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TWO DIE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, W. II., WEDNESDAY, JULY 15. 1914 V "rrzr" "SicTrnn nDspTMcnTc b U mm m mil mill iu OF THE coimdl Ward. COME TO A MASS MEETING At ihe Second Ward School Building THURS DAY EVENING, JULY 1 6th, at 8 o'clock, to consider and act on the conduct of your representative on the City Council ALOEHLiAtl J. A. SHU You elected him two years ago on his solemn pledge not to vote to reopen the infamous red-light district, then prohibited by City ordinance.unlcss the question was first submitted for yourapproval. Immediately after his election in secret session he voted to reopen the district. Then when some of its denizens were arrested for violating the ordinances, he hurriedly voted to repeal all the City ordi nances aimed at prostitutes. His defense was that your election of Sellers was a vote in favor of that course. At the last election you voted 205 to 354 to restore the ordinances and abolish the District. Since that election Alderman Skinner has voted to block every effort made by your mayor to carry out your wishes. At the last meeting of the council he again voted to protect and legalize prostitution in your city. coram TG BE LET SATURDAY Twenty Flats in Beautiful Buildings at Oold Avenue and Seventh Street will have Every Modern Convenience. Contracts for the con at met ion ! Mil rHeriti npiirtmciita, which Hution Ftcrn. tho Central avenue cl.ilhlng men hunt. I In hiulil Ml the corner of (inlil hv tine and Seventh atrect, proli. nnly mil be let Hnttirdiiy of thin week,' in riinliriK to Architect J. 1 I-eDrlcrei hn drew Ihe plait for the new j I'tilMing. The npurlmcnla, modern In every detail, mid right up In Ihe minute In convenience, will be hull! fin Inif Loth on (luld nwntin iind on Seventh street end will Int lude twen ty wiwrnlti apartment, ranging In elxe from two rminin, kitchenette end huih. to (our rooma, kitchen and bnth. The new npnrlmcnt hiillilirtsr Ua been pntlerned nfter the moet MI fnctory nuiil'ln In ukc Hi similar rc- lilcnce rnnut ruction on the California ; coimt, Mr. Iji!rere hitvtng apent 1 set (-ml weeks In a enreful study of! Ihe newer huildlnea In hiiiI nrmnd , l.o Anaeles nml Hun Otcgo. The apartments will be model of con venience. The alccnlng rooms will be eiiiipe1 With dliutppenrlng beds, (lie licda in an me macs fitting In the wnll nml opening like a door. In nth em hk aldeimarda nml In mill other .im writing desk. Oh stove, mod ern ref rlaerntora, chum cnblnel. heiit. llctit and wntep will be furnished nil the muniment, Ihe heat being from .1 modern central plnnt. The new apartment are of also rtcaluncd to meet n strong all-year-round demand In A Ihiiipirrniie, anil the building w tie of the moat Im portant of recent Improvement to tho residence dlatrict of the city. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New llomn I'll re Tbat Aiiyoien ('; I'm UHlMiui 1'lxiwnfori or lAmrn i.f Time, W' have a New Method that cure, Athm, and we want r'u to try It at our expense, .No matter whether. your eaae la of long-standing or r- ceni development, whether it la prea ont an liny fcter or chronic Aatlunu. you should send for n free trial of our method. No matter In what t-llmala you live, no matter what your ago nri occupation, If you ara troubled ithi aathma, our method abould relieve I you promptly. W npeclally want to tend It to thiiaa apparently hopeleag runes, w hers all forma of Inhalers, douche, opium preparation, fume, "patent amokea," etc., have railed. We want to show everyone at our own expense. that thla new method la designed to end all dlfllcult breathing, all wheel ing and all tboee terrltila paroxysms I at unre and far all time. Thla free offer la too Important to neglect n etnglo day. Wrltu toiluy and begin the method at once, cinill no money. Hlmply mall coupon be low. Do It Today. BARELA IIS ACTIVE AS TRAFFICKER BGYGLES What Will You Do About It? Come out and determine. Mr. Skinner has been invited to attend the meeting and explain. MARCUS P. SAWTELLE General Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop 211 West Oold SUES TO FORCE THE TERMS OF LEASE ON t METROPOLITAN BAR ii'tirKr Jiiim k trtii' f ik .1 pull In iliM.i. I nmit uKaiiml Luttfi and Va .! :,m ?! II i riprU trn tif I lir MftMMitttitii taUitn Hi Kll'Nt mid (Vfitrjtl itvi'i.ut, hr t'- "fiO. alliai'd t" tt- iluc un (fait .f Ihr IftniM if tht" ii .tf! nf ttui (.un Ml hittiltt-rM n th btnlilihtf. I .ii mi t ft & I.iiHlcin.lhn t-oinf : ii v fir ilmitt fT -'' MtfUtliHl .MmII.i It Arrniju, utlt'KfJ li lf Uuiiiriiv (tin- nil V'lt- llHHf tl'i C Ui M.illt), COMMERCIAL C WILL BACK THE IE MOTOR PAID President Cushman Sends Word to Twitchcll that Al buquerque uill be There with the Gasoline Procession MORTUARY ; Overnight Developments Give j Police Not One but Three j Wheels to Worry About in i Suspect's Case. j t'roepero liamlit, who a id hia nn oil- waa ' fiutlrrc' w hen ' arreated yeHterduy ufternoen, ia fiirniahniR the police ii problem In bicycle owner ship. Yentcrday when taken into rimiiidy at the Inatance cf lU-nton J.incc, he hud a bicycle claimed by yoniiK Jonea. Thin morning there ' were two other bicyclea of doubtful owiifrhii iu tfia nine. I'roapero, wnviee home la In "Id Town, e:i i1 ytti rday afternoon that j he hoiight the Joitea bicycle tif Itny- , miinilo ( niri la of old Town. Kay- j iniiiiitii'a miithcr tobl the police that ! I'roupcro iu romuniiiih; her ami jhatln't Niibl u wheel to llurela. Then (.forge Alfonui Ijll. lieorKs Altonao Vljil, :nfunt e-m of Mr. lltid MrH. Johh M.irtlnen, lied mly iIiIm imirnlnK ut the family rcul iliine. 31'J Wext tli. d n venue. of pitctinioiila. Funeral acrvii-cti itl lia held loiitnrrow iimming ut v o'clock at the t'rollott chapel. Hiiuul will be at Fan J'.M'i'h cemetery. Ilarelu dulil ho got the bicycle in a Storm Cimta ti.'MI.IMMi. 'li.u li tti.ii, V. Va., July 13. An i lrrtru .il atorm did l;'iu,tin dnniaiio in the Kmiiiwha valley laat niKht. SPECIAL Pay Day Sale Dressers in Circassion, Wal nut, Bird'scye Maple, Golden pud Finished Oak. 20 Off T i ... , . :. ...i. I ' ilL I UI1S W ITKi T, '" ' pet t3 bok ut c '.r i.1 v vi. ,'o.v on your way to ' " iv. tonight. ' . rr P)ich i.vii.u a r:al . . 5.r0 complete. S:rong Bros. 2ND AND COPPER f'r inli lit . ti. 'ui'liiiiun of t lie I 'iiiniiKi i nil club luiluy lit a letter! to K. K. Twitchcll, prcelil.llt of tin ! l.i 1 1 liuiiil ItnaiU uanociulioii, iiaiiur- ing I. Im .MtMiijucKnie nut only' i..iM ti i v ii Im; I'L-pi cm illation ut tltc Mute nut niKin iu ani I c I ,liil but una tho (. OMIIUCli Ml I ( liiii iiH un ori:aiil..itioii Houitl ;ct , btlilnil lliu i'l Mi inn of a Ihikc antoiiKiiiiie pitraiit. licit, the morning -of July until When tin- cam, imt onl j trnni A lliti'iiH rt'c but fr.iin Nouihi ru alnl iiimI. mi .New Mcxtcii, v III imeelll blr tir till- motiirt ailc tu Pallia Ku. el. unl Twit, lull will huvu the ex. pi'intion iiiniiithnii ii'a ittii'i'iii pc iitre I ' I. ' l i 1 1 1 lie r In tt. t.i take kevcrul tti'iiir-niul feet i.r picture if the pru ccMiiin, H tilt h it la planned to pa ru'lc tliriiUKb the priniipiil hoMiic unit lexitleiti c (.triiln. in Him way Aliiiucrinc will halo it coinplctu plioti.KtHptiic ' re i.rd tor dinplay in ibe New McKii-(, iiiotii.n pliiuru iihow at San I Hit:, i. It In Hi in itiht ere ct.illv inteiiKt the I'oinnieri In) ilub ami I'lcniiiiiii 1'ii.liiiiaii U Inakinif u peiaonal Iu every owner of un aiil"lnit,it in Albiijucrttlu I1 liMie a cr III the puraile on the n. en -Hi of July iimb. K. I., liroke, ! i i i f niu ..,,,) rmiiU ukuu i,u:i ii. im iii ui lite ilmlge of the : ' i . ii it ut m Tinny iuii htiVtt i I ,., i,, in .. k tin. trip to Sui.ta ' It ik m l expel fi d lliul nil the i ii. ut tb.- p.timln ill make Ihe .-' i IV but all will be aKkcU in put i f the paiHiiv until it II I i it . lll.;i ,,i b.. .ollll .'"-mi H' bit,a. liu. bl .s.viriti.i'i it I'l iiivc. .Viu' ,!c, A !ii . Jicy Ii. A t ..iiuO.O'ill ' ' u'ke M' li .a the "bio tltrr at I'mIio, I'l . will be I mil I v Ibe Mi. bile -! a i .i ilr.iu'l. it wan aiinoiitc ed liere i. :... Skin Health From the Diced Even Slight Eruptions Such As Acne Should Be Treated ,awup with I nan llabclilnn. The lat ter told the police he not a bicycle ; from Proi-pcro. but there wimn't any ewap about It: he boucht the blcyt e , for 17. he aald. but ho hailn l j aiil i It.ircla yet. 1 Then Kurel: nhlfted uKuin. Mo mil'l he But the .li.nen bb yi . from a hoy jin Ioa Hrleaoa. The llabeblon wheel, he aalil. he Kot In awap with a mea ' aonaer boy. I'hief Mc.MillIn had ynnn Jonea awenr out a complaint an ilnt llurela before Julne Cntlif. and now the ntithoritica are irylnK to trace the varum bicycle back Iu their ori liuil and IckhI ownera. The police miKpccl liarel.i of more cr Ipm ck tHimive opeiHtiona. He will probably lie heard by Justice Craig thla after noon, but may be held Pending fur ther inyeatiuation. nip .- t 1 ! T";.n'li mid c"'r rkln tronblo Un nM nil ft. i on the fHiv lllu. ttiis Ttiy rnn. l "l.,.iliK ..'it fioiu w ll 1, i ii. Itiry '- tmiMir iit... An. I if lit ni.. a. i,r rrtM"l oith aNIvt tin y In iiu,i i-lir.-nlc, .Imply berftiu.. Ill miiw U .illl nt Ik within. It .li.nllil If im l,.l rl.h H H H u, ih luipurltbi la Oie Ian.! tit. i r aib-rcd kmrmie... It"' kkin l lot .H .( line Mnoif Ani II In a f-rf,ftiy naiural cm .uii,' ai.r liidii.-iii. In ihf tia,M H.iil i ii (..11111111111 or III lonlib inaki Ita tri atipfai-fliH la tbe akin. Ilicrc arf irriaui in. .Ii. m il prop, rtla that f,n.. ilia l-AiirM. of tl, a air-am anil Itia Inrtuenre I ttirae ,r.. ri i. -a I. t bat uf aa aic.l"i. la M K. t., tli- l...tkn..n bl -I piinlter, haa Ii a paattive a.-n-ai Iu llm akin Tt - ie la i.ue 111 Jr, .ll.-ni III M H. ti. a. lib h iM'i uilailv ailuiulat-. erlluiar or iriiiiuliilar iiiiuy m -i.'.t frmu Hi.- I, l I or tii'lu thla Miie tlrt nrll of viaala In iti. akin. tiiie elruieata aliba It ro ipilr,. f,,r r.'ir'icrailfUi. Tliua ptiupa-a. aiiii', bipua. ir anv .tier"- i-iaiill t h.n that ina.ii ih akin i.r a, It an i.mi.'t liir.aitfli th" akin 1 ao-t altli tl.r nutl.l. tal nf H H. M. 'I iila la iv akm trouliba vmilao ru i n an.l a I.r i i-jr da n .i n tmn I Hi -r liie inftii. n. if M. H H. till- fine n't r.,rk of lil. .oil v-a l In ti aula la n.ualaiiilr takle fr. mi ili li.. ia nutri tion r Jiiir. il. p.r leallliv i-.i and III" raan of itUt-aae U )nl aa C'lltMtan'iV hHnif r nmvi-d. a,-aiier.t aud n-Bi-r.- hariul.a. I'h.-ae facia are aairc ftilir e(tia lli.-l In a rc. nil akin a ut b 1 1, Holfl Kim in,- f . ftr;l fa Ift It .W. Ailniua. Cla. alll llnj H It a im U at all bu .t..r.- ia i iiuitia uu ai.U Imuisk ml kia aittli tioi,. SALE ON DRESSES AND SHIRT WAISTS AT ART SHOP (oiiwncnciim tomorrow the New comer Art Hii.p Irutuifurati-a a apvclal auln on all aummer drvaaea and ahirt WMiata. 'I tiu ladle of AlbuiuerUe are familiar hiiH the excellence of the Itnva carried liy the Art Hhp. In order to out all the all miner dreaiw and shirt wulata remuliiinK on hund the will Imj oftered at half J.rb a and better. The romaininK latiKk contaitiM aome eac.ptionuly .pretty and di a, ruble dcaiuna, both In it be dreaiuiM and wateta. At the fig ure ut vitiP h they are to be orTered it will all lad lea not al ,re.idy over mipplird to Co to the Art thup and li.un at the aplundid bar j gitlna they ure orTcrliig, PERSONALS The Women' Home and Foreign Mu.ali.nnry amiety of the Lead ave nue Methodl-t church will hold H regular meeting tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'rhH'k at the home of Mra. l'Mwd Htewnit. &I2 Houlh Amu. There taill be a program and refresh ment. Mirn It u lb v. Tucker and mother left Tucailay evening for hclnm, Ala., where they make their boiua. Mia Tucker waa a popular high i huul gill aud waa alven a ai-eat jkend-uff by her many frienda who win regret her departure. FUHK AWTIIM -)V rno.NTIKIt A8TIIMA CO.. Room 1 J. Muiiara and lludaon Kir, liufTaln, N. T. Send free trial of your method to: ) 17 rp ni nv i 1 1 ti )1 ii 71 lil KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS WILLING TO HELP It wna not luck of tho willing aplrlt which canned Mineral lodge No. 4. KniKhta of I'yibliia, In rail to get I" on the reacuc of the mesa land for AlbuitierUe. The lodge did nut meet in regular m-iwliin until M.. nil i t night, when It promptly authorlm-d the officer to tgn a note fi,r lion to apply on the land. When It tan tendered to I'realilcnt ('iialiman of Ihe ('"inmercliil club yealerduy morning Ihe orili'cm of the KnIKhtM of I'yth iu ere informed that other l.nlK.a nltendy had made ihe nctaaary pro-vlalou. A. S. DAUMER WILL NOT COLLECT ROAD TAXES A. B. Iiaumer. the rlvll prnviu aerver who wna appointed aa collect or of the road tax by the county rond hoard laat week, ha decided not o ncrept the appointment. He hiiH aent a formal declination to the board. The tax I now due, and Mr Daumer waa to have atartcd aendlng not Ice out today. The bonrd I determined io collect all the tnxe due. and another col lector will probably be nv'l'olntcd In Mr. Daumer place. IT II A IC II TO UOICK When Kuffiiitwt IVm Khlney III-.. -Many Alhiiiuirquc reopk- lln( ThJa t lie True. What o hard a a daj'a work lih an aching back? Or almrp "ataha" of pain with ev ery auiiilcn lli or turn'.' There I tiu pcuco from the dull rent from the uicti.iw, laiue nea and weailiics. If tin. kidm, ure diMordered (u cun'l reach the cutiae too goon. Negluct la often fatal. Wink klUnoa need prompt alten lion. Hegln ualng Doun a Kbln. y I'tlla :it once A tented and proven kidney rem edy. Albuquerque reailcr ahould 'mil new hope in ihe following atatement Louie M. licrinaln, Albuiiieriue, aaya: "My hack waa weakened by heavy lifting of trunk and other bag Kane, it gt bad I could hard ly aland atralght and It waa hard for me to jump olf and on the taagou. I waa weak and became mora no e -cry duy. ne day I read how'a Kidney Pills had cured a local clil xen of a similar caae and I got a supply. The firal box did me o much good that I got nek em I more They made me well." I'rpe aflc. at all dealers. Don't aimply ak for a kidney remedy gel I mail's Kidney I'Mla the same that Mr. ticiinain had. Koter-Millurn t'u., I'rupa., Uuffahi. N. Y. The HERALD Want Ads jet ilie best results. ... TIIU Ul'LX MHll Uf on of our ovens emit a frag rance that la moat apputixlng to the hungry. It lg tha sweet odor of good , bread, poaitively pur and decidedly wholesome. Our Dread, Itoila and Iliscuit ai much sought arter by thus who dni.iund good bread for' lhamselvva and fauilllea. It hi made of the very -beat selected flour full of th nourishing partg of tho gruln. PIOriEER OAKERY . JMf kuasfc riff t. lb L3 Thursday Only GREY ENAMELVARE IN TWO LOTS LOT NO. 1. ASSORTED PANS AND KETTLES, FIRST QUALITY, FOR ONE DAY ONLY, EACH 15c LOT NO. 2. MADE UP OF DISH PANS, TEA AND COFFEE TOTS, SPECIAL, EACH . v 19c Women's Summer Dresses at .$1.95 $2.95 and $3.95 THESE DRESSES MADE UP OF GINGH AMS, COTTON VOILES, CREPES, ETC; ALL THE NEWESTJ5TYLES AND COL OR COMBINATIONS. All are worth up to $10.00 Special at SI.95 $2.95 and S3.9 Women's Suits at $6.95 IN BLUES, TANS, GREENS, AND WHITE SUIT3, WORTH UP TO $20.00. JULY CLEARANCE Special at Rosenwald s Where Quality Mats Price V