Newspaper Page Text
It Is Plain That the People of Albuquerque Wanted that Mesa Land, After AIL Til : not try flushing the towers along Central avenue t want ome Sunday evening band concerts in Robinson park. n cm S "V -v- -v mi iiitn wmin, Vnl. . No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JULY 10. 1914. THIS KVIMXO IIFKAM. n,. i. . ir, 4." ill WL to rr Vft Ti. rfo IT WE Mil READY FOR THE FI1L ASSAULT 01 BIT! Fall of Guadalajara Meant Im- mediate Converging of Three Constitutionalist Armies on San Louis Fotosi. SIXTH THOUSAND MEN JOIN IN MOVEMENT Huerta's Forces Expected to Make a Last Desperate Stand at Quaretaro, Ninety Miles from Capital. f H Iear-1 Wire In fCtenlnt Herald. 1 Kl I'ae... T k . July 10 Th l"''dy ' return of Vllln unity aouihward from 'hlhtiahtia City to icanme the campaign a mi l list Mi lli o "ily waa predicted hcra today following the l.rrii of advices from Totreon that III internal pcan' conference wu finally elided and a report of Ma Irnnaat liniii anon would he IHm lo ihr preaa With luadahij.iha In conatitullon atlst hmiili anil Kan 1." m I'otiwi he- ateged by the revolutionist. thiTe re. main only two or three polnla of il-' fenee for the federal between the tiHilonnl capital and the auuihcrn' edar of the tctritnry controlled hy the revolutionist. n the PHnt lien eial I'm Wl.i (ionxalc. with an army of :'o (mil men. holdg dominion from the horder lo Kan l.ula I'otosl, 21 hour by rail from Mexico I'lly. In the renter, llrneral Villa a divl ion cuiiiea the country from Jua rez to Agua. fallcotea. eighteen houra invd (tm lha -capital city of Mrlro. To the west iteueral Alvtrn nhre haa atran'hvd hla linr-a a far a iiiadiilujara. second large! 1 1 In the republic and within nil hour rule by mil to the icntral goal. ni e Sun l.ula I'otoal la captuied. the Ih lie military division of the i onstnutionnllt forces will inlivi IK'' on Mexico City, uccordiuaj to aiicr ti'ttiH iimde In Kl I'aan today by tioth Catrauiut mid Villa follower. When Ihia i inliinullon la elTertfil. Solum men will lr available for the move ment agalnat the ultimate goal. It wa predicted here I hut tin conccii t H t ti will take plate at IVI). llnlr of ItilHi.i Junto, and I IK hi hour lull, from Mexico City. Thla iolm la a Jim. tn n if the National Kullwav fiom iltia.l.ila Jala, Aguaa Calient1' and Sim Liik I'trlos! lufore the three armies arrive there, two or three atmiigly fortified towna held by ll ncrl. i In cluding i.uanalurilo and fiiluo. mual le i acl ureij. Kroin t'elaya, the meet ing point, the combined armlca would tune before them only one j lollineti cny l Ilia 1 itfuciciaro, m tnilea from Mexico I'lly anil the plave whale Duett, according lo general le I Iff. Intend to make lua luat aland ieneral "t'ligon haa udsiaed lien rial t'arranut that hla lrooii in tak Inn tluadalajaia captured fifteen Hoop llama and elMhl i-amioii imie goii ataleil wlao that ai-ven mavllilie guna. plenty of mica und rilln am munition and two tarloada uf camion amiiiiinilion wera alai'ioiied u Hie mi no .i amm t: t i ri:i ia l r ll KAI, TlllNtl'K TtlliAV i'altillo, ilei . July , Via luleilo. Tea , July 10. -liun) maa, una uf the III impoilant tea puna on the Mva Iran weai oaal, waa evaluated l teilerala toda, aiiordili to ailvlvt lo ileneral l'anana The eonatitutionalial coniinaiider Int eating (iua)inua .aa autlunuvd lu Kii-e lo an Mr,niaiiia until the fed era la nhould leava the illy by hoaia. the Itute being lo aavti properly of lion-roiiiiiatanta and unneieaaai alauifhier, (ieneral l'arranxi hag aulhorueit AKarado to eatuhliah a municipal goei nmrnt Immediately at Ouaymaa. It la underaluod the terina of ea 'Ua lion an.iounted hern In adtaiua ra lerday were earned out, liy whn h the American vraaela in the haroor guar anteed lha ariitlatira with a pio.niie alao lhal af'.cr It wa ivrr thv fed eral gunboat would not bombard tha newly telabliahed vunalltutionallat garrlaon. A tear addllloiial dclalla of the cap ture of UuadaUjara armed toda). (ieneral (lbre(on reliorted: "rnneernlnt th dinaater which he fell the column Mhlch aallled out ol Uuadalajara and which waa met b the forcva of (Ieneral l.uclo ilan.u, I repoit '.hey hat been entirely dla- perd. They made a ahametul light. Tha numuer of kll ed. It la lllipoaalhle to !llnalj. V a fought ter an na lou kllonielera. We are now engaging lha e altered (land which have flad lo lha mountain. All Ire federal artillery waa found ca,Urftl ever ba tounliy vuvcrtil by the batUc." lilregnn aald h mam certnlti hi nan Joieea, I lie extent of which at III unknown to him, would be amill, .beouuee of the feeble feilcriil realalama. He raid no piominent conMtltutlonnllKt ofllrera were killed Jr.SI N rAI!lll, l AMI lllltli H Mill I IUIXT Tamplco, Mel., Jul, a, via lairedo, Teltna, July In. (Ieneral Jcnila Cur ransn and alaff left here today for fan l.ula I'otoal followed by two mil itary train" being t,;,0 troopa. The railroad tracka were reported re Paired within .'" mile of Hun liii I'otoal. The 1'ilvani'e a mini of the conmilulionalielH. It In auiil, were al ready attacking feilcrtila In the auii urba of (he ii. With heavy flHlii ing around Han I. ma I'otuni alread In prnlire, It n eatlmaled here that I'll, oai! coiimiiiiilonnllHta ooii would make n coinlnn"d ullack. HTtMlY AT .!I..IH t V H A WlIT H.V llolllila. Arlx . July In - Satmlal -toiy (iincria In the eaay victory achieved Wednend.iy by coiialilutlon alll at iiladalajara, of Vic loriano llucrtu'a natlxr atate of Jil laco, were found tor!:i by conalllu llonallat aympalhlaera aloim Hip Hor de r. To an aaioiiiMhlna di-itree the.v pointed out that the world had been taken Into lonfiilcnic na to III'- fu ture campaign plan of the conBtiiu llomillaia, und they araerled that not one venture Ihu far ha reaulted n'Ser than bb predicted. They re called that, nxmy week ago when 'Ieneral Carranita alarted for I'M I'iih) and the eaat it wa openly ni.iied that a column of conKtltutiotialmta nnul'l niarill down the wet eoaal und pen etrate toward Mexico City through the province of Teplc with (luudala lara a an ' objective They admit that aa the Intention to take Maaatlan on the way, and Mitxatlai till aland" but ao beleagiicreil that II defenne Vy the federal la nothing tn worry about. An Important factor In the tnklnu of Uiladalajafii fro n the difplrlleil federal in the amount of :iiiinltlnt of war believed hele to have been laket. Thi alao. ( on.itutloiiaUl aid. wn almtily confirmation of an other advance notice that they wi.ulil arm themselve from U-l"llvd federal If need be. PAINLESS TOOTH PULING Dentists Attend Clinic at Ro chester in Which New Pain Deadening Gas is Successful ly Demonstrated. fit I nwl A"lre lo vveenma; l'erat-1 KucheHler. N. Y . July I" -r.xtiac-lloii and treatment of teeth without pain la the goal which American , ilcntlMn have allium! attained Tin" t, . .1 loilav III free clin-I c. being held In . ..mic tion with Ihe I annual convention IIHHIH iiition of ..... ii,,,.. .un ' "e llelllHl ex perl using mixlure of ga which deiidena pm" while leaving the patient wholly i onm-lou. lUSKEri I B1DITS F1EJVR HAND CIIPPCQQn uu EXPRESS TRil ON THE HHT Climbing on Train at Matson.Sixty Miles from St. Louis, They Covere Engine Crew, Force Train Crew to Uncouple Ex press Cars and After Blowing Both Doors from Express Safe, Escape with its Contents. Passengers not Molested (Mjr ts-wacxl Wlrti lo r.'lti llorald.1 Ht. Itula, July IU Twit niaaked bandit who held up the wem tioiiiiu "Katy flyer'1 un Ihe Mtaaourl. Kali an at Tegaa railroad near Mal"ii. Mo., alxty mile norlhweat of ft. I.oul. lael night, captuicti a Hack waker who ant prised them ira they Were robbing the Iriiin and look him away with them to prevent him apy Ing on their departure The Irani, which left St l.oui ul luat night lor Texa. alopped at Malaon. Mo., on the norih bank of Ihe Missouri liver, at 10:11. Th're the handita aie uppoiK'd In have hoarded the (lain. After the train had gone ahotl distance ft inn Malaon John einadley. Ihe engineer, heard a nolae Itvhind him. and. turning, looked down lh barrel uf two revolver. J "Me lold me In atop the Hum." aald Ihe vligineer. "and I alopped. Then they lold Ihe fireman to run back and uncouple the Ham between Ihe laal axpieaa car and tha Hint paa aenger ear." Th fireman did aa he waa mid and the bandlla forced the engineer to run the engine and expieaa cal to a point near Klondike on Ihe river lunik They enteied the American Kie car and forced the express meaaenger, J. (I. Nicholson, lo aland with hla fac, to the wall while they blvw both ilooli IrviU lb astfa. WUlla TEACHERS ANGERED BY WAR TALK Superintendent of Schools of Los Angeles Creates Stir ia Convention with Revolu tionary Utterances.' BRAND3 MOST TEACHERS AS SELFISH EO0TI3TS Declares Nine-Tenths of Our Immorality is Due to Dam age Done by Teachers to Boys and Oirls Before Reaching High School. (liy l-avd Vlr lu i:cnliig Herald. 1 tit. I'.iul, Minn., Jul Id. A lal'le- Kl. nil w.ia I ci euro iiotn it. ihi'm Ctarr Jordon today announcing hi Hi.eptanev of the preiddrncy of till National Kducaliotml aaaocmtion, which i in conv.iitlon Iteie. ilcoige Kdaat'd Mai'n..;i, I'avoti port, la., wan t ic. ted preMilcnt ol the ilc..irt.licnl of aeeondaiy eilii' a Hull. Mick Klinna J lice. Oakland. Cal. voe pteaident; Claude 1'. IlliaU. Itockford. Ill , acirelai). A bitter denunciation ol Ihe I'"'"' cut cIiihiI )Htcni ultcicd by Dr. J II, Krulici. BiipeririU'iulenl of lof Anaelca, Cal., ai hoola, cnu.eil a Ht and a, iiurm of unfavnrablf criticiHin by li number of delegate preaent at today' aeaalnn. "C.od bice the girl who reluae lo atudy algebra, n atuily which cauec many gltl to low their soul," wan one of lr. Francia' alatenieni. "Tlie average literature '' "el ha no aoiil and little brain," ho coa tinued. "It is a wicked waaie of a i hili! life I" cumi'cl hl'.n to atudy with her. "Mom of "ur teacher are aoliHtk. who ahoiild be aiholaia climb, hul- Ing behind the Word Voiim-ivbii.!!. alrald of any new method because U wnnlil aim their ignorance. "Prngrea. too. ia !. ki d i y I no ureal civic. reliKioiiH and polltlcl Hi lereula. "I would rather aend my child ll a teacher with a oul thai one wiib bt, tin whose onlv oblct la I" have the child reach the answer tn tin- back of the book linmortaltl v I . . . . inc-icin IIH '"" due lo damage none ny ica no, boy nnd girl before they rem h high echooU." "t'tilep certain ad JuatnientR are PULL OFF OF Ibis work wa going on l"' walker, said to be William ChrisH" pher, appeared The rnbbera lion tn oil they would take him pris oner. When the llain fimt alnpped at Ihe commniul of Ihe bandit the conductor, A. I.. Mm Id. und William I ibis, train all.llloi. got off to learn Ihe trouble. "We were greeicd with a liis.lla.le of shots'' said Mmbl. "and were told t.i alay In Ihe co.u hea We stayed lu. I thought I raw live ,,r mix inch but of thi I am not positive'' Tha engineer, the llreman und the explcM meeecntwr say there were only two rnhbeia. The bandit, made no effort In molest the iaaellgel 8. when they warned to keep their head. Inside the window The expiea meaaenger tefuaed t" riiscia the rohht-iy. waving that the rule of Ihe company enforced l lence en htm- Ho far as known noth ing wa taken 'kcepl the conteiila of Ihe expieaa safe. Mudd aald he aaw everal pice of Jewelry mi Ihe floor of Ihe ex ire car after the rubbery. The bandit are thought lo have crossed lha Missouri river near the e ne of the robbery and to have alarted aoiilh. Km 1 1 Ahniann. constable, wild the train clew lold hun tha handita car rled away aack weighing fifty OnRRfRY found. made In the educational nyi-icm, Ihe public achoola of Aincrna will luxe their hold In our rlv ilium w i und inn liniie tc ciixl only a a i mylng n ultiitlon,'' declared liami- "lOvery (lilld haa a niMit to ftce-l doin In the purauit ' f Inn ii.hiii iI ilc Velopmcm, free from luciiial, rcll alnill, political or fine in i.i cxi l.illn tmn oj Ihe pari of Iboec atrotiucf than hlmaclf," Mr I'ra'u i 'iniiiniicd. "(J a let (ipolllon of t'owriliil or ganixallona toward nnv cli.inae bail tug to greaicr nidi pcioli m e ot Ihiiuitbt or freeilom :ncnaclni difriciilllei' who would InntitUic in hoolM to meet I lie child." .:ie of tin ma Ihu-' evMcin ol a nicilK of the ARIZONA WILL 2E NAME OF THE NEXT NEW DREADNAUOKT li ImwhI Wlro u leonine Herald. 1 W.ihiiiiit'n. July l'l. Sctctinv li.inleln n ii it. i i ti i il l.alnv that Ihe latent f.olr new dt'ci'lliooL'litH bcKI'l ning vvtih No. X'i, wo'ild )c named Arizona. California. M iH.-ifM i i i nod Idaho. The hint two were named In order that the tii(c ol M imximoppI and Idaho might Hoi luxe their ahlpe I.eeiiiiHe of ihe rec nl Hail of two ha tt lenhi t lo ilrceie. With the newly nuind t.uitl, ftii.h I'Vciy "laie in the I nion tmw ha n lialtehiin named for it ex- i pt M.u v luiiil. Mont.uiii, Hoiith liak'd.i. Wuili inglon, W.'il Vimima. Coloiado. North Cnrolinu. New Mexico and Teli neaaee. In the future Ihe nimorcd criiincr 'alllornla will be known i the San l'le,o. The preaent i imgri w author lied the count ruction ol thi'e iliend noimbla N'unilier tliiity-inne iilready in under contruclion in the New York navy yard. I'I, no. for Ihe other llnee are nearly ready. If iii-iii E Millionaire Head of the Postal One of 23 Jurors. Daughter Writes Pathetic Letter to Imprisoned Mother. (fly Ixwar-d Wlr iu doming llerakl l Mine. .la. N. Y.. July l. -.Mr f-' ,. Coiiklin I'arman, linked up iu the NiiHtniu i ounly Jml here na the alleged iieaunKlll or Mia. Lolliae lllilliV. reeelved a letter Itolli her 1 2-yciir-old ilaughter Klizaliclh. who leHtllicil at the lait m-nrtiiu of the in. incut in un efi.rt to nt i eni;i lien an alibi tot her mother The letter read : ' lieir Mama: We nil think of you nlnayt.. I don't .pnte know wh von i an'l collie home If I tin n't nee viol verv aonn I'll write and m-k Mr I'et- tilt (Ihe Hheiilfi why you don't ' home. "Y'.ur lovnu dauuhter. "ril.l.MIKTll " Mr. ' ii ti 1. 1 ii will be airitigued for M.ind.. y. Ma. ka on I lie Jury. Kreepoit, N. V. Julv u - The name of Clarence H. M.c kav. prei.i- ilelil of the I'oxlil T''egla'lCalilc coit.pany, appeirh .tinong ihe Iweniy llllee men '..lie. I f..r the gland jntv which Will eoliKld. I eVldcll. e alt.llllhl Mm. Klotenee t 'at man. a eiite I in the itiitrdi-r ot Mr. IMHkc Hale'. KariociM, iner. h'.tiih contractor, leal eat. ite ngelitx mid KeVetll vve.illhv reaidenli- of Viirmiu county make up the remalniler. WTH VERA CRUZ FIRED Fred Boalt of Cleveland Press has Papers Revoked by Or der of Secretary of War for Sensational Stoma II) Leased Wire o K.enlnf Herald Washington. I'ly 1U.-S lary (iairiaoti has .'ed for Hie nisi tune the new ainiv regulation gov -ei ntiig war cot te-i'oiiili lit in the case of r reii in. ".. wti American'a brigade ai "s chart;... I with l oiial an.: untrue i 'l i I iart Is .n ll'l i I In I as a corte . field nrinv and writer with Ki.i Vela Cms lie eendtng out i-o d.epal. lit . Si-, i' rev oked hla cr d s.o n. lent Willi H ordered hi depoit ed Stale. Aa Hi- lion also involve. I tary liari'iNou has Hon of hi older I 'a I. Il ls has I. pp.. tion In the l'ml ispali lies III iies tiie tin v . St 'i v rtayi d the i XecU whiln Secretary tiniity for inve- ligation. At wa aald Hi. Hon 1 1 to hv i land, i 'hio, I' the Ar department ll . olti lal llcotd sh"W i. cie. .led lu the Ctevti I'css WimnI I'PU rre.lih-m r'Hii-well. Waahliiaion. Ju: la. Major Ocit eral Wood bade official tarewill to M A G KAY i . l EMBER C GRAND JURY CARMAN GAS FAKING I'teaident Wilaon t iday beloie leav- o ing lor tiovernoi taland to taselZ command of lht liepurtment uf the eaU TO DW CRIES UNITED STATES Excited Mexican Statesman Declares He has Proof of Plot by Which Roosevelt will Seize Northern Mexico SAYS PRESIDENT WILSON IS IN THE CONSPIRACY Moheno, Former Minister of Commerce Headed for New York to Expose the "Cnms of the Century" fll ietl Wire lo r.yeiiln; Herald.) Vi r.i Cm.. July I - ueri.l.i Mo heno, f.. inter Mexican iniiiietcr ol lolnlllel.e ail. I labor, belore depart ing toila, on I.. ..1,1 the KepiiKTie l"i t'uliit nnd the l ulled riiat-K. v ii iil.- n Iv criticised Ihe po:.''v lie I'mlcd Stiles I.'W.iiiIh Mee... As be nat lu the forward aaloon or the I'leinh liner. Senor Molicna I. on. .1 tlii.iuiM a port-hole toward the A nori. a rt II iu living in Vera Crux nnd i-li a ! hi fihl in rate. ill, HlKI-tcl llllt Ml W.IK i'l 11 HI 'til Ill 'li I" P iodine proeta that there i luteil a "Kent plliitorin" of ihe I'm greaaive pally III Hie I'liiled Htatea ol which Colonel Thiodoie i;...oicill waa i ogtiu.iiil. nnd in which he i .m eutred, looking to the ditil uiition of Mexico u id the a. utiotii'n ultimately oy Ihe I'liiled St ili-H of nil Ihe Iclli torv bet wee 'i 'he lit" lirande and Panama. He biimI that Fra' . o Kactidero, who waa mtnleter or Ionian rilalioiia lu VenilM lan.i Cal lali.a h i.lMnet, hi. lettera win. h to bi n are en. luin e evldcine of bin .illegal it -id de clared he ho pea to be able to ili.du.e thine lettelK at the proper time "And rioi only were ihe leitde. lb,. I'riisn amve parly pledged to .ii'H policy." be ml. led. "but politician ol both the Itepubllciu and I leino. ic partlCH promiicd their ae. n l Klll polt That Pre"!.!! Ill Wlleon bllli elf h.lll Mil.!-, ill' ed to thin l.l.UltollH collMpltaei In evi.l.n.ed I'y hit atti tude Inward Mexico. '"i a tangle Amen, a.i in nil Uu- hundred million ... I 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' I of tile Cnlleil Slalew call Kin. a nalisf e t.t v aiifWcr .. to w by Ihoae Hoops nr,- tip re ..ii t-hor.. In Vet . i I 'not " 'To allow tip I'lcud. ni Wilson's I I line aualllel Mexico - t be t reale-l -'i nations." Is ot Sell"! Mu ll Si. iles II. I'li.tii: oil 111' Mexc o and nsiiote diirlim I'll1 W as loo In the bo-Ion of mode the annollll.c.l oblecl hen..' nip to ihe I nn III I Hi. I here Hli III' r.yp'lllge lloiu I'll. in would n... no " Jtl II V IIH Vl I I illSllUI.!e -.1.1 he (i... line' high .i i (be rvi' .... la. I ii.t.l, i 111! Sclliilo Moh.-i . lso nun. unc-d PSUBLT,!, 1S, IlitSTED FOR DISCLOSURE OF yiLITlHT SECRETS Charles K. Field and Aviators Who Aided Him in Securint; Pictures of Fortifications at San Francisco, Published in Sunbtt Magazine, Taken Into Custody by United States Today Punishment May be Imprisonment or . Heavy Fine. (llf Wire in levelling iti'iabl ) Ml.i I I an !- ... J ll I V I II V il l al.l - tor the cditol I'l -I H ..I i k .t I. - Is I I'l. III 1 1" .11 set lll.t.l.l (..tin. r li s.. I. i.i i l Hie It I,, nil in club. Kol.eil .1 r'owhr. .in aviai.t. and li iv S i,. In m a phologi apliel. anil lillcv A. S. ott, a wnlel wire Issued lodav al Hie ropiest of John W I'I. -toll I I. it.. I Static atl'.lll.J I hele. 'Ihe bil.e against all fo il I" I Hie i.i irv re. lets and Ihe pemiltv I- I. ti imprison III! Ill or a I I" "'" I I"l "l ll dls- i I. is. He ll made ni. toad and oie vual or ii tl.otiu tine it made iii ill. rtct ed Hates. In April. '. sunset ' pu' d an alinlc clitllleil 'I'hii llle I 'a l 11, i Ci Hal lie i, stlove.l .. tl.e All Reproductions ol pilot .. graphs taken fiom an aernpUm und slewing some the fotlili. ullotiH or the I lie and of the fan Ki nin in.. Cri si. Ii.i accompanied the text As soon aa a tupy of, I ho nuii.l.i i' u mllyd lie .mi. i Mill ill m i oii.ik i Kplain. Hi th,. fan III. lime U" I 1. ' I l I . Itv Mil. .nub Inlci-i-lr it,. H.ll.l, he in. I I' 1-eo-..( ' h,. ". I I nr I'M -I'L liI II .1 ' . . . . i - in l he I " ef I I I V " II 111. I he ll'.t ; -1 t - 1 1 l li ,i l he Iiil li polite .1 , v V I .1. Iiv llti'i' iilelll'i'l mivi in i he n W I ' it heicil .i i nnv I'i II... I'll, of 1 lie ell" II III It i " I n ii 1 1 1 I nut ..ii v b ' it. I. ill all t be p. .In I ;uti .1 M it. . .n ...II Scii'.r M'l'i. ti i ,1.1 IV. I i.L'h'.' v ,l !i ' tie ii 'tl nit. ri -In VI I I I lei "I.. I 'I the 111 M lit r ti I" tlbr.l til. 111 I - . Hie ..' - (..,ver ll'IO M', a dire. Ii I I ll II 'I II- I.I I.V M, pol- M.ibrun li.ivi Nlichtet na n of (Ji'iienil i-i ii hi lon.ill.ii III' ..!. Veil her did S'en,,r II 11V ll'.Iie. i-H e.l I b i M e i i h" i. . i rt br. Il.lelt.i I.V llle . nl. I l., f".l We. I pea.-e. M'l.c lie let) i not l..hcn.i Ilie Mcxi'Mii a.t-tl, ii'1'i .ir In hivi. lie in bi ad nlr 'tlon of me fi ink iMlitlla li. iii! i. uu. paper Was il O dei i.i red 1.1,1, .let tile II,' -oiiihern revo t"t. thi- news I t es p. II. lei. I that '.II 1.1 ,1. tl llll-lllole Zapall I.I I t 1 man lie sitni'le In d.aii of inch nil-.Is a -id pali'iotu Ini piiNeH. til'boiiuh hi nti thuds w.-re sold wil l! tlal 'larotll apatil Would ni M l I i. I.I be ii's' lied, to any gov -etniuet',1 unless Hint government nulled fully lo his dent. mils tor the Kiltlellder Pi Hie lands ot Morelo to linn and his follovverii fie lidded that he had tin iloll'i 111" Vielel". of Ihe northern rev , dill lo-t' nrles would be aucceeded .ilniost Ini medialeli' iii. I onlv bv ii cont mil it ion of ihe Zapata revolt, but bv other re V. ills headed by disa ppoiii i ed auli- I chiefs of Carralixa himself. In bii denunciation of president Wilson. Seior Moheno resorted ! mu. h Hiireasm. chnraeteriKed him in "the puritan . resident,'' Moheno frankly admitted Hint armed Inter vention in Mexico flnall,' would conic He prenilscd lo reveal on bin arrival lu New York the exact method of the Killlliu of the late Preside it Ma. let" r.ti.l Vice President lllno Hiiarex "I will a. iv now Hint I an innfi lienl ( llncrtu had liolliinu to do with the assassination of these Inetl," be colli lulled "It wa a p.' till. );.le, a ll.l It wis Inevitnl'le that II should result I I il revolution which ill thinking Mexeana now con cede in have pr.icienlly triumphed." After the revolution he would re turn to Mexico whether peace was restored or not, he nd. and would ny., i n idav hi nan in the effort tn restore normal cuiiillilon lie would not admit that he proposed wurklyg for the nreatdeney of Mexico, hut other Mexican on board Ihe K't'iinae I. Id f i '.en. Is there was mi doubt that If the npportmilt v anise. Querldo Mo In mi would iinnoiiiice himself mh i candidate. In I . I Jtnut 'I Mexico ('IU. Jl.lV I.i I. ami. minister of ed for r'laiieo today a financial mlKsion. ii lMtice. In Vdofo dr fl'lance, depall- prcaii'tiutdy on A large number . ! Mexicans . said with I lie .ml Pri n' ll i Itixciit, tninsler tor Ktaiict will lllTcss' Washolll-'totl, II pot t t l olll Vcl . . tilling ,1 1 1 v S nil. The rale of '-' It Mi k inaa. July III. --The sok I Clitx for Ihe VVI'IH iv s a slight ll'i rease for nlllly and Ilia lines of Hie pr ding week in I ll'IIM'll tO 1 I". trouble Is steadily di i reusing nnd no fuiHnr iiii . malaria h.iv,. developed. ,lawnics- visit Washington'. Tomb. Jill. Ill M.I, "I l.ell- cinl of th. Japanese in my uenetai slial' a. ipanied by Ad .mini P. ,. Ki's and others of Hi i . I ., I,. ....I war ill l, a I III, tits. Will lilo. ii a i i. va'ln Sill'll '"r a Visll I" Mount Yrinoi toluol iov Ho- . m it ll. Ill i I I "pi. sled .r hi iv lb ; ll... tic ion t. .11. Ml laid llle pho Ion I ol I If 1' ,1 1 I ll,- I'I.e em, I . oilii. i rv vv i Mr I'i.. -i. .ii "I II. ink .litis. ..I i W .1 . no .1 I. i.i .1 the To III.'ll. Kb" is. not all I.I '..I a K ol k f"l II i icplad I ll'' ' ,HI- i i ll a n . r f iu w . .1 illcl i onlv pi. the ll.l t li n merit I tin, tcg'ilalio I.. I 'bidding 'b has a vv a V s Willi lb. I t i k no: ot I'll. apbs .1 k. . Vll'WS , . f . lelet Si in.-11'ln I. on i' I be p, I'm i r vv bl Hu l in ', I'd "l: llle ll L'l ess si I . ni; Mat h I. I 'i I I d Hie Ira i I.i 1 i Ii. so ll Is now .i slat llle lot .11. . puiiiuh I'll. I. .si i alp. I, w ti. I ).. r v lolal ion of a pi,, It civil.. in to lake nit. o any' otnpl. le ol ill pro I'.', Of Col! si tl ' llOtl ' Tile war .1. pal itgatds (lie enforcement ol lit, a law a absolute ly . "M iii' il and my nislt u'.llolix ie nij.liativ In Ihia i.icc." ll.l cn is POWER TD GALL Wl TO ARMS Ulster Unionists in First Meet ing of Provisional Govern ment Today Authorize Leader to Declare War. VOLUNTEERS IN EGYFT ARE CALLED HOME Belligerent Unionist Com mander Declares Time Has ome ta Force British Gov ernment to make up its mind (It? I ') Wire F.tetiln Herald 1 llelinst. Julv 10. The "provision al government formed by me i isier nil. nisi at its Ural meeting lodav ... ...i gave eir raiwiirn arson a in " to lake whatever action he iiutv think essary in culling the l'iler volun- teeis .o arm I ne men were u"- lurcd ready for tiiobil'X.itluii nt " uiouiciit a notice. Sir Kd ward III o apeei h declared that Ihe time had come : I' Ihe m -alisla of l ister to translate their word 'lilo uillon. H aald ome I must he doll" to compel th Hi iiis.Ii giiveinmcnt to make up in mind I'leler. lie concluded, waa unx- loua for peace nut wa nm going accept pegee with aiirrenuer. I M i ll Ol.l VTi:KHS Allr. i(M:.t.l.t-:i to nir;uM f.otiilon. July 1 a. A apodal dl imtch from Crtlro. Kgvpl. anya the Anitlo-l'.KVpluin membeia of the Pla ter voluiilcerg have received eauie grama culling tiiem back to Plater. I'l I.I. MII.IT .HV IHIMMW Kill Mil I ItWAItll IMIMIV H.llnst, Ireland. July HI r'ull military honoia were acconled hv the lister volunteer today lo Kir Kilwurd Carson. Ihe Irish liilonlsi leader, whet, he arrived with the ,! i:.ii. of Londonderry. V iscount I'asH'reagh. Walter H I. ring and nlher Ciilotiisi member of ..i'-li nient to attend Ihe meeting of the I Inter provisional government A guard of honor composed of I1"' armed volunteers and lifty aimed uioti'icvi Ic dispatch ndeia cs oit' d the leaders to the residence of c mi nim .lames C. Craig. Ihe inilllaiv letiiler. where ihev will remain for Week The lull lit loll of the plovl siotuil government have not been di- i loseil. llllt idle object of the meet ing Is Ihe arrangement of an imprea- sive celeluatlon lor Ihe l.'lll of JlllV or '( latigelliell I '." Ill order I" show Ihe gov eminent and Hie peo ple of Milium that "to .thing liiit Ihe absolute excluMoll of I'leler from the opciaiiotis of the Irish home rule l.ill will satisfv us.'' STAY ftT HOME IS OflOEfl Portland Gold M'ning Coinjia ny Issues Warning to Em ployes Against ths Use of Intoxicants. ly lsc, Win- to Kxcning lli-eal.l I c tad" mo ins. Julv 1" - The i' ill iid . iol.l Mining on. pa ll v , one ..f Hi,, l.iiaest mining . oiupai'i'-s tn Hie i 'l.ppe . leek dlsllet. bis Ish oil a vv. lining to ell.plov es asil.llsl (he I.Se id ll'lil'.rs It appeals II book "II the pi event .on of a It I.M'ls "a.xpctien.e b.i proven great many a.-eiiienis f. rv Irolu drinking ItltoX at ini; . v. i go to kiii k al ler li'l'.oi- arid if vou iii.isi drink home. a lltti" i.i. IPs that li . allse't ll l'l"l" d 1 III S. ' I. t..l at llllt' r Csioao mi I Mliipaigu I ml-. lli'llpeg. Mall. Jul- la - lintel pi. ' In il i auii'.iign In Abe h I'rogtet- sivcri optioslog the gov l'l IlllO'tll of S! Ki.'.iuiatl li bltll, st. mil oil a of pi ohibitioii. Initiative and r, let -cti.lum. and i "III pt.Uoi ' edui atioti. t tiiitii'taied in ad election lodav Kol'lin, who tiaa tM't n in office foi I ..r. )g auppuiied by the IwuiT iu lettxl, ' i Musi o i