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SIX TIIE EVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., HLIDAY, JULY 10, 1014. ! Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND RANGES FRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Manh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pomp 318 Weit Central A-enna PHONE 31S BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL F0P.MS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 208-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 EAT MATTHEW'S VELVET ICE CREAM Phone 420 C. T. FRENCH H l, ItlltMTOIl KMDAIMKII. Iily Altnt. I I fill ml (iiitrnl. I'lioiif Hjr and Mghl. 5M. Expert Hair Work. ('unhings made Into wilt hM, transformations, puff, curia, el''.; BWilt he dyed. Mil. M. I'MlKM Marlnctlo Mi. Phone III. II 8. l h Ht FREE While they last; With each box of Nadine Face powder a 25-cent box Nadinola Talcum Powder. WILLIAMS DRUG CO. 307 West Central Thee 789 GOAL AND WOOD Best Mountain Wood GALLUP COAL in any quantity TROTTER Phone 912 Wel!drillin, VYclldrhinjj and Irrigation Plants UIMMII I. TWh. I'l MI'S (Mi HI I'MHIM. A lirni for MrlH-r l.r I ii-jIimk .1 I'. IH.KIM.. Hi U. I o,.mt -. Mrs. iiolli- .L'H. Ilffli-r pIl'Mie III , People acquainted with the beautiful 11 ( line we carry know that this is a (I , phcnominal opportunity to l( ( "save the difference" U 1 BEWARE of Cheap Soda DON'T Let your children drink something you will not drink yourself. It costs money to make good goods. Wc have no cheap goods to offer. Insist on Sodas and Mineral Water bottled by The Coyote Spring! Mineral Water Co. Our Motto Is "We Make Pop -Not Slop." We are The Coyote Co. F. H. TERRY, Mgr. Phone 727 323 NORTH FIRST ST. Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. General Planing Mill 3rd and Marqnette Phone 8 1 LUMBER A BUILD f v r v 1. 1 r. m f WlMtlewale) anil I U-tail I f Albuquerque Lumber Co. t X 4M North First Kire I Wa ia a completa Una of Wall Taper and I'ainti. Can do your wore on a minute's notlca, c. e. griicii. IM H. tntl W. I'lKMia 747. an "save the difference Our entire line af Ladies and Children s Wash Dresses BEGINNING SATURDAY July 11 Th:re will be Two Matinees at The Crystal, 221 So. 2nd St.. every day at 2:30 and 3:30. CRYSTAL TODAY ( M.I, IK I-NSKII PICTl'IIKS) TMI. I.MtPUtll'H miMilJM,' T...tvl Ncllg Animal IValurr. written ami itnatui-rtl by katlilyn William or II Kallilvu" Mlcs. A gri iMurc. "Till: (OIA 11.111 KITKItN" l-.tllwm. Tin: ii-;ii iait-1 lliiarapli timed v with Hobby IHIIM-II). MiltUtXIII MlllIK l.f; tanulimakt-is, Mill Plcstllg. maniM-fi a:.-, Xsssss Matinee S:0; Mat M.t.w at Mglil Hiltlne :15. SPRINGER FOR SAND AND GRAVEL The Weather Forecast Tnliht ami Hatur thiy (en -rally fair Nut much t halite In temperature. AbiiiUcriue weather for the. '.' hour ended at I o' chirk Una mornini : MHil.-num sS. Minimum Ril. Ituime 2.'i A'. It iiVltiik 7t. Soiithwext wtmla Partly cloudy. TIIIMiM Ttl WOltKV AIUII'T In UurHln only II In m.niin peo ple are in ad; in tfnglunil thn rate la S.' in to. Oiift. The Milne of Impnrla into Chile h partrl tioat iliirina Hmountfil to ll.Hi.MSI The win Id a production rf "e trohoiin a pprnximnted fifteen "il lloii nillo-in In lull, a in I nut nine lull!. in In Itilll. ABOUT PEOPLE Y0V KNOW 4 TO UUH.St.RIHKH" If you fall lo vat your venlni paper, rail POHTAL TELKORAPII COIiriNT, FHONB l Fer'a Crtntly Store ItaHpherry He i ream anil grape aherhet toda. Attorney II M. pougherty of orro ia a vmttor In AlbuiUeriue to day. Fred Hern haa returned to th" illy after an extended ala on hi aheeii ranch In Itlo Arrita count. Word waa received thia mor'ilnx from Hev. f K. Allmon. paator 't'e Ccnltal Aw nue Methmliat t hurt h that Mra. Allmon hiii. undergone 'if ceaKfully an operation in Colorudi fipilnga ml la now on the road t Air dome Tonight J i.i. u ak ti pimiiKH, TIIK I'tllTKi l.MI fUMIIflYM" wil. 'TIIK MYVTIHV Or- TIIK IWIIK. l.r.TH TIXTH" llulilli of "TIm l liitMilt'ltt. nf Hvlt." "TIIK HTOI.KN riHIMI I.A" TathltH Snltjpti. Ppiurc tliangn Kerry ay K.icepl Tutvalay ami Ttiiirwlay. TIIIHT KNOW AT II rnWK lasT MIOW IIM.I AT 0:43 recovery. Mi, Alllnon will remain In Colorado Htr!nH for .ihmit ten tl.iya ' t'r until hia wifa la t n aleacent. Mra. J. . t'rei'Man, wire of Mun-, aer crtcu m of ih Pnatal Telearaph , totnpiiny, hna Unv to Lua Vr(HB for, a viait to frlcnda. gtienlln ItoiMMHeli. mn nf the for mer prealilenl. waa pnaaenger nn train Xo. i yeaterday on hia way In Arizona on a huntln irlp. J I M. Hnmllton. attorney of the S.i nt, i Ke Ih 1 ma department, a.iya that the ilnl.n reullln from the nrct k at llamlad will not go beyond ;.-..miO. Hnd the wmii flurv will cover tha damage to equipment. ( IteRular meellnn of Harmony lotle Xo. I. I. O. o. F.. at o'clock tontaht There will h inatallntlnn ol nfficera and expert work In the third dearee. All me.nliera urged lo be preaent. Vlaltlnt lirolhera welcome Arrangemeni, fr the remndvlinK of the Klka' building were ad vn need lam night at a meeting between the lodge committee and huttlnean men. The lodge will borrow lin.nnn fro:n the Mlaaourl Mlate Life Inaurance comiianv and huaineaa men will ad vance $H, IKii) more, according to Hie plana. Thla will limure the aucceaa of the project. Colonel n. K. Twitchell. i llairman of the at ate exposition commiaalon. and A. K. Kochler. Jr.. publicity agent, arrived lam night from Itaton. where they aiiperlnlended the taking of motion picture of ecencn connect ed with the Itelall Merchanta' con vention, and thla afternoon will ap pear before the ' hoard of county ' oinmiKioner w ith a requeat that Mernnllllo county contribute toward the expenae nf presenting thla coun ty's reanurcea at Km Diego. CHIEF'S EVIDENCE WANTED AT TRIAL IN TOMBSTONE. ARIZ. The "unl attorney at Tombalone. Ari. haa requested fhlef of Police M'Millin to teellfy there nt Ihe trial f J V. Parr and "Tim" MeUonegal. two young men tharted with atrnl !tj an a utomiibile from a PoukIhk, Ariz, garnue Chief McMiHin c.iuslit the young men with Ihe alleged alol cn car near here, and obtained an all.'iii'il cofifcKn.un from them. The trial Ih vet for Jul 21 All 'he i h ic f h i ii'i iKi'i going, ataylng and comi-ii; ate Kiuir.inteed b)' the I'mhlw toiiity aUthorltli'M The cruel would hke to oblige the Arizona au 1 hi. I II lea, but he Kill ail re hia eM tlence ia vital In the aucceaa of (lie 1'roM" ution. and he haan't made tP hia in i ml about airannlng for Hie trip. ; LIGHTING COMPANY EXECUTES NEW CONTRACT Aa aoo-i aa the electric liuht com pany finlKhiK i hanging the la in in on 'ecoiid ureet. in execution of the new lighting contract with the c.iy. work will be alartcd on the erection of the new oi iiametiial polca. The companv haa been at work on Ihe new lights lor about two week. The orna.neiual. one-light poles are e put up on Central avenue from Klghiii to Fourtnenth stre-la and from llroadway to H II street. Manager Van lieirae, of the light ing company, n.nd today that the ttty'a bill this month would be no lamer than hitherto. The illy will take over Ihe main tenance of 'in- ornamental l.ghte "' Central avenue, under the new con tract, when the preaent contract with the business men expiree. SERVES WARRANT ON OFFENDING LAUNDRY IN TUCUMCARI Iieputv lulled Slate Marshal J. I; ilsliiKh relumed last night from j Tilt" on all. where he served papers k. T 1 t ullnflrif i (.IllllunV in the government's action to recover tin. nail from Ih" company for failure to make proper corporation relum during Isl.' and ItlJ. The company has twenty das In which lo file an summit to Ihe i ti in plaint. W.tTKll TAX DUB ANI PAY AIU.K AT IIFMCE OK WATbll CO., 11 8. HKCtiXI). mu liriirial UarHiouse In llachrrl TVlk.. Corner First and Tijeras, 4 ty 4t feet, with sam ! camsnt basemanl. Inquire at A. U. Bachechl Co. BILL'S SHOP t LK.M:HH AS ritrEIM SKMl Yotlt CTOTHKM TO . IH AMI UK NlTIKtlEO II M. tud. t. rbAin 4M. MAKiriG READY FOR HT it General Herring Finds Compa nies G and L in Good Shape for Trip Big Camp Day July 17. hi way li Iteming, where the , New Mi-Urn national guard anil rcg uliir nrmv oignnisatlone will Join In' maneiivcta next wees. Adjutant Ucn-1 rial Hunt T. Ilcinng slopped In thin' illy last mailt In how arrange- mints for t'oiiipiinles (I anil l.' trip i to tump were RninR. lit- found I everything satisfactory ami in good , shape. Ilr said he Hi. ulil iniike nn further) comment nt thla l ino on the disposhj lion of certain businca men In op-1" I pnse the attendance of national 4 glial dsinen In their employ ut tilt1 maneuvers tlt'neral Herring was rtccompiinled by number of officers. They left with him at midnight for I'einlng, where they will look over the camp grounds anil make preparations for the coming of the guardsmen Hatur day and Sunday. Ihe encampment la to start Hunday und the maneuv ers will last ten dais. With tleneral Herring were Cil James I.. Heligman. of Mania Ke; Caul. .Norma I.. King of Mania Ke. reailnenlnt n.tlulsnl- I.Imi.i IiVmiIm.-I I. . I. i T . I hi . . . ' I " v. . i-. r., iop.ei ioi -in-t struct. ir tlf h guard detailed by the government; I. lent. Ktlward Stafford,' of the commissary ilepartmcnl ; 8ergt. Itussell, clerk to tleneral Herring, and fergt. Collin of the rotnmii aarv department. tleneral Herring talked over com pany matters and the maneuvers with Captain H lines of Company H 1 and t ai'lain vVlckbam of Company L- He dropped In for a few minutes at Ihe dame which .iipany L wai holding at ihe armor,-. tieneral Herring kaid that an nouncements of a rendezvous of1 companies here and .if apecial trains' for the trip to camp were erroneous I The Albuquerque compuniea and the' compaiilea from Santa Ke and lial Vegas will leave for Iteming tomor row night In apecial day touches, hut the tars will be attached tu the reg ular trains. The I'ccoa valley com panies will also travel In day conch- ea. The other companies will travel in Pullman sleepers. arriving at, Iteming- I o'clock Sunday morning. i The first batlnlion of the Sixth In- ' fan try and a battery of the Sixth ' held artillery of the I'nited States army will maneuver with the guards- j men. t 'fibers from Fort Hllss will' attend the maneuver and visit la! expected from ien. Taaker II. tills, t commander of the Southern depart ment The lug .lav at Ihe encampment, 'ieneral Helling suid. would In- July 1 1. when a review will lie held, tiov W t". Mc 1'ntmlil and mcmiiers of his staff will be present A sham battle will prohnply be held. I The night of July 17 Ihe people of Iteming will give a large aodal function to mark the presence of the governor and military tllgnltur- j TELEGRAM STARTED TOO LATE TO HELP KIHDY Sheriff on the Way for Him Before Hia Wire Offering to Settle Bad Checks. Case Reached Flagstaff. Sheriff T. J. Pull la in of Flagstaff. An , arrived in the city thia iinufi Ing tu gel J. W. Kirby. a veterinary surgeon, wanted at Flagstaff for al leged forgery. kirby waa arrested at a livery stable yesterday afternoon by Chief of Polite Thomua McMlllm on a telegraphed reqiust Irom Sher lit Pulluim. He wa recognized from a U'scriptlon given In the tele gra m. When pirn ed under arrest he de nied hi Identity, sating hia name Wa King, but alter reai lung head- quarters he admitted he wa Ihe man wanted. He admitted to a H-i- jald reporter thai he iaaaeri two j worthies t bin ks, amounting tu i'o, in Flagatalf, bul said he expected I" make them good, and Would cuter them if given a ihami. 1 H s' nt a telegram offering to make Ihe iheck good a few minute after hia aires! In the hope of top ping criminal proceeding., bul Sher iff Pulliam waa on his way after him then. Today. Ihe polite say. he agreed l return to Flagstaff, with the shenlf The latter expeii In tart with hi prisoner tonight Kirby I Zi year old. When Chief Mi Millln located hi in he waa mini terlng l au k horse. He told Ihe chief he had been In town only a few days, but lhal he had started tu make money and waa In a position lo take up the Flagstaff checks If given a little time. ARIZONA MEN BUY PASTIME THEATRE Joseph Harnett, of Ihe Harnett Amusement company, haa aold the Past line theater In John A. Johnson and lleotge I'rova of ltouglas. Arts , who will manage Ihe housa In the future. They have begun remodel ing. Two matinees will be given daily I Mr. Harnett a Crystal theater, be ginning Saturday, actiiidlng to H- K. Mherman. the manager. Tb first will start at I 11 and th gevogd at J J". I 5 DEM fib Extra FOR SATURDAY ONLY We have about 20 While and Ecru Dresses, no two alike, Real values at $10.00 Saturday Only This, you can see, ) price. Come early they will not last long. FIRST COME-FIRST CHOICE Sec Window Display THE MODEL Co. A. D. CAMPBELL, Manager. Summer Shoes of Quality These are Summer Shoes of Quality! We are sure to suit you - your purse as well, as your feet and your eye. We think our shjes are the beat made and are sure you will think so too, when you see them. Low or High Shoes, Lace or Button styles. Dainty Pumps and Colonials, handsome Oxfords and Ties, Dresjy Slippers and Mary Janes, Strong Outing Shoes. Bright or dull leather, Canvas, Suede, Nubuck, Satin and Velvet uppers, light or heavy soles, low or high heels. You will miss paying fancy prices, if you buy your shoes here. That is all you will miss. Summer Shoes of Quality for Men $2.00 to $5.00 Summer Shoes of Quality for Women . . . .$1.50 to $1.50 Summer Sh es of Quality for Children $1.25 to $3.00 Summer Shoes of Quality for Babies 50 to $1.50 July Reduction llth 20 TO 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT To clear up surplus stock and get ready for fall buy ing we offer every article (except patented goods) at reduced prices. We have too varied a stock to enum erate, but all are priced in plain figures and during this sale you get the reduction. DIAMONDS, discount 10 per cent WATCHES, discount 20 per cent RINGS AND JEWELRY, discount 25 per cent CUT GLASS AND CHINA, discount 33 percent LEATHER GOODS, discount 33 per cent SILVERWARE, STERLING, discount ..25 per cent SILVERWARE, PLATED, discount 25 per cent CLOCKS, discount 25 per cent JEWELRY CASES AND NOVELTIES, discount 50 p:r cent Our store is cool and you will find shopping with us a pleasure, and the reductions we offer genuine E,VERITT Jeweler and IV atchmakcr Special jl is far below half and gel first choice, to 25th: Sale l