tlli'lu'i'rt hla olil tirn iip.l and innii to have r g.ilni'd t'ontri'l." Tho Whit Ko. who have won f.mrli'i'n of thp liift alttrin guinea, are llcil with Washington for tliird l.up. aid are only four gamia l hiinl l'hllid.'liihlii. tho Itadi-ra. Pitui.uigh 2"! 000 S II . I',, .VI iioo ooi '0 1 llntti-rlpn: Knrtrer and lurry; Si hultxp. Ki i i uml Ululr. Ala ERICAN LEAGUE Yanki. O: Mlirrlh Hcurr: New York .... " "on I'lal.iilrlldtU . .:'0 noo Itntteriea: C:ildi'l IVn.I.'r 'i 'il H.hang. Illlfliilo, 5. I There la nil o.pnlnK ahead Tor liny n. II. K :'li"' that iiiiglit come nl.nig nt a lrlk, lant.'r nnil atnk to n fulrlj coiiHoliiil i-a.-e. Hut In neith er lea uiie Is there any amh rluli In niuhl hark of ilie to li-.i.l.rM They have Mmwn themaelvea 'le I" ilnfi aloim and then heat the life out of any ronieiider thnt edgea up too lipar. The liianla were firat fuiaaed hy I'lttshui (fh. and then hy fin.'tn ruill. They beat holh rluha three KirnlKht when the ahuwilown iiitiie to it head. It nan n mix 2 II. K. t n 7 and Bweeliey; J II III HI III IlllllUIUIMIU ITlW. Julv Till her U. 3 M.-Connnuiitiry, a rlKht liand.'r draft. ed hy tho fhlinyi Anierlrana two yiara ago an. I aent to the HI. Joai ph iliin of tho Western U iKue, algnert today Willi the llnlmnar olia Kederul league iliih. M.ConniiuKliey lefueed to r. iirt to Ihu tl, Jnni-h rlub thl aprliiK- I'hona I, Tied Hnrn, for flrat-rlaaa ha.'ka W. L. Trlmbls Co. Jll W. ronpor nil carrlagas. 1tonl.HI . . . II Mil 1 II 1 1 n l ll'H' Thomiix; W K. 1 lloHton, 0; WMxIiiiiKtoii. I. n. ii. . . . lion anil inn) o J . .oo loo mixl 5 -A. J..hnaon. i-..oiir ami Johi.aon and Alnamlth. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION l.uNilllf. S; l.'ii lanil. S. 11. II. K IxmiHviiie ino (tin mm oos & 1 I I. M iami li'iO li"0 000 010 S 0 IWitterlea: U-verelt. Toney iind Si V er.dd; lloffer, He. k. (i' orge and lul-llexa. in the an mo way the Vai'km hiiiu rriiMhi'd all i.iioalHon hy Wii- .11 and lietroll when Iheae two ilul.x la-gun to KaNiime a Ihreatenli'R alvlludi' or make tint aiming iti'n turew. la lan't Ilie heat lliiig in the world for general huxel.iill Inlerial to h.iv the an in two iluha awalihlng up tho field year after year. H'lt the an me two eluha have no Inten t.on of dropping bark Ihroiixh :nere p.i.lti'iieaa with ll"t world aer'ea kule repoalng at the end of the Journey. .Manager lllrniliiuhain. Lorry lA- Joi-, ioe Johnaou, Joe Jm Kaon, ean liriKK. Hill Hi'i'li. Kind Cariaih and I'ri-.l lllundlng are the uuiomohlle ownera on the 1 leveianu learn. ion mm h nutoriioblllng la Im .'U blamed l.y Cleveland fana for thu I'reaen". failure of the leant. The eoallliieaa of hiiMea on halla win fort'ihly ahown l:i a Uetrolt-lloa-t..n gam recently. The Tlgera ina l l. hita to lloaton'a ?, hut loal. Th" lietroll idtrheia gav(. 10 bnaea on bnllh, mimi' he In if a J . n . in I ni-li t if' ae' to the hitting dlar-r. pnncy. ; ."! know exirlly whit u wi Ii II. li. 'out II a ,i. tn.'t Hpeoker Ih In wrong In lloalon. "nn'l blame ltoaloniah" mil. h. nnv how. H ive n rUht in expert liulni id hailing nverngn to hal.ili Inllnled a.ilary. M.huiki llii nt n ri.iltily dlda'l expei-t fana to trrn out to admire Spenkir'a beauty. MOTORCYCLE RACES SCHEDULED JULY 19 Tho Albuouernu Motnreyrle t'luh will hold n rae meet at Trintlon park Sunday afternoon. July 19. The run! will he eon fined tn two-wheel-era, net'ording to firant pinna. There were ho niotorryi'le nil ea nt th track yealerday, when I"ron llrown di'fented Harry Wheeler Iwn out three. Prown drove a Pleree-Arrow and Wheeler a I.oxler. Ilrown'a fna' eat time woa 7:1.4 over five inllea. He made on lap on th half-mile trm k In 41 aeeonda. Nobody i-liM' iceina o I.p aMp r In It. I. at liixi t.i chow that II inn be lone Louia I. I'd. a fill va marblea down lb" alley nnv now and again ..i d buriti hi rtin ki'in ree nil He lid Ii yesterday afternoon at Ih I ir. mi ner iillrix. hauglnr a. nalk of 14 J, tho lH'i.t lliHt the alley I: ' ever know u. l.ndea aiatted hanging up r aika early In lh' aeaan. He nd'ed I". Noliod) elxe loni hed that, ro l.ud-a put Ihrep more piioi on the rnaik, making the ''. or.l 111: itil -il.iy he ai nt that to Ilie dim ard. No. hodv hut yet been Hide to tou.'h the oiluinal I'll niitxul uf Louie. Torn ,l. a. iii U ae. oinl-liliib mini with 1:11. M..ii 111 ia tilao ae. ond-liigh In the I in l. n game. In wlil.h Nl'k I'nlla illlio Ik tile 1 .1 1" Il.'l.ler. Thla werk'a aehediile In the rlu'-k-pin leaKUH ia na follow a: Monday HiibliH va. Light join pnny. Tuesday- ForexlerM va. Ilnxtera. Wedneaday I'oatoffli' va. Cigar eompnnv. Thiiraday I'l iiiiiineri vs. C'olta. i'.raniM Itiikey anya pl. need to llniyli hi.'a'i.' I lure. Thnt'a w he'.i wound up laat aeaao'i. HetUnn Hay l"olMneil. Ilenver. July The atate aupretno rourl today iinnouneed that 'la I monlhlv de.'lxlon day had been pout lie will be!,,,,,,,,,, , Widnex.lHy. Julv H. Thi- ti.ioie I-"1 will be the laal ileelxion day before the Ilrowna ; ii, ummer re.-exa and flndlnga I'l a number of Importnnt eaaea nr fx-peeled. When aoft-aoaper" enngratulnte liukey on rubbing elimwa with rh impa and pennant eoiit. ndera he tliyly Imiulrea: "llnw many gamea .ue away from put place?" Italph 'apron lini moved on from Niw Yoik. The Yankeea could Iind no plaee for a player who waxil at i . in x enough t"r Haltlmore. If they hi.!. It would have been a fearful i i.nfi MT'n. Welidrilling, Wclldrivin and Irrigation Plants VUMlMII.Lx. TXNKS. ITMI'H HI.I'AlltlMi AMI Aueiit for Wela-r IHighiea Wo havo a eomplata tin ot Wall Paper and Paints. Can do your work on a mlnuta'a nolle. c. k. griEiL SIS B Snd fit. phoaa t4T. V- : "SJ ly See 'em at IIAIIK AUTO GO. (No Trouhla to "mw" Tou) W. W. STRONG, Prop. Jim V. CVniral. I'Imiiic S.1T. (JA 1)1 I.I.AC LUHRIOANT. OOt)D ItlCII TIRES. THE Sl.W THAT FITS YOUIl CAR: MICH F.LIN TUUE3 NUFF 8RO. Is essertial in every household -practice it by coming here for your Hats, Shoes Shirts Nechwear and Clothing Just received the early Fall styles of Forbush and Snow Shoes. Watch for them this week. M. Mandell The Lice Clothier Coliiniluia, I; liullaiiniMill, i K Collllllblia OOft ooo oin i liidiaiiupolia ..Out 030 inix 4 Mattel an: Taylor and hmlth: 11a mul lila'kbuin. Wl!- Th Keda have a realaurint mag nate nd a baker among their bnrk era, but what Ihey nally need ia a aoap-tnaker to keep their hatpin i b un. i Alrdoio haa been ahowlng movlo drama t-.illi'il "Hoine Itun liaker'a Iiouide." Ike lamlnger wanla In knovr how they held him to u douole. WILLIAMS OFFICIALLY DEPRIVED OF JOB (Hy ta-a'd Wire In Cirrntna; fleralil.t Wanliuigioii. July s. mi noun, i nit nl of the ri algiial Ion of ieorgu Fred Wllllama in milliliter to tlreece and Moiitenegro mil mndo J latu today at the state deparliiunl. 1 Want a maldT A Herald want ad will find her for you. All the cheering refreshment that tea ever brought to womankind is blended IOST iK y IV fcV. . ff - -' W"JiUf jSPWIawst-gwiil ' fit fmo ennaolalion for Harney fux regnrda Marly O'Toole: Ft-da never tried to awipe hint. "Villa whlna 14 mi men." elpa a l.eiulline. Ilm. He nil him to Hurl. He Heelin to he the bet white hope In right. Tho major league eluha I hia year, ( nn eiiatern erilli' aaaert. ar affeeteu by a Ueflitneo of ordinary club iliacl plln. "I'layera aro doing pretly in tie h a they rhooa.'" it la aliiled. "beciiuao ot th tinuaiial con. HI loon prevailing. Weak-kneed manageri fear In punlah them, for they might Jump to tho Federala. That la one reaaon why thp quality- of hnaehall In llio National and American league! thla year I below the atiind.'trd." i I.loh-tnr Kvena In th role ;, j . woLKINli. Hi W. C lH-r ti'j .ni..'ienee: He wnnled to 'l.ovv ;,2HV4 . tlfflif liliono I III i - legins Wednesday, July 8, Continues 10 Days In one of hla weekly arile rhlel Meyera devoted a column and a halt . In bnae-ateaPng. When did tho Chief ever enl n baa? Our Sale is starling with a rush because The Values are Here Save 20 to 40 per cent and buy your Clothing, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, etc. zrr Here Announement la mad that th Olympic guinea of l!)?n will b held In Kudapcat. Thla will annoy thou aanda who have made other plana for that year. Wllbert Robinaon hna algned a conirm't to miinnae th Hrooklvn Nntlona for three more year. There a another glutton for punlahineni for you. ! Maraan'i to Cubit. In teat proponed jump la I Reader wanta lo know If It la pa ' alble for a team tn make alx hlla In ions Inning and not r orr a run Chicago Hog rnn't do - it that la, mako alx hita In on inning. Closing' Saturday, July 18 On account of the Remodeling of our store front w will have to make room for th e carpenters and at the same time we want to reduce our stock so as to avoid confusion and for ten days will offer the Biggest Bargains ever affered in the history of our store, "Albuquerque's Dry Goods Shop." KJi. It if, Store will be open at 8 a. m. and close at 6 p. m. Saturdays excepted. We have the Enthusiasm, the Organization and Exceptional Values and want you to take advantage of this op portunity to save money. ? i a There Will be Bargains in: i SIM,ON STERN Incorporated Nevada oongreaamnn whoa dniuh ter waa married to Walter Johnnon j now alanda aom rhana lo heroin .known nationally. Hy th way, I w'aa lila nnrna? I Part tiwapapra .iy Moran wne allowed to amy !0 roiinda hy John- .n n order lo fatten up III mov ing pll urea. Frankle haa eeaaed to b a tinp and la now merely an alao-Mnran. T.nnkln ovr Ih Hat of "whit hope" enn.lldn:a today w don't find a alngle rntrant. who promiaea to de velop Into a champion. Nevtf btfor SILKS TABLE LINENS TOWELS BED SPREADS WASH GOODS WHITE GOODS CURTAIN AND CURTAIN NETS CRETON'S TRUNKS ALL REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE BLANKETS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR LACES EMBROIDERY NOTIONS COSSETS GLOVES PARASOLS WAISTS SKIRTS BRASSIERES DRESSING SACKS Exceptional will be the Offering of all ouf Spring Suits at . . , Former Values $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 -$12.50 S35.00 ii mTTlllfial