The Commercial Clnb Wants lo Make the Automobile Parade July 30'a Mile Long. Sign Up Your Car.
wonder Huerta isn't
worried. lie has a close
hare every day.
attorney is right.
Traction company
Je- j ill
1 1 u i'"m!
worth $12,000
Vol. M. No. M.
tub evfvtno nnui n
VIM,. 4, NO. III.
pJy Ji wil litf
Provisional President Goes
About Daily Routine While
Wife and Family Speed to
Safety in Special Train.
Announced that Revolution
ary Chief and Army will
Leave far Mexico City with
in Eight Days.
I By ImmiJ Wire mnim Herald.
Mexico City, July 13.
Official announcement is
made that actuated by
highest motives of patri
otism and complying with
supreme duty to his coun
try President Huerta
will send his resignation
to congress at 4 o'clock.
Francisco Carbajal, the
foreign minister will take
the oath of office as pro
visional president two
hours later.
Mexim I'll)-. July li. Hen
eisl Hurrta w.i about the .nn-
l l-a I ell eel H of Ihu thl
morning and at II ochu k. iii in to the bailor shop
In front of the table olfpe to
be ahaved.
I'll It TO MKXIMI l M'liL
Vein I'rug, July l.'i. Two tw'tal
IT 1(1
Witnesses Called Before Grand Jury Today Lend Strength to
Belief that True Bill will be Returned Against Doctor's
Wife for Murder of Mrs. Bailey. Anonymous Lette.
from Rochester Claims Responsibility for Fatal Shot.
(Ilf ImwiI IVIrv to Kv-nlti Herald.!
Mineola, X. Y, July Ii. A grand
July from whnh too tnemhera wi'Ii
drew beraiuw of relationship with
Ihe Carman family, rt-aiimed today lia
tatellberalloiia III llio ae of Mr.
Klorenre Carman. held In )ai aa
having fired the aho whlih killed
Mra. Lnulae Bailey In Ir. Carman'a
olili a at ytn port on Ihe night ol
June 111. It waa rxperted thai the
Jury would inniilele la work today
and that If an Indlrtment were found
II would b returned tomorrow.
NVlih Ihe reauniinloii of the hear
ing IHatrU'l Ailorney Hmlth an
nounced that he had laautd a auh
oena for Mra. h'llra Coiby. a me
of Mra. Carman. It la underatood
thai ahe la on of the Iwu wo.nen
who hava been aought aine Ihe mur
der a rfnvlng been In Ihe doilul
walling room and whn tied when
Ihey heard th ahol llred.
Tha flrsl witness examined today
was Ilemy PeHau, who testified to
aselog Mia. tlsiJty going lo the Car-j
I ruin, conveying Ihr of (len.
criil Hucria hikI llencrul i.niuel
Mini nlhrm from Mexico III), In Ihe
roast, rc repotted l have arrived
hi tirlxahu h( t ii Voi k I ttln inorn
1 li IK. Krnm point, Ii Ih believed.
Ihey may proceed to Puerto MfKl'M,
where they should arrive t :tirn
The Iniu h cruiser Korlctier,
w tilth for several days tins oeen In
dock hi'tc, left Hi 10 n't lin k Ihls
morning. Her destination whr Mid
In he 1'uerti. Mexico. The belief Ihnl
!enern Huerta ami his friends In
tend l board Ihe liutch warship was
strengthened by the fat I het
aptatn went to Ihr capiul aonn afer
hia arrlvxl ami Ihul lh(. cruleet
sailed without him.
i'nloncl Isumu. commanding the
federal Iroiiim lit th gap. until lodav
that the laborer were grading the
roadway along l lorn ui section
Hie truck, but that hia order were
positive not to allow a single mil In
be In 1I
llrlgadirr Honerul Funmon ordered
extra precaution to be r.iken lit Ihe
terminal station und along the linen
i n .llii,.ii..nlin ,.r ih. i.iMMitil.t itrri-
v of Ihe family of iletieral Huert
He hua assigned several oi licet inn
he necessary men of the Twenty
eighth Infantry aa a special guard.
Home passengers who rea tied hen
today unlit Ihe w.ia full of ru
niota about Oeneral I Inert us reslg
natlon, but no oftli'lnl
had been made up to the time they
left, although the probability of the
provisional president resignation
vm generally admitted anil dl um il
by army otlicerg am) government
Kl I'ueo, Texa, July I.'. llenerul
Knui' ti'-o Villa, hia ataff and a ainull
e. ort arrived today at Juarex to
alend a few diiya at the border here.
The northern division romiimtulrr l
tXieted In return aoulh anil have
bla enure army moving toward Ve
lio flly within eittbt itaye. The
Villa troop are al'read ner eouth
crn fhihuahua While nt Juarea.
ilrnernl Villa will arranne lor future
mipi'liea. While It la knon that
Villa'a aupply f artlleiy Mnimunliion
In ami'la. nc la anon 01 rine '
f I I'luee.
Among thoae a' i omoanylng ."n
eral Villa were eerapto AkUlern-,
'.irtnM Ireaaiirer genernl. and
other oHu-lala "T the national nil
lot un,illkl govern:neni who were r
realed at Juar.l during the first out
break -f the t'arranaa-Villa eeirmige
ment whh h waa iwt' hed up later al
the Torreon ennferenre. The far
ranta men hae loen plared at lib
erlv. and thr I'arraniui fumU loiilm-
rated by the VIII. i eipe relumed
lonHtllullonalliit agenta here.
New llaten Niarea Tumble.
Xew York. July l.'i I'rgent aell
Ing nf New Haven eharea whh de
rllned In a new low lei ord on the
aloi k emh.ingc at 4 S-4 at mid-day
waa atlemlrd by a i onaiderable mi
aettlemenl elMewhc in the atuik
man home. Another wllneaa waa
Mil. Helen Comba, who waa III Ihe
walling room when Ihe murder wag
i oni nutted.
It waa thought likely that Mr.
Carman would not be callid Uelmc
the Jury. Her i ounael had agreed
l waive Immunity for her. but In
the opinion of Ihe rilalrnt atlorne
II la inexpedient to have her leal If i
!r. Carman made public today i
letter adijreaeed In III wife from
Km healer. X Y. The writer aald he
had ahn Mr. Ilalley. He had
donned a woman'a liilhlng. he aald.
aa a rtiagulre. The letter waa writ
ten Ii apparently dinguleed hand
writing and looked aa If II m'ght
have been penned by a woman. It
waa not taken aerloualy.
The lal wllneaa before the Jury
waa Prank J. Karrrll, a tramp who
went In the bark door of the Car
man htit on the night of June 31
In auk for fnnd. It la underntnod
that Karrell's slory cirroboried In
general I ha account given talerda
by Celia Cuiaaiaa,
Forty Eight Men in Charge of
Constitutionalist Post
Across Line from Columbus,
N. M., Massacred Today.
United States Officers Power
less to Give Aid to Little
Band as Army cf 450 Men
Swoop Down.
(Iljr leaard U lee iu Kvcnlag lloraUi.)
Kl Piiwi. Tig.. July la. The forty
eight membeia of I In- i-onei itutional
lal gairleon al l'alomua were either
killed ill battle or exei uli il by led
eial flliliualera who ulluiktil tlu- bor
der low II early today. No man
iwillil'il l the Allieriiun elile. Till
waa ri'liorled here to Mem an feeiiral
vllli'lala anil by l ulled Statea army
and Tinted St. ilea rUKtomx agent at
ColumbUH, X. M , arven linltn Iroin
the xeiie of the fiuhtum.
Hhortly utter davlireak what l inl-I
ed Hlutea army ollti-era ol th Thir
teenth lavaliy i.etiiiiiiled hn I 'D men
awooped down on the little KariiKon
of Villa IroopM.
The oiih itui ioii.'iIimk n-xponl'd
wllh a aleaily file but were ovi i pow
ered by o erw hi'lmiiiK oilda.
It W aa reporti'd to A mini Dll.ia.
Huen 'otieiil here, that niiieteen of
Ihe X'llla giirriaoti were exeruled.
The lll'liueli-ra iiiplurid the entire
ariiiami'tit and eiipplie ol the little
The on the border town
wa taken here an an Iniluullon of
lenewed ii'tlvity of the tedi-rnl Ir
regular IroopM In ('hihiiahuu atate
whuh heretofore have I'onlined their
a'llvlty In the Interior.
f(umora Wire many here nbuui fil
lbuteritig expeitinoiia to lie ait on
fool In an Ik ipatlon of a runnier rev
olution lti-r the full of the Huerta
t-eniral movement.
The troopa which look I'alomta
were rommanded by lieuera) limine
(loniex. oiu. f the revolutloninta who
ought wllh (leiu-ral I'um ual nrmcii
In the revolution agaiiiKt Mailero.
The I'alomHe-) 'olumhiia nrt la an
entry for rattle fioin iht I'uitux
Jranilea dlatrltl.
laMi-re of (lirMlun llrtrtlirra.
Waehincton. July Ii. Killing of
Ihe (In e tr and the Infpei tor of the
ai-hool for ChriHlian lirmhera l
ZaiatiHua. Mexico, unit the imprison
ment of eleven other membeia of lh.
order, all Krenih tltKeua. Wan r
ported to rreaidcnt WiIhou today in
a telegram laid befoir him by llroth
er Clementine, a inemlr of the or
der. The president Waa uakt-d l'
lake Immediate tepa to hm,. the lui
rlaoiieil men ael frea and In pre
vent the threatened similar miiir
renree at halttllo. A al.non. Mexli-o
City, MiXKutc, Mnrell.i. I'liehia. Uuer
elaro and Toluiu. where other
evhoola are niiiintained.
A aimilur petition has been acnl t"
Ilia Kremh government.
IIKAYY IK.iniM; Itl'fiiUTI It
m:ii on i mhi h. . m.
Kl Paen, Texas, July 1 .". Iteporta
of fighting at l'alomua, oppoalla Col
umbus, X. M., between lonstituiioiitil
isis troops and lederal flit iitiat era un
der Itoiiue flomex. were received here
I'Htay. The reports ronfllrted a to
Whether ihe toiiKinutionalist garrl- I
aon had been wuwd out by Ihe gui i
IIUs. or ihe Villa troopa had deflat
ed the Invaders. The Columhua-I'.i-lo.naa
port I an entry (or rattle from
the I'iwi iliandes district of Chi
huahua. KVACI ATION Ol' Id lYUili
On Board I' X. H. California, la
allau, Ale., July xi, an Diego.
July 1 KMuiialion of iu.'ivmaa bv
Ihe Mixlian federal foi'-ea waa begun
today with the ani.i of l lie uleilini luarex, ni'iol'lmg In reports
made I i Hear Admiial Howard The
flr ulep preliminary to Ihe general
exoilua of federali beuan wllh the
einbnralng of horn and tnltle.
Confere-iie bet we'll the federal
and i iiiHtllulloli iliil general lit
OuaMiiiia relative to the exihanue ol
prisotiera eotiliniled till oimln. lit Ihe
day inn) I lie negol lul ions have beii
priK'tlrally eo:npleted, the federal
lominaniler reaerviiiv the right to
cettaln exeeplionx when the ex
elianiifK ha bei-n made. lhe I're
bli. departed today for Mluix, where
It la unileretnod the fedemla und ion
eliliitlonaliHla will agree on Joint
support of Curranai.
Colonel domes, u Zapatatinta otfi
eer, who has ehurge of A'-uPulro in
the name of Ih.' eoiialuutionalieli'.
has tiromleed proie'ilon to all for-etu-iers.
Mm for'-ea there eoneint of
2. tmo men.
The evurii.ition of C,uamaa by Ihe
federal '"tees will lime the effe't
or rr-o.U'iiinn Ih" larne Hoiilhern
I'iK'Ific railroad shop in Kmpulmn
on the outekiris mid re'ult In Ihe
restoration of through wrviee be
tween Nogalea and Tepie. Capital oi
the alale of that name.
The Japanese aleamer Idxumn left
Manvillo today fur M.ix.itian.
.l ISM i. Mill Mill-
Kan Kranclaeii, July I i. The Her
man rrulaer Xurenuers. Captain Von
i Hi hoenberg. Ih here from the went
' count of Mexico, where ehe h is been
stationed alme the revolutionary nf of Mexico endangered foreinn
life nod properly. The veenel we
dry-doeked today and will leave July
.'1 to re-join Ihe Anialie squadron.
El Toro Breaks Away from
Bunch. Tears up Nob Hill,
San Francisco, and Takes
Refuge in Lady's Bedcham
ber. Illv la-axil Wire ai- I.eilltt llcrabl.l
.--an Kraio iw '. July 1 ' -An )
unruly bull broke loose from a
Inito b of lallle lltiloailed early
today on the Kmliarciirdero
hele an. I. il.iMiIng down town
throimh Ihe busineea dislilct,
w ith a va'iucr.i in full t base,
galloped up Nob hill in the
thick of the tafhionuble upart-
menl houses
Tell Hied by Ihe chase behind
him nnd bcwiblired and Infurl-
uted by Ihe street t radii, the
bull turned ul-iuptly otf I'nie
street and butted Into an apart-
ment hoUpe hal'wav. shiverluK
Hi door in his plunge.
Hu e liisiile lliere aeeined no
a tutniPg ba'k( iiul In Ihu alliance- a
mint and terror of the tenant-'
he kept on tip three r.lnhi of
alalia, hiillinu in doors when-
ever the turns wera loo shut p.
a i in the foi.rth floor the a-
o.iu ro corneli 'I the buil. but it
was necessai) to back him into
a lady'a bed chamber before he
could to- i din-. I around und I'd
lit I'ved Wire lo Csrnln Herald.)
Ilui liugton, la.. July li When
lh tallopea on the rxi uraion steam
er play tango nuitic " I lie ;ihi gills
employed ai llu M isslssippl IVnil
Itutton company piilu refuse to woin.
This la the hasm for an Injutution
a Hon filed by M"u brothers (od i
to restrain rallope music 1 aleam
era during woikm hours. The plain
lilfa also geek tla itagcg in the sum
uf fjutf for the loss of the svivms
o ioun wotucu I'inpWyva.
Whips Report Stubborn Resis
tance to White House but
Express Confidence of Vic
tory by Narrow Margin.
Conference at White House
Last Night Believed to have
Brought all Conflicting In
terests Together and Action
is Predicted.
Ily IcaimnI Wlro lo l.venl:ia lloralil.l
Washington, July l"'- Alter a nisihl
ol constant ellori lo line up ailinin
ltriiton senators for president Wil
son's noiiiiiiatloii ot Tho.iius I
Jones of ChliaKii I"i the lederal re-m-rve
bouid, the wbips teporteil lo
tli0 While Iioukc early lod.i that a
vole prooa.ily would not lit reached
before 1'tiday or lal unlay, and thai
the result, while a vtiloiy Mr the
prexldciil, would be very close.
Six Iiemoirals were reported to
Ihe While ho.ise u.i'l.v op
posed to the null ii uiHtioii. Sin. iC'Ik
reuarded as iloiilitlul went in the
While house lor conferences with the
prealdelil. i'flninln said the presi
dent Waa Inking no part 111 the pi
liuiumry fiitlit lor u Vole In open ses
sion. OMsKIIV 1 lo I l .ll, 1 1
oY TIH ti l. Il l' s.Hl IU I)
WitslniiKlon, .luK l.'i. Willi all illt
ferences of opinio!) mcr proposed
cotlyers at li.'l li'M IhLiI in II rc.noveil,
ussai;e of I' .l-ilall'in on the su.ije' t
at this session of emigre was tudiv
believed lo lie assured. The wy was
paved lit a loliit conleieiice at Ihe
While hiiiinc lust night.
('resident Wilson, members of the
cubitlet :ul of the house, spent sev
eral house In siueol bitiK over differ-
t h'c ot epltltoll over tile AdaillMoll
general dam lull, now pcmllng In the
bouse, ami Hie l'drm bill lo reKulatu
water power projects on pu'd"
binds. An a result a complete iiKno
ment was re.o bed oetwee't Ihe add
c.iti s of the l'i lillls aii'l when lh
conlerelice broke up nil partlea to Ii
preilicted of the measures.
The ill. il i elm HI ovet the two
bills had delayed their ion
in llli house. t 'onslilcl al ion ot Ihe
Ailumsott Sill, II wa iintloiiM' to
day, will be colitl-iueil soon as the
a Ion hills at it ' I Ihe way.
The collfereru e ilei tiled to keep Jlll is
iliitun over "il dams and water pow -
I er sites on the public doiiiut.i and
those on propcrti, u"l In the puiilp
domain l-litirelv sepal. lie. Minor
i ll.l 11 Kin were made Ii the Ada llsoll
bill in order that provisions thought
In conflict with the Kerrla bill mm'il
be made ileaier anil ni"le delimit ly
Those who pal I ulpaled in the con
ference In addition to the president
were Representative ruibrwootl, the
1 1.' in i r 1 1 1 - lender' Secretaries t!ar
risoii a id l.anc, Itcpt rfentat iv e Ad
nninin and Mevelis. I e present lug the
interlale und foreign com:ncr''c
l-ommiltee and h es l''t i -ri
and l.enioot. who t epreienled I be
public laii'ls eommiiiee.
Police Believe They are an
Trail of Mysterious Woman
and Tyre-Writer Likely to
Solve Riddle of Disappear
ance. IU? Ieass-d Wrm reiin ile.ail.l
Hall Antonio. Texas. July Ii.
Thiee rtevelopiiii ills in the mv siei luu-i
dimppi .nun. . "f two ilu'iKhtcra ol
Mia. John W N. bus of AH nil. i wen
ahliolllllld b) the rail Anlolllo pollee
today. The pollee s.inl a niivs. a i
I'll or Bl'olil Jh ie tft a ed n a
I. s al hotel the i lul, I ot a Mis Ia n
nis; that on June : a m.n giving
bis name a W. Kilns shll l" d lloltl
here to Victor lime. In cci I'rsinls "
a typewriter wllh Hindu i liar.nieis,
and thai Ihe nivalerioiis pa. " ad-
tltcvd lu Mis Bclri.e Nvliiia waa.cral j niuuitu. Ujbuiu will bu rs-
In i ire of "Vis M irairet Mines'
ii lid nol Mrs. MaiKiirt Mitnles. a lo woman, who deiilt"t knowledge til
Ihe shipment or a' .pi ili.taie e W ith
either Miss Nelms or her sister. Mra.
IVnnlp. No Mf, Mara in t Mines had
been boated last nluht.
Innes was itie lasher who xectired
Mrs lieiiins''e an, I police hen
started lo true the typewriter ship,
ment. In the meantime the pa kse
rl ipped lo Miss Nelma tel. inns un
' I iimed In a local expicss offke. Is
t oiileiits are unknown.
Tin poll e vr I II rl.i'm the missing'
vvo-ncn were here dining June und
ate seart hitiK for two women aald to
unstv.-r ibelr dest riTmoii wlio rt co
teretl ill a locsi Itoti-I aa fioin New
York, under other name. The name
of Mrs. Iiem.s does net appear mi
the hole) reg.ft'r when- the p!,vii
t lun sava he visited a l k i hlld.
I lines Nol In lie Sii-ii.
Portland, lire., July I",. VP lor I-:.
Irmes was not to lie seen here toilnv
and his lawyer mud thai Inius bad
toltl blui noihing lo account for hav
ing onlcied a typcwrticr with Hindu
chaiii'tiiH sent from Kan A itonlo to
un KraticiMo. A member of Hie
limes bousehold. however, saltl that
lows reports ol the typewriter had
bein mentioned to Innes several days
nun an, I thai he had ilismised the
subject by saying, "Thev are trying
to lug In tin m extraneous to trf
disappeaiain e of Mis. Iieniils anil
Miss Xelms." As Innes was located
In Manila for several years II w a
staled he probably had ordered the
tvpewritcr tor some business firm In
the orient or hail planned to return
there hmiseif. Imcs, according to
members of his f imilv. has nev er hail
the sivhtest Interest In the study of
the occult.
Ilouitlil mi Installment Plan.
Han Kraiicisco, July I... The type
writer Willi Ule Hindu characters
shipped here from San Antonio lis'
month was nought here on the In
stallment plan by Victor Innes tin
Octolu-r j, li. while Innes w.t
nsslslan'. Culled Htales district attor
ney nt Carson. Nev.
The company was unable to obtain
more than Ihe Initial payment ol
llu. plus n credit of $J on an old
machine turned In, and heard noth
ing more from Innes until Ihe mi
chine was returned, express prepaid,
'roni Kan Antonio, nrrlving here
line SS, The sender's namii was
given as N'Iiiim or Kims Just which
was iliMiiult to make out.
Tunis arrived In !." Angeles from
Kan Antonio .l ine .in, was registered
in KtoTametito July 3, and continued
northward to 1'orll.ind. lire., where
he v tis locale, I "
Another Long Day a pent at
Progressive Headquarters
Without Decision as to
Whether to Make the Race.
New Yolk. July 1 1 'olollel
lioosfvel! I'll me to New Y"i to
day for his weekly v to I'm
gre.isve national heii'l'iut ilei s
A numb' r of state a. id city I'm-
grfSSIVO leaders lllet the colonel
and pressed lll;n to reiotisuler
his dele rminalton not to rri for
governor of New York The '-tin-fcrenee
came lo a close tvilhout
lirmu i ii B any aiitiouui cmetil
from the colonel.
Hermit ami IU I. It- n-He.
New- York, Jih Ii. Kermlt
lloosevel and b s oriile. who
Was Miss Hell" Wlllald. UirlM-d
lod.iv oi Hit' Impel'alor
Erring Brother of Lieutenant Governor of Arizona. Arrest
ed Here Some Time Ago for Passing Bogus Checks. Ar
rested Today in Trinidad for Forgery and Obtaining
Money Under False Pretenses and will go to Frescott
for Trial.
(Ily Is-aser? Vs:r m F.venla- Herald. I, Col'i, .1 it Iv l.'-Ntri
li. i. brother ot Knliiay I'. ieloin,
liencniiii governor ami rdary of
ai.uc ,,f Arioiai. la la held In Ibis
city on the 'lunge of tolgery
oblaltillig llionev under fulse pie
lenses III I'resctitt. All
'sip. nil waa audited in th.s illy
Ibis llioining by det'-cll Is ol Hie
Santa Kc iiiilload on the i barxe of
bcatiiiir a b"iiid bill at Hie Harvey
sii in hotel in l.a Juiitu. I'roni pt
lrrs on I's'-orn s pel son it lie am"
known thai h- has pieii,ual di. -gisced
the prominent Al ,on.i fam
ily und that he lias been wanted by
ofllceta all over Ihe country or e
Chicago Deluged with the
Golden Flood Today and Be
lief is Haste is Caused by
Fear of Tie Up.
Managers Committee Declares
Today that Concessions Ask
ed for by Men Cannot be
Ily Inward VTre in Tsven'.ni Herald.)
Chicago, July 15. Itelallotis be
tween the enginemen of the railroad
v.esl iu Chicago a-ld the general .nan.
HKcrs' committee approached the
breaking point today when the men
representative prepared to present
an iiltlmulurii on wugea and working
conditions. The managers commit
tee declared yesterday that the de
mands could not be Hgieed to.
Keverul member of the eniilienra'
commit n-e predicted thai a general
strike would lie called unless the
managers mollified their altitude.
TO CKVlltl, Ml(kF:T
Chit-ago, July la. Twenty rail
roads from Ihe south and middle
west poured a continuous stream nl
grain into Chicago today, wetting a
new record for a single day' wheal
receipt here. A tidal r l.l.'ij rera,
-epres ntllig I IJI.WO bushels w era
received. Approximately 1 1 ,.
will be paid the farmer for the
day shipment.
The enormous receipt exertetl no
Influence on Ihe market, however, a
decided increase In prie being re
corded Instead of the decline whl'h
might been expected to follow
Ihe new record.
The Inference by some grain deal
ers wa that the railroads, fearing u
possible strike of engineers aid fire
men, were seeking lo move aa inucb
n possible of the crop before tba
labor sit ual Ion reached a crisis.
(Ily I.OWWHI Wire) lo Fvenlng Herald. 1
Iron Klver. Mich. July l.V-Kcv-en
miner wei killed In Ihe Hiilkwn
mine at the Alpha locatl-n. fuar her
today, when tpiltkaand ta'isetl a
cave -in.
The miner were drilling Into a
roof The drill hit iti ! ksand and
with a shtiul the men. about thirty
In number. I"mi a rush for the
mouth of Hie channel Keven of Ilia
mineis were overluken and killed bv
Ihe (iicksand. which filled every
crevice In the mine.
The rest of the men ran for their
lives, pin sued l,v thn (and. To
were caught while trying lo reach
holder, "ne of these was compelled
lo shed In cliihiliK. lie slruggb'd
naked from the mine. The other
to. in lost his I ts. which became en-
culled and win. h he kicked off
ed to 1'ies oil to aiiivvi i hur4S.i
iti;rii i hi lti. mil ni
IllllkS III T Mli: letK.I!
t's. ,,,rM was twue airested in Al
loMio iiie In Mav for cashing t hecka
ill awn imams! lil r.iao banks til
whuh llu had nti fumb. For u ri'
l ine he w.w lot ked up, lull tluall
was reieaiH'tl after the money had
been iiiaile g t It was presumed,
bv his telaiivts N sooner had oiia
heck I'T II ml on which he had been
al rested been made good, than s
I'orn ensiled anolher mie as laiga
and e'luiiilv had Thn poll, e held
ihe leiief ,tml tisborn, who did not
appear to be a heavy drinker, waa
not well lialuii'fd. Ilia family la ono
uf the in. si pionutieui lu Aiixuua