Newspaper Page Text
four The Evening Herald. I'll i t il Ly Till' I tlMMi III llll. IX-. :Klt'iK t. VAI.I.IANT, Manaf!ir II. H. HliMV'l Kdlmr f'uMi'hdl tiry ndrriiiic.n . l'i Suml.iy, nl 11 Si.rth Si':nl Mu i'l, A 1 1 i . i u -1 ! vi -, N, M. l'i.!i.i' n pi n)-" l.ia ?ni'T Hi Mm ,..Hi.ltli lit AII'II'IU' . A, umltT thr Arl nf Mat tii 3. i ;. nrn m 'tith lijr mail or rnirlr '" w. i U In i nttii r l " 1 1 iit Mir l"V inn il or r.irrlttr III iiImhi n ITi.l'U Telephones: rtimlnf'' i till, f . . 1 ; I t . i in 1 K.miiia. .IK Km i im. mi ri.wi T: n it I illlll IMimMI vi'tMII'. - m HAV'N'ii Ihcii Ui.iniily i mi. Id tin' i -1 mx i-l h mi r.iiiH'M iiii'I . "Uit ll llllili. ifii'll .i llli ! r. lll-'ili Ihi- lll- ti.ii-ln il vl ii' ! nil n li" i i.iiiiiiw fur i in ti'1' i rmiii'iit tin- iiiiiiiMiini i1 I. l :nllil lilt' M'I-imH' tl.l' t "11 Hi" Mian I.. i the cluinn ( .Mliuiiur iiui'. im-M'iit it ml fnturr. Kit- lli-ml-l urn Hy i tiiKlily iIi:imiI tmliiy thai, In ri'lt1, nl i'iir lt k nt hiii t t III i till' lilt IIU til"' alill Kt'llllflllftl till- lin.ll. till' llll-KU llUlt llllH lll'l'll Kilt I'll l.i tht -1 1 v. Tllf HlTultl bl" Jn-tfil in Mm inii'irttiin'r uf biivIiiK Hum unit unit tif itTfivliiig tilli- " l ! r Ihi- tthiilr itiiil wliilf ttlilf Vim yi'l tlm.-. Thnl tlm twllff ( lhi in a h pri i . r wii cuiK iiri oil III hy ti IIIMj"lll lf tlm llllPlllt'HH llllnr"tS til IIiik rliv iik ti'iinin.Miriiti'il lute y- frlt;iv lifli'll II ttllrll, fnlltit IIH u i . ii in i- it Iiiimiii hh ini'ii In thf Mini num. ripri-M-uiiiilwa of m-vcrul nl tin- i h li Mini fniti rtml ! an nlu tii.ny t,f Alliiiiiii'riir lni-1 with thf il i.M nf lh.' I i.inini n iiil tiuh, (iml I'lnh eiiiilrntinii liuriilliK to pm il h iii.ii for II"", t'il kly T MiU'il i hi- In ml- with w. In. Ii tu ny Ihi- iiiiiiul mini nf Is"" iiffMtitary t in rti'i I ml' I" Dm hunl; -Ahl' li Hum Hit- illy niiinril luiil nfuwil In ity. Tin- I'lniniiil flint in lira tahii iimn ncp llm illy rniiiirH. in fact, affrti t' hiivr lii't'll ulmiit I ho nnly luialiifas iiipii III AlliiiiiiT'nit who tint . lint iiKit-f with llm Ilrraltl nn Urn lmT iiiitf imt'i'iwity nf owning Hum trart t.t Inml. Kritnmit In thin city hy apt" t int art nf rullKrt'aa. Tin- iittittnlo nf the dnnilnafin nilinlH In tlm rlly rtiiinr'l thriiusli .ut this iin1f tnnttif I nut hi'i-n, to miy tlm last. tinitU A riimmltt i.f IniKlrii-HB itit-n. rUTt-npntliiK tfm I'liniiiii-n ml t luh uf Alliiniiirriim. np-pt-iiri-tl liffiirn Ihrin, vlmn It hrifiin In n..i'iir thnt thry hntl ni iIIhiiobI- II. hi in n.-iyp thr. In ml, nml muilf lirKuit riir'-riiliiliiinii ntmut th lin j.i.ltiinro or tiniiltiB tht tlfUl. ThP i nunrll iiniiiilniiiiiHly piimipil h rfl" liini to J.iiy the I""'! tipri-imiry to K' t Il jiHtrnt. Tho Wii-iIh "urnl ilrnw narnint fur nanm" irc tnnltt' il frmn lh ri-Hiil'illnn. Tin contriillliiK lirnlim In tho toiinril lpi'i-il hrhlnil thin citnlnfinn Hint. IhrmiKh nim pri-tixt r nnmliiT, fnilnl to ortlt-r Hint r iniit ilrnwn until thf Slh tif July hn.l I'iihm-i1. unit hut f..r thf linirly mil"" .f th'' iiri'Hl'liMit nf tho C.'iniimrt Inl rlnli the i Hy'" tiuht to tlm Imi'l v.nilij h.typ infii Iiihi. It i finiril hy thf uliitr.niii'ii Ihut tin- t'i ill. In t lin .f Hit- nt t thut B l.,n.i.i.iii'iiiriit ri'iilil hi' hntl hy wltiiin t 'lniun iMiimi Ki riifU'Hi; mi'l. hi n tli iv .rnnil liniiiiil.f. Hint thr Kitnl kiimi'I worth " unuy. u.jU llml i.,l....y wmitril It thnt Ihu tit toiililn't iiKe It for ii-n ytnin ! ii.iit. miml yon that It w.'iil'l hf l.p IiiiihovimI liniiii'illuii ly l"r i.irk . v inn tin n't "'"I bo iUIii- tlllit a i .KIT Blol't! Illilllill rnlll.l t liavt iniNUiuli'lot I It liiiiKiuiKr, thr :.KiU i I bp UHfil l"i i...ik t'U "T.y n rfri.n: rur- IK." ' t ' l II nj'i'pnm thf 'It JT C" mf tl u tit hi: in. hoiy . I'liin to lint wuntt-J I., hol.l U. h. Imnl f-r Alhii'iuTtiue i . .t Ihn 'i.iiiini n clah, tt'f Mn. ii. Mm l lltt. Mm Mivnii nl nt u ilo.ii i.ihir ijtic iinJ fiatir oiKiinli'itii.iiN, riiirepilliiH lln ir ini'ii l.i ihii iiln.iit nlnt-ty prr iniit of thr tniimvltiK titUpnp t.f Al- ...ii( nim-. Tlm fpi'llng iimlouhti'illy v.o. liehliiJ tlm t nunrll. Thf only uy tlm fly tnumll n III. I. Milt Mm f.ty nf AlhUilllTill fioin nvMilnfC thlit viiluuhln trnrt nt . in. I fur It rillm'nn ui.J Ihi'ir ihll lnn Im o ttfiiMf to uritiit a pulfiit In lh nanif nf tht ny. It if lianllv to l.p liflipypil Mint limy will tarry tlmlr (..".ili' n The Mly, how. t r will hf on., iimriilly til.tiiintnl for the t" whli h thf title uinl fu trrnul urn inumtioii h.ivp nt u nrr iiiinly and m n.lviiin p .1. In urilfr thnt thin html may Im nine thf j.r...friy t.f tht liul I'toi'lp. In-i-Hil tif ImmiinK Into prlvntp httntlt M'u.vpnturtj to nUKK'ft. although without nun It hi. of Mm mmgftlon lifiii hfinlftl. that If thp nit m l.ri t.f the til) couiirll who liii.-ptj the pulillr-.liitfa oritJiilu lii.m t.f Alluiupriuii to lukt anion whl. h It wai thp count ll' .luln lu to liikp. will Imiuira urounj a lililt thty will IinJ that iUbllc BvntliiM-nl In All.u.inrUe la pratilfally I5t'nl ti.oua in tta oplnlun lhal thla uk lv II, it I. ) II, . ..Iloiilil 1.1 II filtl. It'll to thp littflirilltH- t;"H mhali'iiK it I'i'l if iimkly it p oil m.i'io i'i ,-li .1 iil :iiv friiini'iit inn r.iki- iiiii tlmr tlm hit lu linii.H Hill of lini. IniiK no ronf nli in p thnt the iimrn w ill lunkf hi y linpiliy i.h in I'tilili' hi nliiiii'iil. In fact ttmrr it :l ...Alliif l.i'ln-f t .11 r 1 il V K"t Minii-nl -,in i it rftlni Into ofll' p lliri'p itionlh niTn linn Ih-i n too nt-l.-rl i ii itr"H"t-il In thp innnly Iniloor ii"l I . f II l.i k i II K l.irtK in liu lf, nnil llu- I w o I.iiIioiiii nl flli'h ntlirr. I' li'.iii. ii ri I It i ti k nl... iii iml.lir in'tiil inrni, .us (fi. r- iiiiiii'iit or anihlna ri... iimoIp Irom an a, i oin.liihi'.l l.i hi il of .i'nttiii .olii i n Mnyi.r lloiitiii'hl Mintii.u.iir-hi'.l Mm i iVn of hi inlii'.iiiHlriitl'.i. by a pprirp of unfurl unntp Itlnnilrrp- Hi- llrl.MlH.I ill lllp iffoll l.i (lilt in ton" hiia in . iiiini'. for ..(Hi p. Hut nflir i In fithi w.m ..ur mnl ihr nmtor wrm .lvfi.iit"l( thp rui-iiN of AMiuiiii-ri iii.ily ol lfipii In miy " i -..nil iirr. rim .f I'll m nn.llin! t'l-lvti'i-u t hi- innvoi .iinl ini-iiilif i m of llm roiinril. 'liip iroi.' ilu not want I'I'ThoiiiiI iliftt ri in i nnil iirnnul iollliiB 11 b till' I'iir I ' 1 1 1 ' Il I nf i( iiiliiiiiiiBlrniioii. Tiny iiioiIIp fol A llni'iimi'.jiir. Wli) in i hp I. nlllr nf ulilrr ii.nllir lllKtllty IB tllrlP liol I MHI III till- illy tri'HBiir) I'.iiiint onp ilniiiuKo puit Iii.IkiiiiiiI ..r $.'" mirt-ly hint not iilirrly runi"il Ihi lin.nn ml utaiullui! of t Ii in . oiuitiiiiiiiy A nl thf my mi nt ol that JiolKiiii HI ir thp only IMlBlliNP II' tlo II till' ilPBPtll tlty Ro- pinini'iit Iiiin Inkpii. Komi, hull or In .1 1 n ii I'll t. Thf iiBt nf tin- limp, iii .nirlitl. Ii.ih hprn ilpvotPtl on hup buJp to nl'iiwltm thp mnyor how rriilly ii n I in i.r I !i ii t hp Ib, nnil on the ollmr to nn fflnil to iKIiori' thp rliv i oiin- il. W'o hi lit til uml pit ill l.fllpyp that the mum I! w riKht whin it l.l.n K-.l the mnyor In hla fooliiMi pnoit to ubp lu Kfl hla nii'tiintfia Int.. "f llro. Hut Hint Inrulflll Ib t loni il Thpre In lio rpimuti why It. or tlm fi'i'llii II eim-ntlfreii h mill Iiiiiobp upon Mil tity two full yt-nrg of in nitinty, or Iriaiilnlty ur uaBlninily Iji thp iiiuniiiuitl Knyrrninf nt. For tlm ftrat time In )i'hm AIIiu iiiitiup 'Poilp aro tlrnlptl Suniluy pypnlnn lmnl coiirerta In thp park. I'rpauiiiably the city government I" too poor to nffortl thi-m. Vft thin rity thlit ypar la vulupd for tiiiililltif a ml Krouinl alone at the tidy auni of I rii million ilollnra. We ounhl to ho nlilp to arfortl fluO a nionlh for tht) piihllt' pIPiiBiirp. Why are we ton poor to offnrd haml ront'erta? Our iiiunh ipnl liu tuno la blKKtr thun ever Leiore from tnia thm. We arv not huilUlnK any tri'tta, or muklng any municipal lm irnfiiif iiib or doiiiK any otht-r ubp I ul thinK not tine. U thu t.'.!"n JiiiIkhipiiI im Id Nnk Mi-ti to be our ofll.liil muiiiripal ait? We do not iIibIip to he thought fiiult-tlniliiiK with our tiiy iiovern mi'iit. Hut we do believe that If lit rrimjiiitii'iil partB Woiiltl ipiit mukliiK f m i b ul t in h uihiT mi'l rollliiK llm pfiiniit arouiul the room it would have more time to find out what the pt'iiple nrp and auyiiiK, mid that everybody emme rind would 1" belter BiitlBfled. If we iiuim hae peanut wr ran Krow thfin nn thu meiut truvt. We own lt- bpH'p t.f Huh an ormniiiiiioii h.m in i n a blank In our n iul i"i.i.iupiil. lie 1 1 . in P HI,, a.tll.tli'B will l.p it w hiilPBome. uplifimK luflu in p. i'iir illy will be a better pine In In e In. f..r all of iib, uernunc of Hip oiK.iiii.ition. j Thp linn wIoiib (rowlh nf thp na-' tioni.l nn. I .nl" Mint lonnl nrK. illini um, of in- Voiiiik Mi-n' liirlBiian Am. ii Im Inn ib thp unreal, moBt run-j 1 In. inn . nl. in p uf Ita uef uIiii bs. It him nn. Ii. il out nil ni r Hip i lvlliz. tl world and into pailB of Mm Worbl not wholly rl iliri'd. Ami p it yu hire It , h'i found fn,.iho!il ii Iul ho nr.' ha I Ini'ii iinini'ill.ili'ly nliiiiiiK nml ion . hi rui live. I Wr need thin InM It ill mn In mir ( hiialnean: and eai h of u nrrordliia to i.'ir men iK ran iiffonl to le Vpry ai'imrotiw w hi'ii thp time rnmpB In i "in i Iiik t.i ita iBti l.liflimf nt there and In Im i'ton' miiinli'liitlire. , COLOC IJ l.y llm k J ' Beound lldille. Sa The Land of Broken Promises A Stirring Story of tha Mexican Revolution DANE COOLIDGE M j "rti rifiirti. r,-M." "mm Waai, la luleaa." taa UlutrmtiHu hOH J.LAVIN ICotiynalu, bit, by rrau A. Mini yj ( oiitlnui'd from Yt-Merilny.) WII. I. TIM" Hi ii ill A Ht.K i-otiii-t il 1. 1. 1, it in Hip uy l..ik Kitlill.u a li'iill'l for tile t lit '.' - o - Oil. Ilaten to Mn- bind: Ii. Hin t 1 1 h mil"!.' uriiul; I'l.iyiiia "in m ih,. puik; iee, ain't this .I l.n;t. Waki it i iln-iiiiniK liltikr' Imn't you know .ir i it.v'a btokp'.' Atu r n n n. I Nil k tli iii uot hia t'lly tin In wilit iuiI of bin And I he only MiiBii Ihut Wf ael a A iTniik M'W IIAVr.N BtiN-k toiind ii lit w low level yi-Bteriluy. t li ner' I im i r. '-... n w im Hint It had n 1 1 .ly m.iie It Till: V. M. '. A. IN Tllli meftiiig of mure thun Blxty inii'tPBteil, eitrimat buaineaa men , I.. lh. I'.. an ml i lull vi.t.ter. day iiioininu theie waa en eiilhiia' uhih uf the "li.l vnrii'ty nit aliB ertatn inn m fur the often talked nf nnd up in thin time tin often d1'- : firreil Voung Men I'hrialluu Asbu rluMon i.rKaniitntlon and home in Al huiiieriiio. Ab Hip vlmtlnit act retary of the Y. M. f. A. put It. when that number nf IiubIiii'Bb men are will'" tu hit ve their hiiBimaa fur an k"Ur and Im If of buay tnurnlnf and b ud a hand, the ruuae at Hake II In pretty yood thane. Tlm ttcllvo tan.pnlnii for the ITC.ooii or mora whiih will be n"ea ary to bullj and t'iulp tl'-i bunding and Inunrh the orKiiil'ntlon will he left, wisely, until co"l weather In No vemht r; until after the itate fair, the flet-tlnn and i.ther diBtractlona are j nut of the way and when the :iin furneat Bl'lrit nmiiifi Ht at tha tiuh I yeaterduy ran be binuaht to bear. I Hurrean In aure. With Mr. I'utney'al Kent rou, fcitt of llti.OdU a a foiintlu-J t on iiu trouble ahntild he expert inrfd, and we fed certnln none will l. i ierinreil In reallxlnx 1 1"" enor. ' moUBly valuable addltinn to the aoiinl t.Ulpnient of Albii'iuf rtiie The Y. M. . A. i.ritanlx.iliiui la one in wbiih every father of a con la Round to he perBon.illy and ttirertly and keenly Inlereated. We have etuha for men. hiiBlne and aoclul, whirh nerve their iorioaea well. Hut we have no home ( late fur huya: th Vounf felluwi Juat enterlnl young manhiMid. The value nf the Y. M. C. A. home to I heap young fellowa, with ita avmniiBlum, Ita cwiminlng pool, Ma bowling all.-ya. billiard tablea. Ita reading rooma and Ita aurrouudlng Inlluenrea; tha value of all theae la ..i.i!y beyond tatlniate. It la a value every man with eon under, atanda. Tha Y. M C. A builditia will he nn oiiiaiuvut lu The b- Helena. o TH K I; K MIST have been ome Btii'iiuuua let:i..'itve BeBBioiia iib.iu; t no i,. at i IN' NKW MXIl'ti'S pnlmli Bt d iy the limit waa one paa a Week per If Kialntor, O KVKV AT THAT the hoyi Wore n iIppii Kroove In Hip rlijht hand ul.i Ir Way In IhP ralure hotel. a TIHWK wire Intleeil palmy il.-iyn, whpn the heiKhth of every 111111111 11 :n liltlon waa to be hoK-tied to thf aoulleaa corroratlon. 'AXXIfil's lNyllltEIt: No. we do not know whflher It. I.. Harn la 1 a eninlnliilp for npeitker of the imt Iiouhp or not. No. we do not think hp In thp dark horse tlm alalid-pnt m.uiiinr haa behind thf ateam mllur. till, TK.t, we miBht nn well any It too. Mr. Ford ran afford to talk proa pei Hy. Fnmvn J.WlS niti to Know who 1 ,ti t the fKo In KlfeKo. That' euBV. The real problem la. who'a g lliK to take It out uf Klft-rco. Till' .Hi:tTAi.K of the prealdeni of Mm water aiipply company nim'k in Mn miildlc of a flooded rHer l Ulli'lUP. HF.T he put a meter on It, TIIR COUNT! U at hi "h't Oeoriie do It." ANT) nEOROE wna there with ine goo da. f'OMPAl'IKi 1N8 an to dt livery of the Ki.oiU would h odioun. O Till-: cnUN'C'll. mlcht looaen up nnd areml that $ It aaved nn tha iipbii l.'iud on a few hand concert" in Kohi-iBnn park. Tn.FF.'ln Iniimntea to the ft. O. ! hnyK that any t ri. k whl h ellinln- niin him miiBt be not only neat mil nifty. ELIMINATION aecme to he the primip.'il oiftiputlnn In TCepublU'.'tn irtie In our fair atate. POME TWKN1 aeek elimination nnd Borne have diminution Ihrunt upon them. PANTiOVAT. counly rriurrrBBlvea derlare aomehndy lied about Hum What'll the huya anv when aomebody U-lla tho truth about them. TtR'FR niT.U nothln. he ain't anyln" SAGE TEA PUTS LIFE (ID COLOR I HI lkm't May .ra! It lnrkeiia hti .Nalurnlly 'liial Nolaaly fail Tell. You ran turn ray. faded hair beautifully dark nnJ almost mir niaht If you'll net a f.o cent bot tle of ' Wyeih a HuKe and Hulphur llnlr Iteitifdy" nt any drug ntore. Millio-iB or b.ittle, (lf thin old. tniiioua M.ive Tea recipe are aobl aiiiiii.tlly. na a well-known druKiiat, here, be tu u kp it d.irkena the hulr 0 natural ly and evenly thut no one ran nil It hua been appllPd. Th..p whoae hair la turfllpir tr.iy. becnnilng failpd. dry, atrniitly and thin have a nurpriae awaiting them, bpcaunp after tine or two minima tloni the gray hair v.tnlrhei nnd your lot ka bet nine luxuriu nl ly dark and lieuutlful all damlrulf goea, aoulp In hlng and falling hair n'oia. Tula It the age nf yuuih. Gray. haired, felkn aren't wanted around, a.i get buay wnh Wyeth'a Hnge and Hulphur lonlnht and youi ba d.'"p'J a'Ht your dark, hundaomr hair and your yiMJlh ful apjiraat;e within m few tla Tlie inixarsRion of tlm town; tha' nrnia of tlm ilefi'iitl. in. food, t lullilng ! and hnriica to ride- none of theae ' would antlafy them They wot 1 Id do-; mund the rii h Kpanlah lamlownrra tti ' be held for ranaoin, the women find ' nf all. And of all Hiohh women hud-' died up In tho Cuba grande not one1 would bring a bigger ruiutnm than Cm cia Arngon. 't Ilinl ptiiidcrrd Upon the oti'rnme na the etnlHaarlea w ratiKlrd oil the hill- ( (Ido, and then he went bark to tho rorrnl to make aure that hla Imrso waa' nfi!. Copper II11M0111. too, might baj j held for rnnrom. Hut, knowing llm rebela aa he did. 1 linker foreaaw a' diffeieiit fate, and ratlmr than nee him 1 becoine the muuiit of i-omn rebel ctllnf taip ho had di-termiurd. If the loan aurrettdercd, to make a daub.. Riding by night and hiding; tn the lillla by duy ho could to tha border In two duy. All he needed waa a llttlo' Jerked beef for the trip and be would1 be ready for uuylhlng. I So he hurried down to the hotel' again and wua Juat making a aack of food fast to hla aitddlo when ha heard! a nolae behind him uu turned to fare ' Aragnn. For two dnya the onco- j haughty !nn nprhinn had flunk about like a alrk cat, but now he wua headed for Uraclu'a big roun, and the look In his cyi-a betrayed hla purpoae. W'hcre you going V demanded (Ilookor In EngllbU, and at the gruff, challenge tho Spaniard atopped In his .track. Tha old. hunted look came back into hla eyca, be aecmed to ahrtnk before the atom gase of thai Texan, and, an tho memory of hla paat tniadeeda came over hint, bo turned a U to flea. I Hut there waa gmlle, an amuaed , and tolerant auilrk, about the Anmrl-1 can's ninuth, and uvea tor that bxjk 1 of understanding the harried hnclcn l dudo Reciticd to thank hint. He wasj brokeu now, thrown down from bli pudental of arrogance nnd conceit, and aa Hooker did not offer to shoot him. at sight he turned back to him like a ' lost dug thut art kt but a kind word ' Hud knew thut Arngon wan entirely at hla mercy, that fear had clutched tho curt) arrogant Spaniard hy th ' throat, and It waa almost worth tht' anxiety he felt for Mi Ik man's daugh j ter to see, the futher cowed. A rat; on crawled closer to Hud as If fur the protection he could not get from hit : own people. I "Ah, senor!" h whined, ":"ur par don! What?" aa ho sighted the sack ef moat "you are going, tool All, mg of Influence wttn nun, ami "Haataiitet" exploded Hud In a rolce which made Arajtou Jump. "Kuough! If you ran get them, I ran! And wa Shall see, Reoor A ran on. whether thla piatol of mine will not glva me some In Alienee, tool" "Then you will take IhemT faltered Arngon aa Hooker started to go. "You will take them and leave me for Her bardo Hravo to" "Listen, senor!" exclaimed Iltwker, halting and advancing a threatening forefinger. "A niau who ran hire four men to do h's dirty work needs no .protection from me. Yuj un!"rBtiUd that noT Then Haten again, i am going to get those papers. If I hear a word from you I will send you to Join your four man." He touched his gun as he spoke and Btr itln nut Into the opea, where he becjtotmd the mineral agent from the crowd. A word In his ear and they went down the hill together, while I Km t'lpriuno watched from above. Then, aa they turned Into the office, Arngon spat out a rtirse and went to seek Mauuol del Hey. CHAPTER XXIV. In a land nf clans privilege and offi cial graft It la often only In tlmea nf Viarcby that a poor mini can gel nia rights. For eight mouths Hooker bud battled against the petty Intrigue of Aragon and the ngeiite mineral, and then aitddenly, when the tltima turned to war and fear gripped at their hearts, he roae tip and claimed his own, hold lug out his brawny right hnnd and de manding the rnnceaalon of his mine. In a tlajr the w hirligig of fortune bad turned, and II wna the fighting man who dominated. He spoke quietly and made ho threats, hut the look tn his eye was enough, ae ' the agente gave him hia papers. Then be wrote out a receipt for the mining tax and Hud stepped forth like a king. With bis papers Inside his shirt and a belt of gold urouinl his waist there waa nothing left In Mexico for blra. Onco on hla horse and beaded for the line and he could laugh at them all. In Qudadeit be could show title to Kruger. be could give answer for bis trust and look the world la the eye. It bad been a long and strenuous fight; a fight made agulnat seemingly Insurmountable, odds; a fight that bad cost hltu much, but be had won. He bad proved the trust Kruger had placed iu lilin, and It bad bn n a fight worth winning. Yes, ho was a ma a now but his work waa not quite dune. I'p at the big house, with the acreoching women around ber, was Gratia Aragon, and he owed her something for bis rough ) words. To pay her for that he would stay. Whatever she asked now ha would grant It; and If ort came to worst be would take hor with him and mnke good hat promise to I'hll. He had given hia word and thut waa enough. Now ho had only to wait. It would not bo long, for the parley would soon bo over, and If the coward ly ruraba surrendered the town to the bandits he would make a break for the Hue and civilisation with the girl. It would be a bard ride, and alonu bo would have no fear of the results, bat be would chance It even with the girl rather than leave ber. The boy lieutenant, the brothers Menduza, the superintendent, and Man Ufl del Key, all were out on the bill able talking terms with Hernanlo Hravo and bis ctilefa. With the rebels It was largely a bluff, since fluid glussea had ahown them to be shurt of cartridges; but they had over a thou sand men manned along the ridges and, with courage, could easily take Ine.lov.u. , 17, II. HAIIIJ CO, For fie ileal In Feel of All Kluda. PHONE II. CKRWIM.otl 1,1'MP UAIXUP LUMP .1A1.MJP fctlO AVTrTWAriTR. AXAj PI7.HI KINDUNU AND MIMi WHn UniCK AND PI-ASTKHINd LIMB SANTA FB BRICK Alabastine Sherwin-Williams Paints BUILDERS' SUPPLIES J. C. BALDRIDOE LBR. CO. 423 S. 1st St. Phone 402 ssr(rasmsBsVSVVJ Account Mountainair Chautauqua Summer School, State Sunday School iitl ttln-r niinrniitiiiH July. iiuii-t. Hill, there will lie n hmvIiiI rate lliiiiiiertue o Mount nliinlr nml rttnrn of ;l.l.V Th ki-ti are on tuilp .lull Dili to I till ln. lii--.lw' nml July Slltli u iignt 7 Hi In. p. wltli final return limit vumist IHili, mil. Tin thet al. tt no ....Mr. i. j. ,iilMI, Agent. 1 i i United States Depository TIiIh bank la a tlolminliil ieMiHitnrr f"r I'iiIU'iI Siatew rooili nliliii f a. t ill lord-, the atpnimiuv thai Iih manic nient l i-oii'-criiitlve nml Ita capital ami Hiirplim are ample for Hie ilolittion or all tltiawtlia. What Is ttn-aiilel-t'il Mifely by tile I nileil Slntea roeriiiii'ii Im tt r. taloly Biip'ty for every tilli'ii. Von see coriHaily lnvltitl lo iiwii a rim king attviunt Willi ilila siroiiit bunk ami to ntuil yourself nf Hitt con vi'iileii.o a ml aafely wlilt Ii Mnli an account will Ifliig. (Continued Tomorrow Afternoon.) ROADS IN TIJERAS CANYON BADLY WASHED BY HEAVY RAINS J. A. Iluhhs, who leturneil last nliiht frmn a trip throimh Tlbras i.nynn to llndiglHte, where Mrn. I'libha la speniliig the summer with Mrs. f K. IlniiKlll. the roadB In the c.iiiyon hmp ueen badly wu'.i"l by re.-fiii rnlna and In aeerul u f nrp aprloual Hea.y rain fell laat night in the t unyon nml ui nir Hip wpb! aide of the mountain range and therp haa been rain almost tiuily for apveral daa paat. Thp re mit hua been not only to aoften the roada but lo w.ihh tlei ply In a nutn ber of 1'1-n t n I'i IibiiIi ra'.le work Ib npftlpil to inn I he tanvoii n.uila hark In good Bh.ijie for natomohile Irutel. its si itruiiMi That So lam Hiuiuitioi l'enile I all In lteiuiil4 klilncy WeakiM-KS, Tm Oolna ts Cat Thoea Papsra!" friend" hie es lighted up suddenly at the thought ' let ma ride with oul I will pay you yea, auythlng but lf( Iiernardo flrsvo take ma be will bang me! He has suorn It!" J "Well, you got It coming to jrou!"j answered' Jlooki r heartlessly. "Uut I will ity you well!" plaaded ( Aragon. "I will pay you" H paused aa If to couni'lor what would temptj Llm and then suddenly ha raised bis buad. "What U It you wish abova avery-, gbingT" he quei.lloued eagurly. "Your litie to the mine noT Illont Take jne to the line - protect mo from my enemies and the papers are yours! "Have you got them with your In-' quired Hooker with businesslike tie, rectors. ' "No. but I can get them!" cried Ara gnn. forgetful of everything but bis desire to eat ape. "I can get tbam . while you saddle my horse!" I ' "Wlierer1 demanded Hooker craft-1 ny. ; "From the agent mineral!" an . wt.rt'd Aragot) "I bavuji r '- ! Are you a bud luuk victim? Kuffer tiiigfB, hi iiibit he". dlv aw llu? tin to l.etl tired set up tired? It's aurprlaing how few snapci t the k nine ys. It'a aurprlaing how few know what to do. Kitlney trouble needa kl'liuy mf it. I man's Kidney rills urc for the k tlnrva only. Have convinced AlhtKUer.Ue peo ple of their merit. llt-re'a an AI)iuiUer.Ue tone; Albil iuertiie teatlmony. Kidney BUlff-ert hereabnuls should rent) It. A. W. Tlambrook, 90S P. HriiitdwuV. Albiuiupriiie, enya: "I waa greatly troubled with pains In the small ol try back and in my sides. The kid ney eecrctlnns were unnatural rni a' tiinfa painful. I ha.l often Hi iceil Hoan'a Kidney I'llls recommence 1 " y b.tal . phi I nnd I got a supply. Al flut they heli.eil' me and my klilnpy wre strengthen! d. I soun felt bet ter In every way. Klnre then, when ever my kidneya rytse bothered me, I .a uaed Hoan'a Kidn- I'llls und llipy have never tailed ' i help me.' f'rii P r.u.-. at all dealer. Itm't almiiv nnk for a Vol ley remedy ait Ilnan'a Kidney I'llla the a-Tie thu Mr. Hsmhrmtk had. Koaler-Milburti Co. I'rups., Uufi'tklu, N. T. e -.. la , Ubva-. S -I. - ,"fv -. w.-a . . mr we a "' fteep lour Uoy on thejrarm Cut out the drudgery rf farm work and the protleiu ul Iiuw to keep your boy on the farm is tolved. The . FIUMEI.Y 'ASIIULL rvet i b 1 fS-30 horsepower lightens the labor nnd does the work in better fashion nnd nt Jess cost. And, when you ore rushed, the GasPult can be worked twenty four hours a day. The GasPull will save up to a dollar an acre on every acre you plow. In harrowing, seeding, harvesting and threshing, the GasPull will do the work of from 6 to 16 horses and do it better and more eco nomically. At every turn of the wheel, in all kinds of belt and traction work, the GasPull saves you money. Rumcly service is bark of every Rumcly machine 49 branches and 11,000 dealers supplies and repairs on short notice. Kirmmii Trtop) Ttireahma Mku Traclora C otn Msrhiapa tlMIP Plnv.1 alni( p, -sac. -RUM ELY LINES- Cmiw Stjpuratar F d Mill. 1 1 at sonars; F-MidflMI PfkMl MawKssr iiain f l-valovt RUM ELY PRODUCTS COMPANY Chicago Powr-Farmmg Machinery Illinois RAABE (SL MAUGER 115-117 Noith First Street WE ARE NOW IN our NEW LOCATION Nos. 213-215 West Gold Ave. New Romero Building ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves.