Newspaper Page Text
TWO i MARCUS 1 "sAWTELLeI IOcnrral Contractor I Office &. Carpenter Shop I 211 West Gold I sllc llll k lir Sal. M ANOTHER DEATH OF BUBONIC PLAGUE m Third Death and Fjur Cacrs Reported Since Awful Dps euse Appeared in Gulf City. (Iljr lnml Wire In Trrn'.nS llTmlil. 'm i irl :inf, .luW id Another l.,.th Hum hnt'uiin playon was iin i.i.uin i ' I m I a v , linking ii l'tal nf I.. jr t n. S alnt liner ib-'ttlis h II' c ihe ..Ulil.ll, if III r-..Fi- III!' KM Jllll' i ' T'ln' litim l' .1, in a lU'WIu Itnv. w lm W;um fmiiul 1" ill Ins tK'iiii' n .lull ' and removed ill ll-l'lallull lnwi'llill l"l I'li.HllVa- I ii.ii CONCERTED ACTION AGAINST ANARCHY fly tHtii win to f-mimr liinM ) r h i'i lint, f mi , I ii :-, " - 'ti i I ' i i i.niMii ii ric tlfn m .it ttrf .( .!.-. t l hi M'l' , of .if dm . I, l 1 1 ,i' !u iii! in 1 !m i ifirii iv rti nli t. Ii- - i.f' -ii It fir A I .i ' I ( 1 it t r i ' 1 1 h m t in ri c r tin , ii ti;t i .i Mil t 4f I n h 'i rm he t ii ' n ' h 1 1' n ii 1 1 ii i 1 1 ri4 I Hi: i 1 ' 1 1 i 'I ' t I if i'.- i:iii nt i!i( Atitiii- Im.'i I ' I hi' t . i w i Ml i tii L w r " i I lie llt. (l 1 i Ihi- i hi- Ii iin m M if if ihr mr li -i nt I h. -It' it. lI'M I 11 f , V . f( ( "Tin H' ?in - nhiiMi'M.tri1 iii,ii tu i i m It iiiiir in," 'n mhIi nt i mi Mi n 1 i I i hi- t ' n '! ti.t- ' n .III .1 J I Ml ' UU 1 1 1 V i I j ' 1 1 1 ' I'! Ml 1" :i t . i r hi :i ' I i :i .( !i . I in " i ; M nrili.l l'lt li iioliiin i :iil IM"fl ill- I l ..ifi1 mi ll! .m l ,'1 tut- iii pi.!-- rivtil Inn ( i hi- -! if u f'lilrr ff thiin'- it tin ft i tt i i . 4nn)ttii.i t iit i. nii i : I . :tui 'I lr-i-i f"t t ho nrifiiin. -ii i. 'it tl. at runu-nt iin 1; m .1 n.. n t r. 1 1 tw1 1 1 1 tt f'r il l.itfj- it )n t'i, mm lime nfn k ut"?i all i-"Mr mm nt inn )ii niiix.' nLDUDUERQU Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Ill lT I I M I'Imiih' liny or li. ti I . ! "!rrl bmr,t Clothes F, Men's Suits at 25 Discount $ 11.25 This means lhat we are selling n ii ........ 'T. as follows: $15.00 Suits for $18.00 Suits for S 13.50 $20.00 Suits for $15,00 $22.50 Suits for $ 16.85 $25.00 Suits for $ UJ5 $30.00 Suits for $22.50 i All Boys' Suits 25 Discount $5.00 Suits now .... $3.75 $6.00 Suits now .... $4,50 $7.50 Suits now .... S5-65 Buy now, and save One-Fourth of original price. COMES TO FI101IT iD SIES MESA PHI TRACT FOB CITY As Result of Conferencs in Commercial Club Yesterday After noon Civic and Fraternal Organization Give Notes for $100 Each to Meet $800. Necessary ta Complete Albu- quernne s 11112 10 uiu Acres, notes win be tarried as Moral Obligation Apainst City Government. In i -1 1 - nf tin' iinlif iiriiHf Hi tin' ii, 1 1. urn ii, h! H pi r m it 1 I in t-n-I r . 1 1 li.iiil I iKHik niiv hi Iiuii, Iin 1 mi' liiml fur 1 iiiiili'litiK llilc tu (li- I I'l H 11 nf I 1 ill mi Ihi' ini'HH III.IIU i ! in A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ny aif.i In I ,, ( ,, 'iiiiiii. Hi,. ;iluall). iriiiori him l'i "li phi mI In I h iity; ihr I""!! :n - 'MMfV III Minil'k'lK ih- ily'K lltll' II IH ln-,., .n iill'll IU.(1 Wl )i) fiir. U.irtlMl In S.inl.l Ff ill 1. n,,. nl,,.,,. I.illllt In ,h, I. Mill " ill,. I),,, ! !' 1 I . II. 1 I i . ,,. , , I,,..,.,. k-i inuvl i.r i,iH 1. 1 ii. I,, r 1 1 1 1 1 iur- I'l.v,.- Tin iIiiii nun Ihr ..rrii-trs ,,r Ihr, 1 ' tin r. 1.1I 1 Mil, lii'i ji in, 1 ntn Hi' ' I H1.1I Ih, illy 1 11 11 111 11 hnd ilcli'l 'llllnil i I.. I-I thin In -til mil ,,f 1 hp 1 -i ikIh. II IiikI In- 1. iin- .nn tli. 11 mi' :n ii..ii w in hkrly in lip tnkpii Iii 1 hp' iiiy n Inii-rpnt. ami tin- dull ml-j Ili'K.Ml ll ll. l-H In II,,. I.,;,,) ,.rf, .ll' S unn r, ankitiK uh In thv i n k i mutiix' nf III,- I 1 ll'l Hllll 1,,,. ,1,,!,. ,, hi' 111 luM i.i in, 111 iiiiht 1,,. niMilr. Tin- mm- fn,r in,,Kini Hi,. Vm my ini iii rMinril hj, ih,. K,iprninriit x I' i"l .111 MuiMl.iy, .lulj 6. ;iu in rc l"iii,. t,, ih,. 1 In). ri'iiiiN 1,11 cx 11 iicli,. ,,r H'l,,. Ku,.n until ni'Xt M'.t'Liy. July 13. AlinllllT .ln- 'Mti'iy KiM-n lhi iiitinrll m m '., ' '.it Ii litriiniiiK I'lulli Hint mi ml '""'I'l ! Illn'll a 1 nllfiri'llri. nf 1)11 HI - iipki. nu n w in IicI.I ycHtPnl.iy nmrn- III If ill III. ll it ili'HM lllllli , in mi' ihf l.i iil fur ihr i( In ( nt III,, itnlil f, t.-M , ,,f hp i lty Kn M i ll Mi, nl. Hillrf w,ia ix.r.iil nt ihn' I i.iifi ri iii ,. that Itw vimi iniijurily nl .MIiUcinriim (ipoplf. wi-ii. nnxln'in II at ihr. I mil l.. .iiri, ami a Iin nn Hiin lirln f n Tinninm nf t Hi- Imiril ,.f iupitnrs nf lh I'nttinirfi' 1 I11I1 Wil li' Ll yihtinli nrtrriuiin ti ihuli linn,, I nifii.n, nn, r,.i'Mi-m;i-Hps nf all the Tlvl,- ami fmii-rnal m Inn, , tho , ily Thl, Hhrth-p-. thr Kil, ihp Wntimn'H inh. th' VniL-hiit .f Cyihi.iH. Ih, o,,l Kiln'M. ITi sh Ipi Ian amiarlii:ii anil nih 'T ,,1 iMnizatiuiis ,'rr r pr.'W-nlMl fiinl nricr lirirf liin' ii'-viiin ll w m ip Irrininpil In nek flKlu iirKinixa'.tnim in iv,. p.c h a mil' lur limi hih h iwiIph Iii he usml In m ihr IMMI rr HiIitiI tv thr k rrnmrnt and In lip rrip,l hy thp npprnl nrk-anl iiIuiib " 11 mural ,,l. lio n Inn iilmiiii.1 Hi,. rll rimr-nt. h'-p clm' ' in iiiuKp ' Ij ii payment, nniil rin Ii tinip ir ihin I r thp nrxi it irn pr'iini'iil nrr fit in nit-pt thp iihliKatlnti iii' inriil tt In Ten pounds of all soundQ f A j eating or cooking in apples vv llm. of hi-Pt nnalily ih-. .. f.V M llm. hpm ,1111,111)' lippt ."umr tl.fNI It llm. hint iuallty I "nip ai.lMl lrfrp iku. nf Nf Nutiiiiinl Oilt- inioi a.V' Kaiir) iinality laiinrd oH'rn , . . IIN' I, mil , ii i 1 1 1 y ItunHt Cnlfrr 'Jlli' ip ilnlity Himst Coffer ....... J.V- UTip 1111 1 1 1 y Hi ai I'nfrrp WpiIiIIiik llirakfn.n nr Itr.l Wulf Cnf-j fpe Sim- ' l nl , 11.1l II y I: mllMh Itrpakraiil Ti n nt i.v H bur" nf Arinnlir'a l.luhl Iiiiurp H'nil'. fur a.v' nil; nil inn .it Of im of our owim piiuib a frais 1 nun that U :infl apintUniK m flip Imnuiy. It ! ihr kwipI oilnr of kuikI hrrail, 1'unilni ly purr anil dri lilrilly hnlPKume. our Uriiul, KuIIh ami riMiiit are iiiu'h (oiictil nfur hy IIii.hp wlm ilrmaml riiimI hrrllil tor 1 h.'iii.. llm iiml fa mi Hih. It Ik marti ni Ih,. ,ry hmt m-lrrtrrl rimir full if I In. iiuiirifhiiiK purln of Ihr train. PIONEER BAKERY XIT HunU. I1M M. 2. iG. lUanljlnuut (fin. Monday's Special Larchmcnt Wilton Velvet Rugs 9x12 t Regular $15 to $47.50 value, Special $33.50 Cash Only Se: Show Window Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPPER Ihr ornaiilKat ionx in Ix-hali of pi oplp of A lliiiiiui r i'ir Mr ll lr rn ol Hi,, illy rnlii,, ll haf-,-olllr mini that Ihr ppnplr of MiiT'inr mid Ihr Iiiiniiipci, ImrrPKl" ihd not Mni Ihin land. Thr Kirnlns llrlald. afl.r a i.ilctul llniiiir.t. hli" imirndrd tlmt miip li nlhp of Ihum fninlllar with ihr matti-r did waul thr land Havrd fur IhP illy and that thi waiitrd It niiirh that it would lint h,. r! tllltU-il n nlli mil of (In tliy'K haniln. Thr rrMHin l Ihr Cnnimrrrlai luiis Invltntion fur (-oiM-railon frmil thu olhrr ! inlx,itlon van in hiaiiliinrotiH. thrlr olflirm and rrprr Hiilalirn agrriliiu iininpiliiilrly that I In land hum! Ir nurd Hiiil that IhP 01 uanixal ioim would ratify uilim ; that end. ll w in thr niunt entiyltn iliu ili'inunhlrul Inn that roiild hioe lirrn nlen, of thp wIkIiph f the pro- I'Ip Iii rPKird tu ihe prnprrtj. The Commrri rliih dirrcliirK. hy Kiiatiimuii yolr, uuv,. thr nolr of (he lull for ll"0 a Mil RUiiranlppd to pay the inlrrrnt on all thp mil en nt per rent, until urh tinip an they are tak en up. Officer of one of lh 'ra (irnal orRanlxnt m offrrrd to rnrry ihr entire elh note, thr eltih pay- lim Ihe Interpol. The offlrpm of the f:ik ratified Ihe nri Inn lnt iiiuhl and the Won, an i lu'i nl a peclal inipt In thl mnrnin took l iiilar art! Ilrv. Hukh A. -ooier. uprakini f the l'rpl teriun sanitarium, nuthor ixed one of the 1100 note for that Inniituflon at the meetitm yemerday al'rrnoon. The olhrr orkiinikalioiir reprmenied will hold upeilnl iiippI ihk Imtnt'difitrly to iomlete the r.ilifl, alln,, cif thp Indphtednr. Thr no will he piH tu thr Santa Ke land i'i:il't Monday, when palrnt will In ui' to the. ilty of Alliii'iiirniue. The ornanlxatliinH part I' Ipi, linn in I In- -linn expert the i lly Ruyrrninent in pay tins $11111 fur whirh they ha. v Klvrn thrlr note. The land a. Kranlrd to Aliiiniieriu by eppt liil m l ul cniiunn for park or othrr pur pose. Thu people e.Hiit the trim "t Hi,, ait of lOimrrss lomplied with and they want the land for llie pe"' I'lr of AllU'UrriUc. prrsrnt und lu lu r. The nutps. therefore, will he far tied n moral ohliKatin hkmiiisI (he t'lty lioM-rnmeiit uiilil sin h time as n hroHiler view of Ihr I'lty prpsrnl and future inlrresui In Ihr elty K"V irrimeni rrsult In the payment ol the note. ' r "v(i v k i ii si'i:ciii MCITIM. TO AI'IMtOVK NOTI-: The plan to suive Ihe tnrsl trart fur Alhunui nine wn approved hy Ih" Alhuiiieriiir Woman's i luli nt a spi -i tul merlini; held thl mnrnin; hi Ihr rluli Imlldln at 10 o'l-lm k. wilh a ronsldprahl.- iittrndanep of niem lirr. The rlub wnmrn were enlhus llUf In their iipprnval of the le taken yrslerdiy ufteriain lit the , i r.felelu-e ) thr l lu.l. and upon mmlon "f Mrs. V. II. Kent Ihr offlrrrH nf the club were anthor le.l to make n note for f 100 as Hip (lull's Hh.ire in the ls0 necessary to uinpli'i,. title to the land. Have you linnally hard ioihip of our stand Ihe w huld iheir e ny Imy who are exi'ep ,.n Iluv lhm Htout shoe. They will it kind of a'ausp and ' n. We have I hem 111 all l. i-lihi-r blaek or tn. C. M U D H OH PTol'.n, .ill West Central Ave. I'hnne I. Ited llarr.. Ill W. rnpper for flrst-rlnsii hack and aarrlage. W. L. Trln.: lo Co. j. A. SKINNER 1 Iced Strawberries I Native Peaches i I 3-lbs for 35c 1 Native Sweet Corn SOo a dozen Tomatoes are Fine Blue Flams New Shipment of Cantaloupes I. A. Skinner 205 S. First St. Phones CO and CI. .a.v . aia . iin' . . . lh . ..V lllc . . . . ." . IIM run t nice lat mackerel Almoin liratie .lulee, pints ... Armour's Crape Juice, iiuarl... 1 Tin Cups 3 lilass Til.nMcl Screen lnor Sprlims Kly Hwallers .V and diiu.ilc shel ls nf Tniialefoot . . . S plat site Funnels TiOc Kruoms . . Iinn't mis our Hhoe Hale you buy Bund iiiiiliv oxford and piimp al less than factory cost. Vcn' II 00 Tun Oxford rj.iWI Men' $30 1)1 ess Hhoe J. Ill Women" oxford SI. 00 and up ilrls' oxfords T.V and up Men' high Krnde Imported Worsted $.'0,00 and $22 r.0 Ktilts at.. IJ..M lleaullful line of patterns. Hoys' 1 ouhc-pii and Knee Overall' n to sire I.V. Mil' anil a.V Hi raw Hals al jour own price DOLDE'S Vol ll MIM, HI'V MOIIK t.OOIIf 111 . I.I Kill . I. SlO-313 Roath rVmnd 81 reel. Fliune or i RIGHT POLICY mrvipn LA uU li So Says Dr. Osuna, Who is Said to Reflect Views of Revolu tionary Leaders. Just Back From Torreon. President Wilson under sta-ul the Mexican eiluatlon thumuuhly. lu coiiisp has been wisely ehnseii, th American newspapers and thp puhiK should (Irmly aupport hi polu-y nl iinn-niterventlon. any lr. Hlmlo Osuna, who Is -oae to Ih., leaders tile constitutionalist muvrni, lit and is in a position to know what thrlr srii- linietils are. lr. Osuta ha iieen In Mexico two lis, relurniiiK I" re thl week. A Herald reporter talked with h'tn at hla office In Ihe HaincM buildlii Ihia mornln. Agitation fni llitcrvenllon la hein enaineered ny j si hemers with selfish niatcriiil anus. Iir. Osuna said. Venustlnnn Carratixn. first chief ol Ihe revolution. I " close friend ol Iir. Osuna Vila, too. Is a friend ol Dr. osuna. The different e U-twcc-i the two. Hr Osuna said today, bail been much exaiiKcrated. II w.i" i i mimed It Would be sclll.-d finall w II In ut leaviii scars of III (crime He knew the Inside of thp matter I r Osuna said. Iul was not al 1 1 1 -r nt tin time lo sla'e ! The troth would come out In a few days In an official report. Hut even supposuiK Villa and Cur ranxa rr,. not entirely hiionunix, il the diwtor said. It would md be a crushln blow to tho revolution, as American seemed to think. Villi was a ureal general, lr. Osu-vi said, but only one of the leader In the revolutionary army not the only one. Tho revolullon would on without him. !f iie'-esaa'-y He was a magnificent general, n brave aid pntrloiir leader, llr. Osit.ia said, out there were others in farranxa' i r:n le. There wa lleneral obfeun. commander of Ihe division of the northwest, for Instance a splendid ly equipped ynu-iii itian. He had con trol of Honor. Kliinloa, Teple anil Jallaco, four slates, and In none o, hla campaliin had he received as sistance ft "in the armies of ihe north, the cenlr or the northeast. Itprailse hi operations Were rloai to the bordtr mil hid been widelv reported in ihe newauper Anii-ri-can newspaper readers bsd l'eii led to believe that Villi was one rreal general of the constitutionalist lead ers, said !r. Osuna. ll was a mis taken Idea, and Villa himself real ised exaclly what hi punt inn was. said lr. Osuna. Villa had no ambi tion In he president or dictator. I Neither had Carnini.v The la Iter told him, lr Osuna wild, that he de sired merely the see the cuiistilil lional pniram eslablishrd In hi country, and lhat then hp wuuld lo rpady to retire to his estate and pla the part of f infinitums live a a plain privae cltixen. ready to come out only if his cuiiiuiry needed him lleneral Carranxu offered lr Osuna the post "t chief siimenn ol Ihe central division but (ho ductor del lined II. He told the supreme chief that if, at the expected bailie ul han Luia l'otosl, or at any other Juncture, hla service a a physician should be needed,' he would gludb serve In the emergency, uul he felt ' that hut practice here reuuiicd hlej alienlion and tould nut be abun-i doned for any extended scrvlc nil army suraeun. If ne went to ine front, Iir. tisuoa suld loili.y, It would be for not more Ihun a tew weeks. Or. Osuna was at Torreon ;no : Ihe time he apent In Mexico . He found properties of hi theie and at V.onlerey conllaculed by constitu tionalist order. but they were promptly restored tu him when he established hi Identity hetnre Ihe constitutionalist land commissioner The lulter are doing excellent work in Hie northern atateg. Dr. Osun.i A. LIST OF TO FOR MORRO ONLY That will Interest the keenest buyer DOORS OPEN 9 A. M. Toilet Soap A Lot of Odds and Ends, worth 3 for 25c Special 8 for 25c Huck Towels A special value at 20c each Saturday only, 2 for 25c Jelly Glasses, 25c dozen Carving Sets, worth 75c Special 49c set 50-piece Dinner Set English China, a $10.00 value Special $5.95 set Child's Sox, worth 25c and 35c Special 1 7c pair Ruffling v worth 35c and 50c yard Special 19c Apron Check Ginghams A regular 7c quality Special 4c yard All Wool Dress Goods Regular $1.25 and $1.50 value Special 69c yard In the Jewelry Dept. $3.50 Casseroles, Special one day only $1.39 $3,00 Ivory Brushes, Extra Special value at $1.49 Mi Wktre Quality Lleets Price I said.