Newspaper Page Text
EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, JULY 0, 1914. 44 Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pumji 1 318 West Central Avenue PHONE 315 BOOKBINDERS RULING, SFECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 208-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 443 EAT MATTHEWS VELVET ICE C REAM Phone 420 rritwts rvrrt C. T. FRENCH KIM IIM. 1)11(1 Tolt KMItAI.MMI. Mllf AnManl. I I fill ana i iilral. Phono IMijr ami MitlM, .Mil). Expert Hair Work. fnnilniiKi made Into iitiiibn, Itanaformaiiona, puff. iurl, etc; aaltchaa ilyeil. jmhs. m. pi t'i:y Marlia-lHi Shop, Phone HI. f H. 41), fll. CRYSTAL TODAY M l. I K KM II rH T HPS) Tin: nwn ii i" lllngiaili. Till. SHOW .f ItlH I. MIX I. Two-ltccl AIM Jii)i? iiiir-. Till: PI PSIsTP.NT Mil. PHINt I:" t mi'ily. Com inc. ! TimhmIhv tllSIHl M NOKWOOII I Hi oninciiilil In ii an A tillttl i lama amlclllo act. No llnl'4 In Price. Mallnriv a-SO: t Show al MkIiI lleglne t:4!i. "Viinr.r n miniirnnnr Airdome Tonight Mjl nLDUUUtIJlJt and Pastime matinee i:w I Ml, III IXIiKIl PHTl 1 1 KM) "IHttV liruma. "WHO'S IIOSS?" C nwily. JI IM.I: 1)1 AN M DK IMOX' Two.llcH vamre. Ppturc Imiiirr l-veri laj K.xiTpt TucwImv anil Ttiurmlay. niisT snw at n ocumk T,ST SHOW llli.lNH AT 11:1.1 TRY SPRINGER And Get Good 6ervice DUKE CITY CLEANERS Me i Iran liaia, men' ami wo. irn'a clothing, ruga, furtalna. lraMTMvi, Mi-. fSU Went (julil. Tin mn 4 10. Promptness Onr Motto If Your Eyes Suffer li um the mm iif glaaaca I inn help you. Ki.r year I have Kpe.-lfilixe d In the Klllly 1,1 retractive Condition i.f the human eye, the correction i,( Its taulia mill the elimination or rye train ami tin ri-milliitit wll. with glnaa f.lli'il anil adjoated lo correct ull crmra. I have mn -reaaftilly handled hnn rtreda of 4 aae In Alhuiif r.iie nnil Nm Mi'di'n and other htimlrctl throughout Arlxunn nnil Colorado. C. H.CARNES oiTiiMinitivr III MH Central, plum,. I.".3 The Ruby for July or all tin irvog stone that are ln-liitl today anil which were njuall) piintl a iliniimiixl in ago, tlie I : t miiim-m nct l.i tlto iIUiiiumiiI. IniHtsl. I In brilliance i-iiliani-eil ly lit i It ill coloring make It almimt rr. ft-rahi-. 'l llllMKI wlionei Bnnlicr Niry occur In July to arc allowing a wonderful BMMii-tiiii'iit of III IIY ring. Wo hate Hh Im-tia-idto kliiil al J.tMl, KI.INI. i:,.IM) ami 10 DO. anil Hti.'1-a uji In 1 1 If IiiiikImiIh. HI lll I I It. wIk-iIiit II Im a Itllll'HH W. l:ilIN. i.r any nllii-r I.IIT mra. ii in. ii win rimi it iiM'fiTJiiilr in imy Kin of i:i iti rr. J ItllAMI.IT WlTtllKS. I.WA ;!IHtH, VAMTVS. KII.VIHW -AllK. HI WIliN DS Alwnya llir IkI Al wnya lnwi. rlitit. CSTD. I0ft3 A IIKWatchmakers s jtwtieas The Weather Ft HtKi'AST: TutiiKht ami Tun rtny Kfiw rnlly full Not mui h ihiint In trinirruture. I.OCAI. WKATHKR HKI'oHT fur lhi 24 hourn rliilwil at ii'cIik h Ihln iniiriilnii: Maximum, ". Minlmiiin, r. r. . ltllllK. 3D. At II o'florlt. 70. 'v. Siiulhwi-nl wintlH. I'aitly cloudy. TIIINtiS TO WOIUIY AIMH'T ThrniiRh the rfforta of a wom nh' llk lullllrr mirlrly. r. Olio.OiMi Hllki,rmn mill be ruined thla In Niiui ciiumy, I'al. Viil hf of any alt ran hr nl tarhfil to a nrw lirsceli'l .roIJ nl with four holillnit liniikPia hl h nrp i'otnrnllil liy rmrhita. No. I 'Kodak Jr. Double Lensc Price Let ui show you one of the newest little Kodaks, neat, compact and all the accessories that make Kodakery a pleasure - the all-by daylight way. Kmlnka ami llrnwnlr lo mill r cry iiiln-nMiit STRONG'S BOOK STORE lour money liaik If you want It ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW COUNCIL iW W E TO MUHHCRlUKHti If you fall to t your veiling 4 papar, call POHTAU TICLKURAPH 4 COMP4NT, PHONIC l. 1 FREE While they last; Witn each box of Nadine Face powder a 25-cent box of Nadinola Talcum Powder. WILLIAMS DRUG CO. 307 We.t Central Phone 789 SANTA FE TRAIN LEAVES TRACK ON RATON MOUNTAIN Wi-Nthmiml tMintii FV train N" I. duo lii-re hint nlKht at 7 iri loi k. w" ii.l.Til.iy In thf Iti.toii miiiiiilulnH ni'iir l.nn. Tv . ruin I' ll Hi trm kft. Inn no our im hurt ami llltl' tin inn K Will ih, In-, uoi oi'illiiK to l. ,,,ll Tin- tmln rrnrhi'it hi-n limt nlKht an hour ami foriy miiniia lutr, ur rivliiK ut :40. tl la not known hrrv rxiu tly what rauwil tin- ill rullini iit TIIiiM: MliDI.N TWIN!. IX BEWARE of Cheap Soda DON'T Let your children drink something you will not drink yourself. It costs money to make good goods. We have no cheap goods to offer. Insist on Sodas and Mineral Water bottleJ by The Coyote Spring! Mineral Water Co. Our Motto Is 4,We Make Pop -Not Slop." We are The Coyote Co. F. H. PERRY, Mgr. Phone 727 323 NORTH FIRST ST. living SnlfiTlna- lo Mirny an Alliu iiiiic Itrwilrr. I'll In im nuluru'i alKiiul if diatrriM. A w.n nun not lo ln iKiiort'iI. TIii.m.- nlmri taiiiKr in Hit. biuk IhuHi nuililin, Hiuli-likv i.iina wlirn titooiilia Am frtuiu-iil aiK'ia of kldmy IroiiliU-. Ti riinovc klilm-y i-aina, you iiiual hhmi"! tli,.. klilniy. Iki- a liKlfii nnil iroveii klilnry riunily. Niiiih in.ire hlKhly uniluratil thiiii i. .Hti'a Kulnry 1'illn. Km!.. !-, I uliroutl riulotarit al Ih'Mii-. K. .I.I AH,ii.u. iijn ti Hlimony. J. J loan. 3J3 X. Ilromlway, Al-lii,Ui-riii-. fciya: "I hml iiotii-eil for mi, in. n im- my kUliKva urrrnt mliiiK iih Kiev xhoiilil. T lie Jur ol i mum i,n a 1,11,111 :iml hi-uvy llitlna ui-;iki"i., I hi' m I hml Hharp Iwinm-n In Hi,, mn. ill or my My In-nl in I,, , .mil I hml ill.rv njii-lln. 1 nt Ii..u, Knini-y I'IIIh iitirr n niMMlilx.r Kiv. n it imlilii' Htiili-iiii til, li-llma Ik.m ih-y liinl (urnl hun of kiilm-y i niiiiiiint. i mii- li.,x u.i nil I n fil- v lor u ,i in rur-." I'rnp, ut nil rti-nlrr. Ilon't finiiily Hk tor a kiilnry n-mnly t lioai'a KnlniV I'llla th wm thai Mr. I c .t n hn, I. Kr.M.r-MIIIiirn 'o Piof.a.. MuHi.lo. N. Y. F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND 1 EMBALM ER. I III MUST l.i:l riMHMi Day or nlulil. STX BILL'S SHOP in ni hs ami piiF.ssriw SIX II Yolll MrTIII'S I'll IN .l UK SXTIMilH SIS K. Snd. hi. ltnnt 4aO. The HERALD Want Ads get Tr? HERALD wtt Ad the test results. ' Try HERALD Want Ads, they flail, whltp nnil bin Ira rrtain for tha llh Koe'a t'andy Hlore. . Alien J. Papon of fan Pi-ilro waa a Hiimliiy vlnllor n Aibuitn-riUH. t'aptuln Krfil Kornoff of Santa K ia birr on a brief buaineaa trii. lir ami XI ra. Voltiev H. I'heMiey of Willuril ur in Iho rlty for a ahort j i ipu. JililKe M. C. Merhrm of Sororro wan it ilMilor in Albuiueniue Suml.iy. Hp left loduy for Veaaa. Hurry Leonard, proprietor of tin Capital bar, hua returned from a three weeka' outing in the Jemex inounliitna. Juilne M. T. Moriurty left thi niornliiK for hla home In the Ktnni in valley after a vInII of aoine tune in Albuiuertie. Hluta forporalmn Commlaaloner lliillh H. Wtlllnma waa In the city hint nlnht on hla way to aouthern New Mexico. tnta fenutor Y. M. Mi-roy of Mountiilnair and family are in the It v lor a fi-w iluya, gueala at the t'omla hotel. Hpei-tnl coniinunicntion of Tempi' l.mlKe No. C, A. K. and A. M , Tui-n- Uay cvi'iiliiK at 7 30. for woik In tin' K. V degiee. YInIIIiik Inciiihera wel come. A rciiuliir relew of Alamo Hive No. I, L, l. T M . will be held at 2.3U tomorrow afternoon In I. O. . K. hail. Minnie Willoid. Iletord Keeper, An Important meetlnu of the bimrd i.l manaaera of the W'oinung il'iu will be held toiilKht at the club build I iik at 7 oil, nK ah.irp. All mem l,i i ure riuenteil tu attend. (;.-., re W. Ilunway, aliile agi-nt in Texaa fur the ' i Uli ntiil Kirc Inmir aiii-u compiiny, with headiiuurti-ra In I o Una, la In Albuuueniue ,,r hla an niiul vlell to the noma oftbe. Work on the new clubhouae of the Albuiueriue County i luli ia progreui tut!. The cellar hua been ex.uiuled. mid ilia walla will eooii beam to n- (irtober I ia the tentative (lute aet tor the o.cuparny of the a tera. InnirUI Juilae H. P. Ituynolda re turned lo luwn today (rum a trip to t'ulifornla. lie will leave thla eve lima or tomorrow for OreRim. He uocu not expect to return to the bench until the lulter part of ine ! i H ( It. At the .enulur tnectlnf of thJ Kmahla of Columbua. to b held In odd Ki-liowa' hail at I o'clm-k to morrow evening. Slate IH-puty rran ili I'.. Wood will apeak on a topic auaaeated by Ia-cturer Thomaa leia In,) ile. Member of the local coun cil and vlaliing council are Invited lo attend the meeting. The county ronunlaalonera met al the coiut houae today. Thiy were till In aemlon at t o'clock, and mot of their lime hd been tnXeil up with routine mailer,!. The report of County Treiiaiirer M. M.mdel waa approved. A nunilier of billa were paaaed. It Waa nut expected that anything of general Inlet cut auulu 1'jine b fore the body. LENGTHY SESSION THIS EVENING Matters Pending Which May be Threshed Out. They In clude Mesa Land Purchase and Redlight Ordinance. If I lie aeerai matter before the council are hrouaht up and dux urno-il tonight at the ri'Kiilnr liU'cttiiK the ulilerimn wlli a aoiiiewhut leiiKlhy eat ion. i' 1 here la the rwillichf crdlnnme of the iiiiiv.,1 I,, be ilmlioaed of. It I In ih' h.iniU of the ordinance com mittee uud there I a )Hiitlitltiy that it will be repotted for ruiiBiuVrntion I hi eveninK. The mayor hua aaid Unit he can make no elfei-ttve move uriiiiiM the Teiuleiloin report and habitu-'a until he k-m that ordinance, ami In effect ha diiuuniled Ihut the i-oiirii II puaa it and arm hi in with the uuthonty ne.em.ary to carry out what the mayor Ititi rpri-li a tlie muinliite of the people In the reaull of the election. The ordinance may not lie In ahape fur i onaideration to nlaht. The oueation ut buying If tha city can atlll buvr-lhe nivati park aite from the government la expected to come up In aomc form. Whether that form will be a revolution tu ap propriate the I hid iiecemuiry, a ciHloti to wail a Utile while longer n ml trout lo lin k or clrcumxiHiicee to point i, me way of arllling the Hiiewtini without paining the eco- miinli ally loiiiili d alilermen, or )ut an cx, liuiiK uf l-ihlnk-we-ahoulda from the count ilno n ia Ulte linpoa- aible to forecuat nl thla llnio. A Veiled himtilitV to the acquirement of the hind now or at imy lime hua de- t eloped In the Cniin, il, and th re are member. Il i Mini, whu delre to dawdle ami eiU.inibr lime until the government die finally ahut the door In the city fue. They want to ace the mutter 'mule." It la aaid. without coining to a ahowdown Ihut will compel Ihem to rome out openly uaailiel the purchime, although they are aaid to lie ready enough lo vote aauiiiHt It if they think the action culled for. Keporta of a compromiae propo sition to be uilvminil tonight In tha hope i.f aettlliia the (uealion of a aucceiwor to i lly Attorney John C l-wl were prlnteil yeaterilay, hut thi morning Mu,r lloatrighl aaid he hadn't beard a Hung ol any euch pimmliilily. He aaid ha auW tha ac count in the Humlav pnier and wi cuilou to know what II amounted to; no one had muile any compromiae UKXcMlon to him, he aaid; and ha knew of none on hla own account. He aaid he thoiiKht the compromiaa talk waa Jul giu-anwork. There la a lenxthy report from the auditor, who went over all the ciiy toik. lo be ronmiicrei), but It la ex tremely unlikely that that will ha atkrn up in Ita entirety tonight. I it i. It will l.e a aeaatun atrelchlng tu m ill ii Ik lit . MOTORISTS TO GET IN LINE Exposition Commission Wants Motion Picture of Every Automobile in City in Start to Good Roads Meeting. WILL TAKE PICTURES OF ALL FAIR EVENTS State Fair Will be Produced 1 on Screen at San Diego Big ' Wild West Fourth of July ! at Fort Sumner. ' -I would like to get Alliu.ii.r.uc automobile owner to unilcrnland Jnat whni we are lilng lo do with mo tion piilure nod the elate a expovi- t.on at Sun lucgo, In connection with the I'll, good romU convention In Albii.iieriiie July 3D," ltl Colonel! It.ilph K. Twilchcll, prealdent of the at.itc expoaition i i.miiiiKKlun, t Hi: n.ornlng. Colonel Twitchell and h!" piilillclty ime-it, A. K. Kuchler, Jr. M't for 1' l.unae where they will appear before the Valencia county i oinmiaaioner, necking an eppropiia Hon for V'tlencla county a apeclal ex hibit ut tan lUego. They will re turn to AlliiUiieriiie thia evening. "We plan tu "how in motion pic lure the good mail cut liualuaiii how prenent In New Mexico and tu prove that thi atnte ia up to dale In road building matter," aild C o.iel Twllchell. "To thai end we wpnt to make a big a phowing on the film im luiaalole. W'j do not ex pect every automobile lo gu to the limil meeting In Hants t'e July 3", but we would like every automobile In thi city to ueaemMe for the atari and join in the parade through the i reel. A motion picture will be made of the aneemhlcd car, the trip throUKh the principal mrtg and the mart for Xanta Ke. Thla will give Albuiueriiie repreHentution not only In the motor and road ai-cllon, but will make g film howlrig of your entire cily which will be very valua ble aa uihertlHing. The detail ft! thia parade here are to be In charge of Mr. K. I lroe, aecretiiry of Ihej tute good rouda aaaocialinn, who I j going to ank every Albtiiiieriue auto mobile owner to join in thla parade. I The film will be worth a great deal to thi rlty. OUR I G m. in m 3 Vl I ) WW U 7 is now on. if you miss this you will miss something. Do not forget that Takes the Place of... COME EARLY and often. The greatest money-saving op portunity ever put on in the city of Albuquerque. THE MODEL Co. A. D. CAMPBELL, Manager. Mill: TKK MtrTION PIITI HI'H OP THK STVTK. Pllll KVP.NTS "We will have a motion picture operator In A littttfriiie during the entire week of the utile fair aid will take every event of Importance ot that ha any flavor of the plitur empte in II. Picture nlmi will be made of the exhiblia and I expeft to add neve ml hundred feet to out prize Vew- Mexico baby film, from the infant who will cnnioi in the fill a better b.ibv ehi.u. Thla Mute fair work, will be ahown il n ie reel nt tlie San IHegn cxponition ami will lie done very carefully a we expect It to be mii, of our chief attraction. ittitT srii:it ii s wn.n wit rontTii "I apent the Fourth ,f .Inly l,i Port Sumner, with our motion pic ture operator, and wa g,,t a gplendld aeriea uf film of the frontier duy porta In that town. The prokrum included racing, broncho bunting, roping and wa one nf the hem of It kind II ha aver been my good fortune to ge. It alau makee a mighty fine picture. I am glad to ate the aiate fair riunmlaion I going to empha'me the frontier day celebra tion. Thia aort of thing ia part, ol the iioiiihweat and will not only prove a Rirong fair attraction, but will :iiak miitlity good moving picture. IRON AVENUE DAMS CHECK THE RAINWATER "The ilnma on Iron avenue arc alill working." announced City Kn guieer Jainea X. liliidillng thin morn ing. Mr. liliuliliiiK referred to the Ihree tin ma built In the nrrnyo on Iron avenue lam full tu i het k aurface water trouiili-H aft'-r heavy ralna. The r.ilna of l.ial week were prevented from acting foollehly by the iI.iiiih. There wu koine il.niipiiem from rain water tluil duln't take the i-ourac to the dam, hut no major annoyance. METZINGER TAKES TUMBLE AND GETS SUMMONS TO COURT Hill Metxlnger, loclnlly renowned aa a motorcyc hat, will face Judga Craig In police court thla evening on a charge of apeeding. officer Charle Main aaya he caught Meiainger go ing about 3.1 mile an hour at Cen tral avenue and Second alreet yeler duy. Main wo directing truffle at the buay corner when Metxlnger hove in eight, riding north on S ml alreet- Main aiguullcd him to heave lo Juat aa he lornetl go up Central ave nue. Metxingei'a mount akidtled ami he obeyed the order to atop by diving over the ha ndlebara. lie waaii't hurt. Main told him to appear be fore the judge and Metxlngi r went hla way iMUIioualy. WATKIl TAX lil'fi AaI PAY AM. K AT OKI ICP. up WATKIl CO.. ill S. HKCOXP. Let the Herald want ud do your Work. Suits' lade to leasure EXTRA SPECIAL 11 DAYS OULY Beginning Wednesday, July 8th, we will make you a suit from any pattern of our Woolens for s. i I X-t ASK YOI It NI K.HHOII Hn many thouauml af women have been restored lo health hy l.ydia K Plnkhum'a Vegeluble Compound that there la hardly it neighborhood In any city, town or hamlet In this country wherein aome woman ha not found health in thia good old faahioiied root and herb remedy. If yuu are suffering from aoma woman ly III, why don't yuu try lit Remember this sak will close after Saturday, July 18 ' , . v DON'T MISS IT Our Mills have advised us to use this method as our advertisement to con vince the publio of the true worth of their lines of Woolens. Our financial loss is nothing as compared with the prestage we will gain. EVERY ONE will be thoroughly satisfied and will become one of our regular customers. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY. CAN YOU REALIZE ITT No one stands between us and our customers. No money tied up in manufac tured goods. No commission men to pay. We do business direct and can give you much better values than you can get in ready-made clothes. Answer this advertisement with your presence at our store, whether you come just to look or be measured you will be welcome. We have several hun dred samples to select from. t . ,i . National W oolem Mil! s 120 WEST CENTRAL AVE. T. 0. WINFREY, Manager