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FIVE T ALBUQUERQUE MEN CLEJUHIP MEETING J? AT T THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. It., MONDAY. JULY G. 1014 TO TUGUMGARI Hi AUTOS CLUB Mil Dentists Having All Week Ses sion in Quay County Scat, with Examining Board in Session Today. Ir. P. A. Kllnr. eerrelary treitaiirer ! the rttat Itonlal imuirt llin. anil I'r. K. J. Alurr ctpo t t" leave Weilnoartay In I heir amunm-lilh-e fur Turumrarl. whcr Ihey will altrnil the meeting C the atuta an (HiHlliin la hint lhr"e daya of Ihla frk. Ir. Clark or Mororrn lll ar 'tnpany Ihnn and Invltatlnna have hrrn elrnlel to aevrral olhfr den Hula In thin part of the state hy the two Alliuiupriu men. The run to TiK'iimrarl la 2MI inllca, but In ilcntlsta f lr t In make II III a duy. arriving In time for I he opening of I he mwi liilinn meeting Thuraliy morning. The stale board of nVntal examiners organ Ha aesslona In Turumrarl this morning. Thcao will continue until Wrin-ilny evening. Other officer, of the slate aseotliitlon ara lr. rttun ftvld of TiK'iniirarl. prealilenl; Ir. IVttH of Albuquerque, Ural vle prea lilfiic lr. Armstrong; of Ituawell, Iw'iinil vice prnaldent. An Interesting feature of the elation meeting will be free denial work for all who rare to lend their IviiIhI equipment to the dentist, for demonstration purnoaea. INSPECTOR MOREAN IS SHIFTED TO NASHVILLE pi.lrfi Inspector P. t. Momn. stationed here for the lMt Ihme yexra, a been tranaferred t Nash Mile, Tern. The transfer waa at hla own requeat. Review of New Books At the Public Library "Mie Vewr of llerrot." Illy the Mother or Pierrot.) one minute the Mother of Pierrot waa alone and praying hard to die, the next minute aha waa fighting hard In live; one minute ehe waa a pathetic bit nf flotsam on the abore n" the big blue Mediterranean, and the neat aha win like an empreaa n the heart of a gorgeoua empire. In otder that aha might never loae even one quick aecond of her experience. I. Idle Mother wrote down -) cry thru "the big thlnga and, tfea Wltl thlrge. bceauae 1 could not lull which were which." Ho we live with her that big floe year with Pierrot laugh with her, aoh with her, fear with her, and finally hold up out head In prld0 with her. We to ne to kmw all her friend: Monsieur Jack Martin, the clean and brave; Madam Ijirrnlx. the Jealous, rluslon, the thief who had a good heart; and the noble Countess de Meauchamp, who envied Little Moth er A for Pierrot himself he be come our own. In Hie golden aun shlne and beneath the blue aky ot in hern franco then, thing hap pened but they might happen any where. It la the aaga of motherhood. The ITiaTea-neaaxI lit IVUIcnat. (A. M. Johnson.) A yoting Harvard doctor of phll faophy acrepta the chair nf philos ophy in Asuncion university. Aacun aion la In Trxaa, but Rdward r;rehan. when he blithely accept the prof fered chair, know nothing much ol It beyond thla f id. He learn much in the cnurae of the year nf the south, of the atate of Texaa, and of Aun rii n and Ha university The Institu tion l rn. durational, hut there are occasion, two at leaat. when the calm atmosphere of the rlua run it is disturbed and when the young ladle are requested to retire while south ern gentlemen settle difficult l af ter their own manner. The title hs alirady told that the etnry haa a ber une. -a charming one ahe la, 1.11, and a law unto herself. "Tli Salamander." (Owen Johnson ) "The Salamander" tomes roving from somewhere out of the lumelae reachea of the nation, revolting egainet the commonplaie of an In dented narrowneaa, neither sure ol W hat ahe seek nor Const Ion of what force Impel or check her. Hh bring no letter nf Introduction, but she tome resolved In know whom the chooses. fthe meeta then ill. the men of Near York, the mediocre, the Interesting. the powertul. tht tier h-htinlrr. the brute and those v ho aeek only an amused mental r !nallon. Che attracta them by honk or crook. In defiance of conventions, compelling their attention In way that at the Mart hopelessly mystify them and lead to mistake. Then ahe 4 al-nly acta them right and for give them. Hat k of all the passional revolt Bgnnat the commonplaie In life, bc of all the dellanlly proclaimed acorn nf conventions, there are the hushed echoea of the retreating first genera tion, whisper of childhood faith, hesitationa and doubt that make ol her a being constantly at war with herself, where will and Insllnct ara ever opposed without her perceiving or comprehending Ih wherefore. Will those who have been K la in n tier today, turned mother to morrow, atlll leach what they have proclaimed, that what la right for the nnaa la right for the woman T "Your AffevUoiuin- fiiMlmotrH-. (Kllnor Ulyn.) Matter-of-fact yet alartllng aS-'tr President Cushman will Con fer with Women's Organiza- tions on Systematic City wide Campaign for Spotless Town. Plan for systematic a1l-tho-year routiil rlran-up of Albiiiiieriiie are ipeclud to take aha pa aa a result ol a mooting tu be held at the Co miner clul club tonight. The meeting will te la the nature u( a Conference be tween president I'uahman, of the Commerrlul club, and rel'iem nl.i Uvea n the Woman' club, 'he Tuea day Literary club, und the Parent Tearhera' association. Tha confer ence waa arranged at the Instance it Mr. Cushman, who haa made a ot lean Albuquerque one of the leading plank In hla platform aa head of tho Commercial t-lub. Tho meeting la do" alaned to find a hasla nri which tho nrganlxntlnna, and any other iigeni'lea that may wlah to Join them, can " operate In town Improvement. The I'lea la, first, to make A I till querque trim, and then to keep I that way. The chief two thing to be nttacked are unalghtly alley and the Itphold fly. It la Imped to give Mayor Roatrighl city-wide and active (o-operallon In hla crusade against the fly. The mayor wanta to make thla a ftyleaa city. If the plana taking hiip now are carried out. untidy alley olll le thing of thn pant In Albuquerque lota will he cleared of can and rub blh, and weed will diaappear from the at recta. A SO-cent Herald Want Ad will get what you want. Introduced Into society. This advpe la upon the aubjerts of personal con duct at home, on the atreet, in the drawing room, upon personal halms, dreaa, religion, matrimony, the so le. lion of a husband, and bearing tuttarda other people. The title l drawn from the fact that each chap ter la In the form of a communica tion to a young girl named Carolina and la aigned "your affectionate god mother. E. O." "Ariadne' of Allan Wgter." (8it1ney Mr "all A loVe etnry with a southern hero ine who might be Truth Ixxter tain aiater ao fur aa her innocence, her sympathetic nature, and her in herent goodneaa are concerned. Ar iadne found herself In a difficult sit uation, aa result of her father'a unwise will, and her stepmother's subsequent marriage to an adven turer. The story opena In Vlrxinln. ialer the scenes shift to The Hague and London; and the charm of a. ene aa well a able chsraclet ixntlon are here present a In the author' pre vloua novels. WEATHER BUREAU BRANCH TO BE SET UP AT UNIVERSITY A I'nited r'tatea weather observa tory la to ho established at the l lll ventlty of New Mexico. The Com mercial club la to donate thn :.oa or tmio necessary for equipment, nl Prof. Chnrlc T. Kirk, head of the department of geology at the I'nl veralfy. Will take the tibservallona, assisted by advanced students The observatory will probably be in operation early In September. II la expected to develop Into the moet Important one n the atute, be. auee Albuquerque la ideally aituuted for taking observatioiui in New Mexico. The station at Kant a Ke I said to be ton high up to represent cllinailc conditions fairly In thla attte. and the one at ttoswell la In a valley off In the southeastern corner of the state. Prof. Kirk will try lu have Albuquerque put on the government Weather bureau map. RESOUNDING THUMP AND TIGHT CLINCH ALL INNOCENT FUN Juan ltonicrd and 8. Rata are un der toall for their appeareme tomor row evening befole Polite Jud.c (leorge II. t'ralg 011 a charge ot fighting at dance on North Klist atreet Halurttay nlaht. fllier Martin Hyrne. who arrest ed them, aaid he heard the aound 01 a swat from the street out aide ! dance hail, and when he went In he found Itoiticro and Mac clinched. wT'. a crowd around them yelling for action. hut Komero and Ha a niainlaln that they were only fool inn. They have pleaded not guilty tu Ihu 1 barge of scrapping. EDWARD BICKFORD TAKES CHICAGO GIRL TO WIFE Word haa Jeen received of 'he inarrlKKtt last week In Chicago, of K'l ward II. Ultkford, manager of the Klo Mlmbrea Irrigation company at tfpalding. and well known In thl aettion through hla Ideullfltatlun for a number of year with irrigation project. Hi bride wa Misa Mary ('leaves, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Charlea U Cleaver, of Chicago, Mr. and Mia. Hick ford will make then home in Denting after a hone) moon trip In the ct. let the Herald want aJ do yur Sf 25 OFF I MEWS AND YOUNG MEW'S CLQTHW No Restrictions! No Exceptions! No Reservations! Everything Goes! J Welcome news! All our Men's and Young Men's New Spring and Summer Suits are included in this sweeping offer. Men will find the greatest value of the year savings that are without equal. Cjf Plain Suits, Fancy Suits, Black Suits, Blue Suits all wool suits, including worsteds, cheviots and mohairs suits for every man and every occasion and EVERY ONE LESS ONE-FOURTH ITS REGULAR PRICE. CASH TAILKS NOW All $15.00 Suits FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Plain Colors or Fancy. All Sizes and AH Styles $11.25 All $25.00 Suits FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Plain Colors or Fancy. All Sizes and All Styles $18.75 All $30.00 Suits For Men and Young Men - Plain colors or fancy. All sizes and styles 322.50 p '(Wair a ryM 1, vi -ty f , Mm . c iiri ill STEIN-BL0CH and KUPPENHEIMER SUITS 20 per cent off IT 122 SOUTH SECOND SHIRTS All $1.00 Shirts SOc All $1.50 and $1.75 Shirts now $1.20 All $2.00 Shirts now $1.40 BUY NOW i a Tr s Boys' Suits $5.00 Suits now .... $3t75 $6.00 Suits $4.50 $7.50 Suits now $5.65 $10.00 Suits now. ...... $7.50 Young Men's Suits All $12.50 Suits now . . . $0.40 All $13.50 Suits now .. $10.15 All $1500 Suits now .. $11.25 : on all Low Cut Shoes Stetson or Walk-Over NOTHING RESERVED M V M afaaaaaV V W ' J MM STREET I 4 m r t V i Men's and Boy's Trousers 25 per cent Off on all Trousers, including Paragon and Dutchess fine makes Straw Hats $1.00 Hats now G5c $1.50 Hats now $1.00 $2.00 Hats now . . , $1.35 $2.50 Hats now $1.70 $3.00 Hats now $2.00 $1.00 Hats now $2 05 $5.00 Hats now . . S3.25 All $18.00 Suits FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Plain Colors or Fancy. All Sizes and All Styles $13.50 All $20.00 Suits FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Plain Colors or Fancy. All Sizes and All Styles $15.00 OFF KNOX and HOPKINS HATS IPS! Vs R FHe? trjririi'irri I f lig?isiraT uErini Coo 119 WEST GOLD AVENUE to young girl who la about to bt work.