Newspaper Page Text
TITE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. It, FRIDAY, JULY 10. 1914 Specials for Saturday, July 11th, from Every Department AT Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale WASH GOODS REMNANTS a whole countcr-full of good grade of Wash Goods, Q tmrA selling usually from 1 5c to 35c, Special Saturday yC yUlU 9c Infill Klik. Ill liM-tir will". makra It'" Ml lining tnmia, former prbv IMn-, while II iKHln 9 c yard M-lwii Uiilngn. nil color lint lilufk. trtlliie? regularly from .v to a.V, Hi jarl, 9 c yard 7-ln ttllrt, mimt all color, mir leg ular itfc kiadc. wlMU" It lanis. x-r jnrtl 9 c yard - in mi i ii ART DEPARTMENT Made up Linen and Linene Handkerchief and Slipper Bags with hand embroidery on each, special each 9c 82-Iih-Ii (.Ingham, book fold. S.I irtiMt-a lo wt1 frtn, regular I'i'j"' grad Qc yard Si-lm-h INf-feb", our rcB'.ilur li'fcc Kml In both tight anil dark It rounds Oc yard Cotton Min k lnwrt, In a iroml, very alawrbviil Qc each Hati alMint in tltis in all udora In md,1 from arIN In Ihi louisl way al I.V lltr anl. Hllnl Qc yard NOTION hl'M IAI.H Silk llrrw, MilcltK hUc t. S. 4. Ku Hal Oe pair SO-lmh Linen ra4i. a regular IJ',c grade, Snturiiny HMM'la Oe yard Ijacea, mii up 10 anil It )anla mi a IhiIi. Val anil Tim In in. M-llliut nally al 3 and 5o a yard, apralal fcaloriUiy. ht IhiIi Oc Meanly tie. inl up n a run I, vat-It al file a anl. (-'adiM-day lieilal. ln ihmU (or OC Hook, ami Kyi's. WltuM-nr lira ml, til Im-m, put up J iloyi'ii imi a i aril. Net unlay mi tnl. inula for Oe ln ,IM llalr lln tnhlnet, I he tiMial DM' alae. aMia fiir Kulu.iln ihii Ihi-h for Oe Kmc U htip, fur cleaning all klmlx ol white, leather mull a, bell, while kImn-, Hr., ftN-1al Oc box Ironing Wax. nMM'ial, deerw for Oc I'eurl IttiMoiM, all hImk anil a kihmI Iiiiiioii, nun in r pri-r fte a ikocii. kmi la I. 3 ilo'n for Oe Veiling ahon! 2l ii In wleet from, all color anil black, worth o IMk' yard. Nm-lal Oc yard J. yard pliii- Lingerie Valt Itllt Imhim, all colora, sMi lal Oc a piece MoiiM'it Neckwear, an nwnwieii lot. lo dose out ai Oc each lu ll for Women anil 4 lillitreu. an amortcit lnl. In clone out al Oc each Women's VeM. lceclcN. low ne k. laMi al mi k hiiiI arm lioti-N. a talne. at Oc each THE ECO NOMIST 4'hll.lren'a Mnlln liarr. all !. Miili Imih-IMi-Ii link. ,i'ilii Qc each l n' ll.nillli li il l.lm-n MiiiiiIUit 1 1 II I. -Ixn-IjiI 9c each Qc Wi'iiH'ii lli-m-llli lii'il I n9iil.rH llHiiitki'ri Irti'l, I I'r Jr a rfou-n klml. i Inl. J fur Qc .ni''i I.M- I'.Ijh k llmo. SnliiriMi Qc pair SHOE LACES Black Tubular 5-4 and G-4 Length, special n dozen Qc Qc Qc 8 5 Jrt RT x yJ TJ"". jtk. f u 11 x : 5 1 Baseball. Standing of the Clubi T!i avran Ho nut Inrlud to day' raaulta.) MaHtmal I rau. Willi. I .OKI. Nr Trk 41 I Illl'HKO -I ft. t.oulN 3" I'lm Innnll 30 riilluitrlohlH 3 'illaliurh M HriHiklyn 3- linnliiii, 3D 2H a s: 3 AnHiii!! laxiM. Won. ho'. I'hllnd.-I.hia 4 4 II iH-tlnit 44 31 llil.Mlti. 41 33 W UKliuiHlitn 40 S.' ht. I... nil 41 3 llurluii 3" N Vr i 4 4 Clvvt-luml , 25 4H l'rliral 1'aBlM'. Won. l.ot 'hlai 4 3H liiiiiiiaiiilla 3 31 Hufful 3 30 liulllmoro 3!i 34 Krunklyn 33 33 KiiiiMta I'uy 34 41 rittluric 3 M Luiiia :. 31 44 .l4 .r.2; .12" .i'.1 .4ir. .4Ti .471 4-' P.I .nr.7 .ir,4 .33 .r.i; .& 371 .342 P.t .tut . sr. .14'. .;.u; .MM) .4 2 .413 TODAY'S GAMES tilll'W. Jl I.V HI.. SAYS RATON GAVE VISITORS BIG WELCOME NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES TOMORROW Kailmial I iw. I'hllinl'lphlu ai ritubiirah. Iirni.klyn al t'ln liitiatl. Iii.aioii al t'hlcHKu. Nr York al HI. Liiula. AnHTK-an IflHui". Hrlroll at WBhlriKIn HI. t.ula at l'hiliiili-lhla. I'tiliaRu at NfW York. Clivrlaiiil al lloaton. I Wore I l4an. Kanaaa flly al HI. Louia. liiillnniiiolla at 1'hlrnnn. I'liixburgh at Hr.M.klyn KulTalu at llnlUmi.ra. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS N'alliNial l4ami. HI U.uIm, t; Nw York. , Hixili.n. 3; I'IiIiukii. I. HhilaUvliihla. I; -Ha1urh. 0. lir.M.klyn, ; Cliiclnniul. 4. Itilllliw. S; llraiiK. i. It. II. K. rhilaili-l.hia . i )J itnu & K ; I'lllxliurxh . ..0110 noil UD2 2 i HiiinTKx. V million nml )..i.ln; lliirvniin. Kiinilchtii r. Mc Arthur 11 ml FEDERAL LEAGUE Itnlfalo, O; llalilinorf. 4. It. II. K. riurTiilii oihi oon lino 0 : I . . . Out 11311 i"K 4 " 3 llultiTI" Hi-hniix. WoimIiiiuii ami Mlalr: Hurk ami It us' II. ltllHlHirtli. A; llrookljn. S. It. II. K. nilaliiirKh ...1011 tuo SllO & 0 M Hronklyn noli IMii 1 oil 3 n 2 lHllirlm: Knelm-r 11 11 (I llerry; J1111I. I'rti-ra anil l.nml. AMERICAN LEAGUE 4Wlanil. T: N'i'w York. I. Finn Kiiini' It. II. R. ricvrlHn.l ....100 11 lol 1 12 New York .. lino loo (ml 2 7 liiiilrrli': (IrrKK nn.1 u Ni-lll; War. )ii, i'l' h nn.l Nunuinakrr. WIllH' Mo. I; Iti'd Ko. 5. It II. K ChlrnH 010 nnu noo I M I Hun. .11 lino 041 oii -r. 7 1 KalH-rifn: Sn. II, jiihri ami Hi-halk; Johnnon. lii-illent ami Caily. llrowiiM, 4; KriiNlora, H. 11. If. F. Ht. I.ui. nun mo no3 4 II 3 WaahinKloil ..3411 o mix a li 0 Kullprlra: Taylor. Wptlnian. lliwh. Ivrrcna and Aant-w, ItiiinHr; Juhn aon, lluriter and Aliimnlih. (Icvrland, Nrw York. I. Horond Kunir: II. II. K- 'lcvflnnd oihi oon 0 1 o Xfw Y'ork 001 mix I I 1 llattrrira: liiiicrinnn, Hi-hlir and Hnnlr; Caldwell and Hweenry fulled on ari'uunt of duknena In Fair Manager Back from Trip to Retailers Convention. Rest of Local Delegation Visit Dawson, MiinuK.-r Tumi liinkeil i.f I he lii fnlr rilviimil IiikI iiikIii fr. iii Katun, where he went In Htlind Iho enliven Hi n nl the Iti lnll Meri IiiiiiIk' uhwi cIuIiiim. Haii.n, he wiyii. ituvn il vIhIIoih a riiyat rei't'iiiion uml a eore fullv iliiimeil iriitrutn pnlvrtuin nieul wui nilendidly euriied out. Hnlila Ke will rhimen tm the lueeHim .la. e id Ihe next . ..inrniinii The rent of Ihe A I liiiiiieniie dele In vlHitinc Ihe nin.lil 11.11 1 mini, at H11MH011, Ihe Itnlmi 1 Hli'l lulnint ill niinii.ltlee huvtiiK I'liinned a H..'.liil ln. 1.1 the iiml iuilii (or the l.elll f .1 nf Ihe lull. .In. Mr. Illnkert nay a I'm ir...l of n..H hern New Mix.1.1 iiei.ple me i'iiikiiik In Ihe alute lair Ihm vur. RcsdHy Overccme The Active Principle of a Famous kemedy Works Wonders. HDUG TOIIS AYSTHE Flrat Pro- Flrat Her- Anu-rii-au l4aKU4. Kelri.ll. ; rhlladelhlu, 1. a ma. Heirnll. 6; Philadelphia. S. i.nd lame. 1'hioign. : rionli'ii. 3. HI. I.oula, I; Wuhllili.n. . New York. 7; Cleveland. 4. time. New York. S; Cleveland, t. ond Mini. Fiwfnrnt I -arue. Chlrago, 4: lndlannxilli, I. liurrui... t; Pittaiiiimh. I. Kanaaa City, 4; Hi. Lou la. . Ilrooklyn, t; Itallimnre. 2. Iltwl IjMale Men lit-. Plltaburgh, July 10. Oily .lnnnlnl munklpal ordinance, taxation, farm vdui'allnn, aiib-dlvlBlun develoimenl and real ratal aaleamanahlp were among lh mibjerla diifuaaed today by tha National Aaaoelallon of Ileal batata Kxrhanaea In aaalon hara. It I ha Herald want ad du your work. the aUth. WESTERN LEAGUE. Icnver, 3; Otoalia, . It. II. F. Denver (10 J 1100 imio 3 t 0 Omuhn 200 101 ;x IU I lliult-rlen: Xainlmh and Hpahr; Hlylea and Croaliy. COUNTRY ROAD BOARD WANTS MONEY AND NOT SUBSTITUTES A. H. Daiimer. who ii nnmed hy the roil 11 1 y road board an rollei lor of the n.ud tn x for lull, la to renne Hi it friit i.mmlKiilon. Ijiki year the honrd pnld 10 2-3 per rent. John II. u i n. i h.ilriiuin of the ronnly rond board, hopes ihul people who do not intend to work mil the rou. I lax themxelveH will pay the lux Irmteiid of aiviiiK the money 10 work men who are 'not efllilent. I-ant year the roud foremen had In ret line to iii'i'ept l and 17-yeurod ttoya and Bomeilmea feeble old men who fluid no work. On other ixiimloim. too many workmen would report and hoi In one an.ither a way. and on her on ailnim too few men for the work to lie done luraed up. The money paid directly Into the hnn.U of the county road board meum, that every dollar will bt ex pended to th' bent Hilvaniawe; by that plan the ...mmiinlly aela the full benefit of every cent apenl on roud work. Mr. Heaven ami Jnniri F. Mullen, aupervlmir if the Manamio-Zuiii nu tltionl foreat, will ii oter the nirih the rounty la to Improve on the Tl Jcraa canyon road. The county ex pe'la t. atari improvlnit the road oon. COMMISSIONERS DEFER ACTION ON SAN DIEGO MATTER A (pedal meilltiii i.f the hoard of fount y eonimla"loner waa held al Ihe court tvune Dim afternoon when It. K. Twit. hi ll, prenldenl of Ihe Hun 1'ieg.i vxpoHltlon coiiiinlxeli.n, pre ented the need (or an approprlullon i.f 12.000 from'lhla rounty tor uae ' All the cheering refreshment -tK that tea ever brought to womankind it blended 4, ' ir 1 . in fid Many people hare a)aron1 tha way H. H. H. uverii.m.' nklu ir..ul.lo. The et plaanll.41 U Hie fur! Dial K H. K work In the,! ainl it. r I.i.mi n r'tlty a mM Inlrlraie and estra.irdlnarjt mt of arierl- and T. lai. Whrn you rome In reallre that the akla and the tt.'ih beneath are eoinHMKd uf a artwork uf liny ll..ud Teueli jvtt k.It lb uiyilery. Tliire are wondcrftil medli'lnal prnpenln In H. H. M. that follow the rmirae i.f '! IiIimmI atreaoia Jaai aa naturally aa Ihe ni.t tiaiiriahtiiji fHd el-menla. Il la really a remarkable remeilT. It rontali.a one luirr.'.lii'iii, t active puri". nf wlil. h la to ntliiitilaie Ihe ilu.a to Hi" lialthy pl'oii.n t Ita .wn aM.imal iimri ni.-nt. And Hie niilt.'lnal elent.-ma of Hum'tili'M I.I.M.d partner are Jimt aa eNa Hal lo well halan.ed I..0I1I1 aa Mm- uuirl 1 1... 11 el. m. BH of the in. ma, (raina. fat and aiiKara of oar ilaily food. Not one drop i.f mlnerala nr dmira la iiae.l In Ita ir.iarail..n Ak for H. K H. and lnnit up..n hailua It. And If you de aire aklllful a.lvl.e aud i-ounrl nH,n am matter cm-ernlnx ihe htiMHl and kln. wrrr l.i the Mimical I apartment. Mil.' Hie, liu- Co., r.'.'H Klft UI'lK . Atlanta. Ha. I ant allow anme aealoiia eierk'a lo quenee ever annieitilng "Juat aa tf.MMl" a H. H. a. In fm.l With the aiue ..'.I mineral i-warn vf all aul14i1tu.11. lualat upa H. M. (. In iliaplnyinn; rternalilln county a nd vanl.ixea at the Han l'lego fair. The board, after a. .me connlderullon, de cided t deier a Hon until the return nf ita rhalrimin, Alfred UriinBfelil, who la In Kurope. In the meantime the will aoiind public aentlmi-nt ua to Ihe uaire for the upproprinllon by Ihe people. MORTUARY , fiixirgi II. Thoniaa, Jr. nenrge II. Tli.r..-e. Jr.. ii year old, mm of former 'oiinolliiinn 1 lent re . Thou aa, died Wcdncldnv ntxlil at the Snma Fe hoapltul In Ij Junta. Ilia l.itli. r and hl wife, mi lilted of hla pie. urluiia rondlllon, left for tM Junta Wedneaday. Thev 1 .1 1 1,I 10 reach him before the end. Mr. TIioiiiiin ha. 1 lived In Im Junta fle nioniha. ua an employe In Ihe Santn Ke boima department going to I.u .lui ta he held ililTereut poaitioiiM In the Hanlo Ke at-rvi.e here. A two-year l I daughter ond eon five nioiitlia old, aa well aa hia wife, aurvlve him. The body will be brought, here t. night. Kunernl ar raiiKi'ineiiia ha.- not l been an nounced. The remains i f Mr. Thoniaa will be brought In Albuquerque tonight by hla father acd will be taken tu Ihe Htrong 1111. 1.i taking rooma. The runerul will ink.- place a. .me time Humlay the hour and other arninge nienla to be uiiiioiinced tomorrow. Mr. N, M. JeniMS The body of M'a. V. Ju. Jenne, who died several weeK ago In California, waa received al C. T. Frenih a under taking rooms teaterday. The re maina were accmupunled In Ihia city by Mr. Jenne'- daughter. Mrs. Kd Hale. Arrunueni. nta for the funeral will be completi.l today. Kanaaa 4 It). I; Cirftuiiuua, S. Score: It. II. F. Kansas City . . .1100 000 00 I 4 1 Coluinbua 0 10 30(1 vox 1 0 Ilatlerlea: lilt, hie and Uetorl, aV heubcig, LtvU "4 cfiuitb. CANAL WILL HOT HELP INLAND Santa Fe Traffic Manager Looks for Little Influence on Interior Conditions From Big Ditch. (SMial ftiapatrh to Tt'ft llerahl.) ShiiI.-i Fe. N .M.. July to F. H lloughlon, freight trnfllc manager of Ihe Santa Fe, who is visiting m rc, In an Interview given out today express es the belief that while the Panama canal will have tin Important Influ ent e on business uml truffle i-nntlN Hons In the it leu of both neu conxta It will have ttt effet t upon buai neaa or trnfflc 1 omlillona in the In terior. The railroads, an Id Mr. Houghton, Would bf. In belter shape, hiiNincHa if.nilii iotiH would Improve ami the countiv would be more piopcri.UH If the railroads could be mv.-ti the ad vance, In freight iiit's asked for. He lielliM'H 11 better frelitht late baslx will be ni.t'i'stary before there run be any permanent Improvement in general business comlltion Marriage IJt cne (irantiil. County Clera Walker toduv grant ed a riinrriiiKe license to Kilometio l( ibem and Joteln Havedru, both of AlrlM. o. A 30-.ent Herald Want Ail will get what you want. If yoc 'anl the purest of milk sherbets b e cream tel. phone I... ml. .11 a. poiie r.;. Prompt ileliv erv nml h Ik. heal iimilliv our stili-dartlH. Ihe llirabl want ml do your work. 3 Iced Strawberries Feaches, Fears, Grapes, Plums, Apples, Pie Cherries Cantaloupes, Watermelons st. W. 1 'ore : t. Paul Indiuniipolia llultc I lea: llilrket, tlosaet ton. K ; InillnnalMillH. I. It. II , . fun oon 1,110 4 II 0 no 0110 001 Is 3 4 Walker ami Cletm; , I.t-roy and Livings MIiiimiom, I- cb-vclaml S. Minneapolis . . . nun not 300 4 3 I 20 1 000 1 1 X 5 I.'. 2 Ilatlerlea. Hums. II. .gut , Lake and Hmllh: Covington uud Devogt. Green Corn, Green & Wax Beans, Okra, Bell Pepper, Green Chili, Squash, Cu cumbers, Tomatoes. Fresh Potatoes Chips in Packages MALOY'S Delicacies for Sunday Follow lug- arc Just a few ol the thing we liaie with Mlilcti lo upd your Kumlay laltp': Cnlir.Hiila Pl-ai lie-. CMlllorula PIiiiiii Nallti Pi-bi-Imw Niilltp i-ara IPil CiirrauU strawlH-rriitt rilling anil Ci'nklng- .pi's ami Wat wan l.n-n t orn T a W aliTtm lotu I aulalouiN-H Try our Ki'al I tram I T- for b inI um; ali lirungi Pck.N ami jN-ri,r lllcml. lliet liate ihi iiinl for a ImH wcaili er drink. Tip to Picnickers Ihhi'i f.agci thai tin' are lii-ailifiiart.'rH fur IuimIi inanla for yiHir Kumlay mil lug. hui-Ii aa I am y t'ra.-kitx of all kinds, 14mi-x, PIi-ih MealH. KwnlUHS,, tlllv'tb Ili-klt. He. lu your baxkiH a fi-v laiiiP-a ol Mall XuiriiM. A. J. MALOY New Shipment National Biscuit Co.'s Crackers and Cookies. Batavia Special Blend Tea for Ice Tea Club Brand Flour, the best that can be purchased "V Green and Ripe Olives in Hi bulk, bottle or can u 4J For Salads, Lobster Shrimp, Crab , Meat, Sal mon and Tuna Fish. One Phone Call Brings in All ! iExtral Special ) 50 Mens and jj ) Young Mens (j I Suits I W aV Formerly sold from $15.00 to $22.50 III . L III HAWKINS 109-111 North Second St. Phones 44 and 524 Mandell ACCOUNT ANNUAL CONVENTION AND REUNION of ELKvS To be held at Denver, Colo., July 1319th, there will be a special rate Albuquerque to Denver and return of $21.30. These tickets are on sale July 10th 11th and 12th, and are limited to return July 21 1914. Tickets must be used for continuous passage in both directions. P. J. JOHNSON. Aj?ent Cs "o